The accepted norm to know a singer or an artiste’s worth is the reeling out of an LP or an album. In Nigeria today, there is more concentration from artistes in spewing out single after single in the silent bid that one just might be the hit they have been craving for.
P-Square is a group that defies logic in this game of from single to album. There is this midas touch from these boys that just keeps everybody in awe.
Hate ‘em, Love ‘em, they are one of the
very few professionals left in this dispensation.
As an OAP, I play back to back hit songs
for 6hours Monday to Friday, and I now want to take a critical look at albums
that have come out recently so as to know why the craze for singles short of
albums which is every artiste’s nightmare.
This is a review of Psquare’s 6TH
Track 1: SHEKINI
An ‘African Jungle Beat’ as I term it,
popularised the likes of Davido’s ‘AYE/SKELEWU’,Runtown’s ‘GALLARDO’ etc. It’s
a beat with a waist winding push and prompts to mind the wave of the
SHOKI/SKELEWU/SEKEM dance. The joker about this track is that the Igbo boys
that isPsquare actually sang the hook in impeccable Yoruba. Attention grabbing
track for an album opener.
A nice highlife track. I believe Sunny Neji
is one ingredient missing from this track. It has its upbeat swing that brings
in the vintage Psquare flavour. Guys, make sure you are not missing your lady
when listening to this track.
A personal favourite. An initial 20 second
listen of this track from the start would leave you guessing if it’s a foreign
track. Featuring Dave Scott, a hitherto
unknown American singer from Texas. Listening to this mid tempo pop track with
its undulating beat, apart from its message of hope, voice artistry comes into
play here. The harmony of Dave’s voice and that of Psquare is absolutely timed
and mind blowing. Rudeboy himself solely produced this one, and that would be
Paul Okoye!
Track 4: MMS(Mugu Money Spender)
You just have to give it to the power of
the African Jungle Beat yet again. It seems as if Psquare are being penitent
from the carefree ‘CHOP MY MONEY’ frenzy and are now wise with the way money is
to be spent. LOL.Hardcorebassline accompanies this yet another dance track to the wave of Skelewu/Shoki/Sekem
dance step.
Track 5: IFEOMA
If you know Psquare, this is another
vintage track with a pleading message of love assisted with a mix of highlife
and uptempo reggae. The bassline too just grabs my attention. Guys, this is
another song you could use to win your sweethearts back. But please tell her that
when she hears IFEOMA being called out in the song she should replace it with
her own name in her head o!
Track 6:
Now this is a track with a Yoruba phrase
‘EJEAJO’ which means ‘Let’s dance’ .Psquare takes us back to the swinging 80’s
soul train era with this intense pop tune. Personally, I believe Jermaine
Jackson would have fit into this track because the American rapper T.I rap
comes up short. It’s a nice experiment
and would hit the reminiscing over 35’s. Good back up video though.
Funnily enough Don Jazzy didn’t produce
this track. Another African Jungle Beat with good vibes from the collabo of
Psquare and Don Jazzy, produced by Oscar. Chicks love this jam. Beware if a
chick sings it to you!
I was expecting to hear Flavour’s input in
this track because this is just down his alley. Inspiring track in igbo chorus
whose title means ‘ It will last forever’. A fine blend of highlife and African
Jungle Beat.
Track 9: NO BE JOKE
Rhythm and Blues slow tempo with a good
bassline, aligning drumbeats and a blend of the Pqsuare trademark voice.
No doubt this song is geared at haters and
probably was structured to make them dance when they hear it hence the
makossabeat . The track’s authenticity is heightened with the inclusion of the
Makossa maestro AWILO LOGOMBA who did justice with his own rendition in his Congolese
dialect from the start of the song. On point for makossa lovers,
Track 11: SARI SARI
Another up tempo highlife song depicting
love to a girl. This dance tracks shows the dexterity of Psquare being able
switch from pidgin to igbo then English with a smooth flow. Love the guitar
solos though.
Track 12: ZOMBIE ft Jermaine Jackson
Okay, this is where I have a little bit of
bother. Is it the Michael Jackson-like wail his brother Jermaine added
throughout this track? Or is it that the track is a stylish mix of Afrobeat and
pop? Or is it that it sounds like an experimental sound? I think this is the
track T.I should have featured in to add that rap feel. This song was produced
solely by Mr P and that would be Peter Okoye!
Track 13: IJE LOVE
This is the track you would dedicate to
that special woman in your life. I can see this track being played at wedding
reception because of its up tempo nature and infusion of highlife
TESTIMONY- In which some market men and women use in opening their
shops in Lagos,
PERSONALLY- The video made Jermaine
interested in Psquare
ALINGO- A song with a dance to it.
*MY RATINGS: Good effort!*
I am
going to be reviewing some albums that came out recently next and I am going to call a spade a spade!
So if you want an album reviewed, which
would you like?
The is just PR.I'm a P square fan,but this album is total scrap.Guyz go back and bring out something more creative like you did in d past...Wahala dey!
What is this?
Lindiway plz review Asa's album, that girl is a goddess.
Her Eyo and love found me always on replay.
Nice album. I can't stop playing track 3.
nice one.i would like u to review the Kokolet master.
Your Opinion
I scrolled down to read his review on "Ejeajo"
That's because that's the only song I've listened to from that album..
If he had being truthful, I would have read the others.. But guess what????
That song is trash.. Very stupid song...
And to think they copied the video from Chris Brown "fine china"
I'm disappointed Clarence and Jude came up with that shid...
You don't waste your money to feature Americans...
What has Ejeajo got to do with T.I?????
If Osam had being truthful, I would have believed his other reviews, but he didn't. Licking ass.
I still love P-square tho...
But this album..
№ make sense at all..
I don't expect ppl to agree with me, Nigerians listen to rubbish songs and hype rubbish songs.
Ayo- wizkid
I loved the new album honestly. Don't rly like *zombie* dat much though! Mayb I will reconsider since it's my peter dat produced it... lol
Thanks to Uncle Osam as i do call him. he should Review WIZKID "AYO" for us pls!!!.
This review is not critical. It's either this guy just craved for attention (sure bet) or he doesn't know what to look out for in songs. I wish that guy that reviewed 2face's album (can't remember his name now) would review the double trouble album.
Lmao ...sit ur ass down "beech", Who asked u to rate song for us,like we dont know what we listen to. Its your opinion tho ....all in all, good conclusion. #dont hate on me guys ... i just said my mind.
Collabo,Shekini,Ejeajo and Missing You are my fav. songs
story for the gods...
He did a nice review..The album is a 7/10 for me..good job but as for 2face..2/10 I was sooo disappointed..Not even a single hit..living on past glory...................................#KingOfKings
Wizkid Ayo/joy album
Wow! Have been playing this Album back to back. My best Album of the year....... Well done P Square.
Good review, making me hunger for it
Double problem is a hot album, get a copy now
The standard
to Heaven
Things that makes people cry
Why You Must
Command God
The album review is crap! Dont review any album again plz
Linda; I'm suspecting this Julius Agwu party u attended. Seems you met Psquare and they told you or did you somehow that made you sweeten up on them. How far na. *big smile* enjoy. You climbing Alexa like it's your right *winks* God make you bigger
Yemi Alade's debut album most likely.
Nice one Linda!! More of this
I really love psquares new album. I stay dancing in my car when track 4, 6 & 7 starts playing. My favs!
U still listen to songs lik small pikin, 2face gives u inspirational songs wit meaning, listen for his lyrics before u open ur mouth talk shit. Dat album u re rating lik dat was rated 12 in d whole world on Billboard, if u knw wat it is.
Nice, why don't we have more of this? I believe it will help artiste get better.
That u don't like something doesn't mean its bad. Calm down Bitch and take a chilled pill. U reek of insults. Ejeajo is beyond your class, wait till u reach its level. Good album though. 'Missing u' my favorite!
Issokay........ Just like 2face.
Don't know what people like about this Ejeajo of a track, I don't like it at all even when I turn on my radio and they play it, I change the dial.. Everyone has the right to giv his or her own review thou.
All the albums Naija artiste release dis days are not so gud. Those ones we underratee.g Black Magic, Jesse Jaggz e.t.c hav better albums. Waiting for M I's album
#The Theist
I love Paul, he is the king!!!
He's trying 2 copy dat guy dat reviewed 2face's album, I prefer dat guy tho
A word for the reviewer
1.pls get the real meaning of the word -- Review.
2.This is not a review. This is a sponsored article. Am sure linda got paid for this.
3.The so called Review for me is crap and rubbish.
4.This oSAM guy, pls hide your head in shame. I get it, the exact thing you rae trying to do,its all about survival, but bro, if you really want to be a great reviewer you don't have to kiss asses and write great lines to impress the artist. Pls en devour
to really call a spade a spade.
5. Am a P square fan. It's a great Album,i love it.
6.But not all the songs are good... But. P square remains the best at all time.
7.OSAM don't impress, write good reviews, check out the guys at netng,read their reviews, then maybe u will really understand what a review is all about.
8.shout out to linda.
Ha. You just hated on someone and you are begging us not to hate on u? U see Social media life? All this bad hearts wey no fit stomach insults dmslvs
As do i
U re so on point
She's truly a goddess..
You are a mistake of nature and I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same specie as you
Different folks, different stroke. I know good music and I know "Zombie" is off the chain. I love the song. The other is enerny solo. Nice job Psquare
Chop knuckle jare!
The only track on dis album is "bring it on"..the rest na B.S..
lets just say his review sucks!
She say she want my monaco, she say she need some collabo,I go sing for you, you go sing for me( wtf is that??).... Have been a psquare fan from their skinny days but this their new garbage album rubs oFf the respect I have for them... Listen to the whole track and kept wondering if it was psquare,what happened guys??where went that creative artistc ingenuity??The track featuring don jazzy and phyno remains the most dummiest garbage ever refurbished as music in histoRy... How can they keep up with the good beats and lyrics if Peter is always on twitter/instagram channeling all his energy on instarage??Am sure they would make a flashy video filled with beautiful women and sick rides to cover up for this garbage.... 2face and Asa remains the realest singers that Nigeria still have, all others are just entertainters.... This critic is a bootlicking mofo, nigga be a MAN!#cheEzyjayne
Dele I agree with you,the only song that reminded me that they were still psquare was bring it on.the other tracks na.....hmmm
Making me hunger for it???
Useless thing
Pls Review MI d Mr incredible's Album
Av loved Psquare from their first video, and album. But Osam pls go to the dictionary and check again what review means coz as far as am concerned this is PR.
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