Below is what they reported:
In a heartless slap in the face to wife Michelle, President Obama has been photographed looking down the top of a young woman's dress - and shocking onlookers are calling him "a perv." You can see he was trying to check out her boobs. The poor girl probably had no idea he was perving her.Lol. Was he really checking out her boobs? Oh and please that doesn't make him a perv! *hiss*
Let him be jor. I will be cool if people start calling me 'LIB Princess' pretex4luv@yahoo.com
Oooo plz!! Isn't he a man? Americans sef!
Even if the report is true, he is a man that has blood running through his veins
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Errrm nope! all this dumb body language experts, i dnt see how his eyes r peering into her chest and no he is nt squeezing nada!
abegi all this silly journalist should bugg off
She get boobs lols obama no get teste at all marydanladi180@gmail.com
In a heartless slap in the face to wife Michelle,
President Obama has been photographed
looking down the top of a young woman's
dress - and shocking onlookers are calling him
"a perv." You can see he was trying to check
out her boobs. The poor girl probably had no
idea he was perving her.
Hmm,it was probably a harmless hug.
People r sick abeg leave dis man alone jor
How possible is dat. wen de were hugging? Dgal's breast was Even on his chest.
Linnndaaaa!!! Bi oju bari enu adake any miss step na gossip na. Make I just dey watch my steps now make linda no go say I dey look person wey dey pee! ish
its a lieooo. there's not enuf gap for him to c her boobs. kai! amebo ppl.
rubbish! this people are just salacious! how can they tell what he is looking at from that picture? whatever sells ur papers abi? lucky bastards! try it nigeria
Ppl can say nonsense just to sell news.
Bull shit
rubbish! this people are just salacious! how can they tell what he is looking at from that picture? whatever sells ur papers abi? lucky bastards! try it nigeria
But this is photoshoped now.....not real.
But this is photoshoped now.....not real!
Those eyez r closed naa... Kilode wit all dis tabloids? Mwtchwww
This is the kinda news that moves and shakes the. Western world.Imagine bringing body language expert just to check an innocent and seemingly irrelevant hug.Heheheheh bulshit!
It doesn't in № way looks like anything...
Perv cause he's checking out boobs?? Yea right!!!
Oh! Cause he's a President, they expect he be perfect...
Lol...linda spoilt girl!
But this is photoshoped now....not real!
*hiss*dis white pple self .and wat if he was not enough reason to call him dat joh.
Miss Richytimi
Lol...linda spoilt pinkin
LIIIIINNNNDDDDAAAAA!!! Alabosi (gossip) is it not obvious enough that obama's eyes were shut and he's even hugged the girl already...well, except if the girl's boobs are behind her back, cos from what i see *wipes eyes* they are hugging...#okbye!
his eyes were closed.. strolls away
Eyes might be at her boobs, but, his concentration is obviously on trying to hear what she's telling him as he's taller than her..
Journalists and their silly insinuations!
* My R1.50c comment *
I pity world leaders, they can never please people we complain about every thing they do!
If he checked out her boobs, the girl is not under-age, so he is no perv. Meanwhile, he has not also done anything wrong unless they have proof he did more than look
Screw the tabloid!!!! Trying to make Obama look bad,. All men look when a woman wears a dress like that, or isn't that the general idea of wearing such a dress?
Non of my business!!!
...Bianca T...
What boobs?
Oh pls,they shld stop talking nonsense.
He aint checking nothing joor
Two things. So Obama is now God and not human? Besides the picture proves zilch. Oh, a third thing. People should get a life. Kai?
Mstcheww,I can't see nothing!
Even if the man smile 2much, na stil wahala ....anyway,
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Haven't u hrd dat d chief medical doctor in charge of the ebola virus outbrk in Sierra leone has been infected?
Sigh,not true ,most people hug and closes their eyes ,mtchew fake reporters trying to destroy his personality
hmmmmmm nawah oooooh for pple OOOooo! i didnt see anything at all!
Presidential look!! Morientesbassey@gmail.com
Habaa Leave a president alone..what's this people's problem.. They keep trying 2 insist 0bama is a cheat so they can bring him down. They have no proof and they come up with this?..smh. Smtimes u look at a person without even knwing ur looking until u meet their eyes. Bsides the girl aint even showing cleavage ----C21
ohhh pls he is a president nt a god..... he is a guy too so he is allowed to check out boobs too ...... dnt look like he was tho
As if he is not human...don't you know starring at boobs increases life span? *winks* @Fortunedexcel
These peepz are actually good at reading meanings. Please they should free the Obama's. Dirty minded people.
LinDa na u Talk am oo,am out..... *MaMa Timi***
Ahnahn! Evuls everywhere. People n their ways of soiling good name! Ppiiiissh
Hmmm,js passin.....
Linda ohhhhhhh!!!!!
Rubbish,ple always trying to make out sometin frm notin...next
nice checking....
check my blog: www.t2sleeky.blogspot.com
If he looked then that's a compliment to her. Doesn't make him a perv cos its an involuntary action.I also believe d hug was too tight for him to see her boobs... Just saying #tjd
This is all shades of stupid. That body language expert should be sued. From the first picture, I'm tempted to ask... Where are the boobs? She's not even flashing cleavage and he was hugging her in the 2nd picture, should he have been looking up to Jesus while he was at it? Msheeeew!
Lolz funny, he wasnt, all i can see is just a normal hugg
HAHAHA. This is a joke to sell magazines and it worked. Which breast???
Abeg what breast??
Yeah right!
Linda sef, What is there to check out? This flat chest????? When you see the kind of mountains some women carry about in the name of bobby ehn, you wey be woman sef go follow look. The type that makes you want to suck and bury your head in your fellow woman's breast.
Republicans are doing everything to pull this man down, instead of working for a better America
He wasnt checking nothing joor. People are always looking for breeze to talk....
Pls leave dis guy nah,blueyedboy_007@yahoo.com
Anytin is possible
Una dey his mind?
he is a man + that might not be in his mind + dont give michelle a heart attack
lols das a lie uh and we all know that. jopeyemi@gmail.com
Joblessness just dey worry dis ode
Naaaa, Don'† Tink So. (Linda's Man)
Manumacanti, did u just learn d word "Photoshop" ? Ur eyes is wide open yet u find it hard to see....Mtchew olodo
Tis rily funi
Pls visit my shoe blog
This body language expert lied.Look at Obama very well,there was nothing like that.It naturally happens when you hug somebody you are taller than,in an effort to place your head properly,people around will think you are peering.
Dont think so Lindodo. It jst a "pervless" hug. Shikina
Haba...People can twist things just to get at someone... God help this generation!!!
Americanz nd drama...... Let em b jare abi na evrydai em go de chop egusi soup,em nid smal okro na
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
Americans! Lol. ~BADOO OF COVENTRY
@Pretex, I've learn't something from you . I will make sure i give my child good Education and guide him/her how to use his/her time very well.
You reload this page every 60 seconds just to drop your rubbish comments. What exactly is wrong with you?. I wish one of your family members is reading this, you need at least 10 strokes of cane on your bare bottom. Something is telling me you are Bonario's or Godwin's sister.
Shay na alcohol dey flow for him body abi?
negative minded. Who told u he was looking at her boobs?
I c notin,just a friendly hug
Clearly unfair of the white press. The lady's dress from the front tells you it isn't possible. The straps are too broad to leave any room to look at anything. Besides the man's eyes seem closed to me.
Also his right hand wasn't even touching the lady. These people. When they go for you, they go for you. Wicked racists. He isn't contesting another election but they still won't let him be. Smh.
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A very harmless Hug.....Datz all I can see.
D Media is just dere 2 destroy people's image. Too bad.
Where is d Leering eyes/ Sleazy Squeeze???? Kaii.
What boobs are they referring to? The lady in particular is very flat chested and you can see from the design of the dress (first picture) it is all covered up. if it were a low slung dress, then i would agree he may have looked unitentionally. The USofAmerikkka is not happy that an African American is in office and will do anything possible to damage his character. Talking about pervs, Bill Clinton was the worst of them all and yet the most celebrated president..the body language experts and magazine publisher should be hung upside down in Antartica.
where is d boobs sef,mtcheeeew
Which breast dey der sef. As dry as Gbonga fish. Nothing to look at. Amebo perverts. Even u sef Linda dey follow dem talk rubbish.
Where is the 'breast?' Whoever wrote that is a moron. If you don't like Obama, say so. Not this childish comment.
it amazes me why women hate or disapprove of our common courtesy/ obligation to grab on another woman ? Its not his fault ladies, Any man in his shoes will do the same, regardless of his position in office
Yes, he was. It is not YOUR breast, or is it?
Now, please get a life!
Scandal 3
Her cloth is not even revealing......wack body analyses..
haba, perv keh, isnt she clearly above 18? besides, if u ask me, dat ne reflex action, 2 check if she put bomb4 chest....
This people are so mischievous! Please give Obama a break joor. Body language expert my foot. Ôђ please!
Didn't see where he was checking her boobs oo!
There is nothing on that chest to check out and btw please per for what he's a grown man.. looking at a grown woman smfh
where the boobs dey?
Nothing to see there lol
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