Kendall's mum Kris Jenner reportedly set the two up on a date a few weeks back after meeting Chandler at an event. Kris was said to be blown away by not only his good looks, but his promising basketball future...and when she found out he was single, she set him up on a date with her model daughter. Kendall and Chandler have reportedly been inseparable since meeting. See more pics of the lovely looking man after the cut...


This little girl has started tasting different dicks like Kim.
kris jenner using her daughters to live d life she wanted but cudnt have... not bad tho! paid off
I pray ds gal doesnt get hrt broken ooooo,d boi is too wild fr her.... Poor kendall
~@iamJbankz S.A to President Jonathan 2015~
Mama jenner already securin kendall's future, dat woman sha... Hmmmm
I love the way white live shaa... that jumper though...
Cute couple...this girls age is amazing. Wonder what her story would be at 25/30 plus who's mum wouldn't want their daughter with a cute rich guy. I just hope his character is as good as his looks
Wasn't she with Trey Songz last week?
Ewoooooo!!! The Kardashian curse will soon manifest in the poor boy's life ooooooo. Chai. Kris sha. Promising career. Aleays whoring her daughters to the highest bidder. Chai
Always knew kendall would be the next kim-k....and her mum knows it!! #highclassrunzgirls# lol
Loool! Chris Jenner tho. He's cute tho!
Hmmm again big catch for them
What a mother!!!
Anyways, they look alike..
Cute dude.
He's cute.
If only my mum could do same for me....*chuckles*
Damn!!! That woman(kris) is a fucken pimp!!! the worst thing that can happen to a human being is to have a bad mother. I seriously pity these girls
Btw...all the Kardashian sisters are beautiful.
Oh my! he's hot.. Kendellbis even hoter . nice couple.
I like is out fit #bright bravo#
He cute tho
She's so cute
I'm glad he's white and looks decent. Hope she's smarter than her sisters and continues with similar responsible-looking guys (though I wish he wasn't a baller)
Kris Kris! That woman doesn't slack. Nice hook up.
why is it that when money is mentioned the kardashians or whatever they are called suddenly appears and now this woman knows that it is finished for kim so kendal or whatever her name is has replaced kim as her new cash cow na wa oh may we be protected from having a useless mother like this who finds pleasure in touting her daughters na real wa oniranu somebody
I only hav 1 tin to say..This relatnship wont last,,period.
LIB Kritik.
They fits
The way white lives? Your ignorance and stupidity is baffling.
up's up with their legs abeg jor the fashion no fit
May God help them
My thoughts exactly. Dysfunctional family. Kris Jenner will never stop. She has no shame. She is crazy about wealth and artist. Matchmaking your daughter that can hardly read at her age, it's too early Kris. Kris is to be blamed for her kids misfortune. What a mother!
Please visit my blog www.naijawifey.wordpress.com
Mama kris. How poor was kris while growing? That woman is seriously maximising every opportunity she has.
Man he is such a handsome man...... Rich boy with a cute face= every mothers delight.......!!!! Let's face it, kris got an eagle eye and a fabulous taste bud.......#cheEzyjayne
Cute couple
This is so unfair. Why would 2 beautiful ppl date each other? So selfish of them. Lol
i am sick and absolutely tired of everyone dissing celebrities most especially the kardashians for one mistake or the other that they have done, so what Kendall is 18 nd is dating a 25 year old, so what khloe is dating french montana, its their lives, they are human nd they make mistakes just as we do. for all those who keep making reference to kim's sex tape as the reason for her being famous, GET OVER IT, its been more than five years already, they r over it y cant u be over it, she's married now with a daughter nd she doesnt mke reference to d sex tape incident so y shld u nd also for all those who keep asking what they actually do to make them famous nd also those who say they are talentless, uh, for one they have a reality show, they are designers, they clothing stores and clothing lines, they are models and they do many other things that a lot of you would not be able to do in two lifetimes. it is also disheartening when you people dnt knw the real reason as to why something happened before you immediately jump to conclusions and start criticising,its sad really, as the bible says judge not that ye shall not be judged, also remove the log in your eye before removing the speck in your neighbours eyes.finally,for all those who keep saying that the kardashians are attention seekers and always in the news,its not entirely their fault that they are always in the news, the paparazzi follow their every move nd for anything that they do even if its not meant for the public the paparazzi captures it nd makes it into a big deal. so please before you start judging nd criticising both foreign nd non foreign celebrities, try nd think of a reason y such event happened. p.s. if u dnt like dem dnt click on stories relating to dem
i am sick and absolutely tired of everyone dissing celebrities most especially the kardashians for one mistake or the other that they have done, so what Kendall is 18 nd is dating a 25 year old, so what khloe is dating french montana, its their lives, they are human nd they make mistakes just as we do. for all those who keep making reference to kim's sex tape as the reason for her being famous, GET OVER IT, its been more than five years already, they r over it y cant u be over it, she's married now with a daughter nd she doesnt mke reference to d sex tape incident so y shld u nd also for all those who keep asking what they actually do to make them famous nd also those who say they are talentless, uh, for one they have a reality show, they are designers, they clothing stores and clothing lines, they are models and they do many other things that a lot of you would not be able to do in two lifetimes. it is also disheartening when you people dnt knw the real reason as to why something happened before you immediately jump to conclusions and start criticising,its sad really, as the bible says judge not that ye shall not be judged, also remove the log in your eye before removing the speck in your neighbours eyes.finally,for all those who keep saying that the kardashians are attention seekers and always in the news,its not entirely their fault that they are always in the news, the paparazzi follow their every move nd for anything that they do even if its not meant for the public the paparazzi captures it nd makes it into a big deal. so please before you start judging nd criticising both foreign nd non foreign celebrities, try nd think of a reason y such event happened. p.s. if u dnt like dem dnt click on stories relating to dem
i am sick and absolutely tired of everyone dissing celebrities most especially the kardashians for one mistake or the other that they have done, so what Kendall is 18 nd is dating a 25 year old, so what khloe is dating french montana, its their lives, they are human nd they make mistakes just as we do. for all those who keep making reference to kim's sex tape as the reason for her being famous, GET OVER IT, its been more than five years already, they r over it y cant u be over it, she's married now with a daughter nd she doesnt mke reference to d sex tape incident so y shld u nd also for all those who keep asking what they actually do to make them famous nd also those who say they are talentless, uh, for one they have a reality show, they are designers, they clothing stores and clothing lines, they are models and they do many other things that a lot of you would not be able to do in two lifetimes. it is also disheartening when you people dnt knw the real reason as to why something happened before you immediately jump to conclusions and start criticising,its sad really, as the bible says judge not that ye shall not be judged, also remove the log in your eye before removing the speck in your neighbours eyes.finally,for all those who keep saying that the kardashians are attention seekers and always in the news,its not entirely their fault that they are always in the news, the paparazzi follow their every move nd for anything that they do even if its not meant for the public the paparazzi captures it nd makes it into a big deal. so please before you start judging nd criticising both foreign nd non foreign celebrities, try nd think of a reason y such event happened. p.s. if u dnt like dem dnt click on stories relating to dem
U too FunnY
Passing by
Oga ooo
na here your career die o #KardashianKurse
Dat jumper suit dats wat phyno wore to peter okoye's wedding...#alobam...#blackmamba
@APPLE, u re a FOOL for mentioning Kim, idiot. What have a achieved in ur entire miserable life? Olosho.
the dude is very cute...perfect..match..i jst hope it last.
Anon 11:17pm solicitor of the afflicted............ LkMAO
Drinking panadol for people who don't even know you exist. Sit down.
Yeah and half are plastic. Nigerians worship bullshit
Ok we don hear.Hope it lasts. Next. AMYsexy
every mother wants the best for their daugther that non of ur business better think of d way forward in life. so many of you dere critizing them. were have have u got to before saying saying word dat have no meaning neviouswitchraft bullshit. bullllllll
#from C Y nwanne LINDA#
Good for them shaa. Next news pls.
I have a feeling this story is not true, they know pple ll belive if they mention kris..well we all know is something she can do
Cute couple n the guy is not just only cute but was the 3rd best player while at the Houston rockets. He was recently traded n he does have a good personality. Hope he doesn't get carried away by the press cos Kardashians don't play n will fuck up his promising career if he misbehave.
And how much were you paid to defend the Kardashians????
<< LIB Addict >>
I love his legs kinda....
none of my business tho
Nix. Hook up Mama Kris...
Dating doesn't always mean or involve sex...wish them d best wiv no heart breaks..
I love Kendal she is very cool headed almost a tomboy so I am happy for her, I just dislike her busy body little sister, that one would be the next Kim. She has already had plastic surgery at 16 and she is quite wild always posting on IG, and changing black men here and there, her latest bf sham I just don't understand the african country he migrated from, he looks like he is on crack! Oh well! Sips tea.
The Kardashians don't play it easy do they? They all seem to like to date celebrities and men in the limelight! That's why I like Kourtney; the only Kardashian to defy the odds and date a regular guy and she is happy!
Onyx u sure dnt have a clue wat u talkin abt.....kris was an air hostess before marrying robert kadarshian who was a very successful lawyer the only difference is the spot light.....so gwt ur facts right....
if i were a mother i wld not even let my child near a 25 yr old.. 18 is too young..
Kris! The momager herself! I love this woman, securing her daughters' future
Good for them..
Waoow tell them
How old where u wen u started tasting dicks. U'll just be talking shit
They luk gud
U must b an idiot, anyway wen u ve u kids u can open a brothel for dem dumb fuck
Kris may be misguided but I like the fact that she would do practically anything within her power to secure a good future for her children, or at least make their lives better.
@ Osarhiemen, kendall is not a kardashian, she's a Jenner. The fact that all the girls are beautiful points to some seriously good genes from their mother Kris.
Linda pls don't bother defending dem under anon dey r not dat famous don't kid urself
Na wa o mother of life tufiakwa!
Mother Theresa. I will say it again dysfunctional family.
That is exactly what onyx is talking about you fool. Kris didn't get the fame at such a young age so she's making her children be in the spotlight so you get your facts right. Coming here to be chatting shit, fuck outta here.
Why so razz. Pls what is the essence of saying tho when its total irrelevant. Fuck outta here
You must be extremely jobless no wonder you defend them nonsense. If your daughter made a sex tape that went public worldwide would you "get over it" even for a lifetime. Fuck outta here
kourtney appears to be d only one in that family not running after the kleiglights.she is dating a regular guy and she is very happy.However,Kris is not totally in agreement chai.Kris believes all men are poo and so why not the rich poo.
the entire family needs God's help but Kris needs to be arrested for selling her family.
Beautiful couple.
He's jst okay. For those of uo answering LIB Prince, LIB Syndrome, LIB Addict, Face of LIB etc be careful. I did nt jst bring d concept 'LIB Princess' sometn prompted it. Vry soon Anuty Linda wil officially bring it 2ur notice dat Gnomic Pretex is d LIB Princess! Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
I see some girls hating, but wishing they were in Kendall's shoes. I wish her good luck in her relationship, the guy looks good.
Abeg shut up and go eat a fat dick!
I concur with Onyx. *anya_o@yahoo.com*
Anon 11.17., I totally agree wit u. All u fucken sadists always hating on people beta dan y'all have to shut da fuck up and just stop. I mean, u busy sitting on ur broke ass, hating pple hu are raking in millions by d day... and maybe some of u are even worse wen it comes to being whores and dogs. many of d females hating on d Kardashians here fuck dirty old men just to buy data for their phones. Na dese same bitches go come here dey call Kim K hoe! And d guys hu hate her r just pained drama kings hu wd die to see her in person but una go dey here dey pretend and some of u have sisters hu have fucked every dick on your street and in ur area.. And for that bastard idiot asking how much one is paid to defend the Kardashians, how much have u earned so far from hating dem? Ehn? Idiot goat of 2014. Fuck all of u hating on the Kardashians. Fuck those of u hu will come nd say rubbish after I post this. May thunder fire all u haters right up ur stinky asses. Fuckkkkk you haters! *bows out*
Shut up u stupid bitch of a whore alicia...
My dear, tell dem ooo.
Thanks dearie....
U obviously know what their names are and u know their story. So u can stop the whole "whatever her name is" "whatever they are called" nonsense. I'm not a Kardashian fan but neither am I a fan of Pretenders!
Another Kris pikin don start "parol'', na so. Una mama shaa, she no get part 2. The media alws glad to help dem with d count. Heehehe
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