The video shows the man speaking in tongues as he kicks the woman said to be suffering some kind of ailment...he was trying to cure of it. Imagine! This is the same pastor who was arrested & charged for using offensive weapons on his congregation and at one time was accused and charged for sleeping with one of his pastor's wife.
Daniel Obimin has been described as a false prophet by so many people but this hasn't stopped his follower from following blindly. See the video after the cut...and cringe...
Linda, u are late on this one.
Jesus is Lord.
God help us ooo dis kind tin!!!
For his mind, he is praying hard. *Rubbish*
dis pastor and their wahala........abeg i dey wait make i chop linda money for xmas....
They Get What They Want.... The scandalous the pastor, the more the attention... Mtcheeeeeeew..
a journey of a thousand mile Begin's with T-FARE!!
People re so ignorant wats d meanin of wat he jus did??? Bishop Dami pls xplain is it biblical?
No doubt that this pastor is retarded... I still cant find a befitting name for this woman
Mmmmmmh ok
Omg! What kind of prayer is this for crying out loud 'sighs' even if the lady is possessed does it warrant that kind of prayer 'sighs' pastors everywhere 'sighs' I hope the baby is safe after that free kick from Mr pastor 'lol' #onelovefromSnow#
Was he mad ?#intayo'svoice#
Seriously my mouth is still wide open as m typing this...will be back
Catholic till i die.....
Y would d fake pastor b under scruitiny?...rather y'all should blame d foolish pregnant woman dt laid there allowing d fake mofo kick her tummy...hope she doesn't lose d pregnancy tho
God save us from false prophet
Damn nawaoooo sm pipo shud really knw wia dey are going for prayers
Blind followers, end time things.
Pple r stl going so is none of my biz
By their fruits we shall know them.
lol. This Pastor must be a Mad man.
End time tinz
Sweet Jesus have mercy o....ologunifemidolapo@yahoo.com
Foolish man..demon in d name of a pastor, what God will judge on judgement day sha
Oh my! Pyhsco crazy in d name of God and she jst let him???
Ass kicking god must have sent him to kick some butts outta devil.
Can you imagine? All done in the name of the Living God. Oh Plz!
who has ear let him hear, who has eyes let him see
Hmmmmmmmm......pastors of these days don tire me......there is God oooooo
Lord have mercy
4 dia pocket....na for ndi "pastor ima na enu eso m gi, pastor ima na ala eso m gi. Em em fall inside fire make una follow am oh! Mtchew
Fake pastors everywhere.
God dey ooo ;man of God
Kicking and stepping on a pregnant woman in the name of prayers and deliverance. This pastor must be a formal enyimba football club.
He should face the Law. Linda please try not to be partial in reporting stories, report without supporting one party next time####
God is watching. He alone knows true follower.
For it is written, "False prophet shall rise in the last days and deceive many... pray you are not deceived..."
since the woman willingly gave herself for such deliverance,i don't see anything wrong in it.besides she was not even sicken by it.thats her faith pls let her be.i have seen great keneth Hagins pushed someone of the wheal chair and shook him like die.just a few seconds later,he started running with his bent leggs and it got straightened minutes after minutes till it was perfectly straight.thats faith
Oh my good Lord. This people are obviously hypnotized. This is not good!
This man needs serious spiritual slapping..
>>>>..." and many shall come by my name....", what a stupid woman she is, putting her life and the unborn child in danger. As for the "Pastor" he should serve some years in prison and never go close to the Alter again. <<<<<
Crazy Man
Hian.yemisi Z10 says so
Na wa o....end time is now..#gift#
He is no man of God......... As human, witout d spirit of God, its wrongto do dis to sumone...let alone wen U claim U carry d power of God......Where dis he eva read dat Jesus did a tin like dis????...He shud be charged nd punish.....
And i pity d pple dat attend his church nd call him their pastor....Nonsense
Another pastor was caught sometime back in Uganda with electrolyte-body devices which he uses to shock people who thinks that holy ghost actually came upon them
Ewoooo orishi rishi
1000 Funny BBM Display Pictures (PART 9).
Na wa o may God Save us frm all did fake pastord
Fake pastor
Soon he would find himself in jail
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
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Na wa o....d tin z no matter hw bad a pastor z,hiz followers will kip followin blindly despite all odds. Na dem sabi sha #proudlycatholic
confusion everywhere
D man is not well Ooº°˚ ˚°Âºo ! Mehn wtf
Na she waka go there and not complaining. Pastor,members and their beliefs should be left alone. We should be bothered with those Imans brainwashing their followers to carry out suicide bombings. Christians have no issue.. Tim.
spiritual healing
Dat woman must be crazy to allow pastor to do dat to her
Onye amma ugha abia la
I see smoke everiwhr
MiracIe seekers. They don't mind dyIng in the chrch.
MiracIe seekers. They don't mind dyIng in the chrch.
All in the name of miracle
Endtime pastor
Na dem sabi
What some pastors do in the name of the Lord, God av mercy...
Like seriously???
He should be arrested oo
God save us....#charo
Can't close my mouth.
Nawa oooo....It is well
He's destroying instead of restoring; seems he wanted the baby out of the woman.
*My R1.50c comment*
unbelievable pastor na wa oooooo ....
d word is really comin to an end.
Dem force dem to go to his church? Suit them well
na wa o. wat will sumbody not hear in this world.damyseye@yahoo.com
Both the Pastor and the Pastored need psychological evaluation..short of saying both seem to have mental challenges.
this is serious.damyseye@yahoo.com
Na wa o.and people still foollow him.
Fetish n fake pastor. Hmm
Ouch that's gotta hurt...
Devil is seriously at work....
Some pple and these their strong faith, well I hop d preg woman wz not hurt.
Pls dnt adres dis man as a pastor. I pity d blind folowers
I no blame d pastor, na d woman I blame. Shey, na she present ha belle make dem carry am do football. Because pastors hands are broken, abi? Mtchewwwww!
What kind of woman allows her pregnant body to be kicked like that? Poverty is deadlier than Ebola! As for the pastor, I can only imagine the evil he's committing in secret, if he could do this openly! Africa is lawless!!
I don't blame the pastor or whatever they call him.,i blame the people that believe him and follow him even in this present time and age
You can't tell. Ask the woman if it worked b4 you judge.
Hmmm na waoo still yet they re follow him
All in the name of God, hmmm!
Ooo, sha dat doesn't stop the fact that"There is God oo
Jesus what's happening in Africans pastors dat call themselves pastors, God what's all dis nw
Y na
Is dis part of d miracle
Jesus what's happening in Africans pastors dat call themselves pastors, God what's all dis nw
Africans and ignorance...
Fakeish pastor
Hmmmm anya mu ahula onu otule m without mirrow.
This is outrageous
This is so disgusting and pathetic, what is wrong with the pregnant woman, why would she subject herself to such a demonic and wicked man!!! I am really pissed, and the silly thing is that, a lot of people would come out to defend this animal who calls himself a pastor!!! What is wrong with people sheepishly following all this demented and insane men, who call themselves pastors, God should end the world already!!! Whizman
This is outrageous
This is gross, not the Jesus way tho! Haba ..... End time is here truely
The hunger for miracles sha
Signs of end time
The unlookers should be arrested as well,can u imagine!!!? This is totally insane.
He should be beheaded for trying this. And this woman,i don't know what exactly to say to her,she's dumb tho for believing in this. This is why some don't go tho church again!
I hope she doesn't miscarriage because of this,. ...is this pastor even sane
Miracles chasers are gullible people.I just pray they will enact laws here in Nigeria to stop all those soothsayers that called themselves prophet. It is so alarming.
False prophet....... And the woman sef.......... She no wise? (•͡.̮ •͡ )
Even the Bible said that my people suffereth for lack of knowlege.
The Fake is so written all over him and people are still flocking around him. Rubbish
freedom of worship....no b d woman keep her belle..abeg police shld free d man
freedom of worship....no b d woman keep her belle..abeg police shld free d man
Imagine pregnant what a nonentity
this is serious......shall
The white man gave Africans the Bible and took away their common sense. You have this man harming an unborn child in front of an entire congregation and no one lifts a finger to stop the madness cuz the pastor said so. Come on, folks. Wake up. God trusted his son as his surrogate on earth, no one else. Stop giving this sensitive job to quacks.
hmmmmmmm................na wa o
Wat kind of a pastor is dis? I think he's under the influence of demons. What?
Nawa ooooo, all the congregations are under a spell. People should be careful of the churches they visit all the name of miracles.
One and Only Ada David Omobabalanu says so
And people still go to his church?
Can you imagine, what sort of prayers is he making, let him face the law.rubbish.
I wish a mofo would try that with my wife. That'd be his last sermon
Madness in practice, well I can't judge, God is d only judge
What is she looking for?is it d fruit of the womb?ignorance is a disease
Lol. Dats the holy ghost
God have mercy
God of mercy. ..open d eyes of ur children.
Nonsense and ingredients. All in the name of deliverance and miracles
Pple will nva learn to stop goin to fake churches..... Wich sane n correct man of God will do dis.... Evil evrywea in da world
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
Nawa oo,
Jesus is Lord. And woman dey believe. Since I can't wrap my head round it. I'd stick with. They are acting. There's nor baby in that tummy.
i think Ghana is taking over from Nigeria in fake pastors end time pastors, God helps his own people
Only God knows who is who!
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this is craziness and madness. did he want to kill her and the baby? is that only way to help her. did Jesus which this pastor is claiming to follow do such thing?
It's as simple as you've put it. For as long as pple remain stupid, so shall there be jet-flying 'men of God' who slap their faces and make them eat grass.
Everything na miracle
Pastor isn't retarded... That honor belongs to the woman who's pregnant and let him step on her belly
God isn't going to save u'd from false prophets... He already gave us the bible... If ur pastor is doing anything u know Jesus wouldn't do, there's ur hint to save urself right there
Really... That's the "enlightened" statement YOU put out for the whole world to read. You shouldn't be allowed to procreate... Let this idiocy end with u
What a wicked World,how which Men were God.My People are too backword. Our Mentality too poor/low.
You should have a bigger problem with ur wife for taking herself (first) to "said" mofo, and (secondly) letting the mofo kick her pregnant belly
Judgement is God's... Common (use) is ours
What is this? God have mercy people should read the word of God ask the Holy spirit to direct them. These are signs of the End Time . People should be wise.
Na wa o
Make cool cash for just tweeting and posting on all social networks $$$$$$
We are in the dawn of false prophets, where followers are moved by miracles instead of words and actions of God! The end time is nigh!
Perilous last days........smh.
Wetin we no go hear for this world?
I don't know what he was doing but this is unbelievable totally last of respect for God and the woman
I think religion has cause the worst form of dementia among its most gullible adherents. Common sense should dictate that some ish ain't right. So much fuckery goin on.
Miracle seekers..na Fr Mbaka dey sweet Me now..tem for Jesus
either they don't have police in that country or the police don't know their job.
People and wahala dey co-habit
People and wahala dey co-habit
The man is just so wicked
Na wa o
Dz man is a complete psycho...imagine even d stupid woman cannot deny him of doing such to her....i say na craze world we dey...
Hahaha d woman sitting receiving d so called healing is to blame!!!!
This man is evil.
na wah... mk d pikin no change shape..
preg probably not real
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