Hernandez of Alamosa in southern Colarado went into labor on Monday and
gave birth to Mia Yasmin Garcia by caesarean section at the San Luis
Valley Hospital. But
Miss Hernandez and midwives who helped deliver the baby were shocked
when baby Mia arrived looking a lot larger than they first thought she
would be.
And after being weighed it was revealed that the newborn tipped the scales at 13 pounds, 13 ounces and measuring 22 inches long.
Her father Francisco Garcia told 9News:
'They're all shocked that they're seeing a baby like that. Even in the
San Luis Valley, they were like whoa! They opened their eyes like
they've never seen a baby like that.
Mr Garcia
explained that all of the couple's other children were all born at
normal weights and even the combined weight of their twins at birth was
lower than Mia.
He also added that the newborn would be the couple's last child together, even though they had 'tried their best' to have a boy.
after her birth, baby Mia was flown to a Denver-area hospital after
suffering from low glucose levels and having trouble breathing.

Culled from UK Daily Mail
wow! the woman is a super woman ooo!
This na baby Oku!
Hehehehehhe. Orobo ile wa.
Jesus is Lord.
Omg! This one is real fat gosh... this one can't pass through the vagina na cos she will just kill the mum in the process of delivery. God is wonderful #onelovefromSnow#
This is the kinda children you name in Igbo ÓBÙ MU NEKE... Congratulations.
a journey of a thousand mile Begin's with T-FARE!!
Wow this is scary, this is too much weight for one person........... God is really wonderful
Wow! Thank God for the safe delivery.
Linda, the woman gave birth to her baby through c-section na. So the baby didn't come out of her vagina but through her belly. Try to watch a video to see how a c-section is being carried out. Not for the fainthearted though. Scary I tell ya.
God knows our sizes and he knows what should come out of us.
The baby or the mama don too chop.
What!! That woman must be very strong. (•͡.̮ •͡ )
Its called gestational diabetes.Some women get it during pregnancy.It has to do with insulin/glucose imbalance. That's why the baby is that big. With proper care, both mother and child should be fine.
Another world fatest man is born
Linda, the article says via cesarean, so what's with your asking how the baby could have come out from her vagina?
Wow....incredible....welcm to planet earth...
Nawa oo
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As in srsly! Waoooh! My baby was less than 3kg and I have nt fully recovered self. Waooooooh!
Linda, (to answer your question) the beautiful bouncing babygirl did not come through her vagina, but by C-section. Again, read thoroughly and such before copying and posting. You don't have to post this publicly if you choose not to, just thought I'd let you know. Blessings, love.
Linda boo... says caesarean section. No vjayjay involved. *tongue out
God be with her....omo see big cheek!!!!!ologunifemidolapo@yahoo.com
hmmmmm...The baby is big.....
wonderful!,that baby wldnt have bin able to come out from her mother's vaginal....i wonder wat caused the baby to have so much weight.... To God be The Glory...
Ehn@ Linda: it didn't come out of her V, it was caesarian section nah, u can sweeten stories. Why me love ya doe.
Women,wetin Una carry in between Una legs na tunnel in disguise.i dey hail Una oo
Lol Linda, only u talk say she born through Caesarian section so that means she didn't come out of the vagina. Abi u no know the difference? Lol
Whao, respect to all d women out there...
Linda u self, na CS na , haba, was shocked when I saw vigina there!
Wow she's so big...Gods greatest gift ever
Ahhhh! This baby is too big.
orobo from birth.
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It's d Lords doin
Madam sorry ooo,i can imagine d pains ur going through.
If a mother hs a trace of sugar in her blood then d bby is most likly to be big., welcum bby girl congrats to d parent.
This is a miracle. The lord is good, all the time. «««REPORTING LIVE FROM PORT NOVIA»»»
Wonder shall never end.
wonders. Mercyelvis Williams
Choi!! D nwa nwere weight..... Real bouncing baby girl
why shock? if u are shocking on 14 pound baby, what of who gave birth to tripple, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten or eleven children at once, if added their weight, does their weight will not measure above such 14 pound born baby. amazing things are ahappening in the world and it will continue to be happening,
This one na orobokibor..she has the gene of her father
Could someone please tell me why this baby is very heavy and looking so much like "yokozuna"?
Wow!!! It must av being hard 4 her.
Thats really, REALLY bad medicine. DId they not have ultrasounds there? Was noone watching this pregnancy? 13/14 pounds??Ridiculous.
Linda that baby wasnt delivered through the vagina . came out thru d abdomen .CS
This man is wicked
What did he put in his sperm
The baby is a carbon copy of d fada
Too heavy like a 3monts old
Menhhhh.... thumbs up to the woman
Na her vergo I dey pity
E go don tear scater
Na wa o.thats serious weight
Wow. Ds one na miracle. Hope she go still use her waist waka.. Obumnemeudeze@gmail.com
Obesity loading
Linda, i think u misunderstood the story. It says she birthed by caesarean section. The baby big o. I never see this type before.
Linda - it did not come out of the vagina!!! She had a Caesarean section.
The mother must have had undiagnosed gestational diabetes mellitus in her pregnancy. Hence the size of the baby and the associated complication of low blood sugars (hypoglycaemias).
Very poor care for them to think the baby was average weight in her labour😳😳😳😳😳
Lovely tnk God u guys re doin fine!!!
Caesarean section not tru vagina
Huge nd pretty
So was she born via c-section or a vagina birth? Contradicting reports Linda.
Damn but all na gift frm God shah... Lolx...
Wow. She's looks like a 6months old baby.the woman V go done tear finish.
Gestational diabetes or natural obesity?this will make the baby growing up ugly if d weight isn't shade
Damn....the mum but be really strong...child birth is not easy...not to talk of this one sef.
Its the lord's doing!
God is sooooo great. Thumps up to all women we too much
I luv fat babies like dis
May God grant her good health. Amen
Jezz! This bby s big nd fat o...see her face!...pls let her not grow like dis o...d mum must ve eaten a lot wen she ws pregnant...c fat
OMG!!! dat baby is big. Linda she didnt come out of her mum's vajayjay, she was born thru CS abi you no read am ni. 14pounds is about 6kg dats double the size of an average newborn. Congrats to dem. The man seems quite too average to hv given his wife such a heavy baby....#justsaying
Miracle baby! But the parent so take time not to over feed her oh cos dis baby is going to be a giant!
C section has nothing to do with vagina..biko!
Wow wow wow!!!! This is so amazing. God is wonderful.the baby is so cute. Welcome baby into the world
Big baby
Mz Linda is through caesarean section n not normal delivery S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ mind you,vagina ♑ do any work...congrats to the family but the baby is quite big!!!
ewo!!!..borehole pussy*ingrident don yarn*
Lol.. Baby kor, Wizi Baby ni.. dats a F**kn 1year old Fat baby I see tho. So it's Eida a fraud or the mother is literally p***y less as we speak right now. Tha Choice is Yourz Ma broda'z.. pin:2BB00AEE (HOT MALE)
Wow,big baby indeed..if this one passed thru her vagina,,it would hv been a sorry offer
Awwww. Cutie.
Linda caesarean section is not from vigina. it is surgical operation
Yepa, even my baby dat weighed 4.8kg is nt as big as dis. Congrats 2 d parent especially d mum
Thank God for safe delivery
Cesarean section and vagina birth is contradictory according to your assertion.
The woman wll really suffer before she can push the baby out
God plss protect dis baby
Why ll she breath well when she is this big, meanwhile Linda did u say how she passed through her mum' Virgina, didn't u read tha she was born through caesarean section hmmm.Adam ne elekwa anya ofuma oh.
Linda, she gave birth tru CS not tru. Her Vagina
It is well! Thank God that baby and mama are doing great!
Woow, the baby is huge
Linda abeg read b4 u write,a bit disappointment as a writer, how can a c-section baby now vagina , just thinking /boredom
Linda u too much na only u and viralng.com de gimme latest.....thumbs up to u guyZ...
C-Section means the mother was delivered thru an abdominal incision not per vagina!
Wow, so big
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Thank God for the womans life. See the smile on the mans face (him no know pain wey the woman don pass).
I kept scrolling up and down to see where it is written that she gave birth to the girl thru. D vagina.linda and her headline somtimes...
How nice,remind me of my own stories, I weighed 8 ounces and I had to be born with a cesarean, whilst I got the name caesar.
She delivered by C.S, why are u still asking how the baby came out of a woman's vagina?
She was born via C-section !!!
This story is old na! But I swear that baby is HUGE!!! How do you women do it? Imagine a baby of that size in you! Seriously whoa!!!!
Wow,so huge.
Bia Linda, who said that baby came out of a vagina? #confusedface
I swear,I never see sumfn like this for my life...the parents should seek solution at this early stage,else he has the prospects of emerging the next world's fattest man.Just an advice tho.
The baby didn't come out of her Vagina Linda. U said it urself she was delivered via ceasarian section!
e fit be say na strong sperm things. Dude prolly naive on this kind of ish.
Hmmmm...obessed frm birth, wot has d mother b feeding on during ds pregnacy..joor oooo!
You need to read your post properly...birth by cesarean section and not a virginal birth.
Linda nawaoo for u oo, wetin concern caeserean section with vagina???
Dis one na baby obesity
Obviously the mother has diabetes that's the reason for the big baby and low blood sugar..still a cute baby
Chineke lee
Too fat ...
Wonders shall never seize
Was watching scandal and saw the part where hulk's wife delivered of her baby, and my hubby was saying that the baby was too big.
Just then I came to LIB and saw this news. We were both shocked. Congrats to them
Most likely caused by gestational diabetes which makes the child extremely big at childbirth.
Lindiway O!!! Lol! The article states she was born via a Ceasarian section. That therefore means she didn't pass though her mother's vagina, nah!
That's a way too weighty baby !!
Linda is a confirmed Olodo!
caesarean section = vagina delivery?
Kai... Thank God for blog tins....
Wow. Awesome God! This baby is reaIIy big. I hope she doesn't grow too bIg
Very heavy
Wow, thank God for safe delivery too
Omg! Thumps up to the mother cos no b small work she do
I have to u all that this village linda is under educated by that crap uni in nigeria they call uni lag. She obviously does not know how to read for comprehension.
@D J STELCH #Word eziokwu ka ikwu
That's obesity baby
The baby na original OROBO aka known as EREKE-NI-SHOP! Looks like she brought diabetes waka-come! I wish her good health.
Dis is miraculous
Some ladies go end up usin operation
FATima...welcome to the world.
Dat woman punani is finish oooo,lawd v mercy.
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
Thank God for another gift of life... God bless
Tnk God for safe delivery
Tnks Doc, u said it all. Our people are so clueless and under utilizing Google. Smh
Wow!! Such a big baby
The mother is most likely diabetic
New post on the blog, you're special www.udokajane.blogspot.com
Thank you oo dear, I was beginning to wonder if she did not see its clearly stated it was a C-section.
Lol....d V.V wld just tear!!!
Omg! God is good
Did she give birth with operation or through her vagina cos I wondering hw she did d pushing
Crazy innit
Thank God for her ooo.
God b praised! mehn, d baby gahn
That baby is BIG. BIGGGGGG
So having c section is not giving birth? What is that called?
Congrats to the Family
wow. big bouncing baby.
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