Some relatives and concerned colleagues of Ebola patients being treated at the Lagos Isolation center have cried out on
what they termed the poor living condition of the victims.
At a
press conference held yesterday in Ikoyi, Lagos, some medical
practitioners and colleagues of the female medical doctor confirmed to
have contracted the virus while attending to late Patrick Sawyer, said
the living condition of the victims are poor, stating that they have been
left to battle the disease on their own as some physicians who are
charged with the responsibility of attending to them have abandoned them
for fear of also contracting the deadly virus. Continue...
"We are not fighting anybody. We are simply giving voice to the voiceless. Those people in isolation at the IDH cannot voice out these concerns. Let them have basic treatment. It shouldn’t be as if we just stood there and abandon them and watch them die one by one. They are human beings. That female doctor is a patriotic Nigerian and she needs to be helped. You people (journalists) should go there and see the surroundings where they are being treated. You would wonder if these are human beings who still have relatives. They are just being left on their own. Nobody is counseling them. They are just there as if they have been forgotten. We should remember that they didn’t ask to contract Ebola and it can happen to anybody. We are appealing for international help for these health workers. Go there yourself and witness firsthand the condition under which they are being taken care of” she said bitterlyAnother Doctor, Dr Ladi Okuboyeju, who spoke at the press conference said the Ebola isolation facility does not have basic amenities such as light and water and that most of the doctors are running away from the victims. He stated that Nigeria can not handle the crisis even if doctors were not on strike
"If a health facility doesn’t have light, doesn’t have water and the sanitary system is not working properly then we have got a problem. Now the patients are critically ill and their condition is getting worse by day. People, including some medical personnel, are now running away from them. The reality is that the disease is beyond our capacity to handle in this country. The international community needs to rise up to our aid. The victims are not being properly treated. Forget that the Nigeria Medical Association is on strike, we cannot handle it,” he stated.A family member of one of the victims asked the federal government
"Where is the $12m the Federal Government said it released to fight Ebola. Remember that the matron and the ECOWAS protocol officer are already dead. Do they want all of them to start dying one after the other,”Another family member of one of the patient, Deji Akinyanju, who spoke alleged that most of the physicians assigned to work with the WHO expert in taking care of the victims were inexperienced.
"There is a need for more medical personnel that will help look after them. Certain immune booster could also have been easily given to them. We are just concerned family members. But from what we have seen we think more can be done to help them,” Akinyanju said.
That's Nigeria for you
The least they can provide for them is the basic amenities and they shouldn't be deprived of that. See what this Ebola has turned people that had their normal lives some months back
Oh this is so. Bad! But can one blame dem? Nobody wants to contract d virus. Lord pls come to our aid.......
Govt shuld cum to deir aid
Pls visit my shoe blog
I really understand their plights but the govt is also trying hard to tackle this situation..confusion everywhere, All I know is that even Ebola cannot overcome! We are more than conquerors. Rom 8:37 BishopDammy#
I don't blame the doctors! The way the famale Docky was abandoned is how they will be abadoned!
Abeg,who wanna die???
D govt should fly affected victims out of the country!
Please do not go near Alimosho general hospital, igando, lagos state. a case of ebola was confirmed there. it is likely the confirmed case is a Liberian who came to synagogue for deliverance and this hospital s close to synagogue, he was seen in d hosp yesterday with all the features of ebola and he died today. politics in lagos may make them deny the case as ebola cos it is a general hospital. THE HOSPITAL SHOULD BE CLOSED DOWN FOR NOW !!! Ebola is deadlier than AIDS!!!!!! ...Send this to people you care about until it get to the right authority...Thanks. though i got this as a broadcast
Its quite a pity,atleast they deserve some dignity as humans.
Remember most of them are medical practitioners who contracted this virus trying to save lives.
If fashola has ebola will he be kept in this kind of building let's ask ourselves# so we cud see dah dis pple(govt) dnt hv us in mind,dey do little work nt to get busted n take d rest fund to enrich themselves and their family,,
Don't know what to say again,why would someone redirect this money that was given for their up keeeps into his or her pocket? Hewu! see the way our human feelings have detoriated,chai!! Really DIARIZ God o!!
I knew it will come down to this.
Nigeria is not equipped to handle this kind of crisis.
Linda pls no Saturday/Sunday waka this weekend oh.
The fear of ebola Is the secret to staying alive.
Oh my God! The Govt shld nt watch this Pple die! If there is no water nd no light that means they hve bn indirectly sentenced to Death! God pls help. I just wish the Lady doctor cld be flown abroad, hmnnnn but it's hard if you're not a citizen of those countries .*****Sobbing.*****
This is bad habah Nigeria,with what am reading here if this people have a way they will run out due to the way they re been abandoned.please you guys should try and help them cos its not easy at all (sad).
I had a feeling this was the case recalling pics of the sparse isolation quarters as I read stories of the sick escaping. Dignity in death! The victims should be accorded proper care if they are indeed in their last days. They contracted the disease over the course of caring for others and shouldn't be repaid with neglect and bad treatment in their final moments.
This is really bad.The government should take proper care of them..No wonder most of them tried to run out of the isolation center
So why won't dere be running away smh..let d money allocated not disappear oo cos I am already suspecting it has been pocketed at victims detriment..
Nigeria... Na only us waka come for this one oooo. ppl are eating the money ment to use and build the facility... there is God o
God see us through with this deadly Diseases,i was told it hv now spread to Enugu and portharcourt
What is the goverment doing for christ sake, this are people that risk their life for our sake and nw they are been neglected, seriously this is just bad. Nw i knw why striking doctors dont want to come back bcos they might meet the same faith......
They should try do something too help na this people with the ebola virus are people father,children&husband pls nigerian government help dem with good medical facilities may God help us all ijn.Amen
4rm wat dis reporter said,i dnt rilly blame de victim lady who ran out 4rm de IDH..if 'ey r nt takn care of,wat do we xpct 'em 2 do?....fed gov't biko help 'em out....
Either way, I don't blame them.
Let's hope they don't begin to escape the centre; that will be an even bigger problem to deal with.
* My R1.50c comment *
They should try and do something too help na this people with the ebola virus are people father,mother,children,wives&husband pls nigerian government help dem with good medical facilities may God help us all ijn.Amen
that is just horrible. fashola pls responddddd asap.
Nah wah ohh.nigeria govt can Neva cease to amaze me#tinking#gues dt was y d nurse ran to Enugu cos d govt jst isolated dem n no adequate care..God helps us
What sort of nonsense is this now? Are the Nigerian Leaders cursed or what? This is why people escape quarantine! Where is the money the FG released? If they don't make that place habitable for these people, Liberian case will be a joke to what Nigeria will witness o, and it will wipe off the people that have siphoned this money b4 they know it, cos no one is safe since they still buy food from the market, and soon, ebola victims will begin to hug them (politicians) on the streets! Stupidity and recklessness at its peak! I'm appauled! Gosh! I live in SA though, but I'm deeply concerned.
And some crazy illiterate good-for-nothing mofo called Chidi Mokeme said they should be shot. Worst part is that so many LIBers stood with the fool. For real? Shoot our heros because they are depressed. Shoot those who have spent all their lives in medical school just to save us. For real? Shoot those who never chose to contract Ebola. For real? How did it get this bad? When did we all start thinking like terrorists? Chidi exposed his ignorance with those tweets and people like him should be locked up for inciting hate against people because of their medical conditions. This is a good reason why so many Nigerians won't come back home to help the country. Evil befalls you at your own risk even while serving. Chineke mo.
I am crying within me for this seemingly accursed country. Why do we trivialize and politicize everything here?? Is this the KIOSK that should be built for already psychologically devastated people? If the President or any governor's family member is involved, is this how we would be mouthing the issue?
Where are the billionaires in this country? Where are the bank owners, etc, who should seize this opportunity to please their God who has bestowed fortune on them? Shouldn't they build conducive treatment centers, well equipped with facilities and expatriate doctors who are experienced and committed?
Shame on the Doctors who say we should forget their strike but merely lamenting the condition of their colleague. Is her case not enough for them to call off the strike and take control? Shame, Shame, Shame. Mtcheeeww
na wa oooo...NIGERIA, what kind of country is this? what about the money they claimed they dropped for this virus...where is the money goin to??? arrggg MAY god help us
Excatly my thought when I heard a nurse ran away. The 1st question I asked was, how is the condition of that quarantine place. Minister of health a time to give thanksgiving for God has made an avenue for u to get richer with your counterparts. One thing I thank God for is that Ebola does not know the rich. Wealth/position will not save anyone on this one. Nigeria leaders pls know that this one will touch you whether directly or indirectly. Continue your games of misusing public fund. I rather die of Ebola in my house than in a dumping place. This is pure wickedness the way this heros are been taken care of. May God show us mercy!!!!
And yet d minister of health say it costs #20m per head for d isolation unit! God!! I hate dis GEJ administration
Too bad
So painful,honestly nobody deserve dis,Lord Jesus dis is beyond us,pls forgive us and heal our land,amen
Aunty linda, i no know wetin i do u o. Sobs… on my knees, abeg post mai comment!
I can imagine what they are facing right now..it is well
May God have mercy on this nation..Nothing seems to work. Even with this menace, they are still loothing funds under the pretence of donating to eradicate Ebola. I pity our Government and I wish all these victims quick recovery. I pray the healing power of God will speed up your healing and you will be whole again. May God deliver us all. Amen!
I said it earlier, I know these people are not being proper treatment and attention. Again Dangote has given fund for the fight against Ebola and as usual it will be embezzled and nobody says anytin about these things. Am looking forward to a Strong Revolution in Nigeria where every body will come out and stand out for what's right. I can't even say God bless Nigeria.
My dear, I don't really bleam them. Everyone is fighting for dere own.
No one wants to get the disease
Please, Naija people, stop this terrorist mentality. Biko. Please, remember these so-called Ebola patients were our Doctors and other health workers. Before inciting hate against them, remember the quarantine could be seem like a death row to them. Before you start agreeing with some irresponsible and failed actor, please, think with your brain. Remember, Naija is not worth it but yet these people still chose to serve. Remember their colleagues are here with us abroad making big bucks. Remember Chidi Mokeme has never contributed anything meaningful to Nigeria except being the host of GUS. Naija, I beg think. I beg.
O Lord, dis hurts me I must say. Pls Lord heal them divinely IJN. Amen
Ds is unfair
Ah!government I wonder hw they culd b dis nice,wen thr was no ebola patients were neglected in some general hospitals & nw dat thr is ebola u think they wuld b nice?really so sad.
I advice d relatives shuld buy those immune boosters themselves,prepare nutritious food with lots of vegetable &fruits,let's nt wait on govt 4 everything,they ar our relatives nt d governments own,afterall their kids ar outside d country already.life has no duplicate abeg!
these ppl talking shud take care of dem. Dis virus is deadly so everyone is scared.
Nigeria is finished! Promise and fail govt! Is this how a confined and contained environment should be like? We need help in country because the lack of conscience and impunity is killing this country.
Wey that were? Wey Chidi? Make I go lock am for solitary confinement.
Oh my gosh this is terrible. What can we do?
U can neva please pple. That's d tin
I think Chidi needs to pay these people a visit before saying nonsense around.
If they have the necessary gear,I'd love to volunteer.Pls how does one go about volunteering one's services Linda?
Serious Enquiry!
These complainants are medical practitioners too. Let them go and take care of the patients themselves. I don't blame the other doctors oh! Everyone is scared.
These complainants are medical practitioners too. Let them go and take care of the patients themselves. I don't blame the other doctors oh! Everyone is scared.
Hey everybody the leave their loved ones now when infected,what happened to love
Why is it that our leaders are not doing anything serious about this virus, is not that we don't have all it takes to fight for this cos we have money imagine our doctors are in strike God is only you that will see us through in this condition cos I never forgot your name as impossibility specialist please do it again in our own time let your children never die again prove to the whole world that you are the greatest physician and heal us with the precious blood of the lamp in Jesus might name I pray Amen.
Before you hate on someone, put them in your shoes.
this is very unfortunate but am i surprised, no. The doctors in charge of them are rightly afraid of contracting the virus because similar fate would await them.
Chidi, you see yourself.
Only Bona, Asamkpoto and few people made sense on this Ebola case. How bad for our dear country?
Please where are the people that were giving fashola credit? Mtchwww
If you save our Doctors, you've saved yourselves.
Ebola on one side, boko haram on the other. Jesus pls save Nigeria.
What an irony!!! The same Nigeria Patrick Sawyer's wife claimed the husband would have gotten a better treatment. "God, just take him life jeje, if not he for die like chicken". The problem is not releasing the fund, it is about using the fund for what it is meant for. Must we takeadvantage of every situation to enrich our pockets? How can we as a people deal with this problem of corruption.
Where is that bigot called Chidi? Another silly tweet from you and you will be shot.
Just as i feared, i guess this explains why that nurse ran away. I dont get how patients are dying under surveillance considering the fact that you are monitoring/managing before the disease sets in. Such a shame..
don't the doctors have adequate protection? I think the government needs to keep a lid on things cos they are causing so much panic by letting so much information leak.
Pray for Nigeria. Pray for our Doctors.
We need an orientation for all Nigerians. If Ebola patients are killed for escaping quarantine, what should we then do to Patrick Sawyer?
those doctors complaining shld volunteer to help na! they are complaining do they think the medical practitioners there dont have families or that they dont want to live? why won't they run? if they contact the illness now na only ehya government go talk. before anyone complains the person shld consider the people assigned to care for them too, they are stairing death in the face. but my sympathy to the victims may God be their strenght.
Better healthcare for all.
Na wa for this country
On a normal basis they neglects their patients not to talk of an ebola patients and where are the 30 doctors who volunteered
Face of lib
If we can stop all political office holders from getting medical checkup abroad, then things will be better for us all?
I knew it would come to this Sad!
that's wor we're saying, No body want die but dem want go heaven . 9ja i hail
I need to lock Chidi up with these people. He needs Ebola in his life.
Where is Chidi? Where is Chidi? He needs to repeat his statements. Were oshi.
And that stupid Chidi was hating on them. Una see life.
Chidi, go to the isolation ward before you shoot an innocent man. Go and see what they are going through. Oloriburuku. Oloshi. Were.
The other time. Some fools were broadcasting Ebola jokes on BBM. And then a stupid OAP. Now, Chidi Idiot Mokeme. How bad a nation has fallen.
Arrest Chidi. Arrest him for talking with adequate information. Mumu of life.
May God have mercy,is really sympathetic
We need international help . Godforbid this situation excalates . Nobody will help their bro and sisters . Do unto those the way u want them to do unto you . We need to unite . And internationally Nigeria plays a major role In their economy . Don't they get that it will affect them if anything happens to this country . God forbid .. Who gonna shop at harrods on Oxford street ?!!! Etc . We need to pray pray andpray
May God have mercy,is really sympathetic
I heard gunshots. But it was the intender(stupid tweeting actor) that was shot down. The escapee only surrendered. And a counsellor was hired for her. How insane a Nation has been to want the death of an innocent soul. How ridiculous so many people stood with the intender. The escapee said my hands are up please don't shoot. She said she was only afraid she will die eventually. We let her go but killed the one that wanted to kill her.
Look at the isolation Centre like a low class poultry..and that vagabond igbo failed actor be talking shit about shooting ppl. That son of a crap shd just go and commit suicide
Did Reno said he was going to release the pictures of these patriotic Nigerians for the public because the facility his boss provided is as dumb as they both? WTF! What a threat to the victims! I scream someone save Nigeria from this medical illiteracy. I screamed louder but the only person who heard me was me. It's an evil world. I know Reno to be a goof but I never knew it has gotten this bad.
The giant has collapsed. The world now knows she was a dwarf standing on a platform. Oh! O, my dear Nigeria. Why did you generate so much rot and stink so bad?
How the mighty has fallen!
Its so sad, really sad, Nigeria is a mess.
Na wa o other countrys are inproving but nigerian government are thicking of d fastest way to make money out of any crisis in our country God pls heal then
Oh shut it this foolish badoo
How can govt declare they have released 1.9Billion, Dangote donate 150Million and yet the victims don't have common things like toiletries, good food etc......Its disheartening, frustrating and worrisome to know that the govt of this country wont go all the way and care for the less privileged. Imagine the son of GEJ himself is part of the victims will they treat him like that. These people might not make it, for goodness sake why not give them the best care and hospitality they require. Mere seeing the house they are sheltered you would imagine what kind of facility is inside.
Oh God come to their aid. These people were hail and hearty some few weeks ago, but look at the situation they have found themselves.
Government should try and make the environment conducive for the patients. Its rather unfair to find out that there is no light,no water and toiletries are bad. If necessary amenities are put in place,i.e light, water, television, internet facility etc, these people will still have sense of belonging in the society cos they will be able to monitor what ever is happening from the quarantine ward, but in a situation whereby, all these are absent, it then seems they are in prison on death roll. Don't forget that some of these people were living very large in their homes. That thought alone could kill one even before the ebola virus kills you.
I am not surprised. Nigerians are basically selfish by nature. And I know what I am talking about bcos I am a Nigerian. It will take a more patriotic, compassionate and an extraordinary person to genuinely care for dis pple. How many blacks missionary do u know. It is mostly d whites dat volunteers as missionaries. They are lovers of people and have a great capacity to love deeply and reach out to d needy. nigerians love life too much to risk it in caring for ebola patients. We actually nid international help. My 2cent.
It's actually my first time of commenting on LIB,i am every 30mins reader! This very negligent attitude prompted my action.
Where is the 1.9b GEJ signed for Ebola bla bla bla, 150m by Aliko, and I am sure, our very liberal Governor- SAN Fashola will not hold back from releasing the needed resources for this people! Has looting began again on this? It's so pathetic. Why won't victims run away,when you treat them like herd of goats bleating about...
chai why are Nigerians like this. very self centered! as a medical practitioner u are trained to serve people whether your life is at risk or not. if u chose to study or practice medicine u must be ready to serve but see evil wicked doctors running away from their responsibilities and leaving the innocent patients to die alone like flies. and please where is the money president Jonathan declared to have been released over this ebola issue?anyways if that is truly the isolation center then I would run away if I was a patient. naija really needs God. and please am in douala Cameroon and ebola isn't here yet we thank God.
chai why are Nigerians like this. very self centered! as a medical practitioner u are trained to serve people whether your life is at risk or not. if u chose to study or practice medicine u must be ready to serve but see evil wicked doctors running away from their responsibilities and leaving the innocent patients to die alone like flies. and please where is the money president Jonathan declared to have been released over this ebola issue?anyways if that is truly the isolation center then I would run away if I was a patient. naija really needs God. and please am in douala Cameroon and ebola isn't here yet we thank God.
This is exactly wat I was saying in Chidi Mokeme's post abt shooting. I know wat is obtainable in this our Naija. This people need love, counselling and prayers. It is not their fault. The govt shld do better and we too can contribute by at least making nice and encouraging. It's wen we are on here abusing them that they will feel like escaping to spread the virus. We can care wt our words! Pls pple be nice!
Nd dats y most of dem will start escaping from d isolation centre
Stupid badoo of k leg ! Ur such a joke....
Nigerians are 2 faced people !one minute you were supporting a crazed gigolo to shoot on sight the next minute u are here saying other wise! Let your yes be yes! We r our biggest problem we need our colonial masters back.,I was irritated with comments supporting him omg! these are responsible nurses and doctors to be shot? What a pity! I feel sorry for this country . just a few sane comments. what is the difference bw u and those aluu youths? all we know is kill! Kill! Kill! Yet na we pray pass, all those who supported that shark teeth Chidi mofo should bury their heads in shame. I am sure most of the suspected ebola cases quarantined got the virus from the isolation center. Chidi mokeme I pray u catch this disease! Cos u r useless to nigeria. I have one question for your wife,How do you cope with this crap as a hubby? Beats me!
Those doctors having press conference should go an help out please if they truly care.
Where is dat good 4 nothg failed saucy actor chidi mokeme,whose job is to sleep wt old women to make money,tank God 4 ur life,u would have been riding okada if not 4 d ex senator!oloshi!I don't know d lady who married u sef!she don suffer no be small!
Lord have mercy
Close your dirty trap Badoo. It's easier said than done. Would you rush to welcome and hug your relative who left the quarantine centre? *anya_o2003@yahoo.com*
You misunderstood what chidi mokeme said. Pls go and re-read it. You've been abroad for too long. *anya_o2003@yahoo.com*
I work there this information is false. Did u see any one there.
My dear u are very correct. Nobody wants to die. This Ebola is very perilous. U can't really blame them. God will see us through this. I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Badoo, at the least, he failed in his country. What of you that has failed in another man's country and so ashamed to come back home empty handed? What do u have to say about yourself? I believe he's far better than you. Shameless fool!
This is coming as a notice to inform the GENERAL public that the FG are rendering jobs opportunity to the nigerian youths who are willing to work with all of their hearts in the quanrantin centre of the Ebola patients, salaries are very attractive...for a start A house and an official car with a 2million Naria salary a month (NB- your jobs are to bath, feed them daily)
@Bonario...U have said it all. Yet some people will blame Drs. including terminating residency in Nig. What a shame
~Rumestikal~ reiterates.
Nigeria for you!!!
I can understand the hard time those affected people will face especially the so-called quarantined people as far as Nigeria government is concerned.They will be
left to lick their wounds.
#country indeed!!!
Hey dnt shus him, he has a right to speak. D conditions @ dt isolation camp r teible 4m wt dy say, a mare sight of it 4m here shows a vry poor concern 4 who stays there
God pls come to our rescue
Nigerians need to grow up and not fully rely on foreign aid before we even take a step. Our laziness, heartlessness and pocket enriching mentality of our so called leaders would do us no good. Ebola is closer than you think it is.....so act fast. If only for these heros to get food and basic amenities before treatment or succumb to the illness(i pray not). I'll love to be a volunteer. Better to die fighting something, than live for nothing. Peace
This was my fear, I knew it will come to this.....God will help us all...
Can someone shoot Chidi for talking without researching?
this is bad
STANDING OVATION. Godbless you over and over and over again.
Na God wan give dem light and other basic essentials? No be human beings dey treat the people wey dey seirra Leone? Can't u volunteer? Stop talking nonsense my friend. If to say I no dey fear dat virus, I for go there go take care of them myself.
What is happening is very unfortunate, those people need all the help they can get. If there are no medical personnel to help and take care of the few cases on ground now what do you think will happen if this thing becomes an epidemic?
This is not the time to play politics the fed and state governments should wake up and contain the situation before it gets out of control.
So what? Don't they take an oath to save the people? Isn't that the risk that comes with being a practitioner? The common missionaries that risked their lives and didn't have to? My grandfather died from saving lives and he's remembered everyday where we come from. Nigerians need to stop being so selfish and try the selflessness thing. Fear fear all the time. Put your faith in God and the rest will follow.
Bible Preacher, Na God build ark for Noah? The mumu govt isn't doing enough. Isolation centre no suppose resemble native doctor shrine. Abi na juju level dem dey use cure the bombastic ebola?
And I have been trying to say this for God knows how long. It's sooooo sad. Africans will forever be Africa's problem. The selfishness included. The lack of loyalty to themselves and the nation. All tooo sad.
Don't mention PH again!
Yes! They are the original band wagon hoppers. Half of the people on here can't make up their minds and stick to it. Like wow!
Really bath and feed, accepting the job is just like signing a death contract.
How did he manage to get into the country, I tot they screen at the airport, these libarians are devils o
Why should thw western world help Nigeria? How many times has naija offered to help when there is an outbreak ofa communicable disease? Average naija mind is wicked any way. No one wants to die. Why r the health workers running away? Health practitioners r supposed to be selfless not selfish. What happened to traning people to gown, glove n mask up, I mean take all d necessary precautions? I bet some of our folks don't know how to properly do that. Y'all better thank God it can be gotten by contact with someone that has it. If it is thru airborne or droplets, it will worse. Linda post my comment.Tired of some of d folks on ur blog, all talk no action. The govt should invest in educating folks on how to take precautions.
You are every stupid Chekwube for saying such a thing.
wait i don't get , is that supposed to be the isolation ward!. hahahaha i laugh, Nigeria can never change neither am i surprised. let us protest for a change , mba!! so make we just they jeje since we are not ready to push the government. It is truly up to us to save nigeria. *sigh*
I love NIgeria but Nigeria disgusts me uggh. Our leaders are hell no!!
If they die, who will bury them? Someone is collecting all the money, yet they are in abandonment :(
Where are all those MUMUs supporting Chidi? They have suddenly disappeared.
Look what an isolation ward looks like. A piggery if I must say. No wonder some LIBers are now cursing Chidi out on Twitter for misinformation. And that stupid Reno. What have they done? Dangote gave money. What did they do?
Thank you, Badoo of Toronto. Thank you, Bonario. Thank you, Naija Yankee Boy. Thank you, Naija Badt Guy. God bless ASAMPOKOTO. Thank you, ASAMPOKOTO. And all those that reasoned with the plight of the Nigerian Doctors and other health workers. GOD bless you all.
Treat the Doctors right.
Chidi must have buried his face in shame now.
If Chidi starts shooting escapees, how does that stop the spread of the virus? He's just a goof.
Can Chidi stand and still speak in defence of his tweets? Or how else do we want to know he has no Doctors in his entire generation? Illiterate person from an illiterate family.
Reno is just as stupid as Chidi. Very soon another stupid President will employ Chidi as the whatever whatever to the President for being stupid.
Everybody is talking about Chidi but nobody is talking about Reno. The world is unbalanced. Same strokes for different folks.
And Reno want to publish the names of the people his Oga locked up in a dog's kennel. What a wicked world! Awon oloriburuku oshi.
And did anybody call this an isolation ward? What the f*? Reno, you don kolo finish. Chidi is just as senseless as Reno.
Vote out GEJ and his irresponsible and unresponsive government. At least, Reno will go with them.
And did Chidi see the isolation ward before tweeting at the convenience of his laptop?
Timber shed afi Ebola ward!i pledge to nigeria my country ........
Una see isolation ward? And Chidi dey confuse us here.
Chidi can at least take a break now. And I hope he's reading all the comments. Nigerians are so 2-sided.
Chidi is a fool for all I care.
Pray for Nigeria. Pray for the victims.
Chidi Mokeme, how far? I no know say person fit MUMU like you.
Little wonder they are left alone, with so deep illiteracy demostrated by many commenters , It is obvious, we have a long way to go in Nigeria, imagine someone saying that the patients were negleted because no one want to contract the disease, it is obvious this person is not schooled, are you saying we should leave all HIV, Malaria and likes patient to die equally, Who told you that people that treat Ebola patients WILL contact ebola, For others saying nobody can blame others for deserting them " Shame on you terrorists ". America took two of their own back home and are now taking care of them, ours are here, you are asking for them to die for your ignorance. When the nations even poorer than Nigeria has provided descent isolation camp, Nigeria is busy spending money on jamboree, they will rather give you a befitting burial of 2million naira instead of helping you treat a 2000 naira disease that is about killing you. Such is the mentality of dullards. If you or your children happen to get Ebola tomorrow,will your comment here still be the same ?
Badoo,you're talking trash. If you are told to go in there,counsel and take care of those victims,would you have agreed? Look naija is different from other countries ooo or do u think the victims are happy seeing you healthy working and earning your cool cash while they knew they will die in some days to come? They wouldn't mind bite your finger for you to be infected.. Think before you talk!
Pls they should be taken care of b4 they strt escaping.
fuck Nigeria government,
that is a pig house na
There is absolutely no reason to tell a fellow human being to go commit suicide. Please be careful of what you post on the internet. Depression is real. Suicide is real.
The morning I read that one lady left the Ebola isolation center unannounced, My question was "I hope they are well taken care of there" Ebola for now is a terminal illness. people with Ebola know it's terminal and the lest they can get is good and care and love. they don't want to feel abandoned at this challenging time of there life when there desire to live is being threatened, when all they could see, hear, breath is death just like that man on the death roll, petrified, waiting for the hang-man to come. they are dying so that we could live and as such they deserve the best. but I wonder why people that are charged for taking care of them should abandon them. I read of the two volunteer health workers that threw dangers in the wind and decide to attend to the first two doctors without bothers that were flown into the US. that is what is called PATRIOTISM. Nigerians let us learn from such act of bravery. it's not all about increment of wages like the doctors always ask but we can join to ask "WHAT CAN WE DO FOR OUR COUNTRY AND NOT WHAT OUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR US".......#TO BE OR NOT TO BE#
If an animal has a bad limb, you cut it off so that it may survive. First priority is to stop ebola spreading and destroying, read DESTROYING Lagos. All other concerns are null and void. If 1% of 1% of people's rights are violated in the interests of saving the lives of millions of people, then violate away i say; you can always compensate later. Personally i would like to bomb every west African runway out of existence, to try isolate and let burn-out take place,save the rest of Africa/India/Latin America/Asia from this terrible fate.
So sorry for people in this nightmare.
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