Dear LIB readers, should I take political ads? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 10 January 2015

Dear LIB readers, should I take political ads?

Abeg, I need y'all to help me out with this dilemma. Contrary to what some of you think, I haven't, so far, collected a dime from any political party to run ads or a story. If you see any banner ads on my blog, it's from Google adsense and not direct from me. And the stories are absolutely not sponsored.

But the thing is, in the last few months, and it has especially intensified in the last few weeks, reps of political parties have been coming to me to run their ads. And the kind of money they are throwing at me...OMG! Lol. So far, I have resisted. I restrict my ads to strictly brands but these political ad  people will not leave me alone. They say every media platform in the world run political ads so I should be open minded. I'm talking about APC, PDP, their supporters and enemies.

And the money is PLENTY! Like, y'all won't believe how much they are throwing at me.. Lol. What do y'all think? Should I run political ads from both parties? It could make me increase LIB Giveaway Mondays, so all of us will chop inside. Lol. Or should I just leave it alone? I'm sincerely confused. *sigh*


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Unknown said...

Ah u de ask such questions? U connect to many with information than any platform I can think of in Nigeria. If e go make some of us get from ur give aways ah na good (OMG) its a welcome development.

Anonymous said...

Its an advert nd u not forcing any political party on any1...soo biko chop ur money...#1sttimetocomment

Prettybee said...

Pls don't. Stay neutral and do what you know best to do which is blogging

Unknown said...

I think you should.

Anonymous said...

Linda, my take on this is that many have gone that way before now and have been thrown in the dustbin of time. Yes , good money will come from Politicians but will you be able to turn down Ads that fuels crisis when such are sent to you for publication ? I think God has been sufficient for you. With or without money from Politician , you are well of. Don't be linked to any of these Politicians and Parties. God Bless Nigeria , God Bless you. - Olayemi.

Anonymous said...

Infact linda do 4 both parties if its possible so it won't b lik u ar on anybody's side. Moreova dts double moni 4 u. My opinion anywy(DEE)

Anonymous said...

Biko collect o..afterall Na still our money..directly or indirectly.take ads for both parties sef,that would show that you're on no ones side.

FOLARIN• said...

Please run the adverts o
As long as you are objective about it
No ass licking, no running of the other party down etc

Just be careful and YES increase LIB giveaway.


Anonymous said...

Yimu...Abi you've already taken it...

NUBIAN said...

Morning Linda,God bless you for your openmindedness,I couldnt help laughing when i saw the "we go follow chop inside line. Hilarious it is...bUt to the matter @ hand,there is no harm in taking ads from them but just know where to draw the line.Dont support any of party.Leave it @ pure business. May God teach u the right way to Go,Amen.

Unknown said...

Collect the money biko

DR.WHO said...

I sincerely think you should ask your father /parents. U need their blessing before dabbling into politics. Plus set rules now on what u post and what u won't on time, so that money doesn't waive your sense when the time comes.

Unknown said...

Its good u said that the ones here already are not from you cos i was gonna ask u privately. In my own opinion dont succumb to their demands. Will u choose one over the other? Or will u advertize the two in other to bring more conflict? Dont make ur blog a place for political party advertorials please cos might dent ur image.##MyOpinion##

Anonymous said...

Accept am jare.. Do u even nid angels to come down from heaven to tell u should accept it?..just try to b neutral ...enjoy babe..@salesco

Unknown said...

Pls collect money.dearie..God ll keep on blessing you

DR.WHO said...

I sincerely think you should ask your father /parents. U need their blessing before dabbling into politics. Plus set rules now on what u post and what u won't on time, so that money doesn't waive your sense when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

It would be unprofessional Linda.. I understand the dilemma but I would be disappointed if you do..I have truly come to like your blog.

Anonymous said...

Please run it. Your integrity is very important. Money will come and go

Anonymous said...

Linda the best u can do is to run advert frm both political parties and make ur money. It won't look as if u one sided... keep it open for both parties babe and let all of us chop cos Itz business and Itz what u do... dee

Ochuko Arhiakpore said...

Yes,Good for us all, at least giveaway go reach most people hand.

GEJ till 2019


Unknown said...

Collect from both... support none said...

Pls lindiway Collect all we need money joor!!! Meanwhile vote Buhari nd Osinbajo for president fort change nest month gbam gbamest!

Unknown said...

That APC wey dey carry only broom dey sweep all d Nigeria dirty so, make them remember add packer join for this 2015 take pack d dirti Dem o. Linda hope u ve started d ads o?

@Sophia Stephen

Unknown said...

Linda, its obvious you want to collect the dont need any one's approval, you are the captain of your life, the driver of your own fate and master of your business, you are the CEO..whatever you want and deem right, please do. I pray God gives you a husband soon. If you had a hubby you wouldnt come here to ask, you would have asked him and you will take whatever he tells you....COMMON, collect the money, dont be a bastard Igbo girl, stop thinking like Hausa or Yoruba...LINDA, THINK LIKE AN IGBO GIRL said...

Pls lindiway Collect all we need money joor!!! Meanwhile vote Buhari nd Osinbajo for president fort change nest month gbam gbamest!

Anonymous said...

I'll advice u to run babe! Believe u're getting back ur own share of the loot. Chekena!!!


Lol Lindiway no doubt the offer is tempting, but they are like Greece gifts, they come with many connotations.
Soon one party will accuse you of posting more of the others adverts, and trust them to go messy and petty with their adverts.
Everything is not money,for the sake of reputation LIB has built, I don't welcome the idea.
My two cents.


Anonymous said...

I love this kind of dilemma....

Anonymous said...

Linda, pls leave it alone. God will keep blessing you Nd increasing ur purse. said...

Pls lindiway Collect all we need money joor!!! Meanwhile vote Buhari nd Osinbajo for president fort change nest month gbam gbamest!

elo tasha said...

Linda no need being confuse oo,pls take the offer. It only last for just this election period. I nEed the money too,collect it

Post a Comment

bumbum said...

just stay away,in the long run it will affect your followers.This election is causing too much division along religious and ethnic lines.

John Philemon said...

Hmmm... U are free to do whatever with ur blog but dnt spoil the fun n create emnity btw LIB fans wit political campaigns be very careful


The perfect World is a world without Religion

ayoooo said...

Their sis Linda Abeg run political ads from both parties, Abeg eat inside their money small....

Anonymous said...


Please pray about it. Not everything that looks good is good.

The minute you accept their money, it immediately makes you bi-partisan (hence why media companies like CNN dont run political adverts (doing so can bite you in the behind, depends on who wins, ask Ynaija)

Even though GOD has promised to transfer the wealth of the heathen to his children, i still believe you should pray about it and let God guide your decision, as it can also be a set-up

Anonymous said...

Run ads since money is involved.No dull your self.

Unknown said...

Linda, this blogging thing is a business. No sentiments attached. Running political ads will boos your income so why not. You'd be running ads from different parties not just one. It would only pose a problem when one party wants to monopolise your blog. You can run ads as you please, last I checked you weren't a J.Witness so it shouldn't pose a problem.

LA' SUNSHINE said...

Perhaps is govt money pple eating from it dsnt have two head and besides they are only paying for d services rendered so dnt be confuse @ all carry on

grgr said...

Sister spechless but sha u can since the money is bigggg....

*Igbo Boy*

Unknown said...

Linda pls do your bussiness it is once in every four years.

Unknown said...

I fink its owk as long as the credility of u & ur blog is not compromised!

Nkem Owoh's Life in Pictures: A visual journey through the actor's life said...

Linda, take political ads. There is nothing wrong with it! You are here for business. And business is what you will do. But ensure you don't take sides.

Unknown said...

Linda u are a biz woman do d needful dis is media take ur cash do d advert abeg. You get family to take care of pls

Unknown said...

Linda pls do your bussiness it is once in every four years.

Unknown said...

Pls take ads biko, I was thinking that they have been paying you directly for the ads so far. Pls Linda, you can use the money to start your #IRATHERBESELFMADE# campaign for young girls. Am a young lady trying all positive way to be self reliant and it has not been easy!

Wesco said...

You can run ads for the two parties as long as you are not biased. Dont try and show any support for any of the party.

Anonymous said...

As for political advertisements, I think you should host them but subject to screening (for decency). Since google adsense already runs such ads on your site, your refusal to run direct ads is moot.
As for sponsored stories, I think you should publish them provided the stories are identified as "sponsored" (much like sponsored goole search results). Aside from the money (which is great!) they can also spark our much needed socio-political discourse (which invariably leads to more money!).

Anonymous said...

linda dear run the ads. just be open and not take sides.

SANDRA said...

Make ur money

Steady said...

Don't be confused my wife, collect the money from the two parties, run the ads for them, but don't edit any of their write ups ... After all you are not supporting any of them... Just do your job as a media person. God bless you. I am loving you everyday Linda ..amen

Unknown said...

Rum all em ads..biko :d

Nkem Owoh's Life in Pictures: A visual journey through the actor's life said...

Linda, take political ads. There is nothing wrong with it! You are here for business. And business is what you will do. But ensure you don't take sides.

Unknown said...

yes linda go ahead

Anonymous said...

Linda the best u can do is to run advert frm both political parties and make ur money. It won't look as if u one sided... keep it open for both parties babe and let all of us chop cos Itz business and Itz what u do... dee

Unknown said...

I Wonder what you are Waiting For.. Accept ASAP!!!
.Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

Unknown said...

Follow ur heart Linda.. Its ur blog!

Unknown said...

Linda, it's ok to ask, abeg collect political advert from both parties abeg. Just be fair enough to give equal playing group. Chop money abeg. Don't try to be partial dat will be were the problem will be. Take advert, biko!

Unknown said...

Pls take 4rm PDP,APC APGA, Hope party, Labour Party, and all of them put 2geda.. if e go spread

Unknown said...

I like your style but I think is just business. You should run the ads from both sides and collect your money.

Julz Cakes said...

I'll normally advice you to ignore political ads to avoid bias and hatred and also to avoid them trying to use you in d future coz u can't trust politicians.But since I know u (at least by following your blog daily for over two years),I know you are really not d diplomatic/objective type.You are more interested in your money/business so I suggest you collect but make sure its from both parties so it doesn't seem one sided.Try as much as possible to not let your readers suspect which party you are supporting.Be careful with your write ups coz after feb elections,those politicians won't send u much but we your ardent followers will still be der so try not to sow hatred or anger in us by being neutral. Let it just be clear that you are doing it for your biz.I'll also suggest you screen comments on such posts and avoid posting sensitive comments coz politics can just be dangerous. Am not tempted by the monday giveaway thingy coz av never won sef and its not compulsory.Its just as d spirit leads you.So feel free biko,collect your money and do ur biz,no1 has the right to call you corrupt coz its clearly business and you shouldn't limit yourself but I repeat once more be careful how you write your opinions about such ads.

Unknown said...

Take it

Unknown said...

candid advise, run ads from all parties biko as long as dey ve the money. but dont run dem at the same time, let stories separate the poltical ads. and it should not be too much so you dont lose the purpose of the blog

Unknown said...

Please go ahead and do it Linda ...may God continue to bless you.

okoye izuchukwu said...

Yes you can dear,what matters is ur money and after all u are just doing ur job and not like u are supporting any party at all. Just do ur thing sweetheart.

ChincoBee said...

Wo linda am sure you know what to do but incase you dont,you take from both or better still take from only one!!!!And leave the other

All I know is that we know the people we wanna vote for so it's not by party but individual.If dem like make dem carry their advert go CNN na dem sabi....

Continue playing politics with us ooo ontop this giveaway!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!! Interesting

Senate President said...

Linda,i dont think that is advisable.You have to think about the future of ur blog not present. Abeg take some chill,we want the Monday Bonus to last

Anonymous said...

Bae pls go ahead , we dae ya bck , I reali dnt see anything wrong wit DAT

Unknown said...

Start to collect sharp sharp, but be careful i dont want you making any enemies politically and getting into trouble.

Anonymous said...

LINDA please NO! Liars blogs all over the world don't take political adverts. E.g necolebitchie, perezhilton, and tmz.
Leave them alone.. Awon idiots

Anonymous said...

I beg do the political ads so all of us can chop from the national our money..........

Afolashade Abibat Lawal said...

u can advertise for any political parties, so far u are not a politician urself. There is no crime in advertising. Make sure u a not forced to use ur own words. Allow them to use their own words so that the masses can see which political parties is for the masses or against. Don't delete or add to their words. Advertising for them is not going to change the masses choose and heart. So don't worry urself abeg. U need to make a living for urself. This is ur job and ur means of living. Everybody need to work very hard one way or the other. Don't feel guilty at all. U a not doing any bad or wrong things. Job is job my dear

Anonymous said...

run for both. be dispationate. however, don't run any add that is an outright line or anything that contravenense any law that may make you vicariously liable. Have a policy on how to deal with political ads going forward.

Anonymous said...

Run the ads, we'd still vote with our conscience... as long as you don't endorse any party. Run ads from all the parties

Anonymous said...

My dear go ahead , we're solidly behind you , dis is. The only. Way we can chow from the national cake.

Anonymous said...

@linda if I see self I go collect u running a platform that reaches millions of nigeria of different age group and all so ur platform is and will be hot cake now collect ya share of the national cake

Anonymous said...

Collect but be neutral

sweetbreadgirl said...

NNE you could go either way no one would judge you, well not me! U may decide to get the extra bucks buh don't say it is for the giveaways, we all have indulged in some guilty pleasures so u are welcome to indulge.. Or ...or if it will ruin ur integrity and the credibility of LIB then don't! Basically weigh the pros and cons, see if the juice is worth the squeeze! Good luck deciding.. Gii

Unknown said...

Do whatever your mind tells you. Linda pls reply my mails.

Anonymous said...

Very funy question...l

CHERRY said...

Linda ads na ads abeg collect moni no time to check time!

Unknown said...

Linda collect ur money and run their ads,both parties are power tasty. This an opportunity for u to take ur share of the national cake they have been sharing among themselves

Afolashade Abibat Lawal said...

u can advertise for any political parties, so far u are not a politician urself. There is no crime in advertising. Make sure u a not forced to use ur own words. Allow them to use their own words so that the masses can see which political parties is for the masses or against. Don't delete or add to their words. Advertising for them is not going to change the masses choose and heart. So don't worry urself abeg. U need to make a living for urself. This is ur job and ur means of living. Everybody need to work very hard one way or the other. Don't feel guilty at all. U a not doing any bad or wrong things. Job is job my dear

Anonymous said...

Must you write this childish piece? You love attention and it's sad.

Rummy said...

Nne biko do your thing. It's just business, nothing personal

Unknown said...

i beg take ooooooooo... its our turn to chop d money...

Onjob said...

Linda you are a business woman and not running a charity organization. Please collect advert and make more money ... but be open minded and not partisan.

Anonymous said...

Must you write this childish piece. Rubbish.

Unknown said...

Linda, pls be a patriotic Nigerian and help them wit their campaigns o. After all its a legal procedure. It will help we d electorates evaluate our choices and cast our votes wisely. That's if they count.

@Sophia Stephen

Unknown said...

Pls do! Why not? Aren't u in biz 2 make money? Do political ads biko! As long as u make good money and I get 2 win d give away 1 day. Am out

Unknown said...

Hustle continues #teamrunadvert money na money, na wao kinda you dey dull me

NUBIAN said...

Morning Linda,God bless you for your openmindedness,I couldnt help laughing when i saw the "we go follow chop inside line. Hilarious it is...bUt to the matter @ hand,there is no harm in taking ads from them but just know where to draw the line.Dont support any of party.Leave it @ pure business. May God teach u the right way to Go,Amen.

Unknown said...

I think you should,but make sure you let anybody that come to you know you will also do same for the oppossition party.just follow your instinct cos at the end of the day it will all fall back on u.but u av 2 be very carefully.

Unknown said...

Well follow ur heart

Unknown said...

abeg run political ads ooo..make d money plenty for giveaway Mondays, whether e go reach me this time b profit make u dey blog...

Sarga said...

It is simple:

Just take it as if you are Showing us postive sides of both parties. Its now left for us to pick

Although I am salivating about the Monday giveaway

Anonymous said...

Run it! I don't partake in the giveaway, and I would never, it's just too much stress but I feel you should run it, this is your business and since you're running for both parties, no one would tie you to any. Period

thekingsqueen said...

Linda please run it oooo... just be open minded biko... this is business... collect from both parties... did you come to lagos to count bridge? Just be careful with whatever you post... post stories on a neutral ground n you go like employ mopol wey go dey follow you... lmao... but dont worry hun as long as its an ad and not some campaign kinda thing to diss out the other. You good n it will make the people around you gain. So please take this opportunity. You too need to grow bigger

Anonymous said...

Collect from PDP. Buhari knows Igbos are not supporting him, so if he wins, we are screwed. And already APC has Sahara Reporters, let them put there money there. Linda don't sell Igbos for a plate of porridge o. Ask your father.

Anonymous said...

Linda na de one u chop u carry go grave o!.. Collect de dough o!.. And stay one side and watch dem kill dem selves!..#teamchris

Unknown said...

Pls take ads and increase your giveaway

Order for your beautiful bedspread 79AEFD3B. Delivery available Nationwide.

Akin Akintunji said...

Linda, it's your choice whether you want these ads or not. You blog for business, that's where your daily bread comes from.

The other option is to take ads but stay on the fence, no comment from you about this parties at all.

You also have the option to just take ads from the party you are convinced will do Nigeria good. This is will surely cause wahala amongs your readers.

Anonymous said...

take it, i see nothing bad in it.

luvmybaby said...

Run ur ads oo,u nr own anybody explanation

Anonymous said...

You can add it. Its not a bad idea to add politics afterall but let it be with both parties. PDP & APC

famonzo said...

It's ur portion of national cake. Pls run d two ads together.

Onjob said...

Linda you are a business woman and not running a charity organization. Collect all the advert the comes your way but be open minded and not partisan even though you are entitled to your own vote.

Anonymous said...

See a lawyer Linda.

Unknown said...

I think you should,but make sure you let anybody that come to you know you will also do same for the oppossition party.just follow your instinct cos at the end of the day it will all fall back on u.but u av 2 be very carefully.

Anonymous said...

Run the adverts and let people make their minds up. But you should run the ones you agree with their policies so that your conscience is clear. Daily mail UK is a conservative paper so they are inclined to that. So if u r PDP or APC or Fresh party inclined well run their ads and deal with your conscience. But get paid.

Anonymous said...

Ideally you should stay neutral. Which means you can run ads from all parties. As long as you aren't biased.

Eminado said...

Lindodo what are you waiting for?Run the ads dulling oo.all of us must chop the national cake.

Unknown said...

Make ur money,na the era

Anonymous said...

D money but b appealing, but think abt d later impact and effect to ur blog. Pls don't

Unknown said...

Linda, what exactly is ur mind telling you? for me ooo, i will advice u take it but pls select d ads giving to u. there re some ads u will politely reject base on d contents. abeg take am my dear, this is money we re talking about. happy new year Linda n All librs.

Anonymous said...

Y not

Methinks said...

Dear Linda,

Thank you for the sincerity of this post. It is worthy of applause. In my opinion, this same sincerity is what has kept you relevant and will keep you relevant in years to come. The truth is that once you take the offer to run political ads, you lose the right to be objective and to report objectively. If you attempt to do so, the people who paid you may even threaten you. The amount they are offering now may seem too fantastic to miss, but in the long term, it will hurt your brand, your business and your soul. As Steve Harvey said, when you get in the butt kissing business you can never win, because no matter how much you kiss it, it will never be good enough...

My opinion may just be a drop in the ocean of advice that you will hear, but on this subject, I commit to praying for you. May the Lord lead you, and keep you.


Tunde Ogun said...

Dear Linda,
You can run their advert but with all sincerity without bias and you must not been seen to lean to one side or the other. Neutrality should be your watch word.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Collect the money And run the ads abi kilorukue for both parties for God are one lucky woman Linda,it's your share of our stolen treasure

chisom said...

Pls chop money as long as der are no consequences sha

Unknown said...

Carry money oo na ur ads dem dey pay for...

Anonymous said...

Search your conscience and you will find the answer... It is entirely your prerogative to decide as you may get contrary views base on peoples political affiliation. Or better still, accept the highest bidder..

Anonymous said...

See this girl oh my friend collect the money and post the ads it's a business u are running. So if u own a restaurant or a boutique u will not sell to members of political parties. A beg chop the money and take the ads u r morals won't be less than it is. Churches collect money from both sides as well as businesses. Thumbs up Linda u are a succsess

Anonymous said...

I think you should consider it very carefully. As long as you do not stick to one party, it should be fine. I also think you are in business to make money but not the one that will bring trouble to you.

Think and pray about it before you go ahead. All the best.

celebrity said...

Abeg collect it, that's the way we citizens can take juice from them, after election now nothing more fromthem. APC,PDP,Boko haram . Abeg collect any advert jor....

Anonymous said...

Y not

Anonymous said...

collect ur own share of d national cake o!!

Anonymous said...

Dear you should collect ads from them. But collect only ads that are not destructive to other parties. Linda, na wah oh. Why will you not collect promotional ads

Maye73 said...

Linda baby abeg no waste time .na money matter be this whether PDP or APC,it doesn't are only doing your work.this one na chop money,cos I get am plenty(PSquare)

Anonymous said...

Linda collect your money make u place d adverts, see you, abi na bridges you come count for Lagos? Collect ya money jor! We all know who we go vote for, so eat am now oh! By the end of nxt month nothing for u

Anonymous said...

Hi linda, plz advoid anytin politics weather advert or not bcuz it's bigger than u think!!! Dnt let greed to make more money n do it bcuz in years to cum u will forget n probably wit one of d parties ppl n d cud poison u. Sum cud be open to u n blast u n ur company which is far more better but d quiet ppl u dnt even knw n Der closer to u witout u knowin n d will deal d hell out of u...plz focus being a business lady n stay free frm ppl to assassinate u bcuz u won't havur freedom again. Anytin can happen to u, plz dear manage d one u hav n grow

Anonymous said...

Linda nwannem nwanyi biko collect the money folow chop so other we chop too after all na our naija money...uche dubai

Anonymous said...

My dear lynda u are a biz woman so my advice for u is make ur moni while u can. If PDP com collect n if APC come collect too. In short collect from all parties necessary no strings attached

Anonymous said...

Hmmm speechless

Anonymous said...

My dear collect d money cos is ur money,our money,Nigerian money take or share pls

Anonymous said...

Why is this such a dilemma for you? As long as there is no discrimination for placing ads between the two parties then what's the issue? Simply note that it's a paid political ad and move forward. This is not rocket science.

Ngstello said...

Linda ur asking...pls do,take part of d national cake.

PETER said...

you can place the ad as long as you get your money but PLEASE TO NOT SIDE ANY OF THEM.

Anonymous said...

Linda there is no crime in running such ad na. You are strictly doing ur job. Abeg run d tin so dat we go fit chop inside jare

Unknown said...

Sincerely speaking, Aunty Linda abeg collect your adverts, you are a blogger and if i should deduced from your statement you have a good intention too, so my dear, publish your adds. imagine you own a printing press, will you not publish contents. An online Blog is an online printing press joooor. Am a Psychologist and also an IT guru, i own a small blog, if you don't mind i will appreciate if you extend your heart of charity by delegating some adds to my blog
Am not interested in the funds, though a little will do
BBM: 279d786a said...

Make your money while you have the chance, just don't let your blog be used for negative campaign or as a tool to attack the oppositions. Make sure you get to censor what you put on your blog as your main condition.

Unknown said...

Run their ads and collect your pay.
The money is needed for precious good works.

Non Profit Organisation said...

you are very nice and openminded.wish i can marry a wife like you the world would have been a better place for me.Thanks for everything you do...God bless you and your family Amen

Anonymous said...

As long as u collect from both side, abeg Linda mak we chop


Unknown said...

Sincerely speaking, Aunty Linda abeg collect your adverts, you are a blogger and if i should deduced from your statement you have a good intention too, so my dear, publish your adds. imagine you own a printing press, will you not publish contents. An online Blog is an online printing press joooor. Am a Psychologist and also an IT guru, i own a small blog, if you don't mind i will appreciate if you extend your heart of charity by delegating some adds to my blog
Am not interested in the funds, though a little will do
BBM: 279d786a

Unknown said...

u dey dull oooooo

Anonymous said...

Aunty linda,forget it and retain your integrity...Ego would still come ur way.


Na wr man de chop e de work

'Jọba Ọ̀jẹ̀labí said...

Linda I will advise you take the jobs but keep them as professional as possible.....Adsense is already posting Political ads so its not as if its new and Sister your blog is like STV or Top pay the salary!

Anonymous said...

All Politicians are the same people. None of them holy pass! Linda biko this is your opportunity for you & all LIBers to grab our share from the National Cae. So I STRONGLY advice you to accept the Ad Offers from the Political Parties and run the Ads in a fair & balanced manner. Make the cash so that you & LIBers will enjoy from it. Make the decision fast, time is going oh! February 14 no far again oh!

Unknown said...

Yes, run political ads from both parties. After all we will decide who deserve our vote.


Unknown said...

Pls run the Ads joor
Chop your own share of national cake jare
Plus is business there is nothing bad there

Unknown said...

This is seriously not a question! You are a business woman! Biko run your your business. What is your own? You are not campaigning for anyone, you are simply earning money as a business woman. Shikena!

JustPorsh said...

Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

Unknown said...

D money z never peaceful, there will definitely be attacks from both sides. I only value peaceful money. Count me out ™Sp

Unknown said...

Your in to make profit that's why your run ADS so my dear carry on you have my full support.

Bonita Bislam said...

Linda its really a dilemma.But i think you should take it.This blogging is business too.Its not like you're restrict your acceptance to only one political PDP.So its cool.All i can say it you should be conscious of the messages this campaign ads come with.Any add that comes with insults and foul language shouldnt be accepted by u.#My+pinion

tsalz c.e.o said...

Madam, run the tin joor... abi u no go chop

Paul said...

Collect joor , so what is your business then... I want to see you buy Bentley this January o

Unknown said...

You actually run ur blog to make money...
Running political ads doesn't mean u support them just do it and collect ur cash.
But make sure u collect the money first oooo Lindway.

Unknown said...

Linda please accept it, there's absolutely nothing wrong in political ads, just don't support any.

maryam said...

collect from both,its our money atleast u will better some lives with it

Ifemanuel said...

abeg take jare... if they enter now u no go see anything chop from them again...

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I don't see anything wrong with running politic ads oh! Money or no money. Afterall, everything politic ends next month! This is business oh! No be ibo girl u be again?! But i love the fact that you have some decency, that is rare this days!

Unknown said...

Linda!!! Abeg deal d 2 parties joor. I mean do This is business time. Omo make your money cus time is running out... remember February 14 is @ d corner. Me want to win Linda give away prize oh...cus i dey vex say i no win the last time.

walex59 said...

Goodmorning Linda,you are in a very tough position seriously.In terms of money,the offer is a good business but from the political aspect,in my own opinion,the ads tends to show the party you favour and that can be trouble waiting to happen.The decision is tricky.

emerald said...

Pls do,I don't see anything wrong with it. Run their ads joor

Queen Raffy said...

biko collect it oh.just make sure u dont endorse any by colecting from both parties.that monday giveaway helps alot of people oh.

First time commenter said...

As long as u r not biased, and expressly make that fact known...and restrain from posting slanderous stories about any politician, especially if they havent been confirmed.. its business for u so it shouldnt hurt... besides its ur way of chopping "national cake", it will make ur readers more politically aware.. soooo... go ahead girl.. make ur money , and be sure to send some(no, a lot) my way *shining teeth*

Anonymous said...

No, Linda


Expectant mom said...

You should run it . Nothing wrong with it at all.

Unknown said...

Spell out some basic rules and then take the adverts

Anonymous said...

Better post now, collect the money, give them a level playing ground. You just have to do your work. So you can help us.

Warning: don't side any party, no ads on provocative statements. God help us all.

Anonymous said...

Do it o....Owo ni Koko Linda

Unknown said...

Pls also seek professional advice from professionals

Andrew2324 said...

Aunty Linda.
I will advice you to collect the ads quick quick.
After all its not blocking anyone.

If u don collect the plenty money, no forget me ooooooo!

My account 0037350364
Izeogu Maduabuchi Andrew
Diaomond bank.

Just put my own share there.

Thank u.

I repeat: Never u fear to chop natural cake.

Lola... Permit my poor pidgin English.
I was just trying to be hilarious.
Linda I have a very special advice for you.

Will contact you shortly.

Anonymous said...

Linda Collect The Money Biko!
Haven't You Heard Government Money Is The Sweetest?
And It's Almost Like A Free Gift!!
Even If You Don't Share With Us...We'll Be Contended You Collected It.

Oya Now Ring APC,PDP,SDP,POP or Whoever Is Offering That You're Game Now!!! Be A Goodgirl


Anonymous said...

Linda collect d money jor. U re a correct igbo girl. Biko. If oda minority parties bring also collect. #opreationchopIchop. BUZZ

walex59 said...

Goodmorning Linda,you are in a very tough position seriously.In terms of money,the offer is a good business but from the political aspect,in my own opinion,the ads tends to show the party you favour and that can be trouble waiting to happen.The decision is tricky.

Unknown said...

Lindodo dont hesitate 2 kolect their money jawie, weda u kolecr or no one of d political parties must win..kolect 4rm both of them sharp sharp

Anonymous said...

Better post now, collect the money, give them a level playing ground. You just have to do your work. So you can help us.

Warning: don't side any party, no ads on provocative statements. God help us all.

Anonymous said...

It's your job Linda and they're paying for it. You have to be decent about it. It must be in your terms. At least people will have real platform to read the truth and not the monetary gain.
Mrs Feyi

Unknown said...

Linda!!! Abeg deal d 2 parties joor. I mean do This is business time. Omo make your money cus time is running out... remember February 14 is @ d corner. Me want to win Linda give away prize oh...cus i dey vex say i no win the last time.

Zoë said...

Pls Linda take it, don't be partial with it. Nairaland is running some ads now.
You are a businesswoman so take it. I'm solidly behind you.

Unknown said...

It is business u should....

Unknown said...

I think it is wise to firmly consider it with caution. As for me i don't trust these politicians, and i actually think it's not all about the money but security and good name.

Anonymous said...

I think u should take it and make sure the slot is spread across all the willing parties and not just one because of the lib. Readers. Let the money roll in jare.

Unknown said...

Abeg run am jawe, afterall na money dem wan pay u nt free.....

Anonymous said...

omo linda run both ads and collect money joor you no come here come look uche face.....buznes is buzness dont dull....we al know who to vote...VOTENOTFIGHT.....

Unknown said...

W̶̲̥ђa̶̲̥t̲̣̥ a̶̲̥яε̲̣̣̣̥ Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ waitin Fø̲̣̣я̅... Fire dwn on all cylinders... I̶̲̥̅̊†'s an advert bt Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ ђávε̲̣̣̣̥ τ̲̅ǿ g̣̥o̶̥ tru dem all b4 postin. †ђa̶̲̥t̲̣̥'s all...

Anonymous said...

Better post now, collect the money, give them a level playing ground. You just have to do your work. So you can help us.

Warning: don't side any party, no ads on provocative statements. God help us all.

Anonymous said...

Abegi linda tell dat to the birds we already know who u are supporting going by the posts u put up about the president.u better watch ur back before u get into trouble.

mz courage said...

It's ur job to pulish tins and share information u re nt picking sides just doing wat u re paid 2 do

Anonymous said...

I would say leave it alone its beyond your depth. Don't foget though you are a media outlet you are still a one man band. The othe outlets they are referring to are big companies. Politics is dirty business especially in Nigeria especially in the current climate. The interest in Nigerian politics is unprecedented. You don't want to make yourself a target for dipping your toes in murky waters. You're an individual so you are an easy target. Forget about the money you were rich without them and will be long after. Set out your principles and stick to it. Your remit shouldn't stretch into politics if it does be ready to take on the consequences. I pray God leads you to make the best decision.

Anonymous said...

Do it for both parties. Moni na koko.

Anonymous said...

Please make your money biko.. RUN 'em adds...

Anonymous said...


Nikki Billz said...

Why not lindodo pls take the political ads both from APC and PDP! Its an advantage,it will increase ur income and increase LIB giveaway! Pls take it so we all can chop politics money!

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