Ghana plans to export electricity to Nigeria | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 2 October 2014

Ghana plans to export electricity to Nigeria

Ghanaian president John Mahama, said that there are plans by his govt to start exporting electricity generated in Ghana to Nigeria and other West African countries. He said this while speaking at the Global Business and Economic Forum in Dubai yesterday October 1st, 
"We have given priority to electricity generation in our country. We have prioritized energy in such a way that we want to become the hub for power production in West Africa. We want to generate electricity to the point that excess power can be exported to Nigeria, Ivory Coast and other countries that have power deficit,” he said.
He said to achieve this, his country secured export-import financing from China and also got special funds from Abu Dhabi to commence series of power generation projects. He added that development of a third hydropower dam was already at an advanced stage in Ghana.


Sharemez said...

Anonymous said...

Ghana una we'll to comment

Funso Samuel said...

Yeeeh! Shame on Nigeria. Giant of Africa indeed.A very huge slap on our face.GEJ oya vex do something fast

Milez said...

wtf!!! hehe

Milez said...

wtf!!! hehe

Unknown said...

Okay ooo

Amicable said...

Imagine,ghana to supply naija electricity..well as long as there is constant light

DrealDubem said...

Shame on Naija

Gikaraji said...

These Ghanaians are serious oo. I wish our govt will take this as a challenge. As the purported biggest economy in Africa I think we should be the one exporting electricity to others.

Anonymous said...

By God's grace we may not need the energy from them by next year courtesy GEJ power transformation.

tina said...

Ohhh kkkk oooo.

Anonymous said...

Ghana of all countries
Naija don suffer

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Shameon Naija....... Big Shame......

Anonymous said...

what a shame to Nigeria, Ghana to give us power when we have all the resources to tackle power issue in this country. Nigeria please wake up from your slumber

Unknown said...

Like seriously...its cool buh naija shuld try n do tangible tins for odas too

Anonymous said...

Na true as if say e better for dem like dat abeg

Unknown said...

Like seriously...its cool buh naija shuld try n do tangible tins for odas too

Cute G said...

I thought it was the other way round.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

ok o we hear sir.

Unknown said...

Shame on Nigeria! Hehe Ghana will be giving light to the giant of Africa
Afolabi Tosyne's blog

Anonymous said...

Yes so it's business who ever that ever has money can buy up the so call power company

Anonymous said...

Yes so it's business who ever that ever has money can buy up the so call power company

TUFINE said...

ghana are trying 2 do wat nigeria have the money to do 4 ourselves, oh ghana una weldone

Anonymous said...

Nigeria @ 54 heavy sigh ....shame

Anonymous said...

I don't agree! Ghana has worse electricity situation than Nigeria. he is just in lala land! their electricity has gone worse!


That's the level the self acclaimed giant has gotten.


figure8 said...

hahaha... i will like to see how they can supply the whole of Nigeria without draining out their own supply..

but who knowss.. we are watching

Bonita Bislam said...

That other way dear has since been reversed.Very soon,even Chad will export toothpick to us if we don't get serious with our economy!

Uche Emma said...

Well, if they generate more than the consume, good.

But I doubt it. This is purely a publicity stunt.

Debbie Chelsea said...

Looooooool....*cleans tear*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

kwakwakwa! wakey wakey!

Unknown said...

Mmmm ryt now we r suffering from light off in Ghana like mad n he wants to sell light. Den Ghana will soon b lik nija wer we sell light but dnt hv it to use.

Anonymous said...

We knw them when we see them! GEJ supporters! Ur GEJ is not doing anything and u'r here saying by God's grace when other countries like Ghana are working towards achieving such heights. Rubbbbbbbbbish! No be only grace nah miracle

Olubukola Ozone said...

Chai! What a shame! Ghana, electricity, Nigeria. Na wah o

Anonymous said...

One country go still borrow us there name one, watch out people

Anonymous said...

shame on Nigerians Govt Ghana plan to export electricity poor govt.

Anonymous said...

ary said...

Irony is when the students surpasses the master and becomes the master. Nigeria is learning the hard way the ill effects of years of corruption.

Anonymous said...

U are a fool. Ghana's economy is far better than nigerian's...Google is your friend

Anonymous said...

Oh pls shut up! He has had 5 years what stopped him from doing d power transformation? Its just another election campaign and nobody is buying it.
Me I dnt give a F**k where d power comes from
As long as there is power! Ghana o! Togo! Botswana o! I dnt care na light I want.

Anonymous said...

Oh pls shut up! He has had 5 years what stopped him from doing d power transformation? Its just another election campaign and nobody is buying it.
Me I dnt give a F**k where d power comes from
As long as there is power! Ghana o! Togo! Botswana o! I dnt care na light I want.

Anonymous said...

chai!! See disgrace imagine ghana exporting electricity to naija GEJ shame on you may u not will next yrs election

Anonymous said...

I wonder. Oo

Anonymous said...

Ah! I weep for my nation but yet I believe there'll be a change which starts with you and I.

Anonymous said...

And our president is busy sharing awards,praising himself,working and disguising NOW and it's catching d people already like always..they won't see d campaign can?giant of African

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I thought nigeria gave ghana electricity. Hmm

Unknown said...

Das grt development,

Maya marie said...


Maya marie said...


Jessica said...

Ghana is an organised country.

Anonymous said...

Just imagine. Glory to Ghana Govt. Some years back, GHANA MUST GO FROM NIGERIA. But today see what is happening. Let me hear that useless Giant of Africa again from any idiot. Giant my foot.

Livvsreamblog said...

Shame to our govt,awon oloriburuku people

osujichijioke said...

Can you imagine this. Ghana planning to export electricity to Nigeria. What a shame!!!

Anonymous said...

location ph needs that light badly

Anonymous said...

Liar . Ivory Coast does not have electricity deficit .

Anonymous said...

Ghana's electricity is very good in Africa and days go by without any power cuts, and even then it only lasts minutes. But it has a smaller population to provide for so...


Linda's doppelganger said...

What are y'all saying here? We have never really been giants of the continent. Just agbalagbas. Dont mistake one for the other.

The spate of leadership we've had over the years has continued to be the bane of our existence

Anonymous said...

Shame! Shame!! Shame!!! On naija my country

Anonymous said...

Economic development of any country lies in adequate electricity generation and provision but alas, no be development we dey find. Na our pocket we wan line.


Anonymous said...

Naija is a dead country! If u think of telling a lie recall wat hapnd during immigration recruitmnt. The family of those dt lost sons nd daughters in death av bn 4gten. Nsija money dey inside private jets in pepl country. Private jets r now used in looting. Ghana sabi body pass naija. Mak we go buy light o..darknes don kill me o. Naija;d drkest con3 in d world! Gaint of darkness. Dino.

Anonymous said...

Even tho we r 10million in this country...d wicked people in govt won't still give us steady lite becos of deir selfish interest.....I feel GEJ still got enuf on his table than going abt campaigning for election that is still nextyear.

Unknown said...

Where are we in Nigeria?
A city never have electricity for complete month not to talk of a state.


Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

Lets wait and see. Even the Banana Island of Ghana which is East Legon in Accra, power is not stable. Kumasi, Sekondi and other cities still experience unstable power supply. There is improvement in Ghana no doubt, but it is an absolute lie that there is uninterrupted power supply all over the country.The hype is just too much ever since the likes of Dele Momodu relocated to the country. No doubt we have lots of challenges in Nigeria but despite that,It has not gotten to that stage when Nigeria will now depend on Ghana electricity. Assuming it is SOuth Africa, I won't even bother. Ghana wey dey our backyard for here? Iam a regular visitor to the West Africa Civil society Institute, East legon almost every two month. Ghana has been rationing electricity since February due to shortage of gas supply from Nigeria.As advanced as US is, it also imports electricity from Mexico and Canada because it is cheaper to buy from those places compared to the cost of generating within the US. Except if Ghana wanna export to Nigeria just to generate income since Nigeria is a big market where anything sells either fake or original,lolz

Neks said...

I cover my head with shame....Jonathan should be ashamed of himself too, seriously, what a A$$ we got ruling us

Mech said...

Shame on Nigeria, is't a very big shame for our bad leaders.

Cute G said...

Looooolz @ toothpick. Like seriously. How have you been? Missed you flenty flenty.

ukbliss said...

Just passing hahaha, C comment

Anonymous said...

Stop insultin ur country n assist d govt 2 beta it...asshole

Unknown said...

Wow, who evn gve Nigeria d title 'Giant of Africa'

Unknown said...

Giant of Africa my Giant of Africa! I hail thee.

Anonymous said...

Shut up bonita bislam..sterex says so

Anonymous said...

I love ur coment bro...may God bless u

Anonymous said...

Nigeria leaders shaaaaaame shaaaame oooooo. shame on all you wicked souls who do not want this country to proper. e no go beta for our leaders. Ghana carry on jare

Anonymous said...

Nice 1 Ghana......a big slap to 9ja. 6thking say so

Anonymous said...

He doesn't even know the size of Lagos let alone Nigeria.....African leaders with their shallow metality

Toronto Finest said...

See your life Naija govt... No be naija give dem electricity before? Is naija going forward or backward lol...You all can pledge to Nigeria your country but as for me... mo sorry gan!

Anonymous said...

He is a foolish leader I believe he was drunk when he made that statement, someone should remind him that Ghana is small underdeveloped country

Tobi said...

Don't forget Nigeria recorded the best economic GDP of recent. Still one of the best investment destinations despite challenges. Know your facts o. As u said google is your friend b

Anonymous said...

The stone the builders rejected has now become the corner stone...Ghana must go my a$$!

Anonymous said...

From what i heard from friends who live and school in Ghana the electricity is only good in select areas of the country, cause they have gone a few days with little or no light

Anonymous said...

Chai! Nigeria! It has become dis bad, tot our country was d giant of africa, this is a shame to our country. Small Ghana, diaris God ooo.

Anonymous said...

many years ago it was ghana must go but now ...................

Anonymous said...

As I. Ehhh. If the light likes. Let it come from the grave, I don't care. My dstv #5000 bouquet is wasting seriously. No light to watch. I wear rumpled suit to work almost everyday. Abeg jor

Anonymous said...

Hw many population does Ghana have in d first instance? I don't knw y Nigerians @d slightest of any given informatn they swing to actions and conclussion,na your papa go stop GEJ ni? He will rule wether brings light or not they shld bring so I can get my groove on.

Anonymous said...

If you want to know that ghana's economy is now better,you will see that those ghanians who sell ghana bread and fix broken plastic and spoilt umbrella are no more...kudos to them

Anonymous said...

Visit for refreshing news.

Unknown said...

Thought we gave em light

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:30 shut up, so far Nigerian's economy is the best in Africa. Ghana's currency and it's value is the lowest in Africa, such that the cefa has gained more value than it. So Google is rather your friend.

Anonymous said...

Shut up ur mouth,google is just a search engine lazy brains like u always depend on what the internet claims! In what way has Ghana economy surpassed Nigeria's?what do they export? Do u even know how much communication industry generates in Nigeria?

Kelechi Nwogu said...

The man is an idiot. John Mahama is the worst President Ghana has ever had. Over the years Ghana made giant strides which this man has destroyed in just a couple of years. For the first time since Ghana Independence, people are now buying generators. He should fix Ghana's electricity and economy first.

Amarachukwu. said...

Shame shame shame...

Unknown said...

shame on this stupid nigeria of a country.small ghana wants to start giving us electricity and those shameless old cows in our government will open hand and receive this kind of insult!!!!this country sure knows how to expose itself.and they say we should celebrate independence???#RUBBISH#

Anonymous said...

They are now trying to pls us,after banning us. BARRISTER O.

APPLE said...

Insult! You see? What Nigeria couldn't do!

APPLE said...

Giant of Africa my foot!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:30 pm, u don't need to abuse someone... U claim to use google yet u don't know Nigeria's economy is better than Ghana's. Do u follow d news at all?

Anonymous said...

Thank u... People are just here blabbing. Ask Ghanaians to tell u about their country now. They are actually wishing they are in Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Dem never get steady supply finish, dem wan export. Speak to Ghanaians, we seem to be better than them right now.

Chiwetel said...


Unknown said...

People make comments without facts. The truth is; economically Ghana is feeling the brunt now. The country was bailed out by IMF. The county relies on foreign aid to cushion capital deficits. He is a joker and sound somewhat delusional.
Ghana generates less than 1300MW of power. Ghana is experiencing load-shedding today because of reduced gas supply from Nigeria via the West African Gas Pipeline. How can you supply electricity to a country that determines if you have power or not!
For him to make such statement they must have had enough power; say 50000MW, unfortunately they generate less than the requirement of Alimosho LGA in Lagos.

Anonymous said...

Ghana's population is 20 million while Nigeria is 160 million. What a very big shame.

Unknown said...

People make comments without facts. The truth is; economically Ghana is feeling the brunt now. The country was bailed out by IMF. The county relies on foreign aid to cushion capital deficits. How can a country rely on foreign aid to provide power for its people and then export it. He is a joker and sound somewhat delusional.
Ghana generates less than 1300MW of power. Ghana is experiencing load-shedding today because of reduced gas supply from Nigeria via the West African Gas Pipeline.
For him to make such statement they must have had enough power; say 50000MW, unfortunately they generate less than the requirement of Alimosho LGA in Lagos.

Unknown said...

People make comments without facts. The truth is; economically Ghana is feeling the brunt now. The country was bailed out by IMF. The county relies on foreign aid to cushion capital deficits. How can a country rely on foreign aid to provide power for its people and then export it. He is a joker and sound somewhat delusional.
Ghana generates less than 1300MW of power. Ghana is experiencing load-shedding today because of reduced gas supply from Nigeria via the West African Gas Pipeline.
For him to make such statement they must have had enough power; say 50000MW, unfortunately they generate less than the requirement of Alimosho LGA in Lagos. He dreams of providing power to a country that determines the power situation in his country! Omashe o! What a President... Misplaced priority!

Anonymous said...

Please disregard this bullshit. Nigeria supplies Ghana gas to power their electricity. Any day Nigeria cuts gas the entire Ghana goes dark. This statement is rubbish. @amfestus

Anonymous said...

True talk bro... U knw nigerians lyk talking lyk idiots dey dont think. The man is talking bout having a vision not dat it is tym to export electricity to nigeria.... ECG has been going tru a lot lately theres not much light here in Ghana to go round. In Accra whr i leave dey actually have to off the light for 12hrs for other parts of Accra to get electricity. Nigerians will always say what dey dnt knw. Ghana's president is worse than GEJ everything in GH is going sideways Economic meltdown fuel price electricity n even the roads are not as good as dey whr 2yrs ago.. So ppl should shot up and stop talking what dey dnt knw

Anonymous said...

See this dreamer, una don finish to dey provide for small Ghana.Ghana also has power issues, so what is he talking about

Anonymous said...

E hen? Imagine? A whole Nigeria? Smh. We better change that bag from Ghana must go to Nigeria must go. Beggy beggy Giant of Africa...#$exynerd

Anonymous said...

they should ensure theirs is running well first. I have lots of friend from Ghana and have watched documentaries and they DO HAVE and electricity problem amongst others.
they should start with paying back their debt to Nigeria first
Enough with the distractions

Anonymous said...

Niger do suffer

Anonymous said...

Kosi wahala

Unknown said...

Awwww fase long time o
Where av u been?

Hmmmm naija u see our life?
Ghana giving us lite
Naija which way o?

Nomso said...

worth trying.

Subomi said...

this is a country that's poorer than us .. no be so

Anonymous said...

This is the worst BS I've heard and year hasn't even ended. There's currently load shedding here in Ghana and we can't even resolve those issues... How the heck are we going to export to Nigeria ?? Eh borrow borrow loan loan that's all we know hiss

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

GEJ, don't let that happen ooo, we are the giant of Africa. Is gonna be a big blow if u let that happen, don't let that slogan Got to Ghana "giant of africa stil remain 9ja sure

Anonymous said...

You people are just here insulting Nigeria . I am schooling in Kumasi Ghana and I can tell u that we don't have constant light here
As for Mahama fix ur country first cos dey are ashamed of u as their president. Proudly Nigerian.

Eze said...

You people should stop insulting Nigeria some area in Nigeria today do get light more than Ghana and this their president is a clown that does not know anything at all. He can not even govern Ghana a small country like Eight State in Nigeria and in his watch Ghana Economy have run down and down and he is seriously looking for avenue to make money. Nigeria will be better off with light in three-four years time I am sure of it with what I saw last month am in Nigeria. I am in Ghana and they are having light problems since last year and still having the same problem in some areas till date so what is he saying. Nigeria have never asked him for help and never never applied for it and will not because the light issue in Nigeria is going towards the right direction that I have never seen in my whole life so you people should first travel or read about other countries activities and system before coming to comment unnecessarily.

Even if Nigeria is going down they can never be like Nigeria in 100years time which I am 100% sure of it and we are helping them allot and still helping them in so many ways till today so he should stop talking trash. He is just like Jonathan that is not Man enough even Jonathan is better than him in terms of governance the only difference is that their system is functional.

Anonymous said...

Thank you o, Ghana. Who are the pple stil calling Giant of Africa here? Giant gini? Mechionu there! We have become a no-nation, thanks to our leaders. If Britain wants to come recolonise us sef, we should welcome them with open arms as we have totally lost it as a nation. Yet yesterday all our youngmen and women were posting pics on Instagram wearing outfits with green and white and claiming proudly Nigeria(n). Make una wait until we start applying for visa to go to this same Ghana b4 una eyes go clear on just how deep our leaders have sunk us as a nation. #shior

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

thanks to John mahama..

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

stop insulting my country...u be engineer now come put ur part...n

Anonymous said...

Nigeria currently supply Ghana with Gas to generate electricity. Last two weeks NNPC strike affected Ghana........ I just gey lafff Ohhhhh

Anonymous said...

woow dats awesome pls do.up gh

Hinur said...

U are right my brother,gone are the days when Ghanaians use to be househelps, selfishness is killing Nigerians

Anonymous said...

Abeg enter house.

Anonymous said...

Ppl cussing bout nothing.

All I know is that inhaling generator fumes day in day out is what is making Nigerians die so young, not to mention the various undetected mental health issues. They better find a solution to all these generators fast!.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:30,idiot calling some1 a fool n u don't evn know anything.John Mahama,presido of gh is a is a place were dere is always electricity as far u hv money in ur prepaid card but nowadays bcos of dere economic problem dey no longer hv light anymore and it's frustrating....I skool In gh n believe me,naija is way Berra,fool's b saying wat dey dont even knw

Anonymous said...

Simple,fools will remain fools,in koforidua Ghana,deres light off for like 12hrs almost erryday so other people can hv light...Nigerians are just on here blabbing...2 show how bad d economy is,wen Naira is sent 2 some1 in gh,d money will b doubled in cedis...dollar rate in gh is so high n y'all are here insulting GEJ,y'all are foools,including d president of gh...

Anonymous said...

See dis mumu,you're a fool,we schooling in gh knw wat we are're just dere somewhere in oshodi typing trash...

Anonymous said...

Yeah Nigeria generate moni and politician eat d money nothing to show for, buying private jet and stealing $9.3m. GOD WOULD JUDGE THEM ALL

Unknown said...

They don't even have constant power supply in Ghana anymore..they should settle the inflation issue they have in Ghana b4 trying to help others...

Funso Samuel said...

Anon how does my comment take affect your miserable life? Your father is an asshole...not me

Funso Samuel said...

Oga Yusuf im not insulting Nigeria.Im saying the truth.It is a slap on our face if Ghana can be providing light for us.Nigeria should be the providing light for other countries with the load of resources we've got.
And definitely,i will do my part.
God bless Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Linda abeg post am. Hey idiot shurop deir b4 God forget him hand for ur face wait oooooo u fink say even in dis lyf nd d nxt ghana would have d capacity to import lite to nigerian wetin goodluck nvr do sef shey ontil him kill him sef b4 una dey satisfied ehen

Anonymous said...

If it happens, Ghana will be the Giant of Africa.

Unknown said...

ghana shld make more moves than announcements then i will bliv.every country gt its own issues. ghana isnt even as populated as lagos state.

Anonymous said...

Actually I'm Nigerian and Ghanaian. I have lived in both countries. Ghana has better availability of light, that is constant .And even when it does go off, it doesn't last hours or days like it does in Nigeria. Our problem in Ghana isn't electricity

Unknown said...

What light do they want to supply when they don't have light 24/7? As I'm writing now, there's currently no light which they have been shuffling everyday for past months. They should attend to their country before poking elsewhere biko.

Anonymous said...

I so much hate d gov't of Nigeria(gudluck adm)

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