Though security personnel guarding the area have refuted this, the residents insist it's been happening for days...that wild dogs have been going to the 'Ebola graveyard' in Johnsonville, digging up corpses, dragging them into the open and feeding on their flesh. They are blaming government health officials who hurriedly bury Ebola victims after they die in shallow graves at night.
Now the residents fear that the dogs could pass the virus to humans.
Dis is not our portion IJN
Wat. Kind of tin is dis again ooooh!!!!!! Why shallow grave? Chai! Umu nkita ara gwunye mmadu eze na aru na die so say!
i fear there may not be Liberia soon. I pray God interven before it grows worse than this...
Dats weird. .....
hmmmmmmmmm na wa ooop God help us african's it is well in Jesus name amen.#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#
Hehehehehe, I no talk am? Very soon there will be Dogbola virus disease(DVD). Oya, wey that boy wey dey sleep with dogs, the time is here. This wld have been a good time for him to contract Dogbola.
Yaga! Abeg ooo they shldn't complicate things beyond this biko.
This Ebola s rily causing scare...May God safe us...Qurzimb@gmail.com
God please forgive us and help your children ooooo
I thought the remains of Ebola victims were supposed to be cremated, their being highly contagious, even in death?
That's wat yhu get wend 50% of a kountry is not educationed. Educationless fellos.
Hey, may God help His people. D case is bad.
Haaaaaaaa now dis is getting serious!pls where did d dogs spring from?and are they just buried in an open field dat gave the dogs access to the dead bodies?aside the security guarding the place does it not have a fence?
God pls help ur people. D case is very bad.
Ah this one no hard now! Na to kill every suspected dog! #inofitshout
God pls help ur people. D case very bad.
Opin aiye. Olorun alagbara, wa saanu fun awa omo re
Has it gotten to this? Why shallow graves in the first place? Omase o!
Has it gotten to this? Why shallow graves in the first place? Omase o!
This is very abysmal.....all I see is ENDTIME..
Has it gotten to this? Why shallow graves in the first place? Omase o!
Liberia as a country will soon be a deserted country....alancash
This one will lead to more spread of d disease, it's a pity d way dis innocent victims are buried wt disdain.
This is so serious a case that should be looked into.
Na wa! Abeg make una nor let anybody, animal or things from Liberia enter Nija again oh. Oga Jonah close our border abeg you
Africans and their yeyeness. Dogs eat dead bodies?
Nawaooo. This is serious. The govt should see to this nau
Wonders shall never end!!!
Did liberia officially offend God?? #justAsking#
These people have suffered enough.pls God show them mercy.
Face of lib
Ojai says" this is really bad, these pple r meant to be buried even in 8 ft. How can they be buried in shallow graves?. This is bad. At nigeria is better of than these pple
If this is true, then the situation is really pathetic. Oh God, please show mercy on your children.
This is serious
Dogs eat dead body lyk criously nd we re stil dere lukin d@ dem abt kk na..
How is that possible?! Aren't they buried 6 feet or are they just thrown in shallow graves, cos that's just too bad, given that the authorities know that those corpses are infected!
STUPID people in a STUPID country
Liberians seriously need to pray o.
This is not good, Africa needs to wake up and do things properly. If not our economy will be crippled Please learn how you can boost your immune system, at least a good immune system has a better chance of survival against dreaded disease. Visit my blog:
These Liberia ppl na their own worse pass, even their Dogs dey misbehave too. Anyway, enough enjoyment for the dogs.
They should kill all those dogs....Liberians are stupid sha.
Sad.....no coffin?
Dat country need prayer
Hmmmm linda another wahala ,abeg make them do somethingoooo.CHI .
Ah...this is another scary one...this information may not be far from the truth.
GOD please let not dose dogs that ate d diseased Ebola victims Travel 2 Naija like Mr Sawyer did....*AMEN* #######QUEENMAYA########
Nigeria cremated those who died from Ebola.Best thing to do.
God help this country
And apparently you are also part of the 50% that are not educated.mumu.
Like u're educated, educationed wer did u get dat from? 50% of d country isn't educated
Ummm my God is Able ~ice princess~
@Liberian Girl. No offence. Did you just type this in your right state of mind? No way! Linda should please respectfully block.
What a sentence.
Ur english dey pain my eyes abeg.
Educationed???????????????????????????????? **bbm surprised face** now I know why patrick uneducationed fool came here in d 1st place.....
Hian, @Liberian girl, educationed?? Kountry? Educationless??? Are u indeed Liberian?? If yes! No wonder......help me complete d rest.
God help us o!
wahala dey
*in P Square's voice*
Hahaha,,please send me your account number. I need to pay for your tuition fee asap..damn! U really need to be educated before u destroy your fellow Liberian girls with your horrible spellings..as if u guys don't have enough to deal with already..rotfl.
I bliv this u tagbo is just so d message will sink in
Rrrrraaaaayyy! Oya nau! This is the height of it all. Why should the corpse be hurriedly buried? And not in broad day time, but at night? Dats too bad man.... God, pls, save us from hands of d wicked... DAPADA LIBERS!!!
God have mercy on ur children n bring an end 2 ebola n boko haram
Nawa ooh! This ebola thing is getting more dangerous and I think the Liberia govt is handling it carelessly.
Pls tell me you did that on purpose
Say what!!!!????!!!!
Ebola graveyard? What happened to cremation?..
Read about the Russians and their Ebola vaccine on www.yemmybarge.blogspot.com
Omg laugh has finished me oh,wot a day!
Ebola or no ebola, death will come to whom it wants to visit. Becos, love and death comes uninvited. We live by the mercy and grace of God. No matter how protective u are, without God , it's usless. In times like this, all we need is prayer, not complain.
Na wa o!
Their diplomat ferry am come Lagos, their people loot Ebola centre and now their dogs are looting an Ebola graveyard? Na wetin dey worry dis people sef? ehhen Liberians, na wetin dey worry una sef ! ! !
Na wa o!
Their diplomat ferry am come Lagos, their people loot Ebola centre and now their dogs are looting an Ebola graveyard? Na wetin dey worry dis people sef? ehhen Liberians, na wetin dey worry una sef ! ! !
May God help us all...the end is coming sooner than we thought...
Amen oooo
Amen. ...
Africa should change from there wicked ways. God sees all of this, the sin of man.
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