Rita Dominic tells Blanck magazine;
"I feel grateful, thankful and excited as well. Not many have the opportunity to get to this number and for the most part, I have had a good life. Yes I am dating someone and I am in a happy place. I’m good."She admitted that her man is not in the entertainment industry. "Sorry love. He's not" Rita said when asked if her man is someone in the industry.
Stories 4 the gods.....We heard u ma'am. ######QUEENMAYA#######
So happy 4 r ooooo
Linda!!U like aproko sha,see as u emphasize on d 'sorry love'..Lol,happy for u,wish her all d best.
Good for her. Congratulobia
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Good for you Reedee.
So gud for her
When is Linda Ikeji coming out to say the same. Huh?
David (dave_gino)
Good for her.....Qurzimb@gmail.com
Relationship is a good thing I pray it leads to ur marriage....alancash
Relationship is a good thing I pray it leads to ur marriage....alancash
MICKY: be happy
I just love this woman!
My best actress Reedee. Nothing do u
So happy for her. I pray it will lead to marriage
Am Happy for u Rita.
Rita and Genevieve cannot do wrong in my eyes. My lovers! Yesplentyhomo haha
Nice mag cover.am sure d man's name starts wit an M and ends wit an i #buzz
She looks stunning
Awww nice Riri
Happy married life in advance. Now this what I call beauty.Any dude married to this chic is truly blessed.
at last,she is in a relationship
that one good nah after all uche jumbo married a youngy so make rita do quick do the same
Riri nwanyi oma!
Auntie Riri nwanyi oma...always looking stunning!
Awww am happy for her
Pls visit my shoe blog
Wish u d best dear. By dobis112@gmail.com
In a relationship at 40? Cheiya.... goodmorning rita nd hapi relationship
As long as u happy dear,marriage isn't everything
Mebo Mebo Linda I hail ooO nd congrats 2 Rita cos I neva hear sai she dey date b4...am hpy 4 her...
Erm! Rita is almost getting to menopause.... I wonder why she's still dating like she's in her twenties!!! #walksaway!
Ewu! Herbalist. Abi na fortune teller I go call u? Amebooooo
Oh nice, congrats my diva.
Yo! Riri is a very nice loving, rich, single, down to earth lady! Yea if u know or 've met her and I have. Happy 4 ya ma sis...
#dieandneverwakeuphaters!!!!!!! Yea 's like dat!
Haa! Linda I baa kwa! This lady it's old enough to have kids and dis ain't news
Congrats babe. This one must lead to marriage,amen. I like her dress sence.
Good for her cos age is not on her side anymore, few years before menopause comes knocking on her door
Old gist. Next plsss
Am happy for you.Linda when are you going to show us yoursz.
It's her life and she can do what she like with it.
Aunty Rita, age is not on your side. Pls go and marry and leave all those pay-masters alone
wow.. So beutifull..:)
By the way, i'm from indonesia. Nice to see your this blog. :)
Aww! Congrats to her, hope it leads to marriage.
Dats my girl
It's nt bein in a relatnshp o,its stayin in Dt relationship n mkn sure it turns out well. Hapi 4 U though.
Well! at least, she's not fucking for free. Over-aged Runz girls should all learn from her. Dominate that dick Rita... HML in a bit.
I jst hope it's not child abuse love (sugarmummytins).....
Congrats aunty Rita.
She can do no wrong in my eyes.
I wish you the best ReeDee!
Happy for her.
Fat lie.. at your age you are talking about relationship not marriage.. old cargo
Welcome to LIB
So so happy for her *dancing* dats my mentor for life
y are her eyes always looking tired?
Good for u dear
am happy for you,its never too late to fall in love
Abeg na wedding bells we want.
Nice one,maybe wedding bells next sha........pls follow my bbm channel C001A9D3E
Marriage is not the ultimate, stop making people feel bad
Oponu pls show her where husbands are sold so she can buy hers. Busy body! U will never mind ur own biz. She's happy the way she is amebo.
Rita old age is here so shine your eye. Don't let him shine congo and escape oh.
Awww... rita am so happy 4 u,am 1 of ur biggest fan n I ve always wished u get married cos I ve been so worried dat ur 2 beautiful 2 be single,i ve always had u in my prayers n am happy u r happy,love u much rita! #cute catty#
i so much luv this Lady,i ve not met her but was travelling in a bus wen some crew members were having a discussion abt d big names they ve worked with n wen it came to her all concured that she is an angel.pppl shud wish her well and pray she gets what she needs,not what some ppl want for her!i hv bn married for many years now but unfortunately hvnt succeded hving a baby,ii got married as a virgin n hs remained faithful too! Its so painful wen i see posts like she is close to menopause,hw wicked,despite we re free to air our view pls do so wt caution,u neva know whom u re hurting wit yr words!i can be yr sis u know! Mama Ejima
D day U least expect oga Dauda...
Marriage nah by force? Africans suld Pls grow up and drop dis backward mentality! If she no see husband, isn't it beta single dan marry someone's husband like d trend wit our celebrities! Love u Rita, no mind d haters, u are down to earth, very warmth with a gud spirit, I wish u happiness all d way
Good for her.
Good for her
Now u guys would make her go after and marry someone's husband.
I wonder why some morons just derive pleasure in hating celebs. They are normal pple like everyone else. Just bcos they are in the limelit does not make their stories so different from regular pple. I'm sure the Idiot probably has a sister who is in her 20's that's got 2 kids for 2 different fathers and still lives in her fathers house.
If you are from Indonesia nko? Make we dey cry? Oga take several seats jooo
God wil grant u children of your own in Jesus name amen.
Rita happy for her
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