Dear President,On 10 November 2014 a suicide bomber killed 47 people and injured 79 others. The following day, with barely a mention of this horrific incident targetting children, you launched your re-election campaign.
As young global leaders we would like to express our deep concern about the recent situations in Nigeria.
The massacre in Baga has been Boko Haram’s deadliest so far and what has it met with? Your silence. Most disturbing still is the fact that you would send a message to France condemning the killings there, yet seem unable to address the Nigerian people who look to you for leadership. Unfortunately, it would not be the first time
And despite the ease with which you move on, even you will remember the abduction of the schoolgirls in Chibok in April last year. It was 40 days before you addressed the country on that occasion. Nigerians waited, perplexed, as your government debated whether or not the abductions had even taken place. As a result, of all the girls captured, only 52 have secured their freedom – escaping on their own. The rest are still in captivity, still waiting to be rescued, 276 days after being taken from their friends, family and community.
Could it be that your government also doubts that the Baga attacks happened? Amnesty International’s satellite images confirm that indeed a massacre took place, and as many as 2000 people are dead. Yet your army wastes time contesting the numbers.
Whether 150 or 2000, we’d like to hear from you on your governments plans to secure the region and to bear witness to the loss of lives in Baga. We have seen a clear incompetency in handling matters of national interest. In the context of existing ethnic and religious fault lines, silence only says that Nigeria’s government does not care about the victims and is not dealing with the insurgency.
True the global community has also failed to maintain pressure on your government that seems ambivalent about fulfilling its constitutional role to secure the lives and properties of its citizens.
As 1.5 million Nigerians flee their homes, swelling camps within Nigeria and overwhelming border communities’ (if not same as before), it seems the only hope to see you act is global outrage. It was this that finally forced you to address the nation and the world 40 days after the Chibok abductions. It was only then that you reached out to other countries and, with their help, agree a plan for a regional security force to secure the porous borders between Nigeria, Niger and Chad where Boko Haram roams undeterred.
Perhaps, had international pressure been sustained last year, a multi-regional force would have been based in Baga as planned. Perhaps it would have been strong enough to repel Boko Haram when the militants attacked on 3 January. Perhaps 2000 lives could have been saved.
But Isis happened and the world moved on, leaving a small national military unit to stand between thousands of armed militants and a town of ten thousand people. We now know what happened. The world has seen pictures of bodies still strewn around the forest and river where they died.
If these deaths do not generate the attention, outcry and action that they ought to, we can only prepare the ground for more bodies because Boko Haram shows no sign of relenting. The insurgents can be defeated but first you must decide if the lives of Nigerians are worth it or not.
Break the silence, Mr. President. Call for global attention and support to avert a crisis that begins to echo the early days of the Rwandan genocide. Be the voice for the thousands of innocent people who have died and the millions who yearn for peace. They have the right to rebuild their communities and claim their place in the unfolding rise of the African continent.
Hafsat Abiola-Costello
Founder/President Kudirat Initiative for democracy
Arnaud Ventura, France
Bjarte Reve, Norway
Binta Niambi Brown, USA
Erik Charas, Mozambique
Funmi Iyanda, Nigeria
Georgie Bernadette, USA
Jacqueline Musiitwa, Zambia
Loulwa Bakr, Saudi Arabia
Leo Shlesinger, Chile
Marieme Jamme, Senegal
Mark Turrell, Germany
Rossana Figuera, USA
Salim Amin, Kenya
Soulaima Gourani, Denmark
Susan Mashibe, Tanzania
Tara Fela Durotoye, Nigeria
1 – 200 of 257 Newer› Newest»Tell them oh
Too long bike but I guess I ve an idea
PDP fawa to d fefle
Shock waves flowed down my spine reading this.
I feel for the people of Northeast,I can imagine another 4years of what we have.
Thank u girl
Goodluck is a failed man,KOWA 2015
Wow.........ilove dis letter...but am sure Mr President will act like he neva saw it...
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
I join her also,the president is not capable of providing security to the people he's ruling so what's the need of voting him in again.....A.C.F.
Satanic letter writers association. U all should join the army n go defend our country n stop wasting ur time writing rubbish. Ubanagum
As in the man is so confused and unserious...He better leaves honourably or be kicked out
Was ur father any beta? No make me remind u of Oso abiola....shut it...gej has plans
Wat r u trying to say who send u. Wait make him win u go see the true colour of the commander in chief. I pity boko wetin dem do to bayelsa militant will be an under statement . Just prepare the song were una go sing bcos timaya don sing them kill them mama already. Lol no mind me oh
And hope he's received it?
Blackberry gives you the best and make you
forget the rest.
David (dave_gino)
»Commenting from my BLACKBERRY 9900«
PGEJ is really in for it. I'm sure he has read many of this kind..was discussing with someone yesterday and this man was trying to make me understand the government has been silent about facing boko haram.."fire to fire ". Said boko haram is actually fighting a "conventional" war..they attack and retreat. So for this reason, it would be difficult to fight them.. a tangible reason?.. well may the Lord intervene in this situation of our country. Psalm 121:7-8. @Bishop_Dammy
Nice write-up but I hope Mr GEJ will listen or the sycophants he call his advisers will bring it to his notice
Kikikiki....Hasat shey u wan give Goodluck running stomach this morning??? lmfaoo
It's easier said than done.
Stop hiding away in some foreign country and come back home to help out. Then you'll see how hard it is on mr president.
Lmfaoooooo.... every accusing fingers on Goodluck government....chaii! *sipping my Zobo* Buhari 2015
Too long to read
All the same she means well
You tell him gurl! But we sure know he aint gon do nuffin
GeJ is always too quiet about important issues like this. I don't know if his quiet nature is contributing to this or if he has bad advisers.
It's a shame that we have bad leaders
Well spoken, I hope he will read and understand #didi
Hafsat watch your back o, freedom of speech is gradually becoming extinct in our obodo naija o. Linda take note!
Well written piece.
The atrocities going on in North East Nigeria are beyond nightmarish! I'm calling on Buhari to be the bigger man and suspend all electioneering/campaigns until decisive action is taken by the FG in that region. Surely elections must appear very trifling when compared to what is going on in the North East???
Hafsat watch your back o, freedom of speech is gradually becoming extinct in our obodo naija o. Linda take note
Hafsat watch your back o, freedom of speech is gradually becoming extinct in our obodo naija o. Linda take note
Hafsat watch your back o, freedom of speech is gradually becoming extinct in our obodo naija o. Linda take note
Story - story, storrrrrry... Once upon a time... Time time...
She should go and read up her open letter to who is concern.
D President is busy wit campaign and she is heree writing open letter.
Who cares...
Story - story, storrrrrry... Once upon a time... Time time...
She should go and read up her open letter to who is concern.
D President is busy wit campaign and she is heree writing open letter.
Who cares...
Story - story, storrrrrry... Once upon a time... Time time...
She should go and read up her open letter to who is concern.
D President is busy wit campaign and she is heree writing open letter.
Who cares...Jesu!
Its really painful and shamefu the level this insurgency has gotten to. People live in fear and die like animals on a daily basis and this happens in their own fatherland. What's their offence- Nothing but having a useless leader who doesn't care what happens to his people so long as he gets re-elected and richer. Isn't this the height of wickedness? My soul weeps for my country and its more painful knowing that some of these citizens who suffer still see the enemy as their friend and saviour because of sentimental reasons. When would we learn? How long and how much more can we take before we learn?
The main question, with all the intelligence in the world today, nobody has been able to discover the sponsors of boko haram.
So much to read. Jona is surrounded by bad advisers and sycophants.
am dumbfounded....i can't believe the present situation of Nigeria now...and people are still support him for a re-election....am not in support of any party but Jonathan is not the right choice...
There is no government in Nigeria. We don't have a President.
Everybody bin blaming Jonathan 4 all d happenings in Nigeria bt dey'v 4gotin it was wen Buhari didn't win previous elections dat Boko Haram started fully nd take its course in Nigeria.....Now dat he's campaigning dey are using more suicide missions wch Buhari can't deny he knew nofin abt 2 destabilize Jonathan and it's govt.....Everybody want Jonathan 2 leave cos they see Buhari as d king Kong dat will put a stop 2 stuffs happening in Nigeria......Let God will be done
Yes, break d silence Mr president say something, do something we really need peace in dis country
Nice piece. GEJ, I hope u read this with rapt attention.
@Sophia Stephen
In conclusion, Jona must gooooooooo! #ADDICTED 2 LIB
In conclusion, Jona must gooooooooo! #ADDICTED 2 LIB
Good advice.
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone
he is too busy campaigning. Maiduguri is not the stronghold biu gwoza and other villages are their stronghold. going to Maiduguri and saying he visited their stronghold.
Wow nice write up,at least our cry we be heard soon soon,I like fearless women not some boot leakers that are afraid to speak,well done girl.
Wow nice write up,at least our cry we be heard soon,I like fearless women not some boot leakers that are afraid to speak,well done girl.
Hope he listens yeye man!
Sadly, some people are relaxed about it cause it hasn't gotten to their states. E.g lagos.
Abeg free d man,he is tired of y'all wahala. D man is doin his best n is nt easy to rule dis country ooo.
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan~
GEJ is the silliest, craziest, stupidest and clueless president this country has ever had. He's so daft, he doesn't even know what is happening around him let alone the whole country at large. He's a great ERROR for this Nation.
No amount of open letters can make him change because he has no sense of reasoning.
This jona sef, he carried anoda contryz wahala for head nd hez not even holding his.... bro jona, if u had fared well in ur yrs in office den u wldnt ve to campaign so hard.
GEJ has no remedy to this present Nigeria, that man doesn't even know where to start from. it's so obvious that he has failed and will fail again if re-elected. This out cry by Nigerians must be achieved# vote for change GMB.
If you like, write from here till tomorrow, we understand the game. We have never seen the poor parents of the so called kidnapped girls, yet you cry more then they, if they exist. Secondly, let all the countries sign, "Ashawo can neva fear big penis".
Madam go nd sit down or better still get urself busy, wit ur papa name we knw u exist so stop de notice me, is it only de baga case dat u knw?,or are u jus waking up? Ow many will he adress nd leave ow many? France is a new case ur mumu letter should be directed to Boko haram nd de sponsorers pls. Nd incase u want to help in ur own little way jus fasting nd prayer will do.
High time sum1 let's him knw all dis! Dis country is dwindling evry day yet all we hear is vote 4 me! Vote 4 me! Vote 4 u 2 do wat? Kill us all?
Na wa for Nigerians sef..are they just know GEJ is useless?GEJ is now a figure of speech...
As slow as a snail,
As useless as GEJ,
Well don't knw what to say cos all of u are d same. When u take her to ABJ and pay her big she will forget all she just said. All dis activist I dey fear una oo
Nigerians should boycott the election and demand end to killing and kidnapping first.Since election is there only interest
the best open letter, jonathan is a failure. Nigerians need to choose wisely this time. incompetence is his first name. we can't continue with this clueless system. change is inevitable
Gej is d laziest and sluggish president nigeria has ever had even late yaradua beta pass am my vote is in ma pocket nt voting for any body well said my sisTer
Hmmmm!!!! Thanks for speaking ur mind atlis.... Nigeria needs prayers for real. Have u prayed for Nigeria today!? #GodBlessNigeria
My vote dey my pocket
Just so pathetic that our President is too busy planning for the forth-coming election. Things like this can only be found in my country, Nigeria.
This is a well written letter. It's clearly obvious that GEJ doesn't have the capacity to be a good leader and has little or no regard for human life and what happens around him. He is damn clueless.
Hello. Can y take a deep breath, calm down and read that message again. It's people's lives we are talking about and not politics. It's in the North east today so how sure are u that it won't be where u are tomorrow. Whither and stop being insensitive! Pple are dying everyday in the north so show some compassion sir!
Buhari for president....
in the midst of all these, winning this election is his priority.
KOWA ke? Lmao! All the best.
If your president is all these you've mentioned, then you are worse than an animal. Can't you state your point without insulting the office of the President? People like you deserve to be stoned.
Did u even read the post? If so, why the dumb comment?
Yea we know. Plans to finally speak when boko haram has totally wiped out the north? Je suis Nigeria
If he can't stand the heat, he should get out of the kitchen.
Linda pls can u stop posting all of this stupid girls comments?
jonathan is a wicked, clueless, stupid, idiotic, foolish, mumusius, yeyesius, goatius president the world will ever have and history will remember him for that. we can't continue like this - change is inevitable
Can u pls tell us how ur father make is money ,pls and pls go and sleep
GEJ till 2019. Why are u crying more than the affected? They they done pay you.
Am not surprised @ royal priesthood comments, anytime he comments, it's trash coming out of his mouth! Am sure you are among the campaign team GEJ paid to be writing nonsense everyday, the likes of guardian newspaper and AIT, the day i'll listen to all ur stupid writeups on GMB is when you tell us how corrupt his govt was, or what he stole while in power, or better still list his competencies. Instead of wasting your energy on cheap cartoons, childish and unreasonable attacks. As for all ye still clamouring for GEJ to be re-elected, may your children be the next victims of Boko haram attacks, so you all use the money they paid you to bury them. Useless blind boot lickers.
jonathan is boko haram sponsor courtesy of chad president to enable him win coming election. the increase in the attack at the moment is a strategy to disenfranchise some part of the north east because he knows that he is getting no vote from those states. he tried to include kano but the resistance was high so he has shifted he attention now to Gombe the reason for the present increase attack in the state. He will never go unpunished with the blood of the innocent people in his hands.
Nigerians should forget religious and tribalism, jonathan is not for any of u but for himself and his devilish sponsors. But there is one thing I know, he will never go unpunished - God is watching him.
Nigerians need to vote him out by all means.
My big question is, if the security agents eg the army can not secure the lives and properties of the people in North East of Nigeria, what happens if the terror spreads to other parts of the country or we are invaded by another country through those porous borders. Then Nigeria is doomed Oh yes, it's not in your backyard or on your streets yet but it will soon be.
My big question is, if the security agents eg the army can not secure the lives and properties of the people in North East of Nigeria, what happens if the terror spreads to other parts of the country or we are invaded by another country through those porous borders. Then Nigeria is doomed Oh yes, it's not in your backyard or on your streets yet but it will soon be.
My big question is, if the security agents eg the army can not secure the lives and properties of the people in North East of Nigeria, what happens if the terror spreads to other parts of the country or we are invaded by another country through those porous borders. Then Nigeria is doomed Oh yes, it's not in your backyard or on your streets yet but it will soon be.
My big question is, if the security agents eg the army can not secure the lives and properties of the people in North East of Nigeria, what happens if the terror spreads to other parts of the country or we are invaded by another country through those porous borders. Then Nigeria is doomed Oh yes, it's not in your backyard or on your streets yet but it will soon be.
I get confused most times. Don't know whether mr president is incompetent or just fooling us. I tire for this our country honestly!!!
And wah has she done to u anon? Let her be! She no De type d take note with ur finger or phone......nawaaa, drinking phensic for nutin...
It's so painful bcos pple supporting GEJ dnt knw hw it feels to loose ur loved ones,may be u shld pray 4 one nd let's see Hw u feel.JONA must Go
All that is needed is to vote out the clueless man and send him back to Otueke
He is referring to Jonathan and not the office of the President. But u self take am easy o..Jona na person papa.
@karlson, the dead could have been you or your relatives. How do I support the army, by fighting with them? Don't be dumb, so you see nothing wrong with the president's approach to all this mess? Its well
@moses, never believed an adult could be this idiotic like you. What's MKO got to do with this? Was he an ex president? I wonder why people joke over lives, GEJ has plans since how many years? Is it after 2019 he will execute the plans? I pray one of ur closest relatives fall victim of boko haram and i will see your comment after then.
Exactly my dear... Thank u hafsat abiola may God bless u
Does he have to win before we see his true colour? Let's call a spade a spade, you want him for second term doesn't mean you should claim his attitude towards handling security issues is good. The little or much u greedily benefited from GEJ will only last you a while, not forever.
Oga!!! Why are u taking it personal? The letter is directed to Jonathan not you. Since none of your family member is a victim, then it's easy to respond that way cos u obviously don't have human feelings.
At Ikechukwu Onuoha and others like him , please we need constructive criticisms and solutions to the problems of Nigeria. Not just talking and making no sense from your comfort zone which will soon become uncomfortable if there is no peace in Nigeria. THINK!!!!! The rich people and the politicians have their tickets and passports to jet out of the country when the going gets tough and leave the masses in a mess. Their families are already outside the country to safe countries built by those people , some with the money stolen from Nigeria by our Mugus
At Ikechukwu Onuoha and others like him , please we need constructive criticisms and solutions to the problems of Nigeria. Not just talking and making no sense from your comfort zone which will soon become uncomfortable if there is no peace in Nigeria. THINK!!!!! The rich people and the politicians have their tickets and passports to jet out of the country when the going gets tough and leave the masses in a mess. Their families are already outside the country to safe countries built by those people , some with the money stolen from Nigeria by our Mugus
At Ikechukwu Onuoha and others like him , please we need constructive criticisms and solutions to the problems of Nigeria. Not just talking and making no sense from your comfort zone which will soon become uncomfortable if there is no peace in Nigeria. THINK!!!!! The rich people and the politicians have their tickets and passports to jet out of the country when the going gets tough and leave the masses in a mess. Their families are already outside the country to safe countries built by those people , some with the money stolen from Nigeria by our Mugus
your house isnt bombed youre where ever you are chilling and posting comments, GEJ isnt a magician but he has done reasonably well this short time ,yall stop this ranting and support him#voteGEJ2015 e no far again oh,
At Ikechukwu Onuoha and others like him , please we need constructive criticisms and solutions to the problems of Nigeria. Not just talking and making no sense from your comfort zone which will soon become uncomfortable if there is no peace in Nigeria. THINK!!!!! The rich people and the politicians have their tickets and passports to jet out of the country when the going gets tough and leave the masses in a mess. Their families are already outside the country to safe countries built by those people , some with the money stolen from Nigeria by our Mugus
I pray that the next victim of boko haram hit will be ur very close n dear relatives. I pray nothing happens to u so that u can stay alive n feel great pain for ur loss. Then we will see our u will foolishly and stupidly continue supporting wickedness. Amen
Karlsson my prayer for u is that u will live. Amen. But may ur closest loved ones be killed by BH so that u can live to feel d pain of loosing a loved one especially if their deaths could have been avoided. Only then will u learn to comment wisely. Amen
Lol, let's assume girls are not missing, what about all the daily attacks and killings. I don't even ask for missing girls again cos I know they are not coming bak, they are dead, married and used for suicide bombers.
We all asked for GEJ in 2011 and voted him massively, if same pple now complain he disappointed, I think they know what they are saying.
How has his father's money affected nigeria ' s security? You just hating for nothing. Same time it took you to read her letter will take you to write a more reasonable one if you are reasonable at all.
It's you that's obviously paid.
If you see no sense in this write up and claim she's paid, then we should know you are paid.
What the heck is too long about this? Ah, this generation, Lord have mercy!
In my opinion, even if Oga Jona is a good person, why can't he succumb and vacate the office willingly since its obvious he can't tackle the insurgency. I wonder if BH recruits more militants and decide to torment the whole nation, can nigerian army protect us then? Hundreds will die, Jona won't comment, instead he will go and dance skelewu the next day at his rally. That's to show his highest level of unworthiness as a leader. I won't insult him in anyway, his sister died, he suspended his rally for 3 days but hundreds of nigerians will die, rally will occur same day and next.
Even if he has good intention and plans, how do we know when he's silent and show non challant attitude towards issues? Does he have to win 2nd term before he unfold his plans to tackle security or he's also planning to tackle it with modern technology like corruption. LOL, as for the righteous, it shall be well with me even if BH attacks everywhere . Let's all participate in saving nigeria from the hands of jokers, if jona can tackle insurgency, he would have done that atleast for the sake of winning people's heart for second term. If he wins again, even if you write 1 million letters to him or shout from now till 2019, he won't even respond. If hundreds keep dying daily, what will the population remain after 4 years?
Mr Ubanagum! If you type what we just read because you are supporting PDP then u r very stupid (sorry to say) am not an insultive person but for Christ sake, can we leave politics aside and face the problem of this country, hhmmm, we are all keeping quiet because it's still the Northerners killing Northerners, if God forbid, they get to other parts of the country, it will become a full scale war like Rwanda. If u like your docile GEJ so much, then advice him.
This is all over the world,insecurity violanc,is allover, if you ask me ? You father is part of what is happening to our country! Your father has course this country you thought you srer protecting by or propegsnder for his greed to be president,which he died because of his nature.there was no coup his part of, the Murutals's the Buhuri's',The Babangida's HV you forgotten so soon? Tell nigerisn you think on your fathers' whole he was alive?
So we have to wait for him to win before he carries out his plans, meanwhile ppl are dying every day. When did we move from being scared to die in Nigeria to asking 10years olds to go blow themselves up? God help us.
Previously there were a number of people we valued their contribution's on this blogosphere namely Bonario, Onyx, Bonita bislam, Anwuli oputa and Wilhelmina Moses but ur name got deleted a couple of weeks ago no thanks to ur bias and unpopular view's of late
'Yet your army try to..' Please leave the Army out of it... They are all we have got...
una go just dey talk dey sharp mouth , just 1day on that seat una go run abeg make una leave my president for me . GEJ as done well make una vote am , player haters
Nice writeup ma. We hope GEJ acts accordingly #prayforNogeria
Nice write up ma, we hope GEJ acts upon it.#prayforNigeria
In the light of all these insults I hope you will all come out and vote because our vote is our power, we need to fight for the change we are clamouring for, as much as we speak our views on the blogs, we can't get our change unless we vote.
GEJ must go
Wher are you from?...U are heartless!
Only a bad person listens to bad advisers. GEJ must go!
You'r just heartless...May be when Boko haram kills someone you know then you'll know how serious it is!
For those of you sayin she's crying more than the affected,i pity you so much cox u re so dumb,they ve d voice n power dts y dey re speaking out for the voiceless,hw will u hear d cry of the affected wen u re sittin in ur fathers hux,most of them ve no means to air their mind directly to Gej on social media so I wonder y u talkin so foolishly,i pray bokoharam gets to ur door so u will cry n let us hear
No be by force oo..if he can't continue the race, he should just quit! People's lives are worth more than all this "his doin his best trash" Why did he swear to protect Nigeria?
@Previous commentator: stoned? That is a really bad language brother! You blame someone of what you are guilty of...whats the difference between what you said and what Boko haram is doing?
Let Mr president speak for once.....haba...??? What kind of insensitive attitude is this...??? May God help us all.
Baba D2 say so via Droid.
Do we even have a President? I doubt if we do.
Ogbeni farabale joor , why must you you always criticize our innocent presido?
how many letters did this fools write doing Nigeria unwarranted civil war the numbers killed then. who cares how many people are being killed in North they should plz kill themselves. 2015 GEJ will win those wet one die should die quickly ... obj and co
I will tel dem.GEJ has fail,he has fail us,d kitchen is too hot for him so*********
Honestly, am with you my dear, a times I use to ask myself if really we have a capable president. I feel he is too soft or I don't know, Every thing about this insurgency seems not to be looking into, everything looks like he doesn't care, if I should say.
We need a leader that really cares, feels the pain of his people. Like what Ecteera wrote, we are been impose on two poeple, which was selected by themselves( politician).
Honestly, am so worried about our Country now, I will keep praying for this country at this time of Labour, I pray to give birth a bundle of everlasting joy.
Too long to read plz
5 Night of Glory with Pastor David Ibiyeomie
Who Are The Ten Virgins? Part 1
Anon 11:22...*kisses....that man is a fool....we don't want him anymore...he's badluck and a wuss....being president is nt all abt "chopping" money or having pot bellies nt flat bums......he cldnt do anything in 6yrs, what does he want another 4 for?.....to sit behind his wife nd puppeteers and watch innocent kids, women and men die everyday without doing nothing?.......nonsense
I hv ano political inclinations of any sort......but a man who cnt protect his household is no man.....Jonathan failed us.....we don't want him no more
In his campaign, all he has done so far is to criticise the opposition without addressing the matters on ground. This election seems to be another waste...
And wat did he achieve?....nothing.....except a piece for his political propagation...nwoke nwanyi.mmttccheewww
As una dey shout, anything wey una sweep, make una pack am oo.
Kindly shut ur dirty trap if u don't have any reasonable contribution to make instead of open ur dirty trap
If he's tired, he should resign. Shikena
I think a huge chunk of ur brain has fallen down ur throat...no wonder ur reply is awkward
I don tire for this bros jonathan silence oooo.
GEJ is a failure and he has failed this nation.
Dumb ass
Sure you can lead on. Atleast she is doing something, even if na protest u go start frim home.
Remind me again how many people that died during his father's treasonable shot at power???
She is just in it for the freebies from linda. All her post goes with linda take note.
Its called freedom of speech.
If u can open ur mouth to call an elderly man a fool, dats means ur father to a moron like u stupid idiot.
No u dnt! Lazy asss...u shlda read it n knw wassap wat she was talkin abouh!
We need change co signatories :
Teemah_salau: Nigeria
You will be given an award price in English.....Take it MUMU!!!
Stupid bonario you think APC wil start giving u money like Linda? you don fail
Femifex, oloshi oloriburuku, alatenuje, akotileta. If you dont want the blood of innocent lives on you head you better shift from behind GEJs back. Ive been watching you bloody sycophant.
Enough is enoughhhhh. Well said mrs abiola Costello. Jonathan if you can't handle the situation pleaseeeeeee step down shekena.
It is well
Dear hafsat. I completely agree that GEJ has failed woefully as president but what is more disturbing than his failed govt is the silence of you so called peaceful muslims on the wickedness of your brothers who practice that religion. It is easy to point fingers but what is wrong with islam and why are the extremists among you so blood thirsty. Where is the outrage at muslims all over the world constantly bombing, slaughtering and beheading in the thousands?
Omo I like your simile. Useless is even too much of a compliment. Lets try incredibly greedy and thoroughly stupid.
Its true that Jonathan failed but must we replace him with buhari who obviously started boko haram by not on inciting violence but also openly saying Muslims should not vote Christian yet because he picked a pastor as running mate , you all foolishly believe he is our saviour . Vote wisely.
Nigeria has no president.Oya Oga Jona mouthpiece#Abati#FFK,come and wine dt mouth for ur boy Jona.Mtcheww
Femi, you no get sense. Which presido innocent? Or pretender
Isn't obvious ur noise is not yielding any results? What haven't we been asked to do abt d issue of dis BH? I n my church re constantly praying for the peace of this country instead of writing public letter that d presidency might not read. All I meant was that letter writing won't solve any problem. U all re the real dumb ass.
The only solution is to vote out the incompetent "president."
Nigeria is going nowhere with this fool at the helms.
Pero, Elovi,Enny it's clear that you all are from a dysfunctional family. You come on a blog and insult your president? I am typical unhappy with what is happening but I will blame the whole Northerner who hid their jihadist sons and daughters and now it has escalated. Yaradua did not have to go to the creek but the Niger Deltan went in to beg their brothers and they accepted amnesty. You saw it on TV when they where submitting guns and all their armoury. Jonathan against our individual wishes stooped to offer all these but they refused asking that the only solution is that they want to Islamise Nigeria. Why hasn't the Northerners agreed to work with the president? Lots of u want Jonathan personal in Biu and Baga. Americans came here to search but couldn't find any. If Buhari wins the Boko boys will instantly rejaoice Allah Wakubah. The Northern are revolting against southern leadership. Why will your husband,father,son show jihadist trait and you would not report to the army or police? Senator Macain lost to Obama, yet assisted Obama deal with external enemies sponsored by Russia. Is it only when Buhari become a president he will fight? Think about it. Jonathan is trying he is a civilian we all should uphold him in our prayers. Calling a president dumbest,docile is not respectful from a yoruba like you. God bless Nigeria. This carnage must stop. God maketh war cease unto the ends of the earth. Let us unite against this fight! God bless Nigeria.
She poured out all we yearn for as citizens..its a pity that he will never get to read this,but i hope he does...This Government has failed me n we are all gonna be forced to re-vote for him cos our options are too slim...such a sorry state for a whole nation like Nigeria.
pls visit
the president of the country has send his condolence message to the people of BAGA, but due to criticism.
one thing all Nigerians who happen to o through this post about our dear president is where did she get the satellite image she is talking about from? well the issue we are facing in this country is those surrounding mr president are the leaders of the said sect. Mr president please continue the good work you have started for in time others would seethe work you have done so far.
Its true that Jonathan failed but must we replace him with buhari who obviously has been their spokesman, started boko haram by not on inciting violence but also openly saying Muslims should not vote Christian yet because he picked a pastor as running mate , you all foolishly believe he is our saviour . Vote wisely
Only those who are mentally challenged will vote for GEJ. Can't he just resign?
just try and write this same open letter to boko haram not just to the president ok
linda pls stop posting all dis ur woman comments do u know what it take to be a man pls free the man oh GEJ U ARE UR MAN TILL 2019
This is a good post and it is easy to say but we shouldn't forget that boko haram started from the north and they started it and only them can end it so putting the blame on the president wont work because this is for everybody to join hands together and make Nigeria a peaceful country and not a country where the citizen are afraid to sleep at night so stand up my fellow Nigerians and lets make Nigeria a better country. God bless Nigeria and God bless us.
Isn't this coming in a little late? vote him back in and let him use 4 years to show you what he's made of.. #JONATHAN2015
HE is doing his best he cant kill himself
Every regime has its challenge, was Buhari not there when sharia was established? and besides the so called bokoharam started from the North.It appears that you have turned a blind eye to the time when buhari was a spokesman to Bokoharam, how a northern senator in quote said that by November when President Jonathan declares we will know if Bokoharam will continue or not........ pls don't be bias.
This is absurd just because of power people want to write rubbish on innocent man. how many president in Nigeria did what GEJ is doing. think twice come feb 14 GEJ is winning and many people will be put to shame. UUUUUUPPPPP GEJ
we talk as though we are not aware that boko haram is a plot to destroy the Goodluck Administration. Unfortunately those who conspired it all, have lost the control over them, then we all turn to point fingers to the President. Then someone tells Us when they come into power they will stop it, that is simply because they started it. The devil you know is better than the Angel you don't know.
You can do much more than just write a funny letter...Pray and vote #JONATHAN2015
Is not actually d fault of d president that things aren't working d way it should be.the problem of this country is becoming a religion matter that's y things are like this.lets give him a chances again to rule and things will change for good.
The gentleness of a Lion is not an act of Cowardice, I believe he knows what he's doing.
A real Nigerian will know that this country is passing through trial time, No matter how hot the situation is right now in our dear nation, all we need to do is come together and support the President to bring to book those that wants to disrupt his Government. Pray for our Nation Nigeria instead of castigating the president. Pray for the peace of our Jerusalem. No place like home. Thanks.
The president is doing his best
please dear do not mixed your personal interest with national interest.
GoodLuck Jonathan have a vision. but just because of his good nature he is trying to take up one thing after another.
All we need now is to pray for the peace of our nation instead of castigating the President, the trial time in this nation will soon be over. Thanks.
He is not God ooooh vote Jonathan 2015 for good governance nd pls it was not up to 2000 people that died.
GEJ is the best president that Nigeria have produce so far
Very well said, no better words to describe how incompetent and nonchalant GEJ is
Those who kick against President Goodluck Jonathan for get one thing....the statements General Buhari made before and during this present administration, concerning the present case of insecurity, who else could be behind the case of insurgency if not General Buhari? when a person says I will take your pen and your pen gets missing, please Nigerians who do you ask or hold responsible, you barely hear people accusing Buhari of those funny statements he made .
If people like linda Ikeji were to be someone good she would create a path for people to point fingers at the right direction.
Thanks Alot
There's nothing jonathan can do now, Hafsat should work hand in hand with president jonathan to curb this insurgence than critize him.its as simple as that.
I think she is just a small girl who doest know her left from right or perhaps she was paid to do this write up. GEJ has done a lot and should be given a second chance, remember ROME IS NOT BUILT IN A DAY! CHANGE IS A GRADUAL PROCESS.
Interesting. boko haram has been in existence ever since. it's unfortunate GEJ is the president, when they decided to carry out their evil act. For the fact he is quite does not mean he is not doing anything about the situation. God has given us a leader who will take us to the promise. THE DEVIL YOU KNOW IS BETTER THAN THE ANGEL YOU DONT KNOW.
it always feels good to seat , criticise and judge the president I bet when given the same opportunity it will go worst. when a child is continually harassed with words and critics like this he is bound not to do well, but with encouragement support and even advise you will be surprise at the level of production he will do. so ma what do u suggest, what is not working and how do u propose a change
GEJ is doing the work. Just that he has too many bad belly. They are working against him. But I tell you he will be victorious.
where many leaders are two faced,publicly feared and or hated by people closest to them,jonathan is cinsistent in the way he treats people,consistently kind and personally humble.he lives by the code that those who lead must serve.he believes that.he lives it.he lived it long before he was in the public eye.
Gej is trying....."a kii n fi opa polopolo p'ejo" we don't kill snake with anyhow cane
@Karlsson, yu are plain insensitive n i do not believe yu ar a christian like yu claim... Am sure ur brain has virus, lol...
He is doing is best to put a stop to present security challenges that we are facing in this country.I think in time like this each and every Nigerians have to contribute his or her own quarter to move the country forward. For us to achieve that let's vote him back to complete what he started that is to put an end to the insurgency in our country.
president Goodluck Jonathan is a very good man.when Jesus came into d world as a ruler nt every body dat like his good work even his 12 deciple some till betreal him rejected him n he was sole by one of his deciple.so President Goodluke Jonathan is doing d good word as Jesus did so many will stil hate him,president goodluke jonathan will still be our nest president
i want you people 2 know that president Goodluck Ebel Jonathan is no body an God in his mercy fetch him out, if u remember the story of president Goodluck, Ebel Jonathan, from nobody to deputy governor, from deputy governor to Governor, from I as a Nigeria based on my intellectual disposition with an indepth empirical datum about my country see the need for goodluck to be re-elected into office based on the following logical postulations. Tanks 4 your understand.............. carry go Mr president 4rm joeliliany2k@yahho.ca
This letter is valid n on point
Anti-Goodluck has don no mistakes. There is no other ways for them to become irrelevant in the society than exposing their evil act themselves. Is only those who are thirsting for leadership and those who believe that OIL belong to SOUTH while the control of that OIL solely rest on the Hausa man's shoulder, that wont understand the antics of those wrestling power by violence, instead of allowing electoral process. The big question is that; was BUHARI'S government good and his own brother IBB, who is also a Northerner chase him out of presidency? Did Obansajor make a mistake not to hand over power to his vice, ATIKU? If Jonathan is a dictator or a tyrant as APC gurus claim, wont he has given order to the Nigeria armies to turn BOKO HARAM infested areas into desert same way OBASANJOR did to Odi in Bayelsa State because they restrain search for missing SSS? Goodluck wont have being able to convince Muslims to vote for him this time that he objected to godfatherism, if not that Ant-Goodluck, making his government ungovernable just for him to resign, thereby inflicting pains on their people.
Yes PGEJ might be silent about this situation, but what about the Muslims that cant reprimand the extreme actions of their "brothers" the boko boys. all people see is GEJ failures, what happened to his achievements...
a person cant be all bad, neither can a person be all good...
Good and Bad are two sides of the same coin...GMB is presenting himself as a saint, a saviour, but remember all coins have two sides.. VOTE WISELY
we fall for write ups and at the end lose focus in thinking positive, already the bearer of the letter Ms Abiola is angry at the democracy, solution is not in writing, solution is not in
raining abuses on the leaders, we all are leaders in our own little area or community, the big question is how well have we been managing it? we're leaders too in our homes, how good has it been and what positive impact can someone out there see about us? its not GEJ's fight, its Nigeria's fight, who is Nigeria, you and me, as youths when we agree to stop been used for electoral violence and focus on building a better nation for our children born and yet unborn. the energy we spend blaming and cursing GEJ if we channel it to doing something positive then we're heading to making our country a better for it. start ,something in your community and make a change today. don't curse but pray, don't blame but help in the solution. God bless Nigeria and its leaaders both past and present.
How come nobody has addressed any letters to the Boko Haram sect??if you want to stop a conflict you address both of the opposing parties involved.
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