Getty Images photographer John Moore traveled to Monrovia, Liberia, risking his own life to chronicle harrowing scenes in the country which is in the grip of the deadly Ebola disease. The death toll from Ebola has now reached 1,069 and Liberia is the second most affected country after Guinea where this recent outbreak started from. See the photos after the cut...
A mother and child stand on top of a mattress in an Ebola isolation station in Liberia for suspected victims of the virus
Patients in the Ebola isolation centre are forced to sleep on mattresses
on the floor after being sent to the facility suspected of having the
he ward, in a former primary school, is where people suspected of having the virus are sent by health workers
woman stands over her husband with her head in her hands, after he
staggered and fell, knocking him unconscious in an Ebola ward in Liberia |
Workers wearing protective clothing and masks look on as the woman
desperately tries to help her husband who has fallen to the ground |
A son tries to rouse his father in their one-room home (left) before he is taken to an Ebola ward in Liberia
Doctor attending to a patient with Ebola symptoms. |
An Ebola victim is loaded on to a truck by a government burial team |
Three-year-old Nino sits in a newly opened Ebola isolation centre set up by the Liberian health ministry in a closed school |
Other children at the Isolation centre |
A woman cries as the undertakers, wearing protective clothing go to remove her cousin's body
After her body is placed on a truck and taken away, neighbours and relatives gather around to watch the vehicle depart
Relatives and neighbours of a woman suspected of dying of Ebola watch on
as a Liberian burial team prepare to enter her home to remove her body
A man stands next to the coffin of Dr Modupeh Cole, a doctor from Sierra Leone, who succumbed to the deadly Ebola virus |
A security guard walks atop the roof of an abandoned hotel in Monrovia
The man who took the photos. Getty Images staff photographer John Moore wears protective clothing before joining a Liberian
burial team set to remove the body of an Ebola victim from her home
Source: UK Daily Mail and Getty Images
My God dis is horrible... God pls help us
The photoGrapher risked his life oo.. May God help us
OMG! This thing is spreading like wild fire.God save africa from total annihalation.
Am sure this disease has got something to do with d ogas at d top (worldwide)..everything will b alright *FM
Props to you john! Always trust white people to be selfless.
After perusing through these pictures, for sure you can agree that Nigerians are in a more better condition. I don't wish this for my enemy..!!
There's more to this
Ah! I pray it doesn't get to this in Nigeria
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These people should get help from WHO ASAP...this is disheartening.
I admire journalists!....such courage..Liberians ain't finding it easy at all....gory pictures!
This is serious...Lord have mercy
So so touching. May God help us.
courageous man..pple are really suffering..May jah kip us...............................#KingOfKings
dishearting and perilous time for africans, despite the poverty and hardship, yet nature did not smile on us with dis kind of dreaded virus.
Oh God! Linda dz pics have jst spoilt my day. God pls send help
God!!!shedding tears seeing this pictures.Pls come down to our your word you promise that you will deliver us from the snare of the fowler and the noisome pestilence.please deliver us.*sobs*
Thank you John, for risking your life to bring us images of a plague.
And for the people of Liberia, who now have Ebola to contend with on top of poverty and wars of the past, I'm sorry life has been so unfair.
Imagine your last days spent in such a lonely, frightening place, knowing you'll die. Chai.
God forgive me for my ungratefulness.
The conditions in the wards are horrible. Doctors, nurses, health workers and loving family members being treated like shit after they've given up their own lives serving the sick.
I couldn't control my self 😢 😢😢😢😢😢😢
But the truth is I hate seeing such pictures of desperate, helpless Africans. This is what the West sees all the time. It's always one calamity after another.
God, why is Africa like this?
dis ish shouldn't get to dis stage in Naija or any other country..please God..let it end now..
can canada and america kindly do something fast about this disease please, we beg you in the name of God...look @ that 3year old boy sitting calm n innocent not knowing he will die soon..i saw that piture and i began to cry in my office unconditionally..God of heaven please have mercy on this generation and help us with a cure to this deadly disease...Dan Boiz Segun
can canada and america kindly do something fast about this disease please, we beg you in the name of God...look @ that 3year old boy sitting calm n innocent not knowing he will die soon..i saw that picture and i began to cry in my office unconditionally..God of heaven please have mercy on this generation and help us with a cure to this deadly disease...Dan Boiz Segun
Nna biko nyere anyi aka oooo,this ebola thing scares all man
can canada and america kindly do something fast about this disease please, we beg you in the name of God...look @ that 3year old boy sitting calm n innocent not knowing he will die soon..i saw that picture and i began to cry in my office unconditionally..God of heaven please have mercy on this generation and help us with a cure to this deadly disease...Dan Boiz Segun
Jesus, this is getting serious, father save ur people.
Hurtful n hrtbrkin
Is that why that MAD MAN Patrick Sawyer brought it to Nigeria? That BASTARD that will ROAST in hell! His more STUPID IDIOTIC wife should read about the sins of the father. It will NEVER be well with his entire family . Amen!
God pls help us ohh dis Ebola virus is gettin scarier by d day n dis pple touching dier loved 1nces won't dey b infected too
Am all tears! A time not to be born in west Africa!
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Really a sorry sight to behold. My GOD. Run to their aid.
haa oluwa o! save us in Nigeria o. so sad
God help us! *weeps*
Lord jesus come to our aid and save your own people...*my heart weeps** dis life??
Lord please have mercy on the entire universe....!!!
God!!!!!!this this is terrifying
Jesus! Dis is no longer funny o. We need to put a stop to dis ebola
I still think this ebola virus was brought into west africa by america or european scientist.....
Lord Jesus......chai! I so feel 4 dem.
God have mercy on your children..*crying*
God please protect us, this is not a good sight *sobs*. goose pimples
This is not good. So so touching. Dear lord, look with pity on your poor children.
It is well wiv dem o...m
mother africa where art thou ?
This is serious, pls God have mercy on us
Kai people are really suffering... God have mercy.
It is well!!! Linda abeg help stream 2 nysc ppl confirm wether we r still goin sept 1st or to chill till ebola is over
enyaaa. This is serious. Am so scared.
My dear, criied reading ur comment. We really do not deserve this, after the perils of poverty, lack of security and corruption now this
If you notice it's only the illiterates in the rural areas that are getting & dying from the disease! look at the way that woman and boy was touching the victims...smh
Terrible..God pls help us
Pls visit ny shoe blog
African counties really need help.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
May the soul of the taking,bear his/her pain life is give and take,so painful
This images are heart wrecking!
M speechless...
* My R1.50c comment *
Blive it or not Ebola is a weapon gone wrong...and I bet it d united states dats responsible....
Awwww they re really in a terrible touching.i pray help comes pretty soon
Linda I'm scared of even looking at d pictures,heard ebola can be spread through pictures sef.I don't wish dis on my enemies !may God Protect us
Dey are even taking kia of ur patience more than nigeria doctors but wan agent of death decide to come to nigeria for treatment instead...
God pls help us........
God save us all
Please,Lord show us ur mercy.RIP to those that have lost their lives.
This is just heartbreaking. May God help us all.
What is Helen Johnson Sirleaf doing. And how are we so sure its only Patrick Swayer that has bn in Nigeria ever since. We need to buckle up on our immigration system, across the borders as well. May God help us.
Please for once let the 9ja govt not see this as an avenue to divert funds into private pockets. Let every life of Nigeria citizens be considered sacred especially the medical personnel who are infected. Let everything humanly possible be done to make them comfortable with the immune boaster drugs to give them a better fighting chance.
I'm Outta here.
Please for once let the 9ja govt not see this as an avenue to divert funds into private pockets. Let every life of Nigeria citizens be considered sacred especially the medical personnel who are infected. Let everything humanly possible be done to make them comfortable with the immune boaster drugs to give them a better fighting chance.
I'm Outta here.
Please for once let the 9ja govt not see this as an avenue to divert funds into private pockets. Let every life of Nigeria citizens be considered sacred especially the medical personnel who are infected. Let everything humanly possible be done to make them comfortable with the immune boaster drugs to give them a better fighting chance.
I'm Outta here.
Please for once let the 9ja govt not see this as an avenue to divert funds into private pockets. Let every life of Nigeria citizens be considered sacred especially the medical personnel who are infected. Let everything humanly possible be done to make them comfortable with the immune boaster drugs to give them a better fighting chance.
I'm Outta here.
God help us....Ni'ima
If the virus is only contagious when the victim is showing full blown symptoms then how come there have been no pictures of the virus at that stage? How come people are only dying after treatment? Is this human testing or something? The fear tactics are working. And as for risking his life, Getty images do this sort of thing for a living.
Tears still rolling down my eyes after seeing the little 3 year old Nino and the other isolated kids. May God bring help to Africa.
No evidence of disease, just low standards of living.
Liberian centre is even better than nigerias isolation centre . I have a plan and a tteam that can control this issue. Federal government if you want to award me thee contract , email me at
Makes me sad :(
Its really heart breaking the way thing are going,so sad I hope the experimental drugs gets there on time.even here also
God pls don't forsake ur children
Learn how to make logo
Horror in Africa..
God pls come to our rescue
Ooops! *annihilation*
O my God this is horrible, lord God almighty have mercy on africa take away this disease of the egyptians...Amen
And some fools want doctors to call off d strike
God have mercy on us, this virus is getting out of hand.
My beloved Country will never get to this stage in Jesus name
To bad.....Lord pls help us
God! Have mercy on us Lord
It is well
Linda your comment section takes forever to load.
Fix it please.
This is heartbreaking indeed. I hope that WHO can approve the release of ZMapp to countries in west Africa in dire need of it
End time pestilence!
My heart felt sympathy but these people aint observing precautions. I see no one one apart from workers wearing gloves, or covered clothings.
D woman touching her hubby with bare hands......
I know Whites are selfless.
But this man is also looking at a potential Pulitzer Prize
**Bonarparte NN**
These are the last days. God help us
Oh! My God this is disheartened! God have mercy!
These clips are disturbing. So demoralizing. A case of ephemeral helplessness and hopelessness. MB.C. DORIS
African bush people, God has given us tools and resources to help our self. He will not kill himself for u. Use ur brains. Look at how people are atill touching Ebola infected patients like its nothing. After they've been told how contagious it is. Bush mentality dey worry Africans. Some people are also eating human meat and doing human sacrifices. No body is worries About it and u think God will help u? Listen, when God curse u, nobody can help u. Remember that. Don't respect or favour anyone into all this rituals involving human beings. And God will do something good in ur lives. As long all this sacrifices are going on in d land and all these churches are in every corner praying for money and not against rituals. Wrath of God will get stronger and stronger against d nation. No way out buddy.
This is heartwrenching..I hope we won't be subjected to such harsh treatment
May God help us.
This is so sad...#crying
Æ“♡D purnish ebola and the agent of darkness responsible for this attack on humans.
This clearly shows that the liberian authorities did not handle the situation well. And their iniability to contian the situation has lead to innocent people dying in our country. The pictures shows the people are not educated properly about the virus, look at the woman and husband father and son, the virus will definitely get to them and they will pass on to others. This is really sad
This is inscrutable.
Lord have mercy, quIte pathetic
Its no wonder why the virus is spreading like a wild fire look at that environment.
God help us this end time oooo
PLEASE GOD help these people, we heavily depend on the west now because our brains can never figure out the cure
This is a very difficult time for the people of West Africa. On the other hand, it is a good time to show great courage, demonstrate good leadership and demand accountability. In fact, it is a time to make tough decisions and be honest to oneself. But we can not show courage if we continue to let fear, emotions and religion becloud our sense of good judgement. Africans, we need correct and reliable information to make these correct but tough choices. This is not a time to spread fallacy such as taking a salt-water bath or avoid hand shakes from everybody. This is not a time to make aimless jokes about something as serious as ebola virus. This is not a time to fold our hands and ask God, Allah, Chukwu, Oluwa, America or Canada to help while we do nothing. It is not a time to be ignorant or afraid. It is a time to be practical and do something. We all cannot be Doctors or Nurses but we still are responsible for disseminating accurate and meaningful information that can prevent ebola virus from spreading more and ultimately save lives. While we anticipate WHO or Federal government's interventions, we need to inform everybody that per researchers,"the virus isn’t airborne. People would have to come into contact with bodily fluids including blood, sweat, vomit, urine, saliva or semen of an infected person. Patients aren’t infectious until they are sick—and even when they begin to develop symptoms, they aren’t highly infectious. The most contagious patients are those who are very sick and unlikely to be moving around much".
So let us encourage one another to seek medical help immediately if any of these early symptoms of an Ebola infection manifest. They include fever, headache, muscle aches and sore throat. At this stage, the patient is not contagious and seeking help early will save the lives of family, co-workers and loved ones. For further information, you can visit CDC's website or email Emeritus at
OMG can't even say a word
I cant deal...
God am so sorry for being an ingrate!
Nino's picture is heartbreaking!
Thus is serious ohh..plz may God help us..
.... . Late Patrick Sawyer's Wife Defends Husband for Bringing Ebola to Nigeria ..Click to Read
God pls help africans. No one deserves to die like this. So sad. AMYsexy
Oh no so painful, (Linda sugar boy )
Condition:thank me later.lolz
God please send a cure for this Ebola. This is becoming scary .
heart touching
what can we do to help? we need to do something, no matter how little to give hope to these people. what can we do to eleviate this suffering? God is ready to help lets make ourselves available not to only Nigeria but to all this pple suffering. lets turn our concerns and tears into action that can better their lives.
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