They stripped the soldiers down to their briefs, took them to the desert, lined them up and executed them. Then hours later, they posted another video showing captured Kurd fighters wearing orange prison uniforms. This time they executed only one....beheaded him on video (pictured right)...while warning the Kurds to break from their alliance with the US government against the caliphate or face more capture and executions.
Islamic State also threatened America in the video, warning them to cease its support of the Kurdish people or they will continuing beheading prisoners, including Americans. See the photos after the cut
The Syrian soldiers that were executed...

Jesus! islam is not a religion is a curse 2 dis world
OMG! This is very serious. Islam is seriously turning out to be the problem we are having in this world. May God intervene.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
what is wrong wif this pple?
via official intercom
This is serious oooo
Pray for the country. Pray for the world. 2tim 2:1-2. BishopDammy#
Justice will always take its course, either America stop or not, the almighty God is a God of justice and will never allow injustice to go unchecked. They should stop deceiving themselves, their end is near same goes for boko haram
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I just wish jehova can just come today.....the suffering and madness on earth is so much.....make the world end abeg....make those wey dey go hell go and those wey dey go heaven go abeg.....#thatEDOboyCORLEONE
What a life,there have forgotten that one day their turn will come,nobody I staying on earth forever.
ISIS and Boko haram are children of the same mother, ISLAM. The wrath of the most high God will definitely come upon you for taking innocent lives that you and your imbecilic god can never give. Cursed hypocrites!!!
Hmmmmm speechless
End time.
God save us.
This people are definitely not humans
Arise o Lord and fight your haters, God arise and fight Boko haram, Isis and protect Your children.
God help dem #bright bravo#
Thunder kill that diplomat....... Idiot fool..
Chai!!!!God av mercy..
God is such a quiet God! very patient ...
Sick retards.And what is America waiting for?
Islam a religion of peace indeed, oya foolish bastard muslims start saying this is not islam and the teachings of islam, BULLSHIT, this is exactly islam and their teachings. Nonsense.
Cowards, shooting and beheading from the back. Kill all them terrorists!!!
Arab nations should allow peace to reign in this world.You are not doing God any favour by destroying HIs creatures.
Where have u seen a catholic priest or pastor carrying gun and forcing people to be Christian, but look at muslim clerics, shooting and beheading humans like chickens.
All I can say is may d souls of d dead rest in perfect peace
God forbid, these people are beyond evil.
What is wrong with dis people.....kai!
Blood thirsty fags! He who lives by d sword shall DIE by d sword!
oh Lord have mercy
OMG!!! Ds is soo inhumane!!!
Oh God .
Wat have gained ? Wat will de gain
The world would've indeed been a better place if only our father Abraham didn't lay with Haggai, n if only Haggai was not conceived of the monstrous Ishmael whose offsprings r busy wrecking Havoc in the world today.
Wat have gained ? Wat will de gain
My God oo pls help
I wish God sends an angel to war against "ISIS". They've done enough.
this is just too much
God save us from these evil
Ralbro007 via Sony Ericsson W850i
Where is Jack Bauer?
This one heavy 4 mouth walai, these people are heartless, gosh, dnt wana say anytn against muslims, hmmm but,,,,,
The execution photos showed soldiers in uniforms while earlier ones showed then almost naked. Not sure the photos are authentic!
Nawa o....God help ur pple na. #######QUEENMAYA#######
For how long will these barbaric act continue for no just cause!
oh lord heal our land. let not your anger fall on us
Wow!!..wonderful,,..Islam THE RELIGION OF PEACE
Oma se ooo!this is surreal.no human feelings at all.taking the life you cannot make.
This ISIS are threat to international community the US have to do smtin abt them.....alancash
The world have to come together and wipe out this evil people.
Linda pls I beg of u,I want my sanity back,pls stop all dis bad news,instead bring Kim k news atleast let me see sumtin dat will give me hope,dat my exercise is nt in vain.
Oh my God!!!
Why the inhumanity to your fellow man. what have they done to deserve the brutality..am so broken abt all dis and BH
May God ve mercy on men
dis is not nyc at all. God help us oooooo.
Lord have mercy
God help ur pple..no man or men shld hav such power to take life anyhow..Nufn new in dis world anymore..God abeg blow dem trumpets so ur children will go to heaven abeg..End time...................................#KingOfKings
My God, this is barbaric and wicked.
OMG! This is not good at all! Am sure this is what Bokoharam are imitating. God hv mercy.
These syrian soldiers,are they not muslims?its so sad.That is why the only people dat understand their language is the Israelis.Religion of peace my foot!
This Isis should be wiped off the surface of the earth. Ahhhhh
Nna a na wa o.
And what's gonna be a lasting solution to this upsurge? Who can help?
Lord have mercy!!!can't these people be stopped.
Face of lib
This is inhuman, so pathetic. So many terrible things happening in 2014. God save us
We are definitely in the last days.
i hate islam. May jahovah God forgive them.
America can now see what it has unleashed on the world. In the name of a phantom "Arab Spring" the United States led gangsters of the West in cahoots with Qatar and Saudi Arabia went about destabilizing country after country and toppling leader after leader until they met their match in Russian backed Syria. Thankfully with the reward for evil being certain America is now getting a fair share of its own medicine. From Libya to Iraq and elsewhere they're under as much threat (if not worse off) as the peoples they've sworn to dominate.
Islam is the worst thing that has ever happened to mankind. If only Abraham could hold himself..
Banky W mention your name in his last verse of Jaiye Ori Mi... It goes like "I know some people just like to dey hate me i see d comments on Linda Ikeji.
What a world, Father help ur people, this killing is too much.
Lord, this is scary! Pls rescue ur people.
This is pathetic, I wonder why all these soldiers will just go to be slaughtered without putting up a fight. Atleast kill one person before you die, if ordinary civilian do it , I will understand but not soldiers. Anyway, may they RIP
God dey ooo. Wicked generation watch out for God's wrath. by dobis112@gmail.com
Gory! End - time tinz
Oh God visit these wicked people with Your anger and destroy them all.
I'll rather i died fighting than waiting for this wicked execution... so this 300 stupid BORNFOOL sodiers couldn't make an attempt to fight back considering their number even if some of them died in the process some would still be alive.... HIAN!
ISIS is the army of the beast as stated in the bible a new order will arise that even America cant save the world. Nigerian still thinks BH is a joke. Wait till you see the power beneath all these. Human Army is nothing to challenge these forces
The End is here. ISIS. 18*37=666 the beast is not a man. these are the Anti-christ
Crazy world. Who are this people for heaven's sake?
This is evil,God have mercy
Dis guys ar damn heartless..
Very evil nd heartless of dese IS guys..
O Lord save us
These pple remind me ov bailings like in legend ov d seeker,maybe dey exist in real life nd pretend to b killing 4 allah wen infact dey kill to stay alive,wikid animals!
Why so much wickedness? All in d name of fighting for dea powerless god.
You did not mention here that the Syrian soldiers and 99.9% of the Kurds killed by ISIS were Muslims. Yet when it came to the Christian issue, the whole world knew about it. Media and the dynamics of stereotyping and bias.
So disheartening.I still dont why some misguided people still believe Islam is a religion rather than a colony of blood suckers/killers.God please save your own
Hi Linda, it was quick for you to mention the beheading of Christians, yet you cannot mention about the SYRIAN MUSLIMS SOLDIERS killed by the evil ISIS. Hmm, you hide under religious bias as well?
This evil must be stopped.
Nigerians that we're doubting the possibility of moving a whole lot of 300 girls from Chibok to Sambisa forest can now see that is very possible by this boko haram. If these 300 able soldiers can be moved this easily how much less innocent young girls.
Nigerians that we're doubting the possibility of moving a whole lot of 300 girls from Chibok to Sambisa forest can now see that is very possible by this boko haram. If these 300 able soldiers can be moved this easily how much less innocent young girls.
What is all this na!!!! Haw.....these Executed soldiers are present and prospective husbands and fathers....what is wrong with this ISIS people.....? Have mercy LORD!
what is happening in this world, God please fight for your Children
This is terrible!
heyyy..... what the hell is this world turning into in the name of religion.
Devil is really acting quickly and fast cos he knows that his time is almost up.May their souls rest in peace.
this is bull shit
this islamic terrorism is worldwide oo.i wonder the reason the so called muslims still go to mosque for. Jesus, the mighty man in battle and forever the prince of peace will destroy these terrorists within the twinkle of an eye and restore peace to those who believe in his name.
OMG!This is terrIble......
Bonita leave us-Americans ALONE! You Nigerians should go fight...mscheeew!
These guys, like their boko haram alter egos in Nigeria are sub-humans.
For sure, islamn produces animals in human forms.
lord please have mercy on me.its no joke guys the end is nearer than we expect.give your life to jeses.watch and pray.its really not a time to be submerged in sin.lets all be ready ooooo.its no joke
Can't you all see it has nothing to do with Islam? These are muslims killing muslims. It is called fight for Power. Just as its happening in Nigeria too.
Why do people refer to these terrorists as "extremists or Islamist"? They are all Muslims! Yes, all Muslims don't go out and kill and terrorize but they don't come out and say anything negative about their actions either or even declare a fatwa against them. Being silent is the same as agreeing. Islam is the cancer of modern society, we either remove it or we will all die.
#God answers all prayers#
Happy moments - Praise God, Difficult moments-Seek God,
Quiet moments -Worship God, Painful moments-Trust God,
Every moment - Thank God.
Islamic is not a religion at all. May God judge this people
This is terrible...
When they start killing them wit airstryks dy will begin to flood d media wit fory pics nd start complaining to d whole world how heartless the United States is.
Na by force 2 comment.....tatafo
What I don't get is why all their captives don't fight back.
Is it not better to fight and die in the process than to be beheaded like a goat?
What I can not understand is why hundreds of men who call themselves soldiers will walk dutifully to be slaughtered. Heck, even cows put up a fight. At least if you must die, die with honour, knowing you didn't give your killer the pleasure of the kill he's after. Run at an ISIS fighter, bite of his nose or burst his eyes with your thumbs. You will off course be dragged off and shot, but that is a glorious way to go out. Every morning the man wakes up without his eyes or nose, he'll remember you.
Islam means peace, it,s just unfortunate dt ds set of people are perpetrating evil all in d name of religion. Islam never authorise killing of souls because no man can create a single soul. Surery nemesis will catch up with them.
It is really sad that alot of us just pretend to be civilised but dont see above our nose. THIS IS NOT ISLAM. And the people who were killed in this video are also muslim. And BOKOHARAM IS NOT ISLAM. . . @LINDA. . I think its fair enough to write true stories and not write only cos u want to promote your blog. ALLAH says "there is no compulsion in religion. . . not
Thank you.
Islam is a cult, Blood suckers, very cruel set of pple. Every Muslim reading this, it's not too late 2 give ur lives to jesus christ,he taught us in d Ten Commandment "thou shall not kill" am not sure u can see dat in d quoran.... so pls take a bold step and give ur lives 2 Jesus, God bless u all as u do dat
muslims are been killed and beheaded and you say its a thing of the religion. you think little with no knowledge...its evil deed of man not the religion. Islam is perfect but man is not.
Islam is 4ever a religion of peace
I will tell you to watch what you say Islam..if you take your time to read our books you would understand Islam more..shallow minded people
The fear of Islam is the beginning of Godliness.
if all those behind this are truly muslims,let them do the evil without their mask on,so we can actually know their true identity, until they do this, then we can be sure they are muslims.
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