It’s no secret that women in Nigeria spend crazy amounts on weaves, some with the hope of completing their package to find “Mr Right.”
I often rock braids and big twists, and have noticed that I get a different type of attention and compliments from men in comparison to when I wear weaves. This got me thinking, “Do Nigerian men prefer braids to weaves”. Is the preferred hairstyle by our men the cheapest of them all? I asked some guys what they love about braids and these were their responses:
You will always know when women with weave
have been in my room as their hair sheds as if they are cats, which I hate.
It looks more natural and makes black women
look less artificial
Braids that are done well allow men
appreciate the beauty in a woman
I love my braids and they are easy to
maintain, but it can get a bit boring.
What do you guys think? Does your man,
brother, dad prefer braids to weaves?
Photographer: Big H Studios
MUA: Bookielavida
Braids: Joy 08130664586
Hair stylist: Solange Hair and Beauty shop
From what I notice men prefer weaves to braids.buh for me I prefer braids aleast I won't have to comb it everyday.
My mum says I look normal whenever I rock braids
Personally I prefer braids
My baby doesn't know the difference... all he knows is to drop money every month and expects me to look good
Brai brngs out d beauty f a woman 4 doz dt hv front hair. As 4 weaves,gals wear weaves ks it maks dem feel amng n luk expensive,even dy r poor. 2m,ma hubby prefers m on braids ,buh h luvs m makng weaves. So if I weave ds month,nxt months,I wil braid. Dts hw I do it
yes 90% of men I knw(includin my hubby) prefer braids 2 weaves..dey claim its mre natural....bt me lov ma weavs anytym any day
1st 2 comment! Lol...
Queen B...
Personally, i prefer braids than weaves
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Depends on the kind of head that wears the hair, whether braided or weave-on. Some ladies are more beautiful when they wear braids than when they put on weave-ons. Vice-versa.
I lyk braids,buh it taks tym 2 mak. Weaves r fyn on m 2. Pple always knw der best,n dy go 4it. Buh I think its gud 2 b changng,so dt u wil b gettng diff luk
Ibeere .
I'm outta here
as a guy i personally prefer bold braids to weave-on any time any day. I like it when a woman wears bold braids. Stunning photo by my people.
as a guy i personally prefer bold braids to weave-on any time any day. I like it when a woman wears bold braids. Stunning photo by my people.
It definitely braid for me. Not because it is cheap, but because it tells me if you are beautiful with or without makeup. I saw my girlfriend in braid today, and I couldn't stop taking her pictures until my phone malfunctioned.
Expensive weave doesn't guarantee you will look beautiful, because if you don't have it in you, you no get am be that.
#BraidOverWeave ANYTIME!!!
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my man prefers braids anyday, anytime.....
My husband prefer braids to get it weaves
They should be there preferring ,I'm not going to sit my ass for countless hours and then get my front hair chopped in the process,I like the weaves,easy to manage and let's face it,some glam outfits just don't go with braids,it just pulls it down. But above all take care of you hair and let it breathe every now and then,whatever style you choose,as long as that doesn't define you,nothing beats inner beauty and a beautiful soul, follow Christ and love your neighbors as you do you.
I love braiding... bt truly, it does get boring. weaves allow u to style ur hair differently... play with ur looks. my opinion though. prettyprecious0018@yahoo.com
I prefer both... But to choose one, am in love with braid..
Even though ma man likes braid curly ones, he prefers weaves n he like them long.
Yup yup...my BF totally loves it wen I braid my hair...nd I love it too..sides its nt borin for me cos I can pack it nd put it into diffrnt styles..as long as d hair isn't heavy...
men prefer women with pure heart
Lol I tink most Nigerian men prefer braids to weaves, lyk my man wil alwz wnt me to braid,though braids is painful but it really kul.
I so love braides, it brings out d face of a lady n beauty. #9jason HOLD ME
My husband prefers my natural hair before braids and hates weaves, but I wear weaves because it cuts out 30 miss to 1 hr of prep time for me on a daily basis:-) Sorry babe:-P
My husband prefers my natural hair before braids, but hates weaves, lol!
I love braids,I do it more than weaves,I get more compliments. Most importantly I just need to pack it up or style n pack n I'm good to go. Brushing,combing etc of weaves puts me off. As for weaves n guys 98% of them can't tell darling yaki from Brazilian hairs.
I prefer braids..hmconcept2000@gmail.com
My guy doesn't care. As for other men, I can't say. Most times Nigerian men like their wives to look like mgbeke meanwhile they are out the chasing 'barbilicious' babes with 30 inch Brazilian hair
Braid is better than wave BT wave is expensive than braid u knw DAT why all girls wanna belong n they v got nt to stand up to standard BT braid is the best I can style it anyhow u want it
My man prefer braids
my guy likes it wen m on braids but i dont rili like it cos it tks much of my time wen mking it.
Nigeria men don't have a choice!!! Yeah I said it...*****QUEENMAYA*******
Neither, actually. Nothing beats a woman's natural hair. Permed and long or cut short - doesn't matter.
Definitely braids. Makes beautiful women stand out, and projects deir face, which is whr deir beauty lies. Weaves, cover part of deir face and doesn't blend naturally, it's so artificial. Worst of dem all is Fringes or wtever u girls call it. Its horrible. Pls desist from such hair styles. Simply braids, wrks d magic on we guys n make us go "oh! Daaaamn. Smacking our lips while staring" lol.
I love my braids and I rock it will. I hate wen I hv to brush a weave ND find weave strands on the floor
Definetly! I prefer braids to weaves.
I realy hate seeing hair all over d place nd in my food!
I'm 18 and I've been braiding my hair since I graduated from secondary school at 16. My Dad and brothers love it and it has become some sort of identity for me. It's also very easy to maintain. I don't need to brush it everyday like weaves ☺
Is the makeup on her face not enough artificial than human hair? Hiss
Who cares what they like, it's what makes me happy and looking good. Dats it
This steph girl and her fake accents slays me. Someone that buys bend down boutique from my frnds boot. Kpako forming aje. Busy borrowing clothes and stuff to show off. Life in show biz sha.no be anybody fault u hv to belong.after that she go dey form phonetics for us.lwkmd.steph rocks i dey hail o.
yeah nice one,braids is d best as far as am concerned. my dad,bros and my gossip mate loves it most. lili bikonu post my comment did time. nurse Mercyelvis
All the guys I ve dated prefer braids to weaves. But if I want to buy weaves they still give me money sha. But they prefer braids. #jennifer
Anyone that's fit my future wife, even if is low cut hair that means both of us can have personal clippers lmao...
I prefer natural. Braids or not :)
Braids all the way it makes a woman lol ok younger compared to weaves you just look older than you should
She is pretty! I like changing my hair though. Men should be more concerned about women as a person not their hair. #IAMNOTMYHAIR
Why do Nigerian women act like their whole existent is based on finding a man? - Classically Nigerian
Lol@ my baby. That's sweet to call him ur baby.
Loool...Hey my oga 10.51pm, how can u say fringes r horrible? It's lovely if its cut and done well. I personally do not like doing fringe but it looks nice on most babes
Can they even tell the difference? #sign
Love a lady on braids or baby curls. (not the weave ones o). Most ladies have to go through a lot and know a few that lost their hair because of gluing and all that.
For me a female with no hair automatically loses brownie points not to talk about one that carries goat hair.
Truth is, hair is the last thing a guy notices on a woman. If you've got the b**ty and the b**bs, i could care less if you're weaved, braided or even bald.
"Braids with brains."
i am a man and personally dont give a rats ass about braids or weaves i personally think any woman who still runs to her man for money to make her hair should never be taken serious. if i ever find a woman who constantly takes care of her own hair with her money not another mans money her money i might just consider marriage but for now it seems most of the poor or will i say average girls run off to their unsuspecting boyfriends to collect money for hair and some of them as foolish as they are they give in. i have never dated a girl who gave me 500 naira to cut my hair so i will never give a woman money to make her hair. a respectable woman pays for her own hair. note the main word is woman,not lady or girl.
i am a man and personally dont give a rats ass about braids or weaves i personally think any woman who still runs to her man for money to make her hair should never be taken serious. if i ever find a woman who constantly takes care of her own hair with her money not another mans money her money i might just consider marriage but for now it seems most of the poor or will i say average girls run off to their unsuspecting boyfriends to collect money for hair and some of them as foolish as they are they give in. i have never dated a girl who gave me 500 naira to cut my hair so i will never give a woman money to make her hair. a respectable woman pays for her own hair. note the main word is woman,not lady or girl.
@anonymous 9.37pm you need a life,if u cannot take care of ur own hair every month and keep running to ur so called baby u have even bigger issues than i expected.
@sylvia 9.38pm you gotta be extremely dumb to think 90 percent of men prefer braids to weave... men dont give a fuck about ya hairs man... they only pretend they do.how can a woman suddenly be the voice for 90 percent of men in general ??? common
Yea rite....hater because u r not as pretty as she is u want to slay her...kill ursef bitch
i have personally never given a rats ass about the female hair. whether she is poor,average or rich if she cant or wont pay for her own hair do on a regular basis, please run away.
I love braids so much on my Nigerian sisters.....
the mentality of the average nigerian female is done n dusted.
He likes braids Bcoz he cannot afford 2 give u moni 4 Brazilian hair
As long as you look good!
This question is not right, as it is asked already in favour of braids so to a large extend, it influences ur opinion. Nevertheless, I love braids for 2 specific reasons, 1, yes it does give that natural African look which I really love, and 2, it's much easier to maintain and rock, and much cheaper. But I will always rock my weaves oooo, cos for those of us that don't have front hair, our options are very limited with braids and to say the truth, it's doesn't really do much justice to our looks.
Braids makes one look kinda normal nd weaves makes one look mature
I like bread and butter
To attract a man, wear a weave. As soon as you get his attention, ditch the weave o! Once he sees beyond the glam that weaves provide, your personality and cleanliness is what matters. Even better when you weave your natural hair - but only if youve got it in abundance. And no matter what you think, weaves will stink if you wear them for more than 2- 3days without a wash. Of course, you will look less glamorous with braids, but you can give him a taste of what he first saw with a wig now and then...
Braids cause more damage to the hair and hairline. The tight pulling leads to alopecia. Weaves when done right doesn't damage the hair as much. Badly done weaves also lead to hair loss.
My Dad loves braids, while my man prefers weaves. I love both nd change from time to time, cos i hate carrying 1 look 4 too long, it makes one boring.
U guys wont believe it, braids actually turns me on bcos i dont see whats special in weaves since everyone does it#i'm different
why not do away with them altogether?
why not do away with them altogether then?
Always been a fan of NEAT braids ....my boos abroad were never down for it bcos it wasnt in style der...well until beyonce (solange?) brought em back.
My boo prefers braids but I love weaves
why is this news worthy? have we women lost our sense of self worth so much so that it is now important what hairstyle random men prefer to see on our heads?
Linda, u dey hear?? Ur husband go tire 4 u and ur center parting, u'll see. Better change and let's see ur hairless front akpan head.
Braids over weave anyday
Weaves always look a bit silly to me because I know its fake no matter how well its done. Braids look more African and to me, more beautiful.
I love to see my wife carry braids. I love it
Stephanie the akproko. Lol at weaves and braids.still owing for her makeup and hair at our salon. Pls I'm not hating it's true. She too like oso free. Speaking English wn its time to pay up. Why I don't like showbiz life. Too much fakeness. Babe be living off hiring clothes from clothing stores and expecting free weave and makeup as a what? Celeb? Idi egwu
Braids for me. Infact, Natural followed by braids. I hate weavons
Very true. My husband LOVES me to always wear braids. Even when my hair is due, to avoid trouble i just have to braid my front hair and have weave at the back. But sometimes, when it is so due and i am not ready to retouch, i beg him to allow me carry weave for sometime.
braids all day
Am sorry, your husband sound like a controlling man. You have to beg him to let you do something else to your hair? Na wa oh! Naija!
U be religious fellow
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