And it looks like Chris is not only ready to move on but he also wants to add insult to Karrueche's injury. He went to St Tropez this week and took a very good friend of Karrueche with him. (girl with arrow pointed at her) and made a point to be photographed with her. There's even a pic that looks like they are making out. These h**s ain't loyal! :-). See the pics after the cut...

Photo credit: MTO and YBF.com
Choi ''KARAUCHE" oooo, but some friends are not loyal sha. Smh
Some ppl will come here and start insulting CB, buh d fact is that...... THESE HOES AIN'T LOYAL!!!!
The future belongs to those who know where they belong! Chris Brown the Lothario!! None other that's better! LOL!
CB is a boss..if ur bitch brks up wit u..revenge by dating her frnd..finer frnd..................................#KingOfKings
Christ brown is one of my favorite artists.
Let him cary On!
No tearz...
Omg! Am I d only one seeing dis or R my eyes deceiving me on d 5th pix? Chris is outta shape! What??!!!!!!!!!! His abdomen is pouring like Mr Ibuh's! Chris nd K shud get a life already nd save us their back nd forth! Lets catch our breathe 4rm d twirling! Like seriously, those kind of friends need to b poison wit ota pia pia! But who wudnt hook up wit Chris?
BTW Chris, ur shirt abi top is H.I.D.E.O.U.S!
#GozManuel Says#
Pls she should forget chris he is an asshole,,,irebisibrown@yahoo.com.sg
fake friend
Celebrity live of a player #bright bravo#
I don't know what is wrong with some girls, why guys find it difficult to date their friends ex, ladies find it very easy to do, meaning they been longing for the guys ever since. I guess the pride men have is the major difference
All these nude pictures sef, na wa o. I am not impressed.
Nawa o, these guys ain't loyal.
Omo Jaiye Jaiye
Oops! Wrong message. See this girl o, i hope what they are saying is not true o. But this is the reason why i don't have many girlfriends. People are not honest with each other.
Whatever he must find d road to riri house and finally marry her. Pavour@gmail.com
Whatever he must find d road to riri house and finally marry her. Pavour@gmail.com
Whatever he must find d road to riri house and finally marry her. Pavour@gmail.com
Chris is really cruzn. LIB Princess! Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
hmmmmmmm...sum friend can amazed u and leave u lukin shocked.guess she wan fame.
That's so unfair...dats d height of humiliation. Chris u need to grow up
Awon oyinbo sha! In-salt to her injury gidi. #call me indigenous lib# v_okunola@yahoo.com
Bitches....anything for money and fame
Choi! Nekwanu afo akpu chris brown.....lol naa @ linda h**s aint loyal.
Thes niggas aint loyal..wish am dis girl
Hmmm mm
Brizzy is now tall, huge nd fat. Hw tha h*ll did e happened???
They aint loyal oº° but dats none of M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ business!!!
The earth is made up of 70percent water and thots (these hoes out there) are still thirsty as fuck..... Poor girl!! breezy is the katrina in her karruche and all that ride/die gfwend bs is so lame. ... When is dt tran girl gonna learn?# cheEzyjayne
Chai Breezy there is God oooo.
Dis guy is a bad name; she should move on
oh ma goodness.....z dat chris's stomach? wah rily happened wen he wz in jail. #oyinbojail go in n u bcum robust #naijajail go in fat n u cum out lukin like a candle stick. juz sayin
Ka shld learn from this don't keep bitches like that close to ur man..ladies aint loyal to there friends when it comes to money and dick..lol
He's 100% free to do anything with any girl.... Loyal my foot...
oh ma goodness.....z dat chris's stomach? wah rily happened wen he wz in jail. #oyinbojail go in n u bcum robust #naijajail go in fat n u cum out lukin like a candle stick. juz sayin
Dis h**s ain't loyal,dis guy wants to b left alone,eat his cake (so far they re the ones bringing it) and have it too( if possible)...crazy dude.c fat for all hin body..he is nt worth killing oneself for
This chris brown has some serious issues and all this fake ass friends too smh
When a rich n****ga wants you.
Chris brown! How many times did I call u? Warn urself gan!!! Lovette4luv@yahoo.com
This hoe ain't loyal.. C'mon C'mon girl why you fronting and I bet that bottom dollar she gonna cheat.. #loyal
Looks like this guy doesnt knw wat else to do wit his life. He lives it d way he wants regardless of whoeva is gonna get hurt
I tot chris brown has packs,is dat not fat am seeing around the waste and just below the tommy area
Chris Brown is so immature and retarded!!! It seems his stint in jail didn't have any effect on him at all!!!Karruche or whatever her name is, should cut her losses and move on, and she should dump that her back stabbing friend smh!!! Whizman
Is Chris becoming pot bellied?
D only thing I'm gon say is......CB should get rid of d excess fat.....i wanna see d Chris Brown I fell in love with....not dis akpa aja
Bitch ain't loyal man! I need to ask tho, is dat Chris or his dad cos dat tummy looks old!! He needs to hit d gym like right now!!! Sooooo not sexy! Nways, d shit ain't ma bizness!!!
happy new month my lindalollipop. Are we sure this is not just rebound thing. Won't last long
Dis is the point were karauche tran says "she was neva my frnd" rily sum hoes aint loyal..friend or foe?..lauhrex
hmm CB has started again ooo!!!! first riri now dis..kae made a good move, kick dat fat ass to da curb!! to da left CB... goat!... ewu!... hate guys who have no respect for ladies...and dt girl is not a friend! I'm sure he will soon dump d friend as well i give dem... 2 wks max
And d friend might have been among those that adviced karruche to liv Chris . Girls are natural born hoes wit no brains at all. Chris go still use and dump u , while karruche might b regretin d wrong advice she bought
bitch ain't loyal but i like this guy is hot(sharp bad guy)
Kae had too much I guess ! She had to wait for him to insult her.chai gala don't love like this ohhhhh! Its not safe.
Paparazzi sha Linda open ur eyes in the previous pic she lights a cigarette while chris holds one....then bends to light his with hers.....definitely not a kiss faces too far apart
Eyyaaa!! Bad friends.........meetsheno2020@yahoo.com
Well that is the way he chose to live his life,,,,,,#goodluckozomu@gmail
Oh mehnnn, guy, I follow see the belle oh. He needs serious work out.
CB will always be CB....in jail or out of jail, Bitches aren't loyal#CB
Did his gym instructor travel?
well, what can I say? He's a star after all and every girl out there wants to take a bite.. He should work on his shape though, he's loosing it.
Maybe she's just helping him get Tran jealous. She could have been paid for this! On 2nd thoughts, she might be the reason Tran broke up with him.
Nigerianz nd plenty talk,is she d only female dia?do u kw if she is close 2 chris bfr bin close 2 K? Do u kw if dey r best palz?yall shuld get a life plz nd ask Qz bfr u start insultin da poor gal...... Galz r loyal bt Dickz aint..... Rubbish!
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
When they say be kiaful of friends....some gals will not hear. sooo,....she has been eyeing the guy while fronting to be besties with the main chick... These H***s really aint loyal.... smh
Hey odikwa nma #iamjay$plash#
Yeah, what if it reads fuck up yourself by dating her friend? Then you're in for some trouble. Anyway, shows you're a childish, fiendish nincompoop who goes around seeking revenge.
No be only christ. Na christain
Karauche or whatever her name is seems like one clingy girl. Can she just give the boy a break instead of attaching herself to a guy who is obviously not serious with her. To me they are just buddies. The relationship part is a thing of Ms Tran's imagination. Today break up, Tomorrow she will be the first person at a court or welcome back party etc playing girl friend. The girl is so thirsty and doesn't have respect for herself. ..
Chris Brown pls work on that tommy jor!...the girl wanted to taste what her friend was eating.
And y'all thought when he said bitches ain't loyal he was talking about Rihanna? Hehehehehe it's a general fact. Anyway I think it is a good thing that Karrueche has gone her way for good. Hope she doesn't pull a Rihanna and do a U-Turn
That's bad she has no hrt ,make the chris go 2 hell him get sugar 4 d***? ass hole marydanladi180@gmail.com
Breezy..na wa 4 u ohh
#ChrisBrown pls take a look @ur pix back then b4 going 2prison! Where 're ur packs? What's dat pot belly 4?? U wants 2b like #Ricross abi??? U beta watch it! Ur loosing dude!! 2bad!!! #LightMan.. Paulola62@gmail.com
Sharp Guy.(Linda's Man)
CB be looking like soaked bread! He should leave women alone for now n work on himself! Haba! Btw CB was a burden to K so if I were her I will be so glad to pass that burden to a fake friend..
Mehn xo bad #maryjane22cute@gmail.com
Na anoda person matter dey make you twist and twirl? Guy its like its you who needs a life o
My life drama, I vowed neva 2 introduce eni of my shewolves 2 a b/f enimore I was dun wif dem both aftawards.
This bitct ain't loyal_ONAHBOY
OMG look at Chris shape...... Neva knew he is dis boring in shape..... Where is Riri....... ....... I AM MISS LIBER*MISS MEENAT
i think say na only me see the stomach and the fold. nawa o
Comon Grow Up Mr. Brown. Y Don't U pik a girl outside the friends? #26247c63
Chris with these pix is doing nothing harmful
These Hoes are so thirsty and uch back stabbers!!!!
Nah, the future belong to those who see possibilities... Chicks dey can kill for the D...
These hoes aint loyal. Dats why dat shii went platinum.
I guess this's the friend he wanted them to have threesome with.
The hoes aint loyal..NO NO NO they ain't esp when a rich nigga want them...Besides breezy could have called her to discuss reconciliation with tran with her probably she could help but that last pic though...#LipsSealed
My Chris is getting fat. He needs to hit the gym!
Dis qirls ain't loyal...:::::....... S0me boys ain't loyal......:::::...... Mehn but me am loyal
Mgbaji aka is allowed!
I dont blame CB, i blame the HOE.
This Chris Brown will end up worse than Bobby Brown. See his pot belle!
The girl wants her share. Some friends....Humans are selfish, anyway.
Well tmz can form news sha dat last pix might not be what it looks like..but if they are, Chris is sure still a child and needs to grow up* but men Chris don ve pot belly o
I'm afraid chris brown is falling apart. He does not look good at all. He is a very good dancer, but he doesn't look like one right now. I'm scared for him.
Msheew! These beasts ain't loyal
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