Dear LIB readers; I've been sleeping with my cousin for the past year and now we want to tell our family | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 11 December 2014

Dear LIB readers; I've been sleeping with my cousin for the past year and now we want to tell our family

I blame Telemundo for this...:-). From a female LIB reader
I guess I should start by specifying that we’re not first cousins, but I don’t know if we qualify as second cousins or not. His mother and my grandfather are brother and sister, in a family where there are as many aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings as trees in a forest. The two of them are separated by fifteen years, six siblings, and enough difference in upbringing that they would often talk about how they felt more like uncle and niece than brother and sister. I think that their disparity in childhood is probably a lot of the reason why we felt it was okay to do at first, because it was barely even like they were siblings.
We were so used to the big family reunions where everyone would get lost in the mix, and there were always new babies being born and new marriages and new extensions to the family tree — it was easy to pretend like we didn’t know what the situation was.

But we know, and since we first kissed outside a bar just over a year ago (on a night that was more about having shots and finding excuses to get close to each other than it was about welcoming him to Austin), we have been a couple. We are very private about our relationship — no PDA, only a few select friends know, never any evidence or anything on Facebook — but it’s a huge part of both of our lives. We are lucky to live far enough away from our family (they are almost all back on the east coast, we are here in Texas) that we can be pretty free with who we are. But if we are being honest with ourselves, we know that we share the kind of history and family relationship that would make most people cringe at the idea of us being together.

No one who knows that we are a couple know that we are from the same family. And although I often wish that I could confide in a close friend, I am simply not ready for the kinds of questions and judgment that would follow. They would tell me that it’s wrong, that it’s gross, that it is unnatural, and that I’m insane. And there is a good chance that they’re right, but the situation is just so hard to understand unless you’ve lived in it. Although it’s true that we are blood relatives, we only saw each other about once or twice a year. As I said before, the difference in age between his mother and my grandfather is enough that they are amongst the least close of all of their family, and I am much more familiar with a lot of my other cousins than I am with him. Even though I knew I could always see him at a family reunion or a wedding, I never really got that “close-knit upbringing” feel that you share with someone who you knew well in childhood. Hell, I even have friends from elementary school that I feel more of a kinship with because we were together for a lot of our important moments. Nick (a fake name, of course) was only there for the big stuff.
But I knew I loved him pretty young. We would always be the two kids at the event who would go off and play by themselves, and when we hit our pre-teen/teenage years, the bond that we had formed playing in the backyard at a family gathering turned into something much more profound. I could tell him things, he listened to me, he knew who I was in a way that almost no one else did — even though we saw each other very rarely. By the time I kissed him that night (I was 23), it felt like the release of something I had been waiting for my whole life. I wanted him to be with me, and only me, because I had always felt like I had to share him — with my family, with the girlfriends who would ask if he was single because they knew I could never be with him, with my parents who would make us leave an event early and take me away from him. For once, I had him all to myself, and I finally knew that he felt the same way about me that I did about him. I could be honest for the first time, even if it was only with him.

That night, we spent about three hours frantically Googling everything from local laws, to genetic risks, to “How to tell your family you’re in love with a relative.” We were insane, and scared, and completely lost — but so happy. So in love. Every day I look back on that night fondly, going from the computer to the bed trying to find out if the way we felt was okay, even though we knew that nothing we were going to find would change our minds. On some level, we realized that day that we were going to need to tell our family members. But at least, at the time, it was something we could procrastinate on.

I thought a long time about writing this, in a lot of ways it felt like the first real step to telling our family, because I finally have to put it all in words and acknowledge that it’s true. We decided, out loud for the first time not too long ago, that we would accept the consequences if our family could not have us around anymore. It’s a terrifying idea, and the loss of a family as big and amazing as ours would be a lifelong wound, but it’s something that is simply necessary. It is legal for us to get married, and if we won’t have our parents at our wedding, we’re going to do it some day. Nothing in the world makes me happier than the prospect of telling Nick, in front of anyone who is willing to watch us, that he is the love of my life. In many ways it feels unfair that we were burdened with the same blood, that we could have been just like any other couple around us who has the full support of everyone they love. But if we hadn’t been born who we are, we may have never met. And even if it costs me my family, it is a choice I am willing to make.


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Anonymous said...

This writer is the dumbest ive been ive ever come accross. I have cousins whose mum is my grandmas sister and so what? That we don't see all the time and so what? That are good looking as hell and so what? You have zero excuse. Probably two desperate lonely folks. Smdh! It's against religion and the law. Stop playing.

Anonymous said...

Please go for him...close your ears to whatever your family members

Toronto Finest said...

These pikin don spoil family oo.. yeepa lol

Unknown said...

i almost fell for the same predicament but for God! my advice, no matter how painful, END SUCH ARMOROUS RELATIONSHIP my dear

Unknown said...

Just break away from that relationship

Unknown said...

na waooo just like that girl may God have mercy on u guys but hope sey una never comot belle on top the mata oooo

Unknown said...

Is family though ... but shit happens. I don't know.... I don't know much about family from where I come from so I don't even know the implications.

Anonymous said...

You seriously need to go back to school and learn family tree! Read what you wrote does it seem like they are related! You're the only one related to both cousins by blood, they got married because they are not related! If you want to give advice please endeavor to use correct analogy! People be giving advice like its a love story and as if life works that way. Love love love up and down, please people wake up and face reality, theres no happy ever after!

Anonymous said...

If u are from the North it's very very okay but if u are from the South your Family will scream Blood of Jesuuuuuuuue, Malla go say carry go

Anonymous said...

Kester eke your foolishness is def at its peak! Family will fade away, seriously??!!! You are the type that would be fuckung your sister and telling her to elope with you. Gosh!! What the hell is this world turning into? I just can't deal! Damn, I just can't! Smh....

Anonymous said...

Well, I quite understand the insanity. Weird as it may sound, I lost my virginity to my cousin - direct cousin; his dad and my mum are immediate siblings from the same parents. Then, I thought I was in love and was ready to loose my entire family and not even feel it.

With time, I realized I was the dumbest fool alive. His best friend was so much in love with me but I always turned him down and my cousin will always fight with him to leave his "baby" alone. The friend thought he was referring to me as his "baby" cos of the family ties - however, it was a "romantic baby" thing.

Long story short, this guy left Nigeria and relocated abroad with his mum leaving me heartbroken so to say. It was so difficult for me, so much that for 4 years, I couldn't date anyone. Till I opened up to my blood brother. He nearly beheaded me but he took it upon himself to get me out of my misery. We prayed together, took me to see our pastor for prayers too and he was my personal counsellor. We hid it from my mum and the guy's dad and till date, they don't know.

This guy came to Nigeria last year and treated me like filth, he couldnt even look at me or hug me. I felt slightly bad but thanks to God and my brother, I overcame it in no time and even introduced him to my husband-to-be.

I know people will crucify me and call me names, but it's all good, It's a mistake that will hunt me for the rest of my life, however, life must continue.

Hence, my dear, you have to cut all ties with this guy, cos trust me, if it boomerangs, it wont take him time to move on. You're the female here and the stigma will be on you for life if your family and friends get to know.

Make a move before it's too late. All the best.

Anonymous said...

People in this life are funny sha, see B.S advice. I pray your son goes for your daughter and they close their ears to what family says or if you have siblings they go for each other and close their ears to what family says.mistchww

Unknown said...

thats ridiculous in African context

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

So sad..............Linda ma fingers are almost worn out from over typing, approve my comment

Unknown said...

Deliverance is wat u nid

Unknown said...

my sister, like u said nobody will understand alleles he has been there before. but i tell u many has made that kind of mistake but were able to correct it before it get out of mind. I want to to think of the whole big family been against u two how it will be like, to be frank they will never approve that or are ready to live without them? I believe there are so many guys out there ready to be with u. My advice to u is to call this whole thing off whether he likes it or not. Most time youths take life decision that they grow old to regret, please don't do this for your future sake. from

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do it and face the music, u know its a sin.

Dynasty Furniture said...

see where love as land this relatives... hmmm wc kind drum we go play this drama? anyway the best way out in any situation his to consult God and im sure he will be ever ready to hear u and guide to the right path...

Dynasty Furniture said...

see where love as land this relatives... hmmm wc kind drum we go play this drama? anyway the best way out in any situation his to consult God and im sure he will be ever ready to hear u and guide to the right path...

Dynasty Furniture said...

see where love as land this relatives... hmmm wc kind drum we go play this drama? anyway the best way out in any situation his to consult God and im sure he will be ever ready to hear u and guide to the right path...

Anonymous said...


Dynasty Furniture said...

see where love as land this relatives... hmmm wc kind drum we go play this drama? anyway the best way out in any situation his to consult God and im sure he will be ever ready to hear u and guide to the right path...

mmachukwu said...

Where is my comment since morning?. Is that how am going to win:::: ***there is Godooooo****

Anonymous said...

Did no one realise the guy is her uncle not her cousin actually ? Also muslim marry their cousin and uncles / aunties. So I'm not saying what you're doing is right or you should change religion, but just food for thought

Anonymous said...

My dear God bless you for sharing this experience. Your life would never know sadness after this and Jesus has forgiven and cleansed is well my sister. You didn't know better.please and please don't feel bad okay, feeling bad is like not believing God for forgiving you. Let it go.

Anonymous said...

Mrs oreo, nice comment. Don't mind her o. I wonder how she would explain the child's disability as having been caused by her to the child. Nothing wey person no go hear. Telemundo ko, mundotele nii

Sassy Mum

Blessing Isaac said...

It's so hard a thing to deal with. There are cousins that take to themselves;however,the feelings dissipate before they hit the flower age. Yours lingered cos,u grew it. If only you knew of the long spiritual implication of this singular act of soul tie amongst people of such close consanguineous link,you'd be advised better. Legally speaking as well as traditionally, this is frowned at. I suggest you both grow up-judging from the way you construe "love." recondition your mind & you get a better result. It's simple. You'll still remain best cousins in your different "worlds."

Unknown said...

So not good

Unknown said...

which kin yeye love mtcheeew

Joyce said...

My dear, u cant say u're in love with ur own blood. U know quite well dat what you are doing is ungodly yet are allowed yourselve to be blindfolded. Please ask God to forgive u and give u the grace and ability to let go.


so why are you telling us? look at your conscience and you will know what exactly to do.

Unknown said...

An abominable act!incest! When you two tell your families,i hope you expect them to pat your backs and say well done.

Unknown said...

this is not about being judgmental, this is incest of the highest order
i had to draw a family tree and i realized how u guys are related....his mum will see you as her elder brother's sure she wont like it.

Unknown said...

So sad..............Linda ma fingers are almost worn out from over typing, approve my comment

Unknown said...

What is good is good and what is bad is bad, I will not want you to place a generational curse/spell on yourself. It is better for both of you to made it known to the family and stopped the relationship immediately. Obedient is better than sacrifice.


Don't see anything to be guilty about your relationship....
Legally speaking you've not flouted the prohibitions in respect of consanguinity...
Even biblically speaking, you've not offended any rules pursuant to Lev 18...
But there is a social dimension to right and wrong...
How you'll transcend this glitch is left to you and your sense of temerity...

lyzee said...

she is sick

VJ said...

:::I have observed:::

It seems some stories on LIB are aimed at softly presenting certain lifestyle that are not ideal. Moral responsibility is on LI to ensure what isn't appropriate for consumption never gets published. Don't be surprised this would make someone who finds himself/herself in a similar condition (knowing it's not right) feeling that perhaps, since some other people are in such situation, it is after all not wrong for them to have such. That is what such stories subtly do. Ask yourself, for instance, what's the purpose of this cooked-up story? LIB censor your stories please. Let your blog not be a portal for introduction and encouragement of ungodly lifestyle. There are consequences. Shalom.

Unknown said...

Abi if she dey pregnant let him marry her is not first or second cousin dey can marry

Hoye said...

Just end evrything and move on with your life,end of story

Anonymous said...

honey go ahead n marry itz not wrong becos it was ur mum and not ur dad datz related to his grandfather thank God for dat.

Anonymous said...

Naija people shaa! Let us look at this objectively. Legally, they are allowed to be together (I dont exactly support it). To those of you quoting the bible, if you believe we are direct decendants of Adam and Eve then surely some incest must have happened somewhere along the line? Scientifically, it isnt advisable as they could have imbred children and the associated health complications.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

linda cnt c my comments o

kennycut said... is well oooo...watn person no go hear

Unknown said...

Keep beating around the bush madam! No matter ow composed your essay is and wat not!!! It's still wrong!! U hear? Wish u all d best

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I support you in this! The timing of the recent two give away comments seem so odd! I have app that refreshes for me, so I know exactly when updates are made on Linda, but my comment won't show on your blog till after 5 mins or so!

Anonymous said...

LOL.who are you.THUMBs bae...

swarty blog said...


Anonymous said...

Beggy beggy.. Stop embarrassing yourself.. Gosh you're irritating.. Do something with your life biko.. Linda is hustling for the money she's giving away and I think you should learn how to hustle too.. Stop being a pain in the ass

Unknown said...

OK seen

Anonymous said...

Dundy it's second.i won't marry u if u were my can u hope it's the right thing,just hope it doesn't ruin them,nothing is right here according to meaning of right.and go get some sense

dimplegal said...


snowflix said...

All this people with their yeye story, since you knew it was wrong why engaging in it @ first 'sigh' so you want us to clap for you that you made the best decision ever right? I pray the stupid love between you both should lead you to heaven mtcheew #onelovefromSnow#

Unknown said...

May God help u

Anonymous said...

Interesting, its easy for you guys to judge cos ure not in this fellows shoe. Love or infatuation can be very funny, most of us havé been in relationships that were wrong and even after we were spoken to we were in love n dint listen but something we were warned about eventually made us leave each other and looking back it was a waste of time. Enjoy yourself babes just be sure its what you want and what u would receive blessings from parents, family and everyone who hears about it.

eviliciouspepe said...

No matter how close ur family where or not close, blood is still blood. I understand when u mean growing up u felt that closeness to him, it's normal for young children. But didn't u leave the house for something like school or work and meet other people? When u are a child u think like a child and function like a child, but when u grow up, u put away childish things. The world is a very big full everywhere Pls ask God to help u to break up this lust, because it's not love.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, i honestly don't see anything wrong in what you're doing. You're in love for crying out loud! and it's not like he's your direct blood right?. My mother always tells me that she wants my future husband to be like a sibling to me and a bestfriend. Well, Nick has those qualities right? lol. Please don't listen to these people. Follow your heart. You might not find someone like him if you eventually end things with him and you would probably regret it for the rest of your life. I know you don't want that.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

That's bad...

Anonymous said...

If his mother and your grandmother are siblings.. even with a 15 year age gap. I am assuming you are 24 now since you kissed him a year ago at 23. How old is he?

Anonymous said...

I pity them...

Unknown said...

Aww abominaable act

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They need to stay away from each other and tell their family what happened....

Anonymous said...

Na wa

African Icon said...

I guess guilty conscience?
Go find another man and stop deceiving yourself.

Anonymous said...

y r u insultive n judgemental? pple shd b able to express demselves on ds blog.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Talk about inbreeding. On a serious note, I don't know what the say, homegirl seems to have thought abt her situation and it ramifications so I'll live and let live. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

If your mother happened to have a child now does that make you any less related because you are 23-24 years older than the child

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Anonymous said...

Obviously they r american. So not surprised. Pls dont insult telemundo joo

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