Spouses of two dead Nigerian Ebola victims test positive - Health Minister | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 22 August 2014

Spouses of two dead Nigerian Ebola victims test positive - Health Minister

Minister of Health Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu announced today August 22nd that Nigeria has recorded two new cases of the Ebola disease.

The Minister said the two new cases are spouses of dead Ebola victims who had primary contact with late Patrick Sawyer, the man who brought Ebola to Nigeria. Prof. Chukwu said the two new cases are the first secondary contacts in isolation to test positive to the deadly virus.

This brings the total number of cases in Nigeria to 14, with 5 deaths and 5 survivors. Details soon..


Unknown said...

Lord help us. Patrick see wat u caused.

I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

Unknown said...

God plz help

Bishop Dammy said...

We'd soon conquer! It is well. Psalm 91:1-3. BishopDammy#


Nawao what an unfortunate situation.
I pray help comes their way just like the US doctors.


Unknown said...



Olumide Abiodun said...

Na wa o! Everyday there is like 5 breaking news on Ebola. I pray they can treat this fresh cases and they don't die. I still wonder how come Patrick Sawyer's wife didn't get affected, and yet it spread to people that only had secondary contacts with him.

Are You A One Minute Man?

joeyish said...

Gosh.. Is still spreading,God heal ur ppl. And mrs sawyer is busy ranting calling it apology. She beta develop an antidote or beta still call her kinsmen america to send d one they refuse sending b4 she stops hearing from us. Sawyer u wld find no peace!!

Unknown said...

How sad! Please God we need total intervention.

best baby said...

Dis man has cause a gr8 injury 2 dis country

www.glowyshoe.com said...

Dz is sad

Pls visit my shoe blog


Unknown said...

Cheiyaaa! Nawaa

Anonymous said...

My problem is most nigerians don't really know much about this virus. Some say it's fake or rumour .... government should please find a way of passing the message to everybody...... LIB 1

lindaikeji's lover said...

Oh no!not again, i was rily praying and hoping there wont be any confirmed cases again. ALMIGHTY GOD, pls forgive all of our sins. let dis be enuf already

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

I thought we were bidding bye bye to Ebola? Na wah ooo

lindaikeji's lover said...

Oh no!not again, i was rily praying and hoping there wont be any confirmed cases again. ALMIGHTY GOD, pls forgive all of our sins. let dis be enuf already

haters-slayer said...

just when i thought it wasnt spreading any more.it strikes again,God pls help us find the cure.

Debbie Chelsea said...

lindaikeji's lover said...

Oh no!not again, i was rily praying and hoping there wont be any confirmed cases again. ALMIGHTY GOD, pls forgive all of our sins. let dis be enuf already

lindaikeji's lover said...

Oh no!not again, i was rily praying and hoping there wont be any confirmed cases again. ALMIGHTY GOD, pls forgive all of our sins. let dis be enuf already

LYNNE said...

Praying for recovery. Pls heal dem Lord

D ROCK said...

first secondary contacts in isolation to test positive to the deadly virus.?See also:Unical female Students Goes Totally Topless In Hostel All In The name of fun![pics]

Nneoma said...

lord have mercy............. God please see us through all this

Debbie Chelsea said...

Olubukola Ozone said...

And these spouses would av in one way or d oda come in contact with somoda ppl... Wich way can one go frm here now?

Unknown said...

Jesus Christ!father,save us cos ds is gettng toomuch.lord,also heal dose who test positive to dis Ebola disease. Amen.

Anonymous said...

When will dis ends does its mean d cure can work for dem. Abeg Us do something.airenjoyce@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Christ have mercy!

Unknown said...

Nw am officailly scared but thank they are all contained......

Anonymous said...

I thank the minister for keeping us informed. I thank him, Gov Fashola and all those who have responsded to the call of duty.
I thank them for not feeding us lies or propaganda.
I thank them for displaying a new level of leadership and responsiveness in this country.
I thank all the health workers and first responsders you have put themselves AND their families at risk in order to serve us.
God bless you all.
- AE

Anonymous said...

God have mercy, this is very painful. American govt should plsss send down d Zmapp drug.

Anonymous said...

I thank the minister for keeping us informed. I thank him, Gov Fashola and all those who have responsded to the call of duty.
I thank them for not feeding us lies or propaganda.
I thank them for displaying a new level of leadership and responsiveness in this country.
I thank all the health workers and first responsders who have put themselves AND their families at risk in order to serve us.
God bless you all.
- AE

Anonymous said...

linda r u sure dey don't get dis virus from the isolation centre...

Anonymous said...

suspectin dey got dis virus frm d isolation center.....

Anonymous said...

linda r u sure dey don't get dis virus from the isolation centre...

Unknown said...

na wa oo and do you know how many this two would have touched too?

Walata said...

Wow it's really bad they have transferred dis disease to their spouses without knowing how harsh d sickness would be

GALORE said...

@Mrs sawyer where shud i send u slap to?

u see what ur "horseband" has done?


1st said...


Unknown said...

God pls help us to survive this deadly virus

Angie said...

Chineke biko meere umu gi ebere!

*My R1.50c comment*

yawanow said...

KAi na wahoo.
Hope they didn't have contact with other members of the family and the general public?

Emjay said...

Wishing dem speedy recovery

#######LIB MY BAD HABIT########

Anonymous said...

Dear, LIB readers, I recommend this DVD to u guys. It will change ur live forever. What an inspirational teaching. Title:" LIVE YOUR BEST" by pastor Chris Oyakhilome PhD. This teachings will change ur live forever. Trust me this is a secret to live the very best of life. U can get ur copy from any Christ embassy church world wide. d world really needs dis teaching.

Anonymous said...

Dear, LIB readers, I recommend this DVD to u guys. It will change ur live forever. What an inspirational teaching. Title:" LIVE YOUR BEST" by pastor Chris Oyakhilome PhD. This teachings will change ur live forever. Trust me this is a secret to live the very best of life. U can get ur copy from any Christ embassy church world wide. d world really needs dis teaching.

Anonymous said...

Sawyer about to turn some children to orphan,#sigh...Sawyer is such a wicked man..Only God can judge him..Btw i pray a miracle happens so that these two dont die..God pls have mercy...US pls send zmapp..

Anonymous said...

Dear All,
Kindly follow this link and try your best to READ CAREFULLY and educate yourselves further about the Nano Silver. I have bought mine!! I dont know what our government is doing! Please protect yourselves and your loved ones before its too late!! http://drrimatruthreports.com/natural-solutions-replies-to-new-york-times-calumny/

super_cute said...

Meanwhile Dr Elohor has been begging you people to hear her out. But no... You refused instead you are waiting for america to come to your aid! DiarisGod ooo!

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy! @lindiway, post ma coment na... Shuu

ary said...

Eyaaa sad! I hope they beat this disease.

Unknown said...

Chai this patrick sawyer really cos problem in nigeria.

Anonymous said...

God save us pls ~ice princess~

#king said...

omg..God save ur pple........................#KingOfKings

Anonymous said...

i pray for divine intervation from our lord jesus christ

yawanow said...

KAi na wahoo.
Hope they didn't have contact with other members of the family and the general public?

Anonymous said...

...and she said sorry!!!.Niima

yawanow said...

KAi na wahoo.
Hope they didn't have contact with other members of the family and the general public?

Anonymous said...

Gr8 God. Plz heal our land of dis dreadful virus Ebola nd also help nd heal d ones who hav contacted d virus. Amen.

Anonymous said...

When they say surviors they need to explain what's exactly what that means? But didn't dey say u can get it until d person is sick? And they said the pry contacts where taken into isolation immediately, so hw did d spouses get infected? We need more facts to stay safe.

Unknown said...

D pple dey came in contact with Nko, pls ooo dey shud luk 4 their families and quarantine all of them pls

Anonymous said...

Heeeeeeey! I don shit for pant and my hrt is pounding so fast!

Man Of God said...

These people must not be allowed to die just like their partners, even if it means taking them to Emory where there is confirmed cure for this foolish Ebola; we must all rise up and do something to save these lives! both the govt. and every Nigerian; let's frustrate this foolish Ebola from our land

Anonymous said...

This disease just keeps finding a new host! When will it end? One can't continue to live in fear and paranoia. I've become agoraphobic

Tunie. said...

This is just too sad...

MY TURN said...

Lord please heal this people... Only you can

Unknown said...

Where is ZMapp,God intervene


eka said...

Let us all pray that their immune systems overcome this viral attack.Cos that's the only cure 4 now...Almighty father help these families this dark hour.

lindaikeji's lover said...

But come to think of it? hw on earth did dey gt d ebola? i tot ebola is not contagious wen the infected person has nt started showing symptoms? or is it possible d dead victims hd sex wt thier spouses before the symptoms starts showing. dats d only explanation here. GOD pls heal dem wit ur miracle

APPLE said...

All this because people don't want to be quarantined!

Anonymous said...

Patrick sawyers wife stays in d U S,while he was staying in Liberia and working for govt there

Anonymous said...

Is PhD his last name otherwise why is it there? Smh for Nigerians

Anonymous said...

They had better start using the nanosilver and every other available options and stop being USA's mumu.

USA that claim there's no known treatment have cured and healed their own people. They don't care about us and will never care.

Which way Nigeria? The people in power are so stupid

Anonymous said...

Olumide pls go back to bed cos I see you've been asleep for 3wks now. Keep wondering about sawyer's wife...

Unknown said...

Yes o

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many people with Ebola came to Nigeria before Sawyer arrived in Lagos, with any other plane from Liberia or Sera Leon.
How many people die in Lagos or even in Nigeria, and how many of them get checked what the cause was?
How many people cross the green boarder from Benin Republic without getting checked, so many cars get smuggled without any problem, so much easier for a human. How many of them might have Ebola? If I'm an Liberian, I would also jump in my car an just drive with my wife and kids to Nigeria and try to leave with my American passport from here.
I wonder if anybody really understand what is happening?

Good save Nigeria, but I buy myself a ticket and watch the new from oversees.

Anonymous said...

Lmao ur funny oo na fear dey do u dis tin?

Anonymous said...

Food for thought.

Anonymous said...

Common sense shud tell u that they probably got it frm their spouses thru sex. D virus is in bodily fluids wch includes semen and vaginal secretions.

Anonymous said...

May God help them in Jesus name amen. by dobis112@gmai.com

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