Mr Greer, who was not arrested for the killing, said he shot the woman twice in the back after she told him she was pregnant.
"She says 'don't shoot me, I'm pregnant - I'm going to have a baby'. And I shot her anyway. The lady didn't run as fast as the man so I shot her in the back twice. She's dead, but he got away." Mr Greer told news channel NBC4 without remorse.Miller and another man identified as 26 year old Gus Adams burgled the man's home in Long Beach, Los Angeles earlier this week. Greer said he caught them in his house in the middle of the night.
"When I went in there, they tackled me. Both of them jumped up on top of me."Greer said while they were ransacking his house, he found his gun and fired it making them both run from the house empty handed. But as the lady was running away from the scene, she pleaded with him not to shoot her that she was pregnant, Greer still went ahead and killed her, justifying his actions as self-defense.
But shouldn't he have had mercy on her? Seeing that she was running and hadn't stolen anything, didn't harm him and claimed to be pregnant? Opinions vary on this. What do you think?
I chopters nt. I will be cool if people start calling me 'LIB Princess' pretex4luv@yahoo.com
Poor woman may her soul rest in peace
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One good turn deserves another right? By d way y wud a pregnant woman steal? Dat says alot bout her.... Mtchwwwwww.... Nobody deserves to die tho....
He should ve shot her thieving legs...
This is very complicated. No comment.
Serves her right
Shame her actions and thought have stopped an innocent baby from entering the world and living. All the same he's old, she's pregnant both are vulnerable. One died and the other tells the tale a free man.
i feel for the lady tho. rip. but whites dont give a shit about a thief, man or woman, pregnant or not. they claim self defense. too bad the lady paid dearly.
Good for her if she knew she was pregnant she should not have gone to steal.... Sadly it's most likely money for drugs not even hunger cos I things were that bad she will get welfare from the system.....
Hmmm! U. Know most old people dnt think d young ones anymore. Wen old de get meaner and more aggressive. Not really blaming him though. Rest in peace woman, in ur next life dnt steal.
Wicked bastard....thats murder..He is already in d grave @ 80....his own death will be worse.
He's senile,she wasn't even armed
See his face sef.
I think a thief is a thief! But it pains to loose an innocent child
U are pregnant nd yet u are burgling. Y didn't she consider de risks involved. Abeg make una free de old man. Maybe he did it out of anxiety, u never can tell. I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
He'll die soon, when he gets to heaven he'll know if what he did was wrong or not..he shouldn't have killed her
na wow oo, but what penalty will be given to 80 yrs man
Dis world done tire me o o o...Bad news evriwia
he should have had mercy on her and forgive her bcos of the unborn baby, but white people really careless about life they dont see life as anythng, so its not really surprising
well that was cold of the old man, but should a pregnant woman be burgling people's homes?
thoughtless and heartless jopeyemi@gmail.com
Wired! God ve mercy.
I dnt d pregnacy is showin or perhaps she s lyin or again dt she has a weapon proportionate to dt of a gun dt d old man's claim of self defence wil go tru,if not he may b guilty of murder
If u ask me I'll say it's self defence, there was every possibility dat she could have been lieing.
No crime committed,the old man is justified according to the old Castle Laws. Stupidity vs Firearm. #FirearmWins. Wish he'd gotten the man too.
I dnt d pregnacy is showin or perhaps she s lyin or again dt she has a weapon proportionate to dt of a gun dt d old man's claim of self defence wil go tru,if not he may b guilty of murder
She was a thief and was trespassing in his home, so the crime had been committed whether she actually stole something or not, the intention was there.
I believe she lied about being pregnant or planned to say it to get mercy.
But he shouldn't have shot her sha. Not even once but twice! That's heartless. I would have just insulted her or at least shot her in the leg.
Kimmy *****
The man is callous!
The gal was wrong bt bulgarin his ouse bt the man is also mean for shootin a pregnant woman. He shuld av imagined his wife or child in such a position if he wuld do same..... Nt even feel guilty for takn nt jst a life bt 2, too bAd
Omg!these guys are freaks pregnant and on a bugler spree?
Welcome to America....land of the heartless...!
that man should be charged for man slaughter. he should spend the rest of his wicked life in solitary
So she dint kn she was going to av a baby b4 she burgled his ause...lol
she shouldn't have tried to burgle anyone's house. A pregnant woman should respect herself.
We need guns in Nigeria, boko will easily stop dat way
This is just pure wickedness...
well it's a theft case, by american laws d man is justified cos he played defensive.. as for the killing i think she deserved what she got cos for her to had made up her mind for the mission dat means if she had a gun she would have killed d man so theft is theft either armed or unarmed...
Why is the blog filled with 'I will be cool if people that calling me LIB princess' Linda why do you keep posting that... What f**cking LIB princess and I've not seen anyone type that. You can now put a stop to it
That man is heartless...
Lindoo you are very funny oo! shouldnt the "pregnant girl" have had mercy on the OLD man before jumping on him or even burgling his apartment in the 1st place. she deserved what she got. @80, the man still strong oo....
*God's gift*
So heartless. .. Some niggas shd go for this white foul
Well he could have had tension on him and wanted to have one of them nailed but too bad the shots caught the lady RIP to the lady and the unborn child the act she was caught in was wrong so I can't blame the the shooter
1st to comment
Which kind stupid self defence be that na!!!! They should get this fuckin man arrested asap
She was pregnant but she could go to someone's house to steal.. mtchewww
She was pregnant but she could go to someone's house to steal.. mtchewww
It's Krazy... They should arrest the man huh
he should be killed in a bad way to know d pain she went tru
i think he did d right thing...that woman would have ruined the babies life
That's heartless. Maybe they didn't have food or means of fending for themselves. But then also, you don't know if they would have killed him if they were armed. Whichever way, he's sick, 1 shoot is self defensive, 2 is murder na.
which mercy? abeg let her die..wen they wanted to rob an old man they didnt knw? nice one old man..........................................#KingOfKings
Operation show no mercy...dats one of those things we hear when every1 has a Gun...
Dat man is so cruel...
no one deserves to die like that
rip to her
I think u are a thief Linda cos u always have pity for your colleagues or maybe u have never been a victim so u shud witness robbery... you wud understand him better
Very good one Mr Tom. You a sharp shooter.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Very good one Mr Tom. You a sharp shooter.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
nice one grandpa, she must be stupid to have said that since she didn't remember she was pregnant before breaking into the old man's house with the other guy... Let her tell God when she gets there that she was pregnant.. thief na thief any day..... jor oh
Why rob an old man? do u think that if d lady had a gun that she wouldn't have shot?
The fact dat she is pregnant doesn't mean she shud go and steal and use pregnancy as means where by her victims would pity her if she is caught.. If I'm in the mans shoes (victim), honestly I'd do thesame thing.
so sad!
this is where Mercy comes in; saying she was carying a baby he should have had mercy for the unborn child = idarobby14@gmail.com
Hell yeah, being pregnant is not a license to steal. good move old papa.
Whats next for moses sake: being uneducated justified to join terrorist groups?
Caucasians are one way street. The world is bad enough ;we don't need more toxic ppl. Ouch.. I think I sound mean.
Well let God be the judge!! Mo-1.
why should she go and steal in the first place, should being pregnant now be an exucse for her to steal? Abeg that serves her right, everyday for d thief, one day for the owner, shikena
why should she go and steal in the first place, should being pregnant now be an exucse for her to steal? Abeg that serves her right, everyday for d thief, one day for the owner, shikena
She might have had genuine reasons to steal, no one knows where she's from, who's her family. Even if he's not arrested for killing the woman, he should be arrested for killing a baby. At least the baby didn't come to steal.
it isn't a planned burglary, so y'all saying why would she rob an 80 year old man should think first. And I wasn't like she was armed or something. Those of you complimenting the man are just capable of doing worse.
U jst made me burst into lafta in d middle of my ofis with ur "I chopters not" °˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º.....u obviously got that from Patience Ozokwor in one nollywood movie like that right? pls remind me d title if u know. Thx
Will it all depends on,was she armed? If she was then she would have shot him too,
Lol, was there a pregnancy test strip to find out if she was really pregnant? Has an autopsy been done? Abegi! She knew she was pregnant and burgled a house, even tackled d old man. It's like an armed robber coming into my home and telling me she's pregnant when it is time to defend myself. I would protect myself without thinking twice. Maybe d old man was even scared that they would come back since they weren't successful and decided to finish them off.
The old man is a fool,why killing a harmless pregnant women because she is a thief.....for the fact that the woman plead and told him she gonna have baby is enough for the man to have mercy on her..
Most people don't read the full story before making a comment. The man came home walked into his house and found 2 buglers. Apart from the couple robbing him they proceeded to also attack him. He was justified in defending himself but he may not have been justified in shot someone running away or in retreat. It is sad the woman died but she should have thought of her baby and the implications of going to rob someone and causing bodily harm. Most of us out here are armed and if you are thinking of robbing someone you have to be ready for what comes with it.
So wait...this woman put her life and her baby's life in danger by burglarizing a supposedly old man who to her surprise, owned a gun now you are asking if the house owner should have shot her? If the table were turned, I doubt the pregnant woman would have refrained from shooting the elderly man. I m sorry as cold as this May sound, she earned those two shots to her back.
What if she said don't shoot me I am pregnant and then turns out she wasn't pregnant.. The man acted based on his survival instinct to protect himself.
gbam! you have sed it all, cooouuuurrrrrtttttttttttt!!!
he would have shot her in the leg..patoswife@gmail.com
And u should stay in school...thieving like seriously?
I will be cool if people start calling me 'LIB Princess' pretex4luv@yahoo.com. You are such a foooooooooooooooooooool! get a life!
Pple sha well RIP next tym dnt steal while ur pregnant d stupid man Đα̲̅T̶̲̥̅ took her there can not even safe her
What's funny about d comment by dis attention seeker calling herself blog princess abi blog mgbeke?
God bless u!
may be she is hungry or rather wants money for antenatal onyekababyface@gmail.com
The old man is not at fault,he said d guy was faster,i think it was anxiety dat made d man killed d preg. Woman.may her soul rest in peace and may God forgive d old man.i really pity d unborn child
Nigerians can be stupid at times. What if he didn't shoot and she managed to get a weapon and killed him nko? Its very possible they had back up waiting for them outside, what if they returned in full force? What if the thieves got away and robbed other people or kill others. That's why Boko Haram is slaugtering you guys like Suya, you are damn to sentimental and emotional. Jeez!
You just made me ur fan. I love ur choice of words. #Penelope''s fan.
I hope you live up to 80... A thief is a thief, besides they jumped on him
it is what it is!
He Should Ђα̇̇vε Shot Her In †ђƹ Legs jooor. (Linda's Man)
So when she and her accomplice decided to rob the old man, the idiot was not aware that she was pregnant smh!!! The old man acted in self defence, he should have shot her straight in the head, there would be no chance of her surviving then, actually she is dead, so screw that... The old man did her and the world a favour, the poor child would have been exposed to a life of crime and destitution smh, I would love to shake the old man's hand, sharp shooter!!! If every homeowner in Nigeria had a gun, there would be no more armed robbers, thieves and kidnappers!!! Whizman
You dont claim self defence when you shoot someone from the back....The govt and law wont accept that...She wasnt armed...She was shot at the back...And she also pleaded that she was pregnant...
Thats a first degree murder..Luckily for the old fool,he didnt try that in Florida.
There was no reason for him to shoot her and there is no defence of 'self defence' for him either. He was in no immediate danger and to shoot a pregnant woman regardless of the provocation (especially when she's running AWAY from you says a lot about your humanity.
She shd of thought of her pregnancy before going a stealing
The man is really old, he was terrified biko, n at d moment didn't ve d time to think bout ny of d stuff u guys r saying n she asked for it by going to steal, let her experience teach other up coming thieves in dat area so his actions r justified
Plz don't make me call u a goat, wat if after d woman pleaded n he let her live n she turned nd killed him, ve u eva witnessed smtn like dis b4, getting attacked as an old man, so plz stfu
Insulted her?! Like seriously?!;-(
Ode anonymous, thieving is a slang.
Dt guy is mean abegggi...he shud v pitied her
In the UK justice system it is MURDER!!! If he'd killed her during a struggle or she was on the offence it is self-defence. She was running away and had eventually not stolen anything. This opinion has nothing to do with her pregnancy!
I dnt wana blv ds is a human being doin ds thrash.. Must b a virus or alien.. Rest mbok uv bn noticed mmmtcheww
Funny enuf thieving is perfect English......Kay
Now u are d fool for believing everything u hear
She would have gone and done the same thing to another victim- these people need to learn from their mistakes- he is a pensioner, his belongings are of value to him he is counting his coins- he did the right thing, ladies should stop using their pregnancis as excuses abeg one lady yesterday did the same thing in a restaurant she was begging people for food pointing at her belly saying she needs food
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