Day 4 of Blackberry Passport Giveaway! Win two more phones | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 18 December 2014

Day 4 of Blackberry Passport Giveaway! Win two more phones

Wanted to switch things up & put this giveaway at a different time so others can have an opportunity to win.

To win the two Blackberry Passports I'm giving away today courtesy of Blackberry Nigeria, tell us in very few words what you like about Blackberry. We will pick from the first 200 comments. I will announce all the winners tomorrow. Good luck guys!


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Unknown said...

I call it;The Survivor cos despite failures which saw Android & Apple dominating cellular market, blackberry has survived&will survive!! I cant over emphasize my love 4my blackberry so I will just dive right into it: Red Indicator Light: On top of every BlackBerry, there's a little sliver of a red light, it blinks at you wen a new message or call comes in; People get seriously addicted to that light! Say I left my phone on my desk 4d last hour. My little red light will tell me theres sometn new waitin 4me witout having to look 4myself. Even though this light indicator has been imitated by other phones, none has d same feel as that Blackberry light & we ALL know blackberry made this popular!! Full Keyboard: I'v never lost a typing race to an Andriod/Apple user. Ever. Not to mention my messages are coherent 100% of d time while my Android/Apple friends are busy correcting their auto-correct. LOL!! I can type more than 40 words per minute & I dont have to look at my keyboard! Ask a BlackBerry user wat they like about their phone,they're bound to mention d keyboard. Ask them why that keyboard is so great, and they'll go into sensual detail about d click of d keys,how d buttons are raised & shift key -- oh, d shift key! D keyboard is definitely a hook,it's interesting to see that d marketplace, in general, has conceded it to RIM, Everyone sees d iPhone, and they think apps. And I think everyone sees a phone with a keyboard, and they think BlackBerry, whether it is or isn't.Just like a guitar, your hand naturally knows where to go and where to be. Touchscreens are great & all but it honestly pains me to walk into d Phone store & see d slow extinction of d full keyboard. Ive never met someone with a touch keyboard who says they love it. Folks say You get used to it. Guess what? I dont want to get used to it. Im over d cool factor of d touchscreen. I need fast, simple, easy and theres nothing fast,simple &easy about typing with one finger. Because it's businessy: BlackBerry is the get-things-done phone. It's not designed to run flashy applications/playing games/uploading pictures to Instagram. It started out a business-minded device, & RIM has continued to market it as a business-friendly device, although recent ads have pitched it as leisure phone 4 young multitaskers as well. Part of d allure is that BlackBerry is known 4 being SECURE. It encrypts messages, which makes business owners more comfortable giving d phones to their employees, who may share sensitive documents and e-mails. I remember when United Arab Emirates & Saudi Arabia threatened to stop BlackBerry service 4 this very reason.other Smartphone operating systems are trying to cater more to privacy-minded business clients, but overall they've been more focused on d consumer experience than privacy. Example: when you see someone typing on a Blackberry theyre probably sending a top-secret e-mail BUT see someone focused on an iPhone or android. They're probably playing Candycrush/angry birds. Regardless of what a Blackberry user is doing, d phone itself just seems so much more straight-laced and serious than iPhone. BBM: has been so good to me; & is d only place I will respond 2a message rapidly. I know when my messages are delivered &read, I dont incur any fees regardless of d number of BBMs I send to my girls bugging them about a crush. Other apps still dont measure up to BBM yea, I lost a few friends who made d switch to d other phones but GUESS WHAT,they all came back when Blackberry launched on all platforms!! So that is a big win for me as I didnt have to switch to because they all downloaded d BBM app. In fact they all wanted it so bad that it caused traffic on d blackberry website for days!! Yet they say Blackberry is of no use but crave BBM.My blackberry may not be d fastest or coolest, people may not line up for it at d stores but between popular and bespoke, I will always go 4d latter and that is what my blackberry is! Bespoke & a survivor


Blackberry, Black magic. It is Only blackberry that changes the world of communications while other phones imitates.

Anonymous said...

i love black berry phone because they are more user friendly. They are also capable of working on both CDMA and GSM phones. The screen size and navigation is also a plus.

Unknown said...

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

Anonymous said...

what I like about BlackBerry is the fascinating designs, and I can really say it's the best emailing device,despite massive innovations from other smartphone platforms, BlackBerry still survives to make a name, people holding it can show to the world what they have in their hands..i think that's classic

Anonymous said...

I work round the clock and most times out of the office.My blackberry makes my job easier as communication with clients and colleagues is quick,fast and easy thanks to BBM and my many email addresses that i can access easily. iviecoral@yahoo.con

Unknown said...

Well, one thing, among others, I like about Blackberry is it classy design. And that's why I still rock my BB Bold.

Camera, yes! The camera is so crystal clear, it let's me capture that special moment, without a second thought of "oh, is it going to come out good".

Also, the physical keyboard on my BB Bold is a go go thing. It allows me type more accurately, faster and that just make me like my Blackberry more more.


Blackberry, Black magic. It is Only blackberry that changes the world of communications while other phones imitates.

Mz MNB said...

Blackberry comes with this awesome and exquisite experience
It d wonderful subscription plans unlike d other androids.
Blackberry is economically friendly,
A blackberry phone has the best camera among all the phones.
Everything about BB is unique.
Check out the apps. It like wow
BBM App is one that has transformed communication. It makes it easy to chat with friends, clients, family, and share information like photos, songs, etc.
I like the picture quality and it's affordable and very strong..
Good and stable Security

The unique pin which also makes IM secure from unwanted contact
It has a gorgeous display, a sleek design, and excellent e-mail handling.
The blackberry is the first phone that brought about the usage and enjoyment of smart phones
The first time I owned a blackberry, was one of the happiest moments in my life. That why there is always this rush craze to get one. i would really love to have the blackberry passport
What is there not to like about blackberry? Thank you blackberry, you guys rock!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why i love blackberry? hmn, i think it is a super all inclusive smart phone but that is not why i am doing this anyway...sincerely, i need a change of phone to drop my touch light. As it stands, only a miracle will bring that to be

Unknown said...

Cellen said...

I have used a number of smart phones, so I can say the following with a given authority. BlackBerry is a sophisticated, rugged and highly intelligent phone. It has a unique display with high resolution, state of the art security capabilities, an absolutely solid, rugged construction, and a host of other options that sets it apart from other smart phones. Other phones pales in comparison to the smartness of the BlackBerry in its enhanced telephone call capabilities, external add-on memory, intelligent voice recognition for interactive applications and other compelling features. It has a distinctive shape and not as slick as it's contemporaries, but if you want productivity in a secured environment that will run a couple of days on one charge; this would be your go-to phone - It does not get smarter than this!


Blackberry, Black magic. It is Only blackberry that changes the world of communications while other phones imitates.

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

Unknown said...

i like the fact that its data usage consumes less. chinazor mbagwu

Unknown said...

its market flexibility and out reach to the world

Unknown said...

Kassy said...

BB is the most useless phone ever, they seems to be at a stand still without improving on there phones. there phone are expensive and i will advise them to cut down on there prises like this passport so that much people can petonise them. I like their elegant though and the beauty thereof but the price is a disaster.

sassy molly said...

blackberry phones are super sleek and are long lasting with beautiful models affordable for all..kudos to the company..

Anonymous said...

Blackberry is a wonderful phone, I can't even imagine myself using another phone, even the subscription is cheap and wonderful not like other phones, pls continue your good works blackberry kudos to u.

Anonymous said...

i love its qwerty keyboard, its size its interface and display, low screen radiation... i also love d uniqueness of its design and the fact dt android apps runs on d new bb passport....

Unknown said...

I like blackberry phone because of the following :
The unique designs which makes the phones stand out among other phones.
The multitasking feature which enable me do many thing at a same time. I don't ve to close any application.
Fastest connection whether you are making calls or connecting to the Internet. Its just a click.
Large memory storage supported by micro SD my Z10 is up there.
Thanks to the new improvement on the battery of the new Qs and Zs series. My battery lasts longer.
Friendly data subscription.
Whether for business or fun, blackberry is a trailblazer and a pacesetter.

Unknown said...

BlackBerry is very durable, affordable and has no barrier, it is a very accessible phone.

Unknown said...

Blackberry,The Hub Of World Electronic Mobile Devices

For quite a long time, the world was saddled with the barrier of poor communication owing to lack of
innovation, or rather the lack of vision to explore the world of Technologies, as a means to bridge the
gap that seem to be holding sway in the milieu of man's existence by engendering some cold sense
of communication. This great challenge lingered on for over two decades and more, which got many
people thinking and wondering, if the world of technological-communication is being held siege by
mediocrity or is it giving in to the act of complacency? This was the puzzle that kept everyone bewildered
as there seems to be no elucidation; which the world beyond recall resolved to subscribe to the fate
which to all was presumed as unchangeable.

Consequently, a company named "Research In Motion" otherwise known as RIM, sprang up a
surprise to the world at large, which proved to be very much of a hope in the midst of this
hopelessness that had since enveloped this part of humanity, with its newest, most effective, very
defined and refined sleek technological mobile piece, called 'Blackberry' that eventually broke the jinx
in communication, and henceforth infuse a change, a turn-around that made open a new vista, as well
as setting a pace in the communication world for others to follow.

This RIM proved to the World that it is not just a Phone Manufacturing Company just like other
companies in the field, but it is truly the hub and technological giant in the communication ground, as it
did not just come up with manufacturing of phones alone, but has set its research in Motion by
innovating applications, setting an all-inclusive grounds for integrating other apps, as well
as incorporating them into its electronic and mobile devices for effective, easier and compatible use.

The RIM, through its Blackberry mobile phones and devices introduced the multi-facets system of
mobile phones, which contains keyboards as well as touch-screens at the same time. It was also the
one that brought about the Qwerty keyboards as well. It did not end there, as it launched the channel
that gave its users the direct access towards instant and direct messaging in communication, through
its app known as Blackberry Messenger, which is popularly called as PINGING. This ground-breaking
feat was achieved through a unique and distinct internally-built -Blackberry 8-digits PIN Code.

Furthermore, Research In Motion, RIM, also was the first mobile phone company to build its apps in
such a manner that it could be easily synchronized with other electronic devices even though they may
be from different companies, this is to foster a Level-integrating-atmosphere for the mobile
technology to thrive, for the efficient use by mankind.

RIM via its Blackberry devices also set the pace in carrying out the upgrade of its Operating System
(OS) which is spotted in the mobile manufacturing world recently, as it ensured that this move does
not alter the functions of the previously produced devices with working in synergy with the newest ones
manufactured. This development has led to the unassuming speed and effective operation of its
internet services, as well as its conformity to function best at every level of any countries internet

Finally,with Blackberry's noble decision to 'Tour' around the globe with these giant strides seen so far, it is certain that it has drawn the graphic 'Curve' that seem to have defined its vision, and henceforth, brought a 'Bold' step that will
for all time leave a great sense of 'Touch' into the world of communication, that will stand as a
'Passport' of distinct personality and character in our time.

Anonymous said...

I love It's durability. It's easy to use and sleek . Cost effective and user

Unknown said..., 08101598483
hiiiiiii, thanks for giving me another chance at this. Blackberry is sleek, sharp camera, has a new feel when on social platform. Data subscription is cheap and lasts throughout the month,its battery lasts longer and the best of all is that it can never fade if others(phones) do, it will still be in existence. Kudoes Linda, superb job and God will bless all your efforts and as to continue to give you will receive. i do hope you would pick me. do have a nice day

Kassy said...

BB is the most useless phone ever, they seems to be at a stand still without improving on there phones. there phone are expensive and i will advise them to cut down on there prises like this passport so that much people can petonise them. I like their elegant though and the beauty thereof but the price is a disaster.

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

simplicity,accessible and

Unknown said...

Blackberry is easy to use and user friendly, each new model is better than it's antecedents, it is strong and durable( I can't recall the number of times my baby hit my bold 4 against a hard surface and poured fluids into it, yet it still remains functional). Above all, it is easy to transfer one's contacts from an old BlackBerry to a new one.

Unknown said...

Wow. Blackberry is the best Phone I ever see,,, since I started using blackberry I ve been enjoying every bit Of It. The best part of it is the. Portability,, the curve, and the fast browsing..

dreze said...

When will i win

Unknown said...

Wow. Blackberry is the best Phone I ever see,,, since I started using blackberry I ve been enjoying every bit Of It. The best part of it is the. Portability,, the curve, and the fast browsing..

Unknown said...

the BOND this device create when I stay in touch with my family and friends is so LOVELY with a good smiley to reflect ALTITUDE when CHARTING with them, this device has improve my KNOWLEDGE because of the easy I get information when I BROWSE with my blackberry now I can talk BOLDLY because of the originally of my information. I respect the relentless EFFORT of BIM the every day RESEARCH has been so RAPID and because of the effort we now different update and upgrade on Blackberry Device YEARLY....with blackberry smart phone are better than ever..and that is why I love my blackberry....

Unknown said..., 08101598483
hiiiiiii, thanks for giving me another chance at this. Blackberry is sleek, sharp camera, has a new feel when on social platform. Data subscription is cheap and lasts throughout the month,its battery lasts longer and the best of all is that it can never fade if others(phones) do, it will still be in existence. Kudoes Linda, superb job and God will bless all your efforts and as to continue to give you will receive. i do hope you would pick me. do have a nice day

Kassy said...

BB is the most useless phone ever, they seems to be at a stand still without improving on there phones. there phone are expensive and i will advise them to cut down on there prises like this passport so that much people can petonise them. I like their elegant though and the beauty thereof but the price is a disaster.

Unknown said...


BAMZY said...


Unknown said...

Why I love Blackberry is because its available in five form factors which includes; small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. Blackberry phones are unbeatable when it comes to security. The led-light indicator is a very unique thing about blackberry phones which makes you know whether your battery is low,new message,blue-tooth on and the likes. The picture quality is superb. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand. Blackberry is not so expensive and it is available everywhere in the world. It has a MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. Blackberry is so diverse and creative combining all the blackberry models produced. Blackberry has expandable memory and the battery is removable. Blackberry also allows programs to multitask and it allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier,using the email system. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry including the most interesting of them all...BBM which was produced by this same blackberry. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers and it synchronizes with iTunes and every other media management program. Subscription is way cheaper compared to other phones. I love blackberry so much...not to talk about this bb passport which is awesome for business purposes..

Unknown said...

Two key things I like about blackberry is the secure enterprise messaging and Mobile device management

Unknown said...

BlackBerry Blend - This is an absolute KILLER feature, as it lets you to pick up emails, texts and BBMs on a PC, MAC or tablet when you’re away from your phone (or can’t be bothered to take it out of your pocket). BlackBerry Blend works across Wi-Fi, mobile data and via USB. The big deal though is the fact that Blend works on 3G and 4G, as this technically means you can access your BlackBerry from a PC or tablet anywhere in the world, providing you have Blend installed and your BlackBerry device, wherever it may be, is switched on. Great BB of life

Unknown said...

Well, blackberry cos It's a unique application where one can chat fast, it has other wonderful features like, voice note, video cal,u can send documents, picture,bb channels with enables people in business to get more customers. O bbm is jus a wonderful application one.can get addicted to.

Unknown said...

Linda had better post my previous comments

Tolu David said...

Blackberry is a pacesetter to all other smartphones in the market. Simply the best and cutest ever!

Funmi Fasipe said...

I like the red light indicator and BBM

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

tunde said...

Unknown said...

Efficiency, reliability, low cost and beauty like a woman

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

Abimbola Ogundimu said...

There are many reasons to fall in love with the uniquely amazing brand called blackberry. One of these reasons is that my Internet subscription fee is way lesser compared to that of android. Also, the touch screen sensitivity of my Q5 makes me happy all the time. It is super efficient, feels like you are touching nothing. It never frustrates my life. And we cannot forget it's look. It is beautifully made and worths a lot more than its price with its amazing features. Blackberry makes you look and feel good! It's an accessory to have!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda is doing a very good job.
Please remember me for Christmas.

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

Anonymous said...

I like blackberry because of its unique functions.

Unknown said...

Linda post my comment o

Unknown said...

The option to install and run Android applications via SNAP is good and the battery life is second to none. Yhhh u can install andriod app on ur blsckberry now cos I have a lot of andriod app in my Z10 I love BlackBerry pls I wanna win the new passport. Thank u nd God bless u

Unknown said...

I love blackberry bc of its fast internet access. High picture quality, dutabilty, portability, and so lots more.

Unknown said...

the BOND this device create when I stay in touch with my family and friends is so LOVELY with a good smiley to reflect ALTITUDE when CHARTING with them, this device has improve my KNOWLEDGE because of the easy I get information when I BROWSE with my blackberry now I can talk BOLDLY because of the originally of my information. I respect the relentless EFFORT of BIM the every day RESEARCH has been so RAPID and because of the effort we now different update and upgrade on Blackberry Device YEARLY....with blackberry smart phone are better than ever..and that is why I love my blackberry....

Patrick said...

I should win this stuff.

sassy molly said...

BlackBerry phones are super sleek with beautiful model affordable by all...kudos to the creative and innovative company..

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

Linda pls turn my curve 2 into a passport.will be best xmas gift ever.

Unknown said...

Why I love Blackberry is because its available in five form factors which includes; small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. Blackberry phones are unbeatable when it comes to security. The led-light indicator is a very unique thing about blackberry phones which makes you know whether your battery is low,new message,blue-tooth on and the likes. The picture quality is superb. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand. Blackberry is not so expensive and it is available everywhere in the world. It has a MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. Blackberry is so diverse and creative combining all the blackberry models produced. Blackberry has expandable memory and the battery is removable. Blackberry also allows programs to multitask and it allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier,using the email system. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry including the most interesting of them all...BBM which was produced by this same blackberry. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers and it synchronizes with iTunes and every other media management program. Subscription is way cheaper compared to other phones. I love blackberry so much...not to talk about this bb passport which is awesome for business purposes..

Priscilla said...

Can download pictures pretty fast

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

07035284211 said...

i love the ability of always been connected to the internet and also the strength of its products

Unknown said...

The classic blackberry keyboard is a dealbreaker for me, I love how the contacts are integrated, backed up and synced, the led indicator for timely alerts and lastly, the BBM app is so amazingly unique.

Anonymous said...

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

Solopee said...

I like blackberry because it makes o feel bold and confident. It also elegant and good for office use.

Anonymous said...

I love d charting and browsing aspects. Khaly 1

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

Anonymous said...

The one thing i like about blackberry is the fact that it has a unique pin so tge security level is next to non if its missing it is trackable

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

The classic blackberry keyboard is a dealbreaker for me, I love how the contacts are integrated, backed up and synced, the led indicator for timely alerts and lastly, the BBM app is so amazingly unique.

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

oluwaseun said...

Blackberry is a phone that has a full Enterprise function coupled with meretricious social media paparazie on the go, with its keyboard innovations and its killer specs among other smartphones.

Unknown said...

Simple Put its more secure and its enyctption make its hard for hacker to even try hacking your private information onlike ios and andriod and other ones like that......SECURITY WISE BLACKBERRY ROCKS

Mike said...

Blackberry is a nice phone for business and interpersonal communication. It is the best phone so far that offers different features at a cheap rate.

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

raph said...

I love blackberry because
BB the HUB can reply to any message in one place without going app to app you know much time that saves???
BB is gesture based I can peek and look at the hub in any app I am in. I can be in any app or game and if I get message from bbm sms or whatsapp I can reply to the message right there and then without leaving the app at all.
we have a built file manage where I can manage my storage for my device internal storage SD card dropbox and box all in one place..on the lock screen preview notifications we can tap and open any message there from the lock screen .
BBM voice calls is extremely clear with natural sound.... everytime I show my BB to people and what it can do its amazing how people are baffled on how smooth and cool the OS . networking...battery life...on the BB is amazing.
My best is Z10 ,One of my single favorite features found in the Z10 is the HDMI-out port, which lets you easily connect your device to any TV, monitor or display with an HDMI-in port. The HDMI support lets you watch HD video, stream music or share anything else on your device by mirroring its screen on your HD display.
New camera feature in BlackBerry 10 is the TimeShift camera setting, which helps you capture better pictures of groups of people - particularly children, who may have trouble sitting still.
Z10 supports microSD memory cards up to 64GB, which boosts the device's overall storage capacity to 80GB at a time. ( )

oluwaseun said...

Blackberry is a phone that has a full Enterprise function coupled with meretricious social media paparazie on the go, with its keyboard innovations and its killer specs among other smartphones.

Anonymous said...

Blackberry phones are user user friendly and their weight are proportional to their sizes.

Unknown said...

The classic blackberry keyboard is a dealbreaker for me, I love how the contacts are integrated, backed up and synced, the led indicator for timely alerts and lastly, the BBM app is so amazingly unique.

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

I call it;The Survivor cos despite failures which saw Android & Apple dominating cellular market, blackberry has survived&will survive!! I cant over emphasize my love 4my blackberry so I will just dive right into it: Red Indicator Light: On top of every BlackBerry, there's a little sliver of a red light, it blinks at you wen a new message or call comes in; People get seriously addicted to that light! Say I left my phone on my desk 4d last hour. My little red light will tell me theres sometn new waitin 4me witout having to look 4myself. Even though this light indicator has been imitated by other phones, none has d same feel as that Blackberry light & we ALL know blackberry made this popular!! Full Keyboard: I'v never lost a typing race to an Andriod/Apple user. Ever. Not to mention my messages are coherent 100% of d time while my Android/Apple friends are busy correcting their auto-correct. LOL!! I can type more than 40 words per minute & I dont have to look at my keyboard! Ask a BlackBerry user wat they like about their phone,they're bound to mention d keyboard. Ask them why that keyboard is so great, and they'll go into sensual detail about d click of d keys,how d buttons are raised & shift key -- oh, d shift key! D keyboard is definitely a hook,it's interesting to see that d marketplace, in general, has conceded it to RIM, Everyone sees d iPhone, and they think apps. And I think everyone sees a phone with a keyboard, and they think BlackBerry, whether it is or isn't.Just like a guitar, your hand naturally knows where to go and where to be. Touchscreens are great & all but it honestly pains me to walk into d Phone store & see d slow extinction of d full keyboard. Ive never met someone with a touch keyboard who says they love it. Folks say You get used to it. Guess what? I dont want to get used to it. Im over d cool factor of d touchscreen. I need fast, simple, easy and theres nothing fast,simple &easy about typing with one finger. Because it's businessy: BlackBerry is the get-things-done phone. It's not designed to run flashy applications/playing games/uploading pictures to Instagram. It started out a business-minded device, & RIM has continued to market it as a business-friendly device, although recent ads have pitched it as leisure phone 4 young multitaskers as well. Part of d allure is that BlackBerry is known 4 being SECURE. It encrypts messages, which makes business owners more comfortable giving d phones to their employees, who may share sensitive documents and e-mails. I remember when United Arab Emirates & Saudi Arabia threatened to stop BlackBerry service 4 this very reason.other Smartphone operating systems are trying to cater more to privacy-minded business clients, but overall they've been more focused on d consumer experience than privacy. Example: when you see someone typing on a Blackberry theyre probably sending a top-secret e-mail BUT see someone focused on an iPhone or android. They're probably playing Candycrush/angry birds. Regardless of what a Blackberry user is doing, d phone itself just seems so much more straight-laced and serious than iPhone. BBM: has been so good to me; & is d only place I will respond 2a message rapidly. I know when my messages are delivered &read, I dont incur any fees regardless of d number of BBMs I send to my girls bugging them about a crush. Other apps still dont measure up to BBM yea, I lost a few friends who made d switch to d other phones but GUESS WHAT,they all came back when Blackberry launched on all platforms!!! So that is a big win for me as I didnt have to switch to because they all downloaded d BBM app. In fact they all wanted it so bad that it caused traffic on d blackberry website for days!! Yet they say Blackberry is of no use but crave BBM.My blackberry may not be d fastest or coolest, people may not line up for it at d stores but between popular and bespoke, I will always go 4d latter and that is what my blackberry is! Bespoke & a survivor

zinny said...

Not like i have used all blackberry phones so i will be very gonna tlk abt my bb Z10.

Its no exaggeration when i say it is the best phone i have ever used. Here are just a few things i love about it:

- its large storage capacity enables me have a very massive music and video collection.
-Its time-shift camera; It gives me a better facial expression.
-D virtual keyboard: OMG! This is the best touch screen virtual keyboard i have ever come across. Its so easy to use!!!
-The best of all its feature is d blackberry Hub; it simply amazing. It gives me all my messages and notifications in a single place making assessment so much easier.

Ofcourse, their very affordable subscription is a huge plus!

and lastly, d fact dt Blackberry keeps upgrading in subsequent phones to better serve the people is highly commendable.

Anonymous said...

Blackberry is beter in all ways than android phones. Megabits last longer on blackberry. thanks.

Tobi Oyedokun said...

Blackberry phones are user user friendly and their weight are proportional to their sizes.

Anonymous said...

I love blackberry cause its a smartphone every other smartphone wants to be

like. The blackberry messenger has mede this very smartphone from RIM

standout and that feature is wnat every other smartphone are envious of. I

do most of my businesses on bbm, i have group chats with associates,

families and friends. The bbm voicecalls is simply unique and now the new

bbm retract sent messages. there were times I sent messages to the wrong

person or I sent a message and realised I made a mistake and just wanna

retract it; the new bbm supports this and i retract with ease. The

blackberry back up features, unique apps are all that make it my favourite


Woka said...

Right now, i need a phone that thinks the way i think. And if the blacberry passport is the way to go,
then consider me a prodigal son whose returning home to be with his father RIM.
How can i not want a come back when i am squatting ingraciously with strangers when I here that my family just acquired a new asset - the blackberry passport.
It's preloaded with super duper amazing features from the 'God knows why this phone is so squarsih'; to 'really! a 32GB inbuilt memory, 3GB Ram,
a virtual and physical keyboard, runs BB Apps alongside Android Apps?. Coupled with that, who forgets to take a selfie when there a 2MP front camera and a 13MP Rear camera
with a Flash Assisted? Am i forgetting Something? Oh yes! the amazing thing to happen to communication in the 21st century - BBM! do you realize that there's a BIG difference with
one who uses a bbm on a BB versus the one who uses it on other devices? Space would not permit me to talk about the Blackberry Blend, its chipset, battery's life...
in short, the passport is the most powerful blackberry ever made

In conclusion,
I have used a blacberry only once - the BB torch 9800. It was great but couldn't deliver anymore greater result than i anticipated.
What makes a great product is not just in the features, but in those who are behind it. At Rim, they keep pushing the frontiers so that people like you and i
would continously be creative, stay connected to our work and not give up or give in by challenges because we know that once we've got a passport, then we can work wide.
This is why i love Blackberry; I'll say more when i have one. I hope this is short enough.

Anonymous said...

reasons I wouldn’t switch my BlackBerry
for any other phone: the red indicator light,
the physical keyboard and BBM. The BlackBerry Passport offers
powerful hardware and a clever keyboard that
makes for a great reading and editing experience.

Unknown said...

The classic blackberry keyboard is a dealbreaker for me, I love how the contacts are integrated, backed up and synced, the led indicator for timely alerts and lastly, the BBM app is so amazingly unique.

Anonymous said...

reasons I wouldn’t switch my BlackBerry
for any other phone: the red indicator light,
the physical keyboard and BBM. The BlackBerry Passport offers
powerful hardware and a clever keyboard that
makes for a great reading and editing experience.

Anonymous said...

I love blackberry so much because of 1: The enhanced keypard which makes typing easier.. 2: The work and personal balance, It serves as both work device and personal one, allowing u to carry just one phone:).. 3: I love the blackberry Hub, It consolidate messages from all my email account with instant messages and social network updates, it also handles my phone calls, voicemails and textmessages from the redisigned blackberry messenger.4: The flow and peek then 5: The Camera! Its very sharp and clear! There are more but just making it brief. Blackberry is my wife! Cant do without it!

David O. Chukwuemeka said...

I like blackberry for its flexibility and multi functionality.
Blackberry is not just a phone, it's a tool..

Anonymous said...

I like BlackBerry because of it navigation features, u can switch from one app to another with no

Anonymous said...

reasons I wouldn’t switch my BlackBerry
for any other phone: the red indicator light,
the physical keyboard and BBM. The BlackBerry Passport offers
powerful hardware and a clever keyboard that
makes for a great reading and editing experience.

Unknown said...

I'm a current BB7 user and the first thing I love bout my phone is the suscription. I don't spend much on suscribing but I get much more value for my money than any other phone brand can provide, and also the designs of the new BB10 are killing. Check out the Z30 and Q10,Q20, need I say more?

Odunayo said...

I like blackberry because It is durable and affordable in terms of cost of phone and data subscription. The 10 series gives me the opportunity of using andriod applications alongside the blackberry world applications. Also i can share files, music...anything very fast..Thanks to NFC.
......From a novice to a PRO, there is always a blackberry for U.

Unknown said...

Is Design is different and too good,also the display of the Blackberry Passport is awesome and it has great battery life's

Unknown said...

Why I love Blackberry is because its available in five form factors which includes; small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. Blackberry phones are unbeatable when it comes to security. The led-light indicator is a very unique thing about blackberry phones which makes you know whether your battery is low,new message,blue-tooth on and the likes. The picture quality is superb. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand. Blackberry is not so expensive and it is available everywhere in the world. It has a MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. Blackberry is so diverse and creative combining all the blackberry models produced. Blackberry has expandable memory and the battery is removable. Blackberry also allows programs to multitask and it allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier,using the email system. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry including the most interesting of them all...BBM which was produced by this same blackberry. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers and it synchronizes with iTunes and every other media management program. Subscription is way cheaper compared to other phones. I love blackberry so much...not to talk about this bb passport which is awesome for business purposes..

Anonymous said...

I have been a loyal user of blackberry phones for quite a long time. What I love about BB is enormous. Some of which are BBM, instant email, fantastic operating system, blinking light notifier, affordable subscription, multi network selection option (4G, 3G, 2G etc) In a nutshell, having a Blackberry makes me connected on the internet 24/7.

Unknown said...

blackberry has magnificent picture quality, it has the very best software and IOS, it has good and portable screen size,long lasting battery and i love BB because it save me cash spending on airtime and computerized work.

Unknown said...

I like blackberry becos of its cheap subscription nd hw fast the internet works and becos it is affordable.I.e wit small amount of money u can get one....den its clear carmera..

Ebere said...

Raylah said...

I loove blackberry because..... it's blackberry of course.. :)

Unknown said...


gbemsco said...

Blackberry is the, nokia are the followers....they started the messenger thing...good way of keeping makes sense....unlike other andriods...every other phones are just copying

Anonymous said...

I like blackberry because it's easier to use unlike other andriod phones...

Unknown said...
I like BlackBerry for it's unique blackberry messenger features. BlackBerry Messenger lets you IM with anyone who has a BlackBerry and now other Android and IOS users. It’s 100% free and outrageously simple. Plus you can see when each message has been delivered and when it’s been read. Also any phone number sent in an e-mail or text message is automatically recognised and underlined for one-click dial. Thank you.

Unknown said...

when wil i win dis tiz

Unknown said...

I call it;The Survivor cos despite failures which saw Android & Apple dominating cellular market, blackberry has survived&will survive!! I cant over emphasize my love 4my blackberry so I will just dive right into it: Red Indicator Light: On top of every BlackBerry, there's a little sliver of a red light, it blinks at you wen a new message or call comes in; People get seriously addicted to that light! Say I left my phone on my desk 4d last hour. My little red light will tell me theres sometn new waitin 4me witout having to look 4myself. Even though this light indicator has been imitated by other phones, none has d same feel as that Blackberry light & we ALL know blackberry made this popular!! Full Keyboard: I'v never lost a typing race to an Andriod/Apple user. Ever. Not to mention my messages are coherent 100% of d time while my Android/Apple friends are busy correcting their auto-correct. LOL!! I can type more than 40 words per minute & I dont have to look at my keyboard! Ask a BlackBerry user wat they like about their phone,they're bound to mention d keyboard. Ask them why that keyboard is so great, and they'll go into sensual detail about d click of d keys,how d buttons are raised & shift key -- oh, d shift key! D keyboard is definitely a hook,it's interesting to see that d marketplace, in general, has conceded it to RIM, Everyone sees d iPhone, and they think apps. And I think everyone sees a phone with a keyboard, and they think BlackBerry, whether it is or isn't.Just like a guitar, your hand naturally knows where to go and where to be. Touchscreens are great & all but it honestly pains me to walk into d Phone store & see d slow extinction of d full keyboard. Ive never met someone with a touch keyboard who says they love it. Folks say You get used to it. Guess what? I dont want to get used to it. Im over d cool factor of d touchscreen. I need fast, simple, easy and theres nothing fast,simple &easy about typing with one finger. Because it's businessy: BlackBerry is the get-things-done phone. It's not designed to run flashy applications/playing games/uploading pictures to Instagram. It started out a business-minded device, & RIM has continued to market it as a business-friendly device, although recent ads have pitched it as leisure phone 4 young multitaskers as well. Part of d allure is that BlackBerry is known 4 being SECURE. It encrypts messages, which makes business owners more comfortable giving d phones to their employees, who may share sensitive documents and e-mails. I remember when United Arab Emirates & Saudi Arabia threatened to stop BlackBerry service 4 this very reason.other Smartphone operating systems are trying to cater more to privacy-minded business clients, but overall they've been more focused on d consumer experience than privacy. Example: when you see someone typing on a Blackberry theyre probably sending a top-secret e-mail BUT see someone focused on an iPhone or android. They're probably playing Candycrush/angry birds. Regardless of what a Blackberry user is doing, d phone itself just seems so much more straight-laced and serious than iPhone. BBM: has been so good to me; & is d only place I will respond 2a message rapidly. I know when my messages are delivered &read, I dont incur any fees regardless of d number of BBMs I send to my girls bugging them about a crush. Other apps still dont measure up to BBM yea, I lost a few friends who made d switch to d other phones but GUESS WHAT,they all came back when Blackberry launched on all platforms!!! So that is a big win for me as I didnt have to switch to because they all downloaded d BBM app. In fact they all wanted it so bad that it caused traffic on d blackberry website for days!! Yet they say Blackberry is of no use but crave BBM.My blackberry may not be d fastest or coolest, people may not line up for it at d stores but between popular and bespoke, I will always go 4d latter and that is what my blackberry is! Bespoke & a survivor

byreryour said...

I like blackberry because it is a mobile office ( you can receive and send mails with it on the go, transact business at any time and any part of the world, buy and sell goods and services to mention a few) it is multi functional ( phone, video, camera, browser, radio all in one, etc) it is a smart phone(watsapp bbm twitter, dropbox, igran, mail, storage facility, excel, microsoft etc) it is easy to maintain (for as low as N1,000 per month you can pay for subscription of data plan) it is user friendly ( anybody can use, understand or operate a blackberry). It is affordable. Thank you.

zinny said...

Not like i have used all blackberry phones so i will be very gonna tlk abt my bb Z10.

Its no exaggeration when i say it is the best phone i have ever used. Here are just a few things i love about it:

- its large storage capacity enables me have a very massive music and video collection.
-Its time-shift camera; It gives me a better facial expression.
-D virtual keyboard: OMG! This is the best touch screen virtual keyboard i have ever come across. Its so easy to use!!!
-The best of all its feature is d blackberry Hub; it simply amazing. It gives me all my messages and notifications in a single place making assessment so much easier.

Ofcourse, their very affordable subscription is a huge plus!

and lastly, d fact dt Blackberry keeps upgrading in subsequent phones to better serve the people is highly commendable.

Anonymous said...

oluwaseun said...

Blackberry is a phone that has a full Enterprise function coupled with meretricious social media paparazie on the go, with its keyboard innovations and its killer specs among other smartphones.

Unknown said...

I'm a current BB7 user and the first thing I love bout my phone is the suscription. I don't spend much on suscribing but I get much more value for my money than any other phone brand can provide, and also the designs of the new BB10 are killing. Check out the Z30 and Q10,Q20, need I say more?

Unknown said...

I call it;The Survivor cos despite failures which saw Android & Apple dominating cellular market, blackberry has survived&will survive!! I cant over emphasize my love 4my blackberry so I will just dive right into it: Red Indicator Light: On top of every BlackBerry, there's a little sliver of a red light, it blinks at you wen a new message or call comes in; People get seriously addicted to that light! Say I left my phone on my desk 4d last hour. My little red light will tell me theres sometn new waitin 4me witout having to look 4myself. Even though this light indicator has been imitated by other phones, none has d same feel as that Blackberry light & we ALL know blackberry made this popular!! Full Keyboard: I'v never lost a typing race to an Andriod/Apple user. Ever. Not to mention my messages are coherent 100% of d time while my Android/Apple friends are busy correcting their auto-correct. LOL!! I can type more than 40 words per minute & I dont have to look at my keyboard! Ask a BlackBerry user wat they like about their phone,they're bound to mention d keyboard. Ask them why that keyboard is so great, and they'll go into sensual detail about d click of d keys,how d buttons are raised & shift key -- oh, d shift key! D keyboard is definitely a hook,it's interesting to see that d marketplace, in general, has conceded it to RIM, Everyone sees d iPhone, and they think apps. And I think everyone sees a phone with a keyboard, and they think BlackBerry, whether it is or isn't.Just like a guitar, your hand naturally knows where to go and where to be. Touchscreens are great & all but it honestly pains me to walk into d Phone store & see d slow extinction of d full keyboard. Ive never met someone with a touch keyboard who says they love it. Folks say You get used to it. Guess what? I dont want to get used to it. Im over d cool factor of d touchscreen. I need fast, simple, easy and theres nothing fast,simple &easy about typing with one finger. Because it's businessy: BlackBerry is the get-things-done phone. It's not designed to run flashy applications/playing games/uploading pictures to Instagram. It started out a business-minded device, & RIM has continued to market it as a business-friendly device, although recent ads have pitched it as leisure phone 4 young multitaskers as well. Part of d allure is that BlackBerry is known 4 being SECURE. It encrypts messages, which makes business owners more comfortable giving d phones to their employees, who may share sensitive documents and e-mails. I remember when United Arab Emirates & Saudi Arabia threatened to stop BlackBerry service 4 this very reason.other Smartphone operating systems are trying to cater more to privacy-minded business clients, but overall they've been more focused on d consumer experience than privacy. Example: when you see someone typing on a Blackberry theyre probably sending a top-secret e-mail BUT see someone focused on an iPhone or android. They're probably playing Candycrush/angry birds. Regardless of what a Blackberry user is doing, d phone itself just seems so much more straight-laced and serious than iPhone. BBM: has been so good to me; & is d only place I will respond 2a message rapidly. I know when my messages are delivered &read, I dont incur any fees regardless of d number of BBMs I send to my girls bugging them about a crush. Other apps still dont measure up to BBM yea, I lost a few friends who made d switch to d other phones but GUESS WHAT,they all came back when Blackberry launched on all platforms!!! So that is a big win for me as I didnt have to switch to because they all downloaded d BBM app. In fact they all wanted it so bad that it caused traffic on d blackberry website for days!! Yet they say Blackberry is of no use but crave BBM.My blackberry may not be d fastest or coolest, people may not line up for it at d stores but between popular and bespoke, I will always go 4d latter and that is what my blackberry is! Bespoke & a survivor

Unknown said...

Linda abeg post my comment

Unknown said...

Why I love Blackberry is because its available in five form factors which includes; small keyboard, large keyboard, no keyboard, flip phone, and candy-bar. Blackberry phones are unbeatable when it comes to security. The led-light indicator is a very unique thing about blackberry phones which makes you know whether your battery is low,new message,blue-tooth on and the likes. The picture quality is superb. Most Blackberries have keyboards, so you can actually type fast and with no errors. Helps while driving, walking, carrying something in your other hand. Blackberry is not so expensive and it is available everywhere in the world. It has a MicroUSB connector for synchronization/charging. Blackberry is so diverse and creative combining all the blackberry models produced. Blackberry has expandable memory and the battery is removable. Blackberry also allows programs to multitask and it allows communicating peer-to-peer via PIN identifier,using the email system. All major instant messengers are available on Blackberry including the most interesting of them all...BBM which was produced by this same blackberry. Blackberry is available with multiple browsers and it synchronizes with iTunes and every other media management program. Subscription is way cheaper compared to other phones. I love blackberry so much...not to talk about this bb passport which is awesome for business purposes..

Unknown said...

I'm a current BB7 user and the first thing I love bout my phone is the suscription. I don't spend much on suscribing but I get much more value for my money than any other phone brand can provide, and also the designs of the new BB10 are killing. Check out the Z30 and Q10,Q20, need I say more?

cherechi said...

i love the keyboard,the amazing camera,the e-mail funtionality,the notification,the screen layout and the speed browser.

Unknown said...

I call it;The Survivor cos despite failures which saw Android & Apple dominating cellular market, blackberry has survived&will survive!! I cant over emphasize my love 4my blackberry so I will just dive right into it: Red Indicator Light: On top of every BlackBerry, there's a little sliver of a red light, it blinks at you wen a new message or call comes in; People get seriously addicted to that light! Say I left my phone on my desk 4d last hour. My little red light will tell me theres sometn new waitin 4me witout having to look 4myself. Even though this light indicator has been imitated by other phones, none has d same feel as that Blackberry light & we ALL know blackberry made this popular!! Full Keyboard: I'v never lost a typing race to an Andriod/Apple user. Ever. Not to mention my messages are coherent 100% of d time while my Android/Apple friends are busy correcting their auto-correct. LOL!! I can type more than 40 words per minute & I dont have to look at my keyboard! Ask a BlackBerry user wat they like about their phone,they're bound to mention d keyboard. Ask them why that keyboard is so great, and they'll go into sensual detail about d click of d keys,how d buttons are raised & shift key -- oh, d shift key! D keyboard is definitely a hook,it's interesting to see that d marketplace, in general, has conceded it to RIM, Everyone sees d iPhone, and they think apps. And I think everyone sees a phone with a keyboard, and they think BlackBerry, whether it is or isn't.Just like a guitar, your hand naturally knows where to go and where to be. Touchscreens are great & all but it honestly pains me to walk into d Phone store & see d slow extinction of d full keyboard. Ive never met someone with a touch keyboard who says they love it. Folks say You get used to it. Guess what? I dont want to get used to it. Im over d cool factor of d touchscreen. I need fast, simple, easy and theres nothing fast,simple &easy about typing with one finger. Because it's businessy: BlackBerry is the get-things-done phone. It's not designed to run flashy applications/playing games/uploading pictures to Instagram. It started out a business-minded device, & RIM has continued to market it as a business-friendly device, although recent ads have pitched it as leisure phone 4 young multitaskers as well. Part of d allure is that BlackBerry is known 4 being SECURE. It encrypts messages, which makes business owners more comfortable giving d phones to their employees, who may share sensitive documents and e-mails. I remember when United Arab Emirates & Saudi Arabia threatened to stop BlackBerry service 4 this very reason.other Smartphone operating systems are trying to cater more to privacy-minded business clients, but overall they've been more focused on d consumer experience than privacy. Example: when you see someone typing on a Blackberry theyre probably sending a top-secret e-mail BUT see someone focused on an iPhone or android. They're probably playing Candycrush/angry birds. Regardless of what a Blackberry user is doing, d phone itself just seems so much more straight-laced and serious than iPhone. BBM: has been so good to me; & is d only place I will respond 2a message rapidly. I know when my messages are delivered &read, I dont incur any fees regardless of d number of BBMs I send to my girls bugging them about a crush. Other apps still dont measure up to BBM yea, I lost a few friends who made d switch to d other phones but GUESS WHAT,they all came back when Blackberry launched on all platforms!!! So that is a big win for me as I didnt have to switch to because they all downloaded d BBM app. In fact they all wanted it so bad that it caused traffic on d blackberry website for days!! Yet they say Blackberry is of no use but crave BBM.My blackberry may not be d fastest or coolest, people may not line up for it at d stores but between popular and bespoke, I will always go 4d latter and that is what my blackberry is! Bespoke & a survivor

Unknown said...

I call it;The Survivor cos despite failures which saw Android & Apple dominating cellular market, blackberry has survived&will survive!! I cant over emphasize my love 4my blackberry so I will just dive right into it: Red Indicator Light: On top of every BlackBerry, there's a little sliver of a red light, it blinks at you wen a new message or call comes in; People get seriously addicted to that light! Say I left my phone on my desk 4d last hour. My little red light will tell me theres sometn new waitin 4me witout having to look 4myself. Even though this light indicator has been imitated by other phones, none has d same feel as that Blackberry light & we ALL know blackberry made this popular!! Full Keyboard: I'v never lost a typing race to an Andriod/Apple user. Ever. Not to mention my messages are coherent 100% of d time while my Android/Apple friends are busy correcting their auto-correct. LOL!! I can type more than 40 words per minute & I dont have to look at my keyboard! Ask a BlackBerry user wat they like about their phone,they're bound to mention d keyboard. Ask them why that keyboard is so great, and they'll go into sensual detail about d click of d keys,how d buttons are raised & shift key -- oh, d shift key! D keyboard is definitely a hook,it's interesting to see that d marketplace, in general, has conceded it to RIM, Everyone sees d iPhone, and they think apps. And I think everyone sees a phone with a keyboard, and they think BlackBerry, whether it is or isn't.Just like a guitar, your hand naturally knows where to go and where to be. Touchscreens are great & all but it honestly pains me to walk into d Phone store & see d slow extinction of d full keyboard. Ive never met someone with a touch keyboard who says they love it. Folks say You get used to it. Guess what? I dont want to get used to it. Im over d cool factor of d touchscreen. I need fast, simple, easy and theres nothing fast,simple &easy about typing with one finger. Because it's businessy: BlackBerry is the get-things-done phone. It's not designed to run flashy applications/playing games/uploading pictures to Instagram. It started out a business-minded device, & RIM has continued to market it as a business-friendly device, although recent ads have pitched it as leisure phone 4 young multitaskers as well. Part of d allure is that BlackBerry is known 4 being SECURE. It encrypts messages, which makes business owners more comfortable giving d phones to their employees, who may share sensitive documents and e-mails. I remember when United Arab Emirates & Saudi Arabia threatened to stop BlackBerry service 4 this very reason.other Smartphone operating systems are trying to cater more to privacy-minded business clients, but overall they've been more focused on d consumer experience than privacy. Example: when you see someone typing on a Blackberry theyre probably sending a top-secret e-mail BUT see someone focused on an iPhone or android. They're probably playing Candycrush/angry birds. Regardless of what a Blackberry user is doing, d phone itself just seems so much more straight-laced and serious than iPhone. BBM: has been so good to me; & is d only place I will respond 2a message rapidly. I know when my messages are delivered &read, I dont incur any fees regardless of d number of BBMs I send to my girls bugging them about a crush. Other apps still dont measure up to BBM yea, I lost a few friends who made d switch to d other phones but GUESS WHAT,they all came back when Blackberry launched on all platforms!!! So that is a big win for me as I didnt have to switch to because they all downloaded d BBM app. In fact they all wanted it so bad that it caused traffic on d blackberry website for days!! Yet they say Blackberry is of no use but crave BBM.My blackberry may not be d fastest or coolest, people may not line up for it at d stores but between popular and bespoke, I will always go 4d latter and that is what my blackberry is! Bespoke & a survivor

Unknown said...

I'm a current BB7 user and the first thing I love bout my phone is the suscription. I don't spend much on suscribing but I get much more value for my money than any other phone brand can provide, and also the designs of the new BB10 are killing. Check out the Z30 and Q10,Q20, need I say more?

Anonymous said...

Blackberry is in a class of its own. I like it because of the reduced bundle plan it gives to us.

zinny said...

Not like i have used all blackberry phones so i will be very gonna tlk abt my bb Z10.

Its no exaggeration when i say it is the best phone i have ever used. Here are just a few things i love about it:

- its large storage capacity enables me have a very massive music and video collection.
-Its time-shift camera; It gives me a better facial expression.
-D virtual keyboard: OMG! This is the best touch screen virtual keyboard i have ever come across. Its so easy to use!!!
-The best of all its feature is d blackberry Hub; it simply amazing. It gives me all my messages and notifications in a single place making assessment so much easier.

Ofcourse, their very affordable subscription is a huge plus!

and lastly, d fact dt Blackberry keeps upgrading in subsequent phones to better serve the people is highly commendable.

Ebube God said...

I like blackberry because d picture quality is very clear and wonderful,secondly data subscription is very economical as u can use any bundle to do anything on net for a whole one month.And also d phone is very strong cos I use d bold 6 so I know what am saying so it will be wonderful if I can win another blackberry product u know as to upgrade pls pick me.

Unknown said...

BlackBerry makes the highest secured mobile phones in the world, there is no debating on dis one. That is d reason why the White House uses them and does not allow the President to switch atol.

Anonymous said...

Blackberry is not just a phone to me, its a companion. Blackberry keeps me on d go with friends and clients as i connect easily wit dem on blackberry messenger.

Unknown said...

I call it;The Survivor cos despite failures which saw Android & Apple dominating cellular market, blackberry has survived&will survive!! I cant over emphasize my love 4my blackberry so I will just dive right into it: Red Indicator Light: On top of every BlackBerry, there's a little sliver of a red light, it blinks at you wen a new message or call comes in; People get seriously addicted to that light! Say I left my phone on my desk 4d last hour. My little red light will tell me theres sometn new waitin 4me witout having to look 4myself. Even though this light indicator has been imitated by other phones, none has d same feel as that Blackberry light & we ALL know blackberry made this popular!! Full Keyboard: I'v never lost a typing race to an Andriod/Apple user. Ever. Not to mention my messages are coherent 100% of d time while my Android/Apple friends are busy correcting their auto-correct. LOL!! I can type more than 40 words per minute & I dont have to look at my keyboard! Ask a BlackBerry user wat they like about their phone,they're bound to mention d keyboard. Ask them why that keyboard is so great, and they'll go into sensual detail about d click of d keys,how d buttons are raised & shift key -- oh, d shift key! D keyboard is definitely a hook,it's interesting to see that d marketplace, in general, has conceded it to RIM, Everyone sees d iPhone, and they think apps. And I think everyone sees a phone with a keyboard, and they think BlackBerry, whether it is or isn't.Just like a guitar, your hand naturally knows where to go and where to be. Touchscreens are great & all but it honestly pains me to walk into d Phone store & see d slow extinction of d full keyboard. Ive never met someone with a touch keyboard who says they love it. Folks say You get used to it. Guess what? I dont want to get used to it. Im over d cool factor of d touchscreen. I need fast, simple, easy and theres nothing fast,simple &easy about typing with one finger. Because it's businessy: BlackBerry is the get-things-done phone. It's not designed to run flashy applications/playing games/uploading pictures to Instagram. It started out a business-minded device, & RIM has continued to market it as a business-friendly device, although recent ads have pitched it as leisure phone 4 young multitaskers as well. Part of d allure is that BlackBerry is known 4 being SECURE. It encrypts messages, which makes business owners more comfortable giving d phones to their employees, who may share sensitive documents and e-mails. I remember when United Arab Emirates & Saudi Arabia threatened to stop BlackBerry service 4 this very reason.other Smartphone operating systems are trying to cater more to privacy-minded business clients, but overall they've been more focused on d consumer experience than privacy. Example: when you see someone typing on a Blackberry theyre probably sending a top-secret e-mail BUT see someone focused on an iPhone or android. They're probably playing Candycrush/angry birds. Regardless of what a Blackberry user is doing, d phone itself just seems so much more straight-laced and serious than iPhone. BBM: has been so good to me; & is d only place I will respond 2a message rapidly. I know when my messages are delivered &read, I dont incur any fees regardless of d number of BBMs I send to my girls bugging them about a crush. Other apps still dont measure up to BBM yea, I lost a few friends who made d switch to d other phones but GUESS WHAT,they all came back when Blackberry launched on all platforms!!! So that is a big win for me as I didnt have to switch to because they all downloaded d BBM app. In fact they all wanted it so bad that it caused traffic on d blackberry website for days!! Yet they say Blackberry is of no use but crave BBM.My blackberry may not be d fastest or coolest, people may not line up for it at d stores but between popular and bespoke, I will always go 4d latter and that is what my blackberry is! Bespoke & a survivor

benjamin obiorah said...

The first ever phone I used was a black berry storm1. Ever scine I have been using a black berry, I eveb currently use a touch 3. I just love the phone, and to candid I don't know why. Keep using black berry u won't regret it, I assure u.

Ebube God said...

I like blackberry because d picture quality is very clear and wonderful,secondly data subscription is very economical as u can use any bundle to do anything on net for a whole one month.And also d phone is very strong cos I use d bold 6 so I know what am saying so it will be wonderful if I can win another blackberry product u know as to upgrade pls pick me.

Anonymous said...

The blackberry mobile is a very unique smartphone and to me could be regarded as the very phone which took the social media in Nigeria to another level . The BlackBerry has its unique feature of its messenger I.e BBM which cos of its ability to create a personal and private platform for its user to chat and with its private pin,the user can decide on who to invite or decline. With dis outstanding attributes of the BBM which is responsible for turning most of the people of Nigeria as addicts and has also stood the test of time by upgrading its platform each time nd has also gone viral on other smartphones. The BlackBerry smartphone now has still stood its ground as one of Nigeria's best mobile,with its outstanding camera pixels,its long lasting battery,its portability and poise and to me I wud regard the blackberry mobile as an innovation and the foundation of most mobile in Nigeria...Personally amongst all other smartphones I still love me some BlackBerry smartphone...just cant help it.......LADYB

cherechi said...

i love the keyboard,the amazing camera,the e-mail funtionality,the notification,the screen layout and the speed browser.

Unknown said...

I just love blackberry..can't do without one..its cheaper and makes evrything about phone

Unknown said...

Blackberry. Is a. Smart phone that gives you the best to make you forget the rest hmmmmm how I love this phone my BlackBerry my

omotoyosi aderinsola said...

I have so many reason why I love blackberry! I mean I've been using just blackberry since 2009,so that means I am very comfortable using my blackberry phone!
It's durable and has a light weight! Not as heavy as other phones!
The applications on it are superb,i get to use more than 3 applications at a time,the applications refresh on their own and then d most beautiful part is I get to update to enjoy a better version of those applications.
Blackberry is not a pocket draining phone because B.I.S one needs to run a blackberry phone is affordable...unlike other smart phone users I get to use as low as 1000 to get 3G on my blackberry 10 but then other smart phones take like 3k to get just 1gig...heeeheee
The brand name blackberry till date makes one appear social and on point..when u go about with your blackberry phones people stare.
Then the battery life is good too,and then the key board and swipe function is great,i can decide to operate my phone using the touch sensitive function or my qwerty keyboard...and the way it swipes up n down makes my mom wonder how come I swipe applications and then they open and close just like that
The camera clear and nice...I get to even edit my pictures to my taste after taking the pictures...and when I decide to take videos with my blackberry nko...infact..its always so clear and captures everything I want and even at night the torch is always dere to help capture my videos in the dark...the Torch is so bright and appears like hallogen!heehee
On my blackberry I get to download more than one item at d same time
My blackberry is welfare friendly as I get to make a 24/7 emergency call incase of distress...which I try to check up sometimes and bet it with me,someone is always at the other end to pick
My blackberry has the function of making skype calls,voice notes,video calls and voice calls...*smile*very cool! I even get to take Selfies with my front camera...always me pose for the picture..hehehe
I love listening to music on my phone and watching videos...the sound is just too accurate.
I love my blackberry bcos it has Documents to go* with which I type my documents and the make use of my printer after editing it to bring out the document and u wld tink I typed with a computer system.i get to save and check up pdf files
Then the memory capacity of my blackberry phone is very large even without a memory card I have upto 200 songs and 20videos and lost of pictures
Lastly my blackberry has this picture password effect,get to lock my phone in friends just wonder when sometimes I try to unlock my phone and diff numbers appear and then I try to adjust them.

LINDA I TAKE GOD BEG U,I need that phone like seriously,i don't have enough cash to buy it and wouldn't mind having one from you,pleaseeeeeeeeeeee...I would be delighted...God bless you

BOMES said...

d best thing i love about blackberry is that i dont av one but surrounded wit those who av.dey & circumstances av already convinced me to get one.a blackberry just finds its way into ur heart.u cant really do witout it for too long if u are a professional

Chioma said...

Black Berry revolutionized the smart phone market with its BB message feature-a cutting edge innovation targeted at the youth. Apart from the BB message feature, picture resolution, user friendly and my ability to do so much with the BB device is amazing.
Even with stiff competition coming from other smart phone manufacturers, BB has continued to wax stronger. Black Berry has one of the largest fairly used mobile phone market in Nigeria. This is as a result of the love for the brand by the youth and also the durable nature of the phone across its series or models. Those who couldn't afford a brand new BB would look for a fairly used one just to own a BB. I was shocked when I sold my BB Touch at a very reasonable price when I wanted to migrate to Z10 after using it for two years.

byreryour said...

I like blackberry because it is a mobile office ( you can receive and send mails with it on the go, transact business at any time and any part of the world, buy and sell goods and services to mention a few) it is multi functional ( phone, video, camera, browser, radio all in one, etc) it is a smart phone(watsapp bbm twitter, dropbox, igran, mail, storage facility, excel, microsoft etc) it is easy to maintain (for as low as N1,000 per month you can pay for subscription of data plan) it is user friendly ( anybody can use, understand or operate a blackberry). It is affordable. Thank you.

Ebube God said...

I like blackberry because d picture quality is very clear and wonderful,secondly data subscription is very economical as u can use any bundle to do anything on net for a whole one month.And also d phone is very strong cos I use d bold 6 so I know what am saying so it will be wonderful if I can win another blackberry product u know as to upgrade pls pick me.

Anonymous said...

what i like about blackberry is the security.

PWILL said...

smart look and good functionality.

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

Unknown said...

It a very powerful n high phone with lowest subscription, love it pictures n d subscription

Anonymous said...

I started using blackberry 2009. I like the logo, asides that, nothing else, its always research in motion, battery, OS :( I have said the truth, don't think I will be selected for saying this :)

Unknown said...

What do i like? Only that Blackebrry has the most secure OS in the world, the blackberry hub, BBM, Amazon app store, the new guerilla glass on the new passport, The extremely secure email setup.

Unknown said...

portable size,lasting battery,good pix quality,saves cost and i love d software

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

Anonymous said...

The black berry phone is an indispensable phone amongst its contemporaries giving an avenue of communication that is fast witty and

Unknown said...

portable size,lasting battery,good pix quality,saves cost and i love d software

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

zinny said...

Not like i have used all blackberry phones so i will be very gonna tlk abt my bb Z10.

Its no exaggeration when i say it is the best phone i have ever used. Here are just a few things i love about it:

- its large storage capacity enables me have a very massive music and video collection.
-Its time-shift camera; It gives me a better facial expression.
-D virtual keyboard: OMG! This is the best touch screen virtual keyboard i have ever come across. Its so easy to use!!!
-The best of all its feature is d blackberry Hub; it simply amazing. It gives me all my messages and notifications in a single place making assessment so much easier.

Ofcourse, their very affordable subscription is a huge plus!

and lastly, d fact dt Blackberry keeps upgrading in subsequent phones to better serve the people is highly commendable.

Unknown said...

The first and most important thing is the BIS affordability and the fact that I can have my blackberry and my beloved android apps in one phone with the new bb10 OS

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

Unknown said...

Blackberry subscription and method of maintaining internet connection is still unique.

Anonymous said... It has a very
responsive touchscreen and an amazing
QWERTY keyboard. Its operating system
is rock solid.
though the camera is a decent 5
megapixels. Yes, my
BlackBerry has are what keep me
connected to reality. I can write long emails. Most importantly, my phone helps me
keep in touch with my family

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

Unknown said...

Blackberry subscription and method of maintaining internet connection is still unique.

Unknown said...

Blackberry ia a phone datz even d old can use cos of its easy to use

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

Unknown said...

Blackberry subscription and method of maintaining internet connection is still unique.

Unknown said...

Blackberry subscription and method of maintaining internet connection is still unique.

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition said...

Blackberry is relentless in upping it's game!

Unknown said...

In just a simple term,BlackBerry phones are the best for me,especially the BlackBerry 10 os phones,you'll just upgrade and keep enjoying. Florxyonline@

damilola osinuga said...

May the luckiest win...

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

Patrick said...

Today is my turn to win.

chizzy said...


Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

Anonymous said...

What i like about Blackberry is the name itself.My favorite color plus my favorite fruit.What else can i say'' Everything that ends with berry is just Dope. Blackberry! Strawberry! Cranberry! Appleberry! Aunty Linda! I need to travel for Xmas with my Blackberry so let me know when to come have its Passport.

Anonymous said...

The bb is a fast reliable means of communication that must be in

Bimablinks said...

Design –– Different is GOOD
Everything looks the same these days. Just look around you: all handsets are a variation on a theme, using the same rectangular proportions and screen layout. The BlackBerry Passport is like no other, however, with its squared-off design, ultra-wide chassis, physical QWERTY keyboard and premium build materials. Like the Tesla Model S, it’s eye-catching and more and more people are slowly waking up to the fact that, actually, this style might just work. 
Unlike a lot ofAndroidhandsets these days, BlackBerry –– like Apple –– has opted to stick with 1080p resolution displays on its flagship handset rather than the now-flavour-of-the-month QHD standard. And the upshot of this is a still-awesome visual experience with excellent colour and contrast as well as brilliant battery life (QHD panels guzzle juice like a lush in a distillery). 
Yep, the keyboard is definitely one of the high-points of the Passport. Prior to my review of the handset, I was initially a bit dubious about switching back to a physical QWERTY but after just a few minutes it all started to come back to me and a day or two later I was hooked. Also, the keyboard on the Passport is perhaps the best BlackBerry keyboard I’ve ever used –– and that’s saying something when you consider the lineage of handsets the company has produced. It just seamlessly straddles the hardware and software, making everything quicker and emails a dream. 
Battery Life’s Great
The BlackBerry Passport is in the top 1% of smartphones in this regard. With medium use you’re looking at a good couple of days. Heavy usage, which, lets face it most of us do, will see you through a full charge in just over 24 hours. No other handset –– including the excellent iPhone 6 Plus –– can hold a candle to the BlackBerry Passport in this context. 
Awesome Specs AND Hardware
BlackBerry handsets of old often lacked a lot of the hardware and spec capabilities found inside their Android and iOS-powered counterparts. The BlackBerry Passport bucks that trend completely and features a raft of high-end spec and hardware, including a Snapdragon 801 CPU, 3GB of RAM, 32GB of internal storage AND an updated 13MP camera with Optical Image Stabilisation.
It RUNS Android Apps
With BlackBerry 10.3 it is EVEN easier to install Android applications on your BlackBerry Passport because all the .BAR converting is done on device, saving you oodles of time. This is a brand new feature of BB10.3 and the long and short of this new ability is this: access to Google Play. I know, amazing! All you need to do is download SNAP and you’re away. That’s it. Simple –– and it also pretty much solves the whole app-gap problem, too. 
BB10 Native Apps Are Actually Really, Really Nice 
But let’s not forget just how nice native BB10 applications can actually be. Just look at this one for USA Today. It’s easy to use, looks great and takes advantage of all that wonderful screen real estate you have at your disposal. Now all we need is more!
BlackBerry Blend
This is an absolute KILLER feature, as it lets you to pick up emails, texts and BBMs on a PC, MAC or tablet when you’re away from your phone (or can’t be bothered to take it out of your pocket). BlackBerry Blend works acrossWi-Fi, mobile data and via USB. The big deal though is the fact that Blend works on3Gand4G, as this technically means you can access your BlackBerry from a PC or tablet anywhere in the world, providing you have Blend installed and your BlackBerry device, wherever it may be, is switched on. 

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

Anonymous said...

Affordability,good camera,uniqueness,gentle touch,sleek design,great perfection,bbm channels,great OS @

Unknown said...

This is same question everyone around me always asks me and I just smile I say blackberry just does it for me. You know when something gives u so much joy that you can't find words good enough to explain it....Am just in love with BlackBerry and their inovations

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

chizzy said...

hope i get it dis time

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

Ebube God said...

I like blackberry because d picture quality is very clear and wonderful,secondly data subscription is very economical as u can use any bundle to do anything on net for a whole one month.And also d phone is very strong cos I use d bold 6 so I know what am saying so it will be wonderful if I can win another blackberry product u know as to upgrade pls pick me.

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

chy042 said...

What I like about my blackberry is the red indicator light and the physical keyboard plus my BBM. But the deal breaker is my physical keyboard.

Unknown said...

I like blackberry because they produce the most durable phones and they have good camera quality. Also for a professional ican check emails amd take my work home with he blackberry phone.
Blackberry is simply the best

Unknown said...

Let me be very frank... What I like most in blackberries is the network and easy access to operation. As low as 2G you still get the comfort to browse and ping. Even a kid or an old person can operate them without stress.

Unknown said...

blackberry is just the easy to browse...very cheap to use...bbm originator clear picture nd thanks to blackberry i'v been a l.i.ber for more than three yrs nw

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

JAMES said...

I like my Blackberry for the following reasons;
1) Production process – Unlike a major Blackberry competitor that designs its phones in America and assembles in China, which in my opinion promotes cheap labour and exploitation of humans, BlackBerry first introduced the 850, in Germany in the year 1999 and has spread across countries without exploiting workers of a single country.
2) Memory Card use: The idea of actually being able to expand my storage capacity by inserting a memory card is amazing. Unlike other Blackberry competitors were you have to pay more for the same phone model that has a larger memory.
3) Durable ear piece: The ear piece of the Blackberry phone for me is more durable than that of majority of its competitors.
4) Bluetooth connectivity and Bluetooth games: I remember when I was in school; I and my friends played Bluetooth games amongst each other on our Blackberry devises which connected easily with other Bluetooth devices as well. Bluetooth connectivity problems happen to be troubling a very popular Blackberry competitor.
5) Market segmentation: The Blackberry marketing approach really caters for all income brackets not just high income earners. Unlike a Major Blackberry competitor whose devises
practically cost an arm and is considered ostentatious, the blackberry caters to all.
These are the everyday reason I can come up with and are devoid of plagiarism.

James Ogbole (

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

i followed linda ikeji blog like mad, i comment like hell. But winning zero. God help me.


Ebube God said...

I like blackberry because d picture quality is very clear and wonderful,secondly data subscription is very economical as u can use any bundle to do anything on net for a whole one month.And also d phone is very strong cos I use d bold 6 so I know what am saying so it will be wonderful if I can win another blackberry product u know as to upgrade pls pick me.

Unknown said...

1-black berry saves me more than buying data on 1os phones
2-black berry is

Unknown said...

blackberry smartphone is a small,light and portable phone that can be used to exchange tools and can access the internet without heavy laptop

Anonymous said...

The BB passport is sleek, the OS is very user friendly & i like the idea of the big screen with a keypad in addition

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