According to the University, “They will
not be simply listening to Beyoncé and Rihanna for fun or even comparing
the roles of Beyoncé and Rihanna in popular culture, rather, students
will be studying how the lyrics, music videos, and actions of these
women express various aspects of black feminism such as violence,
economic opportunity, sexuality, standards of beauty, and creative
The course, according to its listing, “Hopes
for students to understand the role black feminism plays in culture as
well as everyday".
A number of colleges have already made
similar moves; including Georgetown University which offers a sociology
course based on Jay-Z, Harvard University which offers a course on
Tupac Shakur and Rutgers University which already offers its own Beyonce
course titled "Politicizing Beyonce."
Madness!!! After that where will I work???
Hell no!!!!!!! De shud come study me.......
i keep wondering what will happen the day i will see jesus......are this people not over rated?just asking.
this world don end....very soon Beyonce will become a religion
Study what? Ogini? I can't study any of these divas.
Huh! They can't be serious.
Me I'll like to study Mama Peaceology (Patience 101)
Nonsense. I dont blame them tho, dey dont write Jamb!!
capital, NO
Linda God forbid bad thing, I no go lean hand work or make them come study me rubbish .CHI.
Gradually.. This people are turning into a God ooh. I can study Beyonce but absolutely not Rihanna, she has nothing to offer other than smoking and posting nudes
Ok naw
Ndi ara! They won't study Malala but they would rather study Beyonce and Rihanna?!! Na so! Priorities!!!
Na wa oo! I willl pay money in university to learn how to go naked. Tufiakwa
This is funny and equally interesting.....I love Queen Bey and RIRI but nope!! I won't unless there is straight employment after such course. ******QUEENMAYA*******
This is funny and equally interesting.....I love Queen Bey and RIRI but nope!! I won't unless there is straight employment after such course. ******QUEENMAYA*******
I would love to study both
I will study Beyonce a hundred times. Beyonce deserves to be studied because she a woman of great virtue. A great wife,mother,role model and entrepreneur. Rihanna is a complete prostitute. #jennifer
Lolzzz, for real? Its funny tho *Flora*
funny but stupid
OMG this is serious well lida is yur turn ooo let ppl study your course too so they ll knw more about you why u open a blog what you av gone true b4 u get to where you re so they ll shoot there mouth up n stop talking sheet so Linda progress is yurs
After that, i'll work as what?
aunty linda abeg for once post my comment
this must be a joke
hmm! wonder wonder! what can i say??? good for them!...
Lwkmd... Nigerians take d hint and lets av a course on "understanding Tonto DIkeh" although Obasanjo would be a very interesting course to study. Hahaha
Very funny
I go like study their f**king pu**y...#YMYB
Why should I stoop so low
Linda, u should always make it clear, not as if they study them personally but they will study how the lyrics, music videos, and their actions express thru various aspects of black feminism such as violence, economic opportunity, sexuality, standards of beauty, and creative self-expression. Simple...
What's so special about them ?.Nonsense
OH wow!
The pinky and the Brain.
The pinky and Brain.........by d darken of the sun, they'll take over the World.
Womanism indeed..
Mo ro pe ori rihanna daru! Abi make she come study me...
You got me laffn. When aye is not doing me.
Say wetin happen??!!
The pinky and the Brain....... by the darken of d sun they'll take over the World.
Dang! Ur spellings na die!!!!!!! **faints**
Currently doing my NYSC. when I'm done I will go for a master's on Beyonce then later work with her family so I can kidnap blue ivy and bring her to Mubi probably this might put and end to boko haram crisis..
I'll rather remain an illiterate.
Not in dis life or the nxt to come...... Dis pple self
Rubbish! Dem nor go include" Rihanna Nudity" join ni?
#LIB brand ambassador
Capital and TOTAL Madness...
We 2 4dey study Fela Anikulapokuti Baba o as a course. A A
Oyinbo don com again o,We 2 4dey study Fela Anikulapokuti Baba o as a course. A A
Omg!!! Study who and who pls I hope this is a joke, bcos it sounds lyk tales my moonlight to me #onelovefromSnow#
My thought exactly....its pure madness
Ok, it shud b 4 dos studying music, imagine d naija version, courses lyk P-square, D'banj and Tiwa Savage. Chai! It'll b fun ooo
Abi devil dey play golf for my head?lailai,,ko porrible#GiftedDiva#
God forbid i cant studie demons
no mind linda,she hate beyonce and rihanna but if it is kim ,she will know how to explain
Stoop so low you say??? Abeg who u be o?
my people ll always display their ignorance,its just a module not a course or department on its own! Ha
How is it madness? If Beethoven can be studied for his music, why can't these two be studied? The sooner we start to think before speaking or typing the better for us as a nation.
Good question. my thoughts exactly
story for the gods
As in, what's will be the use?
Visit my blog
HUH! There are better singers , these girls have just been privileged to be at the right place at the right time ... Pls don't idolise shit .
How can I study my fellow human as a course.
HUH! There are better singers , these girls have just been privileged to be at the right place at the right time ... Pls don't idolise shit .
HUH! There are better singers , these girls have just been privileged to be at the right place at the right time ... Pls don't idolise shit .
Linda, if no be say u are my sister, i would have said thunder fire you for posting this useless and rubbish question about this worthless people. Rubbish. If you like u post mine or leave it but i am happy you have read it.
Lol dis is muadness.....
You will work for Rihi or Beyonce..lol
We go soon study dbanj for here. Hiiiiaaan
In my own case. I will love to 'under' study the ladies..but I will use condom as my biro..
Den all of us will work as wot? Rubbish course!!! In wot uni can u enta nd proudly say u studied beuyonce and rihana?
you guys are not getting it
its not to study them as persons or their madness or crazy lifestyle
its their music,their struggle, etc. to help people that need to rise to the top to learn from them and also their mistakes and be better entertainers. Its all about the black woman making it to the top and not beign a liability to her environment...but sha dis white ppl tho ..smh
Illuminati mind control BS At work here. Orprah also has a course. World order tins. There lyrics are penned so wisely, always with a double meaning. And since some dumb people aint catching on, they created a course.
It just shows you that there whole lives have been bought and is being stage managed with them as puppets. They act their script daily. They have sold their souls for fame.
Bro, some certain post does not need our vulgarity.. Given that this is not a porn site, some people may find it offensive even though its just sarcasm on your own side..visit www.pornhub.com for the study of female sexual organ.
Baby dont worry, Roca Wear can employ you when you after that.
Naija we beef too much......... ok those of us dat study law,engineering e.t.c how many of us ve jobs eh? the American Economy is way structured than ours for them to initiate such courses means they have well taught out after plans
Study wat hell no
Rubbish except I want to study the concept of madness!
U guys are not getting it, it is not about them. They are just been use as case studies for feminism. While our schools here use ppl that u cannot connect with like Flora Nwampa of Nija, Ama ata Ido of Ghana etc. women who leaved in the 60s and 70s there are using contemporary women who u can connect with because u can feel and see their struggles.
In Harvard there is a study of Sir Alex the formal Man. U. coach. That is the study of the legend while we are still studying Amadioha and Songo, that is why we are where we are, and they are where they are.
@ Beeteewhy....I bet you should take your time to go through the comments regarding "Cossy Boobs Halloween Club party"...Then you will realize with your real eyes that "Sunmola's Comment" is virgin compare to the ones on there...
She is ALREADY a religion, and a god to some. Look it up
wake up 9ja!!! Illuminanti is completely in control
I can study tupac, respect to the mentor RIP SHAKUR
If u eva insult riri again I wil make sure u won't b able 2 eva comment on dis blog.i am watching u wit 3d glasses
I know right. Linda abeg explain well cuz ur readers are just plainn dumb. They are so dumb it hurts. No one reads to understand anymore. U just have to break it down ok??
na wah oo. Wetin i wan study 4 dem body, Dem b God,, Rubbbbbish
But you can study animals and organisms. Iti akwu
very soon, this stupid shit will be introduce to nigeria that we will be study maheeda and tiwa savage. Nonsense
Hnmm.... errors
Wot d hell! I don study architecture finish? Dem dey craze....in ma nex life if any, I sti choose ARCHITECTURE.
TBH with the amount of reporting LIB does on both characters, I might as well enrol on one or both courses and earn myself a degree to compensate for the time wasted scrolling through your website. I would also recommend they add a Kim K course - as I would never have heard of the character had I not been such a LIB addict.
For those asking who would employ you with these degrees. Isnt it obvious? Linda!! and other random celebrity gossip outlets :)
Chai wonders shall never end. Oyibo has completely lost it. I'll rather study Patience Jonathan than these people at least I will be sure I can work in d government house Or Aso rock after my graduation...lol
Senseless act, d highest level of tomfoolery
Dey should come & study my ass
My thought exactly
What else is there to study abeg? When the media has never skipped any syllabus of gist about them ...entertainers these days are so discussed you would wonder when there's ever time for serious discussions of VERY NEEDED world changing subjects and how we expect our children to be any better.
But, i bet you me, some not-jobless-enough-minds have started to putting in alot of effort in making this a reality.
None of the above but if I must I rather take Beyonce
Yes!! My Uni made it on Lind Ikeji! LOL #UT #HOOKEM
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