A 21-year-old man has undergone the world's first successful penis transplant. The
'ground-breaking' operation took South African surgeons nine hours to
perform, and allowed the patient to urinate normally and become sexually
active again.
Three years ago the man, who remains unidentified, was forced to have his penis amputated after a botched circumcision. The
operation was carried out by surgeons from Stellenbosch University and
Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, using a penis donated
from a deceased person.

They said the procedure allowed the man to regain all function in the newly transplanted organ. Nine more patients will now receive penile transplants.
André van der Merwe, head of the University's Division of Urology, said
they were surprised by the patient's rapid recovery.
He said: 'Our goal was that he would be fully functional at two years and we are very surprised by his rapid recovery.
Frank Graewe, another of the hospital's surgeons who assisted on the
operation, said: 'It's a massive breakthrough. We've proved that it can
be done – we can give someone an organ that is just as good as the one
that he had.'
'It was a privilege to be part of this first successful penis transplant in the world.'
Professor van der Merwe said having a penis amputated is known to have a seriously adverse psychological effect on men.
'This is a very serious situation,' he said.
'For a young man of 18 or 19 years the loss of his penis can be deeply traumatic.
Culled from UK Daily Mail
Wow! Nice..lindaobserve
Wow! Welcome development
Wow! Kudos to them for such a record.
Hmmmm I hope say the children wen dis prick go produce go carry him DNA ooooooo.
Good one but hoping it wont remove while its already inside the Zanga, hmmmm
I don't know which is appropriate? Tf!!! or Unbelievable?
What a testimony! Sound health be your portion IJN. 3 john 2. @Bishop_Dammy
Awww datz nice coming from Africa .
God. Nice one.
Nice one. Kudos 2 d surgeons. Thanks 2 God 4 making it successful.
Jesus is Lord.
Gawd, without penis for three yrs, hw man pikin wan take survive abeg.... Thank God for the outcome though...
Impressive feat
Wow..!!!! Juliet iwunu go confirm that penis by passing 1wk in that guys house oooo
Na wa ooo
Whao, I myt just sell my big dick for millions now....
Gudnews, lib reader who hve small pen or so,shuld go and do transplant in SA...
South Africa in the making
Nigeria when are we going to get to this height!!!!!
So incredible, ubiquitous and above all so encouraging
That's good
This is a plus in the world of science that it happen in Africa is also another plus for the continent
Hmmm..good sha
South Africa in the making
Nigeria when are we going to get to this height!!!!!
So incredible, ubiquitous and above all so
Enjoy your penis man and pregnant as many ladies as u want, ur dead manhood is back to life.!!!!!!!!!!..............................................................encouraging.
South Africa in the making
Nigeria when are we going to get to this height!!!!!
So incredible, ubiquitous and above all so
Enjoy your penis man and pregnant as many ladies as u want, ur dead manhood is back to life.!!!!!!!!!!..............................................................encouraging.
Breakthrough! check out www.townhousedesls.com they've got quality in quantity(household accessories) you'll thank me later.....their products are unique.
Hmmmm Oga oooo
Thank God for the successful surgery. Hope he uses it wisely now that it's functioning well.
I hope they gave him a sizeable dick.
Awwww, awesome God, working through awesome persons
Miracle I guess.
And the man has a dead man's P***s now?
Excellent work by those surgeons.
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa ds is serz ooo, Penis stealing go dy on rampage now ooooo, chiaaaaaa serz tinz.
Great feat from an African Country,Kudos to SA
Wonderful... Technology at its peak!
Wow,nice work...
So there's hope for the guys who got theirs chopped off by bitter lovers then. I guess the guys will welcome this development and Linda of course loves anything that has to do with egg plant
Thank God. That means there is hope of living a normal life even in the aftermath of penile removal from the handz of Retarded Dames. Good news for Dudes.
Hope is gradually getting restored
I doubt it, they had been a successful transplant before, anyways science is the new world order, good luck to being a real man again, hope the size is good too! Looll
So ummmhhh...has he used it yet for that other purpose? Did it work naturally? Must feel strange having someone else's P.
So ummmhhh...has he used it yet for that other purpose? Did it work naturally? Must feel strange having someone else's P.
That's good. Happy it was successful.
Ok oh, if only the woman from Zimbabwe did not drugd her husband b4 cutting the jinglebell, SA docters wld v saved the man.
Thank God for d wisdom he gave them to do this. I hope those with same problems with get their own cure soon. Congratulations to d doctors
Dis is unbelievable
Wow! Thank God for science.
The Grass To Grace Transition - click my name to read more and share your thoughts.
Lobatan.guys beware!!
so u hvt go on and enjoy ur self
Kudos to the team of doctors that operated on him.
Linda I said so..
Hian! Wetin person no hear for we world. Linda take note!
Hian! Wetin person no hear for we world. Linda take note!
Hian! Wetin person no hear for we world. Linda take note!
Yippee!!! Africa First to Do Penile Transplant! Something Good From This Part Of The World.
Oh my! This is awesome. This is a great news for people who have had their privates removed for one reason or another. Another scientific breakthrough!
So he wl b using anoda man's john Thomas? Wow! Dats gr8 o, congrats 2 d surgeons n more success s dem IJN
So he wl b using anoda man's john Thomas? Wow! Dats gr8 o, congrats 2 d surgeons n more success s dem IJN
Linda pls can I get d name and address of d hospital in south africa it took place cos ma son has hypospida and am africa of dis nigerian doctors,I would reli love 2 take ma son dere 4r his surgery!
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meanwhile somewhere in Nigeria politicians and their goons will be acting like grown up fools....
This is what I call... even after death, ur penis is still being put to use
dats a nice one from southi doctors
Good work doc's but wait o!. What if d own comes calling for it?. And when use for reproduction who d pikin go resemble?. Bia Linda why u go draw am full put?.
Hmmm...and "his manhood lives on"
Chukwurah Cedric ... please tell me you are joking. Who will his children look like????????
Hmmmmmm, hope there wil not b any complications much later? Dis is wht they dish out to d public but when it becomes otherwise they wouldn't bring it to public domain. All d same congrats.
Meanwhile email to knw how to enlarge your joystick n eradicate premature ejac
gademn!good job
So actually one can now order a bigger pee-pee?! Hehehehehe
omo u madt lol
omo u madt lol
omo u madt lol
omo u madt lol
And sum1 once c de Vision ooo "Ojukwu is dead bt his manhood lives on"
Such a Vision!!
Hahaha...same thing is on my mind
Thank God for a safe surgery
Idiot. Where is sperm (which carries the father's "donation") produced? Think before U write crap that the rest of us have to skim thru
#smh - We claim Africa leading country but we can't even carryout simple procedures. GEJ lauds building millions of universities but Ghana and S.A have way less but their universities rank way higher.
#smh - I thought GEJ was clueless but now I know he's wicked considering that in the past couple of weeks he has shown he can Fight Boko Haram, put EFCC to use, compensate Nigerians that are due, visit ethnic leaders which should have brought us together, commission turbines that OBJ bought, etc and he did nothing in 5 years??? This is wickedness not just greed!!!
Sai Buhari
Penis available in the market for "Lele"
If ur hubby/boyfriend has a small one he shud start considering heheheheheheehehe....
You look too old to be this ignorant. Which owner will come for it, the deceased owner? And is sperm produced in the penis? I'm a woman and I know it isn't. So the kids will look like their father, don't worry.
......mz Titi.....
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