Above (right) is the picture he shared of Lagos and below is what he wrote about Lagos
As far as I am concerned, Lagos, Nigeria, is the worst place on planet Earth. I’ve never experienced so much corruption in my life. It was just a horrific experience getting into the country. Crossing in from Benin, we got shaken down by the border guards. In addition to the multiple police shakedowns, the multiple ATM issues were enough for me; three times in two days, the machines dispensed the wrong amount of money. It was oppressive and hot. I couldn’t tell you one good thing about that place."Here's the article. Anyone who reads this garbage and has never been to Lagos would really think this city is that horrible. Not nice! Continue..
Here's his twitter handle @LeeAbbamonte
1 – 200 of 311 Newer› Newest»Real ode
We done hear
pls tell the 'ode' to go back to his state. what is he still doing here?
That's his opinion naa,y calling him Ode,do u think Lagos na London before,shebi na people like u Linda wey come from village dey overrate lagos before like say Lagos na dubai or America or sth,Everything in lag is rough,so far d man had travelled to other places and could conclude like that, he knows Wht he's saying,hes no Ode.
I no blame d man jare
see him mouth...dundee
Twitter handle for us to bash him ba ? buhahahaaha
Thanks for adding his twitter handle stupid psycho
He's a stupid man,aw does is country look like wen he said lagos is worst.......qudratadenike@gmail.com
The guy is a fool! Worst place he has visited?! That is how they go about spreading wrong propaganda and creating wrong images about a country! There are worse shanties and slums in other parts of the world but every time an oyibo man visits Lagos they point their expensive cameras at the slums they never visit and will not take a single picture of the expensive, well furnished hotel room they stay in or the view from their hotel room! Stupid bastards!!! All they do is create a buzz by sliming a country just to get readership for their tiny column!!!!
Hin mama
You are a fool to av said dis abt my beloved city Lee Abbamonte. Who invited you here in the first place? Get a job dude
Linda morning, for me you no go blame the man, u no know wtn en see for road and you know how police behave in 9ja and for ATM that u can agree wt the man too but he should have not made it like there are no good things also. CHI.
Hahaha Linda... d twitter handle is for us to do d "needful" to him abi? highly noted. Loool
Mad Oyibo
U suggest we follow to yab? Depending on each and everyone's mentality, u have a right to your opinion. I think it's an avenue to improve us; if we can think right
all i need is the twitter handle which have gotten.....Am coming for him on twitter.....Thunder fire him
E be like say this one smoke indian hemp before leaving lagos
So Linda wants us 2 abuse him on twitter? Please use ur power well, besides nigeria is soooo corrupt dat even d law lacks meaning. Let's not pretend lyk he is telling lies... Truth is bitter.
he is foooollllll...in d highest order..
HI Linda. I have tried to buy Kunle Afolayans films but could not locate any online sales agent or website. Could you help with such information...
But he is NOT lying! The truth hurts...but it must be spoken
Are they mad?* in Tayo's voice* ATM dispensed wrong amount of cash?Oyibo you can lie o, just wait nigerians will come after that your twitter handle!
With All your experience i can bold you let you know you lack knowledge...Asked Many celebrity who visited lagos all over the world about Lagos, Nigeria a whole...For me your opinion can't define us.Gbam...@Linda the man is not ODE,but OLORIBURUKU AFIN(Abinno).
his nt just an ode,his a foolish he goat......c his stupid look sef.oniranu oshi
He lied but wasn't far from the truth.
Lagos sha!
Chai! Dis guy is finished. Lemme go drop ma insult
Seriously? If he wants fame he should go into rap music instead of using my home state.
Dahs his bizness.... Lasgidi is meant for strong pple. U av no bizness being der if u came for fun alone.
Calm down! The dude is entitled to his opinion afterall. Not everyone has to like Lagos. There had to be a last place in his mind, and Lagos was it. At the end of the day his opinion is not the be all and end all,
He is a liar! Lagos can't be the worst place as far as am concern. To hail with him.
Y'all know y linda gave u his twitter handle right?linda miss smarty pants...lagos is chaotic and stressful yes we all know dt and unfortunately ds man happened to be @all d wrong places bt our dear lagos isn't such a bad city joor and I've neva hrd of atm dispensing wrong cash oh oga sir,even if dt happened it can easily be sorted out
He's a big fool,he doesn't know the naira equivalent of the amount he wanted and by the way is that the only place he saw in Lagos? Fool.....in fact let me visit him myself dodoyo
See his mumu face, Linda thanks for giving his handle will go get his ass now....idiot
He's entitled to his freaking opinion.
Oponu of life n not his fault sha. Our govt gave him opportunity to say rubbish when the so called good gov of lagos will start a project n not finish dem. Went to mushin the other n u'll pity pple in dat area with lot of abandoned projects by d almighty APC candidate
LMFAO. How to treat nigerian guys who keep begging 'please let me put just the tip'
Yea he should go see aba and rate it
Is he lying? Let's be frank I'm a nigerian, I live in nigeria and even I can't stand lagos the city does not give a good first impression at all!
Linda jst cos u live in lekki, VI or the good places in Lagos doesn't mean. Lagos has been good to other people. Obviously he had a bad experience let him. Freedom of speech u r racist for calling him ODE...proud much?
Original Ode
His conclusion is hasty and deserves Linda's tag.
And I know why you dropped his handle so naija will abuse him. That's cyber bullying linda. In line with what I was saying earlier. Proud much?
Linda u can't keep doing this, I mean giving his twitter handle for us to abuse. Dats his opinion and he's entitled to it. He obviously didn't have enough money to stay in d rite places whn he came. U know some of this oyinbo pple no get money. U have possibly seen or heard of terrible slums in newyork too.
and nah tru ode 4 real........
the oyinbo man is international ode.
His very stupid..we dnt want his negative ass in our city pls he shld park well wherevr he stays...why didn't he go 2 d Island n take beautiful pictures rather dan putting up d bad areas in lag pls we dnt need 2 talk abt ds kind of people.
linda ,you are a typical nigerian. You hate the truth. You need to live outside nigeria to know that all he said is true. Truth is bitter but the truth is the truth.In an addition to what he said,an average nigerian is dishonest. Dude is 100% correct.
Sad to say but he's right and you know it.
you dropped his twitter so that people can attack him? Linda,you are bigger than that. The guys is so correct. Nigeria is an oil producing country and our amenities shows that we are one of the countries in the world.
Silly man wasn't being objective. This is a biased conclusion drawn. Yes we are corrupt, yes we have dirt here and there but that doesn't mean we are the worst city to visit. Don't tell me America isn't corrupt or that they don't have slums and projects. Mr "ode" oyinbo we didn't invite you so please shove your silly opinion up where the sun doesn't shine
Linda you're just an instigator. I'm from Lagos and he is not wrong. It's his opinion. That he unfortunately had a bad experience is no ones fault... I agree but not every oyinbo lives lavish when they come. He's prolly on a budget sef this one that he crossed from Benin. Lol.
Oya oh! Liber, attack!!!
The ode just committed a fallacy of ITK, (I too know), Fallacy of argumentum ad ignoratiam (ignorance), fallacy of divisiion, and lastly the Oponu man just committed fallacy of hasty generalization....He needs to be flogged for coming into such erroneous conclusion about lagos..
Make sure you don't even come back to Nigeria again oooo if not you go chop shit the next time... Idiottt, Mumu, Otondoooo.
Chai! Na our own beautiful city you rubbish like this
there is God o
I support this man. It is truthful. Because you are enjoying travelling thru airports in Nigeria means all things are rossy. Pass thru the land border and see the real character of Nigerians. Nigerians are the most pretendful Hippocrates in the world when under the sun, let darkness come and you see the real face of Nigerians The man is right and let us be real to ourselves so that we can make amends.
You mean ATM machine dispense wrong amount of cash? He could have just go into the bank and complain. Please Linda tell the to visit sambisa forest @ Borno state before concluding.
You can't blame the guy. Nigeria is shamelessly corrupt. I watched some airport staff harass some foreigners to give them money for doing their jobs that they being paid for. That's the kinda rep we have before these guys.
Didinrin man. When it's all ds ashawo girls at barbeach they follow when they get to Nigeria, how won't he post a picture of the waterfront slum. Banana Island dey there, he nor fit reach! Totally Classless fellow.
This man is a mudafucker , am not sure he knew where he came ..... That picture can not be use to describe Lagos in any form .
dats his view linda,he doesnt have to lie to please us.
where dis idiot come from? anu ofia!!!
dats his view linda,he doesnt have to lie to please us.
If u travel by road, from Ivory Coast to Lagos, cos u'll pass many west african countries, u'll understand why he said so, whn u get to Seme board even without any illegal materials, its like war front, ur driver has to pay someone to drive d vehicle and cross d passengers, there re many places u have to cross, u can't differentiate d boarder with ordinary Police road block in nigeria, u won't even kn where to stamp ur passport.
i dont even need to read the trash he had to say...just wish some1 can also decide to do an article and put a pic of the worse part of the oponus town and give heading like"dont visit even in your dreams" mtchewwwwww ..irritant.... y do i feel the guy might even be sick? OMG!!!! wat if he had Ebola?????
Linda, although i don't think Lagos is the worst place on earth, i do think corruption is in every sector and really is depressing....i just think people who live in Lagos are so used to it and don't see anything wrong in being cheated ...it's a way of life...
people actually praise people who cheat them....
Also the whole house maid houseboy mentality where you get people who have a little money thinking they can shout and abuse people lower than them anyhow...
And you know what?? the lower class actually expect to be treated inhumainly...they are sooo used to abuse that they think it is normal...
Dis guy must be mad, Lagos worst city on earth? Basatard..... not his fault at all
I am not sure if its the worst but I know its one of the worse. Not just Lagos, Nigeria is one of the worse places to visit and live. There's little or nothing to write about Nigeria except of course the music industry.
Did he lie? I'm a proud lagosian but some parts of this city are a real eyesore. Jut look ddown the Ebute-metta end of the bridge and see people defecating in the open air! Sad!
Infact, i don't wanna read it again, is he mad?
we all are entitled to our opinions linda... he is entitled to it.. after all the hype about fashola and lagos , its only the island that has reaped the fruit of his stupid development ...
I trust Naija,they will not hesitate to blast him on twitter. And linda why call him ode ehh you too dey vex o.
That is own problem
He might be right o!
He didnt include overpopulation as well
He is right to an extent, look at the picture of the slum he took...there is plenty of that in Lagos but trust nigerians always looking to ignore the plight of the poor....
how can you have that in a country that has produced the richest woman in Africa and the richest man in Africa....
Technically that means the wealth of the country is not spread fairly and is being controlled by the elitiest...A country that works will set up an enquiry as to why this is happening and do something about slums like that even if it is to save face...
how can you have people live like that???? My naija brothers and sisters... it is time we speak out against injustice oh....
Lol @ here's his twitter handle. Vultures are coming for him.
why would you call him an ODE for speaking his mind from his own experience? is that how people call you names when you post all those irrelevant stuffs about yourself on ur blog that no one really cares about and just read it because there might actually be some relevant news in it. please post news and stop judging people you dont know.
EWU Gambia.
Until he's visited Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia he should STFU. Travelled everywhere indeed.
3 ways to rock that acid-wash jeans
That guy is an Id**t , please take a look at him very well and revoke his fake visa....awon oniranu....odesohi
Nigerians are always been dismissive whenever they are challenged with the truth. The man is right. Stop living in denial while other countries are making progress. Would you prefer those IMS and world bank people that say nice things about how our economy are growing when it doesn't translate positively in our lives. And they will go behind our back and get our governmet to deposit huge sums of our money in their country in the name of foreign reserve.
dis guy iz rili crazy,every country has dia own bad side so itz nt like america or london is d best,i dnt blame u after all wat ar u looking for here,is ur country nt big enof for u? Nonsense! I feel like strangling u nw
Oloshi, thunder wey go fire u enh e dey do pressup omo-eran like say worst places like ajegunle and mile12 no dey Yankee Oloshi.
He is a liar,like linda said ODE thats what he is.
Don't blame him
the guy is actually saying the truth sha, LASG should do something about that garbage thing..the smell always tells me im in lagos...meanwhile that guy is a white fowl..oniranu odeoshi ..isnt fresno in California more dirty than lagos?
Linda what are you saying? The man is spot on.
1. I schooled in Edo State but live in lagos. Multiple extortion points full road naa. At a point, you lose count.
2. How many times atm Don swallow my card without giving me the money? Abeg leave matter.
Are you posting his handle so that some attention seekers with a misplaced sense of patriotism can abuse him and make jokes?
When you started making a headway with blogging, you never stopped talking about all the men who wanted to sleep with you so you could get ahead. Many bright girls face that situation on the daily. A society where all their hard work in school amounts to shit. Now you're calling the man an ode. That's the reality of where we live. Try and remember your life when you didn't know where next week's feeding money will come from.
You would have preferred if he came here, chopped one government contract and then sang praise about Lagos abi?
Be a voice of change.
Linda u have no right to call him Ode. Not even a single right
Fool #bright bravo#
He is definately an 'ODE'!.....it makes me wonder if he couldn't afford an hotel if that's the only pic he took.
To be honest, he is telling the truth. It may be a little exaggerated, but it is the truth. We Nigerians are so used to corruptions and things bring done so wrong that we forget what 'right' is.
I live in the US and yes, I feel unsafe, stressed and too hot when I visit, I do LOVE Nigeria but it is one of the hardest place for people who aren't used to the "Nigerian way of life'.
Didn't he visit the nice places in Lagos? There is no where in the world that doesn't have some horrible places in it so he shouldn't start magnifying the bad more than the good o. Nigeria is not perfect but Lagos is one of the beautiful places in the world even if it is d last on the least, it is still very beautiful.
I agree with him, specially the police and ATMs
That is his problem. We are still survivingno matter what.
thanks for the twitter handle. I had to give him my two cents. the guy is just full of shit. pardon my English.
But Linda,there are some elements of truth in his write-up naa..y u dey para?,lol..corruption is d order of the day in our country ooo
Na true na, him no lie.
I av gone on twitter and given d mumu whitey a piece of my mind! Pls raise d awareness wit all celebs living in lagos so we can stop d ode frm writin thrash about our city..... @divar_22
Linda but he's not far frm d truth na,nigeria is so so corrupt
Abi this one is mad!
There is some truth in what the man is saying. I visited Nigeria not long ago, starting from the airport, we waited more than 2 hrs for our bags to come on the conveyor belt and we were roasted by the heat, no AC. The police stopages on the road? that one is another story to tell.
There is some truth in what the man is saying. I visited Nigeria not long ago, starting from the airport, we waited more than 2 hrs for our bags to come on the conveyor belt and we were roasted by the heat, no AC. The police stopages on the road? that one is another story to tell.
I agree with him, specially the police n ATMs
Sorry, this is a bitch boy's opinion. He said he spent 'a couple of days' which, if taken literally in the American context, means two days. He must have spent more than that though but I still believe his opinion is biased. An opinion based on a racist and prejudiced opinion. He should stay away from Nigeria henceforth. A lot of Americans go travel to Nigeria to make a quick buck. Maybe he was expecting money to be growing on the trees. Ole jatijati.
The guy is a clown. Let him go and ask Walter Carrington id Lagos is bad. Olodo oshi
What did he came to do in lagos self.. ewu ndi ocha
I don't blame him joor, only the custom guys sef will disgrace themselves where they r collection bribe. Shameless custom people at the airport
Lagos is a very corrupt place. Lets not deceive ourselves. Corruption is the foundation of all our problems. Our leaders are so corrupt that they are not ashamed to admit it. Reading this article doesn't even resonate with them. I am certain they just laugh about it and carry on spending tax payers money. So stop your blind patriotism, Linda!! If you want to help, talk about the corrupt leaders, not a foreigner pointing out our problems.
How much was he paid to do this?
How much was he paid to do this?
How much was he paid to do this?
d guy na correct ode guy..imagine lag of all places, eyes dey pain m tho
u better approve m linda, m waitin o
Hmmmm, nawaa oooo
Was that why you called him Ode , everyone is entitled to what he or she writes ! Everyone doesn't have to love lagos , everyone doesn't have to love the things you love ! Ode
To be sincere, the man no talk lie. Lagos is a terrible place to be, thats why anybody that relocated from lagos to elsewhere will tell you, he prefers the new place to Lagos. benotekcomputers@gmail.com
But really ,checking his twitter page n seeing what he had seen/experience in his life make u wanna think HE IS NOT TOTALLY WRONG.Even if he sees the beautiful part of lagos he will not be impressed.But lagos on that world city list .............My opinion is anything short of Fashola in Lagos will be a terrible setback.Proudly Lagosian
He is a mad man... serious olodo. foolish man. Lagos is a nice place. Fashola has transformed Lagos. Our ATM's dont dispense wrong cash. he must be dreaming... Talkparlour Naija... www.talkparlour.blogspot.com
Go back to your country n never come back............inugo
Sort of true though
i am a Nigerian and i totally agree with him . wahala dey o , it not about the V.I's and iKoyi's ...i can bet most u guys that think this oyinbo guy na mumu cant afford to live on the island ...but on a more serious note ...he is on point ..i be business man and i knw werin my eye dey see for this country ..the same set of people that have ruled us from independence still call the shots ..no room for the youths to prosper or excel ..u need need to struggle a 1,000 times as much as our counterparts abroad ..ok o ...make una dey dia dey deceive una sef o .
Story for d gods
To hail with him ni...*holds laff
dats his opinion
Real mumu..... I havent visited everywhere, but to call lagos worst place in the 'WORLD' thats too deep and heavy.... Heis such a fool
He said that? Then i agree with him
Very true. No warm welcome, the immigration officers are all rogues... archaic computers, ugly officers, hot airport without air conditioning.
We can afford to right all those wrongs. I for one knows that certain Naija brands only employ the hottest looking, as well as smartest individuals. Our government can do that as well. All over the world, it's just window dressing.
*** forst to comment ***
Thanks Linda for including twitter handle of that ode.
We don't need such uneducated daft to visit Naija. Eko oni ba je!
I am personally on his case on twitter, follow me @dsmartnigerian.
Why are we sounding pained? As much as it disturbs me to admit this...he is speaking the truth. we love lagos...and of course we will get offended if anyone says such...but I was just in ghana..angola..and gambia...and we are at least 50years behind most if not all developing African nations. The fact that we have accepted our mediocre standards just goes to show how back we are. We need to visit other African countries that aren't as prosperous as we are and see how far they have gone. We are very backwards. These leaders spend our money with great impunity and we celebrate them. Now we get upset when someone actually tells us what the rest of the world feels about us.
Bonario wetin do Lagos o?
Na who even allow am enter the country sef?
The atm machine has never dispensed the wrong amount....Never!!!!!
This guy is a fucking liar . Have anyone witness ATM dispense wrong amount of money?
Linda, i am quite surprised at this your heading o.. The man is entitled to his opinion biko. Which one is "ode" now. Please you shouldn't just blurt out the first thing that comes out of your head. As a blogger, you are in a position of power, use it well biko. Why include his twitter handle? You want some childish and shit brain Nigerians to cuss him out?
Honestly, this shouldnt piss anyone off, Nigerians should take this article as a reason to step up. Stop the corruption and work on themselves then re-invite him and see what he writes next.
For those of you that want to cuss me out, its my opinion n am sitting, watching as you curse your generations mscheww
You de mind the linda? She really de fall person hand honestly
This guy is a racist and a liar, have anyone notice ATM dispense wrong amount of money as the guy imply?
Exactly!! No mind this villager wey dem de call linda!
Exactly! You de mind Linda mgbeke and her cohorts?
True talk.... The guy spoke out of experience!
Abi ooo
I don't blame him talk is cheap. we know some places in lagos is bad just like any other states in Naija and corruption has eaten deep into her system. but wat we cannot allow is one fool dat look like ape to come rob it in our face no way.. Nigeria is our country the name we must all protect.
She just showed us that shes not bigger than "that" at all. The mgbeke mentality hasnt left her at all.
Please I worked in a bank and ATM can not pay an incorrect amount there can only be excess charges you never expected because it's not a Nigerian bank ATM.tHAT GUY SHOULD BE SUED FOR DEFAMATION AND SLANDER.AND BE BANNED FROM EVER STEPPING HIS TWO LEFT LEGS INTO THIS COUNTRY.I entered a new york cab and cockroach climbed my body.Some very dirty ghetto areas there.No country is 100% good we are all working towards the best life..mtseeeeew,he must have been a pauper not to afford smplace 9ice in lekki or vi even ajah..FOOL!
Linda, you mean o, u even added his twitter handle so that we can send him msgs ba........looool, of which you Dont give free tickets to shows again, been a while. Tuface is coming to abuja, would really love to go
SURE IT'S NOT ONE OF THESE HUNGRY LEBANESE IN COTONU BENIN?that opress and open eye for people squatting them..EWU GAMBIA..Be careful with your words hungry white this is Nigeria.
SURE IT'S NOT ONE OF THESE HUNGRY LEBANESE IN COTONU BENIN?that opress and open eye for people squatting them..EWU GAMBIA..Be careful with your words hungry white this is Nigeria.
Linda I'm very disappointed cod I'm a big fan of your work but instead of using this platform as a medium for change instead you are acting a blind eye. This is what the common man go through on a daily in this country, I had an experience with some police men on my way from the airport few days ago. Curruption has eaten deep into us we now see it as normal, our train transport is mess, no jobs, infact one day come out of your luxurious Lekki home and board a bus to main land to see life from a different perspective. And for those abusing the white man saying the truth pls travel out of Nigeria for once, u will weep for our country, PLS LETS ALL WORK TOGETHER COS WE DESERVE A BETTER NIGERIA. THANK YOU, GOD BLESS 9JA
from d rank of mumu dis gys rank 1st.oshee...
why call him ode? is he not entitled to his opinion again?
My people are so used to this mental asylum called Nigeria that they don't know how a normal society operate. Any individual that live in a normal functional society will see that Nigeria is a Mental Asylum where abnormal norms is seen as a norm. So Linda and all the so called patriotic internet warriors, especially some of you that have had the opportunity to have travelled or lived abroad can you candidly justify the way Nigeria is, as a society ?. We use to have it, better than than this couple of years ago but not anymore what we have now is a mental asylum not a country, instead of abusing and cursing the poor guy, why can't we tasking ourselves and govt on how to make it a better place, and be proud among comity of Nations.
His a big fool look at him they are the worst human being ever they stink like 'argh' foolish withe guy as u can see dem most of them don't take there bath 4 like four dy Simes they have the worst odor even even there teeth is worst if though say ha am present he say dat no I for slap am (ODE) olorun
atm machine dispensing wrong amount?i have never heard nor witnessed it before.this man dey lie joor
God punish him papa!!!
His a big fool look at him they are the worst human being ever they stink like 'argh' foolish withe guy as u can see dem most of them don't take there bath 4 like four dy Simes they have the worst odor even even there teeth is worst if though say ha am present he say dat no I for slap am (ODE) olorun
Everything that guy said is true, it's very very true, about his experience, all true, it happens to most of us
Judging from your comment, as well as the rest who write like you. It is quite obvious that you are the fools. This man is definitely no fool and is very intelligent. Stop showing your stupidity with ugly comments like this just because you do not agree with someone's opinion .
This should be brought to Fasholas attention. If I know how he thinks, this man will be invited to spend a few days, look around for himself. I respect the oyibos opinion but i think he had some rough bad experiences. Could have happened anywhere. Instead of insulting him in a childish manner, lets seek to disassauge him of his opinion. My two kobo worth
But it is true nah. The bitter truth is that Nigeria is not a vacation destination. Everything is overpriced and nothing to show for it
The truth is bitter. Naija isnt a vacation destination. Everything over priced and nothing to show for your money. You dont have to call him ode.
Niger too bad.
C'mon guys... No one is saying Nigeria is a perfect country neither is anyone saying that lagos is the most beautiful city in the world, we also agree that we need to break out of the status-quo, reach for change and together build "our Dream Nigeria" but this white man has no right whatsoever to so downgrade us like that and it will be foolish of lagosians to support his claims. Where he lives, can he boldly say that there are no slums there or crampy things don't happen? It is everywhere just the level of corruption differs. The man is really biased. Atleast some white people made lagos their home and refuse to go back to their country, if you ask them why, they will give you some very beautiful reasons. Whichever way you treat what you have will determine how others treat same thing. Irrespective I am proudly nigerian and I'm making a change that starts from within
This man is a born liar,Lagos can never be the worst place in the whole planet earth.Talking of ATM,I have been to ATM over 1000 times,I have never experienced shortage,all I have seen is card seizure.Why did his own occur just a few days he stayed here.
@Samira: you have just spoken my mind. Linda is wrong to include his twitter handle and even call him ode. We all know Lagos isn't there yet...but categorised as the worst place on earth(i don't think so). His opinions are valid...to himself. Linda use your power constructively.
How does saying the truth makes him an Ode for heaven's sake? Naija people with their suffering and smiling mentality. Every time my friends comes to Nigeria to visit, they always have one issue or the other with their ATM Card. Was he not right about corruption in the country? What about the gridlock traffic? The bad roads with pot holes that can contained a whole car? What about Those unruly commercial drivers that put people lives on risk by taking the wrong road and making the traffic worst? Do not forget the over zealous Police and Lastma officials? Give me a break guys!!! Pethaps this international exposure will make the government of Lagos do something about this Lagos traffic situation and safety of their citizens #Truthisbitter
How does saying the truth makes him an Ode for heaven's sake? Naija people with their suffering and smiling mentality. Every time my friends comes to Nigeria to visit, they always have one issue or the other with their ATM Card. Was he not right about corruption in the country? What about the gridlock traffic? The bad roads with pot holes that can contained a whole car? What about Those unruly commercial drivers that put people lives on risk by taking the wrong road and making the traffic worst? Do not forget the over zealous Police and Lastma officials? Give me a break guys!!! Pethaps this international exposure will make the government of Lagos do something about this Lagos traffic situation and safety of their citizens #Truthisbitter
Samira God bless U. He said Ï„̲̅Ñ’e truth.. I ve been to so many places and I know he spoke Ï„̲̅Ñ’e truth.. Seme Border is the worst border I have ever been to. I was robbed in Ï„̲̅Ñ’e broad day light, very dirty border and thiefs have der own offices der.. I even reported to police post der in Ï„̲̅Ñ’e border they did nothing later I realized that those thiefs are close pals to d police. Its a shame to Nig. Some part of Lagos looks like where de whole world dump der refuge. Spits**
The guy is no Ode! If come into Nigeria from Seme border, as a first timer you will be discouraged to continue the rest of the journey into Nigeria. The customs, police check points and immigration posts are corrupt. I live in Lagos too, it is simply a busy village. The atms are crazy, no electrcity, crazy drivers. Have you ever taken the BRT bus and see how smelly and dirty they are? Lagos taxis are rubbish and the worst in the world. Lagos is a complete mess but Fashola is working! @amfestus
Lagos is worst...u Lagosians are blind u cant see....travel and see...Lagos and Nigerian is worst
And is dat why ur callling him ode? Dats his own opinion ok? Ifhe didn't have such a rough experience there, he wnt write or say such. Linda stop insulting people wit ur stupid headline. Dunno who u want to impress, definitely nt me! Mtchew!
Linda Don't be so ignorant! Truth is bitter my dear. These guys relate with the masses not you high brow Lekki occupants. He felt the pain of the common man
To hail with him? Seriously???
English na wa ooh...... Lwkmd.
the first step to change is accepting your flaw, self evaluate and then begin to make amends. I have come to realize that Nigeria and Nigerians are never willing to accept when something bad is pointed to them. his conclusion was based on his experiences in the city of which we all know the corrupt level in the country. The boarder areas are "a no go" especially if you are a novice, our ATMs are mostly dysfunctional. Him calling Lagos the worst place to visit...i cant fully subscribe to that but he has his reasons and its his opinion. most of you just sit behind close doors and never experience life elsewhere before insulting people.
Talking about beautiful hotel rooms doesn't make the city beautiful or habitable...good roads,electricity, water, security, etc and obedience to law all contribute to the beauty of a place.
on a second thought,considering how wealthy the nation is there should be only but few slums in it but NO so he has every right to criticize.
Linda Ikeji most especially, learn to season your words.
The guy is a moron and born liar. Especially on ATM
Why so aggressive ? Ode ? You really should chill out. Ughhh! Hyperbole much from the guy? Yes! But still, he isn't far from the truth. From his description, it looks as though he came on a low budget because that's Lagos for you. But if there's money..LAGOS is everything. That's why when I come for holiday I'm always prepared. Look yeah, it's okay to accept criticism and to not be so defensive when it doesn't look too good on the country. After all, if Nigeria was that great there will be no basis of this discussion. So yeah, hope for a better Nigeria instead. The other day it was Donald Trump you were attacking..professionalism maybe ? Let people have their say!
Why will anyone call the man "ode". He has visited other city and choose to give such verdict about Lagos. For the benefit of those who are against the man statement, he is not alone on this. i was once in any international conference that involve my colleagues from other countries in the same organisation and the questions they were asking me was similar to the man's opinion. The fact is that Lagos will not get better if we refuse to accept it current condition and come together and work on getting it better. Let not be sentimental about it.
Linda pls d guy didn't lie..Lagos aint funny yo..The only time I enjoy myself is when I drive into my estate..Outside d walls of my estate is semi hell..irresponsible humans evri corner u go..Whenever I travel out of the country to come back is difficult for me..Cos I need to condition my mind for the rubbish m coming to face..Don't call him ode abeg...............................#KingOfKings #6ixGod
Na him sabi,we are happy and proud to be Nigerians.Anyway,it's only the bad areas in Lagos the guy visited.we have some other areas that make sense though.i agree with Samira Hall and Linda it's not right for you to include his twitter handle.this is a message to our leaders and I will only disagree with the ATM stuff.it's well
Pls visit Ethiopian airport then u go sabi suffering, we can do beta but for now we are nt d worst.
Whenever outsiders identify Nigeria's shortcomings, Linda incites her readers into attacking them. LIBers would be better served if they attacked the people responsible for the rot that's clear to outsiders' eyes. Suppressing the truth as Lee sees it won't fix the slums, bad roads, lack of basic services and poor quality of life. Fixing Nigeria, not suppressing the truth, is the priority.
Samira Hall u've got the best comment of the day.u saved me the precious tym I would have wasted in typing my long grammar. U shared my thought exactly.#thumbUp#
At least our ATM works ignorant idiota. why didn't he visit Abuja PortHarcourt akwa ibom and calabar he went to lagos via Cotonou foolish retard am sure he saw that mazamaza area and he surmised dat naija is terrible is Arizona not hot is Kansas not hot about the mid west animal he didn't visit island and club make him see how we dey gety down and see how we chill this clown was sponsored to write this rubbish. all the white folks that come in they taste our crude oil money and culture and dey dont want to come back they love Nigeria abi no b d same niaja way Ashanti and ja rule come kci and jojo r kelly kelly Bridget rick ross etc which nigeria this mumu go last year rich arabs ran away from their country and ran to the u.k because it was damn hot this prick is yappign linda get us this guys contact make we reply am a rejoinder
The Man fine ooo . If he had met me and we dated , he would be saying something entirely different . Cute guy. Seriously ! Linda is Lagos not a horrible place to live ? I've been to atleast 6 countries in Asia , holland and Europe . Lagos is not a city to live in or train your children . Lagos stress alone can kill .
Yes ooo . ATM paid me less once
Lmao...Oshey!!! Twale for Nigerians
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