She was buried with her crown and sash and she looked so peaceful. Such a painful pic to look at but can't share online. May her soul rest in peace...amen.

News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
So bad,RIP
Y her parents no come
Rip :(
What a sad mood activated by this news....R.I.P. #so sad#. .........CB.......REPORTING........LIVE FROM PORT NOVIA.......
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Kai just 19. So very sad that is why anytime I wake up to see another new day I'll always thank this my baba God, weda u hv food clothes job or u don't ders always a reason to thank God. When ur thoughtful you'd be thankful. Imagine this beautiful girl saw the 1st day of this month but 2day she's no more. Why not give God thanks for life. He deserves more than we ever think of. Thank u Jesus
No peace for the wicked...May her gentle soul rest in perfect bliss...Dirge.
Really sad. May God give her family the fortitude to bear the loss.
So sad! What a pretty lady she was! Rest in peace..The Lord be with her parents..none here shall die young you shall live to fulfill your dreams and destinies in Jesus name. It is well. Psalm 118:17. BishopDammy#
Rest on sisi
RIP to the lost soul
Is well ..rest in peace my dear
Is well ..rest in peace my dear
Oh my God! Kai, what a waste. Rest in perfect peace.
What shall it profit dem evil doers nw, ma dear rest in perfect peace#crying#2A80A421
may her soul rest in the blossom of the most high
Oh dear. The sting of death is indeed sharp and painful.
Comfort to her loved ones.
Kia. RIP.
May God teach us to number our days & thus apply our hearts unto wisdom. Remembering that it is appointed unto everyone to die once, and after that face the judgement of his creator. And it needn't be at old age!!
Eyahhhhhh, may her soul rest in peace
One and Only Ada David Omobabalanu says so
May her soul find peace....ologunifemidolapo@yahoo.com
She was a beauty.... May her soul RIP....
May her soul rest in peace.
Ground Dey Eat Something ooo, RIP @ BeautyQueen
Lord have mercy.. May her soul rest in perfect peace
Watch and pray for the evil days are here
May her soul rest in peace. What a painful loss. Chei!
Good to know She was buried with her crown and sash and she looked so peaceful.
see lady strips off exposing her things in kenya just to protest against ladies molestation.
May her soul rest in peace.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Life is full of vanity...RIP beauty
May her soul rest in peace
Ehya. RIP girl
Nawa o! Such beauty! *sobs* this world is just vanity!
Now that's a rare beauty. RIP TONYE!!
Very Sad.
aww! may your soul rest in perfect peace
May her gentle soul rest in peace
Chai...its really heartbreaking...may ha soul rest in peace
May her gentle soul continue to rest in peace
A real beauty to behold. May she rest in peace
Rest well my friend! Such a shame I wasn't thr to pay my last respect
Sleep well Mabel..RIP............. NJ
oh my God. This is heart breaking.may her soul RIP Amen.
So sad. Rest in peace
Ehya rip
Ehya so painful
May her soul rest in the bosom of the Lord Amen #onelovefromSnow#
so sorry dear...let god avenge ur death
so sad.so young,RIP
rest in peace sweetheart.may God give her family to bear this irreparable loss.
rest in peace sweetheart.may God give her family fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.
Can't stop crying,wat a beauty!.RIP Mabel,may God give your family d fortitude 2 bear d loss.
Rest in peace pretty one.God knows best
RIP... such a beauty.
I feel so sad right now. God is God.
Eyya.....it is well
Awwwww so sad,I'm crying right nw buh it won't just bring you,may ur soul rest in peace
Omg hope she wasnt poisoned... she is so beautiful, reminds me so much of a friend who was also a beauty queen we lost back then in school. Rest in peace angel...
may her beautiful soul RIP.
Dis is so sad, d grave is d richest place, so many talents are buried there... RIP *Flora*
Y do i get ds bad feeling some envious idiot murdered her. May her soul rest in peace
O maa se oo...may her soul rest in peace..way a sad exit
May her soul rest in perfect peace.
may she rest in perfect peace. #bela#
Rip girl
Linda share pix nah... Why bring the story wen u can't share d pix? Dahz d main reason why i even read d gist sef!
There's something fishy about her death.
Young beautiful modeling brand wasted possibly coz of jealousy. RIP beauty
Rest in peace
This life's really notin to brag about
She was so pretty, Rip
Wonder what cud have killed her. Problem with NIGERIA is that they don't do autopsies. Deaths like this shud be investigated
Her beauty strikes me. What a tragedy, RIp love. Obumnemeudeze@gmail.com
Sad news. Rest on dear.
Such a disheartening news to bear....May God grant family and friends the fortitude.....My deepest condolences to the aggrieved.
I c smoke everiwhr
Rip dear one
I c smoke everiwhr
Rip dear one
Rest in peace
RIP cutey..........rest in d bossom of the lord
RIP! I pray God 2 giv de family 2 bear de loss.
So so sad! R.I.P
So sad. Rest on girl.
plz share it
RIP angel
rest on angel..
keep on sleeping in beauty..RIP
May God rest her beautifuI souI nd comfort her Ioved ones she Ieft behInd
So sad, may her gentle soul rest in peace
may her soul rest in peace amen
o ma sehhhhoooo
may the lord continue to keep us remaining in this world.
The Lumdy Blog Review|Kristen Stewart claims actors become “isolated”
R.I.P beautiful. Jay-B
Why are parrnts not attenfing yheir children's funerals? That final goodbye is important?
may her soul rest in peace.so painful
Amen, chai very painful death
Linda, why were her parents not present at the burial? Isn't that awkward?
Every soul wil die
So painful!! May her soul rest in peace
May she found peace. (•͡.̮ •͡ )
Such a beautiful young girl...may her soul rest in peace
Such a young lady, may her soul find peace.
Such a beauty, may her soul rest in peace
RIP beauty queen
May she rest in peace. So sad
Damn, man is nothing! :(
'The Lord Giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord'(Job 1:21)
"We live in a fallen world. The world is cursed (Genesis 3). The world is full of loss, pain, sorrow, hurt, death, illness, injustice, fraud, deceit, lies, deception: the negative list is endless. Therefore it is inevitable that our life will not always be rosy. Sometimes this is a consequence of our actions, sometimes this is the consequence of somebody else's actions, and sometimes it is simply a consequence of living on this earth".
Mabel Sobio Tonye, rest in peace!
RIP to da dead.... Painful bt God kwz best sha
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
death is inevitable. every soul shall taste a death, when its time reaches neither a minute nor a second will be increased to it.
Rip dear. *sobbing *
RIP dear its so painful such a beauty!
~Levi Blessing~ Rep Ma Name!
Rest in peace beautiful one.
The people buring her, killed her....That's why her parents are not there... They poisoned her obviously, unfortunately no autopsy was conducted obviously....
May her soul rest in perfect peace too sad
Parents don't bury their children.
Damn, totally forgot about her demise! So young and beautiful!
So sad Rip
Rip dear....but I think u had an abortion nd died frm it...*** miz Ghana****
How many Bonario's baby on this blog biko?
may her gentle soul RIP
dis is heart wrenching......ripp dear
RIP my dear.. The Parents no try o!!
Ruby Baba no read Post
Ruby Baba reporting from Otu(Onitsha Ado n'idu)
RIP Angel. I think some people need to be educated that Parents do not bury their Children, it's only Children that can bury their Parents.
may her soul rest in perfect peace
Parents don't bury their kids by our custom. It's ought to be the other way round.
May her soul RIP....
Rest in peace beautiful Sobio. E' teme dein na sime.
may her soul rest in peace Amen. so painiful
Her Parents We're There, From the Service of songs Thursday in Port Harcourt and The Burial Friday at her Father's Compound Abonnema R / S
Parent don't bury their child, too traumatic to witness!
One and Only Ada David Omobabalanu says so
So sad
Don't be stupid because you see site to write shit. Parents don't bury their children is not done in African culture. So shut up!
I pray her soul rests in peace..Amen
E be like say u be 1st class mumu.
So sad, may ur soul R.I.P
Why are u so quick to judge. .. ibisokelvin@yahoo.con
My kalabari sis, may ur soul rest in peace... *sobs*
May her soul rest in peace
So they came to lay their friend to rest and some peeps r using it as an opportunity to shine by posing seriously in a group picture at d burial vicinity!!!
Xo sad #RIP# and she is xo pretty
RIP dear...May God Almighty avenge ur death.I pray God will always b wit d 1`s u left behind,esp ur parents...Jee nke oma,omaricha nwa!
May her soul rest in peace.
oh my God, you need to see this robbery experience...www.udokajane.blogspot.com
Parents don't bury children traditionally.
@Gbolahan Akinbode how could u say her parents killed her. If u don't know anything about other people's Custom kindly shut the fuck up..idiot
May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace .Amen
Sorry I meant @chiwawa so sorry @ Gbolahan was so upset with that comment. Some Customs does not allow parent to be at their children burial especially wen they died at a very young age.
May her soul rest in peace
Abortion is BaD
This beauty is gone...RIP
Ewuuuuuh!Nwa RIP.
Sherlock,is that you?
RIP....so sad.
Not feeling, its d fact
Chaiii Rip
Awwwww....so painful. May God comfort her family. Life is so fragile and short, make the best of it while you can, bare ni grudges, be happy, thankful and love God with all your heart.
Pick Your Battles- click my name to read more.
Oh boyyyyyy take it easy
Ehhhhh na abortion? Hmmmm
Rip ahhh so young
what a world
Soo sad...reminds me of Miss World Pageant,Honduras who died @19 alongside her sister in November
Whatever your name miz Ghana, how would you like if you pass away then someone say something like this about you? You need deliverance girl. You're a wicked person.
Such a huge loss. My condolences to her loved ones. rest in peace Gorgeous 🙏
Miz Ghana everyone can't be like you. Ur a big FOOL, useless thing!
It's obvious ur an illetrate!!!
Miz Ghana u are just a foooool, must u consider that? Why did you not consider poison or sumfin else.....okpo
pretty girl...
RIP !!!
RIP. This life eh.
Port Harcourt people always poisoning, I have three friends who died premature death, food poisoning, I fear that state ooo, bad people full there so much which are specialists on poisoning people.
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