ISIS has been ruthlessly hunting and slaughtering members of the ancient Yazidi religion, a faith derived from Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Islam, who ISIS have denounced as devil-worshipers on account of their ancient set of beliefs. Pictured left is an ISIS fighter posing next to the body of Yazidi. Pictured right Yazidi on Mount Sinjar carry the bodies of children killed by ISIS. Continue...
Thousands of Iraqi Christians have also fled their homes after the ISIS hoard seized Qaraqush, Iraq's largest Christian town, and several others near Mosul following the withdrawal of Kurdish peshmerga fighters.
Obama's dramatic call to arms came as the chaos engulfing Iraq escalated rapidly last night with a re-energised Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant storming towns in the north, executing villagers and chasing thousands from their homes into the desert.
Up to 50,000 terrified Yazidis - half of them children - have sought refuge from the bloodshed in the surrounding mountains. But there they face another killer: searing desert heat and the constant threat of starvation.
Many have already died of hunger and thirst as they struggle to survive on just the food they could carry in temperatures exceeding 42C.
Photographs have emerged of Yazidi men carrying the bodies of dozens of young children apparently killed by ISIS militants, who in turn have posted pictures online of themselves posing next to dead Yazidi men.
The dead men's wives were reportedly kept as trophies to be gifted to unmarried jihadist fighters.
Last night Obama said American warplanes had already carried out airdrops of food and water to the Iraqi Yazidis hiding in the mountains. He said the humanitarian airdrops were made at the request of the Iraqi government. He also said it's time to do more to help the thousands trapped on the mountain.
'Today America is coming to help,' he declared, adding: 'The United States cannot and should not intervene every time there’s a crisis in the world. So let me be clear about why we must act, and act now: when we face a situation like we do on that mountain -- with innocent people facing the prospect of violence on a horrific scale, when we have a mandate to help . . . and when we have the unique capabilities to help avert a massacre, then I believe the United States of America cannot turn a blind eye.'The Pentagon later revealed that the airdrops of food and water were performed by one C-17 and two C-130 cargo aircraft that together delivered a total of 72 bundles of food and water. They were escorted by two F/A-18 fighters from an undisclosed air base in the region.
The planes delivered 5,300 gallons of fresh drinking water and 8,000 pre-packaged meals and were over the drop area for less than 15 minutes at a low altitude.
The UK also said they are looking at how to assist in Iraq as the world should never just watch and do nothing while a minority group is being slaughtered.
Source: UK Daily Mail
I still don't understand why Islam is all about war and killing, what a religion
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I hate to speak ill of Islam but God there is rarely anything good to say about it these days!!!
The world is so disintegrated! Crises everywhere!
He's the Lord. He would not forsake his pple. If you are here and u still believe it isn't end time yet..well I pray the lord would open the eyes of your understanding that u might SEE! 1 thes 5:1-9. BishopDammy#
Wat is happening in dis world
Islam is from old testament so killing is their calling. God forgive evil souls pls
Islamic sect are becoming more violent each day smh for stupid religion of peace kudos to Obama.
My thought exactly.
I HATE DIS Religion call islam wit passion, very heartless n curl set of pple. if u think ur so - call god is worthy of been a god, he shd fight for himself, cos my bible tells me that vengeance bellows to him 'God'. ur gods that v ear, but can not hear, mouth, but no can talk. i wish u islam shd be wiped out from the planet earth. rubbish pple.
Why are muslim so cruel is this wat the Holy Book says... tomgirl4545@gmail.com
It's it by force? God take control.
I don't understand too. So crazy.! Really.
This is barbaric
some people are heartless...
During Saddam tenure, a christian was his deputy, but he was dethroned by some people (reasons best known to them), now this is what is happening to innocence souls in Iraq. After Iraq, what next? may be they will face the people that dethroned Saddam.
Religion of Piss !!!!
I wonder the kind of religion that taste and salivate for human blood.
U r truly ignorant. If Islam was a religion of war and killing, then won't every Muslim be fighting. I think that we should be fair. 1% of so called "Muslims" do these things, and then it is out as the face of all Muslims. If all Muslims believe in fighting, even in your community, you would have people dead daily. These people are sects that have been brainwashed bcoz I don't understand how anyone could just be killing. It is definitely not Islam and I pray that our people stop being ignorant so as to stop all this.
How many Muslims get killed in the process? Even our BH matter, more Muslims get killed than non-Muslims but that doesn't concern u bcoz u look at it as Muslims killing Muslims. Let's let go of ignorance and beat this terrorism thing.
I personally blame these things on illeteracy and poverty. If not, is countries like the UAE, Qatar, Jordan etc that are economically doing well and are educated, why don't you have all these sects claiming to be terrorists? Let's all sit to think and know who the real enemy is. Do not blame the acts of a few sets of people on the entire Muslims, that would be very wicked & ignorant of u.
Lord Jesus have mercy!!!
Islam Religion of war. LIB Princess! Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
And someone will come and say Islam is a religion of peace. I rather die than be Muslim... Tufiaa
A very useless religion..... blood hungry bastards..... they will all perish in hell
Nun is the 14th letter of the Arabic alphabet, and the first letter in the word "Nazarenes," which is what Muslims call Christians. This shirt shows your solidarity with the Christians in Iraq who are being persecuted.
Stop the blasphemy as u know that islam does not support voilence. It teaches us to live with one another in peace irrespective of religion.
What a religion???? They are the cause of all the wars going on in the world. I am so tired of hearing how innocent lives are being massacred by these beasts in human skin. How can you even imagine killing innocent children who cant determine their religion. Oh God, our help in times as this, come to our aid. May this terrorists rot in hell. Amen
i hate dis so call islam wit passion, they are heartless n cruel in their religious setting, if u think ur god is real, he shd fight for himself, nt the other way round, my Bible tells me dat vengeance belong to him 'GOD' hw can u fight for ur god, dot he v hands n legs to fight for himself.
ur god v ear, bt cannot hear, ear bt cannot see, mouth, bt cannot talk.
rubbish religion.
@ Alloy Islam is not about war & killing. No religion is lyk that. Americans jst wants to rubbish Islam, coz Islam doesnt support their belief & they cant change muslims from following their faith. So they r trying by all means 2 rubbish Islam. But they wont succeed.
Islam no be religion, make God save us from these set of heartless people who know nothing about their god.
so so Sad, I pray God help them.
I just wonder..
Demonic Muslims, evil devils, God please wipe them out before they kill us all.
Now, people would be saying Islam is a religion of peace! Why are we deceiving ourselves? Where lies the so-called peace? The entire world is at unrest because some demons-in-flesh are trying to convert every human being to Islam. This is madness at highest degree. This problem of killing innocient people needs simple reasoning: Many servants of God or Allah have come and delivered God's messages to people, none of them was ordered to kill all those who did not follow their ways. Why is it that Islam is the only one upon which lives are being wasted for their non-conformity?
Those people have just declared war on themselves. a war they will never win. Islam is never a religion of peace they are all about war war war....smh to Nigerian southern or liberal Muslim preaching otherwise. i said southerns because they are the ones that don't want to reality.
See that's why I can't have full sympathy for Palestinians right now, cos Muslims every where else are terrorising their neighbours. Mtcheeew.
Trust me if Israel didn't have the backing of the US Palestine would have killed them all by now.
Islam peopel There devil abeg but god pas dem
Any religion that forces another religion to turn to its beleif is being intimidated. Hope Islam is nt in dat category.
God dis is cerious....
Still don't get the ideology behind this religion.. Wish to know.
Islam peopel There devil abeg but god pas dem
Hmmm! Dz people again?
No Islam is not about war and killing the people are. Its intresting, muslim population all over the world is about a billion. If you add together all the troubled organisations i.e ISIS, Al Queda, Bokoharam etc killing in the name of Islam are not up to 100,000.
What a terrible religion. Absolutely shameful. If other religions were like them, humanity would cease to exist.
If Christians put up same policy, "convert and be killed" I wonder if they will be in existence. We do not worship the same God for sure.
Islam is what is wrong with the world at this moment....even pegans are much peaceful!
Despite this, the whole world is afraid of condemning Islam and asking them to change their teachings, a religion that has brought violence upon the world. Why are the Imams not speaking out and disclaiming the actions of these extremists? Are they seating back and waiting for them to clear all non muslims.
If we ask nw, d Muslim ll say islamic is a peaceful religion.
...Bianca T...
Kudos to President Obama. This ISIS Millitants are monsters. Am sure is their foot steps that Abubakar Shekau is following. Their end is near.
Hmm, all Ŧђi̶̲̥̅̊Úª islamic sects around the world sef. Forcing their religion on pple. Is it by force Ï„̲̅õ̸̳͡ be a muslim ni? Nawao...I fear Ŧђi̶̲̥̅̊Úª kind °Æ’ religion ☺º°˚˚°Âº. God will surely fight A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ protect his pple.
It's the end-time. Prepare to meet your God
Who would ever want to be a Muslim like this. Na by force. The so called good Muslims should rise up and talk now.
The whole world is sick... Lord come and heal the world.
My brothers and sisters this is the time we need to move closer to God. The coming of Christ is already at hand.
D end is happening now, pple accept "Christ" His d way d truth and d Light.
My dear, they are cause by God since day one. And also foustretion is in them. They have evil mind. But no mater what we christains are still the choosen ones. And we are the apple of God eyes.
That is the devidend dethoroning Saddam who was dupitized by a christian during his tenure.
Tomorrow, they will come and tell us that Islam means "Peace" and there is no compulsion in Islam.
This is what a significant proportion of Nigerian muslim wish they could do in Nigeria, i.e. why a significant proportion support BH.
Just the same way Islam got to Nigeria, through a bloody Jihad of convert or die.
My brother ur tot is as perfect as mine.Come and see bastards right now telling me how islam is a religion of peace.I just dnt knw wat dis fools take my inteligence 4.NOTE:palestine n its militant brother have fired two rockets at Israel,saying that no need renewing d 72hrs seize fire.Am saying this b4 idiots dat'll cum here to talk shit abt israel being heartless.............................ALIWAHAB.
Is this the religion they said "is a religion of peace"?? Slaughtering innocent pple(both young & old). Always ever ready to shed human blood. Forcing pple to convert to Islam OR die. Are these what makes ISLAM a peaceful religion??? I NEED TO KNOW PLS!
Religion of PEACE by mouth bt deep insyd their heart they know its not bt Religion of KILLINGS/SLAUGHTERING&FORCE
Through persecution we shall remain firm in Christ
This is truly the end time cus it is in the bible and now I see it manifesting God save us
My tuts exactly
Dis ppl are realy crazy. Dey'v lost it finally... I tot we wr done wit dis type of stupid occurences
A religion by compulsion is not a true one. There is a fundamental error with interpretation of Muslim practice.
With all these happening around the world, if I am muslim, its time to change religion.
Why kill people because they do not understand your religion. Instead of preaching to convince you force people over their life. Killing innocent children.
I don't know why I should convert to a religion that derives shedding human blood. Thank you Jesus for making me a Christian and Christian till death comes calling.
does this kinda remind anyone of our brothers mildly labelled as insurgents? God help us
How is it that a religion can cause so much pain and hurt to people. How wicked can people be to their fellow people. Even to children!. All in the name of what? Allah? Muslims are now hated world wide because of their extremists. Don't get me wrong, every religion has extremists, but it is only the Muslim extremists that kill. God help these people. And God help Nigeria
With all due respect Americans are not trying to rubbish Islam, not all Americans. There are lots of muslims in America and they coexist with christians, hindus, jews, etc. It is about having constitution that works for everyone in terms of professing your religion without being persecuted. We cannot be oblivious of the fact that the killings are being perpetrated by these muslim fascist. I know that there are Islamic group that means well but these ones that target innocent people are swines I am sorry to say.it's not an American problem because if it were, why are they targeting innocent people in Sudan, Kenya, Yemen and the list continues.....
worldpowers in action...
The link below explains how the Qur'an supports ISIS/ BOKO HARAM and its activities. And how Nigeria as we knw it now may become an Islamic country if we allow it.
Must read!!! https://islamicinquisition.wordpress.com/tag/hadith-950-and-religious-persecution/
truthfully Obama seems to be very weak in confronting these jihadists and that is why they are bold enough to continue misbehaving. they would never do this under bush or even sadaam hussein
They think they are doing the right thing....#ab1
LInda, who were the ISIS people killing before their recent campaign of killing Christians? Why did Obama not say anything when Muslim scholars and other Muslims who opposed to the violent ISIS movement were killed? Unfortunately, you only base your source on a rather epileptic mail house that presents ever bias view of things relating to Africa and Islam. Maybe you should help yourself in updating your awareness on global issues.
This is complete rubbish. ISIS does not kill and attack Christians alone. They kill sunni and shia Muslims. They kill Christians. Infact they kill whoever is not in agreement with their ideologies. Muslim scholars have spoken severally against them. The Mufti of Iraq who heads the Supreme council of Islamic affairs also denounces them. Don't give us half-baked information Linda. This is nonsense. Why did Obama not speak against ISIS long before now. This is another American CIA tool used in causing destruction in the Arab world. Nonsense
Now, let us have a closer look at what the Koran says about the infidels:-
Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them(2:191)
Make war on the infidels living in your neighboorhood (9:123)
When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them (9:5)
Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax (9:29)
Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable (3:85)
The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them (9:30). Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam. (5:33)The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque (9:28). Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies
Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them (47:4). The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them (8:65). Muslims must not take the infidels as friends (3:28)
Terrorise and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an (8:12)
Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorise the infidels (8:60)
The Qur’an certainly proclaims that when the time is appropriate, Muslims must use force to convert the unbelievers to Islam. For the non-Muslims, the alternative to this is to pay the humiliating protection money (Jizya tax) or be killed (by beheading, of course).
Hadith 9:4: wherever you find christians and Jews, kill them; for whoever kills them shall have Reward on the day of Ressurection.
Hadith 9:50, 57: whoever changes his/her Islamic Religion, kill him/her!
Islam is a satanic, barbaric and blood-thirsty religion!
If I were to be a Muslim, I will convert immediately to been a Christian, becos I can't be proud of a religion that kills human beings like they are killing chicken..... God forbid
But Linda these guys are targeting Shiite Muslims and other sects this is a group that has fought even the Al Qaeda you are making this look like muslim-Christian conflict knowing the ignorance in this country with all the salt baths. You have the power in your hands to cause a lot of damage or good pls try to use it for good.
And you don't know if we leave them and do nothing those so called 100,000 people can kill everybody. So we shud sit down and be looking. Maybe dey shud kill you first then you will wake up
Musulumi shei there is God o
if they do not kill human beings they will slaughter ram.they can not do without shedding blood.they are vampires.
i think now when a Muslim tells you that he or she is serving the same god with you. Now you know what to answer
if i were to be a Muslim i whould have dropped the wicked religion long time ago
Speechless. BBM 32F0BEFB
Don't say rubbish, whatever percentage of sunni Muslims killed is insignificant compared to the shia..ISIS beliefs are purely sunni...I research it recently for a school report so I know and I am a Christian....and please why will Obama defend Muslims, like you guys defend anyone but your own....go sleep!
From my childhood I have been surrounded by forest of questions on the religion of Islam; I find it very controversial and contradicting :
(1) What kind of religion or religious book preaches the practice of killing human being.... And if anyone from Islam can point out the pages where these are written then he / she will automatically prove that Islam is a violent religion .... matter of fact, like all other religious books the Koran pronounces that one cannot take what one cannot give back....including life
(2) from childhood I have been hearing that the Koran comprises of all the books / knowledge prevailing in this world and knowledge yet to come in future..... so that means the individual who can decipher this particular religious book has to be a researcher, a philosopher, a thinker, a politician, a mathematician, a physicist, a chemist, a doctor, an engineer, etc, etc, fused into one...... so do you think that a poor, half starved individual has the capacity to translate the Koran?
(3) Islam is the last / latest religion which came into existence.... so how can it have the right to decide who is an infidel and who is not? Can Islam prove that they are not the actual infidel lot ?????
(4) Of all the religion of this world why Islam attracts the wrath of being brandished as a 'religion of terrorism' ..... action speaks louder than words!!!!
(5) Islam preaches 'brotherhood of mankind'..... which islamic country is at peace with / within themselves????
(6) Islam has the highest richness in this planet because most of the islamic countries have petroleum / oil.... on the contrary, islam has the highest number of poverty, illiteracy and ignorance!!!! to top it, they are ignorant which do not like to admit...like everybody I too go out for work and I notice the ignorance of this particular community in a mass scale....
(7) Somebody in this forum was taking about 'countries like the UAE, Qatar, Jordan etc that are economically doing well and are educated, why don't you have all these sects claiming to be terrorists?'.....I would like to ask - how and why the economy of these countries come into being???? And for what reason???? For Example, if a hall consists of 90 bad person and 10 good person, from outside the hall it would always look like a hall consisting of 100 evil persons!!!! So one right does not make nine right....
(8) Now, whatever is happening in Iraq is because of the vacuum created by America, the truth is no longer hidden from the world. But does it justify to state that 'These people are sects that have been brainwashed......' If someone is asked to jump out of a 10 storied building, will he / she just jump out??? And even if one tries to jump out .... what were the literate lot from Islam doing..... watching the fun????? That's what all the so-called literate islamic countries of the world is doing..... watching systematic cleansing of even little children getting decapitated by band of brainwashed nit-wits while the so-called Islam preaching 'Brotherhood of Mankind' is sitting?????
About me? I do not want to state my religion....I am into a subject which compulses me to peer into religious books of all religion including the subject of science.... my family (both from my dad and mom) comprises of more than 6 different religion but yes, staying with harmony My suggestion - Try reading the book - Jesus and Muhammad (Profound Differences and Surprising Similarities) by Mark A. Gabriel..... it will give you a basic idea... I read this book while on my work tour to Malaysia and Vietnam....
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