The incident which lasted for about two minutes took place at Marysville-Pilchuck High School in Washington D.C yesterday. See photos from the chaos that ensued and the full story after the cut...

From UK Daily Mail
This is the teacher who is said to have heroically accosted a 15-year-old boy as he fired bullets across his high school cafeteria. Megan Silberberger ran into the room after hearing Jaylen Fryberg shoot dead one classmate and critically wound four others.
Students dived for cover and others fled but as the popular teenager stopped to reload his gun, witnesses told KIRO-TV, Silberberger walked over and grabbed his arm.
In a two-second struggle, Fryberg is said to have pointed the gun at her before shooting himself dead.
The shocking account suggests Silberger, a first year social services teacher and part-time soccer player, may have prevented a massacre at the Washington school.
Nonetheless, hundreds of students, teachers and parents piled into a nearby church tonight for a candlelit vigil as the community reels in shock struggling to cope with the tragic loss of life as four teenagers are treated in hospital
Erick Cervantes, the first student who called 911 during the attack, told KIRO-TV: 'I believe [Megan Silberger] is actually the real hero.
'She's the one that intercepted him with the gun. He tried either reloading or tried aiming at her. She tried moving his hand away and he tried shooting and shot himself in the neck. It started off with an argument, but then I looked back and there was just gunshots and just people falling down. She heard the gunshots first and she came in running through the door, right next to it. It wasn't [a] wrestle. She just grabbed his arm, and it lasted like two seconds, and I heard another shot.'
Minutes after the shooting as police came to the schoolThat shot, he says, was the one that killed Fryberg. The shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck High School lasted just two minutes between 10.41am and 10.43am on Friday.
Students mourn after the shooting...
Jaylen's last tweet below...

Photo credit: AP/Getty Images and UK Daily Mail
Fack shit!!#
Frustrated boy.. Free access to arms is dangerous
#The Theist
Some white kids suffer depression... And a way to ease out is killing others..
They don't wanna die alone.. They ALWAYS take another life with them..
I will suggest each school in US have metal detector to stop this shooting of a thing.
I guess racism has a lot to do with this
Sad event
All diz oyinbo 2 get winch p
This people and their gun laws.
I pray he rots in hell!
nawaoooh dias notin we wdnt hear
Linda how come there are no religious tags on this post??? Was waiting to read the part where u would mention that he is a christian who just went on a shooting spree and killed innocent people....
Post my comment oo! One love regardless
Poor kid...he must have been so depressed. Sick people everywhere
And he was still a kid, what are the oyibo's going to say is the cause now? Depression abi? It won't pass that.. RIP killer and the killed..get well soonest to the wounded..
strange thing always happen in western countries..why!
According to the American way of life that I know, he might have been bullied severally by certain group of students who he went to shoot. He might have been fed up of life and decided to take his as well.
An average or rich American boy or girl must have seen Jaylen as a wierdo because of his unusual and unconventional interest in hunting. American children are fond of making fun of one another to the extent of bullying one another. We see it regularly in movies and reality shows.
Good boy. M PROUD OF U. Is good u took ur life that would make ur punishment better cos I know the law will set him free his action since he is a minor since d ecoomy supports crime cos tell me how a 15yrs old boy got access to a gun. AMERICA needs to change its gun policy cos many lives have been lost xos of this. I know by now d guy is regretting his action in hell then he will understand morals but cant apply it.
It wasn't in DC Linda, but near Seattle, Washington state.
I can't help but marvel at the level of insanity that atimes comes from too much freedom and exposure. Who keeps a gun at the armsreach of a 15yr old school boy?
You guys keep making same mistake every time. The incident occurred in Marysville in Washington State and not Washington D.C. These two places are totally separate. Washington State is North West of the US close to Canada while Washington D.C is in the east coast. So there are two Washingtons' in the US.
Gordon Adeleye from Washington State.
Evil spirits are at work.
Even school ain't safe no more
America and their gun law, at this time when ISIS de radicalize people online to kill where them de, they better amend their law cos this is just a taste of whats coming.
Devil at Work ..rest in peace dead one
Eyaa dis oyinbo children sef,na whu teach him aw 2 shoot gun in d first plc......qudratadenike@gmail.com
Hell Candidate. And his parents are to be blamed partially. It's a pity he didn't die alone.
Correction. Seattle Washington not washington dc
"So people should have the right to legally bear arms?"...America no wan learn abi?.
Too bad #bright bravo#
lord have mercy.! and may the good lord forgive him.
Why did this have to happen again? Now I have to sit down and listen to some cock and bull story from the NRA?!!!
Not near Washington DC but near Washington State!
C wat racism has cause sad story
Na wa oooo. No where is safe nowadays. Lord Jesus pls keep looking after me and my love ones.
White people sef! I read a post on twitter and it said 'every day n*ggas are bullied, beaten and stabbed but shove a white kid in a locker once and he is already writing a suicide note'. Americans really have to take gun control into serious consideration! These copycats will continue to shoot up schools just to go down in history as a bad a**! In the same week they are fighting ebola, this sh*t happens!! Too bad!!! And to think that Native Americans are going extinct and this one decides to take his life!! SMH
So unfortunate
haba...get your info right o!what will it cost you to confirm??washington state where the shooting occurred is different from washington dc o!!!kai....
Linda the incident (shooting) happened in Seattle Washington state not Washington DC.....
Thank God he is dead, may the soul he killed R.I.P.....
Let’s vote Jonathan out, Amaechi advises youths .
The incident happened in Seattle, Washington, Linda, not DC. It's the gun laws. They're too lax. There should be a house sweep so that every gun is confiscated from its owner. Then only law enforcement has access to guns on the job and severely punish officers who abuse those privileges.
Na wah o
RIP to d dead
and may God heal those who injured
Ogbanje possessed the boy shikena
Girl get ur facts right! Washington DC is very different from Washington state. The shooting happened in Washington state. U're so quick at reporting news in the US and half the time you get it wrong! SMDH.....
Hey Linda, Its washington, Seattle not D.C ;)
Linda, it happened in Washington STATE, not Washington DC. Two completely different places. Please make that correction.
The shooting happened in Washington (the state), not Washington DC. There is a difference, please be mindful of sharing false information
Errrr...lindypoo...Washington state not Washington, D.C. babes. Totally different place. The NRA still didn't thing america has a problem with its gun culture. Smh!
The shooting occurred in Washington State,not Washington, D.C. You've been making a few factual errors nowadays. Please take note
God have mercy. D guy is nut
I think this happened in Seattle, Washington State not D.C.
when u leave God out, satan takes over big time.
When you leave God out, satan takes over big time
When Parents Act out they should know someone is watching unfortunately it's their kids who run amok committing crimes like this... really somehow tho'
Maybe you should include in the post that the GUY IS NOT A CONVERT TO ISLAM as you wrote about the Canadian guy who shot in the Parliament. When a non-Muslim does something like this, his religion is not mentioned or mental capacity is not checked.
So sad. Btw it was in Washington state not washington,dc
I'm so sick of all these school shootings. America which way now? How many more lives are we gonna loose? Really pathetic.
Preedi messed up children having access to weapons.. america shld work on their gun control
oh no! what a wasted life.
Ndiocha na Nzuzu! smh
Depression Kills.... Dnt Keep Things That Make you Depress'd to ur Self..Tell Close Ones..! My Niggas=) Never Kill Over A Lady.. #ItsNotWorthIt
This incident occurred in Marysville, 55 miles north of Seattle in Washington State and not in Washington DC as reported. Please correct.
Happened in Washington State and not in Washington DC. Two different places.
There's no religious tag bcos he didn't kill in the name of Jesus Christ or Allah: like ur peep do, or any god. He killed for himself. He might not even be a christian. So ur reasoning here makes no sense.
Is that a christian praying such?...WOW you are so irrational. .we don't need your type in this world
Thank you for such great rational comment. ..unlike some people that just comment trash without understanding the situation
Strong psycho
He is tired of life that all
Confusion: Pastor warns Ebola is God's Punishment for Obama dividing Jerusalem
Nawa ooooo this small boy.
how are parents suppose to send their kids to school with peace of mind when things like this keeps happening
I love you too!! Haha
BTW,Muslim or Christian,i have only God to answer for my deeds on that day of judgement. I love everyone regardless of religious background except the person na seriously serious a**hole. No be fight oo! Na curious question I ask Linda oo! Take a chill pill n enjoy,okay darlyn... Na only God know who dey worship am genuinely. Again! One love.. : *
Bingo where is seattle located? Seattle is a city in Washington.
Happened in Washington state not DC
Hmmmm....but the news said he was a very popular kid. He was on the football team, good grades and was even made homecoming prince....not saying it proves he was not bullied, but with this profile, that would be atypical. Anyways, RIP young man.
As altruistic as that gesture seems (i totally agree with you on the gun culture madness), doing that....Obama should be ready for Anarchy. You under estimate the power of the NRA....do you know what population of Americans LOOOOOOVVVVEEEE their guns? See gun show ads everywhere in TX. There are even some Walmarts that sell guns and ammunition like they are selling cereal. Didn't you see that nutjob that went on the Pierce Morgan show? Ain't ever gonna happen!
if na naija dis one happen dem go say hin father seconf wife na hin de do am say no be clear eye.. Abeg nigerians who de do Jaylen...lol...black thinkin dead thinking
Very true. I thought same thing. Cuz reports said he walked over to a particular group of students. Looking at his pic, he from an American minority (American indian) and he may have been a victim of bullying. His pics shows he looks happy being out in d wild hunting. He must have been very angry not necessarily depressed
some white people including their offspring are genetically stupid.Imagine a parent buying a gun for a child under 18 as a gift. highest level of stupidity
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