"Some of the Chibok girls are being raped and shot at on camera" - Nigerian senator claims | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 4 July 2014

"Some of the Chibok girls are being raped and shot at on camera" - Nigerian senator claims

Senator Ahmed Zanna, who represents Borno Central in the Senate, was a guest on Sahara TV a while back where he made shocking revelations about the missing Chibok girls. He said over 500 women, including the Chibok girls, have so far been abducted and some of the girls have been raped and shot at on camera. What he said below...
"Actually the information I am getting, some of them are very disturbing. Although I don't want to mention but they are just raping the girls you know in camera and even showing them on video, releasing it to the public. You know somebody told me that they are being raped and in turn, it is the girl who was raped that came down and was seen kneeling down, begging the man to be patient. Do you know the reason why?....
They say when they rape them, they shoot them so therefore the girl after been raped, she curled down to the man, kneeling down and begging him to please be patient. Continue..
So disturbing. Although I didn't see the video, but the person who narrated to me said he had the video and he was narrating to me, look at the situation and then the other scenario is that the Boko Haram are now out of fund, they are not getting enough food, so they are going from one village to another, taking the little the villagers have and going away and infact most of the villagers are now out and have moved out of their villages and have moved to cities and gone into neighboring countries. So more or less they don't have any chance of getting food so I don't know what they are going to do if food is not available. Are they going to sacrifice to give it to the girls? And then the other information I have is because you know the kidnap is a continuous process which they have been doing before the 200 and after the 200. So in their possession there are up to 500 or over 500 women who are been taken from the streets, on the main roads where they are traveling or go to the villages and collect them or you know all kinds of abductions"
 Watch the video here...


Unknown said...

How̶̲̥̅̊ did he know?

ary said...

Where is the said video and why is it only his informant who has it? He should be looked into properly, this senator. That said, isn't it about time the government did something to help these girls?

Glitzabelle said...

This is all shades of wrong and all kinds of disturbing. And to think those girls had a normal day and that night, their worlds were turned upside down. Our prayers are with them. May Allah give them the strength they need to get through this and hopefully, our government will find and rescue them sooner than later.

Unknown said...

How did dey get access to dis video? D perpetrators shld be brot to book. Reminds of Jack Bauer. D source of dis video shld be investigated.Linda change dis background to d former one.

Unknown said...

How can over 200 girls b kidnap for over a month and nothing have/is been done? Are we fools? Gibberish! I'm forced to bliv dat clown called asari dokubo

Unknown said...

It was narrated to u and u came to narrate to us.......God help. Us.....hope dis is nt true

Livvsreamblog said...

Na wa o,we dont even hear any update no chibok girls again

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmm what a story.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

If there is any verisimilitude in this then I weep for this cesspool of a nation, what a pity!

Unknown said...

It was narrated to u and u came to narrate to us, how true is dis? Where's d video? Until we see, we'll believe. May God help 9ja.

Unknown said...

mhn! where is the said video of rape?

Angie said...

How did he know all these and where's the supposed video?
Sick of all these manipulations with ppl's children! ...*a big hiss*

* My R1.50c comment *

Unknown said...

hmn. am fed up with this country already

Sarima said...

Linda i dnt knw wat i did to u oh, each time i post a comment, i dnt get to c it, it is usually will b visible after approval bt i'll neva c it why naw? For dis pple called boko, only God knw wat to do with dem in his own way. Pls post my comment tnx

Sarima said...

Linda i dnt knw wat i did to u oh, each time i post a comment, i dnt get to c it, it is usually will b visible after approval bt i'll neva c it why naw? For dis pple called boko, only God knw wat to do with dem in his own way. Pls post my comment tnx

MY TURN said...

Sahara reporters get a tele prompter so your people are not reading from scripts... it takes away from the seriousness of the matter.

Bia mr senetor, you have people who know about the movement of Bokoharam? this man should be arrested and made to talk. If what he is saying is true Oh my Goodness innocent lives are being lost on a daily basis. God in haven please help us.

Bonita Bislam said...

Without mincing words,I say this man knows too much for a mere senator.This infor for now is only privy to the victims(chibok girls),BH and their sponsors.Which one is He? How comes he has overload of info regarding this Boko guys even when its obvious only an asset to BH can have such?The SSS should grill and quize him,he may sing another chorus.I don't trust this guy at all.A little bird tells me my guts instinct is right.

Unknown said...

all these funny stories from borno government.SMH!

Anonymous said...

God ooo!!!..this boko people are not humans at all..their end shall come if they ever step their foot in south south..we are waiting ...

Anonymous said...

We all Nigerians have sinned and have come short of the glory of Almighty God by turning every blessings our Creator endear us to curses in our land. My humble prayer is that God in His infinity mercy should pardon us as a nation in Jesus Christ name. Amen.

Unknown said...

our leaders sometime don't know what its takes to be a leader....
saying this shit in public, even when you guys don't do anything about it


Unknown said...

Very Funny!

Ore said...

You know,u know,this guy needs to be queried.He knows something about wht is going on in that state.

Unknown said...

This man shld shut d hell up, he doesn't knw wat he is saying....

goldprecious said...

Is this man for real....who is feeding him the info? Him and the informant should be arrested and tortured till they say where the victims are being held. Abi is he trying to ask us to contribute to boko harams upkeep. SMH

Opelicious Morgann said...

Okay, thank you for the information, and what are you the government doing about getting them back??? If it were your own daughter, am sure you would not relax, fold arms and grant interviews effortlessly.


Bring back our Girls Now and Alive


Unknown said...

Pls where is our President? ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Amarachukwu. said...

God help us.

dhobiz said...

Useless people,u av all these information and still can't get bh,only God will revenge them.

Unknown said...

Pls where is our President? ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Unknown said...

Linda na thesame people. this man too na BH

#King said...

Still d govt won't do anytin.............................#KingOfKings

#King said...

Still d govt won't do anytin.............................#KingOfKings

Tyra said...

I can't bliv dis is cmin out of his mouth is he crzy! He shud b lukin 4 a solution not cmin out to state d obvious...God pls our lives is in ur hands n nt under d care of dis ppl.

Anonymous said...

Useless Man...How did he know all dis

hardeytoun said...

These people are so heartless....really can't say much....

hardeytoun said...

These people are so heartless.......really pity d girls...

Anonymous said...

Its very dumb to be asking a serving senator representing his constituency how he gets information. He is closet to his people and the villages around so he is the closest source the people can share and give information to. It is like asking me how i know things going on in my family. DUMB

Anonymous said...

Retarded liar you and your APC Janjaweeds have dem in your homes,so stop this rubbish propaganda cos as far as i am concerned no girls are missing....

Anonymous said...

God help us. Pretex4luv@yahoo.com

Mo Unfiltered said...

Really really disturbing....God send your angels in form humans to rescue us from this situation....

Anonymous said...

This is so sad, what is worse than this? Nothing

Unknown said...

Ok so how do u get the information Mr senator? I am no no fan of anonymous or reliable source

P BABY said...

God pls save d girls 4rm these deadly act of boko haram

Anonymous said...

Senator you know about the abduction,the way you sound it's obvious you went there and see it,or shekau and his fellow Boko haram members give u details of what they do,you northern leaders are the ones funding Boko haram

Anonymous said...

So he wants us to feed Boko Haram? His interview is incoherent. I hope the SSS, MI6 and CIA are keeping a close eye on this fellow!

Unknown said...

What exactly is this man driving at? What is he calling for? That boko haram should be given food or what? The govt needs to arrest this man and get him questioned.

Unknown said...

The videos shud be released let's see.. Na only una get eyes to see am?

APPLE said...

Those that organised the kidnap should go and get them out. Borno state governor should take the lead.

Unknown said...

Which way na...


Anonymous said...

It is funny to know that some people know more than the government about this issue yet they turn around to blame the government even when they are not ready to join hands with the government in fighting this evil!

Anonymous said...

How come this bastard knows all this...useless idiot we waiting for the part 2 of their scam video...they dont know how to put their false story again.

Anonymous said...

how did he know about it? maybe he havewitness it. nkemdirimeverista111@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Can't watch d video here o linda

Unknown said...

this is disturbing... very disturbing. How can this be allowed to happen? No doubt Man is his greatest enemy.

Uray said...

This man should be arrested. He's not even coherent and speaks so unintelligently. He didn't watch d video yet he's making reference to it. Orue.

Anonymous said...

Story for the gods..

Anonymous said...

Phewwwwwwww. Useless man. Motherhen

www.glowyshoe.com said...

U said it right...how did he know?

Pls visit my shoe blog


Anonymous said...

May God help us all

Unknown said...

Naija should divide oo. Aboki only contribute carrot, suya, sugar cane, shoe shinning, onion and gate man to our economy. Abeg let's free the animals to have their higgi hagga country and be living like cricrum cracumss #HonPatrick

Anonymous said...

We are not fools
the summary of what this man is saying.people and government should donate food and money to bokoharram
so that they will have strength to do the work of their gods and also to feed the the abducted girls.
God..it is only in the kingdom of the animals where gorilla is the king monkeys are the chiefs baboons are the guards..that is only where this kind of sanator will be moving freely

Anonymous said...

Linda change this background to the previous one.

CharlesEndy a.k.a Dr. Pepper said...

I do not doubt you, sir but come you're the only that's able to see this video?

Anonymous said...

Alrigh, so WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Those gonorrhea wielding rapists and pedophiles are your children. They are your brothers. THey are people you communed with in the name of Allah and in the spirit of fighting Jonathan. So I say reign them in. No 100 or 1000 people can overpower a 100 000 people. If you northerners are serious, put down the pitbulls in your midst. Put them down!

Unknown said...

Has he pass this info to the appropriate quarters or is he just blabbing? kuyeolusegunjames_koj@yahoo.com

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

Asari Dokubo, by the end of the day, u will have the last laugh.. Nigerians? Believe this, then you can believe anything. Where is the video? Who is that informant that fed him with such story ? Does he even know what it means making such statement? This is where I can actually say GEJ is weak, coz normally this man should be under proper scrutiny by now..

Anonymous said...

Nonsensical statement....you people are contributing and killing your own people....ENEMY WITHIN..NEXT.

Kemikal said...

Every APC leader may not be a BOKO HARAM sponsor or a crook, but there is something crooked in every APC leader. APC leaders are lizards. Nigeria needs a crocodile as President. A lizard in APC cannot be a crocodile in Aso Rock. APC, get lost, and take your cohorts, BOKO HARAM, with you. BOKO HARAM will be defeated.

xtr112 said...

Mr Senator...foolish is ur name!

Anonymous said...

Rubbish! He is a Boko Haram sympathiser. How can he talk about a video he did not see? So irresponsible. He is merely playing politics and traumatising the parents of the girls. Horrible man. God will expose you all! Lazy nuisance of a man!!

Justin said...

This Senator should be questioned by security operatives. How did he get hold of the video?? he claimed it was released to the public and no media house or even security operative don't know about it. And for all indications he is the first to see the video. He should be questioned.

Justin said...

And it is quite sad that Sahara Reporter are anti-Nigerian govt. They never report any positive about Nigeria.

OSINANL said...

This man should be arrested...
I believe he's one of the sponsors of Boko Haram

OSINANL said...

This man should be arrested...
I believe he's one of the sponsors of Boko Haram

Anonymous said...

You can go look for them...

Dike F(xyz) said...

Someone Narrated to him and he's Narrating to sahara TV". Can you Imagine? He is Lying! He knows all the details and whereabouts of Boko-Haram. He is one of the sponsors!

He is not different from Kashim Shettima of Borno State who hid Kabiru Sokoto in his Abuja Residence after Terrorist Kabiru bombed a Church in Madala.
Terrorist Northern Islamic Political cows.

Unknown said...

Where are all dos Nigerian ppl claiming pastor or man of God... hv u nt get a revelation of where our girls are... TB josha and co..

Via BlackBerry z10

Unknown said...

Whenever I see the so called people in power come out to give nauseating and disturbing tales as these, I just shake my head in pity. What message is he trying to convey to people and the parents of the abducted girls who I believe must be going through agony right now (that is of course if what we believe to be true wasn't actually fabricated all because of politics)? What has he done to help the situation in his capacity as a senator?....... How can a father and a so called senator spit out such given the sensitivity of the issue? Anyways, it only shows the level of intelligence of the many nitwits we have in government.....NA ONLY IN NAIJA SHA, if not he should be incarcerated for inciting the public!

Anonymous said...

This guy is a terrorist. How come he is always knowing everything

Anonymous said...

So now we av someone to be giving us update abt the girls and what they go tru. He even got to knw that the bh don't av much foods....is okaaay #dey need arrest dis idiot and the stupid informant according to him#maryprynce

Anonymous said...

D ealir u bliv him d beta

Anonymous said...

Bona I think u r wiser than this.
The war is not against Jona but a fight that Muslims should rule.
Jona is not perfect but moving with the Dtate he met as jungle.
To be candid I'm not Asari's fan but he has mafe some point clear.
1) when you took WAEC passport did u take it with mofty?
2) what is taking the Americans so long in finding the girls?
3) Did you listen to the contradictory statement of the principal? (From talking to the ssid solider to being in Borno town on d same day of the incident. )
4) why will a unilateral school be turned to mixed school without due process and the name of the school was not changed?
5) who brought the boys to register in the school? And many more I would love to write but lets think more.#itsnotaboutJona

Anonymous said...

after watching this video i conclude that those that commented are binch of boko harams in igbo names.....lik wot d F is rung with u guys...cos he wear a cap and is a muslim is interveiw is worthless n should be arrested...if this man is unintelligent wot will you call the president? rumours everywai in nigeria am sure that was how he learnt about the video aside that the remaining part of the interveiw was from a sincere heart..we can only fight BH if we stand together..

Noskey said...

This Sahara reporters to me are the media part of Boko Haram.

Anonymous said...

yeye narrator.............abeg go narrate ur tori to wale adenuga

Anonymous said...

This man is a suspect, sss should take him into custody. Zuriel.

Okoro said...

I think the Narrator and the Naratee should be investigated..

Anonymous said...

You see why EVIL begets EVIL. Boko Haram was started by some evil people for an evil purpose, but now it has gotten out of hand and they can't control it HENCE the conspiracy theory. The fire they started is threatening to ENGULF them all. May God help Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Arrest him! If he knows this much then he's involved somehow.! Freakin' bastards governing our country!

Anonymous said...

You r very right, very soon they will start negotiation with federal govt for fund to sustain the abducted girls, so as to get more weapons or prepare 4 2015 election. God will punish all of u...

Chioma nwereoma said...

So der is no fact in what he is saying,he did not watch d video,so hw did he know dat it is tru without a fact.how can the problem be solved without investigation.pls let dis senator go bk n watch d video before telling d public anything.

Anonymous said...

He is a Senator, A part of this government. He is complaining to us. Who is supposed to do something about it?

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