Dear LIB readers; I've been sleeping with my cousin for the past year and now we want to tell our family | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 11 December 2014

Dear LIB readers; I've been sleeping with my cousin for the past year and now we want to tell our family

I blame Telemundo for this...:-). From a female LIB reader
I guess I should start by specifying that we’re not first cousins, but I don’t know if we qualify as second cousins or not. His mother and my grandfather are brother and sister, in a family where there are as many aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings as trees in a forest. The two of them are separated by fifteen years, six siblings, and enough difference in upbringing that they would often talk about how they felt more like uncle and niece than brother and sister. I think that their disparity in childhood is probably a lot of the reason why we felt it was okay to do at first, because it was barely even like they were siblings.
We were so used to the big family reunions where everyone would get lost in the mix, and there were always new babies being born and new marriages and new extensions to the family tree — it was easy to pretend like we didn’t know what the situation was.

But we know, and since we first kissed outside a bar just over a year ago (on a night that was more about having shots and finding excuses to get close to each other than it was about welcoming him to Austin), we have been a couple. We are very private about our relationship — no PDA, only a few select friends know, never any evidence or anything on Facebook — but it’s a huge part of both of our lives. We are lucky to live far enough away from our family (they are almost all back on the east coast, we are here in Texas) that we can be pretty free with who we are. But if we are being honest with ourselves, we know that we share the kind of history and family relationship that would make most people cringe at the idea of us being together.

No one who knows that we are a couple know that we are from the same family. And although I often wish that I could confide in a close friend, I am simply not ready for the kinds of questions and judgment that would follow. They would tell me that it’s wrong, that it’s gross, that it is unnatural, and that I’m insane. And there is a good chance that they’re right, but the situation is just so hard to understand unless you’ve lived in it. Although it’s true that we are blood relatives, we only saw each other about once or twice a year. As I said before, the difference in age between his mother and my grandfather is enough that they are amongst the least close of all of their family, and I am much more familiar with a lot of my other cousins than I am with him. Even though I knew I could always see him at a family reunion or a wedding, I never really got that “close-knit upbringing” feel that you share with someone who you knew well in childhood. Hell, I even have friends from elementary school that I feel more of a kinship with because we were together for a lot of our important moments. Nick (a fake name, of course) was only there for the big stuff.
But I knew I loved him pretty young. We would always be the two kids at the event who would go off and play by themselves, and when we hit our pre-teen/teenage years, the bond that we had formed playing in the backyard at a family gathering turned into something much more profound. I could tell him things, he listened to me, he knew who I was in a way that almost no one else did — even though we saw each other very rarely. By the time I kissed him that night (I was 23), it felt like the release of something I had been waiting for my whole life. I wanted him to be with me, and only me, because I had always felt like I had to share him — with my family, with the girlfriends who would ask if he was single because they knew I could never be with him, with my parents who would make us leave an event early and take me away from him. For once, I had him all to myself, and I finally knew that he felt the same way about me that I did about him. I could be honest for the first time, even if it was only with him.

That night, we spent about three hours frantically Googling everything from local laws, to genetic risks, to “How to tell your family you’re in love with a relative.” We were insane, and scared, and completely lost — but so happy. So in love. Every day I look back on that night fondly, going from the computer to the bed trying to find out if the way we felt was okay, even though we knew that nothing we were going to find would change our minds. On some level, we realized that day that we were going to need to tell our family members. But at least, at the time, it was something we could procrastinate on.

I thought a long time about writing this, in a lot of ways it felt like the first real step to telling our family, because I finally have to put it all in words and acknowledge that it’s true. We decided, out loud for the first time not too long ago, that we would accept the consequences if our family could not have us around anymore. It’s a terrifying idea, and the loss of a family as big and amazing as ours would be a lifelong wound, but it’s something that is simply necessary. It is legal for us to get married, and if we won’t have our parents at our wedding, we’re going to do it some day. Nothing in the world makes me happier than the prospect of telling Nick, in front of anyone who is willing to watch us, that he is the love of my life. In many ways it feels unfair that we were burdened with the same blood, that we could have been just like any other couple around us who has the full support of everyone they love. But if we hadn’t been born who we are, we may have never met. And even if it costs me my family, it is a choice I am willing to make.


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Unknown said...

Nothing right about this biko

Unknown said...

This is insane

tolafahm said...

Wow...thats not gud!
By my interpretation,my cousin son and my niece. You guys are family!
You ve to stop,and ask 4forgiveness of sin and purification from God. You dont owe anybody any explanation,so u dont have to discuss it with any1 or family members.
Afterall,the deed has been done!

Unknown said...

The world and it's doing

Jenny said...

Woww. Sometimes d pple u feel love 4 r not d 1s u spend ur life wiv

The Perfect Bitch said...

The girl there is pretty btw.all natural.

Ajaka tayo said...

Lol. Don't even try it. Dem no go trust Ya again.

Henry Cheks said...

NNE what you need is counselling not too much talking... Deliverance is not even the solution... Tap out

Jenny said...

Unknown said...

pray over it is well

Anonymous said...

Over-madness dey worry you.

Ms lin lin said...

'You're not burdened with the same blood .. Call a spade a spade . There are many men out there , do the right thing . Morning LIB ..

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

Nawa oooo, lips sealed...

Unknown said...

wow it is well

Anonymous said...

Coming back to read comments...
LIB Readers, over to you!!!

Unknown said...

wow it is well

Anonymous said...


vivian o said...

You know it is wrong even the whites don't do it why should u.stop it while there is still time and if u have the courage speak to ur parents about it gud luck.

Unknown said...

Oma said...

hmmm, this is a very strong case, u need a psychologist to help you out.

Unknown said...

Lolll...incest things..your children will suffer the consequences first and then yours will set in after seeing them suffer..all will be rosy at are an adult and its at your discretion..

Unknown said...

Na wa oh

elo tasha said...

No one can save you from this than yourself,its hard to let go but u have to

Post a Comment

Anonymous said...

She try

Very good girl

Unknown said...

This is downright crazy... as much as u love him,that is not right!!!

Anonymous said...

Is unhealthy. Plz u both shuld desist from it and ask God forgivenes he will forgive u bcos der is no sin too hard for him to forgive. Just kneel down and open ur heart for him

The Perfect Bitch said...

Anonymous said...

Please Stop It. The repercussions will definitely come.

Unknown said...

Odi egwu!!!

Sugarvie said...

U re nt insane for falling inlove with ur relative bt please try to control it cos it is not smeetin that is pleasing to the eyes... Its incest!!! Desist Frm it pls.

Anonymous said...

Waoh! That's huge.

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Anonymous said...

I don't think Linda's blog is the right place for this...
Only few ppl think outside the box here,
The rest are just judgmental and over religious bigots...
I hope you find happiness and peace.. But if I need to be truthful, would advise you let go..
Don't think about the present.. But the future...
Family is important..
You will be guilty for the rest of your life...

Anonymous said...

hmm! dis is crazy. love is not all one needs to get married. rational thoughts are important. D feeling of neglet can cast a shadow on love in the long run.

Kachy said...


Unknown said...

aww...... i guess love z real stupid

Emjay said...


#######LIB MY BAD HABIT########

Kachy said...


crystal said...

it is not right in the real sense of it tho...
Even if his mother n your grand father weren't close,you are still family.

Unknown said...

I dnt fink u r making d right decision. If dis is love lyk u said, then it should b reasonable. Love does nt hurt.

Anonymous said...

I will advice you stay from him and as time goes by you will get over it.

Richard said...

U both should prepare for shit. 2 idiots

Anonymous said...


latoyaaches said...

Unknown said...

As gross as it's not dat gross 2 me......d genetic relationship btw u guys is really a far off....1st all I really wished u specified waat tribe in Nigeria u guys belonged 2.....if u re northerns den sincerely u re doin notin wrong cos dey do marry 1st if na igbo.....babe wahala dey....I tink u shud begin d tellin from ur mum,mums re d best undastanders....u can go abt it as a joke while askin her.....wen u see her reaction den u can fully determine if she caan handle d truth....Godluck bae

PHbabe said...

Wow!!! People get mind oh!!! anywais no b nigerian parents (living in Nigeria) dem go beat out the love commot for your bodi..

Unknown said...

Desist from the devil,its not right

Kachy said...


fos said...

Seriously...well it only God that can judge.

charlesome said...

Girl That's a shit u both Just did! A sacrilege! God have mercy on u both.

Unknown said...

Make una continue kolobi una self.afterall is beta than gay and lesbianism.

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

U need Jesus! Sicko

Anonymous said...

See this fool ooo. Okay ooo, kotinu! Mumu! Go and marry him nah, you think life is a soap opera abi Disney story, mistcheewww. So please why exactly did you send this thrash, you've already made up your mind to live a life of incest forever, so what should we do? People that don't even know they are related and fall madly in love with each other, break up when they realize that they are blood, not to talk of both of you that know, awon oniranu ode!

You think you would wake up when you're 43 and have no regrets for this your "love" decision, or you think he will meet another woman that makes him crazy tomorrow and still stay with you, or that he would not do anything to stop the abomination or better still when he decides that there's more to life and becomes born again and drops all form of B.S including incest. Omo girl you are in for a long thing!

Okay let me tell you what you want to hear, congrats on your upcoming marriage, and I wish you a wonderful marriage with your blood relative and beautiful children that would have sex with themselves and marry themselves that is if they even survive sef.

Congrats girl! I hope your family would celebrate and sew asoebi I and your cousin would pay bride price to his Aunty! Ode people.You think you're in love, I laugh in Spanish, no wonder they say stolen water tastes sweetest, at 24 you're still this foolish as if you're a teenager.Abeg greet your cousin/ hubby for me, idiots causing havoc to themselves since 1900.

Unknown said...

Have you ever considered that this feelings you have for him is as a result of your blood relations with eachother. I mean young lady, its just a caseof loving ur cousin. But bedding him? Thats all sort of wrong n I wont mince words with you my dear, you love him because you're related, its just like loving your brother, that favorite brother. Will you sleep with him because u feel closer ti him than your other brothers. The world has evolved, every one is old school but wrong is wrong n hell is real.

David ahuchama said...

Wow, this is really telemundo as you earlier stated. Its your life and your choices, though it's gross. Very gross. Very very gross

Unknown said...

hmmm seriously na wah o. reminds me of abraham and wife sarai

Walsmorgan said...

Just follow ur heart.

vivian o said...

Telemundo has nothing to do with it sammy and willie tore apart when they thought they were siblings.

Unknown said...

Its not new, it happens ! I know of some twins that f**ck themselves

Unknown said...

Desist from the devil,its not right

Anonymous said...

you have actually made your decision,you dont need our advise.Thank God you know what you are doing is wrong.

Unknown said...

cool story

mamma mia luv said...

I can see how much u hate ur parents especially ur mum cos u so selfish that u don't even care wat happens to them, Na wah for u oh Tufiakwa! I spit for u, infact u suppose be an aborted pikin.
How can u consciously sleep with ur own blood cousin?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hmmm!! He is ur dad/ mum's cousin en u dnt c anythng wrong wit being wit him? It is incest. If he was urs, God wldnt mke him ur blood.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

It's wrong in Africa culture

Anonymous said...

Awon stupid Shindren

Unknown said...

Dunno what to say...cos I can't judge u...I fink u shld tell ur family tho n I pray dey support uu guys

Ewatemi said...

WOW...Somehow I could relate with this so well. What she's going through and all,she need to prepare herself. If its a family that's concern about tradition...ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE. She need to be strong emotionally and mentally.

Engr. Maknun said...

Fornication is wrong but as for marriage, Islamically, you guys can get married. So being wrong or right will depend on your religious and cultural beliefs. As for me, my religious beliefs take precedence above my culture. But all in all fornication is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Be kiaful ,

Unknown said...

na wa oooo

Unknown said...

Im first to comment oh..

Ugo Boss™✅ said...

Hmmmm #taboos

Unknown said...

I didn't read the whole shit but, I dey wave o, na only u sabi love family.

Anonymous said...

Nice 1..

Anonymous said...

Hmmm so pathetic.

Queen B said...

of all the women in the world....your cousin????
The evil that men do

African foodstuff and Raw Materials said...

Hmmmmm.... Well Ʊ re both related,traditionally its wrong, but av not seen it written anywere in d bible dat its wrongs, Abraham also married his sister, the world mutiplied cos Adam nd Eve kids must av married each oda too... But dis days d society frowns at it, tell ur family if they accept Ʊ, good, if they don't pls let go, cos family is very very VERY important, cos if anytin happens in future btw Ʊ nd ur lover (cousin) ur family re d only pple Ʊ can rely on, nd if Ʊ cut of from them nd break their hearts cos of this, God won't 4give Ʊ eida o... There re times love isn't jst enough, if ur family doesn't accept, let go of Nick, stay away from each oda nd find some1 else.. God will help Ʊ... All is well..

Anonymous said...

You have made up your Minda already ,wish you well. CHI.

Unknown said...

Quite an episode,I think it's an abomination in igbo land,but don't about where you come from guys should talk with your family,so you can find out whether it's wrong or right before something more grievous luck

ebimor said...

Sweetie ur insane my God we are really in endtym jeez.

Anonymous said...

Nice 1..

Anonymous said...

This is insane. No excuse can justify your action. You need to stop now before it completely destroys you.

Kachy said...


Unknown said...

Hmmm. Relationship of a cousin with a first cousin once removed. The blood line isn't so close but it is. Being Africans, i am sure u this will cause a lot of problems. So my advice is to cut it off. Do the right thing. We shouldn't always let our hearts speak for us but we should also use our brains.

ebimor said...

Hw can u b hapi our society frowns @ it u nid 2 gt ursef checked properly,ur brains nids 2 b dissected.

Unknown said...

Discuss it your family first and pray to God for directions

Fimba Arinze said...

you just have to ask God to forgive u guys.

gidis said...

to me, dis so wrong n I wud v advice u put an halt to it bt u seemd determined n I guess aint no stopn yall so ma take on dis is 4 yu to rily sit n ponder on dis ish den do wat u fink is best 4 yu....ciao (

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm I put d blame on telemundo too

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm,I will advice you not to abandon ur family for any reason in d future there might be consequences don't let ur emotions overwhelm you.... Ifunanya

Anonymous said...

This is a serious issue

k.c said...

no comments...
Ezigbo Nwafor Nkwerre1(ENN1)

k.c said...

no comments...
Ezigbo Nwafor Nkwerre1(ENN1)

Anonymous said...

hihihihihuhihihihi hiuhihihuhih

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...well! do whatever makes you not one to judge.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

A rltnship without the backup frm d family is not goin to last long if they dnt forgive you. When things fall apart, dey r d only ones you hav, dis is childhood fantasy dt has bloomed fully, believe me, we all have dt handsome cousin whom we crush on. Let ut heart be ryt wit God.

eka said...

hmn....a very long story this morning..But ask urself, at whose compound shall d marriage rites be performed?

Anonymous said...

Since u have it all figured out why r u telling us?girl u better wake up,besides it being a taboo,consanguinity is a risk factor for birth defects and congenital anomalies(its a proven fact),its not love cos love wud make u n odas around u happy and nt hurt,dont destroy ur family forever pls I beg u,there r good men out dere waiting to love u just be patient n pray to God...

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm I go sit down wait for comments

Anonymous said...

INCEST plain and simple

The Perfect Bitch said...

The Perfect Bitch said...

isa uk said...

Ok go ahead, aru.

Chinnie said...

It's obviously wrong..but since ur willing to bear the consequences of ur action..hmmm.jes pray..cos I can't imagine my son bringing his cousin home to me,saying he wants to marry her..wen no b say girls don finish for Nigeria.think abt it very well..cos it seems uve made up ur mind..

Unknown said...

What is bad is bad ooo... sleeping with ur cousin is bad and a sin...

Unknown said...

Mehn its pretty compilcated buh the fact is that she still can't marry him cos there are related.

#Commenting Thru Airtel 4G

Monkey Face said...

Dear poster,

The only sin u ve committed so far is the sin of fornication. Having feelings for a blood relative is NOT a sin before God ( Leventicus 20:10-23) but that depends on how close the relationship is I.e rtship btwn close keen relatives is a sin ( siblings, father-daughter,) now, as much as you woukd love to deny this, the man in question "NICK" is your Dad/Mum's cousin.....Abraham, Issac n Jacob all married their cousins..... BUT put yourself in the shoes of your parents and think twice before you make that decision...

Whatever choice you make, you alone will bear the consequences.
I wish you luck

Anonymous said...

Telemundo...feel the passion.

Anonymous said...

Nice 1..

Unknown said...

It alll sounds easy in ur head but my dear,it isnt.... remove emotions for awhyl nd tink abt dis practically.... nd linda its true, all dis love movies messes wit sumonez head! I can rem wen twilight was messing wit mine, my bf had to remind me dt even bella nd edward had broken up in real lyf....

Unknown said...

Except you're both fulani lineage. The relationship between you both is called " second cousin" and it's a taboo in most parts of nigeria, if not the world, for such thing to happen between you guys.

Love Treasure said...

Obviously you don't need any advice as you've made up u r mind already.

Unknown said...

End d relationship ASAP

Unknown said...

Linda I tink this is very simple case, she said his mother and her grandfather are brother, so they mary if they want too. Bcos cousng can mary a cousing no cos 4 alarm

Anonymous said...

Shot of words dear.

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

Telemundo dey cause more harm than good...lolz

Unknown said...

Don't think its a gud thing dear u guys are related u just av to keep him off ur mind and stay away frm him for good that's all and pray too cause its not a gud thing.

~Levi Blessing~ Rep Ma Name!

Unknown said...

well... its better u tell ur parents before things start to go wrong

Anonymous said...

my dear u know very well that u are on the wrong part,u just have to open up to your family & stop it.(juliet

Unknown said...

Person_papa said...

Ta! Please stop all these things. Forget what happened and look for someone who is not your cousin. You are trying to justify your actions. Go apologize to your family and move away from each other.

Anonymous said...

From your description, i think he is your uncle. I perfectly understand what you are saying cos i've kind of been there too where you have dis overwhelming feeling for your relative. The problem is just dat you have taken yours too far. I had to talk to myself and disciplined myself and snapped out of it. Believe me, you are infatuated. You cannot afford to loose the love of your family bcos if this. The price is far too high. True love is not based on feelings alone, it is also practical. When all these your feelings fizzle away, you may regret your actions.

Anonymous said...

its Incest u guys r still with d 3rd generation

Anonymous said...

Nice 1..

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

THOU CHILD OF THE DEVIL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rachyberry said...

Hmmmmmmm ife neme ooooo.

Sil said...

Nawa ooo....Babe yhu guys r making a big

Rosebelle said...

Incest, ma dear. Pls seek a spiritual counsellor, it's hard but u need to stop seeing him.

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

It's really grosssss babe!....can't imagine dating my scond cousin. It's way too close babe. Look forward!!!

Unknown said...

Remmy D said...

wow,dis is serious...BT I guess telling d truth at all tyms is d best....G luck

bibi said...


*****MERIT GOLD**** said...

Hmmmm. Family is everytin and shudnt be put aside even fr d slightest reason not to talk of a situation of ds description. I tink d way forward is asking your mum about the validity of such relationship and hear her comments. You only live life once.

Jane Ike said...

its not right at all. please stop

Unknown said...

pls, my advice is you tell your parent or talk to your pastor about it.

Anonymous said...

I know that feeling, I was in almost same shoe years back. Was very close to one of my cousins to the extent we shared almost everything(non-sexual) together. Until one day,we discovered we were growing very fond of each other,then we kissed one day,i was 20yrs old, he was 19,it was very brief but,i hate to admit, the sweetest ive ever had. We we living in same area then, my family had to leave that state cos dad got transfered. Even while I was away, I usually think of him sexually and he always did too. Thank God for the distance, we would have probably made out cos what we felt for each other was so strong. Last week,we were chatting on bbm and he reminded me of the kiss,we laughed over it and talked about how crazy we were to have done that and what would have happened if we'd remained in same place. Dear poster, i'll advice you to cut everything sexual with your cousin, the medical implications is too grave to explain here. It will be veeeery difficult, but distance, counselling and prayers will make your heart's let go. All the best!

Anonymous said...

This is so weird.. Goodluck tho..

Anonymous said...

To much Telemoundo my dear

Unknown said...

ABOMINATION, ABOMICONTINENT, ABOMIWORLD! what is wrong with children these days? Love is not everything o. Is this even love? Mthceewww


You are both delusional...

zubby said...

I pity bot of u. There is a way dat seemeth right but d end is destructn. U guys shuld beta get it right now, dan live in perpetual bondage

Anonymous said...

Dis sounds lyk a novel, she sounds like a writer. It's lyk something of Chimamanda Adichies books. U hv made up ur mind already so y send dis 2 Linda?

Lauren Thomas

DEguebe said...

The world is really coming to an end. This is a public advertisement trying to lure people to do same. Please decline this going fwd, Linda pls don't post this on the blog. MC BABA OLOYE SAYS SO

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Tell dem wat, u wan die. I hope u r not falling in love with your cousin. For your own good don't n better stop fuckin him.

ARA said...

wow..... i feel your pain, believe me, i do, i can tell he makes you feel more special than even your parents, trust me i can even taste the resentment towards your parents in your words.
love is such a beautiful thing
its like raw sugar, but as all things in life balance is required.

my advise to you is take it easy, blood they say is thicker than water and love alone, isn't all a marriage needs. many more things are involved.

i will leave you with a proverb,"like sugar is to salt, one makes the appreciation of the other more profound"

imagine rice without salt but rather sugar!!!

you need to allow yourself time off of him(nick), to think, trust me, i know you, will be alright if you just stop to think and Trust your instinct, its my prayer that you find true guidance in your hour of reflection and illumination to light your path!!!

biyurla@gmail .com said...

Mad girl,u want to destroy your future n that of your kids.

Admire said...

Clap 4 ursef cos u guys did well by fallin n luv wt urselves.. U luv ur cousin nd Norrin can change dat rite? It's a free wrd nd we all r entitle 2 our own opinion nd tikin but dia's jus 1 thn I want u 2 kW n lyf s wat goes around must surely comes around... Meaning, b ready 2 witness ur kids falling n luv wt themselves nt wt dia cousins ooo lik u did nd I kW u will b so glad 2 celebrate wt dem cos u did same wt ur cousin.. Kikikiki laughing n Spanish for u nd wishin u all d bst n d future 2 cum cos by dat tym u wud v realized d curse u brot upon ursef nd ur generation

Anonymous said...

i can't shoooooaaaout ooo. Aaaaarrrgh!!


jbankzE said...

Speechless on ds mata...

~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

Mma said...

Don't ever do dat

nwadikedeb said...

ur mind seems made up already

Unknown said...

woow its touching...... buh day really hv 2 tell dia parents.... d earlier d better

Berryblast said...

This is sickening, absolute rubbish.

Anonymous said...

The heart wants what the heart wants....again you tribal law would determine if you can stay together as couple but since you have made up your mind, that nothing would stop you the least you can do is tell your families. All the best.

Unknown said...

This is terrible and that's why I so much hate extended family.... You have to acpt that he is your brother and can't marry u..just let him go..

What to talk about on a first date

Unknown said...

I don't think there is any need to spill it out

Unknown said...

hmmmmmmm am short of words the things we hear in this world sometimes it makes me wonder the deffinittion of love"""'my dear all i can say is that you need deliverance try and talk to a pastor""""""""""""""'''

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Just like u said u are insane until then...

Unknown said...

I repeat stop it now n don't tell your family for your own good.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This one pass me o
Nuttin to say

Slimy said...

A standing ovation 4 u babe... N u no wot? Carry dey until d wrath of ur ancestors befall u guys

VEE said...

If is ok for you, good and fine.....

Anonymous said...

but guls ehn, instead of falling having crushes on celebrities n watching telemundo to play out ur fantasies, theres a guy ryt across d street, his not ur bro n guess wat, he can n wants to make to bring those lil fantasies to life. why not help him out huh? na only we waka com? chai


Anonymous said...

Babe u nurtured feelings 4 d wrong person. Wake up coz am so sure u guys would Regret dis

Unknown said...

Well, I think you are making the right choice by telling your folks. You see there are lots of things that you would have to consider in this situation. But first of all, even in the church, marriage between 4th cousins and above is allowed. So that is one reason you need to go tell your parents. To know if there is a possibility. Most likely they wouldn't even want to check at all but you have to be patient and keep asking. If possible meet an elderly member to explain the relationship to you, the grannys are easier to relate with in these situations than your direct parents because they are more calm. So I think another big family reunion would be your best bet.

If your parents cannot approve this and you guys are close, like 2cnd cousins. It would be best for you two to break it off now at this early stage believe me, it might be hard but it is the best thing for you two. If you aren't thinking of any other thing then think of the deformed baby you might give birth to. Yes there are genetic risks of deformity. So look beyond what you are doing now and think of tomorrow. You are not crazy or insane, your emotions aren't controlled by you so just take it easy okay? You would be shouted at and abused.But forget that and concentrate on doing what is right.

my blog is and I handle issues in life without judging. Our family over there is for anybody and everybody as long as you want to be a part of it. No matter your issue just bring it and you would never be judged. I promise you. Take it easy and I hope you find a way through this.

Unknown said...

You need to go see a counsellor Asap


sleeping with ur cousin? datz soo bad!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

she has to stop cos she wont want the same thing to happen to her children if she happens to be in their parents' shoes.

Unknown said...

Ur own good ooo continue. #THAT AKWA IBOM BOY #

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

This is serious talk to your mother about it 1st

Ted. said...

If you are convinced that both of you are in love, then take that risk and be ready to face anything that comes out of it. Tell your parents, they will understand you better and will handle this.

Tanya said...

I am short of words! He is not the only man in the world, you can stop this borders on/is incest

Anonymous said...

may God almighty show two of u mercy

Wunmi O. said...


Anonymous said...

just ask for

KingKuk said...

Who do you want to read all these scrap? If cunt the scratch you, why not go somewhere, than smooching your brother? Nne ewu na mkpi!

Josh B'scofield said...

I can't say one now

Unknown said...

You just edited a story from telemundo. Referring to urselves as "we" and later "they"

Incase u r looking for ways to engage LIBers, we r already very busy wit updates from linda.

Let me just say, U can marry the guy if u wish to. He's not related to you by FIRST BLOOD.

First blood relationships include

Ur brother, ur father, ur grand father, ur uncle, ur first cousin

Both maternal and paternal

Ngozi said...

Please dear,wake up to reality... this could only be achieved in countries like China and practiced only by Chinese. You are stronger than such forces that appear as love but is lust.. Cheers

Anonymous said...

Wonders shall never cease....

Unknown said...

Ibo people call it Alu, that's an abominable thing to sleep with your cousin. No judging o. Good luck with the way they will react to the news»QUEENMAYA»REPORTING LIVE»

Vivian Gills said...

pls my dear, i wont try to judge you but its not right...dont let your feelings take over your sense of reasoning..(

Unknown said...

r u guys mad

Unknown said...

Ok oooo

Unknown said...

It's incest. Just pray for forgiveness if ders any for dat sin n desist from further involvement.

Unknown said...

dere z Nfin dere.

Unknown said...

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