According to what they said, the militants decided to kill their wives after getting word that troops were advancing to recapture Bama, because they didn't want the women to remarry 'unbelievers'
According to one of the IDP's, 39 year old mother of three Sharifatu Bakura, the sect members said they would rather kill their wives than let them marry "unbelievers" and miss them reuniting in "Heaven".
“The terrorists said they will not allow their wives to be married to infidels,” she saidThe sect members reportedly shot their wives dead.
In a related development, the troops, after taking over Bama, found a large number of dead bodies deposited in a well in the town. PRNigeria, quotes a security source as saying that "a large number of dead bodies apparently of some of their hostages or those who resisted them were discovered in wells".
Babaric! Lindaobserve
They are finished. God is dealing with them
BH are totally completely evil, my goodness,
Foolish people...may God punish them all
Pastor videod Touching a Ladies body during a Prayer section in his Office
Mother Teaching Her Daughter a Hard Lesson For Sleeping With a Neighbor
Married Woman Caught Cheating with a Business Man in his Packing Store
Phew! Evil at its peak.
It will take the northeastern part of Nigeria decades to recover from the effect of this menace.
Buhari's people
So tragic and bad. By His d days of BH r numbered. RIP to those dat loss their life.
Almighty God! Please please help us
Wickedness is just an understatement to describe these pple. They r demons
Go to school yu said NO.... What is infidels again....??? May the souls of the dead RIP...
VeRULe Says-nice
This is evil. #NeverAgain
Evil of d highest order!
So sad.
Animals! na God go punish all of them and their sponsors.
Gosh! dis has got to be the greatest deception of all time - to think u can kill and still make it to heaven. These animals are more than deluded! I'm very sure they mean hell each time they mention heaven. foolish bigots!
Unbelievable. Devils!
Evil men
What? Who is seriously brain washing these idiots biko nu?
Very smelling , stinking n drty things inform of human bings,have u ever seen a person that through his entire familise into a deep well ? Ok since they said they are mumu, why did'nt they wait for army to kill them too if they dnt know their left from right? He who kill by swoard will die by swoad no- wayo,
High degree of wickedness.
Jeez!!! These people I don't understand them oo
Lord where is your face?
Ruthless Barbarians..
Their evil will dwell with them anywhere they will go to, there will be no peace them no hiding place them in JESUS NAME AMEN
Lunatics it's,I just wonder why any sane person will ever identify with them and what they represent..In this country we always act as if we easily forget past events so quickly,in no distant past,most of the Northern elites GMB inclusive never outrightly came out to condemn this barbaric group and their style of Islam,infact they were quick to accuse the govt of waging a deliberate war on the North..Thereby politicizing the efforts of the govt towards the fight against these animals,for all of them to come now laying all the blame on the govt for not addressing the manace brought upon the nation by these their children/brethren whom they have failed to bring up well.,what an irony all the northern elites should cover their faces in shame Bcos they have failed to bring up their children well.Money is not Everythn infact money in the hand of certain people leads to nagativity,eg Alhj Kumasi's son,Abdul Mutallab,Aminu Ogwuche etc..Only God knows how many young I'll prepared/demented minds are out their groomed with our oil money stolen by these greedy and insertiable northern ellites, waiting to unleash more mayhem on the nation may God protect us..Long live Nigeria my country..
And someone will say BH ain't Muslims?? What are they? They believe strongly in the quran.
The seed that Buhari & co planted
This wickedness in high place, they will never go unpunished
This wickedness in high place, they will never go unpunished
Such a gory tale,if they are so brain wash to that extent,it means there is still much evil in the land as long as they're still alive
That's a lesson for all not to allow himself be brainwashed into false ideas, in every sphere u look at it. Watch it real and don't do negatives!!! Vote wisely
Omg....lord pls bring an end to all dis killings..
This kind religion sef
God will punish all of them
This is what will happen to you when you are married to a terrorist. They kill their own!
They are not aware heaven is not for murderers. Which Koran are they even reading.
Their wives are usually also uneducated abused maltreated victims so don't blame them.
these barbaric lunatics are officially worst than wild animals, may confusion and chaos wreck their lives and die in severe agony!
See what greedy people like buhari introduced to nigeria
Na dem sabi birds of a feather. So BH get wives
Buhari should be happy his boys r doing as he instructed.and he has the gods to contest
Bonairo where are you. APC people c una hand work
GOD apc will never win ohh because they will show BH mercy
Ohh so you know.better pass that message to your papa buhari.as he take start am mk e try end am even though he can't control them again.because he over gave them power and equipment.when he said fight again BH is fight against the north u be no know.now na morning.as you dey support terrorism hope say u know you dey jeopardise with your peace
Menace? But you ve always been passionate about APC and you know they started it so y complian.you should be happy your group is acting foolish.using BH against innocent people because of desperation for power.i expected you to tweet this one but u failed your self
Menace? But you ve always been passionate about APC and you know they started it so y complian.you should be happy your group is acting foolish.using BH against innocent people because of desperation for power.i expected you to tweet this one but u failed your self
I understand Bonairo he is a full time hustler on linda's blog.oh boy dey try survive as he is struggling for another annual 100k salary from linda.so he can even support shekau him self to rule nigeria so long as he get another 100k from him yearly.oh boy change your ways.APC una be evil.u sold your birth right man
Bonairo still dey use this Nokia lumia since hmmmmm
Bonairo still dey use this Nokia lumia since hmmmmm
Religion of thunder and grenade. Thier prophet really teach dem bombing things sha. Very Uselesstical people
Make which heaven? The foolish idiots go surprise to see themselves for grade one hell.
Say dat to ur self APC n buhari plus u evil people.supporting APC is as good what ever evil BH have caused
Do u think all their wives had a choice? Don't u know some of them must have been forced into marriage? Or some may even be the Chibok girls. Even the few ladies that accepted or happily chose to get married to them prolly didn't know their husbands will join this Sect later. So after they did, the women prolly became afraid. So they kept mute
Dey even kill demselves? God dey o
These guys' idea of life after death is completely warped! I am now convinced more than ever that they are completely psycho
We are winning.
U r product of an uncivilized and ignorant society. U v 2 problems. U r dumb and then u can't spell "escape". Lmao. Wasted investment!
demons in human form.
I hope the military is compiling a list of Boko Haram members with pictures from their relatives and wives who managed to stay alive in Bama.
Such list should be published so that if any of them sneaks back into town we can easily identify and apprehend.
I'm not suprised, coz d kinda orientation given to some Muslims ehen, I feel bad for dem, infidel kill una head! It's kinda connected to wat dey have been tot in mosque one way or d oda! I blame deir clerics! Nonsense Pple
Imagine wickedness in high places
Killing your own wife
These people have gone psycho
God will definitely punish them
*They * * Excaped * thank me later bro! I guess u missed all ur English classes in scool! Eyaah doe! Don't worry I'm hear to teach u!
What an evil thought
Wicket people. [url=www.motherlandjobs.com]www.motherlandjobs.com[/url]
"Then Saul and all his men assembled and went to the battle. They found the Philistines in total confusion, striking each other with their swords."1 Samuel 14:20
Total evil
This is barbaric!
Which heaven are dey talking about????? These pple have been seriously brainwashed.....Its such a pity
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
BH r deadly than I thought.
what kinda humans are this, seriously is this what there quran tell them? goddness me. God will bring all of them to justice soon ijn
Evil men
Evil men
I can imagine what they are going through. I hope they recover sooner than expected.
Mumu! With ur stupid picture acting like d fish that u are! U need to get enlightened before u comment, are u not aware they married most of the women they captured?!
That's the power of terrorism. God is ever ready to deal with them. The problem is that our govt was never ready not until election
And dey saaid it's Islam
Not a bit close
Ndi ara, karma has become their shadow and closest friends. Their end is near. Linda take note!
Ndi ara, karma has become their shadow and closest friends. Their end is near. Linda take note!
Ndi ara, karma has become their shadow and closest friends. Their end is near. Linda take note!
Ndi ara, karma has become their shadow and closest friends. Their end is near. Linda take note!
What Fuck!!!
Good4dem*stupid humaNs*
For Real..U Babaric nuisance...u haplywood they escaped !!!
Your name shows how stupid u r
Reuniting In heaven indeed
God have mercy on them
God will arrest them,come 2015 come Goodluck!
God will arrest them come 2015,come Goodluck!
They are hazards even to themselves!
There end has come,BH RIP in advance
Too bad
I'm sure they were expecting this. When u dine and wine with the devil.
@Osirmah plz itz here not hear nwa teacher
#smh - those dead wives would have been alive if GEJ and PDP fought Boko Haram within the past 5 years in lieu of waiting for election.
#smh - Nigerian men are the proudest in the world yet we can easily disgrace ourselves and we can beg for Africa (Happy Sunday, Happy Weekend, Happy Mid-week, Happy New week, Happy every, just to beg for money not good wishes). When did we get to this and it is worsening. :(
#smh - Buhari said he will build 4 Refineries in 4 years! why should we doubt him when he built 2 in less than 2 years while he was Head of State.
#smh - Why is PDP crying foul against Jega; when GEJ won in 2011 was Jega not there? We all voted for GEJ but he failed us woefully!!!
Sai Buhari.
sometimes its hard to believe some of this BH members are Nigerians
lunacy at its peek
Real madness
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