The Julieana Ali train a Nigerian child team is imploring
the help of the public to send in names of such pupil/student who is
likely not going to be able continue the current school session.
We will
call them in for an interview, and the selected ones will also be
released on line. All you need to do is send in the following details to info@trainanigerianchild. com
Name of pupil/student
Name of school
Current class
Parent/guardian’s name
Phone number
We will contact them and also visit their schools.
For more information visit www.trainanigerianchild. com
Like us on www.facebook.com/ tainanigerianchild
About Us
Julieana Ali Train a Nigerian Child Foundation is a
non-for-profit organization founded in 2014 with the objective of
helping bright pupils/students to realize their dreams of receiving an
education where resources are limited. We work towards this goal by
providing scholarships to highly motivated underprivileged children who
have scored well in their studies. We meet such needs in other to take
the child’s mind off uncertainty of completing the current school
session, and helping them to focus on their school grades with all
resources to be at the top of their class provided to them by the
About the Founder
Julieana Ali owns a real estate development firm, a
Lebanese restaurant and also launching an entrepreneurial empowerment
competition in January 2015. She believes that education is one of the
core values we can give to the younger generation. The foundation was
birthed as a result of meeting bright young individuals who have dropped
out of school due to finances and were left with no option than to
learn a trade. These smart young intellects are aspiring to be great in
life and most probably end up as a powerhouse in whatever field they
find themselves in, but the present economy situation in the country
isn’t making it possible. Ali’s obligation is to go out there and help
these bright young ones to achieve their dreams, goals and objectives by
seeing them through primary, secondary, and in a possible future their
tertiary education.
Wish I can but one I will
They shld take it to the north..Bcos that's wot those there hopeless children needs right now...we are ok here in d east....its a good gesture dou
They shld take it to the north..Bcos that's wot those there hopeless children needs right now...we are ok here in d east....its a good gesture dou
Very nice of u jare
Nice initiative
Wow! Very nice initiative.... good news for some kids out there #onelovefromSnow#
awwww so nicee...
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God will bless you immensely.
MR EDDY said.
Ok. But I will inform my neighbor
^™THAT EDO BOY.COM~wishes u merry Christmas and a happy new year.
These NGOs who do they really cater for manychildren are out of school o. I will send enough names o.
Ok! When I hammer I will remember this I promise! Nice job she is doing
Nice idea for your foundation, support child education
Good one
Dats a gud 1,lord give me to help dem roo ijn
Beautiful heart and pretty lady aswell
Thumbs up to dis foundation. Gr job dey r doing. #Royal Priesthood#
Good innovation, God bless u
Hope d children dat deserve it wil b opportuned to b assisted via dis foundatio... #Royal Priesthood#
We are getting there!!!!!
Jospenboy. Says. Via Tecno P5
< We are getting there!!! >
Jospenboy. @ Via Tecno P5
< We are getting there!!! >
Jospenboy. @ Via Tecno P5
Good initiative
My dear Thank you very much
Aww. So nice of her. If there r 100 of this kind, things won't be d same. She's beautiful. Love her earrings
God will surely bless you.
I encourage you guyz 2 keep d good work up..GOD bless dem
I encourage you guyz 2 keep d good work up..GOD bless dem
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Henry please no child is hopeless, Infact no one is hopeless. You shouldn't use such a word on something or someone u can't create. That's not nice.
...and we have thousands of millionaires and their kids coming to this blog to show us million dollar weddings and possessions....'the heart of man'...
Henry my prayers for you is that in your pursuit to comment on LIB that God would forgive you and have mercy for you on your foolishness. Its well.
Henry learn some manners
God bless your heart
This was the same foundation that went to makoko on October 1st , I was really impressed . Wish we had more foundations like this . GOD bless their hustle
God bless them
Lol...and we are deceived again train a Nigerian child or screw a Nigerian child.this lady who is specialized in sleeping with young girls
May God bless the foundation,people !!!!!!no b joke o,they have payed my child's fees.thank you ma.
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