"Without wasting time, we hereby send a message to the tyrants of Nigeria and other infidels as well as their world tyrants as a whole in Hausa language.
"You people should understand that we only obey Allah, we tread the path of the Prophet. We hope to die on this path and get eternal rest in our graves, rise up in bliss before our Lord and enter Paradise (quotes from the Koran). Our goal is the Garden of Eternal Bliss. May Allah protect us.“Oh you followers of constitution, have you forgotten your laws? Since the time we were preaching in Maiduguri, in your constitution in Section 8, verse (paragraph) 2 to 3, in your accursed book called Constitution, which became law for those who are not fair to themselves on earth.
“You shamelessly declared in your radio and newspapers that you were fighting those determined to establish an Islamic state.
“Because of that constitution that barred us from preaching in Maiduguri, we moved out and migrated as Allah ordained (quoting from the Koran).
“Have you forgotten that? And it is you today claiming we made truce with you? In what way did we make truce? Which kind of negotiation, with whom? That your Danladi, the infidel like you, who we will not spare and will decapitate if he falls into our hands today?
“Where do we know him, not to talk of him representing us? Who is Danladi on this earth?
“Allah knows everything. Allah is witness (quoting from the Koran).
“Therefore I tell you (that) we have not made ceasefire with anyone. Only battle, hitting, striking and killing with gun which we long for like tasty meal. This what we believe in and fight for.
“Our goal is to see only Koran being followed on earth. This is our focus.
“It is said Chadian President, Nigerian ambassador, the people of Cameroon and us met and agreed on a truce. How? Don’t you know we are still holding your German hostage, always crying. If we wish we hack him or slaughter him or shoot him. We fear no one but Allah. This is our job.
“When did we release Chibok schoolgirls that we seized, those that Shekau who is now talking, seized, brought them and kept them in the place he chose for more than six months now.
“Allah has proved too difficult for the infidel, Allah has proved too difficult for the tyrant, Allah has proved too difficult for the United States, Allah has proved too difficult for a plane called drone, bastard. Allah has proved too difficult for everyone. Allah is mightier than everyone.
“Surprisingly, if the women of Chibok, I mean the mothers of the Chibok schoolgirls and their fathers, if you know the condition your daughters are in today it could lead some to convert to Islam and some to die from grief.
“Don’t you know the over 200 Chibok schoolgirls have converted to Islam? They have now memorised two chapters of the Koran. They have seen themselves in the Books of Luke and John that Christians have corrupted the Bible. Girls from Chibok confessing Islam is the true religion! A six-grader, liars.
“We married them off. They are in their marital homes. (Laughter)
“Fury upon fury. Shekau can infuriate. It is said Shekau is leadership position. Which leadership? Do you think we are practising traditional monarchy? (Laughter). It is the same Shekau whose father is Muhammadu, his son is Muhammadu, his name is Abubakar. It is the same Shekau, he is still the one. Shekau, eat the heart of infidels since infidels want to disobey Allah.
“We did not negotiate with anyone. We did not negotiate with anyone. We did not negotiate with Chad. We did not negotiate with Cameroon. We did not negotiate with Nigeria. We did not negotiate with the Chadian ambassador. We did not negotiate with Africa. We did not negotiate with Asia. We did not negotiate with Europe. We did not negotiate with America. We did not negotiate with the United Nations.
“What is negotiation? We did not negotiate with anyone. It is a lie. It is a lie. We will not negotiate. What is our business with negotiation? Allah said we should not (quoting from the Koran).
“We follow the Koran. We will not be teased by any infidel. Now you don’t know what to do, you want to convince your leaders that are tired of you, that have realised your lies, including your Solomon Dalung, your Abdullahi Wase, your Senator Ndume.
“They are tired of you, they have realised you are deceiving them, you are playing with their intelligence, you just want to protect your own interests. It is bad for you.
“I’m only making this speech for those people who want to convert to Islam. I don’t care whatever you say. What is my business with you? Allah is my focus. I left my parents’ home. I left my mother and my father, I left my relations and joined those who want to practise Islam (quoting from the Koran). And you are trying to deceive people with negotiation.
“I thank Allah. I started with knife and today I have seized more than 20 of our armoured vehicles, they are in my possession.
“It is said Shekau is a position. Bravo to you Orator. Well done to you who studied in Israel. Well done to you the expert in Psychology, well done you expert in Biology, well done you believer in ‘I pledge to Nigeria my country’. This is what you said.
“You pledge to Nigeria your country. Right? Me, me Shekau I pledge to Allah my God. If you don’t know, today you will know.
“I pledge to Allah my God, to be faithful. This is Shekau. Idiot like you!
“This is just my speech in brief.
“You should repent and turn to Allah and follow the Koran. You should follow the Koran. You should follow the Koran. You are so unfortunate as to be preventing those who follow the Koran obeying Allah. “It is a lie. It is a lie. Whoever refuses to listen will be dealt with by Allah.”
Source: Premium Times
I just dont believe this.
the path of the Prophet. We hope to die on this path and get eternal rest in our graves, rise up in bliss
Guys see the allege actress genevieve xplicit private photo said to have leaked online..
Phew! We are in serious mess.
lunatic moron
Why does the government like to lie all the time. No truth in their mouths just like the devil. I thought they said Boko Haram had agreed to a cease fire. Now we are hearing a different story. I wish we had an active leader in this nation because things have gone from bad to worse in this country.
This demonic demon again. Ekwensu.
Lord have mercy..
Let God arise and contend with those contending with his people.quoting from my bible. This too shall come to pass.
I am so so scared now. Lord pls intervene, change d heart of d wicked.
Oh my beloved country, wat is d way forward?????
Sick pple with their lame belief!
You are a liar, you are not quoting the Holy Quran,Allah will judge you and wipe you,your men and generation.
Islam is a religion of peace
Basterd God will punish you of all you cause in Nigeria.... Stupid man. So na una kidnap dat Garman man and kill one abi?
Very mad man
Oh u foolish galatian...! u wil burn in d fires of hell n dere'l be no Allah dere 2 protect u..! #shakes head in pity#
Foolish indeed
Nsogbu di.. Lord help us. Wish all these would come to an end
So wat happen to d ceasefire agreement???
Shekau, hence you have decided to kill,by your sword, to kill by your gun, one thing is certain that one day your cup will be full.
I dont think they realy capture d guy
My question is why are you Hiding? come out and work like every other Humanbeing .Halla did not ask you to do this,evil Bein.
Hahaha, Illiteracy, they say its a disease. I sure believe this guy aint no graduate. He's talkin wit d limitation of his memory. Tyrant oshi........eeerh.....oba ti ki leni ko to muni wud soon deal with you. Later some muslims would come here and start saying nonsense. Esin alaafia my a**
Lol...he is a joker.
what do I tell this idiot??
Go and commit suicide
The mumu illiterate can't even speak good English.
am scared of Moslem person now
Na wa o. This people needs the direct touch of God inside their brain, how can someone be so heartless...?
What is actually happening in this country? In other words, there was no negotiations so the army is telling lies or what? I can't get this at all. This Shekau of a man is talking with all boldness but goodness sake, this man needs to killed as it is clear now that the person killed wasn't him.
Very very soon dis guy would b arrested.
Haaaa,Islam,Muslims,they r Pure Animals! *spits*
I knew it! Who are those insisting this nigga is dead?! Shey he has mentioned a current affair? Ndibe Thomas! After I watched that last video before this one, I knew that amosu is still alive when though I wished him dead a billion times! Now, ngwa, Muslims, what are your takes on this biko nu? Cos this guy is still saying it's Allah and quran he is obeying? Do yall worship a different Allah or read a different quran? I don't get! And why is he killing his own people and kind?! Abi those places they attack are Christian communities in Islamic lands?! This guy and his devilish cohorts confuse the heck outta me!
And the guy has a foul mouth! So insulting and disrespectful! Haba!
Nawa ooo dis kin thing,i hope he know dat Koran talks of religious tolerance,
These are words from a hopeless coward, I just wonder why this government are not trying to put a stop to this matter,they have killed this guy like three times now yet he still lives, does it mean that hes immortal or our soldiers are making a joke out of it.God help us.
Jesus! this guys are serious and mean
15 Scriptural Passages on Peace
3 Things That Makes People Cry
A Productive Servant
Evil On Earth
Bro ur days are numb
Nigerians! Adamawa is on fire as we speak. I reside in yola(state capital of Adamawa). The terrorists have fully conquered and taken over mararaba, mubi,vintim,Michika-Madagali, uba, e.t.c. and Jonathan is busy strutting around collecting forms. Bloods are flowing freely, the dead are too numerous to count, millions are displaced from their homes, people sleep with one eye open yet Jonathan is going for another term in office. By d time dis man finishes with nigeria I wonder what will remain of us. Yet some hypocrite are coming out to back jonathan's re-election bid. The people supporting jonathan shall know no peace. The people profiting from this massacre shall themselves be massacred. Karma is a bitch. Nemesis will surely catch up with them. In a sane society Jonathan ought to have done the needful (resign). But Nigeria is a lawless and backward country and we are ruled by "clueless" leaders.
Does Nigeria have Islamic leaders? If indeed the Muslims are not a part of Book Haram, why are there leaders quiet about all these happenings? One of them should at least say something to Book Haram, hold a meeting or do something to stop all of this!
May the all mighty God bring the says of this wicked BH to an end. Amen
Lobatan! 9ja government has failed us again...God help Nigerians from the hands of this evil men
What a rambling idiot...I lost brain cells reading this.
He should go to hell
My God. . Take control pls.. Dere is non like u ohhh Lord. .;-( ;-( ;-(
Nigerians! Adamawa is on fire as we speak. I reside in yola(state capital of Adamawa). The terrorists have fully conquered and taken over mararaba, mubi,vintim,Michika-Madagali, uba, e.t.c. and Jonathan is busy strutting around collecting forms. Bloods are flowing freely, the dead are too numerous to count, millions are displaced from their homes, people sleep with one eye open yet Jonathan is going for another term in office. By d time dis man finishes with nigeria I wonder what will remain of us. Yet some hypocrite are coming out to back jonathan's re-election bid. The people supporting jonathan shall know no peace. The people profiting from this massacre shall themselves be massacred. Karma is a bitch. Nemesis will surely catch up with them. In a sane society Jonathan ought to have done the needful (resign). But Nigeria is a lawless and backward country and we are ruled by "clueless" leaders.
how I wish all these goats called human beings die painful deaths
frustrated bitches, u will rot in hell nonsense.
dis is unbelievable!nd dere ar following Quran.Nemesis Wil Catch Up Wit U 1 Day
This guy is just a bastards..
God we commit this country into your hands
Now, Tell me one reason 4 Jonathan's re-election....Nigeria politics is a joke...yeah I said it. ****QUEENMAYA*******
Buh wait a fucking second
Shouldn't this idiot be rotting 6ft down?
Or this is his ghost or something
Who was allegedly killed then eh?
Smh. Govt should crush these criminals. What are they waiting for?? Am so angry here reading this. Criminal and bigots now chasing pple out of their homes and govt is busy watching them? Mehn so annoying
This is the move of the spirit of the anti-christ. People take note. Jesus is coming soon. And all this must happen and might even get worse. Accept christ now!
Our God will definitely capture you, I mean God of Christian. U better repent now there's time ғόŕ u b4 it will be too late. Lord have mercy on u ғόŕ u no not what u are doing.
Oh my God, this guy has lost some nuts
he's a joker
...it is well,Jesus take the wheel!
so why are you rebroadcasting it, you are part of the problems Christians have
He goat like you...One word to describe you(animal)
What I know is that my God is bigger than you all boko barams and I know one day all these will become a thing of the past. Weeping may endure for a night but Joy comes in the morning. This is a night moment for Nigeria and very soon our morning will come. Repent and give ur life to christ before it becomes too late.
Oluwa ooo where is your face, give this beast to dog to eat. Thunder of God strike shekau, consuming Fire of God destroy Shekau, this I pray oh Lord
may God help this Obodo Nigeria and put a stop to this sensless killing by BH boys..
Oma blow ni Shekau..ur just using Islam as cover up..Quran does not teach all d evils ur doing.
Reason why Buhari can never rule, he will islamize nigeria ,they are all the same
why did he wait till GEJ decleared his intension to run for Presidency. Who is fueling who... oh sorry who is fooling who?
What sort of nonsense is this for God sake. This guy is finally mad.
Linda please stop putting up things like this! This is not Islam!!! Islam does not say we should kill or kidnap! U have alot of hausa muslim friends and have they ever tried to hurt or harm u? These boko haram guys are just bloody illiterates under POLITICAL PROPAGANDA FOR WORLDLY GREED!!!
Who's Allah biko? I thot we were serving the same God.............
dis boko haram people.all i can is dat God will arrest u in Jesus name
Almighty God WILL Punish U!!!!!!
Hmmmmm issues
Islam is vry evil! Quote me anywhere.. But God will punish all these ppl killin in d name of allah
Twit @successralu
Oh Lord, deliver us from these demons@
Psychologically this man brain is twisted
Nawa for this shekau o, so our chibok girls have all been f*cked? Jeeez, God have mercy nd save us from these blood tasty animals
BH is an epitome of impeccable stupidity!....we both believe in GOD which is also allah...but they have decided to carve out an unknown prophet mohamed that is inferior to human beings
This is not funny at all,dese guys have plans ooo so who the hell did fg negotiate with? #jonathan out
blah blah blah....sooo not Interested but seriously he is like what?? d sixth shekau?? and dey all ave bad English!! sumtin is wrong wit all northern teachers
who is lying? the govt. or BH
the ramblings of an utterly mad man once presumed to be dead.
pray for nigeria sha
I'm sure attention is not yet been given to this low life idiot fools killed kill them all Nigerian we can stand up for almost any people who back evil Islam we both know and kill.
You are 100% right. We need to start an online campaign against that Jonathan. We can't afford him to rule us any longer. If the Governent want to put an end to this insurgency I'm sure they can but it's like they are gaining from it.
But I thought I heard this man has died? It was on d internet that he was shot n killed. Hian! Dunno what to believ again
so scary
He was killed, negotiation reached but killings continues.Who is the president deceiving?They should chase all the liars called politicians out of Abuja, Jonathan is too weak.We can't be losing about $2B monthly and we don't have money to eradicate these guys.
That is when u should know he is not doing it for d religion but for his own selfish interest.. Hes killing his people preachinh abt islam but still bombing mosque.. Hes jst a bastard
Allah means God, but say Allah is the same as Jehovah / Yahweh is like saying Sango is the same as Zeus. They all mean god/God and they may share similar characteristics but at the same time, they are very different.
We hold too much meetings in Nigeria. And does this guy look like someone who wants to hold any meeting?!
And I keep asking, where does this nigga get the data abi bandwidth to keep uploading Nigerian movies on YouTube bikonu?! Hiaaaaaaaa
I woke up to dis message and as I speak it is 5:27, d mosque beside my house in ibadan just started their morning nonsense and they call Dem selves Muslims. I dey fear these people I swear.
God will help us
God will help us sweedydiagold@gmail.com
Some one who kills people freely and you are concerned about him been disrespectful
God has already punished u becos I can see that u don't hav peace, jonathan will resign in ur dream land so that u will take over and conquer boko haram over night
Islam is evil! Luke round d world all d islamic country are fighting or killing people even in africa,asia name dem evil people wit dia evil religion.
Asinnnn.i was also trying to understnd ow jonathan cld ve d heart to ask for our votes again...I dnt care wat nybdy says,jonathan is d worst president eva, tooo many lives....oya oh tan pple am waiting for d insults....
Mad man! Koran my shitty ass.
If u tink dis is abt jonathan, d more reason he shdnt contest in dis electn...ahan..why is he so selfish, pple are dieing, communities ve bin lost, young gals ve bin kidnappd etc den he shd leavr d post na abi na ehm paper post? hasnt he ruled us enufff
One thing is sure, evil does not last forever. One day we will overcome all these problem for one day is for the owner.
This ur cry hard to believe o brother.
Na by force to convert to islam????
"One day the river will overflow. And there will no where for us to go"
All I can say is your end shall soon come, rejoice and intimidate all u want now, for when the God of Justice and the God of the innocent souls u mercilessly kill rise up, u and ur followers too shall know no mercy. My greatest pain is u use the name of God to carryout ur atrocities anyway am sure u're talking abt a diff god, not the Allah that I know or the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) that I read about. God pls arise.
So basically our government continues to lie and deceive? Well I hope GEJ has a way to ameliorate this situation cos he is gonna lose the elections on the face of this, unless the North doesn't vote! This is just outrageous, this is just.... Gosh!!! What has become of a once peaceful nation? Now turned to sh*t because of our leaders' ineptitude and selfishness! Lives lost in numbers for fun! Oh Lord come wipe this world clean, cos it is turning to something else.
Is dis wat islam is all about?wwoooww,,antichrist is here,endtime is here,embrace Jesus Which Is d only way
I know it'! dis is just antichrist" is no news, it has been in bible ,"people will force u to believe in their god, if u refuse, death is d outcome," soo d word of God is here, God pls have mercy on us, fight dis battle 4 us, I pray with paslm 35, in Jesus Name! Amen!!!
Shekau is jst giving us d wrong impression abt islam..God Help us,,jesus com to our rescue
I regret voting for Jonathan.
We need God's intervention
You're scare of Muslim people's ba,don't worry infant i will make sure i marry you so that you will convert to Islam.
i tot dey said dis man is dead,some pple even said dey saw his corpse wat den is dis all abt?
Fool. The ceasefire came from the government of Chad... And that made Nigeria to be believe it to be genuine... Mumu
Nigeria and his film tricks.....First they claimed to have killed him when that one no work they came up with BH cease fire...i dey laugh
They should have also killed you, atiku, buhari and kwakwaso are also from that region how come they have also collected the form. Beside they are Muslim they should talk to their children, when naija delta were misbehaving it was jonathan who is from nija delta that went to meet with his people and ask them for amnesty. What are the northern leather doing? Even when the fight with nija delta was still going on obasanjo was still seeking third term. Oboy if you are from the north or APC member go and talk to your Muslim brothers who are the apc members like, buhari, atiku, kwakwaso, fashola, liar Muhammed and ther others. Bye
They should have also killed you, atiku, buhari and kwakwaso are also from that region how come they have also collected the form. Beside they are Muslim they should talk to their children, when naija delta were misbehaving it was jonathan who is from nija delta that went to meet with his people and ask them for amnesty. What are the northern leather doing? Even when the fight with nija delta was still going on obasanjo was still seeking third term. Oboy if you are from the north or APC member go and talk to your Muslim brothers who are the apc members like, buhari, atiku, kwakwaso, fashola, liar Muhammed and ther others. Bye
They should have also killed you, atiku, buhari and kwakwaso are also from that region how come they have also collected the form. Beside they are Muslim they should talk to their children, when naija delta were misbehaving it was jonathan who is from nija delta that went to meet with his people and ask them for amnesty. What are the northern leather doing? Even when the fight with nija delta was still going on obasanjo was still seeking third term. Oboy if you are from the north or APC member go and talk to your Muslim brothers who are the apc members like, buhari, atiku, kwakwaso, fashola, liar Muhammed and ther others. Bye
They should have also killed you, atiku, buhari and kwakwaso are also from that region how come they have also collected the form. Beside they are Muslim they should talk to their children, when naija delta were misbehaving it was jonathan who is from nija delta that went to meet with his people and ask them for amnesty. What are the northern leather doing? Even when the fight with nija delta was still going on obasanjo was still seeking third term. Oboy if you are from the north or APC member go and talk to your Muslim brothers who are the apc members like, buhari, atiku, kwakwaso, fashola, liar Muhammed and ther others. Bye
What has jonathan do? The fight is against jonathan can't you read between the walls, the northerners don't want south to rule so they are the one sponsoring boko haram. Including some Muslim from the south west. I was once a Muslim my name is still ibrahim but Muslim are selfish. God will show them all.
"..this is just my speech in brief" this speech ain't brief now, is it? Ode!
Who do we believe now? This one, or our 'dump' leaders?
"..this is just my speech in brief" this speech ain't brief now, is it? Ode!
Who do we believe now? This one, or our 'dump' leaders?
So if a muslim becomes the president,BH will cease abi? After the north have the country for 38years? Oh please! I wish GEJ wins the election,then wipe out maiduguri frm the map(in every war,there are casualties). The northern Leaders gave birth to BH to make the country ungovernable(in buhari's voice) for a xtian leader,how comes none of them are stepping forward to stop this madness,is it because it is nw bigger than them? What is. From all indication BH nw has a mind of its own,and if a muslim becomes president,they will only stop on one condition,if the country is Islamized......and then we wld all realise what has befallen us! God save Nigeria!
Amin! He's is an agent of the devil trying make people hate Islam. We are Truely in the end times.
GEJ is weak. BH is political, forget all those Allah and Quran quotes. Here's the aim of BH
; create religious discord and political instability, make the citizens lose confidence in GEJ. They've achieved the loss of confidence part cos I'm disappointed in GEJ administration. GEJ is so weak politically.
I don't know why Nigerians complain about Boko Haram. Most of you people say you want 'one Nigeria' . Most of you want to stay with the Islamic North who are hell bent on Governing,killing and Islamising all of us so what are you people making noise about? If you want 'one Nigeria',you have learn to love Shekaus guns and bombs as well.
You don't blame Jonathan, blame the people that promised to make his government ungovernable for him. Do you realize we have muslim leaders in this country? Are you aware the step is to convert the whole country into muslim country? If you give the government to the north now then Nigerians are finished and definitely there's going to be a Great War between Muslim and Christian. That was why Goodluck was trying to buy armoniton for Christian as he was advised I guess so the army can fight back. Cause it's getting out of hand for bok haram obviously. We've just been ruled by bunch of greedy bastards who only know and care about their stomach, imagine Buhari & Atiku coming back again since 1985 in the business or more. Tell them to talk to their Islamic boko haram brothers. Why are they fighting for positions again. What you don't know is bigger than you. I just think this is the beginning of end time to some people. Several signs according to Mathew 24 already. I don't do politics but I follow the circumstances in spirit. As for this 2015. It's better for Goodluck to be the president still than to give it to opponent. The person he's going to drop it to after will favor Nigeria. Don't want to make this look like a novel. Much to be said but....
Really? Jonathan should resign? You just a joker. Since u ppl said u wld make my dear country ungovernable, then, is ungovernable.
Can't really understand sha but i dey watch 9ja n BH boys movie dunno what to title it or say if its in season....
Hmmm i don't think they would hold meeting for anybody o. They see us as infidels nd should convert imagine
this got me laughing.. I pledge to Allah my God lol
God help us for Nigeria country ooo
Pls "u r in serious mess' not we. spik for urslf. We are all under Gods protection
I pleadge to Nigeria my country! #period>
Shekau or whatever your name is, nobody will worship your god and we will never convart because of your god that sucked blood, our God is will soon deal with u, stupid
May be, just may be if we all as Nigerias tell whatluck Jonathan that he can only get our votes come 2015 if and only if this monster shekau is arrested alive, no matter who the people behind it are, at least arrest shekau first make you too shame the perpetrators. For me that is the only reason why I can vote for Jonathan again. Maybe when this is made known he will see the urgent need to put an end to all this Biko haram mess.
Linda, I have tried to comment twice. You need to start a discussion on your blog in two weeks. First, refer everyone to read the book "Pedagogy of the Oppressed". In fact, if they stop after Chapter 1, they will be ripe for a national discussion. Many of them have short attention span however, so I wish you luck.
The issue is the oppressed seizing power they believe they have been stripped of, and then unleashing the very terror that made them the oppressed, and in many instances with more impunity. It is the anger of being stigmatized, enslaved mentally and being told your place was at the bottom of the social and economic ladder with no rational explanation for that placement except you are so so so and so - by name and pedigree. So they learn the one fear their oppressors have - terror. They also learn a simple life's lesson - the wicked cannot withstand their own wickedness. Then they unleash terror. You would think they would stop once they have the leaders cowering. But that is not how the psychology of the oppressed works when they finally become the oppressor - an unfortunate but highly predictable outcome. Not only do they wield power agains those they could not hold a candle to in the past, but they now have them at their knees. Layer on top of that the fact that now you have them at their knees, they would drink you urine for your audience and mercy - because they have no morals. So you have them by the throat and balls. And the oppressed taste not only the power money brings you, but the power from having once untouchable men at your mercy - including their wives. Their daughters whose feet you could not wash, can now wash your dirty underwear. If we do not start this blatant discussion, this is just Boko Haram and MEND has had its own day. We will see other groups pop up and this will spiral out of control.
I'm very disappointed with some of the comments I'm reading up here, I see reason why most Nigerians are low memory capacity. This is the same guy your government lied that they negotiating with . They claimed BH has ceasefire. Unfortunately nothing was just all lies . They also mentioned date to recover the lost chibok girls. But you all gullible Nigerians can only cast blames curses on BH. Are yall praising Nigeria Governent for there misleading and unfaithfulness behaviours . We all have business with Nigeria fucking governments not BH . We should all ask them some serious questions that needed a serious and urgent reply. May 1 cent
U two re fools!!!! Am sure u re the ones behind these bullshit.....there's nothing like shekau nd there's nothing like boko haram.....it all boils down to stupid hausa politicians who wants to become president by all means.....thus they decided to be doing all sort of atrocities to make Jonathan's government unreasonable.....we d igbos doesn't care at all, Jonathan must rule us again whether u like it or not.....continue killing the northerners....we care no more!!!!
U a so stupid and naive. I suport GEJ 1 million times! Resign and giv dis blood thirsty cows victory? Mbanu! God forbid! Tufiakwa!
All the comments I read here are all the same as the boko haram, christians attacking muslims asking them to repent and accept christ, and muslims attacking christians asking them to repent and follow the koran. So how can things work in this kind of nation?. CONFUSION! CONFUSSION!! CONFUSSION!!!.
I think we all missing the point here, our govt is using ethicity,religion to seperate us. We should all stop falling into this trap. We are nigerians first of all before tribe and religion. Lets all stand in one accord and say NO TO BOKO HARAM. God bless nigeria.
Why is he far from the video this time?...think nigeria.this video is fake.he have been killed.
sweety how is he a liar? But that's what your prophet Muhammed commanded.
For their Koran na by force or death
Your correct dear. This is when Christians should get up and pray, the rod of Islam will not rule this country, the son of the bond woman will not dominate us in this country.
Vampire, u have just tu weeks to live. Very soon ur cop's will be given to the vultures, ifiot ayen HAUSA.
@soul,u ask intelligent questions.
Oh fuck off u unintelligent asswipe!
@urenna,u're very bold 2 put ur face next 2 such a lazy and most unintelligent comment,I pray jonathan governs u and urs till the end of time.
Just like you always say bull shit! Omo ale jati jati
U are scared of Muslim what about ur president that keeps telling you lies? And has done nothing to curb these so called Muslims who keep killing! Mumu!
And you are worse than an animal! You are below the worst animal on earth, bloody scum!
You have answered your own questions na! He is killing Muslims because he is not a Muslim and is not living according to Islamic law! U say he is claiming he is acting according to Quran Abi? Okotie also said Bible allows polygamy and divorce so tell me na okotie get different bible or is he twisting the bible for his selfish interest?
Omoh you can lie for Africa o! Choi! Which jonathan went to talk to naija delta militants and granted them amnesty??? Was it not Yaradua??? Kai God punish liar mouth!
Too bad.
And your president is following bible that is why he has forsaken you all and facing his campaign! Big fool that u are.
Like He is showing you already and will forever continue to show you that's why your English get k leg no be only what has jonathan do na what has jonathan did sef. Where is the money that ur father orisejafor took to SA so as to buy arms to fight BH? Abi was that not what jonah said when they were caught red handed? Better chage your name from Ibrahim to jaki.
And jonah that is ruling how has he doused the fire?
And you are the devil! Quote me everywhere
It is you who is nonsense! Fear us o! But fear ur president more who is so comfortable while his fellow xtians are being massacred!
Keep wallowing in your bitterness and bearing false witness! Once upon a time xtians also fought their bloody crusades so shut up!
That shitty arse of yours gon burn real good in the hottest part of hell!
@ Bola, are u sure thats wat the prophet commanded? if Allah and his prophet asked muslims commanded muslims to kill and slaughter both muslims and non muslims, then dont i think there ll be no more humans on this planet? we have millions of muslims on earth. read a copy of the translated Quran. u ll realise this infidels have got it twisted. there is no such place that muslims were asked to kill innocent individuals. before boko haram, were muslims not in existence? you should use are intelligence and make resonable comments. u shouldnt condemn millions of people over a few hundreds.
Before Boko Haram, there had been pointless riots in the north over mundane issues, calling for Christians to leave the area, burning of churches at the slightest provocation! So Muslims have always specialised in killing non-muslims, don't get it twisted! Across the world they have deployed these tactics all over the middle east! They just became organised into Boko Haram in recent times, but trust me, they were always there, bcos these verses exist in the Koran!
You may want to say, 'killings occured in the bible too' and yes they did in the old covenant, before the coming of grace in the form of Jesus. God stopped determining that idolaters and sinners be killed. He created a way out. Grace and Mercy through Jesus. He wishes that none should die, but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth! It is a shame that we keep making excuses for it.
Well, this doesn't hit me as a surprise. it is boldly written in the bible that in the last days, some would kill other humans and say they are doing it for their god. My only advice to those saved out there is to remain steadfast and have no fears. Remember that Shekarau and his blind gang can only kill the body. It is gain for those that die in Christ. Be at peace y"all and watch shekarau fool himself in the bush where he is.
The only thing i have to say is these terrorists want a religious war and we are letting the idea creep in slowly cos i see some christians already hating muslims. I dont think Jonathan should even think of running for second term (FYI he is from a neighboring village in Bayelsa, he is totally failed Nigerians, Not like APC has presented us with a worthy candidate tho...God help Nigeria #Let'sLiveTogether
sooooo he is not dead like Min of Defense claim.. and "You people should understand that we only obey Allah''??? seriously? slaughtering innocent kids and unarmed women. Bunch of cowards, if they want to impress me they should go to aso rock with their tanks
I never knew people could be brainwashed like this... its a pity
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