A young man was struck in the back of the head with a Machette and was taken to the nearest place they could find, a lab, not a hospital. The lab called for an ambulance to take the injured man to a hospital and for 3 hours, no ambulance showed up. The guy eventually died possibly from loss of blood. Above is a pic of his body as it was being transported in a police van via Lekki-Ikoyi bridge.
Omg!!! RIP bro.. What a country
Phew! Two wrongs can never make a right.
May his soul rest in peace.
This is not the way to go..
Hmmmm may his soul R I P. Amen
Nawa! Some pple ar so stupid, bt waitoo is it dat dere was no police men dere! Rip fighting guy man! No mock!
Fight? I wonder wat ppl gain frm fighting
Nigeria has a long way to go...3hrs no ambulance ... But dey shud av used anoda means to transport him to a hospital....we all know d situatn of tins n our country..
May his soul rest in peace..Amen
Fight? I wonder wat pple gain frm fighting
Oh my God! What kind of country do we live in for crying out loud? For three good hours, there was no Ambulance to convey the injured man to the hospital. What a pity. Rest in peace to the dead. www.alabekee.blogspot.com
9ja where ambulance take longer dan 2nd coming of Jesus christ
No ambulance could make it to the scene within 3hrs? So unfortunate!
Chai. The blood of this man is on d hands of d ambulance people. And those people who stood there for 3 hours and watched him dere without carrying him to hospital
Stupid okada men. mtcheeew.
This is serious
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
may his soul rip
They call this ZOO a country.
This is GEJ's fault too?
hmmm Rip dude. I new this fight wasn't going to end just like that without some1 dying especially, when thugs n police men were involved.
it was really a terrible site to behold, i have never seen any team of dedicated workers(doctors and nurses) in mecure healthcare lekki like any hospital as they battled to keep the man alive to at least help him stop bleeding so he can live till the so called ambulance arrive( several calls were made to the ambulance services in lag since 9am ( they kept on saying they are on their way ) but none came in till he eventually gave up 2hrs later after losing so much blood the cuts on his head were massive u cant imagine it i tell u......even till then no ambulance came in till past 1pm. kudos to mecure staff i really appreciate your services to humanity today you all amazed me
Was there no car around to take the man to the hospital? Why wait for ambulance ?it's an emergency and people should learn to help in times like this. Now all the people around should be held for his death because they played a role. They can't bring him back now.
Fool! Pls put the blame on GEJ for this one, when your useless APC govt unleash their thugs to exploit helpless commercial motorist, send returns to Oga Tinubu.
Linda u didn't show ma comment chaii der is God ooo
mr annoymous just shut up there !!!!!! wat gives u the impression that pple stood there without doing nothing for 3hrs???? pls get your facts right before u open ur mouth to talk rubbish...
Linda, I happen to be a resident of lekki and witnessed the life depart from this guy as doctors tried to save him. I saw with my korokoro eyes how police men driving their pick up trucks had machete wielding area boys as passengers, driving towards the area of the melee! Bythis time I was already trying to flee from the area of the trouble.
I had cause to leave my house and pass by the area of the fight after things had calmed down when I saw some of these area boys smoking,some were drinking, some were being brought food sef and some still had their machete in their hands! Can you believe the the armed security agents there did nothing! At some point they were gone. As I said earlier, I had cause to go out again to the establishment where that injured guy was because I had an appointment. I had never before seen someone die but unfortunately that guy died o. I wept, not for anything but because he might have left his house in the morning and said 'mum/dad/sister/brother see you later'. I watched as his stomach lay so flat, showing that he was not breathing again. Truamatisezed is an understatement for what I felt and still feel. And at that point I hated my country. I just hope one day we can move forward. God bless.
OMG!!!wot a painful way to die,dis country is so fucked up I swear,Did I hear 3hrs n no ambulance showed up?gosh,God pls rest d soul of dis man in perfect peace
Linda, I happen to be a resident of lekki and witnessed the life depart from this guy as doctors tried to save him. I saw with my korokoro eyes how police men driving their pick up trucks had machete wielding area boys as passengers, driving towards the area of the melee! Bythis time I was already trying to flee from the area of the trouble.
I had cause to leave my house and pass by the area of the fight after things had calmed down when I saw some of these area boys smoking,some were drinking, some were being brought food sef and some still had their machete in their hands! Can you believe the the armed security agents there did nothing! At some point they were gone. As I said earlier, I had cause to go out again to the establishment where that injured guy was because I had an appointment. I had never before seen someone die but unfortunately that guy died o. I wept, not for anything but because he might have left his house in the morning and said 'mum/dad/sister/brother see you later'. I watched as his stomach lay so flat, showing that he was not breathing again. Truamatisezed is an understatement for what I felt and still feel. And at that point I hated my country. I just hope one day we can move forward. God bless.
Which way nigeria????v
So sorry, may ur soul rip
Nigeria, where police van for carrying d dead comes faster dan an ambulance...
please respect the Lord Jesus
3 hours?? Lagos is really working. It is well . APC soya come out and blame the opposition.
If na pizza nau e go widin 20mins...mtchew iyanufemi2@gmail.com
I guess no one wanted his/her car to get stained#Sad
Linda! Okada men and thugs abi Okadamen and policemen who now use thugs. If you are going to report or share news, say it as it is, if you are gonna be shady or biased, why bother at all?
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