Nigerian Transgender, Ms Sahhara turned a year older recently and her
friends came together to celebrate her. The party was also a welcome back party to England after she won the World Transgender pageant, Eat Bulaga at the Phillipines last month. See pics from the event after the cut..

Wow so many of them. Happy birthday girl and many more years to you. Amen
Linda which side re u on???
This babe, sorry guy, won't stop to amaze me.
Pls, when referring to thisd man, always use a 'he' huh?
ifukwara ka odi ka anunuebe, ajum ekwensu na ndi otu ya.
Lols dis man wit him long leg hbd sha ~ice princess~
This fake man. Mtcheeeeeew.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
All her frnds are gay too..nice one..................................#KingOfKings
Damn! She's so freaking hot!!!!!!!
Beautiful Sahara!
So feeling like a woman is all about such obviously fake breasts and kisses by gay men? Laughing at this caricature homo.
So obviously a man, with that sorry of height and yet trying to be a woman. We have tired of its like on Jerry Springer; men pretending to be women and throwing punches like men do.
What a disgusting object, worked on by human hands to give a caricature a female.
I HATE lgbt and I'm proud of it.
Fake everything especially d boobs
Still a man, till the day you die of liver failure because of the harsh hormones/drugs you're swallowing to keep you feminine. SMH
This boy is a prostitute, most trannies are into prostitution cause no company will hired a man dressed as a woman.
Linda ikeji warn ur self oh, this is a man who thinks his her woman and is living a lie, take off that wig and make up,and he turns back into an ugly man
Pls somebody kill it, kill it pls
Linda pls wot bday is he/she celebrating?d day he/she ws born or d d day he /she transgendered ie changed her sex frm male to female.am curious o,did they remove d d***k n fi a u knw what I mean????jst curious
Dear linda ikeji,Why would you be using she to describe a man, mr sahara u may have plastic surgery to look like a woman but the inside is still a man, u are a feminine man, that's all and u are very delusional.
What does he/she do for a living bsyds exploiting his sexual lyf dt he is a transgender??? The day I would respect transgender and transexual is d day I feel the positve energy/benefit dt dy r givin out to mother earth.....How man surgeons,teachers,professors,lawyers,engineers are transgenders?None!! Cox transgender is an easy escape route for a laZy mofo who rather be a stripper dan to be a surgeon... Dey alwys lOok lyk freaks or brag and drag queens, how can dey expect me to take dem serious with dt makeup and weave??#cheEZyjayne
she dressed like a prostitute
all the peeps i see at the party look like her fellow transgender. happy birthday Sahara
Gross! May God help all u identityless human beings.
Pls does she now ave a pussy nd wt happened 2 her dick. Just curious.
Happy belated birthday man!
Linda where you go since? No update since. Rozay talking
SOHO London place for gays and lesbians and trans...
She looks better here. She looks better without those heavy make up.
Breast show!!
She's probably the tallest person amongst them...............................NEXT OF KIN
She does actually have a nice smile tho.. hbd all d same. D same God created all of us so I cant judge.. what u do with urself is def not my cup of tea, dats btw dem and God... so HBD..
trash Ola
na GOD go judge you
That awkward moment when you realise they are all men
She is not that beautiful
Wow na man turn woman be this? He/she look good tho. Bday
the boobs look so fake
Parry Ndi gay...
My brother, wat d hell are u saying?
Transgen what?who cares!! I sure want 2 fuck dis girl#if she has a pussy
Mtcheeew its only the burst that makes her look like a woman. The legs still look very much like a man's legs. Stop deceiving yourself. You be #ebutebu#
happy birthday bro...u nt a girl! lol
Ofcourse ,i'm not suprised dat shez takin pix infront of an xrated booth coz dats d only place she is relevant
For God to make me a female....he has his reason.. And I can say am beautifully made..
For God to create me a female, he has his reason and I know I am beautifully made..
I gas baptize my laptop after looking at this pics..it's a must!
So dis babe abi na guy get luvly smile lyk dis....pls she shuld b smilin mre often cos am tired of cin dem strng face....HBD 2 her/he...
Wow, her frnds r looking scarey. Btw wat exactly does she do dahs making her appear on Linda's headlines???
In company of friends, I see a lot of drag queens here and she is quite tall! Happy birthday to her.
Linda post my comment na
Na waoo
It's very tall tho, hbd to it
Goes where the story lead
Happy birthday sir!
Retarded smello...
Like it not, he's beautiful, look at those boobs on him. Even tho its plastic its hot still, he looks so good and has a pretty face.
Like it not, he's beautiful, look at those boobs on him. Even tho its plastic its hot still, he looks so good and has a pretty face.
The guy in the fourth pic on red..... na wa o he carry ikoko irin for belle ni chaiii see stomach.....
no matter how hard you try, you will always look like a man, with all the fake boobs, fake ass, fake hair, make-ups you still look like a guy, only guys pose the way you pose to take pictures, all the same HBD my guy
Geez how fake can those boobs be? The biceps always does give them away ..heheee
Drag queens... So disgusting!
Why the American Psychiatric Association, declassified all these socially embarrassing behaviours as a mental illness is what I do not understand till date.
How can a right thinking human being dress like that? Wear rags and outrageous make up? That's schizophrenia!
Even for a winner of some sort of pageant, that party is local. Look at the environs.
Jobless people. Linda keep using him or her as a traffic builder for your blog, after all you need to give out money every Monday. People are getting sick of it sha, look for something new.
If you like eat my comment, nke ahu gbasara gi.
I Love Baladlandabad.
Me too! I just can't stand them and they are everywhere. Imagine what would happen if this Man that changed to a woman now meets a woman that changed to a man?
And they end up together, will they say that they have succeeded in their quest? Useless bunch of mentally derailed individuals.
I Love Baladlandabad.
This guy would have been super cute if he hadn't changed...Mtchewww
Oooops...I must admit , she looks effortlessly smokey, happy and Fab.
Go girl....................d world is filled with sadist already.......its different rules for different folks.......glad that u choose happiness above sentiment
The same God created which 1,the "he" or the "she". My dear every1 is entitled to their opinions,bt dnt support evil cos it will stand against u.
I will be there when nature will visit this creature, a man turning himself to a woman?? That's an awkful thing but u sahara is really telling us to be proud to be women cos u know u went through hell to be a woman but God just did it for us..stupid HOMOS/TRANSGENDERS I hate u all. U suck...... QUEENET NINA
I don't understand dis her color combination self and why all her guest be like dis. All transgender like her?rubbish cake too
Linda Ikeji can you plsssss just STOPPPPP!!!!
I mean really???
How can you promote and encourage this nonsense???
Always wondered what's the sexuality of this ms Sahara.
HBD miss
Just curious.... Men can u marry sombody like that?
HBD miss
What now happens to his dick?....sorry her former prick? #just asking#
Repent oga Sahara. U seriously need Jesus. I wonder why Linda addressed u as a she when you are a male. Oga Sahara I say repent.
Some real women are over 6 feet tall shaa
I cant believe my jaw dropped for some guysssss.. EWW. l0l
Not new again, people around the world know Nigerians with hateful comments, so all hateful comments on this blog is known as baseless and foolishness, lack of pysical understanding. It all come from unhappy people.
Benue boy
So dope of 'em all! I feel remorse of being created as one of Nigerians.
I love her ENDLESSLY! You are flawless,just the way you are. XoXo
Well, ill educate you. A cross dresser simply wear female clothing and keeps her male organs like her dick. I use her bc that is the respectful term to use once you've public acknowledged yourself as a cross dresser or transgender. A transgender is a male or female that wears womens clothings, have feminine body features and traits and perhaps have undergone correctional surgery to transform their gender. Typically they use hormonal drugs to increase the breast size and ease up the vocals so they sound a bit feminine. They also go through with snipping out their penis and replacing it with vagina. Now, the vagina would looks so natural, you wouldnt know lady cherry used to be Mr. Charles. Typically, crossdressers and transgenders are so beautiful, you wouldn't know they are guys. Their makeup is always flawless and they can catwalk better than tyra banks. They are humans just like you and I and we should respect their choice. It might feel wierd, but lets all mind our bizzwax. By the way, I am strictly dickly, im a girl that loves guys. I just respect other peoples choices and mind my business.
Stupid question. You have to live that lifestyle to marry one.
Her prick still dancing btw her 2 legs...God pass man,she 4 cut her dick too nah,nah dt tym she go hear Wehn.if she want pee nah stand she go dey.Lolz
This must be Onyx Godwin's Idol. If he had his way I'm sure he'd join in
As in its now disgusting.
Don't be too judgmental abt the Lady, She's human like you. Some people can simply be so foolish as to judge, insult and ridicule another human. Live and let live. Not anywhere near Trans or gay but i love this ppl even though i can't associate with them. Let God be the judge, and stop being his mouthpiece joor.
She/he won a transgende pagent eeps, wt she did is wrong, cld b wong to most, bt yeah in her. Wold she is seen s beaautiful, jst let go of d hate, u mst nt comment on evy post
@charles Arinze, how can you even think those who don't like Mr. sahhara are sadist. My dear it is wrong to recreate yourself (simple fact)
Be proud of who you are and remain so....
This man is always in d news, niggas 4 life.
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