Found this on the Nigerian military website
Lt. Kyom Leo's emotional story told on various social media channels, continues to draw myriads of sympathies, tributes and encomiums from Friends and Family and other well meaning people all over the Country; One Miss Nkechi Afamu, a Friend to the Late Soldier wrote “RIP LEO, My Childhood friend. We all parted ways after kaduna crisis in 2000. I can’t believe you are gone, what happens to Tida and Wyari your lovely sisters. I can’t question God but its hard to say Goodbye. REST ON KY. we will all miss you.”
Another Commenter on a Leading Blog also posted this “Chei!! I actually saw this guy (Lt. Kyom Leo) last year in picture on General Onwuamaegbu’s FB wall. The General was visiting Sandhurst Military Academy and this guy (Lt. Kyom Leo) was one of the Cadets training there. The General even remarked that this guy would one day make a fine officer. What a waste!”
“RIP Gentleman Officer! RIP Lieutenant S Kyom Leo of 58 Regular Course! You died as a Hero! Doing what we have signed for! To serve whenever the clarion calls and whatever the price or odds!”
The Story of Lt. Kyom Leo, a deeply Religious and Courageous Soldier whose steadfast belief in the Country for which he paid the Ultimate price will continue to inspire the Nigerian Military to protect our Territorial Integrity and rid Nigeria of all forms of Insurgency and Aggression. He was buried on the 17th of July 2014.
Lt. Kyom Leo who died in fighting for the Nation as her Military
intensifies the Counter Insurgency Campaign, was billed to hold a
Solemnization of Holy Matrimony with his Sweetheart Miss Angela Gaiya on
Saturday the 30th of August, 2014 in Kaduna.
- See more at: http://defenceinfo.mil.ng/the-touching-story-of-lt-kyom-leo-nigerians-pay-tributes-and-respect-to-a-young-soldier-killed-in-counter-insurgency-operation/#sthash.HvB0wYB9.dpuf
- See more at: http://defenceinfo.mil.ng/the-touching-story-of-lt-kyom-leo-nigerians-pay-tributes-and-respect-to-a-young-soldier-killed-in-counter-insurgency-operation/#sthash.HvB0wYB9.dpuf
Omg, so sad. RIP officer.
Signed by Orobo.
Really sad. May his soul rest in peace.
RIP hero. Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
Chai.... Sad story
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May he RIP!!! Angela was my secondary school classmate in Joy international college kaduna... lord Jesus please strenghten and comfort her
What a waste indeed! Rest on dear one.
Awww! Quite heart rending. We've lost many promising Nigerians to this evil called Boko haram.
I pray that God should give his family and friends the fortitude to bear this great loss.
Eternal rest grant him Lord.
rest in peace....................................#KingOfKings
Moye B
May his soul rest in d blossom of our lord.pray for grace and strength for his family n friends to bear this loss.is well.u
Rest well comrade
, a deeply Religious and Courageous Soldier who paid the Ultimate price hope this will continue to inspire the Nigerian Military to protect our Territorial Integrity and all forms of Insurgency and Aggression.
So sad!
RIP Gallant soldier!
May ur soul Rip.
This is so sad. May his soul rest in perfect peace (Amen)
Sure we remember u officer, and the lazy ones are in logos fighting BRT drivers when their mates are in borno. Surely u re an emblem of hope to the Nigerian military.
May his soul rest in peace
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RIP sir
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
Its a pity... RIP
RIP bro.a hero u are indeed.sometimes I really wonder if this country is worth a drop of any of ur bloods.the bad hearted,bloody politicians should be the one paying for this.mtcheeeeeew
Rip great hero
Hope the family wont be forgotten, May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, thru the mercy of God rest in peace.Amen
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Reading this with eyes full of tears...what will this monsters and their political/religious sponsors gain from this their barbaric act of cowardice???
just two days ago my neighbour lost his younger bro in army to this monsters. its pathetic...
It Can Only Be Paul Barca Benard
Rest in peace hero. So sad
What a shame! May God grant his soul repose, Amen. Motherhen
What a shame! May God grant his soul repose, Amen. Motherhen
It's not true!!! The army has refused to release the body to his family. It's sickening and painful. They just said prayers and let everyone go. His body hasn't been buried and the family wants it.
He's close to my frnd, she's bin weepn since. May his soul RIP
RIP gallant soldier
So sad...R.I.P man
This is a great lost, i pray that Almighty God abide with his family and his fiance 'poor girl'
RIP Hero Leo.
People like Leo sacrice their live for every1 of us in Nigeria. it feels so sad to see a young aspiring man like u gone too soon, but u had made a print on a rock, u died an heroic death.
A very touching one indeed...to even tink that his wedding card has been shared makes me cry bitterly for this young hero who just lost his life..may God continue to comfort and strengthen d young lady he was supposed to wed and also his family Amen.. One of th reasons why it will be hard for me to marry a military man,,..mtchhwwww wat a world
What a painful lost! Rest in peace HERO..
Very sad. RIP.
RIP sir.dt's d nature of dia job.generally,it's also d nature of man.u neva can tell hw n whn it will happen.we jus pray 2 God 2 spear our lives 2 c d glory days.
RIP....he died a frearless hero..the bitter part of it all is this guy wud never get compesated or reward in any way from the FG....but you see them naming a street after politician who loot and steal all our resources
I wish the man at the helm of affairs as the C-in-C would realize that posterity would be his judge and bring an end to this incessant wastage of human capital resource in his quest for power and desist from apportioning blames to the opposition for his inadequacies.
I wish the man at the helm of affairs as the C-in-C would realize that posterity would be his judge and bring an end to this incessant wastage of human capital resource in his quest for power and desist from apportioning blames to the opposition for his inadequacies.
RIP Hero.
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Nna men, I dey go withdraw my army recruitment form . This one pass me
So sad, RIP
Son of Solomon
RIP, may his soul rest in peace n may God grant his family n loved ones d fortitude to bear d loss. Amen
Rest on mate and roomie...heaven it is coz u ve served ur tym in hell...lache
oh kyom,just as the meaning of your name 'work'.you have worked and now resting in the bossom of the lord,i remember you talking of how you would soon take the leave and be back for your wedding,the day the news broke to us i remember your mum had not even heard yet,my heart broke just thinking of how she was told,we wont forget the generous humility you shared i know God loves you more and took you at his best time, KY as we called you,only son of your father R.I.P,God bless you.
So dis is it? He's dead fighting for our country all of becos of boko haram.God please listen to the cry&voices of ur ppl&stop dis killings. Cgestheruko@gmail.com
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He is a military property. The army will perform the burial themselves.
God will punish u idoit, now dat he is gone, all u gonno say is RIP. Send ur brothers and sisters to Borno, let dem go die.....MUMU
Too sad for words! And he seems to be the only boy in the family! Chei!!
RIP Leo. (Linda's Man)
RIP Kyom, he is very close to my friend, my friend kept reading their conversation on facebook, they were discussing about his wedding and how they will get to meet with their secondary schoolmates. My friend has been weeping uncontrollably since the ugly incident happened. The officer was jst 24. May God comfort his family and friends.
R.I.P man. Opeyemi@gmail.com
Rest in peace Hero
Pest In the Bosom of the LORD............Sorry mahn
Oh what a sad story,RIP.
So sad
Lord deliver Nigeria
Very heartbreaking! My heart goes out to his to -be wife and his family and friends, May God comfort them#RIP TRUE SOLDIER
RIP Kyom and May God comfort Mummy, Daddy, Wyari and Tidah and even the church at large...
RIP Kyom and May God comfort Mummy, Daddy, Wyari and Tidah and even the church at large...
He was a friend, a brother, a room mate and we belonged to the same clique in school, the BQ (Boys Quota). He complained bitterly before his death, about how ill-equipped they were and the unfair treatment to young Nigerian soldiers posted to combat boko haram, these guys operate solely on God's Grace. The more they saw, the less they understood, the sabbotage was glaring and it was like they were sent to die, those were his words. Soldiers were dying, but i never knew it would come to my friend, God's knows better. When we meet in heaven, you will give me the complete gist, how you left unannounced!
we d family tank God for comforting us all. he was a brother any1 wud wish for. God knws best. if God can cal His belovd so dat His word wud reach nations, and win souls den we nid nt to mourn. luv u bro. #(Wyari) his sister
Really sad.
RIP to Hero of our time LEO.
I have a friend in Borno and haven't heard from him... Seriously Praying for him and our Solders.
Hero. he hath done well. may God rest his soul AMEN
Rest in peace brave compatriot.....God Bless your soul and grant your family comfort in Jesus Name. Amen.
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