Dear LIB readers: Should I marry her? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 13 August 2014

Dear LIB readers: Should I marry her?

From a male LIB reader
I've been dating this lady for 3 years and was preparing to ask her to be my wife. She is 28, educated, lives alone and has a decent job. However, she doesn't clean and hardly cooks. 
Last Saturday I went to visit her expecting to spend the night, on the way I got some food which I ate at hers. Shortly after my arrival she cooked, ate and fell asleep in the living room. While she was sleeping I cleared the plates, took them to the kitchen and put the rest of the food on the cooker in the fridge.
About an hour later when she woke up she walked into the kitchen to see I had not washed the plates. Irritated and annoyed she started complaining "You couldn't even wash the plates, ordinary plate you couldn't wash".
Then went into her room and locked the door as I ignore her. So I let myself out and went home. The next evening with little to no communication throughout the day she sent me this message. (above). Continue...
"Eating p***y, washing dishes...Anything else on your 'don't do list?'"

As a result of this together with instances in the past where she has failed to guard her tongue and more importantly apologize, I'm starting to think that a lady who comfortably sends such a message 24 hours after such an incident to someone she claims to want to spend the rest of her life with is not wife material, girlfriend material maybe but certainly not wife material. 

As she clearly has no respect for me as her future husband nor for her role as the woman of the house - more so in this case where it is her house. It seems to me like this it how it starts.

I don't think I am overreacting but it will be good to know what the female LIB readers think.


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Femi said...

Guy.. what u can't deal wit before u get married,don't ever attempt to deal wt it during marriage. "Nothing will change"

Av u ever givn her serious warning of her life before? i doubt it...u jst walk away?. Does she earn higher or feed u or somthng?

8yrs!, if u break up, she will act sober, tell u she is "sory" (d 1st frm many)
"The heart wants what d hrt wants, even dt wich is worst fr it."

Me i will tell u, "Wat makes a man is takn a decision and standing by it no matter what"

Anonymous said...

I'm a woman, and I would never treat my husband that way. She is irresponsible and has no respect for you. My advice, demand some respect from her and if she still acts up, dump her ass.

sisiclara said...

My dear run who lazy don lazy except u over looking her flaws n goin on wit d tym na pant u go wash or sweep house. Lol @eating Pussy though

Anonymous said...

No body is perfect, if she is your sister will you advice the husband to jilt her, Nop! if that is the only fault she has then you call her, talk to her make her understand she is a woman, should be humble, respectful and kind, you can buy her marriage books to read educate her, and give her a second chance she will change if she truly loves you and wants to settle with you. Good luck

Anonymous said...

Well I think U̶̲̥̅̊ know Wª†̥ Ɣø̲̣U̶̲̥̅̊ want i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ a woman. Do Wª†̥ ur heart tells U̶̲̥̅̊.

Anonymous said...

Well I think U̶̲̥̅̊ know Wª†̥ Ɣø̲̣U̶̲̥̅̊ want i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ a woman. Do Wª†̥ ur heart tells U̶̲̥̅̊.

Unknown said...

Lolzzz.... she is an idiot!!! Run for ur life b4 its too late

Anonymous said...

Y waste time? Drop her ass and get a woman your heart desires,if u go ahead,she will do worse.

Monkey Face said...

Three words


David Iyke said...

I would have commented, but you prefer only female LIBers! so let us hear from them.

temmi said...

this is the 21st century niccur! women dont belong in the kitchen!!!!!!!!!! although i wont do like this ur babe she's not well groomed... speak to her about it,, tell her how you feel,, and if she doesnt change gwan seek the face of God na from village

Anonymous said...

U better run before u become Okon

Anonymous said...

You will only continue to be a fool when you eventually marry her. Run now!

temmi said...

and you dont eat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You will only continue to be a fool when you eventually marry her. Run now!

Anonymous said...

Definitely not a wife material.

These signs are enough for you. Move on, there so many good looking women out there praying to God, asking where you are.

Unknown said...

thats unladylike but what do i know, this is one version of the story. i think u need to let her know what u feel abt her actions, if she is adamant then u bounce. i for one wont let my man wash plates in his own house. #sippingjuice

Anonymous said...


kendall flower said...

Poster u dont eat pussy!?!!?.... You are noy boyfriend material sef not to talk of husband material..... Mtvhew.... Remove the spec in ur eyes first


guy...why should you be seeking the opinion of female LIBers? should be asking for married people's ideas....male or female....and as a married man...I am telling you to run for your dear life!...there is already so much stress out don't need to add one more at home...ur home should be ur place of peace...if u date a woman and don't have peace...I suggest u take the highway!

MY TURN said...

And you had to come here for advice... ok PLEASE MARRY HER at least help us reduce the world by one of people like her.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't u wash the plates though? Are you too man for that? She clearly has a problem with the fact u don't eat pussy. She is not the problem . She really isn't. You sound like a chauvinistic pig.

Unknown said...

Indeed she's not a wife material or maybe she's not ready to settle down.. if Deres sm1 else u hv being eyeing pls look towards dat direction shikena! God wil guide and see u thru.

MY TURN said...

And you had to come here for advice... ok PLEASE MARRY HER at least help us reduce the world by one of people like her.

MY TURN said...

And you had to come here for advice... ok PLEASE MARRY HER at least help us reduce the world by one of people like her.

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot

Anonymous said...

she has absolutely no respect for you. and she wont change o. can u deal with this attitude for the rest of your life? the choice is urs. n ur type conforms to old love of a woman being a wife material n grace mouthed. u beta look well b4 dis lady frustrates u. meanwhile I wish I can hear her own side of the story cos u guys are something else.

MY TURN said...

And you had to come here for advice... ok PLEASE MARRY HER at least help us reduce the world by one of people like her.

Anonymous said...

she is either earning more tha n u and becus of that, she doesnt respect you. or shes not ready to settle down. she seems to be proud. be man enough n put her in order cus u sound like a weak man.

Anonymous said...

She needs to grow up!!!

I'm 28 also and a mother of 2. Is that how she intends to raise her children.

If she's not ready to become a responsible adult then do yourself a favor and find someone else.

Anonymous said...

She's a definite NO NO bro. Pick race 4 ya life nw.

Anonymous said...

you should talk to her about it and get her opinion, only then, you can decide....

Anonymous said...

My brother. Man to man...I will tell you one thing. Women are useless all over with regards opening their mouth. Just carry one and manage till baba God calls someone. You should see the one I'm managing here.....mscheeeew

Kponskii said...

...u already know

Unknown said...

Broda! Which kain jamb quation bi dis nah? U don ans ur self u still dey ask us wetin u already kw. Chei! Diaris God ooooooo!!!

Anonymous said...

It's not worth your while, bro. A man who can assist his woman clear dishes is an indication of a caring man who doesn't see household chores as a 'woman's duty'...and he deserves so much better. Be thankful you are seeing these signs now. You either skip or stay and pray God changes her...

Dozie said...

Haha....dude. Don't even know what to say. The scenario, I think is two -faced. Maybe she was just over reacting or just maybe she got no respect for you....just maybe. So use your tongue to count ya teeth.

Anonymous said...

I dont post comments but this is just hilarious you sef you have written it, she is not wife material and its in black and white. So imagine how bad it will be when you get married ? Please save yourself the stress.

Anonymous said...

The latter is not the prob but the former.just sort it out with her cos she is just a young woman who will want to having the heads for the rest of her life.

cReTiN said...

wow!,,,,she really has bottled up issues with you, chief amongst is - lack of sexual satisfaction as evidenced by her ''ur not going south on her!'',,,,,,,, guess her previous lovers were skilled in this area, ,,,,my advice is 2 downgrade her to gf material, cos if by now u r still refusing to eat her p~~~y, then, it implies u r among the breed of men that dont like it (i dont hold it against u,,,am not a big fan either, not every one is cut out 4 that, some chics r dirty/stinky/oozy down there, n still expect u to stick ur mouth there,,,,that place needs to be washed thoroughly b4 i stick my tongue there),,,,so unless u r willing to begin & improve ur p###y eating skills, then she would always be nursing this against u,,,,,also most chics dont like cooking now, esp working class, they rather buy food outside n get a cleaner,,,,,using job streess/no time as excuse

Anonymous said...

Her real problem is what he doesnt eat. the p.
Any woman not satisfied in bed will be rude to her man

Anonymous said...

Why won't u eat her p***y? Maybe that's the origin of the anger hehehehe! Fustration taken out on dishes. Guy do ur work well hehehehehehahahaha!

Unknown said...

U ve said it urself she's not a wife material unless you are willing to keep up with her insults and misbehaviors which I doubt its what you want.
Face of lib

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're over-reacting. I think she's rude and needs a lot of growing up. like you said she's a girlfriend material "not yet" a wife material.

best opinion said...

Rotflmao. Why do I like this gal. That messege is fkin epic! Apparently this is a transferred aggression.get down boy and eat her like a ain't seen food in 8weeks.

Honey matthew said...

Broda na u sabi...kambiakwa

Unknown said...

Dude don't marry her, go to the vilages in the Congo area and seek the kinda wife you are looking for. Or get a time machine and warp to 1674, you will definitely find what you seek. Aturu!

Abraham Ndu said...

Don't marry her.... You would have buried yourself before you die! Even if u decide to do the's not a right...afterall you came to her house and she doesn't have the mind to appologise. She will never be a mother to you...and I tink you need a motherly figure!! Love is not blind...if it tries to get blind...get ur eyedrops ready!!!

Anonymous said...

Hit the road hard. Run for your life. Simple. AnonymousGibbs

Unknown said...

She asked a clear question ....ans her smartly too ...."yes , marrying a lazy lady

Unknown said...

my dear,I understand where you're coming from,some women can be annoyingly untidy and dirty.However,i don't think it's enough reason to call off the relationship,talk to her about the laziness in cooking and untidyness,then ask tell her that's only reasonable to apologise when she has wronged you,if she refuses to do so,then my brother,please borrow leg run cuz that's how she'll continue o

Anonymous said...

My guy FLEE!

Unknown said...

Does our opinions really matters??? You know what right for you, you just go ahead and make the best decision. You know the answer to your question.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. Eating p**sy doesn't make you a weak man. I am married and I go down on my wife when ever I want. If you wanna please your woman, you will.

princess zeena said...

silly post!!!3yrs?? its sounds like u dnt kw her that much...u self u not a husband material!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for her annoyingly dirty behaviour...And u'r right,if she's the type dat doesn't say 'I'm sorry Love' and has no respect for you,she's not a 'wife material'. Geez!!!..wat kinda woman is dis,she claims she loves you and yet can't pocket her stupid pride..Three whole yrs of being patient and enduring yet no change and you tink she won't turn u into her house boy wen u marry her?...No bro,either you talk some sense into her or you forget about her...But be a gentleman if u'r gonna 'stop being her fiance'...Goodluck wit ur choice.

Anonymous said...

When poster she does not cook and clean we have heard. na true say nor marry her. But you don't eat pussy? You are wrong! All dese stupid naija mehna self. We girls will soon stop sucking dicks Mcheeeeew

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're confused. In fact, you're lost.

Anonymous said...

My Brother....NEVER GET MARRIED!!!!!

Adaeze Writes said...

Wife Material...that rings a bell. Read more on being 'Wife Material' on
Now to your question, is she wife material?
There must be one or more good things about her. Focus on the good things while calling her for a chat. During your chat with her, please communicate...that's the key. Settle on your likes and dislikes and tell her your mind. Then, pray sincerely about it. The answer will come at God's time.

Anonymous said...

Run for ur live dearie

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahaha! Abeg collect *HighFive* for this your comment.

Anonymous said...

Dear Poster,
Sometimes we exhibit some bad habits that we don't really take note of. I think you should tell her how you feel about the issues you raised here and see if she makes any effort to improve. Don't forget to encourage/praise her when she does start making effort/ improving. Also, you seem to not be satisfying her sexually. You need to talk with her as concerns that area as well.

ifeanyi said...

this guy talk like a are grown up enough to sleep with her but you are not matured enough to know that she dont love u,,run for your life

Anonymous said...

Lmao same, dude I won't marry you, you don't eat p***y? What is sex then? Men always feel they are the shit, have you ever asked yourself if she want to marry?

Unknown said...

You need not.shut him up, he needs clarification...pls dont marry such lady...we aint perfect tho buh I think she isnt good enough

goldprecious said...

Please will the guys here who said they can't eat pussy SHUT THE F*** UP. Does your babe give you a BJ with some of y'all smelling stinky down there. Na una dey fry the p***y and want to die inside ....nonsense talk. My dear go and sort out your own issue only you know where the shoe dey pinch you.

Anonymous said...

Eat them pussy and I assure you she'll do them dishes

Anonymous said...

Your instincts hardly ever betrays you, so work with it. Personally just end the relationship, you would have issues when you both get married. a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage. A woman who genuinely loves you would respect you.

SVC said...

Do you need a soothsayer to tell you what to dö.. Guy go büy kıto sandal#RUN#... IT İŞ WELL

Unknown said...

I think she's just being childish. Maybe you guys sit and talk it over, else you would end up being the woman and her the man if you guys get married like this.
Do you seek a serious relationship? TryBV HookUps

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. She doesn't like you. Trust me she will cook, clean, and even wash the clothes if she meets the man she likes. And that guy ain't you. On the other hand, you don fall in love finish and even if we advise you, you most likely won't listen

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm..... Am a lady, you shld be running not asking silly questions!

Unknown said...

Charity begins at home. Pls shine ur eyes

Unknown said...

House boy of life ekuse oo...she even rubbed it on your face,truth is even if u want to marry her,she doesn't want to marry you..Girls don't like guys that they push around,sorry but u're not man enough for her

Anonymous said...


seth said...

All I can say is that this is the 2014, women have the same rights as men.... and that there is no such thing as the woman of the house role.. she is not going to act as a character when she marries you....she is the ...

Anonymous said...

That's because you are probably just like his girlfriend, lazy with a foul mouth!

tani said...

So we are supposed to judge somebody you've been dating for 3 years based on one incident and a message she sent u.

D Cleanup Guy said...


Anonymous said...

Women bashing women! Typical of us knowing there are 2 sides to a story, your story dosnt just add up common ! You claimed to wash the dishes but she woke up and was upset that you didn't wash the dish. Lie no 1
What is the meaning of that is how it used to start? Very insensitive of you. From your story you seem jobless leaching on your babe imagine you came to spend the night at her place meaning you probably live with your parents and you are broke. In fact ur babe dey try. park well Jor commot make better person marry her! U be fried rice? Mtchhheeeeeeeeeee! And last and the most importantly u are not ashamed that u are not satisfying ur woman in bed, all these men wey dey make mouth na dem give head pass to even ashawo! My close friend had an empty barrel like you, jobless refuses her head but he likes head pass! She would do for him till he is done she kept complaining that she is not enjoying sex, when they finally broke up after 7 yrs d immature guy put her pic on bbm writing 'look for who wld give you head evil thing'.Guess what? 2months later she met a wonderful working class very handsome guy that satisfied her in bed! 4 months later they got married! And are still happily married, my husband does every thing in bed with me that I want. we don't withhold anything from each other we belong to each other. And as for that Abuja small boy wey comment your wife would so cheat on u... Poster I pity you. Your babe go leave you marry Mumu. Mark today's date.

Unknown said...

With all the stories put together you have answered what u are looking for. But for the record maybe you are confused because she is beautiful. Let me advice you. If you know you can cope with her attitude, you can do the dishes, cooking, washing of clothes, undies, going to the market for her and etc. then you can go ahead with marrying her. I hope this help. Have a bless and always pray for direction

Anonymous said...

Whatever!!!! We must hear her side of the story. Maybe you have been a dog/ douchebag or a lazy mofo and thats y she is lashing out.

D Cleanup Guy said...


Anonymous said...

But a guy can hold a grudge with his woman for not washing plates??? I call bull shit on that one! Also, only real men resist from going down on their women??? Arrant nonsense. .. but you would complain if she doesn't go down on you. These double standards though

Unknown said...

she is only pushing you to the limit to bring out the best and worst in you....Do not fail the
but seriously I do tha alot to know who my partner is, some people will pretend to be the best and when u marry them u realize u married and animal. be wise people. wise

Anonymous said...

See as u are calling him dear! Na you he deserve. Bitch!

Anonymous said...

See as u are calling him dear already! I still they ask Na you he deserve. U be like ur queen is coming.. No doubt you are going to be his Queen of Coast.. Bitch!

Kester Eke said...

Kim k has release some brand new look of her... You need to see how a police was staring at her back-side.
Read more here

Anonymous said...

U better marry her kia kia. She's true to you and to herself. She does not want to pretend and show you a mere facade. Some ladies would cook, clean and even wipe your ass while you are dating them. Their goal is to get you to marry them and once that is done, then comes the time for great revelation. The folks that said that the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know, have a good reason for that. Your girl is keeping it real and besides, there are many ways to take care of the house chores, one of them is getting a house made.

I love girls that keep it real and show their true self up front.

City: Unknown.

Anonymous said...

reading this post and the comments remind me of my reasons for not wanting to be with an "african" man or be married into an "african" family. Using culture as an excuse to place women in the lowest positions. From the comments men are not the only culprits. So she cooked for you, fell asleep because she was obviously tired and you could not use your church mind to wash the dishes. What is wrong in a woman expecting a partner to help? She even tried- she had food waiting for you. Hmmm if it was I, with your history of not doing the dishes, I would have waited for you to come and we would have cooked together. Don't worry I would have given you some garri to whet your appetite. I don't want to touch the pussy comment with a 10 ft pole, but I will use a 12ft one : Does she go down on you?

I see some sensible comments above- thank you

Unknown said...

wetin man pikin no go read for here.... eating p**** kwa? hian

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Chill bro. It's sumtin u can both work on. Speak ur mind, she will speak hers too. I'm sure u r not perfect either.
A great r'ship is one which 2pple work hard to be happy and are will to make each other happy.

Jeez. So much negative vibes

Anonymous said...

She obviously wants head or a better sex life. Negotiate.
You don't like her rude mouth or less than tidy behaviours, speak up. I
Then if y'all can't compromise, go splitsville.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Game over !!! Pack ur bag n hit d road

Anonymous said...

So you expect a woman to cook for you, clean for you, shower you and tuck you into bed right? A lady spent time and slaved over a hot stove, the least you could do was to wash the plates, even if you don't like it. There's always 2 sides to a story. But if I were her, I wouldn't even marry you.

Anonymous said...

all this guys asking why cant u eat pussy, you guys should be honest, u don't do it too, but love BJ.. Linda please put a tread on pussy eating and see the reaction from guys in Nigeria.. its a combination of both culture and the fear that she might be cheating on you, cant imagine the idea that we are putting our mouth where another guy dick has enter.

Anonymous said...

Nice one Mr Charles. Thought I was alone on this.

Souljagurl said...

If na true u de talk and u no get any wahala wit urself or her before, abeg free am, she no be am. Between, who ''deals'' to ha man like that? jor oh!

Unknown said...

Guy she's not just into u. Just walk out fast before its too late

Anonymous said...

This guy is a loser!! The only thing i pick from this write-up is you had to buy food for yourself to eat in her house and she then made food for herself to eat. Loser!!!!What kind of a man are you? I would have resorted to vulgarities too so you never come back!!

Anonymous said...

All y'all who keep saying he should leave the girl have very shallow minds seriously...if i were that lady i cannot have respect for him...this dude intends to settle in the lady's house...why don't you get your own house?don't you see why she disrespects him?...if he don't have a house, a stable job and a salary he's meant to be alone!!!...Even the Bible approves this...#GETAHOUSE

Anonymous said...

Very Funny....... bad omen if you ask me, talk 2 her about it, her reaction would guide you on the next step which should be run

but hw come you don't eat p**sy??

Anonymous said...

SHE is being HONEST oooo.

A lot of women will pretend till the get the ring.

But guy, the babe like her P***y being eaten and its on your "don't do" list. I bet you wont mind getting a blow job. It is selfishness like this that causes most of the problems in marriages today...

don't be too quick to conclude that you will be the one refusing to get married to her...

if na me be her, if you ask me I no go gree...

Unknown said...

Talk to her about it 1st and see if she will change, if not please leave her and get a better woman.

Adeola said...

i am amazed o, please why can't you wash your plate? have you married her? what nonsense wife material? men expect women to take on wifely roles while they don't act as responsible husbands. abeg comot jor

Anonymous said...

The fact that you don't eat the kitty is the main problem here I have been married to my husband for 5 years now we have 2 kids,I do everything in the house by myself with no complains .I cook,clean and make sure the kids are always clean I work out 5 times a week just to keep my body tight and eat right people can't even tell by looking at me that I have kids,to mention I'm only 25 and dealing with a husband who won't eat the kitty coz of some stupid mentality I give him Bj everyday he don't even have to ask coz I love him I just don't know how to get him interested because my ex used to live of that thing to bad he was a scum my husband is nigerian tho maybe it's a nigerian thing *capetownprincess

Anonymous said...

Bonario darling I wud always love and love u endlessly... But I don't second ur opinion as in this case this lady wud do worse to this man after marriage... So my advice.... Part ways amicably

Anonymous said...

She might have been in a bad mood. Why do u all sound so pained. 3 yrs nd u wanna throw it all to d wind. Wtf is wrong with everyone

Anonymous said...

lol.....I cant get over d not eating pussy part.....mtchewwww. bro, u are not husband material

Anonymous said...

This isn't really about dishes, housekeeping or fellatio. This girl is NOT willing to give you her best because you're NOT her Mr. Right, period.
She won't make an effort.
We give as litttle as we can get away with when a r/s isn't worth much to us, its just a filler. And no smart woman cast her pearls b4 swine.
When a women meets the one she wants, you'd be surprised how some men bring out the best in us!
Not only do we go the extra mile, we absolutely delight in doing so!
My dear, enjoy the ride, but she's not your wife.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, 300 comments and still counting.
My guy, you've really stirred the hornet's nest!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my dear, I posted earlier that we give our very best to the men we want, in r/s we value. BUT, I forgot to add, such men do dishes and fellatio AND treat us like a princess!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Man, why didnt you wash the dishes? Are you feeling like a big boy or sth? Also, you dont eat pussy, if i may ask, WHY? If i catch your wife, she will divorce you immediately. C'mon EAT the PUSSY man n stop acting like a baby! Nonsense guy *long hiss*

ganbell said...

Ur reply is d sickest ever,obviously we can tell poster shud know and by now,but if u were her,u will never see husband...#truethat

Anonymous said...

Oga! You better eat oh. if not she will find someone else to relish it. Like someone commented, we don't know your communication style so its hard to judge.

I advice you talk things over, but please if she is eating from the ice cream cone you better be ready to eat up too. Sexual satisfaction is VERY important in marriage.

ganbell said...

What's on your mouth to be heard? Bad mouthed bitch. Am sure the gal is even better than you.

Anonymous said...

Oga! You better eat oh. if not she will find someone else to relish it. Like someone commented, we don't know your communication style so its hard to judge.

I advice you talk things over, but please if she is eating from the ice cream cone you better be ready to eat up too. Sexual satisfaction is VERY important in marriage.

NikkyDee said...

"She is 28, educated, lives alone and has a decent job. However, she doesn't clean and hardly cooks."

Those are the reasons why you want/not want to marry her?

my Brother... FUCK YOU VERY MUCH... olodo...

Anonymous said...

You are a fool. Mushin small boy! Idiot......

Unknown said...

You don't deserve her either

Anonymous said...

My dear I tire for the very selfish guy! You were going to ur girls house you bought food for only yourself to eat! You wicked oo! Very urn gentlemanly! If na me I go use broom pursue you commot from my house and probably you may have used her plate or spoon to eat the food! And you expect her to wash it! Women don suffer! You don't deserve that lady she has a kind heart! Stingy broke ass! Kai I wish dat babe would dump you cos u r just a nuisance to her.

Unknown said...

My brother chune ya eyes eyy . Ea

Anonymous said...

Me I will marry it oh.
That guy should count his tongue wif his teeth. He should understand that marriage goes beyond beauty. It is a life time tin bro.

Unknown said...

Bro, therein lies your problem. You mean you've not tounge slapped that pussy for the 3 years? Guy go down and chow and yee shall experience a world of difference. GBAM
AH 9

Anonymous said...

Bro, therein lies your problem. You mean you've not tongue slapped that pussy for the 3 years? Guy go down and chow and yee shall experience a world of difference. GBAM
AH 9

Anonymous said...

LET US HEAR HER SIDE OF THE STORY! MEN CAN LIE! Plus If I visited your place with my own food I'd wash up after eating. Its plain courtesy

Breanna Blogs Life said...

LOOOL!! This is rather disrespectful! She made good for HERSELF... In her own house and expected YOU to wash the dishes then proceeded to curse you out when you didn't?
This type of woman will get worse in time and nag. She won't think two ways about cursing you out if she can do it so easily at this stage when she's supposed to be trying her best to be a wife.
Some women are the cause of their own downfall.. You complain about men, yet you don't know the difference between acting like a girlfriend and a wife. We've all been guilt of it but sometimes it's necessary to evaluate yourself In life.
My brother... Talk to her.. If she refuses to listen and repent.. Go your way.

Breanna Blogs Life said...

Don't think the issue is with Him not washing plates. It's her talking to him with no respect and not even making an effort to settle issues after 24 hrs. Come on... A real woman knows which battles to choose and this one wasn't one of them. It's petty!

Anonymous said...

She doesn't clean and hardly cooks, yet she cooked that shortly after your arrival that Saturday night and ate, kwa? You've portrayed her in a negative way and now waiting for people to pounce on her with their comments, right? You're so pathetic! You didn't even construct your stupid story well enough. So you want to say you are the holy one, who can't wait to make a honest woman of someone, yet you're immature enough to bring your private business online. It sounds to me like you are lazy (won't clean up after yourself), selfish (only out to satisfy yourself; sexually and by buying food to your girlfriend's house just for yourself alone, using her plates and cutlery and then dumping everything in her kitchen to wash for you without even offering her any) I'm sure you would have tried to instigate sex after, knowing fully well you'll only go on as long as you're satisfied but won't care wether she gets satisfied or not. Gosh!! I really wonder what the heck she's doing with you. Love must be REALLY blind. You're there asking if she's wife material, are you husband material yourself? You're not even boyfriend material from the sound of things. You need to fix yourself and change your selfish attitude towards the person you claim to love before thinking of living forever with them. A decent guy would call his girlfriend and let her know his grievances but you probably can't do that because you know you're the problem and she's probably brought it up a few times in the past, probably fed up now and starting to act up. Instead of adjusting to see if she'll also change towards you, you decided to paint her bad and throw her to online vultures while you watch and gloat. I think she should run far far away from you because you sound immature, irresponsible and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Lol! All I can say is your girlfriend 's' are currently sexually frustrated beings!

Anonymous said...

She's so lazy, she doesn't cook or clean; yet she cooked that night when you got there and you found clean dishes at her place to use up, right? Guy! You better talk true or find somewhere to park your lazy ass and stop disturbing us with what should be private between you and you girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

See this one o?! So eating pussy is filthy, yet you'll expect to get a blowjob yeah? Issokay. Just hope your wife/GF doesn't run into a brotha like me 'cos with the multiple orgasms we will be giving her on the regular, she gon kick your sorry ass to the kerb!

Unknown said...

When u get married get a maid.i am a lady nd I hv nva touched dirty dishes in my life I cook well bt doin d dishes is nt just my tin.we r in a modern world get a dishwasher or a talk 2 her abt her attitude I tell my bf u made d mess go clean it up we hv a perfect understanding I am a wife nt a help

Anonymous said...

All u lot abusing the babe, have u heard her side of the story? Why are we so judgemental? The broke ass nigger bought his own food without buying for the babe and took it to her house and ate while she cooked her own food. Blimme, who does that? Are they in a relationship or what? Young Man,u deserve what u got. Learn to be responsible and act like a gentleman.

Anonymous said...

@anon8:50am Lmao! Why so PAINED! Lwkmd

Anonymous said...

Lol I think you should read the write-up again(it's not his plate but hers. She was the one who finished eating and slept off leaving her plate on the table. He cleared them for her)

Anonymous said...

Hey bro, My simple advise "Run away" a broken relationship is far better than a broken marriage. Please avoid ladies that are not submissive, quick to anger, tell lies and untamed tongue. My last relationship lasted for more than three years and my Ex exhibited some of the above listed. I ran away, now I feel great because I found the right one!!!

A word is enough for the wise....Act fast before its too late.

Anonymous said...

Awwww... Dey there dey ask question oo, mk u no use ur head... U go soon wash her pants and na ur head u go wear am till e dry... wait till u get d answer ok..

Anonymous said...

1st of all.I can't stand a dirty woman..what if the baby comes and then everywhere gets smelly?ewww and she has a loose tongue?watch out bro

Anonymous said...

WHAO. reading these comments really makes me sad. now im not saying shes right and u are wrong but is it by washing plates that one measures a good woman. all these wife material bants is just pure story. i believe a good man makes a good woman. if u are indeed a good man u would attract ur type or at least be able to bring the goodness out of that woman. now unto other things. so u could not wash those dishes. really. if u had washed them will u have died. if it were me in that situation and i slept off only to wake up the next morning and find out u didnt wash the plates knowing u were awake while i fell asleep. i would not speak to u the way she did but i will know in my heart that u are not the one God wants for me. God wont give me a man who expects so much from me but isnt willing to give me anything in return. a man who isnt ready to help his wife wash a few dishes when its just the two of them will not be willing to help her with the kids they have together. Godforbid he washes the dishes while she feeds the baby or gives the toddler a bath. a man who isnt ready to help his wife isnt husband material. simple. and quite frankly u mr man are not a worthy man. infact u both deserve each other. u being lazy and she being rude. perfect combination. if u like leave her and go look for someone else without changing ur attitude u will not get anyone that much better than this present lady. people are so eager to point out the faults in others but they fail to see the failts in themselves.

Anonymous said...

to all those men out there that complain that women nag. maybe women wont nag so much if u would think logically and act like a grown man. maybe women wont nag so much if u would stop being childish and take control.actually be a leader and not just a man who thinks hes a leader but hes actually a follower. and to all the men out there who complain that women nag. think back look at your parents relationships (im referring to those whose parents have a loving and respectful marriage a marriage that is still standing the test of time) now look at some of the things ur mother nagged about. was it for the good of the family, her husband and u the kids. evaluate your thoughts and now tell me if a woman "nagging" is that much of a bad thing

young conscience said...

You, cuz they hail you that you comment a lot you suddenly think your opinion is that of God, hence you try to sound the opposite of public opinion whether it makes sense or not, an African woman that not only leaves her husband to clean after her but also calls him out for not doing a thorough job while she blasts away @the keys of her smart fone probably touching herself behing closed doors? Why don't you collect her number from him and do tho honors, put a ring on that and share on instagram(you spend most of your time on you fone anyway)

Unknown said...

She's an idiot. Pls forgive her biko oo

Anonymous said...


staff said...

I would not recommend her to marry you.You seem too full of yourself.

"As she clearly has no respect for me" - why, who are you?

"...nor for her role as the woman of the house" - which is cleaning and kneeling down for you?

You're not husband material, you need a slave girl who sleeps with you, NOT A WIFE.

Unknown said...

Don't u v sense dt she doesn't wnt to have sex dt nyt becuz ur sex wiv her is boring dts why she used dt to chase u away and she's putting it on d dish washing issue. Use ur head oga. If a woman loves pussy licking n u don't do it sex might be boring.

Anonymous said...

Don't u v sense that d woman did not want to v sex wiv u dt nite cuz ur sex is boring.. U don't eat pussy so she used dt as an excuse so u can leav n made it seem lyk it was d dishes buh she still added it so u can have a clue. Oga eat ur wife to be pussy it doesn't bite. Wich stupid don't do is dt.

Anonymous said...

Buh u want ur dick to be sucked? Shege!

Anonymous said...

Oga! The problem is the woman is sexually frustrated because you won't eat pussy. She cooked so why can't you do the dishes? Although it was wrong for her to come out and say it rudely it is 2014! Please your woman.

Anonymous said...

There are two sides to ever story. Ask the lady now and she will tell you her grievances with this man. i will not give an opinion based on a clearly biased one sided story. Also nagging is not in my DNA madam speak for yourself

Anonymous said...

first,u no get house? Y coming to spend weekend for woman house? Second, y u no dey chop pussy? She dey give u head? Third,its not wrong to do d dishes but she has no right demanding it .. Dats wrong. She cud hv asked politely .. Lol. So my advice is talk to her abt ur likes n dislikes nd hear hers too. Then u guys cn kw if ur compatible or not.. Cheers


Anonymous said...

Thumbs up, why don't you eat the p and see if she doesn't give you everything

Anonymous said...

Let us stop disturbing our-self, It been long dis guy started washing dis plate.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this guy is a fool. He obviously knows what to do but is trying to pass a message to d girl. She'll read about what she's done on lib and peoples reaction to her act. If she thinks d guy is not thinking straight, surely everyone else can't be wrong too

Richards Lawson said...

wetin dey plate when u nor fit wash?u dont give her head and plate again u nor fit wash...washing dishes doesnt make u less of a man.God has created u a man..u need not prove to a lady that u are a man humble and love her even more.

Anonymous said...

What she did was wrong but if you want to run away because of something this small, then you aren't even ready to get married. Look at what we did to Jesus and still he had the love and patience to die for us. That's the kind of love you have to have for anyone you want to spend the rest of your life with... because the rest of your life is a VERY VERY VERY LONG time (by God's grace).
Sit her down and tell her how you feel, successful relationships are all about compromise. You guys should work it out

Anonymous said...

Pls run for your life

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is you already know who she is..unlike majority of the ones here commenting and telling u otherwise...many ladies pretend jst so they can get married and show their real selves wen they get what they want. IMO thers no harm in helping her wash dishes .. at least she cooked for you to eat. on pussy eating...nigga you dont do whaaa??? how you wanna satisfy your woman...shes gon get that outside

Zeezeemanda said...

I am a married lady and I have come to understand that the apparent issue in a quarrel is probably not really the issue. I think you may have annoyed her at some point which is why she acted out. She probably just wanted to get a reaction out of you. Most of us women will not confront you but will make you know we are upset in different other ways. Best talk to her, she probably isn't satisfied with the sexual relationship either and trust me this frustrates a lot of women though they will not say this to your face. Pay attention to her antics and try to discern the cause of her drama.

odogwu said...


Anonymous said...

If I were her, I wont marry you either..what wrong with doing "your" dishes and worse you don't eat the P! You arent even a boyfriend material..hissss.

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