Here are the official pics from OAP and media entrepreneur Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi's 30th birthday which held on Friday July 18th. Gbemi, who's warming up to debut her
eponymous TV show hosted a lavish dinner party at Otres Restaurant, in Lagos,
with guests including Tiwa Savage, Banky W, Chris Ubosi, Omawumi, Olisa Adibua,
Toolz, Steve Babaeko, Chris Ihidero, Tosyn Bucknor, Noble Igwe and many others. See more photos after the cut...

Nice one... Happy betday to her
Hv aa blast! HBD! I will be cool if people start calling me 'LIB Princess' pretex4luv@yahoo.com
The cake is lovely...
#shhiieppp..drooling over the cakes..gbemi is quite a beauty!! LLNP
Beautiful pics.....love the braids on Niyola
Belated birthday to her.
Noble's like the missile that was used to shoot down that Malaysian plane.
His head can settle fight anytime any day.
Happy birthday..
Plz Check this post..
... "You call me bomb detonator, and I love that. I am ready to kill again. In fact, I enjoy killing people " - Nyanya Bomber, Sadiq Ogwuche ..Click to Read
HBD to you Gbemi. I wish u many more in life. Cheers! I see you there Mr Banky W, the big head with big sence.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Errrrrrrrrrrmmmmm......Gbemi cant just have turned 30.....she was my senior by far in secondary school and I am 29.....did she really say she is 30 Lindaor u just made that up....
Beautiful peeps
Lovely photos.
There's something about this tosin bucknor she's fake...attacheEeee number 1 meanwhile she isn't friends with mainland OAP's oooo
this tiwa savage no de stay one place???tiwa savage in every event
Nice Nice Nice....dey all looked gud
beautiful people.....me likeeeey!
Happy birthday to gbemi
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Beautiful pple
Noble this ur head no get part 2
all i can see is money speaking..
enjoy it to the fullest...
Tiwa with one container load of make-up. Toke always answering present. Omawunmi looking cute
Tiwa with one container load of make-up. Toke always answering present. Omawunmi looking cute
Happy birthday dear
Happy birthday.lydia.alog@gmail.com
Nice pix and happy belated birthday to her. inspiredmimi2@gmail.com
Beautiful pple
If dis mama is 30, then am 18, woman can lie e,nawa o
cool pics
Toke Toke! It's been a while oh... Missed ya
Lovely and classy!
Omo olo jo ibi.......congrat,i saw mo cheddah se?
bia that man with beards obu ngini?
They all look lovely
Is that noble igwes babe?
a load of black chocolate. make a nigga go crazy
Linda watz ds na..... Like we ddnt c her ugly face bfr? Oh plz show me sumfin beta!
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
Good to see Bank and Andrea together. I pray they make it
hbd..I see you Mr Wellington..nice pics............................#KingOfKings
Gbemi was born 1984? Wow. I will be 30 in September but she looks old enough to be my senior with 5 years. Happy birthday.
beautiful pictures but that man with that bald head and beards looks horrible
HBD To Her. (Linda's Man)
Dear Omawumi, never ever ever ever wear dt afro hair covering ur face or wotever. what a pretty face! braids suit you well
Dear Omawumi, never ever ever ever wear dt afro hair covering ur face or wotever. what a pretty face! braids suit you well
Better people, happy bday to you. Danskila1@gmail.com
which kind 3o na 35 she b abeg
AND of course Toke can never be missing in action
errrm linda somebody is missing where is toke na?#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#
Yea, we've seen your babe @NobleIgwe and we saw your guy too @Mocheda
Nobles Igwe is ugly sha n d he will be abusing pple! Na him spoil d beauti pics, beautiful pple.
Did she celebrate it 2x
Well HBD 2 her
Happy birthday to her.love that princess cake
Star studded bash. Who is that beauty queen beside Noble Igwe?
How to install your own crochet braids
They all look genuinely happy for her :)
Love it!!!
i see lovely pple shaa! but if Toke no go this party who will go? but Tiwa don wear dis cloth before for one party like that, abi na the same party be that?hmmmm is alright continue.
Awww see banky and that beautiful halfcaste groupie!
That girl shud move on, banky wee neva marry u :(
nice cakes especially that baby oku with blue dress i love it oo.
mbaaaanuuuu. she is more than 30
love the cake and deco.
Beautiful people, toolz, tiwa, banky w, and alot of others.
love the cake
30? It's either she's had a hard life (which i doubt) or she's doctored her age.
Mo Cheddah has officially started bleaching. Shame! She still no even fine tho and is now as irrelevant as ever.
Hbd girl,llnp
All this bittered old salty bitches would just make demeaning comments on others..
Why do you females always doubt ladies ages when displayed here???
Gbemi is 30..
Some claim she's older..
№ one told you to look older than your age..
You must be so bitter to always add 5yrs to every woman's age..
Genevieve, some ppl here complained.
Sash a, the same complain..
Rita Dominic, same thing..
Don't you miserable females ever get tired hating??
Pls describe tosyn make I knw her,can't even identify her,I like her show.
All this bittered old salty bitches would just make demeaning comments on others..
Why do you females always doubt ladies ages when displayed here???
Gbemi is 30..
Some claim she's older..
№ one told you to look older than your age..
You must be so bitter to always add 5yrs to every woman's age..
Genevieve, some ppl here complained.
Sash a, the same complain..
Rita Dominic, same thing..
Don't you miserable females ever get tired hating??
Was going to ask same question,wondering why he's guming bodying her
Tiwa is answering present more ofen than Toke these days
Yes she is. And they r getting married soon. Her name is Chioma. Bt na small girl sha
Laawwwdd!!! I love Maria!!! Whaaaaaat?
hmmmmn this maira and Kouch i dey suspect them.. but they look good tho!!! Please visit epicholding.blogspot.com for tech guides.
That doesn't necessarily mean that she didn't turn 30. Hello
Where's Toke
So what? That is Tiwa's business. #GET A LIFE
Toke's make up looks smudged at the side of her forehead.
Toke's make up looks smudged at the side of her forehead.
Nice pics n beautiful people.
Na jealousy go kill Una. Make Una go find where Una go answer Una own present..
King of demons.
Omawunmi looks so fresh and so clean, love it!
I see you Ebuka sweety. Lots of pretty ladies in attendance. As for the celebrant, meh.
Kimmy *****
damnnn i was scrolling down about to comment on this being the ONLY party to NOT have toke in attendance, but what do I see? Misseswakaaboutdiskindwakaaboutgomakeuseegreenlizard
mchew. ok then.
Cool pix happy birthday
What in heavens name is wrong with Toke??????
Her mates don d get belly,she is busy partying like a lil witch with her over bleached body.
I honestly pity her husband!! Kiaaa
Toke na real Ggbasa Queen!
Her Otule doesn't stay @ a place.
She is such a party animal!
She is so fake!
Fake accent,Fake life! Everything Fake!
Aunty Linda,please post my comment. Sue2real@yahoo.com
this site is cool if you love pictures
If im not mistaken, the girl beside Niyola is Theodora Mogo, an ex student of ISL Unilag... So cute*love struck*
Just stating the obvious
1.gbemi looks waaaaaaaaaay older than 30
2.toolz and captain should just hurry up and announce
3.banky and this chick that always appears right by his side, should also announce
4.maria and koch, wetin dey se le?
5.cheddar cheese, can you see through that bang?
6.babaeko, djjj & olisa, respect for you men. Adults that behave as adults in public - very rare.
7.noble igwe, your head and your babes forehead, which one shine pass?
8.tiwa, I dont know about you anymore :-( when you perform, after the 1st line youre already out of breath. To sing a good note, you need to stand still but youre trying so hard to sell yourself as the nigerian beyonce. I cant believe mtnpf7.0 authorised you to perform the way you did for the opening gala.
8.toke, well done. Youre really cooling down now. Like...you actually blend.
9.gbemi, who be the white guy?
10. Gbemi, when are you getting married?
HBD longlife and prosperity
is this Banky girlfriend?
Tosyn ain't fake I ve met her quite a Nos of times pls stfu! She's d lady on glasses and dreads
Yeso happy birthday to her. Minawhyl see Ebuka's bulge!!! It's like he put socks in his groin looooooool
Babe na only 30 you dey? Ok. No problem. By the way, Tiwa is a fine girl, iya iya ooo
** Sexy MILF Queen **
Gbemi is at least 35. This one na football age
Abeg, na who be that girl in red with Gbemi in the 2nd pic? I get to find her!
Toolz WAS there with her boo thang.
Some people are really jobless.. Taking out time to write about people that are better than u??
Lilian Unachukwu
Ah! D lady has to say she's 30 o! U want to spoil her market! All of dem are 30! Gbemi baby ride on,in 5yrs time u can also be 30! Who"s counting!*wow,disis some bombass tea"
She might have started school early
I dont see Fade.
She's the one in black gown with teal/green satin, with glasses in the pic with gbemi and the white dude
I love Omawunmi's hair. Suits her to a tee!
Nice pix,hapi betday dOw...........meetsheno2020@yahoo.com
Happy bornday ma
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