The news was broken by industry publication Adweek, which linked to The Algemeiner‘s extensive reporting of the scandal, noting that Clancy’s departure “comes just days after the veteran journalist had an extended debate via Twitter over the Charlie Hebdo cartoons.”
CNN, however, made no mention of the scandal as it paid tribute to Clancy’s 34 years of service with the channel. “Jim Clancy is no longer with CNN. We thank him for more than three decades of distinguished service, and wish him nothing but the best,” a CNN spokesperson said.
In a short statement, Clancy said: “After nearly 34 years with Cable News Network, the time has come to say Farewell! It has been my honor to work alongside all of you for all of these years. This is one of the greatest news organizations in the world. It has truly revolutionized information delivery while driving technological advances in how we gather the news. Through it all, CNN has been a family to my own family. That means something. As I reflect on all of the great adventures and achievements of the past, I wish you great success in the future.”
The anchor’s departure follows yesterday’s revelation that his Twitter account had been deactivated. In his clash with pro-Israel advocates, Clancy – whose obsession with Israeli settlement policy is well-known among CNN viewers – angrily responded to one of his detractors with the word, “Hasbara?” (“Hasbara,” the Hebrew word for “explaining,” is often invoked by Israel’s opponents to dismiss views with which they disagree, even when, as in this case, the matter at hand has nothing to do with Israel.)
As his ire rose, Clancy dismissed another user by saying, “Get a grip, junior. It’s my Friday night. You and the Hasbara team need to pick on some cripple on the edge of the herd.”
Jay Ruderman, the head of the Ruderman Family Foundation, which promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in the Jewish community, informed Clancy on Twitter that the word “cripple” is derogatory. The anchor’s response was to block both Ruderman’s personal account and the account of the Ruderman Foundation.
Yesterday, Ruderman told The Algemeiner that an “organization held in the esteem that CNN is held in should use this as a teaching moment.”
Culled from Algemeiner.com
I'll miss his cuteness.
I detect fear. Nice move. U re a wise man.
@Sophia Stephen
OK seen
Charlie Hebdoo 1person. Borno don finish make all of em retire na, grads dey find job evrywia
Very sad. He's one of the best. This is similar to what they did to Octavia Nasr 5 years ago. Where is the freedom of speech?
Just a moment of no self control...destroys a good reputation...hmmm
Na wa ooo see integrity.....d guy jejely resign. wetin no fit apun 4 naija
Wow its not realy good for u to retire out of a fight na .U should resigned honourably.
Hmmm good 4 him...
Wish him well. Eyaah!
Jim was pushed to the edge by the pro-isreali groups, the Israelis never ever want to admit to any wrong and that's the primary reason why peace will never come to the middle east.
I dnt understand all dis white men! U jst end ur career over a little quarrell! No wonder u'll jst quarrel wit them and the nxt fin they will jst commit suicide and die
These people and their decision though
Oyinbo pple get wahala.....dey can b too emotional
So much for freedom of speech.. Obviously "He isn't Charlie"
Good for him
all these racist anchor wey get sympathy for extremist
He was a great anchor, too bad his departure was marred by such a scandal.
Love Jim clancy so much...very inspiring anchor..and am gonna miss him but he knows the best for himself
Will miss u Jim Clancy, he is one of the best in CNN along side Richard Quest, Amanpour, Aisha Sese, Samuel Obot, Hala Gorani, Becky Anderson, Wolf etc miss Sir
OMG,its such a pity that we live in world that is two faced all clancy did was to tell someone off and he was sacked,but when Muslims were offended by the cartoons of my Prophet (SAW) the whole world called us terrorist I hope every body can now see that nobody likes to disrespected
Goodbye clancy
Goodbye clancy
Soon every word you say would be derogatory! When did the world become so sensitive?!
Wow this is too bad
Freedom of speech ends the moment you cross the line into saying anything remotely critical of Israel/Jews.
He. he was fired....
A Nigerian Will never resign to let peace reign. Wise decision Man.
Order for your beautiful bedspread @ 79AEFD3B. Delivery available nationwide.
Is it just my reading skills or did u actually not explain it well becos I didn't rili understand
Sacking is not the same as killing. Their are different ways to bell a cat.
@Vicky, you don't even know what this post is about. Dumb head. Abuja runs girl!
Scared of the unknown. Good for him, he should go rest after 34years of service.....he should be watchful
Linda, what kind of news is this? Abegi, this is not blog news worthy. We need more of interesting stuffs. Leave this kind of this for the likes of AP, Reuters, News week and the rest, please.
Atleast he has tried...let somebody else take over...we need new and fresh mindz..Am just so tired of these old people who doesn't know when it's time to rest.. 3 decades?! Habatically!!!
really babe
It might not be fear. Its just another way of showing remorse
Mr foolish, he was sacked nt KILLED or AMPUTATED. No one said u shd nt express grievance if u feel slighted, u jus got to know hw to stop.
I dey laugh
Too much tweet makes a twat !!!
He has tried, let someone else try. Linda take note!
He has tried, let someone else try. Linda take note!
He has tried, let someone else try. Linda take note!
He has tried, let someone else try. Linda take note!
He served well. I wish him the best even though i can't remember the last time i watched CNN. Aljazeera, my obsession.
Busy Fingers.
Wow....u watch cnn'??
Ta! Metchi onu gi there! Did Clancy pick up a gun or went on a killing spree? You better look for something else to write instead of trying to justify your bloodthirsty attitude
It's not a little quarell,it's way beyond that.
Good 4 Em...dat z his decision
All dis racist dem....meteeeew.
oga carry on,tym for change
We have the evolution of social Media to thank for that.
Sister,wen last u watch CNN?
Sister wen last u watch CNN?
Freedom of speech comes with responsibility. You don't insult vulnerable members of society (disable people - "cripples"). End of.
Very wise decision
Are they supposed to commit suicide and live?
That was the right decision for many reasons.
Wisdom shown.
That's the thing.He was sacked,not shot in the head. Not everybody is bloodthirsty you know?
We know them too, must you mention all there names? Jim clancy's departure is the topic. I too knw#hatingthingslol
Bros no vex, dis news na only about Jim no need to call all dem names na, we sef get cnn
Tefe so y no peace in naija?y no peace in d world?isreal?think bro......think
It's well. @ anonymous, no one wants to be disrespected but killing is not an option. Truth is bitter.
# l know who I am #
Awwwwwwww.... That's shocking. He is one of d best and I enjoy watching him
Too bad
I feel for him,is just like Zidane case too
Pls visit my blog...
CNN made a wrong move by letn him go...
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan~
Bye bye clancy..
He actually flaunted ethics.....in line with CNN editorial policy! leave sentiment
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone
Young lady, should I send his contact 2u..?
Actually, dis does not warrant his resignation except way b4 now he had intention to resign.
Though he look cute, I am not going to miss him@all... Lolzzzzzz.
He has served well. Let him tak a break.
Young lady, should I send his contact 2u..?
Actually, dis does not warrant his resignation except way b4 now he had intention to resign.
Though he look cute, I am not going to miss him@all... Lolzzzzzz.
He has served well. Let him tak a break.
Young lady, should I send his contact 2u..?
Actually, dis does not warrant his resignation except way b4 now he had intention to resign.
Though he look cute, I am not going to miss him@all... Lolzzzzzz.
He has served well. Let him tak a break.
Just like dat! Its well . Bye Jim
Its not just saying things abt Israel.....when u represent an organisation like cnn, there are things u shouldn't say or do. I will miss him though !!
He has tried, may be its time fr another to continue from were he stop. He would be missed.
Oga clancy was fired ooo
For this single act Jim,I RESPECT u
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So sad.i hope he starts a talk show soon
He resigned dudes
Info is right at the top, no harm scrolling up to re read nah
If journalist can't express their view on certain issues coz of the terror unleashed by these sec, then its a big problem that needs to be tackled.
He has tried, may be its time fr another to continue from were he stop. He would be missed.
Wow! I'll miss seeing his face. I love Jim and Christine Amanpour. They r d reason y i still watch CNN honestly.
Wish u Luck in future!
is he cute?.. jst saying
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Rule no1:abuse muslims n dia prophet 2.bever ever speak against d Israelis n jews
Word bro, this should serve as a food for thought for everyone. You have to be calm... Farewell to #Clancy..
Ah ah bros.. U just did a roll call of all the CNN anchors naaa, how does that make him the best now?
As ur be,so is ur brain. Imbecile.. Ewu Bamba.
That is a society where orderliness matters. Been a senior representative of a reputable organisation. There are things expected of you.
So sad he lost it. He is human just as we all are. I want to assume he most have had other encounters before now.
Tins re really changing. I tire,ooo. #oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
Hmm! O dikwa egwu
O dikwa egwu na-elu uwa nkea!
I like Jim Clancy.
Okay oooo
So true!
Wish him a greener pasture!
Charlie Hebdo is not a person
CNN IS PRO JEWISH. ....If you ever want to get a fair unbiased view on situation in the middle east look to al jazeera He didn't just resign ,he was forced to.
Just like some actors/actress in Hollywood spoke against the injustice of the Palestine people during the past Gaza conflict, ,they were critised and told they were inciting anti Semitism in the world &won't want be given roles anymore especially with Jewish produces/directors like Steven spielberg WHERE is the freedom of speech...
I don't support violence but if opposing pro Jewish advocate or saying ones view in the pro - Palestine /Israel conflicts creates a problem.Why do people knowing that making a comic of the Muslim prophet will provoke Muslim ,why do they think they will be given less resentment . So as the Pope will say you can't provoke ones religion/believes. There is a limit if tolerance but once that is exceeded bad things happen
He'll resurface with Aljazeera, where his inclination is not only supported but even promoted. Aljazeera is an established anti-Israel, anti-America and pro-arab tv station.
People are so cruel and judgmenta. I don’t think that I have what it takes to put my writing out there for the world to rip apart and judge. There are so many haters out there...I have never in my life seen a well-adjusted and happy person who purposely writes vicious, hate-filled emails/comments in an attempt to tear someone else down. Why? Because they’re too busy being well-adjusted and happy to waste their time being an insufferable jerk, that’s why you can never be happy for d rest of your life ..Miss or Mr anonymous
Israelis are terrorists. They'll use there massive influence in American businesses and politics to fight anyone to the finish. It's only Arabs who can say NO to them. That's why i still respect Arabs and the Iranians.
Hhehehe @habatically, as in ehnn!
Awwh!! I like him. Greener pastures ahead
Awwh!! I like him. Greener pastures ahead
But why would he allow this? He should have known it would affect his career.
end of an era.... He is very good at what he does.
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