From UK Daily Mail
'Joe' is married, has three teenage children, is a successful internet entrepreneur and when he can, jets off around the country to have sex with women in secret as a 'free sperm donor'.
Though he is unwilling to reveal his true identity for fear of his wife finding out, Joe describes his home life as 'Clark Kent' and revels in his 'Superman' style alter-ego, offering his services to women through 'natural insemination'.
Estimating that he has fathered more than 30 children through his seven-year 'career',
Joe is part of a small but growing trend online for women to
cut through the red-tape and cost of traditional sperm banks to become
their services on the Internet for free, donors are contacted by women
who want to become mothers 'the natural way', believing that having
sexual intercourse is the most efficient method to conceive.
meeting online and going through a vetting process, Joe will arrange
either to ship his sperm for a more traditional artificial insemination,
or will arrange to fly to see the women and donate 'directly' through
Talking to ABC News' 20/20, Joe said he has slept with more than 100 women as a free sperm donor, but claims he is discerning.
not having intercourse with these women when there's no chance of
pregnancy,' said Joe to ABC News, without explaining exactly how he
would know that.
that his wife and children are clueless about his double life, Joe says
that he is fulfilling his own dreams through natural insemination.
'I have a Clark Kent life. Then, I have the Superman life,' Joe said to ABC News.
'People might want to have millions of dollars in the bank, and then,
you know, some of us might want to have dozens of children out there.
As well as helping a woman to have the child she wants, Joe gets to add his progeny to the world.
unable to have as many children as I want in my relationship, and that
would be unreasonable to ask a woman to give birth to 30 children,' said
Joe to ABC News.
Asked when he will stop, or what his goal is through natural insemination, Joe seemed to aim high.
'The World
Health Organization said I can get up to 2,500, but I don't think that
will happen in my lifetime. The other donors I know who have a lot [of
children] are up there around the 100 range. I'm standing on the
shoulders of giants,' said Joe to ABC News.
have the satisfaction of knowing that I have another descendant out
there,' Joe said. 'It's not the road. It's how we get there, if we
actually get there.'
Another free sperm donor who did wish to be identified was 23-year-old Kyle Gordy. (pictured above)
He is
currently working towards his master's degree in accounting and like
Joe, offers women the chance to get pregnant by having sex with him.
don't do any drugs. I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't drink
caffeine. I eat only sperm-friendly food: wheat, brown rice ... fruit
and vegetables,' said Gordy to 20/20.
During the course of his interview, Kyle was very complimentary about his family tree and genes.
now I'm attending university. Both siblings are engineers. The nuclear
engineer is my twin. My grandpa was a scientist,' said Gordy.
his Facebook page which advertises him as a sperm donor, Gordy has
posted pictures of himself now and as a child along with his IQ.
Gordy told ABC News that he is not just looking to have sex with women, but to genuinely help them to have a child.
'I'm passing on my legacy and giving these people kids,' said Gordy.
date, Gordy has fathered one child and another one of his recipients,
44-year-old Serena, drove two hours to his home to be naturally
since I was a very young child, and sometimes career and life just gets
in the way,' the insurance broker told 20/20. 'Then oops, I'm 38. Oops,
I'm 40.'
Another important facet of free sperm donors is simply that, no cost.
Serena said that she was unable to afford sperm bank fees. Some charge upwards of $1,000 for one vial.
She said that after searching the Internet for alternatives, she settled on free sperm donors and natural insemination.
'I felt that there's maybe no other alternative for me. My clock is obviously ticking loud and louder every day,' she said to 20/20.

Na till u quench u go rest......ukwu rubber...
Total madness.
U go fear donation...
I guess d lady who advised ladies of a certain age to have kids and forget marriage was right after all. Before you start looking for donors
Alright dude,you are indeed a hero now come kiss my ass! Mtcheww! #whites n their funny ways.
Wonders will never cease to end.its not fornication again it's free sperm donor. judgment day go really tough sha according to bovi.
How did he know I am watching clark kent(smallville) right now, but kal-el isn't a sperm donor!
free seks
There is nothing we won't see in this world
I always said it that world is move to d end
Although, there are some moral and ethical issues to be considered in this ish, i think these dudes are heroes as their activities will go a long way in ensuring the continue survival of the human race (woe to gays) and also making the women happy. Talk about killing 2 birds with one stone.
This is d perfect job for i wish
Is dat how ur generation quenched
nawa for oyibo people
See The First Photos Of Ludacris' Daughter ....So Adorable
There is nothing we won't see in this world
Chai how I wish we buy these idea in Africa. 9ja guy will do more than these guys i swear...
Well I will love this as a job but I won't charge the ladies too much..... Omo life sweet jare, joe you're on point after all you're trying for them ladies over there. If you ladies don't like that then go to hospitals let them give you prices that might kill you. Jor oh
HIV +++
This guy is very mad, dont worry he will die on top of a woman one day
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What a cheerful giver
na wa oh
Hope the help is for real or just the fun..whatever rocks their boat afterall is a frEe world..
I think is the best option for them. Wait a minute they are suppose to be married why would they be looking for donors. If they get married they would not be looking for donors.
Nawa ooh
Cheerful giver
real crazy...
This is one job i will love to do but if i try am for naija bad market go finish me troway i swear.....
This guy could have gotten more than a thousand children in ten years . lol
Sperm donor...He wants to break records,but his grave is closer.
Your father was a scientist and you are now a sperm donor . lol
@Applelix, is that your dream too?
This guy could have gotten more than a thousand children in ten years . lol
Sperm donor...He wants to break records,but his grave is closer.
Your father was a scientist and you are now a sperm donor . lol
@Applelix, is that your dream too?
This guy could have gotten more than a thousand children in ten years . lol
Sperm donor...He wants to break records,but his grave is closer.
Your father was a scientist and you are now a sperm donor . lol
@Applelix, is that your dream too?
Wonders they say never end.
We need such man in naija to help women looking for children..
This is serious
You know you don't have to have sex with a woman to inseminate her right? All she needs is your semen which you can get from various ways, lol?
Ds is ur believabl!
Wao. You go fear charity work na.
This has the be the best interpretation of the term DIRECT DEPOSIT.
Gud fr em,@least he is an helper to women wantin kids
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
The hell I don't anything about this life, seems wrong the women should be able to find suitable partners this guy seems like a fraud
Pure rubbish! "Natural insemination" ke! in order words, they're engaging in male prostitution... the only difference is that they don't get paid and their aim is to impregnate. How Can anyone feel comfortable knowing that they've got over a 100 children walking the surface of this earth? Huh? Rubbish! Rubbish!!!
Too many children. Abeg ma man ride on. Na investment according to african tradition. But in western world get ready for child support
Odikwa risky
Omo see new biz 4 me
Givers never lack jare
This guy needs his head to be examined by a Psychiartist
God forbid
HIV is real
This is Adekunle Abiona aka K'Pumpin's twin brothers. You better tell the lady (Elizabeth Anyanwu alia Eli Eli) you getting married to this dec that you were once a sperm donor who fathered 8kids with different women cos you couldn't afford to pay your fees when you were in school before your children will grow up and marry themselves. "K-Pumpin the handsome gigolo".
hmmmm, is this prostitution in disguise
Nothing we no go hear. Ok o
All manner of sin lord ve mercy
This is simply prostitution without condoms and with a different name. As a guy, it is a mighty fine job, but the hard work is living healthy and clean!
This guys are really helping in solving the worlds problems I wish to join them in this humanitarian task
i dont know what this foreign people are doing this days
Go ye into the world and multiply yagayaga ::)) .
Hard worker!
I'm a free donor too... Holla @ me if you need or you know someone who need my services.
Very soon very soon, marriage will Game, you like you do if. You like you don't, because people can now have kid even without a partner..... GOD is in control. Chia
Different things we hear and read everyday;i guess the donors are not really worried about having some sexual related infections.
Ha nothing wey I no go hear.
Meanwhile thanks to LIB Bonarios google plus page has had 17 million views so far. He should start a business but not sperm donor sha
I want to donate too. Linda hook me up
If the wife guns him down 1 early momo
We will start saying whites , re terrible ppl
Wt kind of career s dt????? Hop ds guy wnt die Sumday due to low sperm count...#disgusting.
A good idea so far he is helping. :D
Wow see job
God forbid
Aren't surprised in the least. Here in Naija is an open secret. There was a story I read in a Naija newspaper where a DNA expert in Naija here gave graphic details about some children born in wedlock do not belong to the fathers.Most probably, many wives who couldn't be impregnated by their husbands sought 'help' outside. So it's not new. Japalingo
Aren't surprised in d least. Here in Naija, it's an open secret. There was a story in a newspaper where DNA experts told us that from their findings, that some children born in wedlock in Naija were not fathered by the wives husbands. Most probably, some wives sought 'help' outside to get impregnated since their husbands couldn't do it. It's really not new per say.
Aren't surprised in the least. Here in Naija is an open secret. There was a story I read in a Naija newspaper where a DNA expert in Naija here gave graphic details about some children born in wedlock do not belong to the fathers.Most probably, many wives who couldn't be impregnated by their husbands sought 'help' outside. So it's not new. Japalingo
I feel really bad for the wife of the married sperm donor. To imagine that the man has had unprotected sex with over 100 women and still manages to fool the woman with a Clark Kent lifestyle at home. Gosh!!!
Have the donors also thought of the future implication of their actions? When in the future their sons from another woman whom the got pregnant marries their daughters from other women. It's well...
1,000 dollars? And we get dat free?men una too much
Hmmmm they said I cudnt marry him be cause we are from the same village, what if we never found out, because this 30 children will never kwn they are related.
Smh... Orisirisi
@Applelipx u are funny
This people are kazier.... Diaris god ooo#in patience Jonathan's voice
Stupidity at its highest level. Maybe he wants to have a nation soonest 'lol' #onelovefromSnow#
What if his wife should find out nw? Or possible HIV infection.
See Dr. Adekunle Abiona aka K'Pumpin's twin brothers. You better tell the lady (Elizabeth Anyanwu alia Eli Eli) you getting married to this dec that you were once a sperm donor who fathered 8kids with different women cos you couldn't afford to pay your fees when you were in school before your children will grow up and marry themselves. "K-Pumpin the handsome gigolo".
But what then happens when your kids start meeting up and having sex(incest) without knowing they are committing incest. Deformity will be on the increase.
Ok women want children but no husbands available so what should they do. I just wonder why nature gives us more women than men. 2/3 of world population are women a stagering 4 bilion estimate compared to 2 billion male estimation.I need a honest answer..#streetwise#
Very good business
Hmmmmm what won't people do in this life...... We can only access 7-10% of our brains and we think this far then imagine accessing 20%...... @odehpetereli
Na so e suppose be nah
Na assistance jor...wetin be your own sef
Wallahi I can just imagine
Hahaha...real hard worker gaskiya
If you require a highly cerebral SPERM DONOR with a PH.d, then send your requests to messages also welcome to 08090675058.
God will bless you for your generosity.
They carry out thorough tests before having sex. The fact is we are here because of our varied gene pool - thanks to people like these and our ancestors who had numerous sex partners. This enabled our ancestors to survive when bigger and more formidable animals like dinosaurs, etc. perished.
Ahahah@ Nigerians ready to do it for free everyday
dont worry one day you will climb but will not come down
19 Signs that you are backsliding
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3 Things That Makes People Cry
If u need a tall, light skinned guy as a donor around Abuja - Kaduna axis, contact me on
The man is so proud of himself. What a mixed up and taboo world he has created. When several of his children will meet themselves and marry each other not know that they are of the same father. Incest and inter marry will lead to the degeneration of that family line. Spiritual pollution of his line has been introduced.
If anyone want sperm donation then contact me on 09650038357 i live in gurgaon and i can come in delhi also for donation but i want some money for donation i will keep it private and secret
hi....m here..i like sex with women..if any lady want to enjoy sex secretly to be pragnent so please call me 918900408219 or skype hotboy8900408219
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