In a statement released last night through his media aide, Tinubu refuted the allegations, saying it is the PDP and
Obanikoro that are aiding Boko Haram. Find
his statement after the cut...
"The defence budget to fight Boko Haram and terrorism has become a conduit pipe for the ruling party PDP just as the likes of Obanikoro continue to use Boko Haram as a tool of blackmail against the opposition. This time , just like it failed in the past, it will not stick. It will not stand. It is the PDP-led government in which Obanikoro is an active and pliable agent that is perpetrating the insurgency for pecuniary benefits. This government has no shame. It lacks the moral authority to point fingers at individuals or the opposition. The country is literally on tenterhooks and all the PDP can do is lie to Nigerians in order to cover up its failures.
“Obanikoro’s allegation that Tinubu and his friends in the opposition created Boko Haram is both fallacious and untenable. It is the kind of fable that can only come out of the mouth of someone who is delusional. One whose intoxication with power is not in doubt. This allegation is both unreasonable and unsustainable, but not surprising coming from the person it came from. Bola Tinubu and the APC have been on record repeatedly condemning killings and bombings by Boko Haram and proffering solutions to the menace.
“The PDP is preparing the grounds for its next round of hounding opposition leaders, militarising our cities and violating the democratic rights of Nigerians to move freely. This is political Boko Haram of which the PDP is the Chief Architect.
“In Ekiti, we saw a dress rehearsal of the impunity and near brigandage of this government and its agents. Nigerians are urged to be vigilant before a few desperate persons steal our voices, our rights, our liberties and freedoms.”
Easy men #bright bravo#
political war
Stupid politicians always engaging in war of words instead of working together for the betterment of the country
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tinubu o
Its insane to do the same thing. And expect a different result no more PDP abeg we deserve change In Nigeria
Na dem sabi
Ahh both ppl are muslim faithful n also yoruba! Okay we are watching
Tinubu, i just want you to know that Nigeria will DO BETTER without old wizards like you. APC aka Boko harram. Obanikoro i AGREE with you 100%.
Na wah fr all dis leader ooo they are killing people in order τ̅☺ take revenge on another but that's nt the right way τ̅☺ do that. Dnt frgte that there's god. Tneyoth@yahoo.com
Tinubu behave's as if he owns not only Lagos state but Nigeria. Tinubu you are TOO GREEDY!
Non Sequitor.so this is hw dey will keep pointing fingers(at)and accusing themselves wen Nigerians are dying evryday.this is d best dey can do as political heads.this is jst too bad,really bad cos I dnt see all dese claims helping out in bringing back our girls or putting an end to d killings.they shud bring out facts abt their claims and stop lipping themselves off
Both of you should pls sharrrap
These two political parties shld go n sit down,all I know is that they are same.
Humm,nothing to say
Who so ever is behind it we are all in it together. Jopeyemi@gmail.com
Pot calling kettle black.mtshewwww
Nawa o...
See old men doing like kids... Shuldnt dey be attendin to som mor pruductive things?
Oya na
Dis old men shld shut up..who gives a fvck abt wat they want to say...............................#KingOfKings
this politicians just keep making me laugh...which report do we believe?????
i wil wait on the report of the LORD,soon i knw he wil put an end to al this...
TINUBU but why did you position your teeth like Suarez? do you want to bite Obanikoro?
Please take it easy
Useless people
So they knw them.... God, this people are just gambling with the lives of innocent nigerians...... May our real enemies never go unpunished IJN.....
They know better... now they all just play politics. I just believe we have no governance. I understand am on my own. Our opinion don't matter to them. We work to give ourselves the necessary comfort... when we need water... we go for bore hole.... when we need light we go for generators...when we need security we hire them too. It's sad and sorry to say our country is lawleSs...... for me their argument don't matter to me.. PDP, APC same thing... same crooks frm PDP now Strted the APC...
Let the blame game begin, while innocent Nigerians keep loosing their lives. Like I always say, Boko haram has declared war on the masses of this country not the elites.
Obanikoro!!! compare TINUBU teeth with Suarez, which one is more dangerous?
If Tinubu bite or sink his teeth into you don't say I did not warn, caution, and advise you.
I belive u.
9c one!Obanikoro that is chronic tout! Is no longer a secret that u buy guns & ammunition 4 Area boys on island during election.just imagine jonathan made u a minister,so shameful.
9c one tinubu! Obanikoro dat is a chronic tout. It is no longer a news dat u buy guns & ammunitions 4 Area boys on island during election.upon dat fashola won.Its a pity jonathan made u a minister,it shows government are shameful and brainless.
Mr Tinubu so what do we call Buhari's threat? abeg u all are liars, murderers and thieves.
tinubu u are a liar, go and hide. apc opposition energized boko haram. we all know the truth. its an open secret.
This men should stop dancing naked in the rain and put hands together to rid the Nigerian society of this blood thirsty infidels.
Tinubu should shout up. He has nothing to offer. We are suppose to build the nation together but APC has never come up with constructive ideas, they only put blames. Tinubu show go shit in the gutter
Jagaban u av spoken well my leader,
Ola Brampton say so
Mud slingers!
Tinubu make we hear word jare u and ur Apc family are boko haram na today
Proof. Both sides show us proof instead of going back and forth like haggling market women. And Mr. Minister of Defense, isn't it still your job to stamp out Boko Haram. Do your job and bring Tinubu to justice or just flaming shut up
All this politicians should go and rest joor....
Just look at these old fools playing politics with our lives !! God will judge ya'all..
I disagree with this Tinubu man, How will a ruling government sabotage it's own effort? Is that part of the APC agenda? It's too obvious APC headed by Bwari, Tinubu and co are the Boko Harams. Just remember "there is god o" nemesis is close. Bunches of Old foolish idiots!
Wateva!!God sees yall..anyone responsible wud receive d rot of God
Your comment tells a lot about you.you need to use your brain more.
Tinubu and his friends them buhari all the Boko haram touts see them power hungry morons
Ok Tinubu's friends created Boko Haram but then you got federal might at your disposal to decisively deal with the creators and the created and all you do is blab. Why then do we have a government, Obanikoro? #BlackPolitics.
You are very dense. Even the president was on record saying Boko Haram supporters were in his government. Pray when did APC become part of this government? Now the government is trying to divert attention from that fact by accusing APC at every turn without substantiating it. If APC is behind BH why can't government arrest and prosecute at least one of them. That is all the proof reasonable people need. Not this lazy garbage from PDP errand boys like Fani Kayode and Obanikoro.
@apple you are just been stupid BH coming to visit you soon if you don't know what to say just shut the f up.bastard.
Na dem sabi
APC means Asiwaju Private Company.
All dis useless men that has got no shame. I pray all the BH boys will jusy drop one or two terrible bomb in the home of all dis mad men n let them have a feel of what innocent Nigerians go through. Kill all of dem danu make we for hear word.
God dey.patoswife@gmail.com
To everyone that is a Boko Haram sponsor, apologist, supplier of weapons etc.benefiting from the killings and unrest in this country. My 2kobo is May satan stand at their right hand, may they be judged and condemned, may their prayers become sin and their days be few. Let another take their office, let their children become fatherless and their wives become widows.Let their children be continually vagabonds and beg, and let there be none to extend mercy to them. Let their posterity be cut off and in generation following let their name be blotted. Let their sins be before the LORD continually that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. Lord! Let this judgement befall them all swiftly.
So, if FFK,Tinubu and all our politicians (APC PDP, APGA...) are innocent let them all say this prayers everyday. Finito!!!
But why is the destroyer of lagos economy opening his eyes and mouth without thinking. Don't we all know Ali Modu Sheriff is the founder of Boko Haram? abegi Go and sit down God will catch all of you someday.
Apple or what do u call urself.Anyway we know ur type.
Apple u again.Who r u
PDP's agent?
Tinubu ! Tinubu !! Tinubu !!! How many times did I called you? I wouldn't call you again a word is enough for an aged. Better cautioned your partners/followers before is too late. Nigeria is in chaos now. OTUoCHA!
Its very obvious the military is backing boko haram up(even the us troops said it) and whos the chief commander of the armed forces in nigeria? Think, the sponsor of boko haram is the answer to the question.
Both of u r all the same... thief and looters....
Via BlackBerry z10
bunch of RAMS
The sad thing is Nigeirans are too stupid to know better. The PDP government at Federal level is a gratuitous failure. How can a government that spends 25 percent of the budget on defense and security accuse others of sponsoring Boko Haram. $6billion dollars, N1 trillion naira for security is a ton of money and yet with all this money the PDP cannot quell Boko Haram. How much is the budget of Boko Haram that has excised North East Nigeria and is operating wantonly. All world governments and reasonable people all over have condemned the Federal Governement and yet Nigeirans still listen to the PDP. Another 4 years of PDP government with Jonathan in power, I have no doubt Nigeira will become Somalia. A fully failed state! Shame on Nigeirans for their senselessness. Idiocy has become our second nature. Rather than resist oppression, they pray for Gods intervention, they should stay at home and outsource their deliverance to God. God will come down and solve their problems, because God is a Nigerian. A very foolish people!
Gej must be smilling now...afterall this is what he wanted...divide d south west,divide d north and then watch them take on each other while he smiles to power again
nd u, ar u tinubu! Agent?
nd ar u tinubu's agent? Let just pray 4 our dear country datz all. Naija wud forever be our country,, no runnin away
God bless you girl. If Nigerians weren't insane, why would they keep voting for PDP after their disastrous 16yrs in power which has made life so worthless in this country? Let's try an alternative for goodness sake!
People like you definitely have to look at everything from the prism of religion & tribalism, even in this 21st century. You so-called youths have started the same thing our parents did that failed us. Shame to whoever paid for your education.
Abeg did anyone see my BlackBerry charger??
Like I care
Small small d truth is comin out
Oh my God I can tell you are educated and do not live in Nigeria. I still have families there but I only hold my Nigerian passport only so I can get in there free of charge. I cringe at the fact that Nigerian govt makes some money off of my hard earned money whenever I send money home. The populace just can't seem to see through their facade and are not properly informed on what their own God given rights are.
Well said Anonymous 9:48. Shame on the person who sponsored his education.
Our Politicians Ugly sha. Inside OUt
I hate this Tinubu ugly devil . He is just the architect of this toll gate thing in lekki. Lol . na that one concern me for now
who do you think you can deceive with your wrong vocabulary usage? abeg go back to garage where you can lead your fellow touts.. not we brilliant Nigerians
God bless u mate
True dat god bless u
Ola Brampton prayed for u so shall it be
Ola for u be fool dnt u knw boko Haram now sells it's franchise Obanikoro bought d franchise longtime nd his ready to open his own book Haram outlet in d south open ur eyes nd senses Okoro weyre
Ola Brampton swears for u so shall it be a jealous ma momi olorie ur Uju somebody
U be Mumu oloshianon:1:52pm U go suffer so they ur eyes go open Obanikoro is part of book Haram she karat just sold him d franchise so expect terror at ur doorstep soon via Obanikoro
Ola Brampton say so
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