Johnny began officially dating Amber Heard in 2012, a few weeks after he announced his separation from French actress and singer Vanessa Paradis, the mother of his two children.
Johnny was with Vanessa for 14 years and they had two children together but he never gave her a ring. During an interview in 2009, Vanessa said she'd never been married, that it was something she was looking forward to one day...hopefully with the father of her children. Johnny later did an interview saying he'd been married once and now understands you don't need a paper to define your relationship with someone you love, so it wasn't something he was eager to do again.
So two years after dating Amber, he's now ready to try marriage for a second time, but not with a woman who was with him for 14 years. Men biko, oya explain how you people reason...:-)
1 – 200 of 220 Newer› Newest»Looool crazy Americans ....... hes just a fucked up dude
We talking politics you talking nonsense
Kk wait 4 men. #oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
Wow is dis nt the guy in pirates of the Caribbean
Hmmm i wonder hw they reason too
We reason the way we want... Simple lol
MR EDDY said this heat wan kill person o.
There's a difference between a wife and a life partner. maybe the mother of his kids was not good enough to be his life partner. That's his choice sha...
Very senseless set of creations!
Men re wicked. Dey reason tru de anus. #oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
LINDA !!! Even if i tell you , you will not understand .
Men are very unpredictable.
That's just wickedness. Am sure Vanessa will be so heart broken. Eyah it is well
Linda dis man are full of deceit,may God help us in dem hands,am tried of dem................linda listen
Very stupid
Ahh dis is personal or individual thang, Linda don't generalize things not all men are fools, johnny is not with his senses for him to dump paradis for heard
Men reason with d tail in-between dia legs. Dts as far as dia reasoning goes.
Hmmm, a man wants what a man wants. But it is never about the length of a relationship, that truly does not count for much. E.g Khloe Kardashian and Lamar. This happens a lot even in our society. They say when a man knows, he knows, so, guess Depp knows now.
Such is life ooo
different men with different sense of reasonings .. so u cant determine how good or bad anybody thinks its ok for him or her
as in ehnn...explanation is needed
visit my blog
Linda the only explanation is, men are ruthless
it's crazy, really crazy....
just like any other man, we are unstable for real but Johnny is psychopath
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
well; shit happens.
The ways of men re unexplainable...........
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB.....
Linda the way men reason in this case is as simple as telling him what you want as a lady when his love and respect for you is very high. Linda did u
...............''''''' PRAY4NIGERIA? '''''''...................
IF i get free milk There is No need to buy the Cow..If you agree to play House with me without insisting on the right thing I too will not feel any urgent need to formalise anything..kapish
Explain wetin Linda? That man na fool ooh
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Our happiness is Key, it's not the number of years we have been together that matters. It's how happy I am being with you.
they mostly reason from their pants....
Things we do for tru love. If she does it(fuck he's brain to climax) right, he wil be under hz spell.
Communication,trust,hot sex,understanding. That's what we see as tru love. If one is missing then its just love
They are not loyal...
Una reward dey heaven ooo
Not All Men Dear Linda, anyways he loved her for procreation and not for Love.. Shikina..
.Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
They reason like mofos!!!!
Dear Linda,
I do not know where the confusion is coming from as it seems pretty clear. However, for the sake of irrefutable clarity process this analogy.
A Man (Johnny) is sold on the idea of washing his mouth with chewing stick and one day goes to a store where they are selling toothbrushes. He then proceeds to pick up a toothbrush (the old girl) with the aim of trying it out to see what the hullabaloo is about.
The store keeper at the time (the girls common sense) relinquishes his right to tell the man (Johnny) that if you test it and like it...you don buy market o!
Johnny then tests and tests am soteh him use two picking commot. After that he decides he likes the idea of tooth brushes.
What should he do now, being that there was nothing (no ring) tying him down to the old one
Should he stick with the old one he has tested or now open eye and look for the one he likes.
Thank you!
Linda your in spirit, abeg help us ask them. Cox 14yrs is 14days nor months. I will kill that man if possible.
Linda na which one u dey sef. That. Na johnny style na. Make we call yemi alade firat as still dey look for her johnny whether hin fit change mind again...lol!
Lemme wait too and read comments from men
Because I need answers to this question too
Linda u shouldn't be surprise. its no longer news that men only tink wit their dick. example can be drawn 4rm those dat was tripping for buhari's daughter on tweeter e.g bonario nngas
The only explanation I can giv is dat a white man is nt 100 percent sane
As sad as it seems, we need to understand something crucial. Although rare, It is possible to be with someone forever and not be in love. You only hang on cos you feel guilt or a certain emotion but not love...basically, we will never fully understand the chemistry of love and how it works. It's better you commit fully to the one your heart beats for. I feel sorry for Vanessa and I wish her all the best.
Linda are u asking them? Hmm,I tell u none of them will give u a reasonable answer only defencive one,na them sabi,the problem are those foolish single ladies that will never allow married men legally or not legally married to rest.
I find dis quite shocking...
If I were him I wil stick to d mother of my children.
He is a free being wit his own personal choice and decision. I can't judge bcos he knw better d in and out of y he married another lady instead of d mother of his children.
Ladies pls hear dis advice, don't move into d house of d man dat has not married u let alone start having kids for him.
Wit MEN feelings and love changes over time mostly choice, taste and preference for women.
A word is enough 4d wise.
Its called true love....but I thought Amber heard was bisexual...and has a girlfriend for 4years.....well, congrats to them.....
Some reason through their pants. Anyway the ex-wife should not worry, when one road close, another open. She should thank God for her kids
No comment Men oya nt boys oooo so Onxy Godwin don't comment.
but dis is totally unfair n reasonable 14yrs of her life haaa na curse na en d man go collect. dats y all dis baby daddy daddy baby me no support, shey she neva lose like dis smh men biko y?
Sometimes,they reason through their anus
=prittyog in the house=
Nothing like hw men reason here, the lady should be blamed bcos she couldnt fight for ryt....... No blame the man abeg linda....
He never loved the woman, he was just comfortable with her. If you love a woman, you put a ring on it, make her yours. Move over the woman was okay being a baby mama and not a wife.
Dats so hard 2 comment bt d two re 2 be blame,bt d guy takes more of d blame
No darling, they don't. If they do, the world could have been a lovely place.
Ha ha ha Haaaahaaa but na wa for we men oooo.
Dey reason based on d satisfaction of der third leg....some tho
It's simple, they don't reason at all
my dear linda it is still a mystery how men reason
Dahs really bad sha! I wudnt hav done dah to any woman...
Him no love the woman enuf, simple
hahahahah. dats men fir you u o. we do as we want n like. we in control of women affairs. heheheheh
with their a** somtimes.
Probably something he didn't like about her
Tuface had many baby mamas and only married Annie
Some women we love enough to Fuck and have kids with but not enough to marry
Some women don't even deserve marriage
The man can't be blamed because the wife obviously knew they were just cohabiting because the relationship was not defined from onset. So Shit happens
Hahahahahaha, that's bad that's bad 14years, what did nessa do? what did amber do to him?.. Linda I reason well some men don't maybe after making few mistakes the reasoning starts booting.
@Linda Ikeji. Really? Do we, men, ask you to explain every 'inappropriate' act performed by other women?! How you gonna ask such a stupid question,though? SMH for you.
easy! sometimes you think you are in love and realize later its actually not love, sometimes you hang in there to see if the love would come maybe for the sake of your kids but still the love refuse to come, its never a good idea to be legally bounded to someone you dont truly love and I personally think everyone deserves happiness, you should not compromise. Its harsh its sad but its the way it is.
Vanessa Paradis. She sang one of my most emotional songs of the 80s, in french of course. "Joe le taxi" even topped the British Charts in '88. And she was just 14 then. Johnny Depp thunder fire you for hurting my sweet, elegant chanteuse.
We reason like animals
sis me z speechless ooo
Marriage probably wasn't a deal breaker for Vanessa because she was with him for 14 and probably would have been unwed for more..Amber on the other hand must have stated clearly her terms...From experience ladies, if something is important to you,don't compromise..State clearly and pls don't give mixed signals..Men like the easiest way which might not be the better?
Then again for Vanessa,I won't beat myself too much 'cos he left after 14 years,marriage or no marriage..Hope she meets someone that would love her forever and marry her(if she wants to)..xxx
True.ask them o.
Linda, getting bored of these your men attacks. Go and settle down and raise a family and stop poisoning young ladies minds with 'men are this..men are that crap'
Have you forgotten that Johnny Depp used to be Jack Sparrow who used to do oddly and weird things. Don't blame him because once a Jack Sparrow always a Jack Sparrow
Linda we owe you no explanation. Don't use one isolated case to ask all men how we reason. Go ask Johnny how him dey reason.
it's very easy linda, just do one thing, let everything be about HIM and he will never stop loving you and he will do everything, the only problem is who takes care of you(the woman) since it's all about HIM
Lmaoo...no comment biko
It's naffin new. For 14 years he myt av been wit d wrong woman. And nw,he've met dat SPECIAL ONE. Simple! And linda,stop acting as if it's only men dat does dat::::::::
thats captain sparrow for u
That's Men for you Linda!, selfish and self centered. They will say, why pay for a goat you can get freely. It's an unfair world, but it's happening. Get this, " how else will a man divorce a woman who has suffered with him for 17yrs with three kids, called her a witch. After she had fed him from her sweat for years, but yet his own money went to girlfriends and prostitutes. It's a strange thing under the sun.
Dey reason 2ru dia anus... I na ju kwa ju... Penis controls dem #hoping4aworldwitoutmen#
I want 2 knw how dey reason oo cos in tire me sef
From their balls
Hm! Make I read comments.
Biko..I no fit answer this 1...
They reason anticlockwise Linda.
Linda are u asking them? Hmm,I tell u none of them will give u a reasonable answer only defencive one,na them sabi,the problem are those foolish single ladies that will never allow married men legally or not legally married to rest.
It's a good thing Vanessa equally moved on. Guess what Linda?
Vanessa Paradis dated american singer Lenny Kravitz for a couple of years, i i think it's five years.She was around 19. Lenny dumped Vanessa because he loved his playboy life and didn't want to settle down. He is the one who even introduced Vanessa to Johnny Depp. Eventually they started dating and decided to start a family. Craze wan kill Lenny.Backstabbing tinz! Lenny, who with time grew more mature, understood his mistake and expressed publicly deep regrets for letting such a sweet girl go. So when the official news of Johnny and Vanessa came out, Lenny seized the opportunity to hook back with Vanessa quick quick. They're together now, but the relationship is very discreet.
She knows how to give him exactly
Wat he loves #dontblamehim But love!
Hehehe in lindas voice
Well its a very simple explanation. If you allow a man to have the cookie, and by that I mean your body and your heart, before you let him know what you want from him and the relationship then trust me he will take your desires for granted because He who controls the cookie controls the relationship *in Gandolphs voice*. Amber Heard understands this basic principle well and used it to her advantage whereas Vanessa gave up the cookie too easily as evidenced by the two kids she had then started talking about wanting marriage after the fact, it dont work that way girlfriend..Niggaz aint loyal period!
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Power of a woman.......It all depends on the woman
Linda please you dont have to make look like all men are the same this is cruel i have to admit or maybe he never did love the mother of his childred
the both of them were deceiving themselves.
Linda its simple... she's younger and She's hotter....plus better sex, men are simple. I'm not a guy by the way...
Dont mind dem, dey jst turn u in2 a baby makin machine, afta suckin out d youthful & succulent part of u den dey Wil leave u 4 d next availabl figure 8 dt Wil help dem enhance & revamp dr old blood, dts y old men dis days arent getin old any longer cos dey are either marrying a young lad or keepin dem as dr mistress or side chic.
Na so so maggot full their brain na.... Mtcheeewww... It's d women dat decide 2 date one man 4 so many years I blame... U date sm1 as if na marriage.. Ontop of it, get pregnant and gv birth, 2 nt just 1, but 2 or 3.. Den d SOB, will still dump u and move on 2 sm1 else, dat he ends up wifing....
Men are so complicated. And they think women are too. Let me sit back and read comments cuz this thing baffles me too.
Dey dnt reason at alll.its dier fin dt reason for dem.Except the God fearing ones they can b soo hrtless.
He is marrying her as compensation, he is already a secondhand good.
Its simple,am a gal but I knw d answer. Men are wired totally differently,he just finally found some1 who culd make him commit.
Like Brymo sang 'prick e no get shoulder,e no get shoulder,u put em head d rest e enta'....dat thing has a mind of his own
*****MBAISE;my land,my pride****
Men dtz their way.. U have to make them dance to your tone. She went easy on him and Dtz what she got. No wedding
Men reason with their Dick and women try and respect your body u don't get a man by giving birth to kids anyhow.self worth Biko. #LASTBLACKgIRLiN9ja#
No sense,none at all! if a man is gonna marry you he will ,no need to be a wife when he has not put a ring on it,thats the mistake we ladies do.
Men reason with their Dick and women try and respect your body u don't get a man by giving birth to kids anyhow.self worth Biko. #LASTBLACKgIRLiN9ja#
Men reason with their Dick and women try and respect your body u don't get a man by giving birth to kids anyhow.self worth Biko. #LASTBLACKgIRLiN9ja#
Na wa oh!!! Make una write am make me & Linda baby read biko!
men these days re becoming more confusing than women lols
It's simple. When we are not ready we get a gf to be fucking. When we are ready we find a wife material and fling the whore away.
We Love who we love , that simple !
Simple. Amber doesn't "need" him. He's try to tie her down
linda did u mean "explain this to me" or its just me
Biko only him can explain..
That is men for u. So unpredictable.
@Sophia Stephen
His biz
Sometimes we dont reason well but na d script we play on earth....
The gods are not to blame
It's simple....through their anus.
Simple. Different from women folks. heheheheh
I wonder why!I wonder why !!!! Eee....
And u don't think women should come and tell us how they reason. After hearing that a man is in a relationship for 14 years and already has 2 kids, this lady still wants to marry him like mumu. Shiooooo
Linda what a dumb question......reason ke....they lack the ability to do so...it's in their gene.......or not......infact, they lack the gene that codes reasoning....ur question should be...."Y haven't they found a way around that genetic handicap"?....
That 2bad so d mother of his 2kids is not good to marry after 14 good years
That's not acceptable Depp
Most of them r just stupid or will I say act stupid
It is what it is
Ask them oh linda
She did not demand it from him. If she did, he would probably have put a ring on it.
Why men? Ask Johnny... sebi na him wan follow Cynthia.? who send am? Lol.~cezw
Daats how de behave linda..see him face like Oyibo rat!!
lINDA, that a man makes you wear the wedding gown, and give you ring does not make you the true one either. Even if you born ten children for am is no better off. MEN ARE JUST LIERS.
Linda this is just too much for me to write
Some Men are fools na, they don't value the sacrifice u make for them
Oh!that's not fair at all, she's not good to marry but good to be his baby mama abi Depp?mtchew..
Dear Linda, He is not a sample for 'ALL Men' and yes he did not give the woman a ring yet she had two kids.Did he force her? Knowing fully well she wants a real marriage she should not have had the second child or any for that matter.
Then there is the matter that she wanted it that way. Some women her treated unfairly cos they let it happen, believing that he will ask her. Having kids for a man does not necessarily mean he will marry you,may be in the good old day not now.
My eyes almost popped out @ 14 years without a ring..was the woman hypnotized?.
Simple! Why buy the cow when you are already milking it. His baby mama already gave him everything. What's the difference if they get married. Ladies, it's good to hold out :). All this playing wife role when u ain't thte wife yet. Always happens
What do u need men to explain to you?its simple!everywoman should know her worth and what she deserves!i bet you the Lady stood her ground saying marriage or nothing!and women don't give 100 percent of your self immediately. there should be some mystery.
Morale of d story... Never b a baby mama to a guy no matter aw rich, handsome or popular he is, cos if he's not rdy to marry u no numba of children will mk him.
Davido's GF
haaa too bad for venessa,not fair johny
They reason like fish sometimes. Quite exempted
We dey reason well.
Busy Fingers.
At 51... he had to put a ring on a younger woman. She is much easier to lose.
Its just one of those things. At times men act irrationally. Sometimes we feel what we've got is not gud enough. #its our curse
Don't mind them
Linda simple: men love a variety of women so if they notice ahead of time that you will not allow them to practice their God given talent then consider yoyrself out especially if you are a liability
We have buttons, u see. And if u learn to press the right ones, ur man will do anything to make u happy. A lesson for all women.
This thing called love, well its possible that this new lady is making him feel something that he didn't feel with the old lady.
This thing called love, well its possible that this new lady is making him feel something that he didn't feel with the old lady.
*addicted to linda ikeji's blog*
This thing called love, well its possible that this new lady is making him feel something that he didn't feel with the old lady.
*Addicted to linda ikeji's blog*
Love isn't fair,some time the right one don't seem right to take a plunge with into matrimony
Mouth sealed
Dats too bad..,
Till u get married!
their concern,every man no be 2face as every woman no be Kim kerdeshian
#Linda's give away
their concern,every man no be 2face as every woman no be Kim kerdeshian
#Linda's give away
Simple connection..when u see the right one it just clicks like that,u can't explain it..naso e be
No mind them. Their heads dey knock smetyms
How the brain of men work I dnt knw its God dat undastand dem cos no matter wat a lady do if d man no want am e no want am b dat it mite b 1small tin ds lady does dat made d man propose **just saying**
Men could be so foolish, all these years he was living with the mother of his children he didn't see her as a wife material, 14 wasted years. Oyibo sef na waooo.
Men could be so foolish, all these years he has been living with the mother of his children he didn't see her as a wife material, 14 wasted years. Oyibo sef na waooo.
We are all unique in our own ways. I guess every man shuld b able to answer for himself.
Linda don gbaguan"Dear men,please come and explain this me. How do you guys reason?" Loooool
I don't believe Johnny Depp has any explaining to do. Vanessa has already given him everything that comes with a marriage without the marriage itself. 14 years.....I beg after 2 years if there was no ring there wont be one babies or not......trust me.
Thank God its Pay Day - Grab some last minute Valentine’s Day gifts for him or her
You must be a man-hating bitch to assume all men have the same thought process.
Be wise women
It's selfishness and greed. Like the other one is a woman and she has gotten her self wasted and stocked to him already by having kids. So no matter what she's going to try to stick around. What's the use putting handcuffs on her. This one is way younger. She could run away. So the nigga's git to be smart take her completely his.
Find yourself a husband first then ask this question again.
I think village people are after d oda lady
She agreed to stay with him without commitment for 14 yrs, the other one didn't. Simple! No surprises here, it happens all the time. Men are babies, if you keep letting them get away with stuff, they will never rise to the occasion.
if na mi, i go kill m
How can u stay with a man for 14 good yrs without a ring?...I blame d lady, she doesn't know her worth.
Let me explain this to you Linda & Co. It's like this... He was with Vanessa for 14 years, she's beautiful but marrying her means settling for a less georgeous arm candy like Amber heard. Amber is younger, probably less wrinkles & firm tits.. Typical dick, just like most men...
This is the reason why, Johnny Depp is 51, Vanessa is 42 years old while his girlfriend Amber Heard is 28. He just got himself a young blood to rub his back as he grows old. He has forgotten that karma is a bitch!
Buh john Depp didn't do well..for dating a woman for 14years without a legitimate union
You women just won't get it so we won't bother trying.
She obviously has the X factor Vanessa didn't have.
It's not just about good looks and about how 'wonderful' you are with your friends, ex boyfriend and family. Also, If your ex was so wonderful why did you split up?
Your relationship with your husband or boyfriend is different from your friends and family, if you can't get on with him or understand each other the relationship will fail.
Some women/men understand that and a lot don't. The fact you have kids for him means nothing if he can't settle with you, commit with and grow old with you. A man needs to feel safe with you and loved by you, not nagged, compared, abused and used. If there is something disturbing him about you it won't happen. Just pray your man or woman is honest enough with you to let you know. It goes both ways. Relationships these days are self help ventures. You help each other to understand each other. No one is your Lord and master and sole provider (except Jesus Christ) dont sit there waiting for your partner to perform.
Don't judge your huband like your friends and family and don't expect the same relationship with him as you have with family.
he obv didnt like something about the other chic. maybe she was a thot! either that or he REALLLLLLLLY likes something about this new one
Mr Depp is still in adventure/fantasy land .
Goodluck to him and the women in his life .
You are absolutely right my friend... mystery is the key word yet keeping it real. shy*****a@gmail.com
everything is men men... the woman who is old enough to be his daughter and knowing fully well he had somone else and still put her head there no one is accusing her. the woman who was there for 14years and was comfortable enjoying the wealth and status of a star's girlfriend instead of looking for someone to marry. if depp wasnt a star, would she be in an uncertain relationship for 14years?
nobody is talking about her. nothing is wrong with men? it is women who dont know their worth anymore.
Linda how did you swallow my comment cos i know it made a lot of sense.
In just one word-SENSELESS.
Abeg anon 2:37 park well jor. What kind of mystery shud a woman hv with a guy for 14yrs. It's clear dat men always move onto something "better" when dey r rich. 14yrs ago Johnny Depp was no shit especially after a marriage dat ended. Nd he became rich nd famous decideds dat he's current chick doesn't deserve him. It's common with u guys, u stay with a girl when u r broke, smelly nd sweaty. As soon as d money comes u nlget d girl dat u knw if it wasn't for ur money nd New status she Wud not go for u. Look at Kevin Hart, short black nd ugly now engage to a mosey, Kanye west Hmmmmmm, . Anyway na una sabi. I will never ever marry a broke ass nigga in d first place. Am d girl your rich boyfrnd leave u for.
Maybe she wasn't the right woman. Good enough to have children with, but not good enough to spend the rest of his life with. What can I tell you, shit happens.
na celebrity style b dat! linda wen b ur own wedding self! u too fyn! wit all ur coke bottle shape n sizable nyash!
the lady admitted it herself that she had never been married. so why are you crucifying the poor fellow?
I I am not a man but I can say this...men love younger women.
Don't blame him o, d woman caused it naa... We all know most men are heartless and wicked, we jst av to be careful.. All is well..
You said it well though am a lady. We should learn to love our selves we are not pizza that every man can dip in d box and take a piece there should be dat special germ for ur husband
Men are heartless nau.. and can never be predicted at all
Hmmmm men sha
Shuttup ya mouth. Talkin as if you read a manual about life n shit.. everything in life happens for a reason bliv it or not. Till tomorrow Adele wil be grateful to the shitty boyfriend who dumped her cos he gave her the strength to become what she is right now. Chances are, Adele woulda been a nobody judt by clinging to him. Women dump men too so stop talking nonsense.
Oya men! Let d xplanatn roll if not I will whip som1here or many ;)
There is something between them which made him not to marry the mother his children. It is his life.
U r just a big fool.good enough 4 ur bed bt nt good enough 4 d alter.u hv no self respect
She might not be the marriage material, just strictly gf and shagging, just like Kourtney and Scott..
Such is life. Vanessa waited 10 years too long. Babies or no babies.
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