The Archbishop of Jos, Ignatius Kaigama, has condemned the
criminalization of gays in Nigeria. Speaking with the Vatican's
weekly publication,
The Tablet, on Wednesday October 8th, Archbishop
Kaigama said the catholic church does not support the criminalizing of
people due to their different sexual orientation and urged the federal
government to stop punishing gay people.
"We are not
supporting the criminalization of people with different sexual
orientations. We would defend any person with homosexual orientation who
is being harassed, who is being imprisoned, who is being punished. The
federal government may want to punish them, we don't. In fact, we will
tell the government to stop punishing those with different orientations"
he said
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 236 of 236...he is a bishop but not a pope ...dumbo!!!! So i dont expect u to even umderstand wat hes tryna say..olodo oshi
Correct @sylvia
@ uche...u r an extreme fool with no hope...stealing is a crime where it is accepted to be...secondly it is only a sin if u bliv in a god that tells u it is a sin..And since we claim to be religious here in nigeria wich i still doubt and bliv its mostly hypocrisy based on your behaviours and responses to this is safe to say that bn homo is a sin to d major faiths but i dont think it is a crime...whoz d victim?
Maybe they should scrutinise your use of english first of all...dumb ass...he spoke brilliantly and i am not gay...
Ur inability to use ur brain and understand shows extreme madness...i am sure u av rabies...nkita!!!
Is dat y they shud be jailed???? Does God like any sin?i am sure u sin...av u bn jailed cos of dat?????? Esp if d sin is not a crime...if i drink to stupor i am told its a it a crime if i drink to stupor and i do not endanger myself or anybody and i just sleep off in ma room???? No victim y criminalise?????
I am a catholic..d church is against it...but if u try to make dem suffer unjustly as members of society we wud be wrong to not also speak up...even though i think d gay act is disgusting..i dont think it is if they dont cross my personal space...i think its wat they bliv in..they av d right just like we have d right to xtianity as a choice...wat we r trying to do to dem is called wat isis is doin..d jihadist feels if u r not with him you r wrong so he tries to force u by harassing or even kiling u...some pipl think gay pipl are wrong because of their choices but forgettin dat faith is also by choice...Jesus didnt ask us to punish or imprison gay d best of ma knowledge, so i dont know y we mere mortals and hypocrites wanna do dat...ur lawmakers still our is a sin and a crime...av they punished demselves????...God clearly condemns stealing too...
@ anon 1:32pm....pele! U nid help...will pray fr u
So u shud be jailed anytym u lie as it is a sin also buh perhaps not always a crime??????? So wen u lie to ur teacher or bro u get 14yrs too....christ didnt even punish sinners wen he was here
U wud also av told christ not to forgive sinners...
I am sure ur brains r underneath ur shoes...u talk crap! Sorry i had to.....
Thank God some people still think rightly.
U r a fool..i am sure ur IQ is less than i dont expect u to be smart enough to understand wat i just said...uncivilised person...keep ranting....
Nice 1 almighty judge samuel...park u know not ur grammar!
Ur utterances show u r indeed a very good christian in a position good enough to decide who a sinner is and who a criminal is....wud christ speak like u just did???wud christ tell d govt to jail gay people????since u seem to know God very well deciding for him who to punish..think before u type
Linda based on some comments above i have come to the conclusion that some nigerians may have gone to school but they r hardly educated or literate..dont tink they even understood wat d priest was sayin
U r clueless!
Linda post dont swallow. Thank u
Mr Anonymous you are clueless....see the long thing u wrote to mislead people.mtchew
If smone kills ur sis....dont condem them Love. Sin is sin please n its punishable. God judges....d people of d world has laws n dey judge too!
He used d Word Criminalise! Why is that too difficult for some people to understand. He is referring to 14yrs imprisonment. He is defending sinners which was what Jesus did when he came. My opinion though.
But theres a law in Nigeria na which condemns homosexuality for instance! What happens if one disobeys the law.....lets liv sin or no sin now
There are some gay here ooo run for ur yansh I mean life
please don't mislead us.
Please read the full story from the link (The table)...not cut and join pasted on this page before you draw your conclusion
Unless the bible is fake and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah made up, I will leave the Catholic Church once they take this stand. I do not believe people are born gay.
If so, then murderers, paedophiles, rapists, etc can also campaign they were born that way.
We all have the freedom to do good or bad.
You have people who were abused while very young that ask for help on how to be straight. Start free counseling. Not try to change the law so you can live in sin.
Marcel u sound as stupid as u look. 4 ur info federal govt is doing dis so it will put fear on d intending gays if nt Gay club will get more converts. D bishop is supposed 2 help in putting a stop 2 dis disgusting act pls
dumb ass nigerians... the bishop is truly a man of God,he is the only one who is actually doing what God wants us to do "do not judge" and not criminalize...i wonder what they teach people in churches this days...i rather not go to church and be morally righteous than to go to church and sin and condemn people who sin worst than me..fake ass christians
dumb ass nigerians... the bishop is truly a man of God,he is the only one who is actually doing what God wants us to do "do not judge" and not criminalize...i wonder what they teach people in churches these days...i rather not go to church and be morally righteous than to go to church and sin and condemn people who sin worst than me..fake ass peeps
Ten years from now if not less, this whole gay shit will die off... And their weddings will b announced everywhere.. # sips hot coffee#
Na e dey take start o!!!!! When God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah; was that not punishment. This Archbishop should be mindful, he is slowly, knowingly or unknowingly championing gay rights.
Na so e dey take start o!!!!! When God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah; was that not punishment. This Archbishop should be mindful, he is slowly, knowingly or unknowingly championing gay rights.
We should have the full interview on this matter, Linda. I am sure this is not all that he said. To add to this, The Catholic Church doesn't condemn or discriminate against people who are gay or experiencing same sex attraction. They do have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community. Homosexuals are encouraged and advised to live a life of chastity and abstinence....which is what all unmarried people are called to do regardless of their sexual orientation. If someone is attracted to someone else and doesn't act on the feelings, it's not a sin. If a guy is attracted to another guy but he doesn't act on his feelings, he's still Homosexual but he hasn't committed any sin or done anything wrong. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that Homosexuality is a cross that some must bear (CCC, 2357-2359). All Christians have to bear their crosses...Jesus told his disciples, 'If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me (Matthew 16:24). Jesus gives us the grace to carry our crosses. Let us continue to pray for our Homosexual brothers and sisters for renewed strength and healing from Jesus to carry this cross that they are called to bear. And let us pray for ourselves too, that we may be a Church that offers them a welcoming home. Our Lady of Purity and Chastity, pray for us.
@marcee This is one of the best comments I've read so far on the issue of sexual orientation. Some people even go as far as killing them. Who made you God over them? who are you that you should take a humans life because of their sexual orientation. Love them like you would another human being and leave the rest to God.
The Fashion Whisperer...
May God deliver him?
Gaylaxy Magazine provides latest news on politics, entertainment and health for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, homosexual, transgendered community in India. We also work specifically to protect the rights of its LGBT citizens.
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