The footballers will be playing against their German counterparts tomorrow August 24th in the finals of the football tournament.
In the phone conversation, President Jonathan acknowledged that the Falconets have done very well to reach the finals, urged them to beat Germany and promised them a heroine welcome. Continue...
"You have done very well by getting to the final. I urge you to crown your efforts with ultimate victory tomorrow by playing with the greatest possible artistry, discipline, determination and patriotic zeal. I look forward to receiving you at the Presidential Villa with the winners’ trophy and you can be assured of the immense gratitude of the Federal Government and the very appreciative people of Nigeria,” he said. He promised them that he would be up to watch their game even though the time they would be playing would be very late in the night in Germany."

kudus to president
Yeah I hope dey win cuz d German girls re really technical and deir group was "touf". Wishing dem all d best.
Awwwwww,dat's so kool....lindodo those gerls can play football eh....dey 3 much infact....n i know dey are cuming home with d Trophy
Nyc one
Pls vsit my shoe blog
Trust our girls
You must see this
My Prayers goes to d Falconets. Bring home d trophy. Can't wait to savour ur victory celebrations. Cos u girls got panache... God bless Nigeria... donchyke@yahoo.com
I like my presido, despite all the criticism.
Good of you GEJ
i realy want Naija to win ooo....President GEJ, twale for the motivation......
#Joomla what is Joomla?
Is that an ash Tray????
Cool. For once I can see the middle of his head
What's with the ash tray does GEJ smoke?
Congrats and good luck to the girls. Why aren't the youth coaches recruited to lead the national team? Keshi brings the drama as the youth coaches breed success. Get rid of the international prima dona players for these hungry homegrown kids who play well together.
Kudos for what????????? 200+ school girls have been fucking missing for over 4 FUCKING MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please take your time to imagine what those poor children have been going thru..daily rape maybe? Sodomy? Turture? Death? Just take five minutes to think...this is not a president! He should hide his face in shame
The cup is ours already.
Face of lib
thnx thnx thnx.....xoxo *BIG GRIN*
these gals need support..
Now which station would show it in 9ja???
ff @aiwaxe
So that gold is your problem now right??? Lol
plzz he should be focusing on sometime more important
I really hope they win sha.
Oga Jona, you try for the encouragement sha, but you for freestyle na. No b everything dem go script for u my dear uncle.
Nice one though,
He would probably allow them be kidnap and then condemn the kidnapping on air.
The girls have really tried, even if they dont win, they still deserve a heroine welcome..
Wishing Them Luck Too (Liהda's Maה)
Go falconets....come home with the trophy!
God bless u GEJ.go girls,u can do it
Very encouraging.....good one here; wish our girls the best of luck
Goodluck to our girls
GEJ is wise to encourage them now they will go for it
I wish our gils all the best.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Did u notice an ash tray on the table, so. Our presido dey smoke
I wish them the very best....
We've been lucky wen it comes to sport under his regime...kudos
Watched their last game against north Korea,their attack is very strong but they need to be more disciplined defensive wise
Useless man. He is in Germany 4 medical check up. Wasting our money
Nice one presi
BiG boi 4 life,call harrison 4 membership form of youth development fr Gej
I knw dey can do it. Dey'v gotn dis far already. Am so positive abt thr championship. And big kudos to Mr President too. His motivation wuld go a long way in boosting the morale of those girls
I hope Germany wins, and is he reading frm a book...
We will win no doubt about that....
Tough or touf.. Ike Nikita
Gud to know
Linda pls how can I open an account on ur blog wit ma BB coz I ve been visiting it since 2011,and I want to be commenting with my name.
Lol "tactical" not technical
Im guessing this is some PR job going on for Linda here with pay or you're just being patriotic as well. J.L
That's really sweet I've got to be honest, Well done Mr. President, that's what fathers do
they have come a long way. Wishing them all the best.
In Germany, on a call with your fellow Nigerians to encourage them to beat their German counterparts you try o!
I know they will bring the cup home. They have always been making us proud, not like the useless Supper Eagles that won't stop dissapointing us.
president GOODLUCK wishing them GOODLUCK...perfect!
he really cares... believe that.
Pls wat time is the match, happy Sunday y'all
Bring back chibok girls pls.
Shey na speech Mr. President dey read for the Falconets ni? hehe
Mr Presido himself, nor forget to bless us too when pray for d babes o........
That's the spirit. Hopefully, the Gold will be theirs.
I see you GEJ, God bless you more. By God's grace we shall triump.
Wish dem all d best....bia Linda e be like say u get insider for aso rock abi.....hmmmm ok o. @funmimy
Nigerian women ar now making us proud wining gold evry were, lets give women chance 2 rule dis country 4ones i belive they work beta nd change dis evil country 4 ones
so he smokes? Hope it's not weed o
This is the same President some persons and their media collaborators want us to believe has been hospitalised in Germany. There's God o!
president GOODLUCK wishing the girls GOODLUCK... perfect!
president GOODLUCK wishing the girls GOODLUCK... perfect!
president GOODLUCK wishing the girls GOODLUCK... perfect!
he really cares... believe that.
Mr president weldone for the encouragement, but u need to get action
I wish he can just keep dressing like this more often
Ginger for our girls, let them go all out to make Nigeria proud...Mr President is calling live from Germany to collect their shine..lol( just a thought). #akusonhenry
Mr President looks smart without all his ojuju calabar costume
Heroine ke? Marijuana nko
Duh!!! Is called abbreviation dats y is in quote so plz get a hold of urself.
How nice...
Anonymous, u are fucking stupid. So Bcos 200+ girls are missing, the president cannot attend to any other thing? So y do u eat in ur house? Y do u even read LIB? Why d fuck are u not in sambisa forest either saving d girls or going thru d sodomy u wish them with them? Y can't u for once reason as if u are human? U are fucking crazy. U and ur BH brothers that won't let Nigeria rest. Fucking idiots
He should be focusing on ur craze I guess cos that should be d more important thing right now.
Rebecca...not only are you stupid...but a fucking bastard! May God punish you and all your family members and I pray you do not go thru what these parents are going thru now despite my utter distaste for your person right now. It is people like you who accept the mediocre standard of all things Nigerian..which is why your entire fucking country still looks like a village in 2014. That being said...fuck you, your father, your bitch mom, your siblings, your housegirl, your dog, your extended family members and anyone who feels it necessary to say hello to a human fecal depository such as yourself and your entire tribe members. fucking bastard sonovabitch talking about somebody else being stupid. Infact may you rot wherever you are..gaddem fucking piece of shit.
FYI I am not in sambisa forest cos im not the mutha fucking president!!!!!!!!! Gosh I wish I could behold the gorrilla named Rebecca. Fucking idiot..asking stupid questions..probably blogging from a cheapass nokia phn coming here to talk shit to your father's age mate. Bastard
Jobless president.
Senseless comment from a disgruntled element!
Our girls old o, nice game so far
@ anonymus....at this age and time...you still behave liked a demented,ignorant ,foolish , Nigerian.....we're in Nigeria...and believe it or not...we have Ebola here....with Boko Haram rising up again....and others casualties....you're trying to tell me that the President shouldn't take Joy in some good things happening to his country more like our country....if you're an older person then I'll call you a more foolish idiotci ignorant bastard...am sorry for you..if you know how to do the Presidents Job better...why not go into the office...you know why?? You can't...cos you're just an on-looker on politics as a viewer. You know nothing...using your impotent feminine brain to talk instead of your head...am sorry for you...@Mr President...he's doing well...encourage our falconets to bring back the Cup for us..its gonna be a consolation for the world cup turn outs..we'll pray for you all as you bring back the cup...and God bless you all..kindly follow on Instagram and get a follow back@Itz_naayduu....and on twitter@_naayduu...and on BBM: 20DB5B18....thank you
Oga how far with the babes wey dey chibok na? Abi you don condemn them already? No do no do ooooooo!..this could be your children oooooo...think of their suffering oooooooo..abeg ooooooo
Non of what you said makes any logical sense because you..like the rest of the brainless braindead demented halfwits on here who only goodness know how u got internet access, don't have any sort of basic ability to apply common logic. So I say again......fuck you and the tree you swung in on you demented baboon! Keep it coming..i'll be here all week. Bastard
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