"No I do not bleach my skin. When you see somebody that bleaches, you will know. I have sun burns and it is not a hidden thing. I have tried a lot of things to make it fade away but it has refused and I have come to terms with it. I would never bleach my skin, a lot of people get confused about it but I don’t get bothered. I don’t owe anybody an explanation but when you meet me in person, you can always make up your mind"
What does she think of bleaching?
"Some people are naturally fair and the weather in Nigeria is terrible, it is just recently that we have been experiencing cool weather. The sun is usually very hot and it is bad for the skin. For someone like me, a lot of people are usually confused when they see my picture. They are quick to assume things and they do not know me personally. When you see people in pictures, don’t be too quick to judge, do you know how many lights are focused on the person while taking the picture? Because of the weather in this country, there are some lotions people use to enhance their skin and make it softer. There are some lotions that are not harmful but people have some misconception. The weather is very bad and it can affect one’s skin if care is not taken. I have friends that are fair in complexion and I know what they go through to maintain their complexion. If you do not maintain it, it would appear as if your skin is dirty. I don’t believe people should bleach personally." she said
1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»Wtf
This her secound picture resemble person wey dey born chair oo. Nawa for this your pose Ayo. Post my comment o Lin Lin.
None of my business tho
Ooooh Madam pls shut up and tell that to Dencia. No be only sun burn, moon burn nko? Pls next.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Anna banner just called flavour her boo limda!!!!!
Is her body
If I hear! Madam u too for this lie. U don't bleach but u tone up? Dem be same mama joor
So the sun burns only her knuckles,knees and toes? Dis is anoda form of lie for d bleachers inc. No more 'my skin colour is just coming out' namsense
Ayo adesanya used to b very pretty, meanwhile what kind of wack posture is that
Ok we ve heard, d 2nd pic is ridiculous all this eye sore is getting too much.
Well it could be true, I know people that experience that and they are dark in complexion talk more someone that is fair.. First time to comment
Madam ayo. Okay na.#####QUEENMAYA#####
Who go hold U before say make U no bleach?no b ur body niii...u don burn finsh U claiming U have sun burn
Sunburn indeed. Yoruba people can bleach for Africa
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D second pix isn't nice d pose is too childish nd cheap for her age.d first is luvly.yea u rite its ur body sometimes it doesn't matter wht peeps say or tink but as a role model tins peeps say or tink shld bother you some times .
You do not owe any explanation, it is ur body do what ever u like.
Lol. Oh dear
Hahahahahahah what is this one saying? If white people can stay in naija,I see no reason why she'll be complaining about the weather.Sun burn or not,madam this your own is bleaching in progress
Wetin she for talk?is it possible to have sunburn wit out usin cream?Yeyenatu
God for her if she doesn't bleach
Mama iyabo 4get about the sun burn granny
Plz go learn how to strike poses for the camera
Seriously wtf is that pose for
A preggy lady can pose better than u
Lily abeg comot dix pics abeg
Tell that to the gods...that pose on the chair though
I was really light skinned as a baby,but grew up to b really dark...maybe my natural skin will come out wen i make money??
Premier League weekend..
Does she think we're stupid or what. If you're truly fair and you get sunburnt that particular place turns darker than the rest part of your body sometimes red. So she's saying now that her entire body is sunburnt? Abegiiiii light skinned wannabe
Hahahahahahaha…This mama can lie for Africa! Madam shut the fuck up! You are bleaching! You now look like a retired whore. lol
Sun burn ko...... lol......wetin person no go hear....@ dat second picture, why she con sitdon like full chicken on a scale.......lowd have mercy......MOMENT WITH ZOE
lies of the century
Haha, I'm surprised you didn't put up a comparative pic that puts her on blast as a liar. She caught you on a good day.
Ha Madam! You are better seen in pictures than real life. I saw this woman in a shop Magodo few months back and I had to leave the shop because of the way she looked! Gosh! I wondered if she has a husband or boyfriend....
Sunburn makes people fair? Interesting....
sun burn indeed,she thinks everyone is dumb lyk her
The second pic. Ayo but y?
she think everyone is as dumb as she is ni
she think everyone is as dumb as she is ni
Is that why u had to strike a post like dat in d second pics, huh? Auntie Ayo... Pearl
Sun burn ke sun born ni, YES she's a fair woman BUT she added bleaching to it,abi is she not d same woman I watch in yoruba moviz?? Dis her second pic sha like say she won shit
ok ma'am....but d second pic though...y spread ya legs?...nah! not niz....
@ Linda, happy belated birthday! Please help do the Surulere pictures of this #YeyeDeySmell of a woman called Ayo Adesanya! Pictures don't tell lies they convey what a million words can't!
Please remind her that some of us r not only intellectuals but that we have the memory of an elephant that never forgets!
Ayo, stop ridiculing Urself & sharap! A dumb, blind & deaf man can tell through tactile communication that U av not only bleached Ur skin but peeled & recreated Urself so much that even U can't tell that Ur sun burn is as a result of Ur bleaching!
Wetin dey even do all U these idiots of Naija celebs sef! Can't U just shit the f**k up & get a PA to speak on Ur behalf as well as a PR person to launder Ur image for U ni?
Soon U go say U never ever dated Pasuma now! #OmoAleJatijati
@ Lindodo, next time U decide to treat Urself to whatever try be discreet with the price! God loves humility! May U continue to soar high up!!!
Next, pls...
old woman go nd rest joor. u r decievin urself. keep on dreamin
Abeg o,what is this one? Even if the photographer told her to pose that way, didn't it feel awkward? She looks like she's in the labour room about to push the baby out
De second pics is horrible!.. Awwwwwkkkkhh!.. Wats dat? #teamchris
Story for the gods....
ok but u bleach...........................#KingOfKings
Madam its your life... do whatever you like with it... you don't have to tell us silly stories to hide you foolishness.. #storyforthegods
Sun burn indeed, no black woman just dey carry de get sunburn unless you de bleach,she de bleach jare
D second pics dou..she looks lik a razz chick der#laffinghard#wat is d essence of d second pics..smh
Dis woman is sick!!abeg wetin bleaching or toning all na same.then dis stupid 2nd picz unko?wht is she tryn 2 do?mtcheww all dis yoruba actors.
So now you're telling us that we don't have eyes to see#stopdecieveyourself
Ok, heard....
Lmao! U didn't bleach and sunburn landed onur face gbam! Ayo, no choke me with laugh abeg, ehn. Ur knuckles nko n black knee, huh? Rotfl, abeg she should stop telling lies.
Lol...she grew in Maiduguri.Sun burn ko...sun bath ni.
ehm u dnt bleach,na me de bleach ba??....no b only sun burn na moon burn....look @ ha pics 7 yrs ago nd luk @ it now,na 2 day sun begin shine fr naijaaa...*ingrident don yarn*
Oh pls ayo shut up you bleach your skin, it's very obvious. When you see a natural lightskin lady even without makeup you will know
Na bleaching dey couse sunburn( meemee ).
I love you b4 n even now, but the 2nd pic na die, doesn't flaunt ur figure.
Madam ur light skin is not natural please. Forget all this talk about sun burn you can't deceive us. You dey bleach
She looks uncomfortable in the 2nd pic...#justsaying...
The way she seats is terrible and why is it that all yoruba actresses are big with big stomach? ( MEEMEE ).
Lindodo why she open leg like dat?
Madam ayo abeg wahs wit the 2nd pic o.whch kind sunburn abeg u are bleaching nd it's obvious not that icare but stop denying it abeg.
Ok now
who kias u don't look natural anyway
Abeg stop lyn...yoruba women like bleachn to d extent their skin will turn to white
anty ayo so wat happen 2 ur hand oooooo lier! kathylicious
If you say those are sun burns and not bleaching, then I'll say I have two white balls on my face and not eyes.
Besides I like her personally.
Is she taking a dump in d second picture?
Who are you deseving ?
What is that second picture all about? Is it supposed to be sexy? Reminds me of a heavily pregnant woman squatting over an obgyn's table.
story for the Gods
that sitting #position though#
She's nt a serz fellow,bleach na bleach make she park well o jare
okwu nkasiobi.. u don join Yvonne nelson dey talk dis rubbish. you usd a harsh cream dat lead to d sun burn.
The second pic is funny tho. Shey she wan born?
Don't just like her stature. ..#walksaway...via 79BBA6DD
#True!! She doesn't owe anyone any explanation for bleaching her skin. Besides, in d country pipu jump into conclusion of bleaching d skin wen dey see any light skinned girl! Mmsstch
U don't bleech kpelle d skin is urs so u can continue or stop....advise urself bfre it turns to somfin else!!!
And who cares??? Which kind sitting position be dat @ pishure 2? Na wao, guess days of most wanted re gone? #bbmnotinterested#
Who cares?
And you expect us to believe this...smh
Ooh,ooh sister,The Sun bite you too ?
Eeya,Welcome to the club of wtf !
my own go make Obasanjo go try him luck for most flawless beauty !
She wan pupu for dt second pic?
Hhahhahahahha Linda Ikeji you are wicked! See the pictures u used, see that last picture! Chineke! Throng something inside eg bamboo three!
Well said
U are pretty babe,,,,,, gbagbeosi me i dey gbadun uuu jare
So she has sun burn on her hands too...na wa o
That your second picture, no be here ooo! Baddest posture of the year..sorry to say it weren't sexy its awful..gbam..and about bleach and burning na your own spoon of rice be that..if you like turn to Michael jackson, arisky...
Son of Solomon
You don't bleach but you they tone......No whaala all is well.
Abeg wetin be this? See as she spread legs like fowl wey won shit! Everybody can't be sexy madam.go and lose weight.
... Ok we hear... Bleaching things
Okay, we have heard..by the way, wats wit d second pix. Looks like she is "on a wc in d toilet" doing what u all kn. #irritating#
Sun-burn ma ass. Come nd see lots of fair gals in ma skul dat walk in sun all coupled wiv stress nd dy still didn't look lyk half fried chicken. More what's wiv d pose in d 2nd pix. U wan shit?
Davido's Gf
We don hear we hope u r saying the truth. Doris
What never fails to amuse me is the way pple who bleach never owe up to it publicly.I mean why deny it? Ayo you are bleaching! You know it, I know it, so why deny it?
Was she in labor in the second picture cos that's some weird pose!
Choi! Ayo! Sbebi na which kind opketu pose u strike for the second pics?
E ku sunburn o! That 2nd pose na die ma!
get a stylist madam
Is one of the products u tried "TURA" by any chance?
What kind of stupid sitting position is dz?and stfu if u must know a typical yoruba woman loves bleaching ask Toke
Common shurrup dia!see how disgusting that second pic is,why she open leg like that???nor be only sunburn!Asko!
If a hear, which kind I no bleach. C as she pose lyk say she want shit!
Hehe hehehehe.. tell it to my stinky socks
*** forst to comment ***
Pose of life
Ndi ofe mmanu...eewww!
What the hellllllllllllll,
Issorait, we haff hear you. *yawn*
Is she having a laugh?? Who grants these people the interviews. Complete waste of time.
The most useless pose of the century
Quite noted
Liar.I watch her movie yesterday tittle is WHAT I WANT.
Story for d gods, toning, skin lighting, na bleaching
Hmm na u sabi if you like bleach if you like no bleach e no give me extra money
Which kind posture be this, see how she open leg scatter like who goat wan fuck
sun burn is associated with bleaching so park well. story for the gods
Madam dat ur 2nd pix don take d whole attention sef,u go fear posing nau
Ago shut your mouth... Your old picture says it all.
Na which one concern us? If u like pour acid for ur body, old mama feeling funky, with ur useless pose
Which kind local ngbati ngbati posing be dis for dis old age????
Why is she sitting like that in the second picture, postion is not nice though, and by the she bleaches abeg
Ehn buh all d same she dey use cream
mmmhhh! but u were dark in complexion years back when I knew u but now u are so whitenicious, hope u didn't use dencia cream.
we have heard...next!
Looks like a witch trying to lay eggs...
Ok,point taken,but must she open her legs like that to take a picture?
Ok,point taken,but must she open her legs like that to take a picture?
Ok,point taken,but must she open her legs like that to take a picture?
Yeah right, sun burn indeed. Hide those knuckles woman. This interview is pretty lame because if you had concluded that you didn't owe anyone an explanation, then there was definitely no need for this interview and denying the obvious; and what in the world is going on in the second picture? Very vulgar madame.
Beeeeeni. Sun burn d knuckles too.
“Sun burn” indeed!
African Michael Jackson. All these illiterate Nigerian show biz people. It is sad...
Yoruba actresses and bleaching sha. She shld STFU. She bleaches and her dress sense tho is really wack, red and pink. Plz sista u look like a local village gal
Her sitting position in d 2nd pix is very bad. Why did she open her laps like that.
Her sitting position in d 2nd pix is very bad. Why did she open her laps like that.
But not all naturally fair girls have sun burn.maybe there was a time she has used heavy chemicals on her face,aas a result of sun exposure she had d sun burn.
Her kneels too are equally sun burn too
Hahahahahaha........Yeah right
She is so razzzzzz.......Africans don't get sun burned
What's up with the opening of legs in the picture? Sooooooo unflattering ! Abeg she should shut up jor. Who is interested in her over bleached skin? Let her deny it and time will tell.
You are a black African woman born in Nigeria and you suffer sun burn??? What an idiot. Tell that to fellow Nigerians who don't know any better. Clown!!!
Ayo, why are your 50 year old legs wide open in that second picture? Are you airing it or are you issuing an invitation to that lost jungle? Do you know that body language is important? You dont look palatable and that open legged no resistance this is a highway pose will attract only the haggard and desperate. Not sexy at all
She dosnt bleach o yeah, if she says so buh I know almost all the yoruba girls like bleaching their skin.
..Dear Libers My name is Juliet pls I need job I can do any house work and more pls help me. Linda abeg Abeg I sent you a mail.pls help me... My number is number is 08027634424
Hmmmmmmm, ok
Na she sabi.
Sunburn? Lmao! Tell it to the birds!
Story you don't have any tattoos too, what you have is tutu abi?
Ok madam ... by dobis112@gmail.com
Wonderlous!!!!!!!!!!!! Sun burn shuoooo!!!!!! I bow oooooo
Ayo, who are you deceiving by saying you are not bleaching, big lie-she is bleaching.
Hmmmmm easier said dan done...mtchwwwwwwww
See pose of life in d 2nd pix!! Na wa!! Ça va?
I so dislike dis second pic... Wat's dat pls
If I hear!!!
the pose in the second photo was obviously meant to irk us....and guess what...#itworked!
She is not an illiterate or is she? Use a jagen sunblock so you won't have to treat a sunburn . Gazillions sunblock products are out there and she's here talking about a sunburn. Skin cancer is real. And pls close ur legs. You too hold for that.
Why is she sitting like that with her legs open? Eww.
So the sunburn makes her darker or lighter? I don't even get this her explanation.
Yeah right! You don't bleach and I'm the queen of England. Are you fucking kidding me!
ti weather naija ba terrible, Babe malo si Yankee now. mtchew
Story for d gods.
I'm sure she is covering up her arms cos of stretch marks.
Story for the gods
Naa Big lie,av Met wit U̶̲̥̅̊. B4,U̶̲̥̅̊ re BleaChing aldou I Luv n. Respect U̶̲̥̅̊,bt admit dat U̶̲̥̅̊ re.
Sun burn? Wetin we no go hear. Pls ma wen u wnt 2 lie. Abeg lie in a way dat pple wud blive. Are we kids. No b only sun burn. U bleach, u bleach who will kill u. No dey lie. We no b pikin
when 'sun burn' start to dey give people light skin? see as she open leg like she won born 5
Trash hh. Sun burn k o not bleaching ni. See her pose 4 pix nau. Lol
If I hear am...
You dey bleach abeg
Ok ooooooo
Story time
Naa Big lie,av Met wit U̶̲̥̅̊. B4,U̶̲̥̅̊ re BleaChing aldou I Luv n. Respect U̶̲̥̅̊,bt admit dat U̶̲̥̅̊ re.
Dis ur 2nd pix though. C as u sit down like woman wen D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ horny. All dis yoruba pple and dia funny way of posing lol...
What den courses ur sunburn? Reply me ayo ehisarthur@yahoo.com
Heeiii!!! Maybe she thinks we all have forgotten when she was dark complexioned nd even when she started turning white. Maybe she should explain 2 us how she left her former complexion since its not called BLEACHING...
#throwing up
Thiss pose thooooooo
Close yah legs!!!!!!!!
She need to close her legs.ghetto girl
Na wash!!!
Twit @successralu
And my mother is a virgin! Ha!
all these yoruba nollywood actors who don't understand english.....i beg someone should please tell Ayo that Sun-burn makes people darker and not fairer as she is; which means she is bleaching abi na tonning nii...any yoruba translator in the house?
JEZ, wetin be this? Ah, this. Photograppher wicked o. Lmao, the second pix is something else. She no dey bleach, she dey yellow ne. Lady, shut your mouth already. You weren't like this when I started watching home movie.
Ayo, keep deceiving yourself, sunburn ko rain burn ni. All I can tell you is beware if skin cancer!! Proudly dark skinned!
That posture tho.
None of my biz.
You owe nobody any explanation and u are still explaining.Dat one na"Akuku uwa" park well
Go hug transformer
Scary pose you got there ma'am.
Mmtchw... Wotz with youba actresses and "fat", its irritating! Let them not make lil money, they'll strt adding unnecessary fats #smh *Flora*
Mehn her second pics is weird...actually I knw her as a fair lady sha
Madam Ayo we have heard you, nobody is arguing with you. Save yourself the grammar. But this your pose na wire ooooooo 'lol' #onelovefromSnow#
Maybe you don't bleach but you need to check what sun burn actually look like before you say that's what you have
What is dis?
Bleaching Yoruba people, if u curse me I dodge am give u back , dapada .
Fat n bleaching Yoruba people, curse me I dodge am give u back. Dapada
Me too I have sun burn only that I am originally light skinned and staying out in the sun too much makes me darker LOL!
Madam abeg calm down, even hawkers of walnut in lagos traffic who have fair skin don't have such "sun burns"! No mumu urself abeg.
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