Dennis who was working as a marketing officer in an oil company before his fiancee contracted the disease, says he no longer works there. He said after he left the isolation center, his office refused to pick his calls or communicate with him. Excepts from the interview after the cut...
You’ve been certified to be Ebola Virus negative, for how long has that been?
It’s going to two weeks now. Saturday
(today) will make it two weeks exactly that I’ve been certified
negative. I’ve not had any of the symptoms since then. But I’m granting
this interview basically for one reason; before I was quarantined, I saw
it in the Bible that I would not die but live to testify the goodness
of God upon my life. When God saved me, it is my responsibility to tell
the whole world and Nigerians that God is still in the business of doing
miracles. So I’m a living testimony of the goodness of God.
You said before you were quarantined, that means at that point, you knew you had Ebola Virus
Yes. But it was not that I was tested
positive to it but I had started seeing the symptoms; I had started
feeling feverish and having pains all over my body, my muscles, my
waist. I was described as being symptomatic at the time. The symptoms
came up for like three days. My temperature rose.
So what do you really think saved you? Did the doctors give you any drugs?
I will always tell the whole world that
it’s a miracle because I met people who were at the isolation centre
before me and I left the place before them. I stayed there for five
days. It was a miracle. What worked for me was my faith and my belief
because right from the day I saw the symptoms, I had been talking to
myself. I found it in the Bible that the power of life and death is in
my tongue which means anything I speak happens for me. At that point in
time, I started speaking to my body, my blood system and doing the
things you will ordinarily not understand. These are the things we call
Would you like to share some of these mysteries?
I can share them but some people may not
believe them. In the church where I worship, we believe in holy
communion and feet washing. The Bible says that the life of the body is
in the blood and I also found where Jesus was telling his disciples, if
you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will have life abundantly and
not die. With this understanding, I started taking the blood of Jesus
and eating the flesh three times in a day. I started doing feet washing.
These are the mysteries and they are the things that helped deliver me
from the bondage of sickness. I got the bread from my church and I was
blessing my water to do feet washing.
You were there for five days, what was your experience like within that period?
I was taken in on Tuesday, August 19,
2014 and left there on Saturday night, August 23, 2014. The experience
wasn’t funny, anyway. I really want to appreciate Lagos State. The state
has done the best out of all the places where Ebola has been ravaging
lives. Initially, there were no volunteers and the facilities were not
there but it was because the virus came unexpectedly. Nobody expected
it. But within a short time, the facilities improved, so the state
tried. The first day I got there, I was just telling myself that I was
not Ebola positive. When I got there, they took my blood samples and the
results came out the following day. Then, I was kept in a ward meant
for suspects. We had two wards: one is a ward for persons suspected to
have the virus and the other was for persons confirmed to already have
it. So once you are confirmed to have it, they will take you away from
the ‘suspects’ ward’ to the other ward. When I was confirmed to have it,
they took me to the ‘confirmed’ ward. I went in with them and I met
others there. Immediately I lay down on my bed, I cried but nobody knew I
was shedding tears. I just lay there and cried. I was crying to God
because I already told him that I would not die but live. It took me
five minutes to shed the tears and afterwards, I wiped my tears. One of
the doctors came in to tell me that my results were not clear to them.
She said the results were bulky; that was the language she used and that
they could not understand it. In other words, I wasn’t meant to be
there. So they took me back to the ‘suspects’ ward and said they would
rerun the tests. That was on Wednesday. They reran the tests and the
results came out on Thursday afternoon. It was positive. So they asked
me to go back to the ‘confirmed’ ward. I told them I was not sick. They
said that I was positive but I insisted that I didn’t have Ebola. We
quarrelled for sometime so it took me time to go back to the ‘confirmed’
ward. It was after much pleading and also because they said I was a
risk to others in the ‘suspects’ ward. So I went back to the ‘confirmed’
ward but I was still saying I was not sick. I was still taking my holy
communion and doing feet washing and praying. I slept thereon Thursday
night and then they came again to take my blood samples. I was there on
Friday too. I was doing my regular exercise- press up and everything.
Then on Saturday night, they called me that I had been discharged. I had
even forgotten that my blood samples were taken for a test. They said
my results came out negative. In that case, I didn’t have any business
there anymore.
How did you feel when you were told you could leave the centre?
The first thing I did was to go back to
my closet, knelt down and thanked God. I felt happy because I knew it
was not just an ordinary miracle. When I was there, I posted on my
Facebook wall that my case would defy all medical terminologies and
theories. And a lot of people wrote ‘Amen’ to it. But some of them may
not understand but I had this belief in myself and in the God that I
serve. A lot of people were also strongly supporting me with their
prayers. I will encourage people having health challenges or suffering
from terminal illnesses not to keep silent, they should tell others. I
had friends and relatives praying and fasting on my behalf. On Facebook,
my Whatsapp group, they were praying for me and sending me messages and
Bible portions on what to read and declare. Those things helped me to
boost my faith.
How have your friends, relatives and neighbours been relating with you since you returned from the isolation centre?
The stigma will always be there and it
will take some time for it to phase out. It happened when HIV and Lassa
fever came out. So this is not the first and it won’t be the last. But I
know that with time, it will phase out. I faced a lot of stigmatisation
on my street.
Can you recall specific instances?
Yes. When I was symptomatic, because I
had bushy hair, I went to a salon to have a haircut. Somebody who knew
what happened to my fiancée ran away from the salon. Also, I went
somewhere to buy toothpaste and the mallam (Hausa man) refused to sell
to me. He said he was not selling. I said but you have toothpaste, he
said yes, but that he was not selling. And where I worked as a marketing
officer, it happened. I got a job this same month Justina got a job at
the hospital (where Patrick Sawyer visited). Mine was an oil and gas
company. Indirectly, I experienced it there. I no longer work there.
Were you told to stop coming?
They did it indirectly. It will be
shameful for me to go back there. After I left the isolation centre, I
said no, I won’t go back there. God has a reason for everything. A lot
of people have told me to protest but I said no. For God to bring me out
of this, He has very big plans for my life. The communication was no
longer there; I was calling (the office) and they stopped picking my
calls. So I didn’t bother to go to the office. It got to an extent that
even after I came out, my mum travelled to the east (my hometown) for an
August meeting and as soon as she got to the venue, everyone ran away.
They were like, since your son had Ebola, then you will definitely have
Ebola. That was the extent of the stigmatisation.
What was the quarantine centre where Justina was kept like when you got there?
As I said, Lagos State government didn’t
expect it. So the environment wasn’t that conducive. The place she was,
was a different facility from where I was. It was the same hospital
environment but not the same facility. Justina and others were put there
while government was preparing a better place for them. She was already
there before some others were moved to the other facility. There was no
water or oxygen where she was, and the environment wasn’t okay. Lagos
State government tried and did its best to make sure that they improve
the facilities later and I can testify to that.
Were you disappointed that there was no water or oxygen?
It still boils down to the fact that it
was not expected. There was no oxygen available when she needed oxygen
but one thing about her was that she lived a good life and was very
friendly. She was loved by people and had good friends, so when she
needed oxygen, her group of friends rallied round and came up with
oxygen that day. In fact, they said they would provide more if she
needed more. The situation took government unawares but those things are
there now. I was there and I can testify to it. The facilities are
superb and the environment is nice. There are a lot of volunteers now.
When you saw that the place was untidy, did you approach the health workers and what did they say?
Nigeria as a whole, we didn’t t expect
this. It was not expected. So it took time for people to start
volunteering to come and work. So those people who were there were
scared so I didn’t blame them. Nobody wanted to take the risk of being
infected. It was not until after a lot of awareness had been done that
people understood more and started coming to volunteer to work there.
Do you think that the government could have saved her life if the facilities were better?
Well, I really don’t know. God knows
best. I was discussing with someone recently and I said she shouldn’t
have died. The person asked why and I said I saw a portion in the Bible
where God said He would satisfy us with long life. She had not even
lived up to 50 when she passed on. The person told me that a new born
child that dies within a week has lived a long life. I wondered how and
he said the day we die is the day our lives end which means we have
lived a long life and have fulfilled our purpose. I’m still pondering
over that but I came to a conclusion that God wasn’t sleeping so He must
know about everything that happened. As much as people were praying for
me when I was there, people were praying for her also.
So what are your plans now that you’re fine, but out of job?
I intend to look for another job. If
it’s the will of God for me to work, I will get another job. Aside from
that, I made Justina a promise. I spoke with her the night she passed on
but I had to go there to confirm the next morning. I had to go inside
there after wearing the kits. I was led in and I held her hands, I just
wanted to know if she was truly dead. At that time, she was already
dead. I told her that I would make sure I pursued those things she could
not achieve that I knew about, in my own little way and with the help
of individuals. I would make sure she fulfils the dreams. Before her
death, she had a vision of a project that I don’t want to share here. If
that is what will keep me busy for the rest of my life, I don’t mind to
keep her memory alive. I wrote the plan and we were just waiting to
complete our marriage plans before proceeding with the project. After
her death, I had to go back to my system (laptop) to fetch out those
things and start reworking them. I’m done with writing the plan and the
next step is to register the business. Private individuals who may want
to support the cause since she died while trying to save lives, are
welcome. I don’t mind since it will be in memory of Justina Obioma
Ejelonu. Yes, a lot of people have been asking me, after now, what next?
You have lost a loved one, you’ve lost your job and you’ve come out
negative, what next and I tell them that it boils down to God.
You said you held her hand after she had died. But can you recall the last time you saw her alive and what she said to you?
The last day I saw her alive was three
weeks today because she died on a Thursday morning. She requested to see
me and I went inside to see her, cleaned her and made sure her
surroundings were clean and okay. She was on drips and I spoke with her.
She requested for tea, hot or cold. There was no way I could get hot
water around so I went to get beverage and two bottles of table water to
prepare the tea (beverage) for her. I also bought bread for her. That
was the last thing I bought for her. I remember she said she loved me;
that was the last thing she told me. After cleaning her up, she called
on one of the doctors, a WHO doctor, Dr. David. She said softly to the
doctor, did I not tell you? The doctor asked what. She said did I not
tell you that if my husband comes here, a miracle would happen. I
laughed and the doctor said yes. I had to clean her up that day.
You took some risks taking Justina to the hospital and cleaning her up, didn’t you know the risks involved?
You see, if you love someone, you will
do those things, except you don’t genuinely love the person. If you
genuinely love someone, you can do anything for the person. I genuinely
loved her; she was supposed to be my wife. And at that point in time, I
saw no reason why I should abandon her. I know most men would do that
but my conscience would judge me for the rest of my life if I had run
away. So I had to stand by her. I took the risks because I loved her and
at a point, I started being careful at the same time. The Bible says
wisdom is profitable to direct. But I had been 100 per cent exposed
already even before I started taking precautions. I started using
polythene bags as gloves, which was not even safe. Not that I didn’t
think of the risks, but love is a very powerful thing. I know she would
have done the same thing for me. So why would I want to run away?
How did you receive news of her death?
Normally, I call her every morning but
that morning , I called and called and she didn’t pick up. So I went to
the hospital and I was supposed to get some things for her anyway. So I
got the news when I got there. It was painful for me. Have you lost a
loved one before? At that moment, I felt like going with her. I felt
that I couldn’t stay behind (on earth). I felt like dying so that it
would be like we both died, although it was not possible (for me to kill
myself). But that was how I felt.
Did you receive government visits at home?
I didn’t encourage visitors; I didn’t
want anyone to visit me. The only people that were visiting me were
Lagos State government officials but they were not coming to my house.
They would get to my street and call me to come out. They were only
coming to monitor my temperature. I was given a digital thermometer to
check my temperature and I would tell them the readings. I checked it
every morning and I would meet them outside and tell them. They were the
only people coming everyday until when they came to pick me; every
other person had indirectly run away. They took me away when my
temperature showed that it had risen.
Did they show up immediately Justina was confirmed to have had Ebola?
Normally, they were suppose to come and
fumigate my house on that day but they didn’t come; they came two weeks
after. I had already done it myself. I bought three bottles of JIK and
mixed it water. I did the disinfection and cleaned my house by myself
before they came.
Why did it take them two weeks to show up?
Well, I don’t know. I think maybe it was due to logistics. It’s none of my business.
Culled from Punch
oya sue federal government
oya sue fed govt asap
Awwww! I feel his pain.
I pray he gets another job.
i knew it wld get to dis. ignorant nigerians wld not want to employ him even if dey know he is free of d virus. Let the govt provide a job for him cos they contributed to d stigma he's facing now. its well my brother...God dey.
Dude is gonna milk this situation for everything it's worth. Dey didn't fire u, u left on ur own...sigh! oh well he should enjoy this Nigerian Government ma no be am. They should get him employed but may take a while.
Na wa o
The Lord is your strength..
This man tho!...he has seen the business opportunity in the whole thing...
All this aint necessary , since he's not infected, the company should employ him back. Nawa 2 naija o. #####QUEENMAYA#####
My brother, worry not, the same God that saved your life will surely fix you up with a job. Have faith in him..
This guy deserves a place in guinness book of records on the basis of TRUE luv.Had to shed a tear or two reading this interview coz I discovered how similar our case is.It isn't an easy thing to luv unconditionally and lose that luved one in the process.The pain is outta this world.The Lord will strengthen him.I admire his unshaking faith.
This guy has become a star! Thanking God for saving his life though.
I pray God give more strength nd wisdom to carry on with ur lyf.ure indeed a great man.grace b
I feel you..... love indeed is a miracle.
Really proud of this man for sharing his story. His words touched my heart especially when he spoke of his love for Justina and how people stigmatized both him and his mother. I hope he finds a new job or better still people support his entrepreneurship business. This type of experience can happen to anyone.
I think he attends lfc,i mean winners chapel....his speech seems so like dat of a winner..all the same I bless God for you. he Wld grant you favour soonest.the same faith u had to heal you,wld grant you a job.
God is wonderful
Thank God for you. May the name of the Lord be praised. Govt pls do some about his WORK.
Linda ikeji, linda iketa,moses,bonaro,onyx, steve nd co,pls hww can I make my name nd pics show want to stop using anonymous.need ur help asap..thanks..*
Hmmmmm #bright bravo#
A touching ordeal! May God help u Amen
Heyah,so painful,dnt worry help its coming on ur way soon.
Ur miracle shall be permanent by his grace,and may gentle soul of justina rest in perfect peace
Ur action define undiluted and genuine love u have for her....that great..so so touching*soberme*
I bless God with you.it is certain God is not done with you just yet, he is talking you to a greater hight where men couldn't even imagine
This guy is a gem
This guy is a gem.
God that saved you from Ebola has bigger plans for you bro.Just stay strong..you are a living testimony
Eyah, I feel for him.... I read his last interview and he really came at Lagos state Gov for treating his Fiance bad by not caring for her. He even mentioned how the docs made him feel very bad at the isolation centre... How come all of a sudden he's so nice to them?? Saying that they tried? Then he mentioned that his fiance won't have died if she was not abandoned...... He really sounded bitter.. Hummmmm, I smell a rat! Anyway, what I want to know is if he was given the experimental drug... He was asked in the interview but did not answer. He's making it sound like he was not treated and he was just left to his fate......
What Manner of Love is this,that a fiancé was ready to lay down his LIFE? *Crying*
True love...God will surely reward this great sacrifice of love. Ur a strong man Bro. Don't worry a mind-blowing job will come your way Amen.
God is wonderful,and my dear brother,the lord is with u,take hrt for ur loss
#######LIB MY BAD HABIT########
First of all. This story is too long. Secondly I want to know if Ebola is hell on earth. His free already, so what their p over him sitting down on his desk again. God give us wisdom to know the unknown see the unseen act in the invisible and exist in the future. ENGR Emy
Dis is exactly y d people wit d virus refused 2 be known becos of d stigma. Feel 4 d guy and his family... but like he said, wit time it will phase away...
Oh jesus, it's so touching. Thank God u ar fine now
God knows my broda, it is well. What a FAITH!!!
Thats realy a bad one for him... Who'd blame d ppl tryin to avoid him? We av hrd stories of ppl who wr at first cleared and wr declared negative and wr later brot bak for testin positive... It culd be somwr in him. And if eventualy, he is realy clear of d virus, I pray dat God shud see him thru and help him out of dis predicament
Awwwwhhhhh........ My heart breaks for him. He is such a brave and kind man. A real lover indeed. Don't bother looking for job. God that brought u this far will see u through. I pray that God will so annoint ur brain that mind blowing ideas will come to u and u begin to create jobs and employ people. God will give u divine connection both from home and abroad. Keep ur focus on Him cos all things work together for good for them that love God. This is d lowest point of ur life and it's from Glory to Glory henceforth. Exercise ur brain and trust God to handle the rest - people and financing. U will yet testify to d goodness of God. Don't let distractors affect u cos u r getting to somewhere.
God bless you bro,u are a good man,for ur good heart I pray God almighty to shower you with his blessings, Amen
Open a gmail account. From there u can do d rest.. Ur welcome.
This is terrible. After all he's been through, now he can't find work. Linda, speaking of stigmization, there are articles on the web from reputable sources about Ebola being an STD. Patients cleared of the illness can still transmit it through their reproductive secretions weeks after recovery.
Get a Google acct or create a blog acct then use ur name
Dnt worry Dear God that has brought u out of this wld grant you divine favour;that which surpasses human understanding in Jesus name amen.
GOD ALMIGHTY who started it will definitely finish it.You will testify more of GODS goodness.AMEN.
Don't worry dear God that has brought u out of this stigma would grant you divine favour;that which surpasses human understanding
It's well.And please don't have intervourse tolk after 7 weeks of testing negative,I read it somewhere that the semen incubates the virus that long,even if you are negative as a whole.GOD will see you through it all.AMEN
The GOD that heal u will surely give u a better work,just hold unto him
My dear, d Lord dt hs done dis for u wuld't liv u half way, he will give u a job more than d one u had IJN, I salute ur faith
Lmao my tots too o .....ibo man no dey carry last hehe ..
I bless de name of God for dis great miracle He who heal u will touch our govt to provide a gud job for u so keep ur faith going. I que in in dis miracle believing God for my own testimony in Jesus name Amen
Something better will come your way, someone somewhere will sow a seed of faith in his life
God is faithful, incredibly awesome God.thank u Jesus for healing him.
I hope u get a job soon nd God bless u for working towards keeping her dreams alive.
Nigerians are too ignorant , why should he be treated like that? And you all expect people to come out? He should sue them. Come make sure you don't fuck for two months o.
Yyea my tots too. Esp the feet washing. His faith really worked for him.
Yes o my dear. You are in spirit
Jeybeblu and Ceeflo, ure so stupid for ur cruel comment. How can you say that he is trying to milk the situation? Do you know what it takes to be Stigmatized (Ebola) for that matter, which HIV is far better than....Why don't u pray to contact it and also make money out of it...Mtcheew, Empty brain and coconut head
God who saved your life will provide a better job.
It is well with you. The Lord that lifted you from the throes of death surely has a wonderful plan for you.
U ar a man God bless u ~ice princess~
Honestly, God will indeed bless u and protect you, cos God have greater plans for you.
Awww so touching! Had a teardrop. Like you said bro " God has a reason for everything " it's well with you. Your life is a testimony! Better days ahead bro. Bless you.
Thank God for everything
may d king of kings sees u through in Jesus name Amen.
I can feel his pain. I know that God will give you another job. An even better one.
At this point, I will like to appreciate Lagos State Government for all they have done in controlling Ebola outbreak in the state. With this man's story, I am impressed and proud of them.
I can't hold back M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ tears abt dis bros god is really onn your side thank god Ƒσя saving your life . God heal me as you heal dis bros ijn
Lwkm 9ja sha,chai I knew dis will happen to him
Faith and true love....-:) .....Two forces that can move mountains
On 2 the Next!
PAINFUL...keep prayin
It is well
There's no gain in not saying the truth here. In Nigeria, we hardly take things serious until they r becoming a very big issue. So we were waiting fr ebola to strike before u set up the quarrantine centre? Naija nawa shaa oo...
I noticed in the first interview he gave glory to God for his healing but was bitter about Justina's death - the environment was dirty, the caregivers were uncaring, the doctors would not perform a D n C and a dead fetus was left to rot in her womb and so on ...
Today there's forgiveness, there's a concious decision to walk in love even towards those who have hurt him and let Justina die. I pray that God continues to increase him in love, in faith and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
"Now thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph in Christ . . ."
- AE
I noticed in the first interview he gave glory to God for his healing but was bitter about Justina's death - the environment was dirty, the caregivers were uncaring, the doctors would not perform a D n C and a dead fetus was left to rot in her womb and so on ...
Today there's forgiveness, there's a concious decision to walk in love even towards those who have hurt him and let Justina die. I pray that God continues to increase him in love, in faith and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
"Now thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph in Christ . . ."
- AE
I will love my "fiance" KATHERINE like this4ever coz I know she will even do worse than this for me if she is in such situation with me. So help me God...
MayGod bless this guy for been a true example of how love should be n am sure his dead fiancee wil be happy with him anywhere she is ryt now......
As for me, I will love my "fiancee" (KATHERINE) like this4ever coz I know she will even do worse than this for me if she is in such situation with me. So help me God...
MayGod bless this guy for been a true example of how love should be n am sure his dead fiancee wil be happy with him anywhere she is ryt now......
As for me, I will love my "fiancee" (KATHERINE) like this4ever coz I know she will even do worse than this for me if she is in such situation with me. So help me God...
Its well bro, God shall remember u soon.
You think
Help will locate u,keep praying n keep your fingers crossed
Our God is still in the business of healing.He will surely complete the good work he started in u.
My heart oh, beating so fast. I know you are a winner. There is power in d blood and feet washing, I was having serious headache since weds, but as soon as I took holy communion in church yestdy. I was healed. The God of our fathers bless you.
Hnmm nawaoo post mi comment na
Hmmm! Couldn't read all d story cus I smell a rat.......thank God he's cured
Hmmm! Couldn't read all d story cus I smell a rat.......thank God he's cured
Touching story,our government should wake up and do something for affected families of Ebola virus diseases[EVD]#
Bros Almighty God keep your life for purpose
This man if say na abroad all dis thing happen to u like dis government must do great things for you as a citizen but GOD dey your side bros
Somebody find this handsome man a job please. Also, Mr Ejelonu, maybe you should insert yourself into the international Ebola crew and use your marketing skills to develop messages for the effort and get paid. You already have access. Use what you have to get what you need since your countrymen have rejected you. Develop ads, creative ways to communicate Ebola. Nobody is a more trusted source than he who has survived it. Take the bull by the horns honey and you will be fine. Dare to ask and the doors shall be opened.
May the Lord, in Whom your faith is fixed, bless and prosper you! Your love for your late fiancee is such a shining testimony. God will comfort you and give you double honour in place of the pain and shame you have experienced. He is faithful!
I couldn't hold my tears, very touching.may GOD show him d way
He should be able to find a job with the Govt team handling the disease
sorry man
i know the stigma will last for sometime, just bear with it. u will surely conquer....
As the Lord God has saved ur life so shall he grant u a new perfection job and grant u more longer life...I proclaim ur miracle bro..the Lord is our strength...DaJaX
God will bless you tremendously for exhibiting God's kind of love. He has greater plans for you am sure. Be strong. You're healed forever.
God bless him, love his diplomatic mindset
Annon, i appreciate your perspective on this. Forgiveness, that's what it is. I pray for this young man. His story of faith has truly brighten my day and strengthened my faith today. God will never disappoint him. Continue to trust in Him. He will get a job better than any of us can imagine.
Thank God for his life! God will give u a job that is better than your previous job in Jesus name, amen. May Justina's soul rest in peace, amen.
i hope he is wise enough to ask for payment for all the interview he is granting. Nothing comes cheap these days not even our opinion.
i hope he is wise enough to ask for payment for all the interviews he is granting. Nothing comes cheap these days not even our opinion.
And I hope he is wise enough to go tell the world what the Lord has done for him and not collect a kobo for telling it.
Freely you have received, freely give.
Testify, that the Lord, He is good. He has done great things for you and it is maverlous in our eyes.
- AE
And I hope he is wise enough to go tell the world what the Lord has done for him and not collect a kobo for telling it.
Freely you have received, freely give.
Testify, that the Lord, He is good. He has done great things for you and it is maverlous in our eyes.
- AE
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