Between Linda Ikeji and Mr Aye Dee. The real shocking story | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 10 October 2014

Between Linda Ikeji and Mr Aye Dee. The real shocking story

What you are about to read is quite long…and chilling! I wasn’t going to share this info in public but after I showed it to some family members and a few friends who came to the house this morning, everyone agreed that I need to share this, that you all need to read this. You see, what happened with my blog wasn’t about beef. It wasn’t because I showed off my new SUV. It wasn’t about plagiarism, or copyright infringement. It was something deeper, very personal and maybe even more dangerous. Some would call it obsession. Please continue...

To understand this I am going to start from the beginning but before that I want to talk about plagiarism. My understanding of plagiarism is when you take someone’s work and republish it verbatim as your own work. I don’t do that. But if I have ever done that in the past then I apologize. It was an oversight. I do get a lot of original content, way more than any other blogger in this country. Some of the biggest news stories in this country in recent times was broken by LIB. From Goldie’s death (God rest her soul) Aluu4, ABSU rape, P-Square saga, Solomon Akiyesi and plenty more. And when I take news from other sources, I always credit them. When I don’t give credit is when the news is everywhere so I write it in my own words and make it mine. I don’t believe that is a crime. I admit that I have used photos without giving credit. I apologize. That will never happen again. You learn every day. And I have learnt from this.   

Now about Mr Aye Dee. Let me start from the very beginning so you guys understand what really happened. Like I said earlier, this was not about copyright or plagiarism. It was personal. Very personal. In 2009 or 2010…(not sure) a guy named Alex who used to run 1976AD blog contacted me. He said he was impressed with my work and wanted to encourage me to never relent. Alex Info 1976AD (how I knew him back then) and I became very good friends online. In fact he was my confidant. Every time I had questions or challenges, I would reach out to him. 

By 2011, Alex 1976AD and I became quite close…online. We even exchanged numbers and spoke a few times. He always reminded me how proud of me he was. He told me I would one day become a phenomenon. I wasn’t number one at the time but he told me that I would one day be the biggest news site in Nigeria…that he believed in me that much. He was my friend, my supporter; he sent me news to post on my blog. He wanted me to succeed. He told me things to do to get more readers. He knew a lot about the internet and how it works so I always went to him for advice. He was my anchor.

In 2011, Alex 1976AD made me his blog’s Person of the Year 2011. I shared that post excitedly on my blog. He said I was the most deserving Nigerian for the award that year…and he wrote the most beautiful article about me. He was so proud of me…and never hesitated to tell me. I was grateful. I was happy to have him as a friend...even though we'd never met.

Then we stopped talking. I sincerely can’t remember when exactly. I know that Alex 1976AD tried to reach out to me mid last year…but I can’t remember if I responded. If I didn’t, it was an oversight. I’m really bad at replying mails because I get so many and I’m always busy blogging…but anyway.

On Wednesday around 2.07pm…my long lost friend Alex Info 1976AD contacted me via gmail chat. I was so happy when I saw his name pop up. I was like yay…Alex 1976AD! He would know what I should do in this situation. I thought he was reaching to me after all this while because he’d seen all the craziness going on and wanted to lend support…but what he said to me next shocked me to my bone marrow. He said ‘I hope u’re sitting down’. Thankfully I was because I would have literally fallen if I hadn’t been sitting.

You see, my good friend and biggest supporter Alex 1976AD told me he was Mr Aye Dee. The same guy who started this. The guy that got Google to shut down my blog. It wasn’t about plagiarism or copyright infringement…it was about a scorned former friend. It was about love turning to hate because he felt I’d abandoned him after I became big. Please patiently read our chat below… 

The last time he tried to contact me was on July 12th 2013...before reaching out again on Wednesday
I will copy and paste the convo from here on because it's quite long. Linda Ikeji is – me: Alex Info 1976AD/Mr Aye Dee is – info

info: I assumed you knew and were just forming
me:  are u for real or ur just messing with me???
me: u are aye dee?
me: the person I thought respected me the most?
info:  I do
me:  u gave me woman of the year
info: Yes
me:  are u for real?
info:  that is why I was confused when I sent messages and you ignored all of them
info: I was like what have I done to this woman
info: I have helped all I can
info: and now she is doing like I am a non-existing entity because of a simple request
 me:  are u for real though???
 info:  100%
 me:  my heart is beating so fast
 me: it can't be u
 info:  As mine has been for over a week
info: when I spoke to Ohimai, I even told him
info: that I know her we've worked together but she's ignoring me
 me:  ignore u?
 info:  I really thought success had gone to your head
 info: Yes
info: I sent you email
info: sent tweets
info: all ignored
 me:  i never got any emails my goodness
 info:  sigh
 me:  why didn't u try to chat with me?
 me: i get hundreds of mails every day
 info:  I wish I could tell you why, but it didn't cross my mind till just now
 me:  i don't read half of them
 info:  that maybe I need to go back to the account we've always used
 me:  i see alot in spam and junk
 info:  That's where mine probably is
 info: Funny thing is I realized I should use this account when someone I work with who knows how you and I have worked together said
 me:  i'm in shock
 info:  I know you and Linda manufactured this beef to make her more popular, cause there is no way you would ever do anything against her willingly
 me:  i don't do much gmail chatting
me: but immediately i saw ur address i was like yay! my old friend
 info:  lol
 me:  tot u were reaching out to me bcos of whats happening
 info:  I am
info: because it makes no sense
info: I don't want to destroy something I loved helping you build
info: Someone I've prayed for
info: and someone I still believe is going to be an icon for decades to come
me: my goodness
 info:  It's ok
info: No harm meant
info: All can be cleaned up
info: and have you emerge stronger
me: wow
me: so why did you decide to reach out?
info: Because I figured out
info: after I read the post from yesterday and this morning
info: there IS NO WAY this woman can write this if she knows its me
info: So had to go into this account and chat with you
info: and if you still didn't respond then I would know
info: Cause I saw my number there but the name of one of my partners
 me:  wow
 info:  I figured she must have forgotten that she's called me on this #
info: Yes o.
info: The whole thing has been very traumatic to say the least
info: not what was said, but whom it was said by
info: I've never publicly stated anything we've done together
info: because I didn't want it to seem like I'm guilt tripping you
info: but you can imagine what it felt like
info: especially when to add insult to injury, you unfriended and blocked me lol
info: I was like Dereisagodo
 me:  i didn't know who u were
me: u know what?
 info:  what?
me:  Recently I wondered what u think of me...wondered if u were still following my progress because u used to reach out a lot to me back then
 info:  I used to but you stopped responding
 me:  what u tot of how much I'd progressed
 me: i just wondered
 info:  I am VERY proud of you
  me:  wow!
 info:  Everything I told you will happen is happening
info: and it's about to get better
 me:  wow
me: i can't believe this
me: from love to hate?
 info:  Hate ke?
info: Never that
info: Can't happen
info: it's like hating one's own blood
info: all the stuff we've done together
info: not possible
 info: If nothing else
info: this has brought out your enemies
info:  I know them
 me:  but u are number one lol
me: i can't believe this
me: u started it
 info:  After I thought you ignored and ignored and ignored
 me:  i didn’t
 info:  I believe you
 me:  u gave me woman of the year
me: no one else has ever done that
me: why would i ignore u?
 info:  fame makes people do crazy things
 me:  i'm not one of those my goodness
 info:  I know you're not
 me:  i haven't changed
 info:  i believed in my heart you're not
 me:  I’m same girl just richer lol
me: wow
 info:  Yay
 me:  i swear i can't believe this
 info: You don't know how happy I am to hear this
info: A little part of me died when all this happened
info: I've truly never felt this level of betrayal
info: or (Perceived) betrayal
info: I was like how can Linda do this to me? A person who saw her future and committed to helping her attain it out of sheer belief in her, how can she turn me into god knows what
me: i wasn't even following u on twitter. i didn't see ur tweets. someone who helps me source for news might have taken the stuff from u
info: Same here, someone informed me and my partners
info: and they ran with it
info: as you know, I used to provide you with stuff
info: so you know personally I don't care
 me:  it was only when the rants started that i took note of the name mr aye dee
 info:  lol
me: I am shocked
info: I have never been so wrong about someone
info: I am truly sorry
info: I should have tried to reach out through third parties or through this
info: I messed up. All my fault
info: I hope you forgive me
 me:  so u thought i knew u were aye dee for real?
 info:  Of course
info: I've been following you since I opened my twitter account
info: then when we set up your blog-twitter I think I mentioned it
 me:  but I wasn't following u and i never tweeted at u
me: because i didnt know it was u
 info:  so I thought you knew but again, since last year when you became unreachable, I stopped trying, figuring you have grown the proverbial set of wings
 me:  i know u as info1976ad
me: no other name
 info:  Yes, realized that this morning
 me:  wow
 info:  Yes
info: Wow is correct
info: You know part of me never believed you could be the way it appeared you were
info: it just seemed crazy
 me:  u should have tried to reach out to me
me: through here
 info:  I did. email and twitter
info: I know
info: Entirely my fault
 me:  i always wondered what happened to u
 info: Last time we communicated
info: I think you were supposed to get in touch when you were in NYC
then you came, went, didn't hear from you
 me:  u were such a strong support system for me
 info:  reached out a few more times via this acct
info: No answer
info: Of course, always and anytime. You know I will always guide you right and assist in any way I can
info: I'm sure you've never doubted that
 info:  so
me:  so...
me: what do u want now?
 info:  Your continued success
info: Now that I've reached out and know this is a big misunderstanding
info: tell me what you want from me and I'll do it
info: no questions asked
me:  i'm confused
 info:  let me try and un-confuse you
 me:  ok
 info:  go on, ask away
 me:  i don't know what to ask again
me: im still in shock i swear
 info:  That's why I asked you to sit down
info:  I knew I had to when you responded
info: I was like oh crap, she really didn't know
info: What would you like me to do?
 me:  there’s nothing to be done
me: I’m happy u reached out
 info:  There's always something
info: PR crisis managers handle stuff like this daily
 me:  i will definitely unblock u now and follow u
me: lol
 info:  Hahaha
info: how about we do this
 me:  but don't worry everything will die down
 info:  we simultaneously post something
 me:  what?
 info:  I can handle the heat
info: Rest assured. You're the one I'm worried about
info: I post: @LindaIkeji and I had a huge misunderstanding as a result of miscommunication. It is over now, and our relationship is back to one of mutual respect and admiration.
info: actually for 160 characters: @LindaIkeji & I had an avoidable misunderstanding, it's now been resolved , & our relationship is back to 1 of mutual respect & admiration.
info: And we never speak of this again :)
info: the new story will be how did they do it
info: and what happened
info: but we can keep them guessing forever
me:  wow
 info:  Crisis management 101
info: If we are united
info: what/whom is going to get between us? Our relationship predates "THE" Linda Ikeji afterall
 me:  what's ur real name?
 info:  whichever tweets of mine that you want me to yank, I shall
info: What do you think, do you even remember?
Info: Mukhtar Alexander Dan'Iyan
info: MrAyeDee
me:  oh dear Lord
me: i can't believe this
 info:  Once done, let's face those who are blackmailing you. We'll have none of that
info: Yes, neither can I. Save the story for your memoirs
info: which you know you are going to HAVE to write one day
info: you are an inspiration to many
 me:  so the reports to google will stop?
 info:  I'll ask my guys. They put requests in for my tweets that they say you took
info: At this end. Those who have been aggreived by you, I shall talk down. You might have to take some of their stuff down though
info: But if you want, I'll walk you through overcoming copyright challenges
info: I want you to be bulletproof for the next part of your journey
info: that of being an international conglomerate, Nigeria's first bonafide Multi Million $ web property
me:  after everything that happened now i'm wondering if i can trust u
 info:  Have I ever given you cause NOT to?
info: I believe in you
info: nothing can change that
 me:  u turned many people against the last few days
me: so yes
 info:  Those who turned we can get back if need be. You will emerge stronger from this if you want, and I'll do all I can to assist you in this endeavor
info: I am emotionally vested in your success, I've been involved in your growth, nothing can change that
 info:  I've laid down all my weapons lol
info: Neutralized
me:  ok so
 info:  so?
 me:  dont even know what to write again
 me: lol
 info:  Hahahaha
info: what would you like the outcome of this discussion to be?
 me:  thank God i was sitting when u started chatting
 info:  Hahahahaha
info: smart move
me:  my goodness yesterday u were asking pple to submit their names for a lawsuit and today i find out its u?
 info:  A day is a long time in politics
info: I have partners
info: some of them are all business
info: Me, not so much when it comes to people I care about
info: if in this convo you had shown yourself to be incorrigible
info: then different story
info: but obviously this has been a huge huge misunderstanding
me:  so what do u suggest?
 info:  the above tweet simultaneously
info: and if you want, let me help you strategize on making the brand bullet proof
 me:  u want me to tweet too?
 info:  Has to be from both. And then we place a gag order on ourselves
info: if there are tweets you want me to remove
info: I shall
info: just point them out
 info:  This way all the haters/non haters/amebos/jjcs who want us to destroy each other will have no gasoline to pour on any fire
 me:  nah don't worry about the tweets
me: its ok
 info:  No. I have to
info: don't want to be an expressway to anything damaging to you
info: Linda that I know and Linda that I felt was aloof and inaccessible are two different people
 me:  i swear i wasn't bothered about what was being said...was just afraid of the blog being taken down cos i'm not so keen on getting a website
 info:  Of course
info: you know the has been yours from day 1 right
 me:  didn't know that
 info:  Lol did you forget?
 me:  so what do u want me to tweet?
 info:  @LindaIkeji & I had an avoidable misunderstanding, it's now been resolved , & our relationship is back to 1 of mutual respect & admiration.
info: let me know when, so we can hit send simultaneously
info: of course let me know so I can refollow you
 me:  we will tweet same thing?
info: yes
info: and never speak on it again
info: I've seen enough pr done
info: to know this is the stuff that works
 me:  to be sincere i don't want to tweet anything. I never tweeted when everyone was talking...and i don't want to now
 info:  Yes
info: but to bury it
info: only way
info: after that return to silence
 me:  but i can acknowledge ur tweet
 info:  I shall in regards to this issue
info: yes
info: but if we want people to move on
 me:  u started it.
 info:  that's the best way
 me:  u end it
 info: I agree
info: I shall
info: but you are tweeting
 me:  i will acknowledge ur tweet
 info:  so they know you've moved on too
 me:  i will write something
me: but not same thing as urs
 info:  okay, but key is to do it in real time. and not to comment again on the issue
 me:  ive never commented on it on twitter
 info:  If we want this issue closed
info: yes I know
 me:  just the blog
 info:  but rest assured
info: eyes of nigeria are on me and you
info: some want us to kill ourselves sef
info: some want me to destroy you
info: literally
info: people are wicked
info: some of them are people you'd think are your friends
info:  Let me know when to re-follow and send
info: Speaking of losing your site, have you backed everything up?
 me:  not yet
 info:  What are you waiting for?
info: You're an enterprise
 info: Can you hire a writer?
 info: If you do s/he needs a crash course on summarizing news
info: or items that do not look like the original source
me:  i write alone
me: but will employ people soon
 info:  Hire someone
info: waste of your energy
info: you are a good business woman
info: not a darn writer
info: just my observation
info: am I still allowed to speak freely
me:  lol
me: whatever
 info:  What?
info: lol
info: can you get someone?
 me:  will do
 info:  Also
info: You need to place rotators (or whatever they are called) to rotate ads in and out. Right now your site is slower than 95% of the entire internet.
Info: Sooner rather than later that will start to take a toll
 me:  what's rotators?
info: everytime a page is refreshed a new ad appears in the placeholder
info: this makes your site super fast
info: assuming you use the right one
info: If you're using blogger what you do is:
info: Go to your blog layout screen.
info: 2. On whichever sidebar you would like your ads to show, click on "Add a Gadget" and select the HTML/JavaScript" gadget.
info: 3. Decide how you would like for your ads to display (either one after another or two side by side). You can see on the side of mine that they are just one after another.  This code is for one ad after the other, so if you want to display two columns of ads, make sure that your sidebar is wide enough for two ads plus a little extra room for the small space in between the ads. If you want them to display one after the other, then your sidebar just needs to be a little wider than one ad.
info: can walk you through if need be
me: my blog has been removed
info: when
me: just now
info: don’t panic
info: don’t hyperventilate either
info: we’ll get through this
info: if you want me to help you that is
info:  Ok, you there?
info: Ready?
 me:  yep
 info:  Ok domain
info: you still have the or you might have another
info: first things first
info: put out a tweet that you'll be back up within the hour though i a limited capacity
info: choose what domain you want to go with and let's point it to self hosted wordpress
info: blogger is proprietary
info: though any host can yank you, your domain self hosted takes a bit more time, gives a bit more wiggle room
info:  You there?
 me:  yep
 info:  Nervous?
info: Don't be
info: Ok so first decision
info: Tweet put out?
info: You need to define the story before blogosphere does
info: Tweet should say: The Linda Ikeji Blog shall be back shortly, thank you for your patience and understanding
info: Let me know when done
 me:  done
 info:  Super
info: next decision
info: what url?
 me:  every name i want has been taken
info:  Which names do you want?
Info: You're about to be bombarded by your advertisers. I want to avoid that
continuity is key
 info:  Squatters
info: you'll pay a ton and won't happen immediately
info: next
info: We have to move fast
 info:  You there?
 me:  yep
 info:  Ok can you focus for the next 1 hour?
info: I know it's difficult, but I need you to
info:  Meanwhile I'll begin backing up your blog
info: from this end
info: t3 line
info: shall probably be able to salvage something
info: and you can repopulate with that later on
 me:  ok
 info:  ok to which one?
  me:  so u asked google to take my blog down?
 info:  Yes
info: I did
info: Hate me later
 me:  and they did without even talking to me?
 info:  Linda let's focus on the present and the future. Once you're up and running we can dissect the past
info: You there?
info: I promise you, you are coming back stronger than ever
info:  Best believe it, good or bad, I've never spoken anything into your life that hasn't come to pass.
Info: and I'm telling you now, your best is yet to come. What you made in a year, you'll be making in a day
Info: You will be a global media player
Info: Companies will offer to buy your brand for billions of US$, and you'll turn them down because you know better offers shall come
Info: the things I told you about in 2010, did they not start taking place?
me:  and then u tried to destroy it. I wish u had reached out to me earlier
info:  I swear I tried
info: But remember this
 me:  I feel like i truly lost a friend
 info:  hard as it may be to believe
 me:  i used to look forward to talking with u
 info:  and now I am back
 me:  i felt u had my back
 info:  not going anywhere except you say you are tired of me
info: I do
 me:  i could always run to u
 info:  You still can
info: I am back, I promise you I am
info:  I said this before, I'll say it again. I am still your #1 supporter
#1 fan and totally committed to your success
info: you there?

Yeah, well…that’s the shocking real story. I thought I was dealing with Emmanuel Efremov...didn't know it was someone from my past. Mr dear friend Alex 1976AD aka Mr Aye Dee wanted to be back in my life and he felt the best way to get my attention again was to shut down a blog I’ve slaved for almost eight years. And because he knew what to do and had the resources, he succeeded.

Below are his tweets last night after our chat…his tone completely changed.
I appreciate this. This is someone I used to love. Will always respect. I have absolutely nothing against him. At the end of the day he’s not an enemy…God used him to open my eyes. I’ll always be grateful.

I will like to say a big thank you to everyone who reached out, people who have shown concern, but most especially LIB readers. Your love and support has been overwhelming. Rest assured, I will never stop blogging. As long as I have breath in me…I will always be a blogger.

I hope you guys have learnt something from this story.
God bless you and yours and long live LIB.

Please feel free to read when Mr Aye Dee/1976AD made me his Person of the Year - here


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Anonymous said...

Welcome back Linda.....missed u plenty! My mind told me an insider was involved but cldnt say it considering d entire story and stuff. Pls, do it right...get ur website and everything necessary. God be with u. tee.

Anonymous said...

Cos u were in trouble you replied his chat. All the while he communicated and you never responded. Be good to people he has just shown you that he can bring you down

Anonymous said...

Be careful of people.... this has teach your a lesson. good luck LIB.

Unknown said...

Oh my!!! What a misunderstanding that could hav ruined lives, So our blog is back, thank God, I really missed it

Anonymous said...

This is love in c_minor. Pls marry him

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a love story. Dat bad dat I had to roam about to get network so I can finish reading it, networks bn crappy. But I think u guys shud get 2geda Gaskiya. U kinda made for each oda. Pls let this love story end well. Guy is obviously crazy bout u.

Anonymous said...

Na wa oh,..dnt know whether this is a romantic story or even illuminati sef,…Please Linda, don’t depend on man, they’d fail. I’m glad you stood your ground plus challenges always come to make you stronger not because this MrAyeDee says so but because that’s the way life goes,…I pray for continuous wisdom for you.

Anonymous said...

Na wa oh,..dnt know whether this is a romantic story or even illuminati sef,…Please Linda, don’t depend on man, they’d fail. I’m glad you stood your ground plus challenges always come to make you stronger not because this MrAyeDee says so but because that’s the way life goes,…I pray for continuous wisdom for you.

Unknown said...

Glad to have u back sexy Linda. Missed ya pieces.

Anonymous said...

May be He loves you...You guys should talk

Legend said...

I took my time to go through the story and all the comments and have arrived at this conclusion, Never take people for granted, 'money or no money'. Mr Ayedee made a huge mistake by his recent actions but honestly, I still pass a huge chunk of the blame to you cause he reached out to you when nobody else did. What happened may have opened a floodgate of greater things to happen so my dear, brace up and set the ball rolling.

Anonymous said...

A quick one Linda. Abeg employ one sharp person to be reading and sorting all your mails including spam and junk. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you are back on the Blog scene. This guy that committed this act against Linda is probably in love with her but do not know how to express himself, fearing he might be turned down! You are a man, you should say your mind, instead of beating around the bush. The worst is, Linda will say yes or no. This man's action to destroy Linda's blog is very pathetic!

Anonymous said...

..all I see is romance babie...someone took down your blog to get ur attention! Get married already!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'v bn tryn 2 join u but u dnt publish my comments. Mayb I wasn't doing it d right way. Pls tel me d procedures. Thanks. Well ds seem like a love story. I can sense luv in d air on both sides. Pls 4gv him. Its just 2 get ur attention. His intentions was not 2 pull u down hence he was quick 2 amend tns. And moreovr ds guy seem 2 hv it all so jealousy is way out of it. He is very handsome $ u r a pretty woman so I pray u two wl just tek it 2 d nxt level - D Aisle

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't have published the chat. It was highly unnecessary. If what you said about having not met him before is true,then your life might still be in danger with this expose.

maureen bandari said...

wow this is indeed like a movie.was glued to the very end. He took things way too far. my God.Anyway i'm glad you are back Linda

Anonymous said...

If this story is true, then, this guy is sick, dangerous and playing God! And you need wisdomat this point!!!! What kind of obsession is this, he will do it again and again if you dont protect yourself.

Anonymous said...

This could all still be an amazing marketing strategy. Linda gets bigger aye dee gets followed. Hmnnn.

Anonymous said...

Lol abi!

Blunt Fuck said...

I looked into my crystal ball, what did I see: Linda ending up in bed with My Aye Dee, making cute babies.

Linda, make sure you fuck him properly oh! Lol. ~I am out!

Anonymous said...

Bank abi? She has lots of money and could pass for a Don't mind me I know you meant back:)

Anonymous said...

The only lesson i think you should learn from this is that when you climb do not forget those who helped you climb because you get loads of more important things to address. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming but other times take the time to acknowledge those who've helped you. It always goes a long way

Anonymous said...

Linda, you shouldn't have put the entire chat with the guy out there like that. Honestly, your advisers didn't give you good advise there. The mature thing would have been to just state publicly that you have resolved the issue with the concerned parties and privately plan how to protect yourself in the future. You have ended up making the guy your enemy again, the best thing is always to reduce your enemy count if you can help it.

Mamarit said...

Linda, I am still speechless at how people can be very wicked!!! I will read that again again because life they say is a lesson.
My sincere advice to you Linda is be careful! very careful!!! on whom you discuss certain things with especially this period. Every people you call "close friends" they might be green snake under green grass. or wolves in sheep clothen. The bible said: Put your trust in NO MAN!!!
More grease to your elbow!

Anonymous said...

Really missed u linda. Ma phone became boring cox I couldn't visit ur blog. Welcome back mwah

otuson said...

Dear linda , I'm so happy you're back . May God bless and protect you. For your quality printing jobs contact for top notch services

Anonymous said...

Linda, Pick up 48 laws of power by Robert greene and read till you truly understand every chapter, especially chapter 1. Sack all your IT

Anonymous said...

Linda, Pick up 48 laws of power by Robert greene and read till you truly understand every chapter, especially chapter 1. Sack all your IT

Anonymous said...

I may be in the minority here, it's time you become independent, you need to host your own site.
He's done it once he can do it again. It's very easy, you have used the intellectual property of others without permission so many times and anybody can point to a lot of them to get Google to get you down again.

Anonymous said...

It's shocking I've never heard about Linda Ikeji, but this issue has made me

Lifematters-Mattersoflife(PEOPLE AND SOCIETY) said...

Linda,congrats,this guy is your destiny helper,please do not forget him in a hurry. I do not know if the relationship will go deeper but seriously he will help you go a long way because he already saw you beyond how you saw yourself and thanks to God is not a hater, a hater would have finished you just like that.He got you that way to make you get a little more focused,dynamic and organised. Good luck to you both.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... Alex A.K.A. Mr. Crush became Obsessed. This is DEEP! i swear. Linda, This is one very intelligent social media guy that lost it because of his obsession. THAT IS IF ALL HE MENTIONED IN HIS CHAT IS TRUE THOUGH. Linda, i am sure you just got bigger;i meant BIGGER just like Alex's statement' A set back is usually a room to step up' i meant step the game girl. Na God sha o so u self behave. So gbo.

Eze Magnus said...

woow,such a long story but happy its all over... happy ur back & better cos i was wondering wer to be getting news and info from..
again, congrats

Anonymous said...

Happy to have you back Linda. Forgive Alex. He is a man consumed by a secret passion for you. Acknowledge him as a friend . Get to know him romantically. He may be your husband eventually bcos i read through and could sense the sincere love and respect he has for u. He acted to save his ego like most men do.!

Anonymous said...

Gbam! The guy na jealous lover!







Anonymous said...

you'll be smart for forgive that guy. we've all learned from this saga, now allow him to owe you one.

Anonymous said...

you'll be smart for forgive that guy. we've all learned from this saga, now allow him to owe you one.

Anonymous said...

And the mumu guy is there forming macho. Instead make he talk make we support am. Na fine guy na

Anonymous said...

well this is your husband

Anonymous said...

The guy wan chop money, you dey say work together. Lailai!!!

Anastesia Obi said...

so glad to have u back Lindodo....i really missed u nd ve nt been myself without visiting ur blog for dis 2 days. Luv u loads!!

Anonymous said...

That was how my french tutor was on my case, picking on me so much in class I wanted to stop the class sef. Until one day he opened up about his feelings, I SHOCK! AyeDee, talk now o!

Anonymous said...

Glad u're back may the good Lord strengthen you more.

Anonymous said...

Me I not fit sleep sef. He be like say person die.

Anonymous said...

All of you guys judging Linda. Several years ago I used to berate my married friends for abandoning their single friends. When I got married, I understood why that happened and t was not out of hate. I said the same to my friend that got really busy jobs until I was in their shoes and stopped picking my phone calls. Judge not...

Anonymous said...

And keep out!

Anonymous said...

You must be an auditor. I like your advice generally.

Schola's Oasis said...

Wow.. so nice, Linda marry this guy please

KAS said...


Unknown said...

Lol,Linda I dey see wenn u finally marry dis guy inn d nearest future,dats if his not married yet sha,..i really TankGod for you,the storm is over buh nawa o

Anonymous said...

These story looks like a love/friendship story.i started fro d beginning 2 d end of d chat,l just love every bit of it n it brought tears into my eye.Welcome back

Unknown said...

The Lord is ur strenght.

Anonymous said...

at the end the guy got noticed, Linda got moreccomments in two days and another site, the script ended and both of them drank wine and laugh ever after to d mumu comments and Bvs.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm. This has taught you a lot. Be careful .keep ur friend's close n ur enemies closer. Try to be 1 step ahead

Anonymous said...

So happy to have u back..kept checking all day..even if u open Linda.rice nd beans..i will follow u much love lindodo..God is with u..He made u reach ds no 1 cn break u..

Unknown said...

I was so shocked to hear d news of your blog take down, and now i'm happy you are back. God indeed watches out for His own. One of the good things that came out of this ordeal is that it's made u more popular. you've drawn new fan base as every experience whether good or bad there is always a lesson to learn. let's all learn from this.

P:S- waiting to have a ride in that ur RANGE o!!!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Forget story,he only taught you a lesson,nobody wey e no go pain,he really likes u,he's a big fan,If he's single,ask him out,marry him

Anonymous said...

Linda. Stay away from 'Aye Akamara Dee'. Nuff said!

Katchie said...

Linda, am so glad to see u back.
I would have loved to send u a private message, but since u've already confessed that u don't read them so i'd give my piece here and do pray u'll see it.
Mr. Ayedee, to me is a big blessing in disguise, a God-sent in so many ways although so many will not see it that way.
Atimes, we tend to get so caught up in our world doing our own thing, and grossly immensed in our job and successes that we dont hear or see God directing us onto greater things and thus causing us to loose track or focus atimes ignoring or letting golden opportunities pass us by.
So i see it as God using this to get us to stop,or pause, draw our attention to His direction, re-focus, restrategize and like Mr. Ayedde rightly pointed out, you are already a great brand, with a big platform, so use it now, this is the time to hit it BIG babe.
Linda, there's no better time to go all out into proper Media/Entertainment Industry, hit the TV, the Radio, Web etc. Create great content like a TV Show (e.g could start with Your Mentor-ship Reality Tv show - 'I Will Rather Be Self Made' lol u already have gotten a name for it)
You've not done so badly, i love how u kept your cool throughout this horrible experience.
I'll keep praying for you, as you've always inspired me greatly, this also was a lovely eye opener for me as well, as i now make a commitment to take my business seriously, to be more passionate, more dedicated and diligent in my work and give it my best by being a professional also not forgetting to do the needful as at when due.
God bless u, Linda!

NUJENEWS said...

For those clamouring for Linda Ikeji's head over Plagiarism. This is Linda's opinion on how Google restores her blocked site. Quite revealing how a long existed relationship between her and one Mr AyeDee turned 'sour'.…/between-linda-ikeji-and-…
Linda has however apologised to many infringed by her actions. Now Linda bounces back powerfully.
On behalf of members of the Nigerian Union of Journalists Europe Chapter, I wish Linda Ikeji more success.
follow more on NUJE Pin:7B79647E
Lashley Oladigbolu (Acting)President, NUJE UK

Anonymous said...

I cried when I read this story I am a huge fan of Linda ikeji's blog but maybe not linda the person- simply because of the way she has portrayed herself on Media. But this story... I felt her shock and pain. It was so eerie how Mr aye dee was going to take her down just because she had seemingly grown wings. He's obviously a very intense person cos this same Him gave her woman of the year when he believed in her. All I can say is Linda watch out- this dude must be hurt that u posted this conversation and only God knows how he will respond.

kay said...

Lol really liked your comment Samira

Anonymous said...


Edoboy said...

Linda, I don't ve anything against u, buh d story remains u don't bit d finger dt feed u, do u knw ao it feels 2 lose a friendship? Aye Dee went 2 far tryna bring u down, 1 way or d oda u both re @ fault, I'm a true supporter of ur work Linda, buh me I no b 1 of ds fans Wey go say sumtin bcoz I want it 2 pls u NOPE.... I just ponder wat d story wld ve been lyk if u both kept ur communication way back till date, u wld ve gone even farther than ds, don't fink u ve gotten 2 d limit Oooo, a friend of mine was tellin me wat ur story will b 10yrs 4rm now, he said #inhiswords# ds babe go rule ds country Ooooo hahahaha... I ve just a few more words 2 add, Linda keep ur head up high even in defeat, surround ursef wiv ppl Wu ve d same ideology as urs, nd above planet earth will b d beginning 4 u... remain blessed... I hope u post ma comment, wia Aye Dee will see it as well #justsaying#

Anonymous said...

Abi.... If he is single, u guys shld just get married....

Honey B

Anonymous said...

Why do I feel this is all made up? It's publicity stunt and it worked in your favour. Smart move.

Unknown said...

This AyeDee guy is still the most loyal of her well wishers in my own opinion. He helped her build her blogging empire (she said so). He felt she scorned him (for lack of communication on her part. A genuine error). He reached out and came out clean about his actions, got the explanations and apologized for his actions and promised to help further. What else do people want? Misunderstandings are an integral part of human relationships. People should stop all these hate messages please. All these people talking hate now, how have they been able to help her like he did and still willing to do?

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly

Gikaraji said...

Truth be told, Linda this guy meant well for you. He took your blog down, he restored it. I really felt for him after reading this thing. Personally I don't think this kind of person is somebody you should just forget or abandon like that. Pls he deserves a due apology from you.

beezy said...

Awww...wat a wonderful luv story😍

Anonymous said...

You've just said it all!

Anonymous said...

What's the problem with Nigerians and marriage!

Anonymous said...

Really took my time to read tru dis! N it was wort d while! Soo many lessons leant! As dy say wat dos'nt kills u make u stronger! U,ll com out stronger n beta! Hav neva bin soo addicted to a site lik dis one u've bin a source of inspiration to dis generatn keep up d gud work dear n evn d sky wil nt b ur limit!

Anonymous said...

The story sounds a bit too scripted 4 me. Ahh! The guy just probably liked u initially, shikena! There is a very thin line between love and hate. This isn't obsession or whatever u call it, this is just a frndshp gone sour. Wish u d best, and really do know how 2 keep in touch with contacts. Even politicians respect there selves and honour their godfathers at d end of the day. Make we no dey act like say tomorrow no dey! And he didn't do anything wrong, really. This is business. Shalom

Anonymous said...

Stealing people intellectual ideal and properties and you even proud and brag about are evil and everybody now know all this is a scam!!! feeding fat on other people sweat, i wonder how you sleep at night!!

olanyhyi said...

A Love Story... Aunty Linda, if you don't marry this Guy, i'll personally sue you to International Court *LoL*

Nollywood, should make a movie from this story, though if they have Brains Like Linda and MrAyeDee

Unknown said...

Shit happens babe. I knew something else was going on. This is your stepping stone babe

Unknown said...

Congrats Linda. This is a simple case of a guy who loves you but it seems you got too busy for him. Well some people are melancholy and if need be can go to lengths to deal with you if they feel hurt by someone they thought cared. I guess it's not easy being you but God's grace and wisdom is profitable to direct. I had sent you a genuine SOS message before my mom died of cancer but got no response. Months after she passed away, i sent you a message asking about your ad fees and voila! instant i will admit i felt pained but now i accept your apology. i know a lot of people may want to take advantage of you based on your status so you gotta beware. Protect your intellectual property, get your own domain and keep learning. The sky is your point of view. Bless!

Anonymous said...

Linda, when next you are in the United States, meet him and take photographs with him and post it here. The title for that post should be:'LINDA IKEJI FINALLY MEETS AYE DEE'. A hug and a peck for a start. You guys can take it from there. :-)

The guy even said you 'fashied' him. Chai! Lol. Too much love, abi na obsession, I guess he is a Nigerian or has a Nigeria connection, for him to use the word 'fashied'.

Anonymous said...

You are damn correct.
In conclusion, permit me to say that Mr.Aye Dee loves Linda to the moon & back. He loves and adores her, buh Linda careless to notice. Both should hook up eternally. Again, do not ignore your friends who helped you climb your success ladder.

frankwhite CEO WineHub said...

I knew this guy is an old friend,well from the chat i think he thinks well of you. Just be careful

Unknown said...

Linda I missed..... you oh to go online tire me sef because u weren't there. It is well

Anonymous said...

I can feel the sexual tension between Linda and Mr AyeDee, you guys should just hook up and end all this brouhaha

Unknown said...

If someone loves you and your work so much that they done mind ridiculing themselves. That's someone you should take seriously.

Sit down.. talk... learn and consolidate that friendship

Anonymous said...

God cannot give you a challenge you would not be able to face. Truthfully I'm inspired by this. Simply because. It shows how deep love or friendship is. He didn't bring you down. He only made you stronger. God let his only Son be crucified. I feel he just tested you to make you stronger nothing else. People can only talk and criticize Mr AyeDee but only you Linda knows what you went through in this trying time and how it made you stronger and affected your life. You inspire me to never give up. Nd I'm happy your blog is back!! S.

Neymar said...

Seems Mr Aye gat a crush on u oo Linda!

Anonymous said...

Wow,I love ur spirit dear,thumbs up

Anonymous said...

Wow,I love ur spirit dear,thumbs up,missed ur gist tho

Uduak said...

I'm speechless.
Is this guy real?
Can he be trusted?
Please be careful...

Uduak said...

I'm speechless.
Is this guy real?
Can he be trusted?
Please be careful...

Uduak said...

I'm speechless.
Is this guy real?
Can he be trusted?
Please be careful...

Anonymous said...

Luv you Linda

Ngozi said...

Hello Linda
Its me again Anonmous October 10, 2014 at 4:35 PM, that wrote this below as part of my comment

" 2. Legal team so no asshole would fuck with you and if they do, your legal team would make them sleep with the fishes."

Now at the time I wrote that comment I had not fully read the story above. This is my thought on the conversation between you and Ayedee

1. There was absolutely no need to make this conversation public!!!!! He was there when you had nothing. He helped you grow your site. You both probably had some feelings for each other based on the tone of the conversation. He came back begging after all the harm he caused. These should have made you keep this transcrpt to your self, maybe he still loves you? if he sincerely does then its a good thing, because he was there from the start so you know he is not just there for a free lunch + he seems to be quite techy, God knows you need someone with that kind of skill. How can you throw that away? I would love to have someone techy like that to help me with my blog( P.S i'm a blogger too).
Now on the other side, if he really does not care about you and has just come back to get close to you in other to hurt you later, then keep him close too. Smart people keep friends close and enemies even closer. I'm not saying trust him with anything because he has actually lost the right to be trusted But you should have kept in close albiet casiously to see what he is really back for!

2. I begged you in my last comment to stop flaunting you wealth, I would also like to suggest you start leading a private life. Babes you are already a public figure. People would dig up stories about you anyways, so why must you share your private life? You are a brave one though and probably already hardened such that mean comments do not get to you anymore. But you must realise that whatever happens to you would affect people around you. So if you plan on getting married and having children and would like them to be shielded from all the drama and hate that comes with being in the limelight I would suggest you better start leaving some parts of your life private.

Takecare Babes.

Anonymous said...

Linda, I don see vision; na ur husband be this.

CAM said...


Anonymous said...

oh please,

dis guy obviously has a crush on u.... kiss n make up already puleaseeeee

Chamzy said...


My Paintings and Ceramic Designs said...

Linda marry him. Together you will attain greater heights. Fact.

My Paintings and Ceramic Designs said...

You need to sue this guy first though, show google this chats so no one trys to run you down in future carelessly. This sounds very childish, you need to get experts to help you with your big blog so you don't need this guy. Very weird

Unknown said...

yes ooo she wil always conquer. wen eva i grab my fone to read frm net i always go linda's blog, dou i hardly comment, but am inspired by dis n wil learn appreciate ppl dat contribute to my success. welcom back lindalistic olololo.

Anonymous said...

Exactly u shouldn't ve post dis here Linda

THE.HUT said...

so matured and right, what a lil p can cause, thank God for the greater good that erupted from this. it was sweet and romantic, i think you guys should date or somefin, hmm just saying tho.

Unknown said...

linda that aye dee pr what is YOUR HUSBAND. MARRY HIM

Anonymous said...

My advice, don't trust this guy again and look for an IT expert to advice you on way forward. Get a foreign IT consultant. They will help you in dealing with similar issues in the future. You need to spend money to protect your business dear.

Anonymous said...

one thing y'all 4get to point out is how intelligent dat dude is Damn I envy dat guy..dats mere obsession tho n bottom line is Linda shud try to kip dat dude close if possible marry him...

Stanley nwakanma said...

Thank God u are back on track,how will I have been spending my days oh linda,men play lot of deceptive games,pls careful milady

Unknown said...

watchout,this is just the begining
of count down to more success stories your courage.. " i will continue to be a blogger as long as i have breath in me " Linda high high you go

Unknown said...

watchout,this is just the begining
of count down to more success stories your courage.. " i will continue to be a blogger as long as i have breath in me " Linda high high you go

Unknown said...

watchout,this is just the begining
of count down to more success stories your courage.. " i will continue to be a blogger as long as i have breath in me " Linda high high you go

Sidofobix said...

i kinda like dis Aye dee guy.. He knew wat he needed to do afta d bruhaha on twitter and he did. That hw to know a real gee.. Always willing to apologize. Wish dem HML cos dia luv story will lead to marriage..

Anonymous said...

Well like he said is time to move on and let go of the past, the sky is your Limit, that's if you won't even have to go beyond the sky.

Anonymous said...

Forgive and move on but my very careful Linda

JP said...

I am not being judgemental but I know you have learnt from this experience. If not for anything, you are believing God for a husband, and you never can tell who that person will be so endeavor to always acknowledge your mails or messages.... Attitude defines people. I am yet to meet you but I know I appreciate your person because you are very hardworking and tenacious, and I will be very excited to see you become a mother, but first a wife to a man that has the potentials to make you and your family attain greater heights and not to mar you. All the best Linda.

Pope said...

biko get a website,dont be ignorant

Anonymous said...

Hmm this guys is very dangerous, manipulative, and exhibits some traits of a psycopath, he stabbed you in the back and will do it again if he has the opportunity, dont be fooled by the sharp change in his attitude.

ify said...

nollywood lool

Unknown said...

This story long. I no fit read all.........the most important thing is that you won.....simple.......

Anonymous said...

OOW OW. NOW I FEEL FOR HIM MORE THAN I EVEN FEEL FOR LINDA. To me, that guy was only tyring to get you by his side. The only urgly thing there is just the way he executed it. But hey, that guy is the kind of guy you should have. Following you all these while and not given up? You should know that men also can be jealous, and when this happens dont feel bad. Mens jealousy is actuall just done out of bone of admiration, nothing else. I do think he seeks and will ever seek for you progress and success. And again, Linda you went to far to post the private chat you had with him here in puplic! Haba Linda consider now.... You should have handled this in another way like an Nkwerre lady. God can use things to fulfil his will anyhow and anytime.

Unknown said...

get past it. He still reached awt. he helped. be grateful

Rachenny said...

wow..Linda, do you know u conquered because your heart was PURE..... continue dat way and u will see all ur enemies kissing ur feet at the end

St. Alolo's Library said...

God is definitely behind you Linda. Do not stop being prayerful

Anonymous said...

Dis is honestly wack just gald u are glad

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Jewelry Queen said...

I can tell when I see true love. Linda, I'm a busy fellow and have no time to post a comment. Listen to this, generally guys are like babies especially the ones emotionally attracted to us. When they want our attention, they'll take a mountain down or even fly to Mecury. Mr Aye Dee isn't left out here, he's a baby, emotionally attracted to you, craving your attention but you pushed him away. I for one, do not see him as a hater rather your mentor and True Love.
Give love a chance. I feel it strongly between you two. It's high time my darling Linda.
Whatchya waiting for?
Mr Aye Dee come get your woman bro, no time wasting.

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Anonymous said...

first of all I'd like to say that most comments made here are biased. there's nothing as painful as being forgotten and ignored by someone you went through tough times with, someone u stood by and literally made what they turned out to be. Linda forgot the MOST important thing- HONOR TO WHOM IT WAS DUE. He did the only thing that could possibly get her attention and it worked. from Linda's tone, she sounds offended and betrayed forgetting its a two way thing. you both hurt each other. believe me Linda, you owe this guy. Aye was your rock and still is.

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Anonymous said...

Awesome!! - ,

cherryberry2628@ twitter. said...

The guy was upset, we are all human. But it is obvious that she loves him........ Love can make you do crazy things.

cherryberry2628@ twitter. said...

The guy was upset, we are all human. But it is obvious that she loves him........ Love can make you do crazy things.

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Lol .. awesome writeup

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berita terkini said...

Wow! Happy for you Linda! You'll always conquer.

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