Spot the difference featuring Korede Bello... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 30 January 2015

Spot the difference featuring Korede Bello...

Hint: There are five differences...


SANDRA said...

I wont

Anonymous said...

Royal priesthood

Anonymous said...

The buttons on the shirt...

Spice up your day with serious laughter with funny pics and joke....

FRIDAY Laughs.

Anonymous said...

I don get alert ooh from Linda #Godwin

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

No botton,no wrist watch,

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

No botton,no wrist watch,

Niyi Daramola said...

The button... the. wrist watch etc

Anonymous said...

Of course d difference z clear

Unknown said...

Where is my eye glass...?
Someone pls get me dat eye glass of mine.

When I need it seem to b far.

Giv me some minutes pls to spot ur differences.
Wht a pity that there is no price tag to dis.

So, wht d use other than for d fun.

Unknown said...

Wrist watch
eyes on backgrund pic

Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB.....

Unknown said...

Handsome dude. Linda its early to rack my brain o abeg.


Unknown said...

Dis guy head big pass his tiny body...the difference is on the wall paper...


elovi said...

Hmm aunty linda dis ur new game seff

Ebele 1 of Delta said...

No wrist watch in the first pics

Unknown said...

Wristwatch is obvious


Unknown said...

I hate playing this game
Only reason i open this topic is i never let a pic of this cutey pass by without me feeding my eyes on it heheheh
Cute guy

Anonymous said...

The eyes of the dude in the background pic no shirt buttons on second pic, no wrist watch on first pic,second pic looks clearer...can't spot the fifth

Gloria Matthew said...

#1. The man at the background, his eyes
#2. The "with" on the background
#3. The wristwatch
#4. His shirt buttons

Abeg i no see the 5th one jare

Unknown said...

No tym.....

Unknown said...

Spot the difference between the sea and the ocean....hahahahahaha that's supposed to be a riddle...i'm just saying..linda can u do the spotting?

Anonymous said...

Koray's wrist watch, buttons (gold vs black), d the poster man 's left eyeball, with on d poster

Unknown said...

the billboard at the back is different
The Lumdy Blog Review|Shakira &Gerard Pique welcomes second child

Unknown said...

No watch, no button, change in smile, no make up

Anonymous said...

Lol, found the fifth...the word "with" in the background of the second pic

tsalz c.e.o said...


tsalz c.e.o said...


Unknown said...

Didn't see nothing

Unknown said...

(1)missing pupil of the poster
(2)"with" is also missing
(3)"the" is missing
(4) wristwatch and
(5) buttons said...

cant really see any difference

visit my blog



Unknown said...





Anonymous said...

the difference is already clear! :-D . david says so via sony xperia

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


@Sophia Stephen

Unknown said...

I could spot only tree difference, the image on the back eyes,no wrist watch on the first pix, there is on the second pix,there is bottom on the first pix and no bottom on the second pix

Unknown said...

1. visible Eyes
2. missing wrist watch
3. white buttons
4. missing the word with

Unknown said...

I saw jst 3 differences .too I'm tired to write joor

Alloy Chikezie said...

The wrist watch on the right hand.

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Anonymous said...

no wrist watch on Korede Bello, no button on Korede Bello's shirt, eyeball of the photo behind him,no WITH on the banner him and little beards on Korede Bello

Unknown said...

MR EDDY said this heat wan kill person o.

The difference is there.

Anonymous said...

I can only spot d eyes behind him jor

Unknown said...

Linda the first pics has fasjion botton while the second pics does not have lol JC

Tolu said...

Wristwatch, button, eyeball on the background poster, "with" on the background poster.

Anonymous said...

1. He is wearing wrist watch in d picture on the left
2. Blotted eye in the picture behind at the left
3. Writing on the picture behind at the right has "with"on it.
4. His shirt shows white buttons dwon on the picture by the left

Anonymous said...

Button, "with" on the board, wrist watch, chin, "eyeball" on the picture on the board.

Unknown said...

I saw four.... watch, banner's eye, button and the `'with" in front of the ju.

Anonymous said...

Button, "with" on the board, wrist watch, chin, "eyeball" on the picture on the board.

Unknown said...

"with", watch, banner's eye and colour of buttons. I only found four.

Hintealand said...

1 Wrist watch
2 Buttons
3 The eye of the guy behind him
4 mp or wp on the picture behind
5 One of the picture is brighter


Anonymous said...

1. The eye on the poster behind him
2. The wrist watch on his right hand
3. The buttons on his shirt
4. The word WITH on the poster
5. Look for the fifth one by yourself @ Linda

respect urself said...

The eye behind him , watch ,button .

Tobbie said...


1) Buttons on the first picture are visible but not visible on the second picture

2)He wears a wrist watch on the second picture but no wrist watch is seen on the first picture.

3)The poster behind Korede Bello on the first picture has no iris but the second picture shows a black iris.

4)Still on the poster behind Korede Bello, the second picture has "with" omitted but the first picture has "with"included.

5)(I might be wrong)...The first picture tells us that Korede Bello has no beards or strands of beards whatsoever but the second picture boasts of few strands...lool

Anonymous said...

- Botton
- Wrist watch
- Eye on the posture behind
- With written behind
- Hair

Murna Danmadami said...

1. No wristwatch in picture 1
2. Black buttons in Picture 2
3. Beard in picture 2
4. Billboard picture has no pupil in eyes in picture 1

Unknown said...

No time!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The picture behind him,d eye of d guy
His buttons
His beards
No wristwatch
The bill board on d first pic,no WITH.

Unknown said...

The watch, with' in the sign man behind 'eyes'

Anonymous said...

No more oh, Linda, no more!

Anonymous said...

the eye on the wallpaper,his wrist watch,the white bottons turns black, Abeg eye Don dey pain me

Davido's driver said...

Too lazy to spot

Anonymous said...

the eyeball if the person on the poster, "with
' on the poster, the button, the wrist watch and his jaw

Manuel Kunmi said...

1.The poster behind him is missing an eye in the first pic
2.Korede's wrist watch is missing in the second pic
3. The buttons on korede's shirt are missing in the second pic
4. On the poster behind him towards his left the word "with" is missing in the first pic
5.can't find it thanks

Unknown said...

D buttons are black in d 2nd photo
D eyes r visble in d second foto
Wearing a wristwatch in d 2nd photo

Deniz said...


Anonymous said...

Hummm, Noticed 4 differences anyway.
1. Background pix Yaw's eye
2. Korede's right hand wrist watch
3. His TShirt Bottons
4. "With" is missing on the background
5. Hummmmm mmm!!! mayb Korede's little bears.

Anonymous said...

Do all the buttons on the shirt count as one?


1. watch
2.button is black
3. yaw's eyes
4. the cloth looks like half button
5. with

Anonymous said...

there are more than five

Enebechi Constance ( said...

1.the background of the left is brighter than the right
2. he has no wrist watch on the left but has it on the right
3. the left shirt has white button but the right has black
4.the left background has no with before JU but the right has with
5. his eye of the man at the left background is white,can't see the eyeballs but can at the right.

Juleslouis said...

The watch, the eyes of the man on d poster behind him. That's all i see.

@Osirmah said...

Who d difference help na??

Ogechi@ said...

Have no idea of the differences.

Anonymous said...

the wrist watch is missing in the 1st pics,the pupil in the eye is missing in d 1st pics,the 1st button on d shirt is missg in d 2nd pics,wih is missing in d 1st pics n the N is missg in d 2nd pix.

Anonymous said...

eyes(behind him),wristwatch,with,shirt buttons.....linda tell me the fifth one abeg

Welcome to Kastao said...

Hi Linda, The differences are below.
1. Wrist watch on one pix and not on the other pix
2. The shirt button is different
3. The posters behind him has one good eye and the second has bad eye.
4.The poster behind him, one has ''WITH'' and the other did not have.
The differences are four not five.

Anonymous said...

D wristwatch,d buttons on d shirt,the eye in d portrait, the "with" written on d portrait and

Anonymous said...

D wristwatch,d buttons on d shirt,the eye in d portrait, the "with" written on d portrait and

obiora said...

Spot what difference? For dis small boy?

Unknown said...

Wrist watch, the eyes at the background,the buttons, the 'with' at the background n.......

Anonymous said...

1- wrist watch difference 2- button difference on d shirt 3- eye lens difference of the background image 4- * with* difference on d write up at d background

Unknown said...

Korede buttons, with on d wallpaper in d 2nd pic but absent in d 1st,d blur eye of d guy on d wallpaper in d 1st pic as opposed to d 2nd pic,korede without a wrist watch in d 1st pic but with one in d 2nd pic

Anonymous said...

The wrist watch on his right hand and the buttons on his shirt

Deysawla said...

The watch, Yaw's eye, Korede's gold buttons, the word 'with' and Korede's beards.

Daniel Friday Danzor said...

1. The eyes at the background image (yaw)
2. His wrist watch.
3. his shirt buttons
4. the word (with)

Unknown said...

Only saw two his left watch and the poster eyes

Unknown said...

And his bottons,

Anonymous said...

go find somewhere sit joor make we spot difference for u dis small boy

Anonymous said...

The wrist watch on his right hand,the buttons on his shirt,the white eye behind him and the with on the poster behind him

Vip said...

linda i hope there is prize to win for this ? The diff are:

1. No iris in the eye in d left pic ;presence of iris in eye in d right pic.

2. No wrist watch on hand in d left pic ;presence of wrist watch on hand in d right pic.

3. white buttons on shirt in the left pic ;dark buttons on shirt in the right pic.

4. Absence of the word 'with' in the left pic ; presence of the word 'with ' in the right pic.

5. There is reflection on the right eye in the left pic; there is no reflection on any eye in the right pic.


Bukola said...

1. Korede's beards
2.Korede's watch
3. The eye of the man on the poster
4. Korede's button
5. The word "with"

Anonymous said...

The eye and write-up on the backdrop, his wrist watch

Unknown said...

The face behind him, his buttons and his wristwatch..only seeing 3...

Unknown said...

The face behind him, his buttons and his wristwatch..only seeing 3...

gracey said...

D wrist watch,d guy at d background his eye,d background banner (with),korede buttons. Didn't see d 5th clue


Botton, d 2nd poster av win, wrist watch missin in 2nd pix, d man on d poster have a blurry eye in d 1st pix,

Fresho said...

Sister i can only spot four differences here oooo ..... The Images at the backgorund one has no eyeball, no button ,no watch and the the advert letter at the background the word with is missing .....

MAMA IYABO said...


MOTOLA said...

-The write up 'WITH' at the background
-buttons on shirt
-There is a WHITE spot immediately after the YA on the left while it invisible by the rite. if am wrong, Linda, pls i can't help u.

Anonymous said...

1) The eyes of the guy on the poster (His eyes are white in the pic on the left and black in the one on the right)

2) The wristwatch (He's wearing one in the pic on the right and none in the pic on the left)

3)The buttons on his shirt (Gold in the pic on the left and black in the pic on the right)

4) His eyes (they are bigger in the pic on the right)

5) The pic on the right has 'with' on the poster in the background while the pic on the left does not

OfficialRanter1 said...

1) The eyes of the guy on the poster (His eyes are white in the pic on the left and black in the one on the right)

2) The wristwatch (He's wearing one in the pic on the right and none in the pic on the left)

3)The buttons on his shirt (Gold in the pic on the left and black in the pic on the right)

4) His eyes (they are bigger in the pic on the right)

5) The pic on the right has 'with' on the poster in the background while the pic on the left does not

Unknown said...

I see say na slap d hungry una wit diz spot diff saga................


Unknown said...

I see say na slap d hungry una wit diz spot diff saga................


Unknown said...

I see say na slap d hungry una wit diz spot diff saga................


Anonymous said...

The eye @ d background picture, d watch on korede, d bottons on his attire, d with missing on d background picture .. cant figure d last to make it 5 lol..

Unknown said...

Saw only 3, white buttons to black, no watch and d eyes of d man in d poster behind him. All in d second pix

susan said...

His shirt has visible buttons in the first pic and he's wearing a wristwatch in the second picture.

Flawlessbae❤❤ (wears,bags,sneakers,heels,sandals) for both m/f @08156743416 said...

Watin concern me an eh

Unknown said...

wrist watch, eye lens, button,mustash,a word on d poster.

Unknown said...

good looking

Unknown said...

D eye of d person In d pix behind him is Rotten,he's not wearing wristwatch in d other pix and his blouse ko top ne has no buttons

Unknown said...

wristwatch in one absent in the other, buttons black in one and white in the other,dark pupils(eye balls) in one, the poster in one's got white eyes and finally one is lighter than the other.

Unknown said...

no "with" on the background SAV

Rems said...

No buttons
the iris of the background photo
No wrist watch

lenky, said...

1. eyeball of the person on the background pix.
2. the word ''with'' on the background pix.
3. Right hand wrist watch of the guy.
4. The buttons on the guy's shirt.
5. A black spot on the guy's lower jaw near the neck.

Anonymous said...

Linda i saw only four differences 1. one is the button, 2. the wrist watch 3. the eyes on the background pix 4. the omission of with from the write up on the background pix.

GALORE said...

Wrist watch
His shirt button
The background pics


OfficialRanter1 said...

1) The eyes of the guy on the poster (His eyes are white in the pic on the left and black in the one on the right)

2) The wristwatch (He's wearing one in the pic on the right and none in the pic on the left)

3)The buttons on his shirt (Gold in the pic on the left and black in the pic on the right)

4) His eyes (they are bigger in the pic on the right)

5) The pic on the right has 'with' on the poster in the background while the pic on the left does not

Anonymous said...

His bottons,wrist watch, de eye at his back, de place dey wrote with and .....

Unknown said...

1) with

2)The guys eye on the billboard

3) wrist watch

4)shirts button

5) complextion

Anonymous said...

Wrist-watch,shirt buttons,background-image...

Unknown said...

The eyes, wristwatch," with" ,

Anonymous said...

His wrist watch...His shirt's buttons.....The guy in the posters eyes....The writing on the wall (with) and his beards

Subomi said...

buttons on his shirt, eyes on the poster behind him, watch on his hand, ''THE'' on the poster

Unknown said...

Buttons, wristwatch, the eye in the backdrop, the "with" in the wordings on the backdrop,

Anonymous said...

The eye at d background picture, the watch on koredes wrist, the with on d background picture and the botton on his attire lol cant find d 5..

Henry Valerian said...

. . .hmm eyes stressing!! this is called "see the invincible" . . .able to spot out 3/5 difference from the pix .
1. the eye of the man in the background postal
2. his right hand wrist watch
3. the writing by his left hand, third line indicating "with ". . .
. . .has anyone spotted out the remaining 2?

Henry Valerian said...

. . .hmm eyes stressing!! this is called "see the invincible" . . .able to spot out 3/5 difference from the pix .
1. the eye of the man in the background postal
2. his right hand wrist watch
3. the writing by his left hand, third line indicating "with ". . .
. . .has anyone spotted out the remaining 2?

Unknown said...

(1) the iris/pupil of the facial image in/on the poster behind korede is missing.

(2) Buttons were included on Korede's shirt.

(3) the wrist watch on Korode's right hand is missing.

(4) the word "with" is/was not included on the poster behind Korede.

(5)korede's pupils are a shade darker.

Unknown said...

no eyeball on d man in d poster and it has a white botton on his shirt,dats d first pix

Unknown said...

buttons , with , the wrist watch and the eye on the background image.

Unknown said...

buttons , with , the wrist watch and the eye on the background image.

Anonymous said...

His wrist watch
The eyes behind d wall
"With" is missing on the tagg behind.
And his eyes.

sodablog said...

Na one difference I see. #Godwin

Unknown said...

1st pics no wrist watch, 2nd pics he was puting on wrist watch.

Henry val said...

I Gorrit!!!

1. the eye of the man in the background postal
2. his right hand wrist watch
3. the writing by his left hand, third line indicating "with ". . .
4. The colour of button on his shirt.
5. The shadow On his left cheek.

Unknown said...

The eyes of the man in the poster
His wristwatch
The buttons on his shirt
The 'with' written on the poster.
difficult to locate the fifth.

Unknown said...

finally there is a white spotat the end of his shirt.

ebonyz... said...

Na 4 i c but i no go tell u cos u de suffer us

mausezahn said...

1)the buttons
2)the wrist watch
3)with on the board
4)the eye on the board
5)the jew from korede Bello

Unknown said...

1 Gold button on leftshirt, black button on right.
2 eyeballs on the left postal is purely white,eyeball on right has black
3 no wrist watch on left but on the right
4 the word "with" is on the right side postal but not on the left
5 And I dont fucking see the fifth one though............. So i rest my case.......... Nice making attempt though

Unknown said...

the eye of the man at his back is clear on one pix and showing white on the other. he has a wrist watch in one of the pix and doesn't have on the other. one of the posters behind him has the word with while the other doesn't. the colours of the shirt bottons are different. I dont see a 5th difference.

careena said...

the wrist watch n the buttons

Unknown said...

the eye of the man at his back is clear on one pix and showing white on the other. he has a wrist watch in one of the pix and doesn't have on the other. one of the posters behind him has the word with while the other doesn't. the colours of the shirt bottons are different. I dont see a 5th difference.

?????? just ma opinion??????

Unknown said...

no watch, and the poster at the back the eye pulpils is blank

Unknown said...

The eye of d 1st bakgrond is like blind while d oda is opened

His not putting on wristwatch in one while putting on d oda pix

mzmaris said...

The man's eye in d poster behind him, d wristwatch on his right hand, the olour of his buttons,d skin covering his adam apple is darker in d seond pix,.....what is written on one of d posters behind him......"With" is written in just one

princess said...

The eye of d image at his back
Korede's eye
The buttons of his shirt
Red carpet

Anonymous said...

The wristwatch on his right hand, the buttons on his shirt, the eye missing on the first poster, (top picture), the word 'with' missing from the top poster (top picture)

Anonymous said...

1-Korede is not wearing a wristwatch in one of the pics
2- the word"with" does not appear in one of the pics
3- black iris of the large pics behind korede which is lacking at the other picture behind him
4-buttons of korede shirt white in one of the pics and black in the other
5- still searching. Brb

Anonymous said...

Ok... Am back
5- seems he has little mustache in one of the pics and appears clean shaven in the other

Wolfy! said...

his right hand wrist,
eyes on background image
His shirt button had diff color
korede get bears for one and non for other

THe rest of the diff.. LINDA GO AND ASK UR FATHER

Unknown said...

afta a loooong stare, I cld only figure out 4 differences,
*The eyes f d man @ d background,
*His Wistwatch
* Shirt buttons
*The Writin @ his bak

Anonymous said...

1. The eye
2. The with behind him
3.The buttons
4.The wristwatch
5.The black design on his shirt

Anonymous said...

1. The eye
2. The with behind him
3.The buttons
4.The wristwatch
5.The black design on his shirt

Anonymous said...

1. The eye
2. The with behind him
3.The buttons
4.The wristwatch
5.The black design on his shirt

Anonymous said...

1. The eye
2. The with behind him
3.The buttons
4.The wristwatch
5.The black design on his shirt

Anonymous said...

1. The eye
2. The with behind him
3.The buttons
4.The wristwatch
5.The black design on his shirt

Unknown said...

1. the wrist watch
2. the eye on the poster
3. the bottons on the shirt
4. the word..... with.
5. the black spots on whites place on the shirts are darker than d other

Anonymous said...

1. the wrist watch
2. the eye on the poster
3. the bottons on the shirt
4. the word..... with.
5. the black spots on whites place on the shirts are darker than d other

Unknown said...

1.D wristwatch
2.D eye of d man on d wallpaper
3.Dere are buttons in d 1st pic n dere are no buttons in d 2nd pic
4. There is no "with" on d 1st picture
5.D 1st pic is clearer dan d 2nd

Unknown said...

1. the wrist watch
2. the eye on the poster
3. the bottons on the shirt
4. the word..... with.
5. the black spots on whites place on the shirts are darker than d other

playne said...


Unknown said...

1. eyes in background picture
2. buttons
3. wristwatch
4. word "with" on the side
5. smiling dude has beard in the picture on the right.

Bayo said...

1. eyes in background picture
2. buttons
3. wristwatch
4. word "with" on the side
5. smiling dude has beard in the picture on the right.

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