Dear LIB readers, should I take political ads? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 10 January 2015

Dear LIB readers, should I take political ads?

Abeg, I need y'all to help me out with this dilemma. Contrary to what some of you think, I haven't, so far, collected a dime from any political party to run ads or a story. If you see any banner ads on my blog, it's from Google adsense and not direct from me. And the stories are absolutely not sponsored.

But the thing is, in the last few months, and it has especially intensified in the last few weeks, reps of political parties have been coming to me to run their ads. And the kind of money they are throwing at me...OMG! Lol. So far, I have resisted. I restrict my ads to strictly brands but these political ad  people will not leave me alone. They say every media platform in the world run political ads so I should be open minded. I'm talking about APC, PDP, their supporters and enemies.

And the money is PLENTY! Like, y'all won't believe how much they are throwing at me.. Lol. What do y'all think? Should I run political ads from both parties? It could make me increase LIB Giveaway Mondays, so all of us will chop inside. Lol. Or should I just leave it alone? I'm sincerely confused. *sigh*


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Bosslady Chinwe said...

Lindafinest please collect the ads from both parties, it is strictly business no one will harm you biko you're in Gods hands I love you plenty and that's why am gonna put you in my prayers!

Unknown said...

Run it ooh

Anonymous said...

Just see your reason? It will make you increase monday giveaways. Dont use the fact that people sleep on rhis blog for money. If its money you want to increase your net worth take it. Dont use any givesaway to decide if you should accept it or not

Anonymous said...

Linda Go ahead oooo #PLENTYMONEY is involed.....Lol.....but linda which is ur party?

YMC said...

Linda take the ads. And I'm saying so not because you want to increase the Monday give aways.

It's business, take on the ads.
Once you give both parties the opportunity to advertise (no preferential treatment to either side), I think you'll be fine.
Kudos, girl!

Anonymous said...

Do your job Linda, you are a blogger... so blog!!

Nikki Billz said...

Why not lindodo pls take the political ads both from APC and PDP! Its an advantage,it will increase ur income and increase LIB giveaway! Pls take it so we all can chop politics money!

Unknown said...

In all honesty if u had not posted dis Linda I already felt u hv been posting all d ads before,buh nau since dey hv started approaching pls no waste time collect deir money.Ur job is ur Job,so let d ads roll in nd mk sure say u collect every penny wey d ads worth.

Anonymous said...

What did u call it Ad? U r already doing it without knowing, as long as its not provocative & incisive go ahead, if u don't cos of what people might say, they'll still talk after all.

Anonymous said...

No crime has been committed or wuld b committed wen u collect d money. Pls go ahead n collect it wotou any fear or favour, ure running a business.

Rx Mams said...

Leave it alone my dear

MZ G said...

It's 4 u 2 decide

Anonymous said...

Lol babe's run ur tin oooo,eat d moni too! Jez b open minded sha!...says Millionss

OlayinkaSmatt said...

linda. Its a free world. If u must run. Run for both parties. It dsnt stain ur personality and dsnt affect the integriy u ve built for dull urself o. Ts 2015 baby..

Anonymous said...

I know d money its tempting.. But how abt ur integrity? Cos he who pays d piper dictates d tune. Money is nt everything. Don't use giveaways to sway us to ur side. Politics is a dirty game. Can u play it? Its ur blog, u can do whatever u deem fit with it. God bless Nigeria..

Unknown said...

like seriously.. u ve got no problem with politics.. take ads and monetize jor.. and live life on.. anjoy urself..

Anonymous said...

Ok aunty linda I wud advice you stay away from such cause it wud affect you blog sooner or later and then you wudn't remember the 'plenty money' they threw at you.

lanre said...

Don't do stories, pls do ads.

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda,

I don't think there's anything wrong with taking Political ads. Think of your blog as a medium like a TV or Radio station. Advertising Political campaigns doesn't make them partisan. However, you might need to charge them the same rates as you charge other corporate clients...or if that's hard to do, have a uniform rate for the Political Parties. It doesn't make you a "sell-out". However, if you prefer a certain party and choose to push them vs. the other, that's another issue.


Olusoji said...

Sincerely it's not about the giveaway it is about the voice, the platform, the medium your blog could channel to a million of nigerians who are looking for the right candidate to vote.
You are doing this in the interest of the electorates. Linda go on and accept to run the ads

Esther said...

Pls collect the money share for us. Who no wan chop national cake? Kindly visit my beauty and business website

Anonymous said...

I know d money its tempting.. But how abt ur integrity? Cos he who pays d piper dictates d tune. Money is nt everything. Don't use giveaways to sway us to ur side. Politics is a dirty game. Can u play it? Its ur blog, u can do whatever u deem fit with it. God bless Nigeria..

bryan said...

Linda dear biko run that ads...its biz n we r here to make money at least lets get our share through thoughts

seun adegboye said...

wetin concern for there, abeg chop money yafun yafun, and no forget me o when the money enter

OlayinkaSmatt said...

linda. Its a free world. If u must run. Run for both parties. It dsnt stain ur personality and dsnt affect the integriy u ve built for dull urself o. Ts 2015 baby..

Jmama said...

Lindiwe collect the money and give since you don't want o. Please run the Ads

Anonymous said...

Linda, collect your money jor. after the election, that one go pass. But be careful make the advert no come be like say na you dey personally support any candidate.

Unknown said...

Abeg Collect the money and enjoy cause after the elections,they may not remember you but don't use insults on any opponent as maybe directed by their counterpart.

Neekee said...

Follow ur heart politics as dirty as it is let them not assassinate u but the money is plenty sha it takes grace if God to say no

Jules said...

Dearest Lin Lin, my surest advice is to chop and clean mouth ooo. Collect the ads even if Labour party bring their own, collect am. What is your own at the end of the day to be loyal to one party. Biko me ihe di nkpa and include more people in the giveaway

Anonymous said...

Please Linda dont put your neck into politics because the game here is dirty! The money is inviting but the danger trails the offer. You could become a target! We need you around, your family needs you. A word is enough for the wise but the final decision is yours to make.

kibrisolofofo said...

You can go ahead and take it but let your publication be neutral . No support to any political parties .

Unknown said...

Please Linda don't get involved in this our naija politics saga because once you're in you're in...I know the money is tempting but being neutral about the whole thing is worth more.

Uche said...


Anonymous said...

Ok aunty linda I wud advice you stay away from such cause it wud affect you blog sooner or later and then you wudn't remember the 'plenty money' they threw at you.

Unknown said...

I suggest you run it jawe, since money is involved, yours is to run d ads not to get who eventually votes for them...

Uche said...


Unknown said...

I suggest you run it jawe, since money is involved, yours is to run d ads not to get who eventually votes for them...

distin said...

see question......u better chop money and safe for raining days....

Unknown said...

Abeg collect the money

Anonymous said...

It is ur blog, it is advert, not as if y are campaigning for anybody, linda u are a biz woman, so think with ur head.

Anonymous said...

You have a very popular platform which every advertiser will pay for to utilise. The money is the fruit of your labour. Take the adverts and make your platform available to all those who can pay the cost. Enjoy the fruit of your labour.

Anonymous said...

Abeg collect the money and post thieir adverts . After all, you aren't campaigning for any of them. Or are you?

Joyous Joy said...

Lol.. Aunty lin lin since it will increase the give away and I may probably chop inside, abeg collect bt my advice is that you should not be bias. Just post it as it's sent to you. If u agree then we're good to go. After all na business*winks* #my2centopinion# Bt d final decision lies with you sha.

landlord said...

Linda....even if you run or you don run,who will win will surely win,all that matters here now is the money involved,babe I cus advice you collect the money,

ebony said...

My dear do ur thing n chop money. Na ur fault say money dey pursue u? Run d Ads, get ur pay n impact lives.
Welldone babe

Anonymous said...

Accept the money but clearly identify them for what they are. You run sponsored stories without revealing they're ads. Also consider accepting ads from lesser known parties at cheaper rates. PDP and APC are mainstream parties. They have the money and muscle to be seen and heard. You can use your platform to bring more voices into the process.

Samie said...

Hello Aunty Linda,

You can run the the advert on you blog.It is called business.

Anonymous said...

You have a very popular platform which every advertiser will pay for to utilise. The money is the fruit of your labour. Take the adverts and make your platform available to all those who can pay the cost. Enjoy the fruit of your labour.

Mr Urch34 said...

It's better not to dine with d devil than to dine with a long spoon, though opinion an a** but I will advice against it...Reasons been that both parties are madly serious in there campaign to rule this country this year. And remember he whom much is giving much expected from him. You hav peace of mind now bcs u kept them at armslenght but immediately u started taking money frm them dnt be suprise some will pay extra for u to put down the other party's ad. When u say no wahala go start(threats) so better let them b. We still love the much u share,no need of trying to increase it and we lose all. MR.URCH

Anonymous said...

But your stories has been againt GEJ.

Unknown said...

in my opinion........ there is nothing wrong in accepting political ads. just dnt accept derogatory ones.

Joyous Joy said...

Lol.. Aunty lin lin since it will increase the give away and I may probably chop inside, abeg collect bt that is if you would not be bias. Just post it as it's sent to you. If u agree then we're good to go. After all na business*winks* #my2centopinion# Bt d final decision lies with you sha.

Anonymous said...

I think you least from both parties...not just'll just be like a aren't being biased or you get extra cash...its all business.

Anonymous said...
Dear Linda,
Refer to your advert for advice.
NO.Remain neutral. Yes money is good and never enough but IT CAN STILL BE. You have money already! who you will support, show it on your voting franchise. the Thick Darkness is dangerous though Dim Light is weak, REFRAIN FROM OUTRIGHT SUPPORT.
Thank you.

Unknown said...

You're a business woman first of all and then a blogger. I suggest u accept d offers n not bring bias into it. You're not campaigning for any party, ur just running their ads that's all.

SunnyBriggs. said...

I see nothing wrong in putting up political ads from both parties. But such ads should be screened, so long as they're not cartoon character of opposing party or defamatory stuffs so u don't get your self in a mess. It's really your call Linda.

Unknown said...

I want to openly advice u not to badly repute ur future cos of money. Pls @Linda, u hv to be politically neutral if u rilly want to protect all u hv laboured for years. God bless and protect u from every unhealthy influences

adaeze said...

I think u should..its no big deal..collect d moni n chop from all of them wether PDP,APC n wat av u

3ZEMUOR HB said...

linda *in low voice* COLLECT THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AQO said...

Collect from all of dem joor. PDP APC, LP, ANPP, APGA, HIV, LGBT, USA gbogbotigbo o. Dem b magas n u r just a business woman. All na chopping out of d national cake. Abeg collect d money n do d work well. If u no collect, walahi, I go swear 4 u.

Jesus is Lord.

Gentletee said...

I think you should take those ads as it does not in any way make u partisan. It is a recognition of To them they believe they will have value for their money. So please go for it. Don't u know that we have seen you beyond where u see yourself in time to come?

Anonymous said...

Is not all about the money about the kinda confusion your gonna be bringing to your blogs just think wisely #bright bravo# ‪7EFA4A13

Anonymous said...

You are a loudmouth!!!!! Of course you know all your fellow knuckheads will advice you to take the money, you know You want the money so you can shove it in peoples faces......

Unknown said...

Pls Linda love,collect d money and share part of d national cake wit us.LIB loves

Anonymous said...

lol..nne whatever rocks ur boat na the way. In all we do, as long as it satisfies our conscience. or u can as well ask ur daddy. He will know better. ur good is his interest. for us here, our interest is our interest if u know what I mean

Mr. Tee said...

Hahaha...Linda it seem you have already made up your mind on what to do. Well, I will say run the ad of both parties so it won't be like you are on anybody's side. Common let's chop this money.

nekkyville said...

Linda Abegi collect oh..its bizness biko mayb I fit chop inside d LIB givaway sins av neva bin lucky..weda PPC,DPP,CPA,PDP,APC,n all of dem biko colect.weda friends or enemies biko collect

Ifeanyi Ikeji said...

Nwannem nwayi, MBANU! Don't blog just for money,do it because it's an art you like. Copy a leap from CNN and co. Politicians will use and dump you. They will make you look partisan. And when those you put their news more often don't get the peoples mandate. Imagine what the opposing party will do?

Roman! said...

Dear Madam linda. I want you to know the moment you start political ads..The credibility of your blog is gone..I SAY NO

Unknown said...

hi linda, u can go ahead. but please, let them understand your terms and condtions.

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, As long as you don't take sides, I don't see anything wrong. This is business and there are no sentiments in business.

Unknown said...

Linda I think u should take it, moreover they ve plenty money to spend

QueenSheba said...

Collect please. It's d benefits of ur job/hobby. As long as u ain't partial.

Unknown said...

personally i feel you are too classy to run the kind of advert this our messy politicians would want you to run, everything is not about money, remember how i started

Anonymous said...


I am sure you don't need advice, you know what to do!.

Unknown said...

Please run their ads o, just don't be biased nd don't make it seem like u are supporting one party than d other... that said, remember us when d money comes o... lol

Mubaraaaaak said...

You are in Business . just be sure to give equal opportunities. you actually may help the masses get more informed.

Anonymous said...

Babes, pls don't miss this opportunity and regret later. Pls accept it but be neutral about it. Abeg its in another 4years. Widen up dear. Your money won't get to me but am just advicing u as a friend or sis

oj said...

Is just an advert, sure u can go ahead so far your blog will be open to all political parties.

Unknown said...

My dear don't hesitate, take it . its your job. Make them realise that it won't stop you from uploading any news about them. Shikena

Anonymous said...

My dear, its okay to take adds but be fair to all parties and don't do their "hate" statements... Just keep it strictly to why they want us to vote for them and not all the unfounded negative jibes we see flying around. They can use their personal twitter handles if they wish to do those.

Unknown said...

Linda pls don't dull ooo. Run the ads for dem that's ur share of the national cake

tim said...

sincerely,fink u should do it Linda.....

Anonymous said...

I know its hard to resist but I'd advise you not to accept.
A concerned fan

AAA said...

Dearest Linda you are running a business not a charity,the fact that you haven't employ people yet doesn't mean you won't have operational cost in the future,just be sure the ads are not derogatory and you must collect from both parties and be fair and forget come pay tithe to me,biko if google is making money why not Linda Ikeji...biko u earn it chop clean mouth

ohio said...

Linda..please run it....just don't post anything that will insult or accuse oppositions......make it clear your are in it for the business...not to support anybody in particular......

tolafahm said...

God has blessed u with or without any political advarts or campaign. Money is not everything but think of your career and where you want to be in the future.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should dear, politics is such a dirty game. You are far too favoured by God to stain your hands with them evil people. The Ads wil start like it means nothing, before you know it other devilish things will start coming up, u may find it difficult to extricate yourself. May God give you the grace to make the right decision

Unknown said...

Run the ad but no favoritism attached. Whoever pays for the ad u place up irrespective of which party it is.

twinkle said...

Why not!as far as your taking from all parties and not being bias.You have are great platform they can use to inform Nigerian on their agenda.See it as a civil responsibility

twinkle said...

Why not!as far as your taking from all parties and not being bias.You have are great platform they can use to inform Nigerian on their agenda.See it as a civil responsibility

Okoro said...

If you are doing it with a clear mind, abegi collect it. Its the people that will still decide.
And yes, make we all follow Taste am!!!

Unknown said...

This is very simple this your work your farm you don't any other business as long as your open minded there is nothing wrong with that. If you can neutral about it is fine don't support one particular party .

Okoro said...

Collect it lemme see their graphics.

Anonymous said...

Dearest linda, flag both parties on ur blog and make ur money. Its ur time dear, keep shining

Anonymous said...

Nne collect money.its ur work.BARRISTER O.

Unknown said...

Lol,as long as you run ads for both parties,that's okay.

garri boy said...

Sister collect the money. As long as u run ads from all parties to prove you are unbiased. You neutrality is what matters, there's no reason why you shouldn't run it. And, really all media platform runs it. I'm not even saying dis becos of the money.

Ifeanyi Ikeji said...

Nonsense, CNN don't run political ads. If they are looking for where to run political ads, they should go to NTA and AIT, thats their specialty. NOT your blog...

Anonymous said...

Linda,you can run political adverts on your blog,provided u remain neutral.It`s just like any other newspaper or outdoor advert.Nwanne nata ha ufodu ego oil anyi.

Unknown said...

LoL. Knowing u, dis is probably a heads up 2 us all cs ya decision has bin made. Collect d mon dat u've bin collecting since; only dis time, u'll have real peace of mind

twinkle said...

Why not!as far as your taking from all parties and not being bias.You have are great platform they can use to inform Nigerian on their agenda.See it as a civil responsibility

Anonymous said...

Bring it on joor. I want to follow chop linda.

twinkle said...

Why not!as far as your taking from all parties and not being bias.You have are great platform they can use to inform Nigerian on their agenda.See it as a civil responsibility

twinkle said...

Why not!as far as your taking from all parties and not being bias.You have are great platform they can use to inform Nigerian on their agenda.See it as a civil responsibility

Unknown said...

Linda it's your own share of the national Akara, please don't waste time in collecting it and remember to give me my share please.

Unknown said...

Linda biko collect d money, people will only frown wen u run ads 4 a particular party

Unknown said...

Go ahead Linda. Its not wrong to do accept the deal

Anonymous said...

Collect pls, u r in business to make profits jare

Frederick O said...

Linda Go all bout the money baby

Anonymous said...

Please don't, because it could cause yawa later on, politics and its dirtiness, they will simply want their money's worth in d nearest future. For the LIB giveaways we can manage.... Ur sanity matters more to us, dont let those old peeps confuse u

Frederick O said...

Pls do

Abdul Mk said...

linda na our money.. jst collect tam

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,

I follow you very well and I always appreciate your vision and dreams but to sacrifice the things you have labored for over years for money will be totally destructive my dear.

I believe you are looking beyond what you currently do to becoming a legend tomorrow of which you are on your way to becoming that already.

There is nothing in sacrificing our name for money. Even if you are so sure that a particular candidate will win, don't do it for anyone. Your platform is not for chop I chop. You are a role model already and God has blessed you in all things and He is yet going to do more. Let no one say he make you rich.

They will come after you latter should they win or loose.

Obasanjo lost it to third term
Jonathan is losing it to sacrificing the lives of Nigeria for a return to Office by refusal to fight Bokoharam. Farouk lost a promising career to money. Pst Tunde Bakare paid channels for his messages but they removed it when he began to state what the station doesn't believe in.

Keep at your Vision and stick to what you believe. Integrity means standing for what you believe even at gun point. There is no money anyone gives you that can be compared to the things God has prepared for you.

Your vision has become a universal currency already, your name can buy you anything anywhere from those who appreciate you.

Don't get involved please. I'm sure you are not in a haste. if God can give you a range rover, there is nothing anyone can give you that you can't have with time.

We love you with passion and keep making us proud.


Anonymous said...

My candid advice to you hun. Sometimes is not all about money but integrity. Can u live with the guilt after collecting money, running ads and supporting them? the supposed party leaders still leave the country in a hot mess. If u can live with that, Fine. If u cant, pls stay away honey.

akano s. olaide said...

My dear Linda, collect political ad but make sure you made it clear you are collecting from both political parties or any parties that brought there ad....all is well

Anonymous said...

linda pls, don't go into politics is very tempting but if you resist, I think later, you will be glad you did,..pls take my advice don't take their money pls I beg you

Lokmak Landi said...

Not all dat glitters is cold... don't get urself involved in politics. readers mite misconceive it and it will not augur well for the blog

Anonymous said...

linda take the add lib needs the money

Anonymous said...

My candid advice to you hun. Sometimes is not all about money but integrity. Can u live with the guilt after collecting money, running ads and supporting them? the supposed party leaders still leave the country in a hot mess. If u can live with that, Fine. If u cant, pls stay away honey.

Princyd said...

Lindaaaaa dnt get tempted just remain neutral before you get yourself entangled.... Politics is a dirty game... Be warned

Princyd said...

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\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Lindaaaaa dnt get tempted just remain neutral before you get yourself entangled.... Politics is a dirty game... Be warned

Anonymous said...

take the add we need the money

Anonymous said...

Linda babee. U dey ball ooo. I hail thee. Abeg, run adverts abeg. Yeso, media platform shld be unbiased, so shld run any form of adverts including political. Shebi u gt disclaimer, ehn ehn. U go just post am as it's being sent & u won't give any person opinion. Carry go jor! NB. Gt urself a gud lawyer in case yamwa wan gas! Lov LIB!

Unknown said...

Linda nwa Ikeji! A juju gi nka wen kwa kodi. Biko Ana kwa oshinti na oso elue?


Unknown said...

Linda i am going to b straight to u. This is business and I personally don't see any reason u should not do it. Just be sure to make it strictly business. Don't start campaigning for any party.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, the money is good. Trust me i know what the parties are capable of and could possibly be offering but i want you to know that you are more than just an entertainment blog. Millions of nigerians in nigeria and all over the world read your blog. you now have a voice linda ikeja and you must use your voice for good. Think of oprah winfrey during the elections. she endorsed for obama because she believed in good. don't be like every other simple minded nigerian and sell your soul for money. the future of nigeria kind of depends on some of your stories you post because people are eddicted to this blog. Also i want you to do your research and listen to the parties. dont be an ignorant bystander and just post bull stories that could influence how people vote. although i am not a fan of buhari jonathan has done absolutely nothing and you know it. please listen to the speech buhari running mate gave during the town hall meeting and publish it..i have never believed so much in a change in nigeria. linda don't sell your soul for money and take ads even if many will advice you to. think of more than just the nice house you will buy or the giveaways. can you give millions of nigerians giveaway? it matters what you do on your blog. please know that and use it for good.

Slimayo said...

Omo iya abeg run this thing joor, wetin concern you if them no even win. Take the money from them and give them what they want.

Anonymous said...

It's called opportunity my dear, grab it with both hands but please don't show any bias leanings to any party, make it a strictly business affair. Ask Kwam 1 how he did it for the Obanikoro and Fashola song. My acct no is 0011234536, gtb. Send my cut abeg

Anonymous said...

Stay away from politics biko. God will bless your hustle in a better way.

Unknown said...

No, Linda. Be neutral. There is a reason CNN refused political ads. It's to remain impartial when reporting a story. U might lose followers especially if some are not in favor of a particular candidate. #just#myown#2cents#

Anonymous said...

i think personally, u should run ads for both parties, and let it be clear that it was a sponsored ad. afterall this is what you do for a living. man must chop nw. cheers

Anonymous said...

go with the party you believe in and u know u will fill happy and satisfied dip down that uve helped in driving the true image of the party. then u can talk about the money :-).

Unknown said...

Linda go for it.since it''s advert,other media outfit does that.since you are taking from both' ve got nothing to lose.

Unknown said...

Linda sincerely, its ur bussiness. This is where u make ur daily living. Once the Ad does not in any way put u on a tight corner. Nne carry go. By the way like they said other medias run ads for political parties.

Unknown said...

No, Linda. Be neutral. There is a reason CNN refused political ads. It's to remain impartial when reporting a story. U might lose followers especially if some are not in favor of a particular candidate. #just#myown#2cents#

desmond said...

is cool

Anonymous said...

As long as you give them the same amount of time and don't give your own political views.

Anonymous said...

Lindodo...collect the money and put a disclaimer as a foot note on those ads... Lool.... My sista,why wait till December to start making money

Anonymous said...

NNE, no think twice biko! Lekwanu anya o...just be open, n chop d money.

Anonymous said...

Run far as you're not afflicted to any party

Anonymous said...

Linda take it. As long as you're not taking sides. It's business. And please don't run their stories

Anonymous said...

Linda take it. As long as you're not taking sides. It's business. And please don't run their stories

desmond said...

its okay.

blueprincess said...

I tink u shld take afterall placin adverts is ur job but dont b bias about it...dnt b infavour of any party

Anonymous said...

linda wat kinda question is dat, dnt u wnt us to benefit frm the national cake this is the only platform 4 sme of us 2 chop frm, dnt misuse the opportunity.
they r busy throwing money about and u dnt wnt it 2 reach us.... shine ur eyes ooo

Anonymous said...

Abegi, you are in business to make pay, so if ads come, why not? provided you don't form an opinion and air it. I love the disclaimer you put at the end of every post.

Anonymous said...

Please do y not if not...better start gathering money from these thieves just in case Nigeria scatters so u have enough to elope.make sure to get paid in dollars by d

Unknown said...

Aunty Linda, please, biko nu, take ooooooooo.....

Anonymous said...

why would u even be askin take the money and share 2 us abegiii

Anonymous said...

@linda take frm both..dis is naija..

truth is bitter said...

carry go joor ,chop your money, it your time as long as you made it clear to there agents you are collecting ADs from both parties

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I will comment on your blog Linda. Kudos for the good works and for advancing this far. You are an inspiration to many.

Well, you could advertise politicians if you are all out to make money. But, like mainstream media, that adhere to principles entrenched in their editorial ideology for any publication, you should define the kind of advert request you would take.

Remember, you owe your success to the love, loyalty and commitment of your readers--who are also your fans--so their interest should come first. Would they appreciate you extolling a candidate who they consider a longtime impedance to Nigeria's progress? No. Hence your advert could only be a harbinger of potential damning days ahead if the candidate won.

Note that newspapers that advertise all politicians, both good and evil, have an editorial page saddled with the moral responsibility to criticise and call out any public figure who stepped out of line. This is a balance.

However, that is organised media; you only have a blog, albeit a very popular and successful one.

My advise is: if you cannot find that balance, which may result in enraging your readers, stick to what you do. There is a fine line between business savvy and greed. Doing what you should not do for the sake of money is greed. And you achieved so far without being greedy. You have built a reputation based on your readers' love. Don't tax their affection and destroy that reputation.

Austin said...

go make your money dear.. its doesn't mean u are being bias its just business and nothing more so choose who ever pleases u more..and sure increase lib giveaway mondays bcos I'm gonna get lucky next tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Linda, please go ahead and run them. Ads only. Please do not take a stand in any of your articles for any political parties. And also note be fair to all parties.

Unknown said...


Any affiliation?......where's ur allegiance?.

I say that becos you have a great role to play in the future of Nigeria....

But still, thank God they re offering you money. so pick the party u really like and still collect money.....

LIB giveaways biko.

Hintealand said...

Linda i don't think you need anybody to make you accept the offer.

............''''''' PRAY4NIGERIA '''''''.............

DARK DIARY 🤐 said...

Dear Linda, just be open minded like a TV station because you will own one soon. Take the Ads of all the parties and don't be biased. St.remy

Unknown said...

Uv never given m money with everything na so why should I care

omolara sijuade said...

Hmmmmm,u can if it has no implications but it can still ave later implication(s),forget d lib giveaways dats nt d point.jst sit and think abt it..dnt forget money is d root of all evil#jstsaying#

Anonymous said...

Abeg go ahead & take dem ads.....make sure u take & run d adds....cos its all about biznass here......*mo' money dis year*......this year...this year............

Anonymous said...

Linda collect moni chop clean mouth joor,u beta eat ur national cake as e dey hot nw

Guchi said...

Sissy Linda, publish both sides and chop your money! If possible even let them have debate on your blog. The way I see it, your blog is just like the newspaper, they are paid by both sides and publish their ads. This season will not come again for another 4 years. My advise, make hay while the sun shines. That said, take care and keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Collect it.. lolz!


Well Linda its simple, it's a business. Post d Ad's nd make ur money. Its all news.and let it be just dat. News! And post. D issue will be if u re perceived to be biased. If u can avoid dat den babe by all means expand LIB..... All u re doing is advertising.

Unknown said...

Linda, this blog is your business place and a source of income for you. Run the ads but do not be partisan. Do not pledge allegiance to any particular party because elections come and go but your viewers remain and it won't be nice to piss them off or get entangled in political brouhaha. You are a professional so deal as one.

Anonymous said...

linda linda linda hw many times did i call u ? if u dnt take those advert nd money ehnn i will report u 2.......... fr mbaka

Unknown said...

Take the advert Linda, provided u are being plane to both parties, besides in this country no body sends for u wen u are gone so better grab the opportunity u have now and make ur generations yet unborn wealthy, more over fb advertised for obama wen he was contesting for us president first tenure, as a matter of fact the media nowadays is one of the fastest means of reaching the public. so take the advert .

Seun A. said...

Linda, the essence of setting up any business is to maximise profit nah! So why can't u run political ads? My sister, more money niyen o! Just ensure that u r neutral.

Anonymous said...

take jorr

Unknown said...

Lolzz@linda, abeg chop out of d national cake jare, accept their offers but abeg tell dem about my website too o, or u can link me up to dem so dat dey can place ads on my website too, I'm serious o. Me self go lik chop out of their money.

Unknown said...

Take the advert Linda, provided u are being plane to both parties, besides in this country no body sends for u wen u are gone so better grab the opportunity u have now and make ur generations yet unborn wealthy, more over fb advertised for obama wen he was contesting for us president first tenure, as a matter of fact the media nowadays is one of the fastest means of reaching the public. so take the advert .

Unknown said...

Lolzz@linda, abeg chop out of d national cake jare, accept their offers but abeg tell dem about my website too o, or u can link me up to dem so dat dey can place ads on my website too, I'm serious o. Me self go lik chop out of their money.

Unknown said...

Dey there dey claim holy holy my dear na money sure pass Minewhile just be neutral thats all.i repeat do not support any political party just be neutral and just run ads for the two parties 50 50 no cheating.

Anonymous said...

Linda, use ur head... Power of incumbency stands

Unknown said...

Yes na, collect your money and run their ads for them

Anonymous said...

why r u dulln take advert nd money wetin?? no make me vex ooo

Anonymous said...

Hey linda. I dont think it hurts to show ads belonging to these peeps coz we would keep seeing their adsense ads anyway. However there could be limitations. Dont let them have the backdrop. It would piss so many people off including me . Also the in post ads should be avoided. They can focus on a few managed placements.

OMG!WOMAN said...

Hahahaha hahaha the last paragraph cracked me into pieces. Linda you're not just a clown o but crazy. You're sense of humour mehhhnnn. Hmmm I would say take it. Since its from both parties, that means you're not particularly in support of any you're just putting their ishess out there.

m3star said...

It is ok to accept Political ADs but remain impartial. It is good for your Business growth but don't change who you are. Remain Linda Ikeji and true to your Self and Soul.

Unknown said...

Then also, you cant run adds from both parties nah?...

I don't think you can do that.*** unless they don't give u that clause.....

Then also, its not an endorsement deal.,....

Abeg which ever!...

Na you be the only real celebrity when dey touch peoples lifes.

So collect the money and God help Nigeria.....( we still dey pray that prayer )

Unknown said...

My dear Linda,
Please stay out of it!

Unknown said...

no time oo
linda, collectam fast fast, na only u waka come?

After all its just an Ads, u didnt pull it on by yourself alone

Anonymous said...

No you shouldn't sponsor them.

A smart person would steer well away from political partnerships. If you want to stay in the game for long, then decline politely


pepe said...

Linda na na dere u dey chop abeg do am no hard feelings jor

Anonymous said...

Am just in love with you. not in sexual way oo. Am a female Love the sincerity of your blog... I believe you can take the offer as long as you advertising both parties and not restricted to one so people will know its just for the business, that you not taking sides... use your church mind.. lol. I am your number one fan.. been reading your blog for over 2 years... this is my first time of dropping a comment

Unknown said...

Linda take oh.. its just business.

Gift said...

Run ad for both parties but be careful.

pepe said...

Linda na na dere u dey chop abeg do am no hard feelings jor

Anonymous said...

wat kinda ques is dz even my 4yr old son knws wat to do in situatns lik dz.. dnt let d opportunity pass u by!! i hv spoken..

Anonymous said...

Pls take o,its your business that you are doing

Unknown said...

Eyaa,may God bless u for your honesty

I will suggest that you rather remain neutral when it comes to advertising.If you can advertise for the various parties without outrightly pitching them against themselves and still make money from it,that would be reasonable

But if u have to pick one,i'ld you didn't so as not to be called various undeserving names

May God help you to take the best decisions


Unknown said...

Lili, abeg collect d money. Don't forget politics is jux a game

Anonymous said...

Frm my own point of view,i wil advice u to run frm it. These politicians can destroy all u hav achieved in life. Remember,they say moni is d root of all evil so advice u to leave dem wit their moni. U did not get dis far tru dem so y nw. Thanks chuks

Unknown said...

U knw within urself wat u truly wnt, all I can say it for u to follow ur mind my dear bst blogger linda.

@sugarcassie said...

Please do, though I was thinking you were being biased. But now I know better #smile#. We all know this is your source of livelihood. And this opportunity comes once every for years. I really hope something change this year. We have had enough, this past years. We need something different. CHANGE

Unknown said...

Linda, u no dey pray ni? If u in a confused state, den pray abt it nd let God order ur steps. Wat do u expect frm libers b4. Tak both noni won ma so

Unknown said...

Yes.. . do what u wanna gal... . Collect their money and give part of it back to the soceity.... It's your life miss... Whether or not you Collect, they will still do what they want to do.

Anonymous said...

Pls,take o,its your business that you are doing

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