Patrick Schwarzenegger is the first son of action hero Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver and he's gorgeous. There were reports that Miley was dating Patrick after they were spotted out on several dates in LA but nothing was confirmed until yesterday when the two locked lips in full view of spectators during a football game yesterday at the LA Memorial
Coliseum. Patrick is 21, Miley will soon turn 22 and she looks smitten. More pics after the cut...

Photo credit: Splash News
Handsome guy
let see how it goes.
He is a good looking fella! Those Kennedy genes showing!
Omg, Miley can like to date gorgeous guys tho. Happy for them
Ok seen
Had no idea Arnold has a son. Cute
Good Lord check out this blog tho. LoooL
Choi. Make the guy 1st enter gym. I wish them well tho'
Ok seen
good for her, we all need love
That's sweet #bright bravo# 269beb21
Awwww, so sweet
Miley folo for girlfriend? Akiko! B4 u know it , she don folo anoda.
The dude is cute.
Wrong choice Patrick.
Good for them.
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Yea, she's smitten alright but not sure if he feels d same way cos he looks more interested in his fone than her, lol.
cute dude.Hijay
good for them..
Goodluck to them
HmM.....hope she didn't beg him to act this "drama"
Anyways it won't work!
Miley is a mad woman!
I repeat it won't work!
Linda how far with tha Imo girl called maureen Emenalom that married an Old cargo call charles ahize???
I haven't seen her @ any event lately!
Linda abeg update ur girl naa..
Good for dem
Cute guy
Asif Miley like him more
Just saying
Handsome guy
Lovely miley
Let c if dis will last bcos d gal in questn is a mad gal
Hmm dude's cute
The guy dey follow another babe chat for phone...... lol
Lol. He should be kissing his phone. He can't even put it down for a second.
Cyrus is a Scholarship Candidate
I hope he can keep her grounded. Cute couple they make
I hope he can keep her grounded. Cute couple they make
He was taking an "Usie" dumbasss!
I just luv d guy,hmmmmm fine boy.
The boy is so finneeee... he's just 21... btw I think he was trying to take a selfie of em kissing.. all you haters..
But this guy is not giving her full attention!Pingin another baby.
You are so full of hate.get a life already.
He's taking a selfie
I see... She puts on clothes during her as soon as it is over,.....#bam....#nekkidness
cute guy.
D guy is handsome
Love is kind **
Gbam! We want gist!
Just what I was thinking...
Wrong choice patrick,it will not last..miley is crasy
As always this thing no go last abeg....
Perfect definition of gorgeous
awww they look so cute together.... I hope they don't break up or turn the 'white couple' version of Chris and Rihanna
Pretty little liar. Fine BFF
fine dude.
cute guy
guy cant stop texting, huh?
nice 1
M still waitin 4 dem 2 mek it official. We ol knw miley can kiss/lick anythn dt coms her way male,female,animal,mic,pole etc.
all i can see is miley`forcing a kiss out of junior terminator. look closely and you see same.
lekwa obere umuaka na eme ife sirikeooo
Pls anytin on Miley ain't news for me #onelovefromSnow#
Shez more into d guy dn he is into her. Body language n facial exp.
Miley: I love u Patrick,u so gorgeous. want us 2 be forever.
Patrick: how cool will dat be...Miley being an ex
Good luck to them
Ok ooo
Emer abeg no do cos i no fit laugh
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