GEJ's visit to Maiduguri was hallmark of deceit - Oby Ezekwesili | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 16 January 2015

GEJ's visit to Maiduguri was hallmark of deceit - Oby Ezekwesili

Mrs Oby Ezekwesili comes for the president in a series of tweets this morning. See more after the cut


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Anonymous said...

And why is the security not there? He is Mr. President for God's sake, if you're saying no for him..what u gonna say about security for rest of the citizens?

Unknown said...

She's kind of right but she should please calm down. It's almost over. 14th of February is already here. If we cast our votes properly with God on our side Nigeria will take a new shape. Vote Right!

Anonymous said...

Madam Oby, everybody knows your grievances. Whoever wins the next election, GMB or GEJ, may give you a ministerial post. Be patient and stop behaving like the jealous village wife of a polygamist. That you were in Obasanjo's cabinet with Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala does not mean that the present regime must do same.

Dayo said...

This woman should just go and sit down, what did she achieve as Education Minister then, she is just seeking attention to my opinion.

Eagle Eyes Media said...

She's not seeking attention, she is seeking a safer Nigeria for Nigerians like you and me.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind her...she talks too much. .APC mouth piece. ..I don't take her words serious again. .Mitchew!

Anonymous said...

Please tell her oh...she is a talkative. .

Anonymous said...

If I'm the president I won't answer this foolish talkative...

Anonymous said...

Na foolish woman she never sees any thing good...always complaining. ..

Anonymous said...

Nor mind her she go soon see say Jonathan go enter that post again ....

Anonymous said...

She is very foolish. ..complains too much...

Juleslouis said...

This woman sef.

ColdFlame said...

I have nothing but unbridled respect and admiration for this woman. Same thoughts came to my mind while watching footage of the said visit on tv and whoever advised the President on this matter is a certified fifth columnist

John said...

I can confidently say that all those abusing Oby are CRAZY IDIOTS. And to make matters worse, most of them are Ibos. Imagine! The truth is bitter. They prefer to lie to their leaders instead of telling them the truth.

Anonymous said...

Blessing anyi mara na ima nwada Oby Ezekwesiri nke oma, mana biko duo ya odu, ya matakwa dat too much of everything is bad! Wen it comes to jonathan issue oby wil take it personal! D reason is best known to her. Let her take tins of politics easy cos after dis life, we hv another life to face. Lolo1


Na wa o.

Everything is politicized!

Victoria said...

Let her tell us what exactly he want the president to do.she is sounding like a stupid woman these days.

Unknown said...

Callous President, as if he doesnt have children.

Unknown said...

This woman is wicked.What did Jonathan do to you that you are determined to stop him. remember God. if Jonathan decides to leave you, God may fight for him. be careful.

Anonymous said...

I heard from a very reliable source that oby is transgender...take a good look at her head she looks liKE OBJ SOMETIMES....THUNDER FIRE YOU MADAM OBY WHY NOT TAKE YOUR PROTEST TO BORNU FOOLISH OLD WHORE....GEJ come .Feb 2015 till 2019 and if care is not taken till further notice..I bury my case

Alero said...

GOOD EVENING OBY people are dieing in BORONO state and we are sad and pained. But you are over heating the polity and its not fair. GEJ couldn't have gone to chibok early enough cos its not safe.Even a General was shot at by his own boys Imagine if GEJ went there and he is killed you all know this country will be no more and you will run to America LEAVING US HERE. Or the military will take over and we are back to the start again. Your BringBackOurGirls team are yet to match or do a rally in Borono state and the president has beaten you to it. Better late than never they say and GEJ has done so even after telling him its too late you still need to tell him he tried.All the people hating are yet to visit Chibok with aids and support. Please be a true nigerian even when u berate the president hail him sometimes . everything can not be Bad. I still luv you Oby

Anonymous said...

Linda you are very stupid for posting this idiot oby on your page foolish linda

Anonymous said...

Please can someone tell this woman to stop heating the already heated polity. Nigerians know better now. Madam you might be knowledgeable but pls get a little WISDOM. be guided, make a constructive criticism and not a destructive one. show a little support and respect for your country and stop hating. we know you are not happy that Ngozi Okojo Iweala has attained a position you can only dream of. be patients it will get to your turn.#GEJ-2015# #TO BE OR NOT TO BE#

Anonymous said...

I wonder about all of you people insulting this woman. Let a bomb detonate next to your loved ones and see if you won't want the president to care beyond electoral deadlines... this is ridiculous. When she campaigned to have the chibok girls back you had a problem. A year later still no girls.You had innocent soldiers sentenced to death because they refused to be sent to the front without weapons... Still you blamed the activists. Now this clown of a president that you seem to support so much is going for a parade in the north an you still want to throw stones at people pushing for action and not lip service...

class said...

Oby used to be my role model but when involved herself in the circus of gang of criminals , i became disappointed

Anonymous said...

You tired because you sister is not among the adopted girls. Nonsense

Unknown said...

U just earned my respect.... God bless your existence

ugo said...

Wow after all the denials the fact is coming out so the campaign of Chibok girls is a cospiracy, APC all your evil will leave with you, Nigerians are wisher now.

SuperDuperNaija said...

And whose job is it to provide security? I can't believe the comments I'm reading here. There are just too many daft people in this country and that is the cause of our predicament. You guys need to learn to engage your brain (in the event that you have one ) before opening your mouth pls.

Naijarian said...

This woman is misguided...

Unknown said...

Na person mama u dey call fool? Na wah o

Unknown said...

At least he visited,those it's painting shold go and die!

Unknown said...

What is biting her now?madam pls take it easy

Anonymous said...

This bitter fool should leave my dear president alone.madam njo nwanyi carry your frustrated self to your Buhari #ANUOFIA

chi_ special said...

She made a point,bt she stressed it a lil bit 2 much.

Anonymous said...

i see a lot of paid bloggers out attacking Oby. what if this happened in yoiur village? Would you still be running at the mouth and showing this level of callous indefference?

Anonymous said...

Chidinma, don't you read the news? What she's saying is undoubtedly true! Stop supporting GEJ based on sentiments

Anonymous said...

Unless we are willing to die for what we believe in, the whole country continues to be full of worthless people without principles or scruples.

ElsieNene said...

She is so right! Sigh!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

This foolish Woman should go and sit down abag

Anonymous said...

Who should provide the security for him as the chief security officer of the nation?? I think you should be the one to f**k yourself!! Dummy...

chux said...

My fellow Nigerian stop being gullible!!!! Is it till one of ur family members is kidnapped that u ll take this seriously over 200 family wait up every night wait for their kids that may neva come I hope u don't have to go thru that but that seems to be the only way u ll learn.. no amount of agitation is to much. I AM REALLY DISAPPIONTED with the ladies that spoke against oby...don't u want/have kids??

Diuto said...

She is one of the few people speaking the truth. Unfortunately Nigerians dont want to listen to the truth until its too late

exciting lifestyle consult blog said...

Whtz rong wit dis woman? Or is she one of those planning. To assassinate our President? I love dat GEJ went to Borno whn pple least expected and dat he tuk everyone by surprise. More luv for my Presido

collins said...

I think the people insulting Oby here are the sycophants she mentioned.. How in God's earth will the president and leader of a people not visit a part of his country under terror attack for over two years untill it was a month to election? You say safety was the issue; does that mean the NE is now safe that is why he is visiting the region now? Maybe he went there to sympathise with victims and the displaced people really but anybody who has a brain cannot believe that story...
It's so sad that Naija is like this,..

#meestaFlash #pray4naija

Cecilia said...

In my opinion, shes right. I love GEJ but truth be told, he has a work to do. I voted for him during the last election but Im not so sure Im voting for him now. And I am not voting GMB either. S

Anonymous said...

And when do your government show solidarity to the people? After they have been massacred and kidnapped? Well, you all go ahead and keep following corrupt leaders with no accountability. We will see the end product. Oby Ezekwesili has criticized constructively as an educated sensible stakeholder. Kudos to her. Naija is in serious trouble while the citizens especially the youths are busy partying. You all should enjoy your fools paradise.

Anonymous said...

Keep hissing, when boko boys will cut your hands, your hiss will become cry and you will remember the words of wisdom from Mrs Ezekwesili.

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