Security man in Palmgrove Estate battered after soldier is killed by BRT bus | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 4 July 2014

Security man in Palmgrove Estate battered after soldier is killed by BRT bus

So it's been confirmed that a BRT bus killed a soldier at Palmgrove bus stop in Palmgrove, Lagos this morning, which caused the soldier rampage.

The BRT driver who hit the soldier ran into Palmgrove estate in order to avoid the wrath of other soldiers present. Upon noticing that the driver ran away, the Army men ran into Palmgrove estate and when they couldn't find the driver, seized one of the Estate's security men. (pictured above)

According to eye-witnesses, the soldiers beat the man mercilessly and took him away.

He was released hours later badly beaten and traumatized. He had nothing to do with the incident but paid for it. Sad! Heard they even burnt down a BRT bus. Is their anger justified?


Anonymous said...

Soldiers beating up civilians? na wa oh.

This shows how shameless they are. Why dont they go and do the same to boko haram.

God help us.

Shamless Military.

Anonymous said...

But wait Linda, this BRT drivers are very heartless the way they drive o, am telling you.

Unknown said...

Can u imagine d helpless innocent man? Now who's goin to question d useless soldiers? Nobody! Smelly idiots! #somebodygetmemydamngun!

Unknown said...

Wow, Poor man paid for wat he does't know anything about. Sorry bro, dia is God o. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine that as if it not an accident. This is the reason we are sufring in Nigeria and africa @ large if people that are suppose to putting things in other are messing it up what do you expect the nation to produce? No love no human understanding what a shame

Anonymous said...

This BRT drivers drive as if they can crush anybody at anytime they way they drive o .

Milez said...

Not justified.. This is rubbish... Guess the power and fear bestowed upon them is making them act like a twat... Lagos State government should punish every soldier involved in this barbaric act...

nikkiebillz said...

U can imagine.Nigerian soldiers use to behave like a mad man,why will they beat the security man,is he d one dat killed d soldier.Their anger is not justified,they just take law into their hands.

Bonita Bislam said...

Uncivilized soldiers! What kinda jungle justice is this? Mtcheew

Anonymous said...

na wah...dat is sad

Unknown said...

Chei!! there is God o... Poor man... Naija uniform men are all cannibals

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Their action is not justifiable in any way at all. First of all how did de BRT driver kill de soldier? Was it an accident? Y pouring de anger on dis innocent man? Dis country self. I'm out ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

Debbie Chelsea said...

It's not lindodo,cos i know d soldier wanted money 4rm d bus driver,but ended up dead

Anonymous said...

Their anger SO NOT JUSTIFIED. Why should they take laws into their hands. What happened to leading by example?

Unknown said...

I have 99 problems and a US visa can solve them all.....

Unknown said...

This is transfered agression...we don't have laws in the security man the bus. Driver?

Anonymous said...

Nt at all.

Destiny said...

what army officers did this morning is not justified. Accident can happen any time and any where is not intentional but what is happeninmg now at western avenue does not speak good about them, burning down the blue brts and deflecting the tires is on call for, assume is a private car or yellow bus that hit the army office, will they raze down all the private cars on the road? disappointed with they action this morning.....the whole road is blocked and passengers everywhere....pls Fashola should intervene.

lily said...

dat is a terrible way to handle situation

Anonymous said...

This is rubbish, what is wrong with our uniform men, y do they always take laws into their hands.

Unknown said...

Na wa oh! What is wrong with these soldier's ? They are just too heartless.

yes said...

this is not fair at all

Anonymous said...

So sorry bout d security man who was beaten 4 a crime he didn't commit.YES deir anger was justified.BRT drivers r always hitting cars on d road,knocking down people,dey drive very rough even wen not on deir own lane.I always get out of d way 4 dem bcos dey hit u,d driver runs away,d police takes d bus 2 deir station n release it(na govt property)


Its quite unfortunate the kind of people entrusted with the security of lives and property of Nigerians. Many mad men hiding under the uniform. They're always looking for any slight opportunity to deal with innocent citizens. When the real issue comes up they'll be found wanting.


Unknown said...

I think soldiers shoulf quit thinking they are aliens that is not subject to the happenings in their environment.

Anonymous said...

Nigeria soldiers always ... not fair

Prof said...

Definitely not. I don't blame the BRT driver for the accident but the dead soldier. After all, the government have provided pedestrian bridge to avert avoidable death like this. Several times I have seen these military and police officers display flagrant abuse of the law thinking they are above the law and an institution. Its surprising that the soldiers could motivate themselves to destroy tax payers infrastructures, harass and brutalize innocent citizens but to move to sambisa forest and bring back our girls they find it difficult. I rest my case

Unknown said...

Na for our body dem dey get power make dem well don oooo.....knite

Anonymous said...

Jungle justice. This military is superior mentality must stop. RIP to the dead.

#King said...

Nigeria I weep..soldiers are not human beings just possessed animals looking for who to kill..why beat an innocent man.................................#KingOfKings

Unknown said...

They shd be dealt with

pricelessprincess said...

oo my goodness GOD,this soldiers are musters,y are they taking laws into there hand?if they have so much strength y cnt dey attack bokoharam nd bring back our girls..

lawless country.#sadface#badmood#

TeeDayo said...

That's how dey behave like wounded animals.even wounded animals knws who inflicted dem wit d injury.wat did dat security man do to dem?dey shd go and bring bak our girls.its jst too painful dey wnt b held responsible 4it.dtz y dey bhave lyk d almighty

totopinto said...

linda pls change the white and blue colour of ur blog,it is confusing with anoda blog who always steal news frm ur blog and d funny thing is dat they have change their own colour why u are using their own previous colour.Now i think u are them bcos u both start ur names with Li

Unknown said...

Smh... Na dis one we hear,wat bout d ones we dont hear about? Pple dat are supposed to protect us are d ones terrorizing us....


Dats where dey come 1st, beating innocent civilians... Retard set of animals

Dondippino said...

No their anger is not justified, this shows that we are breeding potential war criminals in the country. Accidents happen in which anyone can be a victim. The military should stop regarding the civilians as inferior,because they are meant to protect the civilians. Remember they were born civilians and may die as civilians as well. There is something called the rule of law, which must be respected by everyone.

Anonymous said...

Na wa oo dia is God ooo

Unknown said...

Soldiers. Hmmm de. Shud take it bt den. Crushing 1 of dem 2 death d BRT driver high. Ni. Tot de ve dre lane,govt official. Shud kum in o cos military peeps Dem no de sabi say e don do. O

Anonymous said...

This is rather sad!

CHERRY said...

Hmmm God have mercy, every tin is just up side down.

IHOKO said...

Linda, the soilders responsible for this should be severely dealt with. I work in Palmgrove estate, you need to see the smoke, those soldiers are animals....Boko Haram is up north they are terrorizing innocent civilians down south. SO So SAD!!! I also know the estate security guy, Very gentle and nice..he doesnt even look for trouble, he was just doing his job.

Anonymous said...

Good for all dis useless BRT bus drivers they drive very rough as if they own everywhere in lagos

Anonymous said...

i think Government should close down Abati barrack and other Barrack within civilian reach, they are causing causing coax to the civilian.

Dr. Rukevwe said...

In a country where human lives are not valued as they should, I am not surprised.

Mo Unfiltered said...

I hope Lagos State Government will look into this situation; we cant continue to be terrorized by those who are meant to protect us..And by the way, i thought the lane is mainly meant for BRTs....well, its been a while i was in Lagos, wouldnt know if there has been a change...

Anonymous said...

it is, cos most of all dis BRT driver dnt respect othere road user

Anonymous said...

Something should be said for the efficient way evidence was produced.

Before the gist has even landed, they have dug up his application form. Which has his passport picture attached. Nawa oh.

Unknown said...

Haba why purnish an innocent man even d driver couldn't have done it intentionally na

Anonymous said...

They are animals

Anonymous said...

Am not surprised that it is Solders that kills civillians in the North and them they blame it on Boko Haram members in military uniform. Bunch of idiots.

Anonymous said...

Their anger isn't justified wrt beating an innocent person, but for burning the buses, they are justified. BRT drivers are the most reckless humans on the highway. They don't respect other road users or human lives. They should infact burn all BRTs buses they sight today.

Anonymous said...

Soldiers please exercise your anger on Boko Haram ...

Anonymous said...

who will deal wth them? mayb Boko should be hired 4 once. jst for them ooooooooooooo.

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

It can't be justified. This is not an eye for an eye.. Accidents do happen and could be anyone. They should just stop coz it can't bring the dead back..!!

MY TURN said...

Soldiers are animals... they always think they are untouchable, if you overtake them in traffic they chase after you and want to beat you up. go to Sambisa forest and bring back our girls. Shameless idiots.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

By now we all would agree with Amnesty International report that the military are committing gross misconduct in the north-east insurgency state of nigeria againt the war on terror on civilians.

ary said...

This is why the military can't be trusted to rule, they just resort to brutality in everything!

Unknown said...

I jst dey pity this man, na wa o..


Steady said...

We have BOKO HARAM in Nigeria for them to go and fight oo, na innocent civilians them dey beat... shameless people


Sylvanus said...

My dear, it has always been like this and i don't see it changing. They beat innocent civilian and no one make them pay for it. The are the second class citizen of Nigeria behind the Polithiefcians, so they are untouchable. God will deliver the rest of us who did not fall into the two categories.

Anonymous said...

I wish it was the bus driver that was beaten mercilessly. They drive recklessly and also insult passengers. No single regard for anyone

Oskirin said...

so ds zombies av power like ds? my advise 2 d president is dt all dos soljas dt participated in ds show of shame act shd b posted 2 borno n its environs wit immediate effect.mum our tax money dem dey take feed dem.

PURPLE said...

Heeeee goats!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Sir na one of those things we dey face for our different places of work. Bia ndi army weda ta tu obi >...... make una calm down and take things easy. Dobis 112

Anonymous said...

shutup,wats d connection btw wat you are saying now,and what has happened????try to be sensitive,and stop being insensitive...idiot!!!

Anonymous said...

My question is how did the bike get in the way of the brt bus since the later plies a dedicated route?remember fashola caught one officer plying that route some time ago.bikes are not supposed to pass through those roads so what was the bike doing on that road?

Anonymous said...

If only they could transfer this rampage to members of Boko Haram.

Anonymous said...

Dey av no moral justification 4 dea actions

Anonymous said...

I was dere o, we had to jump out of our brt thru d was a terrible thing.

Anonymous said...

Linda plz get your facts right, it was a BOMB explosion not soldiers fighting! Stop helping the government cover the fact that BOKO HARAM are in lagos and hve started bombing strategic places.PEOPLE plz be careful

Anonymous said...

simple madness!!!>>>first of all according to reports the soldier was riding okada on the express and trying to navigate thru the brt lanes and was thus knocked down......Question: is there not a law banning the use of okada on express lanes? is there also not a law prohibiting any vehicle from using the brt lanes? and lastly... are the military above the law?...and to those justifying the action i ask this question.....should all bad drivers(and we sure got lots of them in lagos)....commercial or personal be made to face what just happened?....cos am sure that if mu are to mention the worst driving moves around it by men in uniform

Unknown said...

They r jt so wicked and heartless

Unknown said...

They are not justified in beating the security man and burning the buses
Agreed some brt drivers are reckless but not all.
The questions are
what is d soldier doing on brt lane in d first place?
If it were a civilian would the soldiers respond?
What are these useless,inadequte idiots still doing in Lagos when they know they can fight( they should be in The North)
But I hope this issue isn't swept under d rug as usual.
And I think it should be announced through all media houses BRT LANE IS FOR BRT ONLY!

Unknown said...

Instead of u beating innocent ppl y nt go face d BKs in sambisa forest idiots

Unknown said...

They r jt so wicked and heartless

Janelicious said...

Do not mind them instead of they to use all this their power they are demonstrating to combat the BH they are here wasting their strenght on powerless civilians. Stupid and shamless military.

Unknown said...

Is so unfortunate about what has happened, their action is not justified, but critically looking @ d whole scenario, the security man. Was beaten becos they must assumed he saw the BRT driver ran into the Estate and trying to shield him, and again, the beating of people. And burning down BRT buses will not bring back the dead soldier. But Nigerian be fair to our security men, becos if not for their effort, this country would have be something like Somalia and any other lawless society. When a security is killed, no body ask any question as if they are not human beings, but when a security man kills any person including criminals, human rights will begin to shout. We should not expect less of what is done becos they are not civilians and we won't expect them to be civil in their dealings. Linda, pls post that anyone with useful information to the apprehension of the BRT driver that killed a soldier should volunteer such information instead of hiding him.

Anonymous said...

Stop this nonsense before you start a war between soldiers and civilians.

Anonymous said...

this is so wrong. Solders are so brutal in Nigeria esp the uneducated ones. They should have punished the BRT Driver for his reckless rather than destroy and harass citizens. #PICCANTO#

Fatima Mshelia said...

That security man must have said something stupid to the soilders, he couldnt have been beaten for no reason.

Fatima Mshelia said...

That security man must have said something stupid to the soilders, je couldnt have been beaten up for no reason.

Fatima Mshelia said...

That security man must have said something stupid to the soilders, je couldnt have been beaten up for no reason.

NaNcY DreW said...

Dats Y I don't like encountering dem I try as much as I can 2 avoid dis so called soldiers

tosin said...

heartless or not what d soilders did cn neva b justified,dey r meant to lead by example,but c wat dey to d dead soilder nd security man but wat d remainin soilders did cnt bring bck his life...i heard dey beat up passerbys tryin to come close or take a pic

Anonymous said...

Lawless,rubbish God help Nigeria

Amarachukwu. said...

That's not fair ooooo

Unknown said...

Dats sad

Anonymous said...

am not a soldier but you guys need to see how these brt bus drivers act on the road like they are not human. I can imagine how the brt driver will intentionally crush this man. even if he was driving on brt lane, does that justified his killing? pathetic.

jbankzE said...

Afta doin al ds madnx nd rubbish..... FG nd lag Govt wil do dem nofin..... Dey r sooooo above d law nd we d civilians kw t.... I dnt care wat de do coz ds country is messd up bigtym....

~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~

Anonymous said...

Poor security man

Anonymous said...

How do you expect the Military to find the Chibok Girls kidnapped by Boko Haram when they couldn't even locate an ordinary BRT bus driver who ran into an estate? #smh #JustWonderingAloud

Anonymous said...

he was beaten up because they feel he's protecting the BRT driver. this is only a lesson to BRT drivers. they drive like they dont have breaks. #driveresponsible

Unknown said...

is there any correlation btw the security man & BRT driver?
i wonder if this people think at all
Thank God is alive...


Unknown said...

is there any correlation btw the security man & BRT driver?
i wonder if this people think at all
Thank God is alive...


Unknown said...

this act is barbaric & senseless...


Anonymous said...

So much indiscipline in the Military, while i do not support what the Army boys did, i think the Lagos State Govt should warn these BRT drivers, they are reckless on the road and have caused so many accidents recently. But the Army must produce those that burnt those buses and dismiss them.

Anonymous said...

So much indiscipline in the Military, while i do not support what the Army boys did, i think the Lagos State Govt should warn these BRT drivers, they are reckless on the road and have caused so many accidents recently. But the Army must produce those that burnt those buses and dismiss them.

APPLE said...

How can their anger be justified? It was an accident for crying out loud! They can fight civilians but run away from boko harram. They do this all the time. I HATE THIS ANIMALS!,

Anonymous said...

soldier again?

Anonymous said...

Those soldiers are bastards.... They should vent their anger like dis on the boko haram members killing their men and not civilians!

Anonymous said...

Was the soldier supposed to be on his bike on a brt lane. Or is the drive mad that he will run him down on purpose. Oh sorry they are security officers to can do anything they like. Did the soldiers give any allowance for him to be apprehended. They came out for thier own jungle justice. They should have allowed the police as it didn't happen in thier barracks.

LEEZ said...

Awww too bad! How could dey have beaten an innocent man??? Naija soldiers be taking advantage of their positions anyhow! Smh!

Anonymous said...

If d military men die,of what benefit is it to you? Is dat ,d way forward.

STERN said...

C'mon anon! I see no reason y u'r insulting the lad. He'z just trying to say he'z tired of this messed up country.

Funmi Aiyenuro said...

So soldiers can fight and beat? Let them go and fight with Boko haram not civilians. Useless and foolish soldiers !

Anonymous said...

Nigeria soldiers are not bastard why don't you guy go and join the military and see what it takes to be a soldier this is what gov fashola deserves,he is a very wicked man and for boko hram if the government agrees to pay the military special money for that duty you won't hear the name of boko hram for life

Anonymous said...

the poor don suffer finish for Nigeria. so sad

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