A lady at the centre of a sex scandal involving a prominent South African Pastor has given a shocking confession at a church in Lagos, Nigeria following her ‘deliverance’.
Olipha Dube, a 34 year old of Zulu origin, revealed that she had practised as a ‘sangoma’ or witchdoctor for many years, exposing some eerie secrets behind the mysterious ‘profession’.
“This is the time to expose the kingdom of darkness and what the devil
is doing in so many people’s lives by deceiving them to believe that
witchcraft, witchdoctors, herbalists and traditional healers have a solution,”
Dube emphatically began after a clip showing her ‘deliverance’ was shown to
church congregants.
The clip showed the pastor
praying for Dube, upon which she violently reacted and an uncanny voice spoke
out through her, identifying itself as ‘the great lion’. “I have given her too many powers,” the ‘spirit’ confessed. “I make her do anything I send her. I have
given her wisdom to do what I want her to do, to break people’s marriages, to
break homes. She is a witchdoctor.”
Olipha explained that her
professional nursing career inexplicably nosedived, prompting a friend to
advise her to seek ‘alternative’ help. Following consultation at a herbalists
home, the response she received from her creepy counsellor was an unexpected
one. “He told me I had a gift from the
ancestors and I was supposed to be a sangoma myself,” she recalled. “I agreed. At that time, I thought it was a
After going to an
‘initiation school’, incisions were strategically placed throughout her body
with several darkish substances known as ‘muti’ rubbed in so as to infuse with
her blood. “Those charms are to give you
powers to see what other people don’t see, powers to be able to communicate
with the spiritual world,” she explained.
After starting her practice
as a traditional healer, the thirst for deeper knowledge and more advanced
powers spurred Olipha to pass through another ‘initiation’. “I paid a lot of money and he taught me how
to use plants, herbs and trees – to mix them with animal parts – to produce
whatever charms you wanted to,” she divulged.
Olipha built an altar in her
bedroom, as well as erecting a house in her garden dedicated to paying homage
to her ‘ancestors’. “You would use that
to store your charms and for consultation,” she explained. At this stage,
her daily life literally revolved around witchcraft. “Before I could speak to anyone in the morning, I had to speak to the
ancestors at my altar... They would tell me how my day was going to be like -
the challenges I was going to meet, the people that would come and see me, the
charms to use to be able to succeed through the day.”
Dube said she had to
maintain constant connection with these ‘ancestors’. “I had powers in my eyes, tongue and all over my body,” she told
the shocked congregation. “If you take a
look at my body now, I have incisions everywhere, even in my private parts.”
She described the services
of a witchdoctor as a ‘one-stop-shop’ where you are “expected to provide solutions for a variety of problems”. However, everything came with strings
attached. “There is no consultation for
free. We would first throw the bones on the floor and get information we want
about the past, present and future. If the person really wants the problem
solved, we would move to the next level where they would have to pay. The
deeper the problem, the more the money.”
Citing an example of a
‘love-charm’ , the former sangoma explained how
she would use plants to create attention and an animal to produce affection. “In this case, I would choose a female
dog,” she revealed. “We would wait
for the time of mating to capture the dog. At that time, the dog is enraged and
uncontrollable. You would remove the parts you require from that dog, dry them
in the sun and mash them.”
According to Dube, if people
consulting witchdoctors knew the contents of the charms given them, most would
run for their dear lives. “When people
come, they just see powder – they don’t know that this is actually an animal.
We would make an incision, put that animal together with other charms in the
person’s body, in their blood. That is going to produce the effect from the
behavior of the dog in that person’s life. When the man she wants to marry sees
her, something will just happen to him and he will lust after her.”
However, there were serious
side-effects! In this particular instance, Dube explained, after a short-lived
romance, hatred would set in leaving the relationship in tatters. “At that stage, that is when people start
moving from one witchdoctor to another because they think maybe your charms are
not powerful enough. The more they go to witchdoctors, they more they use these
charms, the more they go deeper and deeper into their problems,” she
Explaining the rationale
behind this, Olipha explained, “The aim
was to get people hooked. Once a person gets hooked, it’s impossible to get
them out… The more you hunt for greater power, the more you expose yourself
into deeper problems. You would even get to a level where you would go to those
traditional healers who use human body parts to create charms.”
Revealing more about an increasingly common complaint in churches today - having sexual encounters in dreams - Olipha stated, “One of the best
ways to create a problem in a person’s life is to get either a spiritual
husband or a spiritual wife. This was best done in a graveyard, the former
spiritualist sensationally told the stunned crowd.
“If you wanted to raise a spiritual husband for a woman, you would
randomly select any male grave, looking at the name of the tombstone. Most
importantly, you would have to buy this spirit. I would tell the spirit – ‘As
from today, you are married to ‘so-and-so’. You are going to stay with her and
perform all the duties a husband does to and for his wife.’ Soon afterwards, my client would come to me
and say, ‘I am very happy – their life is in shambles. She lost her job. Her
husband left her.’ ”
However, despite touting
herself as a ‘solution-provider’ to others, Olipha was beset by crippling
financial challenges. “I lost my business
and all of my assets. I was very upset, bitter and angry and decided it was time
for me to find something else but I had not made the decision to find God
because of the Christians that were also coming to me for consultation. I saw
all Christians as fake. I went to a lot of other herbalists, traditional
healers and witchdoctors. Instead, my situation got worse and worse until I
lost everything.”
At this point, Dube visited
the controversial South African Pastor Mboro of Incredible Happenings
Ministries to seek ‘deliverance’. However, their relationship soon grew sour as
Dube publicly accused him in the popular South African tabloid newspaper
‘Sunday World’ of abusing her and ‘sexploiting’ her personal problems for his
own gratification, resulting in a contentious court case.
In the midst of this, fear steadily
welled up within Olipha. She wanted to get out but the ethics of her
‘profession’ did not permit backtracking! “I
was living in constant fear,” she stated. “I even gave my car away because I was too scared to drive. These
spirits were always telling me that I was going to die. I knew that they were
after my life.”
Growing more desperate and
steadily losing hope, it was at this point that one of her ‘students’ directed
her toward a Christian station called Emmanuel TV. “I was shocked. I saw people manifesting, talking about the very same
things we would do to other people. I saw Prophet T.B. Joshua commanding the
spirits to go out in one word. I saw people with the same problem that I had being
helped and knew that this was where my solution would come from.”
Resolving to visit The Synagogue,
Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Nigeria, Olipha had a dramatic
experience when she was prayed for. “As
the prophet was approaching me, I felt this big force that was blowing me. I
felt something deep inside my tummy shifting and shaking my intestines in an
uncontrollable way.” At this point, Dube said a voice within her instructed
her to run as fast as possible away but something inexplicably restricted her
“I just had to surrender right there. Before I knew it, this lady
grabbed me, lifted me up and told me I was delivered,” she
stated. “Since the deliverance, I have
this peace inside of me. I can sleep. I am just in tranquillity.”
Olipha is packed with advice
following her extensive sojourn in the world of darkness. “I have a lot of advice. Firstly to Christians – ‘If you want to be a
Christian, be a Christian’. People who go to traditional doctors and herbalists
– hear it from me – there is no solution there. You will finish your money and
at the end of the day, it will eat up even things that you did not get through
them. There is no solution through herbalists, traditional healers or
witchdoctors. The only solution is Jesus Christ.”
SOURCE: YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=EqemuVyJ-b8
Ihechukwu Njoku - freelance Nigerian journalist currently in Johannesburg, South Africa
I don't believe in such things,life is already difficult, adding unnecessary fear of d spiritual world just makes it worse...
Amazing!!! There is a Living God!!! Osteen!
Crap!!! could be a pre planned confession.
I don't and will not read such
I hear una
These things happen but I'm so not buying them. God save us all though
The story too long biko. I read part. It's not a shocker though!
long story, cnt read it all o. Thank God she has bin delivered
The only solution is Jesus Christ and that ends it.
This is Christmas confession from a female witchdoctor meaning Prophet T.B. Joshua is more powerful than her source of power. Una try ooo
They expect me to read this lengthy shit abt religion.....Emmanuel TV was like Facebook to me before... ...don't know how i developed so much hate for it......Merry confession woman
They expect me to read this lengthy shit abt religion.....Emmanuel TV was like Facebook to me before... ...don't know how i developed so much hate for it......Merry confession woman
Only JESUS can save**EMZEALLOUS**
Them don come again
thank God you are healed. tb Joshua has delivered more worse case than this. was expecting to read something out of the ordinary.
Her brows sef resemble witch own. Looool
We only hear such in africa year things ppl believe sef
It is well.....God would forever take the Glory
Wonders shall never end,may God deliver us from witches and powers of darkness.
I was interested until I saw synagogue. I beg I no fit open eyes make person dey chop me mugu. Chi
Blessings of God makes rich and adds no sorrow nothing good comes from satan
On christ the solid rock i stand...
Nothing wey man no go hear! Evil abound in the world! But why put deliverance in a quotation mark, doesn't our freelancer believe that she was delivered?
Watched it LIVE months ago..
You'd better believe this things, it's soo real and I implore you start watching Emmanueltv for eye opening..
Detractors says Prophet T.B Joshua does not use the bible OE preach the word of God, all LIES.
Don't base your judgment on hearsay, see for yourself at the comfort of your home thru the channel.
*My R1.50c comment*
Na wa o...
Behind every evil deed is a satanic influence.
too long to read all......tank God for her deliverance
Hmmmmmmm abegi,mke dem clear! Dnt blve shit!
The deliverance arena...ain't moved at all
hmm wat a torching story God help us
Things happen
Excuse me...Linda r u doing advert or wht? Wht d hell is dis? Dis is lik set up. I don't believe in d genuine miracle frm dem. By their fruits u wil no dem. #Royal Priesthood#
Wonders shall never end. Dis world truly is deep...
Linda, Pls what is the meaning of this.
May dis Christmas end d present year on a cheerful note&make way 4 a fresh&bright New Year. Here' s wishing u&ur household a Merry Christmas&a Prosperous 2015. To Linda & fellow LIB Reader's. #Royal Priesthood#
Mehhnn...dis is 1big story
Choi! A word is enough for the wise!. AMA NDI ANA EZE.
He that have ear let him hear,Thus says the Lord.
she's delivered. thank God
Thank God for her life.
Hmmm God help us. It's not about being a christian but about also being strong in your faith. Pastor worshipping isn't just it at all. Woman I thank God for u
That God that delivered you is my God thk you jesus she is free
Nollywood things .. linda cmon post beta stories
Omo see tory....
Igbos.... Please believe your beliefs with caution. You guys are the fairytale that bind you to sadness and misery really need to slow down.
Already fireworks are sparking in your heads, you believe anything and for that reason you fall for anything.
There is no difference between a witch doctor and your supposed men of God. They are all agents, do not throw your pearls to pigs.
Running all over the place, but realising your attitudes are the roots of your problems. Who will employ a religious fundamentalist or marry one... Walking everywhere like mad people, carrying gospels around till you get home and drink yourself under the sink and beat your children or partners till the point the neighbours have to intervene.
God knows if there's an igbo person who hasn't ever been chased or chased someone with a cutlass or weapon. Just angry unsophisticated specimens of misfortune.
Enjoy your fantasy story. Linda why expose people to nonsense like this, you know they'll be running around unable to sleep, casting out like they haven't got a job....
This hurrible, and wicked
Seek What
3 Things That Make People Cry
3 Things Christian Churches Can Do to Fight Ebola
Recovering The Lost Art Of Personal Evangelism -Mark 16:15-20
Nawa o bt tnk God for a repentant sinner. Its so obvious that God has d supreme power!
Nah, she ain't no witch doctor, she's just a hoe/ashewo/side-piece. And PLS they put animal parts in who? This is how ebola started im sure KMT! LOL! So it's now this fake tb that delivered this fake babe. Loool nawa oh! And he had to broadcast it becUse? Attention seekers FAKE FAKE FAKE. Next! I'm bored ....
Too long
What a piece!!! Hope its real
na wa o wetin person no go see
na wa o wetin person no go see
Wonders shall never end. Girls and spiritual power. Hope una dey read am and see.
looks like the witchdoctor is still winning...if you can tell me how my day is going to go and who am I going to meet with accuracy...that's something. even Jesus can't do that.
Some idiots will still say its a lie or a scam
Things dey happen for dis lie sha. God take control
Things they happen for this world ooo
things are really happening in this world
things are really happening in this world
things are really happening in this world
Thank you Jesus!!!!!
Ultimate God
vanity!!!!! I have heard a a similar story about a Christian who went to a herbalist for solutions. she sees masquerade pursuing her in the dream..... u won't believe inside the charm she was given was a piece of paper wrapped and guess what's in it ......hmmm psalm 91. Christians don't have patience always wanting shortcuts...... and in the end paying dearly...
U are d idiot ... Hw are sure its not a scam ... Can u prove it? ... Abi na ur sister?
U are d idiot ... Hw are sure its not a scam ... Can u prove it? ... Abi na ur sister?
smtimes, I dnt know where i stand on these matters
No comment!
Emmanuel Tv right?....seen.
My dear...
Cute G, be careful in ur ulterance. I believe dat anything dat gives GOD glory must be upheld. Unbelief is a disease dat needs a cure frm JESUS CHRIST. Happy New Year in advance to all good ppl of NIGERIA.
I don't believe any crap that comes out of that church.
Brothers and sisters let us draw nearer to God and He will see us through all our problems.
Anonymous 8:53, you articulated like a learned one but reasoned like a child. Well its a pity.....learn some manners. Tribe has nothing to do with this issue!
Thank you Lord for saving another soul. You will always be God!
Anonymous8:53: only cowards hide behind anonymous to abuse a tribe. Are you afraid? Better be cos your tribalism will wreck you! Goathead!
Dear Linda, pls kindly state ur criteria of comments display cos there was no time any of my comments was displayed on ur blog even wen they r very decent, dat's not nice if u do selective display based on pple dat u r used to. So new pple cnt contribute on ur blog? I bliv u shld b a professional b pls correct dis unwelcom attitude of urs
Na so ... one of those things...
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